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University of Idaho

Scholarship Proposal

Experimental Design: Human-Powered Hydrofoil

A Proposal to the Student Grant Proposal Committee

Submitted to: The Student Grant Program of the University of Idaho 709 Deakin Avenue Moscow. ID 83843

Submitted by: Gustavo Guillen Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Idaho

Gustavo Guillen 406 W C. St Moscow, ID 83843 Feburary 24, 2012 SGP, University of Idaho 709 Deakin Avenue Moscow, ID 83843 Dear Student Grant Proposal Committee, To begin, I would first like to thank you for the time taken to present my proposal. The following content contains my ideas for a design project that will not benefit me, but potentially the University as a whole. For the Spring 2012 semester of ME 430, Senior Experimental Design, a fellow colleague and I have taken on the task of experimenting with a self-propelled hydrofoil, the AquaSkipper, a recreational watercraft. At its current state, customer satisfaction is relatively low and not fulfilling expectations. Customers are not particularly satisfied with the quality of specific parts of the watercraft or the learning curve associated with the operation of the AquaSkipper. Our job is to determine why particular components of the AquaSkipper are prone to failure and how we can alter the current design to make it more robust, as well as determining the aspects of learning how to operate the craft that we perceive as being difficult. Arrangements have already been made with the head of Memorial Gyms pool keeper. As such, the design team will carry out experiments in the University pool at pre-arranged times (already scheduled). This project will have a significant impact on my academic career, such that I will be able to gain invaluable experience in working with a product already out on the market. This will also allow me to utilize skills learned earlier in my career to set up and carry out practical experiments to analyze and develop a prototype. Moreover, the results of this project will have a direct positive influence on the reputation of the University of Idaho. With proper funding, this project can be made possible for us and the inventor of the AquaSkipper, Shane Chen. Success in our experimental design would further expand the University of Idahos network into the industrial market spectrum, providing future hands-on opportunities for students in upcoming semesters of ME 430, giving them an upper-hand over students from other Universities in the job market. Sincerely,

Gustavo Guillen

Proposal Narrative
As part of the ME 430 Senior Experimental Design curriculum, students are asked to select a design project of choice. This semester, students were encouraged to organize into groups of two or three. As such, Kirkwood Hines and I have partnered to revise the design of an existing product on the market: the AquaSkipper. The AquaSkipper is a self-propelled hydrofoil based on a similar design first marketed in 1996. The very first human-powered hydrofoil was the German engineered Wasserlufer in 1953. Since then, numerous designs have been constructed by the private sector. Like all self-propelled hydrofoils, the AquaSkipper runs solely on the operators strength by hopping up and down on the stern of the craft. The foot platform is connected to a large (7 foot) hydrofoil just underneath the waters surface which provides the majority of the lift and propulsion to move forward, while the front canard wing is used to stabilize and steer the craft. With the correct hopping rhythm, the rider is able to glide across the water at speeds of up to 17mph. The target audiences for the AquaSkipper are water sport enthusiasts and athletes alike. Similar to other water-based activities, such as wind surfing, wakeboarding, and water skiing, the AquaSkipper is purely used for recreation while providing an invigorating cardiovascular workout. The intension of this project is to analyze and possibly re-design the construction and geometry of this product due to some apparent problems based on online comments and product reviews. These issues primarily include the fabrication and operation of the hydrofoil; nearly every piece of plastic has cracked and/or broken off. There have been several reports of people spending many hours over 2-3 days trying to get it to go. These issues do not prevent the product from working, but its quality and functionality are the biggest cause of the lack of user satisfaction. Our goal is to analyze the current design and identify the problem areas (weak frame, poor joint construction, etc). After identifying the central weaknesses, we will revamp the current design of the AquaSkipper, focusing on ease of use and performance of the product itself. This includes the time it takes to learn how to use the hydrofoil and the amount of energy required to use it, as well as revising the overall durability of the materials used. The specific objectives are: Analyze and determine where stress concentrations exist on the frame of the AquaSkipper and validate locations with strain gauges. Based on the analysis above, model some possible alternatives to the AquaSkipper geometry, also making it more ergonomic, therefore making it easier to operate.

With proper funds, our team would be able to purchase at least two AquaSkippers, available for $200 each (negotiated for half the market price of $400) as well as the necessary equipment

to carry out the experiments to validate our objectives, such as strain gauges and an Xplorer GLX handheld data logger and acquisition system.

Self-Notes: the scope of this project includes. Explain how the grant will help in funding the project lit. review goes here! quotes, sources, articulate budget Importance Patented in April of 2006, the AquaSkipper was the second filed patent for a selfpropelled hydrofoil device. The design previous to the AquaSkipper, the Trampofoil, was created by Swedish Engineer Alexander Sahlin in 1996. The Trampofoil is no longer being produced due to an inadequate marketing campaign. To prevent the AquaSkipper from going in the same direction, Mr. Hines and I have taken up the task of analyzing the current AquaSkipper design in hopes of making it more user-friendly, as well as improving user satisfaction. In working with this project, Kirkwood and I will have the opportunity to work with a real world company, allowing us to get practical, hands-on experience with professional practices, such as project management, critical thinking techniques, and math modeling (a chance not very common in an undergraduate mechanical engineering course). Additionally, it will give us an opportunity to work in a paired team environment, as well as giving us experience with managing a budget on a professional level. Not only would the AquaSkipper project have an immediate benefit to Kirkwood and I, but some expectations for future sustainability for the University include the possibility of organizing a co-op with the AquaSkipper designer and Inventist Inc. founder, Shane Chen and the University of Idaho. Even though the notion of a co-op has not yet been proposed, it may potentially provide future students with projects working with a variety of similar and interesting products from Inventist Inc. Success of the project would also have a significant market impact for the company and the AquaSkipper: the improvements will help establish a better reputation of the product leading to better sales. Moreover, the associated research and boost in sales will always be tied to the University of Idaho, affiliating it with contributions to the community and regional businesses. Self-notes: Skills: How to manage a budget on a professional level Improves Project management skills Gives an opportunity to work in a paired team environment why is it relevant?? why is this important to me?

Methods For this project, an evaluation of the current design is a crucial first step. Through this evaluation, the team can construct a basic math model that only highlights the fundamental aspects for the function of the AquaSkipper, specifically the joints/connections, rear foil, handlebars, fiberglass spring, and the front canard. Once the math model has been drafted, the next step is to brainstorm preliminary designs based on said math model. The preliminary design will lead into our first iteration on the prototype design (number of iterations are dependent on the time available). Stress concentrations will then be pinpointed using strain gauges attached to the Xplorer GLX handheld data acquisition system. This device allows us to connect directly to a laptop to import all the data collected (i.e. strain on a particular joint when operator hops on the platform). Using the same device, an optimum hopping frequency can be found and documented, allowing the operator to maintain a sufficient speed to stay afloat. Through the same process and data acquisition, the team can better articulate and emphasize a proper launch technique given this is the biggest cause of user complaints. Once all the data has been analyzed and interpreted, a final report will be written to disseminate to our professor, the AquaSkipper designer, and the University itself. Timeline

Figure 1. Project Timeline

[1] AquaSkipper Hydrofoil Watercraft, [2] Chen, Shane. AquaSkipper, [3] Brooks, A.N. (1984). The Flying Fish hydrofoil. Human Power, Vol. 3 No. 2, S.18. [4] Owers, D.J. (1985). Development of a Human-Powered Racing Hydrofoil. Human Power, Vol. 3 No. 3, S. 11-15 [5] Brooks, A.N. (1986). The 20 Knot Human Powered Water Craft. Human Power, Vol. 6 No. 1, S.1,814. [6] MacCready, P. (1990). Features of flapping-wing propulsion. Human Power, Vol. 8 No. 2, S. 9,10, 1316.

Additional Information
Institutional Resources Available The only resources that are currently available to the team is a place to test the AquaSkipper (Memorial Gym swimming pool). No other resources are necessary in the experimentation process of the design revision for this project. Other Sources of Funding Minimal, but generous backing funds are available from Dr. Elger (approx. $75 if needed). Also, the ME 430 class has reserved $50 per student per team for use in design projects (giving us $100 in immediate available funds). These funds are wished to be reserved for unforeseen costs for materials or equipment needed as the project progresses. Plan to Disseminate to the University Dissemination will initially only be presented directly to Dr. Elger in the form of a formal report. After review, a presentation will be made to share the information collected over the course of the project to the ME 430 class. If the aforementioned co-op has been proposed, the team will disseminate to the department head of mechanical engineering, John Crepeau. Regulatory Committee Approvals This project is not subject to review by a regulatory committee. The following are not involved in the production of this experiment: 1. Human subjects 2. Experimental animals 3. Biohazards, recombinant DNA, or radiation 4. Select agents, or high consequence livestock pathogens and toxins 5. Export and re-export controls


[1] AquaSkipper Hydrofoil Watercraft, [2] Chen, Shane. AquaSkipper, [3] Brooks, A.N. (1984). The Flying Fish hydrofoil. Human Power, Vol. 3 No. 2, S.18. [4] Owers, D.J. (1985). Development of a Human-Powered Racing Hydrofoil. Human Power, Vol. 3 No. 3, S. 11-15 [5] Brooks, A.N. (1986). The 20 Knot Human Powered Water Craft. Human Power, Vol. 6 No. 1, S.1,814. [6] MacCready, P. (1990). Features of flapping-wing propulsion. Human Power, Vol. 8 No. 2, S. 9,10, 1316. Pogo Foil!!! 1953 hydrofoil Wasserlufer German

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