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Hand in Date: TBA This assignment must be handed in to the Faculty Office TC375.

Instructions to Students: Word Limit: 2,000 words (plus appendices)

For this assignment you can choose either the company you work for or the following company: Marks and Spencer (two case studies on pages 208 and 831 in J/S/W Edition 8 and/or a case study on page 650 in J/S/W Edition 9) You should also consult the company website and other sources for the latest financial and other information. All sources used must be properly referenced. Note that 10% of the overall mark will be allocated according to presentation and referencing. Answer ALL questions. Marks are as shown. 1. Discuss the strategic position of the chosen company in 2011/2012 emphasising the strengths and weaknesses for the organisation and opportunities and threats for the industry. (40%) Recommend a set of strategies for your chosen company from 2012 - 2016 justifying the recommendations made (suggest several strategies then choose two of these to evaluate using S, F, A criteria). (60%)




1. Length 2000 words (approx) you will NOT get extra credit for long reports BE CONCISE. 2. Presentation Proof Read AND Spell Check. Explain points avoid lists. Avoid just relating Case History. Referencing MUST be done properly. There are marks for presentation & referencing. 3. Balance questions are worth 40% and 60% so reflect this in the effort & length of answers. 4. AVOID bullet points (except in supporting material, summary charts and appendices). 5. You can use other sources and material BUT IT MUST BE REFERENCED. 6. Update your knowledge of the Company from the date of the case to 2012.

1) Use appropriate tools of analysis to support your SWOT. Use PESTEL analysis to identify Opportunities and Threats for the industry. Opportunities are NOT strategic recommendations they are the EXTERNAL changes that create the opportunities. Threats are also EXTERNAL changes not your chosen companys own weaknesses. You could use the 5 forces (possibly in an appendix) to identify further Threats and to discuss the attractiveness of the industry. When it comes to Strengths and Weaknesses of the company, in addition to descriptive approach, you should also check

their financial accounts. Use Value Chain in order to identify core competences. Discuss companys resources. Dont make assertions without an attempt to justify the point USE THE DATA and financial information.

2. The main focus of this question is on RECOMMENDATIONS for the FUTURE dont just say what the company has done in the past or is doing now try to think of NEW strategies but remember they must be realistic. (Dont just summarise the case you need to look forward and use your own ideas). Q2 builds on Q1 (link them - USE a TOWS matrix) You should identify several strategies using TOWS, then you should identify two and evaluate these. Justify your points - EVALUATE your strategies using the SFA criteria. You can suggest new directions and methods of development (using Ansoffs model) but you must be specific in your recommendations. Specify exactly what you think the company should do and why (not just broad direction e.g. Market Development or methods Joint Ventures). 5 years is the appropriate horizon. But be realistic in what can be achieved in this timeframe.

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