Report Accuses Transport Canada of Security Problem and Unethical Management

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Report Accuses Transport Canada of Security Problem and Unethical Management OTTAWA: Canadas marine security that contains

flaw that may put country in risk, said by a federal bureaucrat in an unofficial report. Ian Bron, 41 years old, who served as a Transport Canadas Chief of marine security regulation affairs between 2003 and 2006, indentified the flaw of the security in his December 2006 report. The flaw indentified included a lack of proper screening at marine facilities and some ship which not being covered by security regulations. This represents a big risk to the health and economic security of Canadians if the flaw is continued exists in the marine transportation sector. More specific flaw like barges are not covered by security regulation, domestic ferries are not regulated, did not included in the report, but it did reveal to the Canadian Press. Bron ended up having a court battle with his former superior because of content of the report that Bron written. Catherine Loubier, Cannons communication director, confirmed in the email that the Transport Minister knew about the report. Although there is Rights of freedom of speech, but Transport Canada spokeswoman Julia Ukrintz told that she cannot give further comment, this is be and she is sure that Canadas marine transportation system is the safest and most secure transportation system in the world, and the department also disagree with the content of Brons report. She also mentioned that some on-job training program that marine security inspector must take before they receive their credentials. But from the report, Bron said that Transport Canadas marine security headman lack of resource and training to ensure the safety regulation execute properly. Little or no action had been taken to address serious gaps in the regulations, the report adds. Transport Canada angered officials in Owen Sound, by setting up a barbed-wired antiterrorism fence along the local harbor. Since the port only see and international ship once every few years, so it was unnecessary. Brons report was released and at the same day, Transport Canada published another study the department high marks for its marine security initiatives. The Court Document filled last September charge Transport Canada senior management makes reprisals against Bron when he raises up the issues of report. The statement states that although incidents are excluded in the release report, they have been a lot of harassment by management. Travel irregularities such as trips to industry event with little operation utility, and management accepted expensive meals and drinks from industry representatives. Bron stated that managers in Transportation Canada Marine head frequently leak out information, which could offense the Rights of the Transport Security that keep information only to related people, to industry representative who lacked of background checks. A statement of defense filed last November says Bron is not a whistle-blower, because his charge are what he aware of "what he perceives to be injustices perpetuated against him and not about institutional wrong-doing that have a public interest component." It shows that Bron faces a harassment complaint by his former supervisor. None of the allegations has been proved in the court.

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