Returning Home (Original) : Ward 1

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Ward 1

Sandra Ward GD 421 Creative Writing Teresa Kelly December 11, 2011
Returning Home[Original]

Casey? my mother called out after hearing the door slam, Is that you honey? I came inside put my back against the wall, and slid down the wall into a seating position without saying a word. Casey, honey? my mom was asking again while walking towards me. Casey, what is wrong? she asked with worry in her voice. I looked up at my mother with tears streaming down my face. The I paused, The girl...... I replied. Calm down, honey and tell me about the girl, my mother said with a worried look on her face. I went with my mother into the kitchen, she fixed me a nice cup of hot chocolate with ten marshmallows, my favorite comfort food. I sat down beside her and I began to tell her what happened. Alright, Im out of here Taylor! I yelled to my roommate while grabbing my Keys. Okay Casey, see you after break! Taylor yelled back as I shut the door. Getting into the car all I could think about was getting home. College is cool but I miss home. Night began to fall as I was driving down the highway. Turning left, I looked up at the GPS and pressed a button. The GPS said in a monotone voice, Forty-four minutes until the arrival of your destination. I smiled to myself. The long, dark, dreary road I was on seemed endless. The sky was very dark, seemingly lifeless. I began to grow restless as I passed by tree after tree, line after line. I tried turning on the radio to pass the time of my weary voyage but all that came through the radio was

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static. Where is my CD case? I asked myself aloud, as I rummaged through the dash, I spotted the CD case in the floorboard of the passenger seat. I reached for the case trying as best as I could to keep my eyes on the road. Shit! I yelled realizing the case slid under the seat. I reached further into the floor only looking down for a split second to see if I could see the case. I looked up at that instance and slammed on my breaks. I took a second to regain equilibrium after the car came to a screeching halt. In the middle of the road was a girl. She was sitting in the middle of the road, with a blank look on her face. She stood up causing me to jump. She looked as though she could be eight or nine years old. She had long dark brown hair reaching past her shoulders with a flushed tanned skin. and beautiful but frightening green eyes. She walked across the headlights I saw that she was in pink pajamas with large green dots. I tried to keep my mind off of the ridiculous pajamas; however, I noticed she was barefooted. I , leaned over to unlock the door. I rolled down the window slightly and called out to her Hey are you okay?. She did not respond, but just looked at me. I spoke a little louder thinking she did not hear me I called out again, Are you hurt? Do you need help? Nodded as if she was saying, Yes, and started to walk towards the window. When she got to my window she just stood there for a moment not saying a word. I rolled my window down a little more. Can I help you:? I asked her. Again, she didnt answer. She just looked at me. I started to become a little angry I tried talking to her again. Can you hear me? I asked. She just shook her head again. I asked her question after question trying to get a response and finally I asked her,Can you speak? The girl whispered in a low tone and said, Yes. Okay then, I began to ask her if she needed a ride. Shaking her head once again she started over to the passenger side door.. Are you not cold? I asked her. Yes, she replied, I started to drive again, thinking of millions of questions. I wondered where

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she could have come from. Why she was bare footed and in pajamas? Why is she out in the middle of nowhere, alone, and in the dark? I tried to get my mind refocused from all of my questions, and I finally asked the girl her name Ashlynn, is my name she told me in a whispered tone. Turn here, she commanded. I started down the bumpy dirt road and eventually arrived at a large brick house that looked unsightly. There! said Ashlynn as we rode past the the driveway of the unsightly brick house. I pulled into the drive way, and stopped the car. I realized that there was light on inside the house. Looks like someone is here, I said, You should be safe now. Ashlynn got out of the car not saying a word. I yelled to her Youre very welcome Ashlynn! Suddenly I heard barking. Then noticed a large dog running towards my car. Completely ignoring Ashlynn the dog jumped at my car clawing and barking. Help! I shouted please can someone help me? I heard a loud male voice come from the house. Max get over here! the voice commanded. The dog ran toward a tall older man. Can I help you maam? the man said to me. I stepped out of the car still slightly freaked and managed to find myself saying Thank you!. No Problem. he said back. Im Brandon Morgan he said. Well Mr. Morgan I just brought Ashlynn home, she was sitting in the road, I replied to him. Ashlynn?he said puzzled Are you sure? Yes I said, She is walking into the house. Mr. Morgan just looked at me for a moment. Then a tear rolled down his face. You must be mistaken, said Mr. Morgan. Wait here for a second! he said as I walked into the house. Mr. Morgan came back out the door and handed me a clipping from a newspaper. This will show you, said Mr. Morgan as he walked back into the house. After I got back into my car I wondered what he was talking about, I looked down at the paper. It was an obituary. Then I saw a picture of Ashlynn. Under the photo it read: Ashlynn Morgan, 2002-2011. Freaking out, I tossed the paper out of the window and peeled out of the drive way.

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I stopped sobbing for a moment and I called I called out to my mother, MOM THE GIRL WAS DEAD!

Ward 5 Returning Home[REVIEW NOTES] One student reviewed my work on this story. The student mentioned that I needed to fix a jump in the timeline to help the reader know that my character was recalling the events of the night. The student also told me that I needed to correct punctuation errors in my paper, because the errors were distracting. I corrected the errors, reworded a few of the sentences, and devised a transition from the scene where Casey was talking to her mother to when Casey began to recall the events that made her upset. I wanted to write stories that helped keep my readers intrigued and wondering what was going to happen next.

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Returning Home (REVISED) Casey? My mother called out after she heard the car door slam, Is that you honey? I came inside the house. I could not believe the events of the evening. I put my back against the wall, and slid down the wall into a seated position without saying a word. Casey, honey? My mom began asking again while walking towards me. Casey, what is wrong? She asked with worry in her voice. I looked up at my mother as the tears streamed down my face. The I paused, The girl...... I replied. Calm down, honey and tell me about the girl, my mother said with a worried look on her face. I followed my mother into the kitchen as she fixed me a cup of hot chocolate with ten marshmallows, my favorite comfort food. I sat down beside her and I began to tell her what happened. I relieved each moment as I began to recall the story. Alright, Im out of here Taylor! I yelled to my roommate while grabbing my Keys. Okay Casey, see you after break! Taylor yelled back as I shut the door. I got into my car. All I could think about was getting home. College was cool, but I miss home. Night began to fall as I was drove down the highway. I turned left, and looked up at the GPS, and pressed a button. The GPS said in a monotone voice, Forty-four minutes until the arrival of your destination. I smiled to myself. Finally, I get to return home. The long, dark, dreary road seemed endless. The sky was very dark, seemingly lifeless. I began to grow restless as I passed by tree after tree, line after line. I could not see anything ahead except trees, the lines on the road, and the lights from my car. I tried to turn on the radio to pass the time of my weary voyage, but all that came through the radio was static. Where is my CD case? I asked myself aloud, as I rummaged through the dash, I spotted the CD case in the floorboard of the passenger seat. I reached for the case trying as best as I could to keep my eyes on the road. Shit! I yelled realizing the case slid

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under the seat. I reached further into the floor only looking down for a split second to see if I could see the case. I looked up, and slammed on my breaks. I took a second to regain equilibrium after the car came to a screeching halt. In the middle of the road was a girl. She looked up at me with a blank look on her face. She stood up, and goose bumps covered my arms. She looked as though she could be eight or nine years old. She had long, dark brown hair that reached past her shoulders, and beautiful but frightening green eyes. She walked in front of the car passing the headlights. The girl wore pink pajamas with large green dots. I tried to redirect my mind from the ridiculous pajamas; however, I noticed she was barefooted. I leaned over to unlock the door. I rolled down the window slightly, and called out to her Hey are you okay?. She looked at me, but she did not respond. I spoke a little louder thinking she did not hear me. I called out again, Are you hurt? Do you need help? The girl nodded as if she was saying, Yes, and she started to walk towards my window. When she got to my window, she just stood for a moment not saying a word. I rolled my window down a little more. Can I help you? I asked her. She did not answer. I started to become a little angry I tried talking to her again. Can you hear me? I asked. She just shook her head again. I asked her question after question to get a response and finally I asked her, Can you speak? The girl whispered in a low tone and said, Yes. Okay, I asked her if she needed a ride. She shook her head once again, and she started over to the passenger side door.. Are you not cold? I asked her. Yes, very, she replied. I started the car and began to drive again, thinking of millions of questions, that I would like to ask the girl. I wondered where the girl came from. Why she was bare footed and in pajamas? Why was she in the middle of nowhere, alone, and in the dark? I tried to get my mind refocused, and I finally asked the girl her name. Ashlynn is my name, she told me in a whispered tone. Turn

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here, she commanded. I started down the bumpy dirt road and eventually arrived at a large brick house that looked unsightly. There! said Ashlynn as we rode past the driveway of the unsightly brick house. I pulled into the drive way, and stopped the car. I realized that there was a light on inside the house. Looks like someone is here, I said, You should be safe now. Ashlynn got out of the car and did not say a word. I yelled to her Youre very welcome Ashlynn! Suddenly I heard barking. I noticed a large dog running towards my car. I ignored where Ashlynn was because the dog jumped at my car clawing and barking. Help! I shouted Please can someone help me? Finally, I heard a loud male voice come from the house. Max, Get over here! the voice commanded. The dog ran toward a tall older man. Can I help you maam? the man questioned. I stepped out of the car still slightly shaking, and managed to find myself saying Thank you! No Problem, he said back. Im Brandon Morgan, he said. Well Mr. Morgan I just brought Ashlynn home, she was sitting in the road, I replied to him. Ashlynn? He said puzzled, Are you sure? Yes I said, She is walking into the house. Mr. Morgan just looked at me for a moment. Then a tear rolled down his face. You must be mistaken, said Mr. Morgan. Wait here for a second! he said as he walked into the house. Mr. Morgan came back to the car, and handed me a clipping from a newspaper. This will show you, said Mr. Morgan and he turned around to walk into his house. After I returned to my car, I put the key into the ignition to continue with my journey. I wondered what the man was talking about. Why did he act so funny? I looked down at the paper that Mr. Morgan gave me. It was an obituary. I saw a picture of a girl that looked like the girl I picked up in the middle of the road. Under the photo was the title: Ashlynn Morgan, 2002-2011. I freaked out, I tossed the paper out of the window and peeled out of the driveway.

Ward 9

I stopped sobbing for a moment and I called I called out to my mother, MOM THE GIRL WAS DEAD! The Estate Mom, have you seen my keys, Jaclyn yelled while running down the stairs. Mom, Jaclyn yells again. Jaclyn stopped. She noticed a strange man sitting at the table beside he mother. He wearing thick framed glasses, pushed to the rim of his nose. If he moved too quickly, the glasses would fall into his lap. His suit was a strange gray color, with purple pin stripes. The man began to speak, You must be Jaclyn, the man spoke in a raspy voice. I Mr. James, and you must be wondering why I am here! Jaclyn answers in a shy voice, I guess, she said. I am from the Law Firm downtown, Mays, James, and Courtney Attorneys at Law. He reaches to hand Jaclyn his card, I am here because of an Estate that you have inherited. Jaclyn responded with a startled tone, A what? But How? Jaclyn paused, I mean who? Mr. James began to speak again, Well, Jaclyn, he started, I dont know if anyone has told you but- Jaclyns mother interjected, Stop, she exclaimed, I am sorry Mr. James but I think that Jaclyn should hear this from me. An uneasy silence filled the room. Jaclyns mother started to speak, I am really sorry to tell you this now honey, I meant to tell you years ago, tears filled Jaclyns mothers eyes as she continued, There never seemed to be a proper time. Everything became silent once more, all that could be heard was the annoying ticking of the grandfather clock in the den. Mom, whats going on, Jaclyn said as she moved closer to her mother. Well honey, Jaclyns mother continued with the sound of fear in her voice, When you were born , you were not born by me. Jaclyn gasped and Jaclyns mother continued, I was unable to

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have children, so your father and I adopted you. Jaclyns mother stopped to take a breath, I am so sorry that I , um, we, we did not tell you. Jaclyn did not know what to say, she calmly got up from the table and walked out of the room. Jaclyn stumbled into the bathroom. She did not understand what she had just been told. She stared into the mirror. Jaclyn thought to herself, I dont understand, how can this be, how could she not tell me? Jaclyn wiped the tears from her face, pulled herself together. She took a deep breath as she grasped the cold handle on the door. She walked back to the room where the lawyer and her mother was sitting, and sits back down, this time far away from her mother. She noticed that the lawyer and her mother sat in silence until Jaclyn returned. Are you okay, honey, asked Jaclyns mother. Jaclyn ignored her mothers question. She faced the lawyer and asked, Okay now, where is this Estate? Mr. James looked over at Jaclyns mother, who was clearly distraught, Right outside of town, he replied, You can follow me there if you would like. Jaclyn jumped out of her chair and grabbed the keys off the key hook in the foyer. Can we go now, asked Jaclyn. I am ready when you are, the lawyer exclaimed. Jaclyns mother watched out the window as Jaclyn and the lawyer drove away. Jaclyn peered at her mother staring out of the window. Jaclyn couldnt help but be angry at her mother form not telling her sooner. Jaclyn is deep in thought and she noticed that the lawyers car turned into a gas station. She pulled up beside the lawyers white Lexus and asked him, How far is it? The house is about fifteen minutes away, he called out as he walked into the gas station. Jaclyn started to wonder to herself, What does this place look like? Who left it to me, and why? She had so many unanswered questions. She was deep in thought and she cuts her eyes to the right. She jumped.

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Mr. James was staring into her car window. Yes, she said as she rolled down her window. I meant to tell you, Mr James began, We will be meeting someone else at the estate. Mr. James walked away, and quickly got in to his car before Jaclyn could respond. Jaclyns former confusion was replaced with the thought of who could be meeting them at the estate. Jaclyn followed the lawyer into a large drive way. She saw a tall metal gate, and in the distance behind the gate was a large mansion. The mansion looked as if it hadnt been lived in tin a long time. Two large strange statues graced the entrance. They walked up the stairs and the lawyer opened the door with an interesting looking key. She followed the lawyer down a long hallway. How old is this place, she asked the lawyer as she heard her voice echo into the distance. The Estate was built in the 1860s, responded the lawyer as he looked down at the paperwork. And who left it to me, Jaclyn edged on. Well, the Estate was left to both of you, replied Mr. James. Both, Jaclyn asked, What do you mean both? At that moment someone approached Jaclyn and the lawyer from the shadows. A girl that looked exactly like Jaclyn approached with a bubbly personality. Hi, I am Mia, said the girl. Mr James informed both girls that the Estate was left to both twin girls of Emma Lee Jones, and the girls should live in the Estate, and the Estate was not to be sold.

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The Estate [Review Notes] I had two reviews on this story. The comments were directed towards the grammar throughout the paper. I reread my work several times, but I always seem to miss grammatical errors. I tried to make the work as polished as I possibly could.

Ward 13

The Estate (Revised) Mom, have you seen my keys? Jaclyn yelled while running down the stairs. Mom, Jaclyn yelled again. Jaclyn stopped. She noticed a strange man sitting at the table beside her mother. The man was wearing thick framed glasses, pushed to the rim of his nose. If he moved too quickly, the glasses would fall into his lap. His suit was a strange gray color, with purple pin stripes. The man began to speak, You must be Jaclyn, the man spoke in a raspy voice. I am Mr. James, and you must be wondering why I am here! Jaclyn answered in a shy voice, I guess, she said. I am from the Law Firm downtown, Mays, James, and Courtney Attorneys at Law. He handed Jaclyn a business card, I am here because of an Estate that you have inherited. Jaclyn responded with a startled tone, A what? But How? Jaclyn paused, I mean who? Mr. James began to speak again, Well, Jaclyn, he started, I dont know if anyone has told you but- Jaclyns mother interjected, Stop, she exclaimed, I am sorry Mr. James but I think that Jaclyn should hear this from me. An uneasy silence filled the room. Jaclyns mother started to speak, I am really sorry to tell you this now honey, I meant to tell you years ago, tears filled Jaclyns mothers eyes as she continued, There never seemed to be a proper time. Everything became silent once more, all that could be heard was the annoying ticking of the grandfather clock in the den. Mom, whats going on, Jaclyn said as she moved closer to her mother. Well honey, Jaclyns mother continued with the sound of fear in her voice, When you were born , you were not born by me. Jaclyn gasped, and Jaclyns mother continued, I was unable to have children, so your father and I adopted you. Jaclyns mother stopped to take a breath, I

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am so sorry that I , um, we, we did not tell you. Jaclyn did not know what to say, she calmly got up from the table and walked out of the room. Jaclyn stumbled into the bathroom. She did not understand what she had just been told. She stared into the mirror. Jaclyn thought to herself, I dont understand, how can this be, how could she not tell me? Jaclyn wiped the tears from her face, pulled herself together. She took a deep breath as she grasped the cold handle on the door. She walked back to the room where the lawyer and her mother was sitting, and sat back down at the table, this time far away from her mother. She noticed that the lawyer and her mother sat in silence until Jaclyn returned. Are you okay, honey, asked Jaclyns mother. Jaclyn ignored her mothers question. She faced the lawyer and asked, Okay now, where is this Estate? Mr. James looked over at Jaclyns mother, who was clearly distraught, Right outside of town, he replied, You can follow me there if you would like. Jaclyn jumped out of her chair and grabbed the keys off the key hook in the foyer. Can we go now, asked Jaclyn. I am ready when you are, the lawyer exclaimed. Jaclyns mother watched out the window as Jaclyn and the lawyer drove away. Jaclyn peered at her mother staring out of the window. Jaclyn couldnt help but be angry at her mother form not telling her sooner. Jaclyn was deep in thought as she noticed that the lawyers car turned into a gas station. She pulled up beside the lawyers white Lexus and asked him, How far is it? The house is about fifteen minutes away, he called out as he walked into the gas station. Jaclyn started to wonder to herself, What does this place look like? Who left it to me, and why? She had so many unanswered questions. She was deep in thought, when she cut her eyes to the right and jumped. Mr. James was staring into her car window. Yes? she asked she rolled down her window. I

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meant to tell you, Mr. James began, We will be meeting someone else at the estate. Mr. James walked away, and quickly got in to his car before Jaclyn could respond. Jaclyns former confusion was replaced with the thought of who could be meeting them at the estate. Jaclyn followed the lawyer into a large drive way. She saw a tall metal gate, and in the distance behind the gate was a large mansion. The mansion looked as if it hadnt been lived in for a long time. Two large strange statues graced the entrance. They walked up the stairs and the lawyer opened the door with an interesting looking key. She followed the lawyer down a long hallway. How old is this place, she asked the lawyer as she heard her voice echo into the distance. The Estate was built in the 1860s, responded the lawyer as he looked down at the paperwork. And who left it to me, Jaclyn edged on. Well, the Estate was left to both of you, replied Mr. James. Both? Jaclyn asked, What do you mean both? At that moment someone approached Jaclyn and the lawyer from the shadows. A girl that looked exactly like Jaclyn approached with a bubbly personality. Hi, I am Mia, said the girl. Mr. James informed both girls that the Estate was left to both twin girls of Emma Lee Jones, and the girls should live in the Estate, and the Estate was not to be sold.

Ward 16

No Way Out (Original) Why is it so dark? Nathanial thinks to himself as he slowly walks forward. Everything around him starts to become a dim red color. In front of him, he saw two brick walls, leading to the entrance of an ally. Where am I? his mind begins to wonder. Out of the silence Nathanial begins to hear what he believed to be footsteps coming from behind him. He turned around slowly to see that no one was there. Hello, he yells, Is anyone there? Can you help me? No one answers, all he can hear is his heart racing and the echo of his voice. He looks ahead and he noticed what looked like a person on the ground. He ran toward the person and as he drew nearer he recognized a figure that was clearly a young woman. Maam, Maam! Are you okay, Nathaniel yells as he nears her still figure lying on the ground. He asks again, Maam can you hear me? Are you okay? The woman neither answers his pleas nor moves. Help! Someone please help me, he cries into the darkness. He looks around and notices that no one is there. He looks back at the woman and notices a sticky substance on her side. What is that, he asked himself as he reached forward. He placed his hand in the substance, and looked at his hand under the dimly lit ally. Blood! he exclaimed, Why is that there?He gasped as he fell to the ground only to notice that the blood was on him as well. What is going on, he yells, Someone, please help! Nathanial stumbles to his feet to run. He notices that something is moving in the shadows. He runs even faster. He runs as fast as he can, only to hear someone running behind him. Help, he cries into the darkness, Someone, please help me, someone please! He hears the heavy thudded footsteps behind him. They seem to be drawing closer. He yells again, Please someone, help me! He notices a door ahead, and thinks to himself that maybe he can find refuge in the building, at least to catch his breath. He busts through the door and continues to run. He enters a

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dark room that appears to be a warehouse of some sort. Breathing heavily, he thinks to himself, I have to find somewhere to hide. He spotted a opening behind a large set of boxes, There, he gasped. He moved quickly to hid behind the boxes. He noticed that the only sound he could hear was the beating of his heart and his heavy breathing. He slows his breathing to listen to see if he was followed. Nothing, he thinks to himself, Where did they go? He gets up the near to slowly peek over the boxes. He sees a tall dark shadow standing in the darkness. Who is that, he thinks to himself, What does this person want with me? Nathanial watched silently as the shadow moved toward him. He tried to duck further behind the boxes without moving them. How do I get out of here, he asked himself as he moved closer to his left. Nathanial makes his way to the end of the long line of boxes and looks around. He doesnt see the shadow that had been following him. He peeks around and decides that the coast was clear. He slowly moves into the clear area. Kapow! A box hits the floor. Nathanial jumps, trying to find out where the sound came from. He knew he was cautious and he did not knock any of the poorly stacked boxes over. Seeing the shadow again, he tries to move back into the safety of the boxes. Nathanial peeks over the boxes, He is gone, he thinks as he becomes more afraid. Where did he go, he thinks to himself. Nathanial waited a moment, and he began to move again. He wanted to get out of this place once and for all. He notices a door. He begins to slowly make his way to the door, trying not to make any noise. Get closer to the door, he thinks to himself. He begins to hear the heavy breathing coming from behind him. Someone grabs his shoulder and hurls Nathanial across the room. Nathanial hits the floor with a loud thud. He looks up to see the shadow moving closer. Who are you, he yells, What do you want from me? The shadow begins to walk steadily towards Nathanial again and begins to take shape. Nathanial

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yells again, Someone, Please help me, Please! No stay away from me! He sees the face of his shadow, It cant be, what do you want with me? Nathanial are you up, he hears a woman yell in the distance. This is your last day, you dont want to be late do you, she continues. Yeah ma, I am up, Nathanial yells back. He slowly opened his eyes and he realized that his frightening encounter was only a dream. He rolls out of bed and thinks to himself, Man, how much worse can these dreams get? Nathanial had been having dreams like this for as long as he could remember. Lately the dreams seem to be getting worse and happening more frequently. I cant believe that this is the last day of high school, he thinks to himself while he gets out of the steamy hot shower. I cant wait to be in college, he thinks to himself, Girls, parties, not being at home, how much better can it get? Nathanial yells down the stairs, Hey mom, what time is it? Eight oclock, she yells. Nathanial thinks to himself, I need to hurry, I am going to be late.

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No Way Out [Review Notes] This work was reviewed by three students. The students commented on grammatical errors . I reread my work several times, but I always seem to miss grammatical errors. I tried to make the work as polished as I possibly could.

Ward 20

No Way Out (Original) Why is it so dark? Nathanial thought to himself as he slowly walked forward. Everything around him started to become a dim red color. In front of him, he spotted two brick walls, leading to the entrance of an ally. Where am I? his mind began to wonder. Out of the silence, Nathanial heard what he believed to be footsteps coming from behind him. He turned around slowly to see that no one was there. Hello, he yelled, Is anyone there? Can you help me? No one answers, all he could hear was the racing of his heart, and the echo of his voice. He looked ahead, and he noticed what appeared to look like a person lying on the ground. He ran toward the person, and as he drew nearer, he recognized a figure that was clearly a young woman. Maam, Maam! Are you okay? Nathaniel asked loudly as he drew near her still figure. He asks again, Maam can you hear me? Are you okay? The woman did not move or answer his pleas. Help! Someone please help me, he cried into the darkness. He looked around and noticed that no one is there. He looked back at the woman and noticed a sticky substance on her side. What is that, he asked himself as he reached forward. He placed his hand in the substance, and looked at his hand under the dimly lit ally. Blood! he exclaimed, Why is that there?He gasped as he fell to the ground only to notice that the blood was on him as well. What is going on? he yells, Someone, please help! Nathanial stumbled to his feet to run. He noticed that something was moving in the shadows. He ran faster. He ran as fast as he could. He could hear someone running behind him. Help, he cried into the darkness, Someone, please help me, someone please! He heard the heavy thudded footsteps behind him. They seemed to be drawing closer. He yelled again, Please someone, help me! He noticed a door ahead, and thought he might find refuge in the building, at least a place to hide to catch his breath. He busted through the door, and continued to run. He

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entered a dark room that appeared to be a warehouse of some sort. Breathing heavily, he thought to himself, I have to find somewhere to hide. He spotted a opening behind a large set of boxes, There, he gasped. He moved quickly to hid behind the boxes. He noticed that the only sound he could hear was the beating of his heart, and his heavy breathing. He slowed his breathing to listen to see if he was followed. Nothing, he thought to himself, Where did they go? He edged up the near the top of the boxes to slowly peek over the boxes. He saw a tall dark shadow standing in the darkness. Who is that, he thought to himself, What does this person want with me? Nathanial watched silently as the shadow moved toward him. He tried to duck further behind the boxes without moving them. How do I get out of here, he asked himself as he moved closer to his left. Nathanial made his way to the end of the long line of boxes, and looked around. He didnt see the shadow that had been following him. Once more, he peeked around and decided that the coast was clear. He slowly moved into the clear area. Kapow! A box hit the floor. Nathanial jumped, and tried to find out where the sound came from. He knew that if he was cautious, and he did not knock any of the poorly stacked boxes over, he could find his way to the door. Nathaniel noticed the shadow again, he tried to move back into the safety of the boxes. Nathanial peeked over the boxes, He is gone, he thought as he became more afraid, Where did he go? Nathanial waited a moment, and he began to move again. He wanted to get out of this place once and for all. He noticed a door. He began to slowly make his way to the door, trying not to make any noise. Get closer to the door, he thought to himself. He began to hear the heavy breathing coming from behind him. Someone grabbed Nathaniels shoulder and hurled him across the room. Nathanial hit the floor with a loud thud. He looked up to see the shadow moving closer. Who are you, he yelled, What do you want from me? The shadow walked steadily towards

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Nathanial again and the mans form began to take shape. Nathanial yelled again, Someone, Please help me, Please! No stay away from me! He saw the face of his shadow, It cant be, what do you want with me? Nathanial are you up? he heard a woman yell in the distance. This is your last day, you dont want to be late do you, she continued. Yeah ma, I am up, Nathanial yelled back. He slowly opened his eyes and he realized that his frightening encounter was only a dream. He rolled out of bed and thinks to himself, Man, how much worse can these dreams get? Nathanial had been having dreams like this for as long as he could remember. Lately the dreams seemed to be getting worse and happening more frequently. I cant believe that this is the last day of high school, he thought to himself as he stepped out of the steamy, hot shower. I cant wait to be in college, he thought to himself, Girls, parties, not being at home, how much better can it get? Nathanial yelled down the stairs, Hey mom, what time is it? Eight oclock, she yelled back. Nathanial thought to himself, I need to hurry, I am going to be late.

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