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EE5106 / ME5402: Advanced Robotics Part II: Dynamics MiniProject2

Instructions: 1. Write legibly. 2. List problems in order. 3. Staple answering sheets together. 4. State clearly any assumptions that you have made. You can use whatever tools available to you. 5. Put your name and matriculation number on the cover page, and submit the hardcopy of your answer to me (Room E4-05-28) by 23 April, 2012. Submit the original codes of the simualtion via IVLE with the file name as your registration number. Example: If your registration number is HT093376M then the file names must be HT093376M.rar. 6. Any student who is found to have committed the offence of plagiarism may be subject to disciplinary actions of the university.

A lower limb rehabilitation robot is developed at Social Robotics Lab, Interactive & Digital Media Institute (IDMI), The National University of Singapore (NUS). The robot is able to perform flexion-extension for the knee and hip by moving the links. The robotic system with 2 DOFs is equipped with two motors of the sufficient power to control both links of the robot.

Figure 1 The lower limb rehabilitation robot developed at Social Robotics Lab Both links are assumed to be cylinders with zero radiuses and the mass of each link is assumed to be lumped in the middle of the link. The lengths of the links are L1=0.31m, L2=0.34m. The lumped masses are m1=1.151kg, m2=2.142kg.

Figure 2 Schematics of the lower limb rehabilitation robot

Tasks: 1. Do a literature search on rehabilitation robots, such as eLEGS, HAL, MIT-MANUS, Lokomat, and related references that you can find from the literature and the web. Discuss the advantages of the wearable robotic system. 2. Indicate a set of generalized coordinates, and develop the kinematics of the robot, and develop a 3D simulation to demonstrate the flexion-extension movements of the robot, using any software or tools of your preference, such as MATLAB, MRDS, Visual Studio, ADAMS, SolidWorks, etc.

3. Derive the Lagrange-Euler equations in the form of D(q)q+C(q,q)q+G (q)= .

4. Make appropriate assumptions and design a PD control to make each joint track a desired trajectory. Discuss the pros and cons. 5. Make appropriate assumptions and design an adaptive control to make each joint track a desired trajectory. Discuss the pros and cons. 6. Discuss the importance of numerical simulations for the control system design. Carry out the numerical simulations to demonstrate the performance of the PD controller and the adaptive controller using any software or tools of your preference, such as MATLAB, MRDS, Visual Studio, ADAMS, SolidWorks, etc. 7. To develop a rehabilitation robot capable of interacting with patients in different contexts, propose a method to make the robot compliant to the external force. (Hint: impedance control introduced in the lecture notes is a possible solution.) 8. (Optional) Discuss the possible approaches to improve the motivations of the patients in the training process.

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