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Employee Engagement implemented by Dell :

Dell is a global, technology organization and one of the worlds leading brands. Based in Texas, Dell employs more than 80,000 people worldwide. The Problem In 2008, an internal survey, Tell Dell highlighted increasing disengagement amongst employees becoming more pronounced at senior levels The organization realized that it needed to review its business model in order to remain competitive and hence increase employee engagement. Dell wanted a learning and development initiative which would re-energize and re-engage senior leaders, equip them with the tools to rethink strategy, and help them to revitalize the organization. The Solution Currently running into two locations, the United States, and Singapore, the learning solution consists of two distinct programs. The EXCEL program targets global directors. It aims to reinvigorate this talented group and to provide them with the tools, support and opportunity to rethink their businesses, re-engage their organizations and re-energize themselves. The EDGE program aims to reinvigorate high-potential vice presidents and to deepen their dialogue with each other and with Dell CEO, Michael Dell. The program equips participants to take an active part in defining a game-changing future. During the program, Michael Dell speaks directly to participants to share important learning from his own experiences. He talks about where Dell is, where it is going, and how it can get there in new ways. He also discusses with participants the projects they work on during the program. He deeply challenges participants thinking and gives them new perspectives on strategy and planning. Ongoing coaching support for participants on both programs ensures that new thinking and learning continues and has a real impact on the organization. The Results Qualitative improvements include enhanced teamwork, cross-functional coordination, employee engagement and customer understanding. Participants on both programs report that they feel more positive and re-energized, and have a better understanding of what it means to be a global leader.

Dell Uses Social Media to Foster Employee Ideas and Engagement A social media platform, dubbed Employee Storm allows Dells worldwide community of more than 80,000 employees to post and discuss ideas on topics ranging from product upgrades and innovation to critiques of company policies, facilities improvements and benefits. Ideas submitted by employees through Employee Storm are segmented into those for customers, such as new product ideas, and those for employees and are then routed to the right departments for consideration. In-house messages Tools like in-house phone calls and executive Web chats allow staffers to hear messages directly from their leaders. Mobile messaging High use of smartphones means mobile messaging can help executives better connect withemployees on a personal level. Many studies have often linked a companys profitability to employee productivity, and thus to morale. The outcomes tend to show that employees who are happy with their jobs and employers, perform better, resulting in higher productivity and profitability. It became obvious that financial motivation was not enough. Michael Dell created a culture in which the companys employees were given clear expectations for their jobs, as well as given the opportunity to learn and grow. Employees were encouraged to be direct, even if it meant challenging their bosses. They were also expected to hold themselves accountable for their assigned goals. Dell employees were also encouraged to work as a team, and think fearlessly and out-of the-box. Michael stressed to his employees that innovation is about taking risks, and learning from failure. Some of the things that Dell did to improve employee morale included: Giving the employees more feedback Giving the employees an opportunity to participate more in the decision-making Being more honest and open with lower level employees. Giving the employees more flexibility in their work schedules and locations.

Promoting an environment that values individual differences engages people in decisionmaking and encourages employees at all levels and across all parts of the company to work as a team.

Employee engagement program Tell Dell program - Encourages employees to speak frankly about Dells policies, managerial effectiveness, welfare program, grievances etc. Employee networking group (NWG)- Its a platform where Dell employees who share common ethnicity, nationality & lifestyle meet together and share their views. Cross cultural skills- Dell offers workshops where different cultural norms of different countries are taught & executed. Career management program- Through an intensive, six-month Career Management Program, it strives to develop and retain the talent pool. Engagement requires understanding and buy-in to the dream! Understanding is built on good communication, clarity of purpose and teamwork. Also recognizing & acting upon the fact that people need to have fun and a bigger sense of community. Applying equal focus to building a great company & a great place to work. Competency based hiring drive for results, flexibility, tolerance for ambiguity are key attributes. Objectives agreed and reviewed quarterly with each employee. Expectation that each employee has an Individual Development plan which is worked on with direct manager. Minimum 40 hours training per employee per year. Meritocracy pay for performance and profit related bonuses. Open job postings advertised with preference given to internal candidates. Focus on non-work personal development. Community Involvement/volunteerism actively encouraged. Volunteering to work on green initiatives at work and in their communities, sharing ideas and best practices, and participating in carpooling and telework programs are just a few of the ways our employees share the responsibility of protecting our environment.

Sports and Social events

Learn make a connection that aligns with your passion Engage give time and talent through team-building activities

Commit contribute directly to change

"By far, the best executive leadership development program at Dell! Programme participant.

Talent Management and Career Progression at Dell:

Growth and Learning in DELL At Dell, most learning and development is gained through on-the-job experience and assignments, while the remainder includes interacting with others through networking, coaching and mentoring, and through formal learning programs. Learning through Experience It is important to carefully plan development that will prepare team members for future roles at Dell. Planning development through experiences translates into identifying the new assignments and job changes that can provide the greatest impact to a desired skill set.

Learning through Others Building an informal network, creating relationships and receiving feedback are critical to personal and professional development. Activities such as coaching and mentoring provide the guidance and support to help improve performance and grow capabilities. Assessments such as the 360-degree process provide insight so that individuals can identify opportunities for continued growth and improvement. Training and Learning Programs Dell offers a variety of formal and informal learning programs that target individual development. These courses are directly tied to business needs and are designed to develop specific competencies in the Leadership Framework, the model used to define and describe the set of core leadership competencies that are key to success at Dell. Dell training courses help prepare Dell team members for their current and future roles and cover a wide range of content, including leadership and the Dell culture, diversity, BPI, business and financial acumen, and more. Most Popular

Work Life Effectiveness Health and Wellness Growth and Learning Retirement

Career path in dell Flexibility. Meritocracy. Global mobility. These are the distinguishing features of a career at Dell. offers people the unique freedom to experience different areas of the business and that means unlimited opportunity for the ambitious.

Success of Professional Career Paths For professional career paths to be successful, the corporate executive team, the managers, and the individual contributors combine as an interdependent team. Academic preparation plays a significant role in the effectiveness and, ultimately, the success of this corporate team. At Dell Computer Corporation, the components of the "Performance Management Process" comprise the elements required for successful careers and, therefore, for corporate success. Those components include * Corporate vision * Differentiated job levels * Performance plans * Monitoring, communication, and feedback * Performance appraisals Each member of the corporate team contributes differently and is responsible and accountable to the other team members. Corporate Responsibilities To support successful careers, the corporation has a responsibility to provide employees with * Its corporate vision * Consistently administered policies and procedures * Differentiated job levels through clearly defined job descriptions * Continuing education and training for state-of-the-art expertise

Vision Organizations, careers, and projects sometimes fail simply because of the lack of a commonly held vision. Strategies, tactics, and career/project plans are an outgrowth of vision. To be optimally effective in producing success, corporate vision must be shared with and embraced by every employee, executive management team, middle managers, and individual contributor alike. Policies Corporate policies and procedures provide a framework for employees and managers that enhances and advances the objectives of the organization. When policies are communicated clearly and implemented consistently across the organization, a credible corporate culture that produces confidence and mutual trust among the corporate players emerges. Job Descriptions For professionals to understand how to grow within their career paths, job descriptions must differentiate the job levels clearly. The following differentiators should be addressed for every level within the technical communication career path (Dell job description manual 1993): * Specific duties * Specific responsibilities * Level of technical knowledge and expertise * Key competencies in the technical communications discipline and in the technical community * Level of education or experience equivalency * Years of experience * Level of supervision * Leadership expectations * Teamsmanship expectations * Crossover skills * Interactions with other professionals * Professional association, recognition, and contributions

Continuing Education Establishing a top-tier technical communication department requires both hiring professionals who have either the best academic preparation or experience required by the department and investing in their continuing education and training for refreshing and retaining state-of-the-art skills. Time is a critical element. The forward-looking corporation establishes an expectation for every professional technical communicator to devote a stipulated amount of time each year to professional education. Budget is another critical element. The department should allot an annual budget for training; college courses; reference materials; and subscriptions to trade magazines, periodicals, and online services, so that professionals have the opportunity to study about contemporary advances in tools, technology, media, and techniques. Managers' Responsibilities Ultimately, the department manager is responsible for attracting, developing, and retaining professionals with the appropriate balance of expertise to create the technical information needed by the corporation. After interviewing and hiring an entry-level professional, managers are responsible for assisting that individual in reaching his or her career potential as a professional technical communicator. The immediate manager is responsible for these elements within the "Performance Management Process": * Weekly or biweekly one-on-one meetings with each employee under his or her supervision: * Weekly or biweekly department meetings for sharing corporate and departmental communications: * Performance plans, updated or rewritten each year: The manager reviews, annotates, approves, and files the plan as an agreement for the next year's work. * Monitoring and feedback: determined by the level of competence and commitment displayed by the professional. * Career planning sessions on a regular basis * Continuing education opportunities * Informal performance reviews on a regular basis * Performance appraisals on a regular basis:

Organizational HR Planning is Dells semi-annual talent review process involving robust conversations about the organization and talent Through the OHRP process, Assess current level of talent and leadership bench strength for the top three levels in the organization Identify the next generation of leaders and accelerating their development Review Current and Future Talent needs and strategies to address the needs Encourage open dialogue between team members and their managers on career development OHRP feeds the People Planning process Staffing Plans Provides our leaders with greater knowledge of, visibility to, and involvement in the development of our future leaders

Individual Development Plans Given where the employees aspires to go, and current development opportunities what are the areas that the employee needs to focus on developing Individual growth, contribution, and accomplishment Progression along a well-defined career path

Benefits of Establishing Successful Career Paths Creating, communicating, and implementing successful career paths result in greater retention of the most valued employees. In addition, it cultivates an overall high morale within the corporation and contributes to an environment in which people are highly motivated to produce quality documentation. It provides a continuum or progression parallel to those of other industry professionals, such as engineers and computer programmers, which encourages professional growth and promotes job satisfaction. It is one difference between having an average job and having a career with pride in corporate affiliation.

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