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Communication & Media

Marshall McLuhan once said: The modern Little Red Riding Hood,
reared on singing commercials, has no objections to being eaten by the
wolf. What do you think the statement means? Why do you think
McLuhan made such a statement?
Look at the advertisement on the right. Which stereotypical ideas does it
What women stereotypes are there in your culture? Are these
stereotypes, in your opinion, similar to or different from those in the
Anglophone world?

ago ago, Har Har Har arrper per p s s Wee We W kly
co com om ommen mmen en men mented ted te te t th thh t at at
adv adver er rt rt rtise isemen men en en m ts wwer were e
a a a a aaa ttr tru tru tr ee mmirr i r irr ror or or oo of of liff liffeee, ,
a s a ssort ort ort ort of of of of of fo fo fo fo f ssil hh l hist i tor ory ory oor from omm whi whi whi wh hh cch ch hh the the the the the the
fut ut futuree u e ch c ron ron onnnicl icl ic er, ee i iffff al al a l other hhist t istori orical l c
mo mon mon o ume um um me ments nn we wwwe w re r to oo be be bbbb los lo l t, mig gght ht t ful lly ly
and and a gr r graph aaphica aaaally lly ly ly ly re re re rewri wri ww te te t th the he th the h history y
of f o our ur r o ti ti tti time. me. m Few, ew w if if if if f an an an an any, yyyy, hi hhis hiistorians
to tod oddddaay wou would ld ld ld ld cla cla laim im mm tha tha th t t t t they hey e hey ey co co oould uld uld
ccom ommpos pos pos pos po ee a e a a e compl mpl mp mpl plete ete histo ory ryy f of an n er era e
fr fro om i m i i m tts ts ts d adv v dvvert eeer r ise ise se semen men me men ments, ts ts, ts ts, bu bu bu bu but i t i t t t nn r rrece eeecent nt
ye yeaarrs, sc sc sc sc chol ho ho h ars ha hhhave cre cre cr rre r ativel el vel ee y p y p y p y y robb rob r ed eed ed ed
adv ad dveerttttise ise se semen men mme m ts t fffor for for cllues ues ues uues ab ab ab ab about ou ooo the
soc societ et ty a a y nd dd the the th th th bu bu bu bu bu bb sin si ess es ees envir rronm onm on onm nment nt ent ent ent
tha tha haa hat p t p t p t rod rod ro rod roduce ed t d t d t d t d tthem he hhh . TTTTThhe he hh pre pre pre pre presen en en s ce e of
man an m y e exce xcelle lleent onl onl nl nl onl n ine ine ii co collee ti ctiii tions oon on ons n of of of of of
adv advert rttttise ise ise ise s men men men een e m tts pro pro ro pro rovid vid vvid vides es es es e lea leaaaarne rne rne rne rn rs rs as ss as wel wel ee ll
aas ss est est e abl abl ab ished sch schola o rs th the th th op op op ooppo por por por ortun tu tu ity yyy
to to exa xa aamin min mi mm e t e thes h e s e ssooour our o ces cces e inn new w ww w ways ays ays ay ays..
TThe The h ex e per er er er erien ie ien ie i ce ce ce ce c can can an n be e be be tta tanta ntaliz li liz iz zing ing ing ing ing an and dddd
fru frustr trrrati ati ati ati at ng, n since ce e n e ad ad ad ad adver ver ver ver ertis tis ti eme ements nnts nt do do do ddo dd nnt
rea rea e dil dily p yyy p y roc oc roc oc oclai la lll m t mmmm heir i r i r i rr inte nte nte nte tent nt t tt ooor dis dis dis is ispla ppla p y yyy
the he so ooccia cccial and nd nd ndd cul cul cu cul cultu tural al l con n c tex text o t ooo t of t ff f hei h r
ccre reati i at on. on nnn Ye Ye YYe Yet, tt, t, stu stu st ss dyi dyi dyi dyi dying ng ng ng n adv adv adv adv adver ert ertise ise i e i men ments
ca an n al a so so so oo be bb fas fas as as f cin cin cin cinati ati i ati ting ng ng ng g and and and n and aa re re re e e vea vea vea vealing. g
Usu UUsu UUsu suall all all all ally t y t yyy he heee ad ad dd is is i tryying ngg to se se eeell ll ll ll ll
a ppro rod duct uct ct c , b , bb , b , ut ut thi th s i s i i is o s o s o s nly nly nl nl nl an an in inniti i al l
reespon ponse se eee to to the hhe the th qu qq estion onnnn D . D . D . oes oes es es it it it it i aim m mm
to o per per ersua ua aade de de de de rea re der der dde d s t to b o b o bb o buy uuy uy u so som som mmeth eth eth eth et et ing ing ng
NWZ WZZ\\P PM M MZ[\ Z[\ [\ Z[\ [ \Q \ UM U WZ\W[_Q [_Q Q\KP \K \K JZ JZ Z JZ JZIVL IVL L IVL IVL ' ['
Th he to tobac bacco oo ind ind nd ind nn ust ustry, ry, ryy, y, fo fo for e r xam am xample pp ,
ha hass co consi nsi nsi nsi nsiste ste ste ste t ntl ntl ntly m y m main aintai tai taine ned ned d that at aat at its it
ad ads s ar ar a e a e aa e ime ime im ime imed a d a d a d a d at m t m m t m t main ain ai ain a tai tai ai ai taainin nin nin nin ning b g b g b g b g ran rannd dd dd
loy oy yalt alty o y o y o or i r i r i r r r ndu ndu n cin cin ng s g s gg gg mok mmok mo ers rs tto tto sw switc cccchhh. hhh
HHen ence, ce, cce, c a a pro pro pro pro p min mi m en ent ent ca ca ca aampa mpa mpa a paign ign n ign ign n a a aa
ge gen nera ra ra atio tio tt n a ago go gggo for for for f a a now nnow-fo fforgo rgo rgotte tte ten
cig igar are ette tte te b br b and nd an fe fe fe eaat atu atu aturin rin rin rin ring m g m g m g m g ode ode de de dd ls ls s lls wit wit wi wi w h h
br ruuise se e se es a s a s a aand nd n bla bla bl bla b ck ck k eye es s s s s s s s s ayi ay ayi aying ng n I I Id d r d r d r d rath ather er e
O OP P\\ \\PIV PIV IV IV IV[_ [[[[ Q\KP P P P PAM AM M A \ \ \ \ KZQ ZQ\QK \QK \Q \QK \QK[P [P [[PI^M
nootted ed d the the hhe h th th th thheme eem eme e s o s f y yyyyout out ou ou o h, h vit vit it it itali ali aali ality ty, ty, y ty
an ndd ppl pl p eas eas eas easure ure uuu in in thhese ese ad ds a s nd have e
exxp pose o ed d d d d d d d docu ocu oo men men me men me tts in nn whi whi whi whi which ch ch c mar mar ma ma m ket ket e ket eter ers ers ers
str trate ate teegiz giz iz giz gize a e a e a e a e bou bou bou bbo t a aa t attr ttr ttr ttr tt act act ac ing ing i g ne nee new s w s ww mok mok okers ers rs..
Wha Wha ha W t d tt doesssss th th th th the a e d w d w d w w wan an ant n the r e rr e r e read ead e der er e to to to to to
ad dv vert ert e isi si ing ng ng ng ng i aim aim aim i s t s t ss o w o wwwwin in in sal sales, es bu bu ut s t s t s tt ome ome om om om
adv dvert ertise se e i men men mmm ts tt see se see see se k p kk p pprim rim rimmari ari ari ari ar ly ly ll to to gai g n
the he re reade de a rrs at at tten ten ten ten tentio tio ti ti t n o n orr sstim tim t ula ula late ttte
int ntere erest t in in in nn hhop hopes tttha tha that ppuurc rccchas has ha hhases es s ess wil ww l w l l
fol olllow ow. O OOOn t n t n t n t n thhe hee othhher rr er rr han han han han hand, d, rep reppeti etiitiv ti e e
ad ds s fo foor ff r fffffami am aa lia lia ia ia iar p r p r p rr prod rod oduct uct cts o s o o s o s fte ften a n a n a aaim im ii to to
shho ort- rt- rt-cir rr circu cui cu cui cuit t t the he h con conscious ous us uus co co co co onsi ns nnn der dd rat ation n
of ppur urcha hhase se dec dd isi isi i s oon oons o . TTTTTThe hey hey ey hhhe h tr tt y t y to
sti immul ulate tee th the c e ons ons ons ns onsume ume ume umer t r t r to p o ick ck uup p
theee so sso so soft ft ft ft dri ri dri dd ink nk nk nk or or or the toothpaste or
the the the th de de dete ter er e gen gent a as s s she h mov oves down t n the he
sho sh hopp ppi pp ng ng ais ais ais ais isle les l .
1V VV \PM \PM \P \PM \PM PM Z ZZ[[\ [\ \ \\ PIT PIT T P N W N W N W WNN \ N \ \\\PM PPM PM PM PM \_M \_MV\Q V\Q V\Q \Q P M\P M\P MMM
cen cennnntur tur tur ur rry, y, y, y, y, mmos os o t A t AAAAmmer mer me mm ic ica cannn a n a adddve dve dverti r i rti rti rtisin sin sin sing g
por portra trayed d ye an and p dd p pprom om rom om romote ote ot otedd a aa d a a wo wo w rld ld ld rl of f of f
mass prod r uced, d standaardi rd zed zed products.
Adv Advert ertisi ising ng and and ma m ss consumption o
wou would ld era erasse so social l di diffe fferen rences ces. We We are re
mak aking ng aa hom homoge ogeneo neous us s people out ut
of of a n a nati ation n of of imm immigr igrant ants, pro procla c imed d
age ag ncy ncy ex execu ecutiv t e AAlbe lbert rt Las Lasker ke in n thhe e
192 19 0s. 0s. In In mo more rec recent ent de decad cades, es, ho howev wever, r
mar market keting ings s emp emphas hasis is has has bbeen on on
its ts its its it marketin ti ting s g s g tra trateggy t y o the intere rests sts
and nd ndd an aa dd ne ne needs of of f a a dis distinnct t sub sub subgro gr up.
The The T hi hii hist sto sto sto s rian Robert Wie W be has has
eve ve eve ve ven s n s n n n ugg ugg gg g ggg g eest ested d tha tha th t t t he divisi i isi s on onsby yy
eco eco coonommm omic, ic, ic so so ooocia cia cia ci l, , cul ultur ur u tu al a and even n
psy psy p ch cho cholog lo lo ica aaaal c l c l cc ll cchha har ar ha act t cteri er sti tics cs cs now now ow ow ow n
mar mmar mmar maark t k t k t k t k hhhe he h Uniii U ted ted ted ted ted ted t SSSSt SSt State ate ate ate aat s a ss s a seeeg egm egm egm g ent nt n ed d
soc sssociet i y. Fe Fe Fe Fe F F w a w dve ve erti ti rti rti rt ser ser er rrs s t s ry ry ry y ry y to o sell the hhe he
sam am am same t e t e e hin innng t g t g t g t g tooo e o ever ver r ver rybo ybo yy dy dy tod oday; ay y a tooo ooo
oft o en en tha hat hh t h t t as as mea meant sel l sel se lin lin in lin i g t to n n o obo ob dy. dy
Aft Aft Aft Aft After e we hav v aa e a e aaa sense e of ooof wh wwww at
the the hhe he tt ad a ver ver ee tis ti er er is iii try ry try ry rying ing ing ing ing to to [-a-]], ww , e
can n as aaaask h k h k h hhhhoow ow ow oow the the the theey g y g y g y g y o a aabou bo bbo bout a t t chi ch evi e ii vi ing nggg
the their rr ir r mar mar m ket t ke k ting ing ing ing ing go go go go go oals al aals. D . DD DDooes o th he e
adv adv adv a v a ert ert rt rt rtise ise is iis men ment o t ffe fe fe ffer a r a rr aa r r reeeas son n why why why hy hy t t t to o o o
J]a J]a JJ]a J] ]a\P \P \ MX X MX XZWL ZWL ZWL ZW ]K\ ]]K\'77ZQ Z [Q Q\ \ [-b b-] -] mo m re e
feaaaaatur tur tur tur tu e e the he he he e pro pro ppppp duc duc d t o t r d r does oe it it fo fo ff cus u on o
\PM PM PM \PM P XM XMWXT TM] M] M ] M] M][QV [QV [Q [[Q OQ QQ OQ Q\' \\' \\ ,WM ,W ,WM ,W ,,, [Q [ Q\I IIIILLZ L L M[[ [[ [[ \P \\P \\ M
rea rea ea eader der der der e ddirec rec e tly tly tly tly tlyy wi wi wi w w th [-c-] W WZKW WUUI UUIVL[''' ''
Doe Does t s t t s the he hhh ad ad ddd off off ff ff fer er er er a r a r a redu edu edu e ced e ced ed ppr pr pr pr rice ice ic or a
[-d [-d-]', ', , ',WM[ WM[ WM[ WM[ WM[ Q\ Q\ Q\ Q\XT XT XT XT XTIa Ia Ia Ia a aaa WWV WW NMI NMI IZZWWZI ZIIV`Q V`Q QQM\a M\a MM\aWZ W
Mos Mos Mos Mos Most o t o t o t o t oof t f t f t f t f t ff he he hhh ads ad yo yyou exam m ammiine
will ccont ont onntain aa bo bbbboth hh hh ill ill ill ill illust ust ust ust us rat ra r ions a s and nd dd
tex tex texxxt. t. Adv dv dv Adv Advert eert ertt e isi isi isi iisi isinng ng nng res re re ear e r a che chers rs s dev dev dev dev devote ote ote o
lar ar a l ge sum um mmms t s t t s t to o t ooo est st sting ing ing in in co onsu nsumer er m s s
re res ress r pon pon pon pp ses ses ee to to tooo di di d ffe eren re r nt c t c t oolo o rs, s, sh sh hhhaape aap p s, , ,,
and an la layou you ou outs. ts. ts ts E Es E pec pecial ally ly y in in rec recent ntt nt nt
dec de dde decade ade ddes, s, s adv adv adv adv adver ert e isemen ments ts oft oft ten en n en hav h e
bee bbbe e b n c comp omposedd w wit ith mi inut nute a e atttenti tion on
to to o det tttail ail ai ail l an an an an and e d exte tensi n ve pre pre-te - st sti inng, g,
so so so eve eve eve eve v n tt n tthe he he he h sma ma sm smalle llest t fac c fa et et oof an an aad
del del del de delib ibe ibe i ra rate or unintenntio tiona nal, d deeta t iils il of
an adv advert ertisement may y rev reveal ssommethin ing g
abo about ut the th assumptions ns an and per erccept eption iion i ss
of of th thoose se who created d it. A A hairrst tyle yle, a ,
pri print nt font, a b bord order er des esign ign all l m may ay hav hav ve e
ssom meth ething to to te teach ach us.
HHHo How HHow do do do does es es tthe ad attract the h the reade dd rs
I\\ I \MV\ MV\ MMV\ MV\QWV V QQ ''? ?PI\ P ZW]\MLWaW a ]ZMaM a [ [
NW NWT NW NWT NWTTW_ TW__ TW__\P \P \P \\PZW] W]] W OP OP O \PM \PMIL IL' 0 '0W_ _ W_ LW LW[\ [\a aTM[ TM[
\ _Q\ QQ _Q\ Q P P PP [-e [-e-]\Z \ZMVL MVL L[' [',,W ,WMIZ MIZ MI M \P \P \ \WV WV \ MM[
in in rec re re ent nt ad ad addver ver eer ertis tis tis tt ing ing su suppo ppo ppo ppo p rt rt rt rt rt gr green en e nnn
mar market k ing st strat attt rategi egi egi i e es es es of of of f com com mpan pan an n ppp ies ess es ies ess e
hop hoping ing to to appea e l t l ttto e envi nvirronme men en en men ntal tal taal tally y ly- ly
[-f-]J] J]aMZ aMZ[' ['
Ads Ads ar are h e high hly ly sel select ect ectt ctive ive ve in n th thh their i
dep depiction ion of f of th th the w e w e orl orl orl rl rl oo ddd. dd Not Not tabl abl bb y, y, yy, y,
his histor torica ical and con nnnn ontttem em tem em t por po or ppo ary ar st studi udies es
abo abound nd sh howi owi wi wi winnggg ng ng tha tha tha tha that a t dve dv dve dve dverti rrti r sin nngs gs g s ss g
dep depict iction i of of of of Am Am Amm Ameri erican a c so so ooocie i ciety ty ha hha has be be be be eeen n e
hig highly hly sk sk k sk kewe we ee wwe w d i d d i d i d n i n iiiits ts s ts por po ppp tra tra tra tra trra r ya yal of oooo ra ra racccce, ce
cla ass ss ss, s, s, an an and g d gen end nd e er. r.
Unt n U il a g a gene ene e rat rat rat rat ration ion ion ion i ag gggo, o, Afr Afr A ican nnn
Ame Am me mmmmericcans an an an nnd o d o o d the the the ther p r peop o le eeee of ccol lor ooor
wer er w rrre v e irt irt rt rt rtuual ally ly lyyy inv inv i visi issi sible bl le l inn mma mmains nstream am aaa
adv v adv advert er ising, ng, ng ex ex excep ppt wwwwhen hen hen n th th they e wer we e
por ortra raaayed yed ye ye y as as a se serva rva rva rva rvants nts nn or or or or as as e exemp m lif ii yin i yi i g g
rac ac cial iiii ly ly ste ste stereo eo eo o eotyp typ yyp typed ed ed behh behavi vi ioor. or Im Image ag age ess o s f f
wom wom wom wom omen nn in adv ddvertttisi isi is ising ng ng ng hav have h e h e h e h e ard rdly lyyy bee bee een n
uni un uunifor fo m, m, m, but bbut t b se se se eve ver ve v al aa the th the hh t mes e m reecur cur ccur: t ttthhe hhhe
hou housew ewwife if ec ecsta staaaatic ticc tt ov over eer a n a ew ew ew cleean aning ng
pro pro ppro odduc duct; t; the hhe h an anxio xi xi xio xi us us wom wom womman an aa fea fea fea ea fe rin rin rin rin ringg g
the the he the th lo ll ss s of of f of you you o thf thf thf thf thful ul l att at aa rac ra ractiv iv ii eneess; ss
the th hh subse bse bse bse servi vi vient eeent sp spous ouse ddddepende eent on o
her her as asser seertiv ve h eeee usb usb usb usb usband andd an and;; the h obj obj b obj obj object ect ct ect c of of o
men mmme m s not-so so so oo-in -i noc oc nocent en en e ga ga ga gg ze ze z and and d d de esir sir sir sir sire. e
Adv Adv dverttiiising ng g als a o g o g give ves f s f s f ffals als al e t e teestimo im ny nny ny n
aabo o boout the t ac actua ttual c l cllass s s tru uctu ct cctuure e of of f
Ame Am AAme m ric ican n soc oc oc oc oc so iet ie iet iety. y AAdv Adv v dv dver ert ert ee isi ising n ima ima ima ma images ges e ge ggg
con con co con nsisten ennnntly tly tly tly ly sh show ow sce ce enes neee of of of pr pp osp osp os eri erii r ty, ty y,
mat at maa m erii e aal a com om om o for or or ort, , eve ven luxu uux ry wel we l
bey bey bey bbb ond dd th th thhe c e c cc cond ond ond ond on iti iti i on oons o of f li li life fe of f mos os os m t t
Ame Ame Am ric ric r ans an . T . The he adv advert ertisi is ng ng ng ng ind ind ddust t u ry ry yy
pre p efer fer rrs t s o p o pict ict c ure ure ur ure re th thh thhe w ee w e woorl or o d t ttt d hat aatt
con con co on o sum m s ers ers ers ss as as aspir pir pi ii p e t e t e o, ooo, no not th t e o e ne ne ne ne n the h they y yy
act ac ct a ually lyy y inh n abi ab abit. t. ttt
As As As A we we w see see see s th the a ee ds, ds we www ma mmm y a aaaalso lso so be be e be e
abl abl abl abl blee ttto o o see see e s th th tth t rou rou rou rough th th th them to to bro broade ad der
soc c soc s ial ial i an an an aand c d c ddd ult ult u ura ural r ll eal ea iti ties. s. es. . We We We We e ca ca an n n nnnnnote ote tee
thr hrreee eee con nntex extts s for for fff th hhese ese e do dddd cum cu umm ument ent en ent ents. sss. s Fir Fir FF st ssss
the the the the bu bu bu busin sin sin s ness es ess es es ne ne ne n ed ed ed eds ed of of th th th the c e c ccorp orp or r o ora ora ora oratio iooons ns s nn
tha hat p t paay for forr th t em. em. mmm. Po Po Po P Posin sin sing t gg t gg hhe he que qu qu ue u sti sti ii stions on on n
abo abo b ut ut pur pur pur p pos pos pos oses es and and and and me me mm thods ds wil wil ww l g l gg l give ive ive ive i
us u iiinsigh gh hhts int ntto t o he he h rrol roll rrole oof a f a a ffff adve dve dve dve erti rti ti rti tissin in ii g ggg
in bus bus us bus b ine ness. ss Se SSe S con nnd, dddd adv aadv d ertise isss men men nnts ts sss are aare aa
cul l c tur ur rral al ind nn ica cc tor or rr ors, s, s, s tho tho h ugh ugh gh ugh ugh hh ddi ddisto toooorte rtedd d
on nes. . Fin Fin nnall all ll aa y, y, y, y, bea bea be bbear i r iiin m n m n m n m n miind ind ndd th th t at at ads ads a
eme emerge e ffr from om a p a p pprof rof rof rof fession onal cul cul cc tur tur ttur re o e of ff
the the th aad dver ver e tis isiing g in in ndu dustr try ttry an ndd s d ugg ugg g uggest st th tt e e e
asp aspira ira i tio tiions an and n an an anxie xie xie x tie tie tt s o of t f t f he heee men men mee men
and and wwomen me mmen wh who c o rea eatte t the he hhe hem. m
A Skim the text. What is the focal idea in the text? How does
the author support his/ her idea?
B Scan the text to nd answers to the following questions.
1 What might graphically rewrite the history of our time
(line 3)?
2 Which word between lines 1 and 10 is closest in meaning to
3 For studying purposes, what type of advertisements have
scholars found accessible?
4 How is the attempt to analyse advertisements described in
lines 1 to 10?
5 What types of models were used in smoking ads in the past?
6 Give two advertising aims as mentioned in lines 11 to 20.
7 How is the United States described in lines 33 to 42?
8 How has advertising changed between the 1920s and more
recent decades in the United States?
9 Before nalizing an advertisement, what do advertising
researchers do as suggested in lines 49 to 55?
10 Which word between lines 59 and 71 is closest in meaning to
11 How were African Americans represented in advertisements
in the past?
12 Which word between lines 72 and 78 is closest in meaning to
C Match the questions on the right with sections 1-5 in
the text. Which technique is required to complete this
matching exercise: skimming the text, scanning the text or
a combination of both? Why?
A What strategies are used to sell the product?
B What has the ad done?
C What else do you need to know to analyze an ad?
D Does the ad promote standardized products?
E Do ads contain text?
F What do ads reveal and conceal about an era?
G Who is the intended audience?
H When did African Americans start appearing in ads?
I Are ads cultural indicators?
J What is the ads purpose?
D Sometimes, even if you do not know the meaning of a
certain word, identifying its part of speech will help you
place it in a sentence. Which words from the list below go
in the gaps (a-f) between lines 43 and 58 in the text?
accomplish assumptions conscious endorsement lines
actor awareness cultural focused literary
suggestions use oriented route
What, in addition to knowing to which part of speech the word
belongs, do you need correctly to place a word in a sentence?
Remember that scanning the
text revolves around identifying
key words and phrases not
only in the text but also in the
question. Therefore, read the
question carefully, underline what
the question is asking you to do
before you scan the text to nd
an answer. For example, if the
question asks you to nd a word,
you need to look for one word in
the text. Similarly, if the question
asks you to nd a phrase, copying
the whole sentence does not
show that you have understood
the question or the text.
Reading is a receptive skill,
and interactive reading,
though still dened as
receptive, emphasises
interaction between the
reader and the text, one
which allows the reader to
grasp the intricacies of the
written text and results in
comprehension. To develop
your ability to comprehend
written text, you need
to apply certain reading
techniques like skimming
the text to develop general
understanding of the
main ideas it presents,
and scanning the text to
nd answers to specic
questions by searching for
key words or phrases.
55 55
60 60
665 65 66
70 000
75 75 75
80 80 8
85 85 555
90 90 0
95 95 555
100 0
105 05
110 10
115 115
12 120 0000
125 2
130 130 30 130 13
1135 13 11
140 44
14 145 11
15 15 150 15 5
155 55 15
In order to comprehend a text
fully, you need to identify how
different parts of speech are
combined to form meaning.
Parts of speech are categorised
into groups of nouns, verbs,
adjectives, adverbs, pronouns,
prepositions, conjunctions and
articles. Use the World Wide
Web to nd the denitions,
subcategories and examples of
the different parts of speech.
Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising. Mark Twain
2 3
2 Communication and media Advertising
Peruse other sources and nd examples of how
American advertisers nowadays represent women,
different ethnicities and social groups Do all American
advertisers represent women, ethnic minorities, and
social groups positively? What do these advertisements
reveal about stereotyping in the American society?
Can you think of other groups which are either
fairly presented or misrepresented in American
Discrimination takes different shapes and forms. Read
the advertising regulations in an English-speaking
society (they can be found online). How can these
regulations limit discrimination?
Most Anglophone countries prohibit advertising
tobacco products. Why do you think this is the case?
Do you think advertising cigarette brands plays a role
in increasing the numbers of smokers?
In 1994, and under its Regulation and
Prevention of Misuse Act, the Indian government
prohibited the publication of advertisements
relating to the use of prenatal diagnostic techniques
to determine the gender of a foetus. Such
advertisements are not prohibited in other English-
speaking countries like the United Kingdom. Why
do you think it is important that India prohibits the
publication of such advertisements? Do you think this
prohibition addresses gender discrimination in India?
In the UK, any advertisement that might harm
children physically, mentally or emotionally is
prohibited. How can advertisements harm children
in the aforementioned ways? Can you nd concrete
examples with which to justify your answer?
Examine a few advertisements online. How is Internet
advertising different from mainstream advertising?
Developing Writing Skills: Set of Instructions/
As a productive skill, WRITING communicates a message
to the reader. The second step after determining your
approach (refer to Section A, p. . ) to the stimulus will be
choosing the text type. To choose a type of text which best
communicates your message, it is very important to determine
the communicative purpose of your personal response: are you
writing to inform, persuade, argue or describe?
The text on advertising provides a set of guidelines which could be given to
media students to help them see through advertisements. A set of guidelines,
or instructions, is usually written to inform its audience about how to do,
approach, x, etc. something.
When you write a set of instructions/ guidelines, it is recommended
that you:
capture the readers attention with the use of headings;
directly address your audience;
use bullet points or write your guidelines in note form;
be precise and concise.
Interactive oral actitivty
In pairs, nd an advertisement which appeared in one of the
magazines that are published in the Anglophone world and analyse
it based on your understanding of advertising techniques in English-
speaking countries. Present your ndings to your classmates. You
may use ICT (Information Communication Technologies) in your
Political correctness
dened as the avoidance of
forms of expression or action
that are perceived to exclude,
marginalize, or insult groups
of people who are socially
disadvantaged or discriminated
against (Oxford Dictionaries). Do
you endorse the use of politically
correct terms in advertisements?
E In groups, imagine that you are designing an
advertisement for a new mobile phone which will appear
in one of the following magazines:
Womens Weekly
1. Begin by determining your audience. Who, in your opinion, is
the targeted audience of each of the magazines above? Why?
2. Read the following statement, and keeping your
advertisement in mind, list a number of words, expressions
and phrases you can use in your advertisement to appeal to
the audience of the magazine you have chosen.
The very first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete promise and
cultivate the delightfully vague. Bill Cosby
3. Design your advertisement.
4. Show your advertisement to the remaining groups. Which do
you think is the most effective ad? Why?
5. As the editor of your schools magazine, write a set of
guidelines to be given to advertisers on how to create good ads.
The Personal Response
Read the following statement:
Advertising is everywhere you look, whether it is in the newspaper you pick up
daily or on that billboard you see while driving down the highway. Some people
may say that they are not in fact inuenced by the advertising that is thrown at
them each day, and that they do not fall into it, but everyone does..
Based on the statement, give a personal response and justify it.
Choose one of the text types that you are comfortable using. Write
150 to 250 words.
Before you write, you need to determine which approach you will
take in response to the statement:
Will you adopt the one-sided approach and argue that advertising
either negatively affects people or does not affect them at all?
Will you adopt the balanced but undetermined approach and
argue that advertising affects people negatively but not all the time?
Or will you adopt the analytical approach and analyse how
advertisements affect people?
In other words, what is the communicative purpose of your response:
Are you writing to inform, describe, persuade or analyse?
You also need to determine which text type best communicates your
The TOK Moment
Can a study of cultures be
free of bias?
Would it be possible to
publish the advertisement
below in a magazine in any
English-speaking country
today? Why?
What does this advertisement
tell us about the ways
in which the paradigms
about language, culture
and women have changed
since the publication of the
advertisement in 1945?
Is it ethical tightly to control
the advertising of some
As one of your CAS activities, organise a full-day advertisement awareness
campaign in which you collect advertisements from your local community
and show younger students how not to be swayed by them.
4 5
2 Communication and media Advertising
How do the media usually deal
with stereotypical issues?
Think of radio or television
programmes which dispel
stereotypes in your culture.
How do they do it?
How responsible should the
media be when representing
certain issues?
Radio & Television
Read the text and write down to what or to whom the
following words refer.
1. this (line 1)
2. this reporter (lines 1&2)
3. it (line 13)
4. they (line 14)
5. here (line 17)
6. their (line 24)
7. three (line 30)
8. they (line 32)
9. we (line 53)
10. that contention (line 60)
Find the word in the righthand column that could
meaningfully replace one of the words on the left.
1. heretical (line 3)
2. unprecedented (line 8)
3. peak (line 20)
4. agitate (line 27)
5. manifold (line 40)
Choose the correct answer from A, B, C, or D. Write the letter
in the answer box provided.
1. The word discourse (line 1) means
A. action.
B. interview.
C. conversation.
D. speech.
2. The word candor (line 5) means
A. levity.
B. frankness.
C. evasiveness.
D. gravity.
3. The phrase LOOK NOW, PAY LATER (line 22) means that
A. the American public will adopt a new advertising slogan.
B. networks will lose money because people will pay later.
C. the Americans will pay the price of being kept ignorant.
D. news reporters will be sued for keeping people ignorant.
4. The phrase the dust never settles (lines 30 & 31) means that
A. History will tell people how television was managed at a
certain time.
B. The solution to radio and television problems lies in imitation.
C. It only takes one network to change its policy for the others to
D. Theres a lot at stake if networks changed their insulation
E. If used appropriately, television is a powerful, illuminating
A. extraordinary
B. religious
C. pacify
D. mountain
E. few
F. regular
G. unorthodox
H. disconcert
I. various
J. pinnacle
This just might do nobody any good. At
the end of this discourse, a few people may
accuse this reporter of fouling his own
comfortable nest, and your organization
may be accused of having given hospitality
to heretical and even dangerous thoughts.
But the elaborate structure of networks,
advertising agencies and sponsors will not
be shaken or altered. It is my desire, if not
my duty, to try to talk to you journeymen
with some candor about what is happening
to radio and television.
I have no technical advice or counsel
to ofer those of you who labor in this
vineyard that produces words and pictures.
You will forgive me for not telling you
that instruments with which you work
are miraculous, that your responsibility is
unprecedented or that your aspirations are
frequently frustrated. It is not necessary
to remind you that the fact that your voice
is amplied to the degree where it reaches
from one end of the country to the other
does not confer upon you greater wisdom
or understanding than you possessed when
your voice reached only from one end of
the bar to the other. All of these things you
Our history will be what we make it.
And if there are any historians about fty
or a hundred years from now, and there
should be preserved the kinescopes for
one week of all three networks, they will
there nd recorded in black and white, or
color, evidence of decadence, escapism and
insulation from the realities of the world
in which we live. I invite your attention to
the television schedules of all networks
between the hours of 8 and 11 p.m., Eastern
Time. Here you will nd only eeting and
spasmodic reference to the fact that this
nation is in mortal danger. There are, it
is true, occasional informative programs
presented in that intellectual ghetto on
Sunday afternoons. But during the daily
peak viewing periods, television in the main
insulates us from the realities of the world
in which we live. If this state of afairs
continues, we may alter an advertising
slogan to read: LOOK NOW, PAY LATER.
I am entirely persuaded that the
American public is more reasonable,
restrained and more mature than most of
our industrys program planners believe.
Their fear of controversy is not warranted
by the evidence. I have reason to know, as
do many of you, that when the evidence on
a controversial subject is fairly and calmly
presented, the public recognizes it for what
it is--an efort to illuminate rather than to
One of the basic troubles with radio and
television news is that both instruments
have grown up as an incompatible
combination of show business, advertising
and news. Each of the three is a rather
bizarre and demanding profession. And
when you get all three under one roof, the
dust never settles. The top management of
the networks, with a few notable exceptions,
has been trained in advertising, research,
sales or show business. But by the nature of
the corporate structure, they also make the
nal and crucial decisions having to do with
news and public afairs. Frequently they
have neither the time nor the competence
to do this. It is not easy for the same small
group of men to decide whether to buy a
new station for millions of dollars, build
a new building, alter the rate card, buy
a new Western, sell a soap opera, decide
what defensive line to take in connection
with the latest Congressional inquiry, how
much money to spend on promoting a
new program, what additions or deletions
should be made in the existing covey or
clutch of vice-presidents, and at the same
time--frequently on the same long day--to
give mature, thoughtful consideration to the
manifold problems that confront those who
are charged with the responsibility for news
and public afairs.
So far as radio--that most satisfying and
rewarding instrument--is concerned, the
diagnosis of its difculties is rather easy.
And obviously I speak only of news and
information. In order to progress, it need
only go backward: to the time when singing
commercials were not allowed on news
reports, when there was no middle commercial
in a 15-minute news report, when radio was
rather proud, alert and fast. I recently asked
a network ofcial, Why this great rash of
ve-minute news reports (including three
commercials) on weekends? He replied,
Because that seems to be the only thing we
can sell.
I began by saying that our history will be
what we make it. If we go on as we are, then
history will take its revenge, and retribution
will not limp in catching up with us.
We are to a large extent an imitative
society. If one or two or three corporations
would undertake to devote just a small
traction of their advertising appropriation
along the lines that I have suggested, the
procedure would grow by contagion; the
economic burden would be bearable, and
there might ensue a most exciting adventure-
-exposure to ideas and the bringing of
reality into the homes of the nation.
To those who say people wouldnt look;
they wouldnt be interested; theyre too
complacent, indiferent and insulated, I
can only reply: There is, in one reporters
opinion, considerable evidence against
that contention. But even if they are right,
what have they got to lose? Because if
they are right, and this instrument is good
for nothing but to entertain, amuse and
insulate, then the tube is ickering now and
we will soon see that the whole struggle is
This instrument can teach, it can
illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But
it can do so only to the extent that humans
are determined to use it to those ends.
Otherwise it is merely wires and lights in a
box. There is a great and perhaps decisive
battle to be fought against ignorance,
intolerance and indiference. This weapon
of television could be useful.
Stonewall Jackson, who knew something
about the use of weapons, is reported to have
said, When war comes, you must draw the
sword and throw away the scabbard. The
trouble with television is that it is rusting in
the scabbard during a battle for survival.
6 7
2 Communication and media Advertising
Rhetoric is the art of effective or persuasive speaking or
writing, especially the exploitation of gures of speech and
other compositional techniques (Oxford Dictionary). The Greek
philosopher Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) identied three modes of
persuasion in rhetoric: ethos, pathos and logos.
4. Reect on Murrows speech. Do you think Murrows speech
meets the requirements of Aristotles modes of persuasion? Justify
your answer by using specic examples from Murrows speech.
5. A good speaker uses a number of stylistic and rhetorical devices
to strengthen his/her pathos. Re-read Murrows speech and nd
examples of the devices dened in the below. Murrow may not
have used them all.
Alliteration the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected
words: the alliteration of sweet birds sang
Assonance resemblance of sound between syllables of nearby words, arising particularly from the rhyming
of two or more stressed vowels, but not consonants (e.g. sonnet, porridge), but also from the
use of identical consonants with different vowels (e.g. killed, cold, culled)
Allusion an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or
passing reference
Hyperbole exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally
Metaphor a gure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not
literally applicable: shes a rose
Onomatopoeia the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g. cuckoo, sizzle)
Personication the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human, or the
representation of an abstract quality in human form
[a question] asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statement rather than to elicit
Simile a gure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind,
used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g. as brave as a lion)
Synecdoche a gure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa, as in England
lost by six wickets (meaning the English cricket team)
Honesty and credibility: is the
speaker an authority in his/her
eld? Is s/he qualied to speak
on a certain subject?
How passionate is the
speaker about the topic of
his/her speech? How does
s/he appeal to the
audience's emotions?
The word logic is
originally derived from
logos. What evidence
does the speaker use to
convince the audience
that what is being said is
true? Does the speaker
use facts to convince the
Developing Writing Skills: Speech
1. Any written text revolves around a major idea, or a thesis statement.
What is Murrows thesis statement?
2. Which of the ideas below does Murrow use to support his thesis
statement? You can tick [] more than one.

The RTNDA has asked the wrong person to give a speech.

The purpose of the speech is not to give advice on how to be good reporters.

Radio and television programmes are not up to the required standards.

The American public is wrongly perceived.

Controversial issues should be avoided by the media.

The news should be separated from advertising and show business.

Radio is not as important as television.

History will tell people how television was managed at a certain time.

The solution to radio and television problems lies in imitation.

It only takes one network to change its policy for the others to follow.

Theres a lot at stake if networks changed their insulation policy.

If used appropriately, television is a powerful, illuminating tool
3. Think of specic examples (TV shows, radio programmes, etc)
which support Murrows argument. Come up with at least three
and be prepared to tell your classmates why you believe your
examples support Murrows ideas.
In less than 100 words, describe or paint a verbal portrait of a Goth. Your
description should be vivid and in line with the evidence provided in text III: A.

Are radio programmes as interesting and informative
as television programmes? Find examples of radio
shows which support your answer.
Peruse the evening schedules of at least three TV
networks in any English-speaking country. Do these
schedules support Murrows claim that television in
the main insulates us from the realities of the world in
which we live?
Watch a talk show on an English-speaking network.
What topics are discussed? How does the host
introduce his/ her guests? What effect does the way
the host introduces the guests or certain topics have
on the audience?
Sensationalism and bias are two terms that are often
linked to the media. What do these terms mean?
Find examples of TV shows, radio shows or
newspaper articles which support your denition.
How do mainstream media and tabloids differ? Find
examples of both in an Anglophone country. Compare
how two news reports approach a certain issue in a
mainstream newspaper and a tabloid. Examine the
language used in both reports. How sensational are
the reports? How biased? What evidence do you have
to support your opinion?
News media are affected by the political views of
the journalists or the networks. Do you agree? Find
examples drawn from an Anglophone culture which
support your answer.
8 9
2 Communication and media Advertising
The Personal Response
Based on the following stimulus, give a personal response and justify
it. Write a speech using 150 to 250 words.
This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire.
But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to
those ends. Otherwise it is merely wires and lights in a box. There is a great
and perhaps decisive battle to be fought against ignorance, intolerance and
indifference. This weapon of television could be useful.
Before you start writing, ask yourself the following questions:
Which approach will I adopt? The one-sided? The balanced but
undetermined? Or the analytical?
What is the topic about which I am writing?
To whom am I writing?
How will I support my thesis statement?
How will I organise my speech?
Which stylistic and rhetorical devices will I use?
Interactive Oral Activity
In pairs, choose one of the following media-related topics and do
some research on it. Present your ndings to your classmates in a
form of your choice: presentation, dialogue, sketch, interview, etc.
Remember that you need to include specic examples related to
your topic and drawn from an Anglophone culture. You may use
electronic material in your presentation. The topics are:
O Media ownership
O Bias
O Sensationalism
O Propaganda
O Documentaries
{ Reality shows
{ Talk shows
{ Mainstream media
{ Tabloids
{ Political correctness
HL P2 Section B
In the external examination,
you will not be asked to
write a speech; youre free
to choose any text type you
have practised in class.
The Individual Oral (HL/SL)
Choose one of the photographs below and in 15 minutes, prepare
a presentation on the photograph. Taking the photographs caption
into consideration, link your presentation to one of the options you
have studied in this unit (Health/ Cultural diversity). Be prepared to
answer your classmates questions on your presentation.
I am different;
therefore, I exist!
Too fat! Go, damned
inches! Go, I say!
Interactive oral activity
1. The purpose of this exercise
is not just to present the
ideas you have found as you
have found them. You need
to use at least three sources,
read them, choose the ideas
you want to include in your
oral activity and present your
understanding of these ideas.
In other words, you need to
synthesize the information you
nd and reect on them before
you decide on the points to
include in your oral.
2. Be precise and concise. The
topics are too broad. You need
to narrow down your topic
in order for you to be able
to include all the points you
would like to emphasize in 10
minutes. Remember, the more
factual your oral presentation
is, the less impressive it
3. Remember to include specic
examples drawn from an
English-speaking culture. If you
decide to include examples
from your own culture,
these should be used only
to compare how the issue is
perceived in your culture VS
your chosen Anglophone one.
10 11
2 Communication and media Advertising
No one knows for sure why the numbers have increased so
much, but several factors could be to blame. For one, men
may fnally be feeling the pressure of physical perfection
that women have been dealing with for decades. With
every image of a waif-thin female in the media is an equally
unattainable image of a man sporting chiseled abs and a
super-lean physique. Even if they dont want to admit it,
some men feel pressure either from within or from society
to achieve the same lean, muscular look.
This leads to the second contributing factor, which is
that more and more men are fnally opening up about
their struggle with physical perfection. Women have
been discussing their body-image issues for years, but
men are often too embarrassed to admit they sufer from
similar issues and therefore rarely seek treatment or help
of any kind. As more men come forward and are properly
diagnosed, the statistics of men with eating disorders will
inevitably rise.
Finally, another big reason the numbers are increasing
is that men are fnally being properly diagnosed. A huge
obstacle for doctors has been that the symptoms of eating
disorders among men are slightly diferent than for women,
which are so well known by now that it can be fairly easy
to diagnose women. Since the symptoms doctors measure
eating disorders by arent tailored to men, many slip
through the diagnostic crack. In addition, many men might
not even realize they have an eating disorder because
they dont ft the stereotypical symptoms and so they
think they are simply engaging in normal male activities.
While its true that men develop eating disorders for the
same reasons women will genetics, low self-esteem,
trauma, and cultural infuences many develop
symptoms that are motivated by diferent emotional
factors and are thus harder to diagnose.
Thin vs. Muscular. It can be easier to diagnose females
with eating disorders because their obsession with weight
results in recognizable symptoms such as not eating,
purging, and dramatic weight loss. With men its a diferent
story. Mens obsession with weight usually manifests itself
in normal male behavior such as excessive exercise and
steroid use. Instead of striving to be super thin, men will
often strive to appear lean and muscular by dramatically
decreasing their percentage of body fat. Losing weight
and trying to bulk up are not bad goals, but they become
unhealthy behaviors once it turns into a desire for physical
perfection. This preoccupation with perfection is a big
indicator of body dysmorphic disorder, one of the leading
causes of eating disorders.
The fat kid and the athlete. Certain risk factors for
developing an eating disorder are specifc to men.
Men who were teased as children for being overweight
and athletes who must maintain a certain weight for
enhanced performance are more at risk for developing
eating disorders. Dieting is often the primary trigger and
symptoms usually develop later in life than they do for
Men face unique self-esteem and emotional issues that
require specifc treatment for an eating disorder. Luckily,
treatment tailored to men exists. By fnding a treatment
facility dedicated to your specifc needs, your chances
of recovery will be very high.
When we think about eating disorders we rarely picture men starving or purging themselves to be thin, but a
2007 Harvard University study revealed that men account for 25 percent of people sufering from anorexia or
bulimia. Thats more than double the previously reported statistic of 1 in 10, proving that manorexia, or men
with eating disorders, is on the rise and much more common than most people think.
No No No one one one kn kn kn kn k ow ows ow for s suure wh whhy t y t yy the he he e num num num nu ber ber ber b s h s h s h s have ave ave in in inncre cre cre rease ase ased s d s d so o o
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some mmmen en en n fee fee feel pres res re sur sure e e eeith ith ith i er eer e fro fro fro ro f m within or or r or or fro fro fro om s m s m soci oci ociety et e
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Reection point
In Section B, you have looked at advertising, radio &
television, health issues and subcultures in the Anglophone
culture/s. What has this section taught you about how
related the topics you have explored are?
What role do advertising, radio and television play in
shaping our understanding of certain issues? How can the
media be used to lend support to certain causes?
Are human beings affected by what the media project? Or
do the media reflect humans cultural and behavioural
How can a learner of a second language become a better
How can language be used to get the message across? What
do you have to do to deliver a speech and write a set of
guidelines, a magazine article or a diary entry?
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
12 13
2 Communication and media Advertising
The SL Written Assignment
AThe written assignment is a piece of writing (300-400 words)
which is based on an aspect related to one of the core topics:
Communication & media, Global issues, and Social relationships
that you have studied in class. The assignment requires that you
read three texts, understand them, and synthesise the ideas which
appear in them in the form of a continuous piece of writing. This
synthesis involves ability to identify key points in the three texts
and join them in a new form. To do this, you need to:
decide on an aim. Why are you using this information in your
written assignment? How will you shed light on the topic the
three texts share?
decide on the text type you will use. Which type of text best
delivers your message?
decide on an audience. Whom does your piece of writing
address? Why?
1. Begin by re-reading the texts on pages (X-X & X). What does
each text discuss? Do the texts have anything in common?
2. Which idea/s in the texts do you like best? Why? How can you
use these ideas? What type of text do you think best delivers
your message? Who is your audience? Why?
BIn pairs, discuss your answers to questions 1 and 2. How logical
is your partners approach? How applicable?
In addition to writing the assignment, you are required to submit
a rationale in which you specify your aims and show how you
achieved them.
3. After discussing the assignment with your partner, write your
The HL Written Assignment
AThe written assignment is a piece of creative writing (500-600
words) which is based on one of the two literary works you are
reading in class. It could be an alternative ending to the literary
work, a diary entry by one of the characters, a letter from one
character to another, etc. In your assignment, you have to show
understanding and appreciation of the literary work. To achieve
this, you have to:
reflect on the literary work: What is the works main theme?
How does the author present his/ her theme? How does the plot
support the theme? How are the characters portrayed? What
have you learned?
decide on the aim of your assignment. For example, you feel
that an alternative ending better conveys the message the
author tries to make, or you believe a certain event should be
further explored. Why are you writing your assignment? Are
you writing to highlight how a character feels at a certain point?
decide on the text type you will use. Which type of text best
delivers your message?
decide on an audience. Whom does your piece of writing
address? Why?
1. Begin by re-reading Welcome to Merryweather High. What is
the text about? How are the characters portrayed? What would
you like to explore further?
2. Which idea/s in the texts do you like best? Why? How can you
use these ideas? What type of text do you think best delivers
your message? Who is your audience? Why?
The following are examples of possible assignments based on the
Melindas diary entry for the remainder of the day.
A review of the opening chapter of the novel.
As a reporter for the Merryweather High School magazine, you
interview Heather and Melinda in and they discuss their
impressions of the new school.
A feature article on teenage fashions at Merryweather High
BIn pairs, discuss your answers to questions 1 and 2. How logical
is your partners approach? How applicable?
In addition to writing the assignment, you are required to submit
a rationale in which you specify your aims and show how you
achieved them.
3. After discussing the assignment with your partner, write your
14 15
2 Communication and media Advertising
Appreciating literary devices
1. Read the opening paragraph. How does the narrator create a
connection between him and the audience? What words or
expressions show he wants to convince his audience?
2. Why is the rst paragraph written in the past tense, but the rest
of the story is presented in present tense?
3. The title of the story appears as the rst line the narrator has in a
dialogue with Jayette. Find the other lines which mark dialogue
in the story. What conclusion can you make?
4. The story includes names of real actors and actresses but also
ctitious names. How does this affect reading the story? What do
you think the author is saying?
5. Why does the narrator mention meal times throughout the story?
6. Three women are introduced in the story. What do they mean to
the narrator? What roles do they have in the narrators life?
7. The saddest thing, according to the narrator, is that It seems to
me that everybody in their life is at least two people. How does
Boyds short story either defend or oppose this claim?
8. At Santa Monica pier, the narrator is mistaken for somebody
called Jordan, probably by Christopher Isherwood. What does
the author seem to suggest? Why does he recite the name of his
screenplay in relation to possibly meeting Isherwood.
9. How does nding out about the real Christopher Isherwood affect
your reading the story? What effect does the allusion have on
a. how you see the narrator?
b. how you understand Jayettes question Lucked-out yet??
c. how you interpret Boyds short story?
10. Other allusions include Camus and Jung. How do these affect the
1. What do you see as the most important points in the story? Why?
Summarise the story
a. in fewer than 100 words.
b. in fewer than 10 statements (or bullet points).
2. Describe the narrator.
a. How does he spend his day? What objectives does he have and does
he succeed in his pursuits? Why?
b. Imagine you are the agent who is helping him to nd work as an
actor on TV. Write an email to a casting director introducing your
client. What roles do you think he would be best suited for?
c. Look up the following words in a dictionary and discuss their
meaning and connotations. To what degree do the following words
t the narrators description:
strong obstinate vivacious bitter talented impetuous warm
honest broken ambitious withdrawn disillusioned normal sad
3. Based on your interpretation, what does the author want to say with
this short story?
a. Design a poster for the story.
b. Write out your take(s) on the theme as statement(s).
4. Revisit your thoughts about the title: has the meaning changed? Why?
5. Did the story meet your expectations? Why?
You can also try drafting a
rationale before deciding on
a text type to see where your
reading and interpretation
naturally lead to.
Consider carefully whether
the text type you have chosen
allows you best to illustrate the
features you mention in your
rationale. Your creative piece and
the rationale must support each
2 Communication and media

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