Russian Body Armour

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Already by the mid-70s were equipped with body armor these units, many of Interna l Affairs and in fact

until the mid 80s they were the only means of protection f or our police. Since the mid 70's Institute of Steel was commissioned a large cycle of works on equipping special units KGB, later became known as the group "Alpha". Perhaps o ne of the major customers of body armor has not made much of value in the emergi ng image of the modern body armor, as employees of private agencies. Their vocab ulary was the word "change." Any change at a critical time could be fatal for th em, so the thoroughness with which new products were worked out jointly body arm or and today commands respect. Sophisticated medical, ergonomic testing, rigorou s evaluation of operational parameters in the most unexpected situations, the en dless testing of protective armor as an option - it's all here was the norm.

The first generation of military body armor. As for the vests for the army, there is little work until the late 70s and did n ot come from the search phase. Causes - a very strict requirements for military body armor and the lack of light bronemateriaov. All previous models of body arm or, both domestic and imported, used as the basis of high-strength nylon or ball istic nylon. Unfortunately, these materials provide, at best, the average level of ballistic resistance, were not able to provide better protection. In 1979, the limited contingent of Soviet troops had entered Afghanistan. The co urse of events showed that the troops had not only to assist the people of this country, but also to fight against armed insurgents. In a hurry to Afghanistan h ad been sent to the first series of new body armor 6B2. This vest was establishe d in 1978 at the Institute began in conjunction with the Central Institute for t he garment industry (TSNIISHP) using a previously developed design solutions for the Interior Ministry ordered the vest ZHZT-71m. In 1981, the body armor was ad opted for the supply of the Soviet Armed Forces, called M-81 (GRAU index - 6B2). Its protective composition consisted of a titanium armored ADU-605-80 1.25 mm t the heart in two rows of three pla hick (19 to the chest, including in the area of tes in 2 layers) and the ballistic screen made of aramid fabric TSVM, J. ( 30 la yers). When the mass of 4.8 kg BZ provide protection from shrapnel and pistol bu llets. Bullets to confront long-barreled weapons srelkovogo he could no longer ( 7.62 x 39 bullet cartridge pierced the protective composition is already at dist ances of 400-600 meters). Incidentally, an interesting fact. Cover of this armor was made of nylon fabric, fastened it to the new-fangled then "Velcro". All thi s gave the product a "foreign" appearance. What gave rise to numerous rumors tha t the BZ were purchased overseas - not in the Czech Republic, not in the GDR, if not in some kapstrane.

M-81 bullet-proof vest (6B2) The war went on, and experience shows that the F-81 body armor for optimal prote ction is not enough manpower. Therefore, the troops began to arrive 6B3TM vests. The security package consists of 25 plates ADU-605T-83 titanium alloy VT-23 wit h thickness of 6.5 mm (13 in the chest and 12 on the back) and fabric bags made of 30 layers of fabric TVSM, J. (in the chest and back). A flak jacket weighed 1 2 pounds, and in connection with a significant weight vests were replaced 6B3TM01 with differentiated protection (chest - from small arms fire, spin - from shr apnel and pistol bullets.) Body armor 6B3TM-01 consisted of 13 plates ADU-605T-8 3 titanium alloy VT-23 with thickness of 6.5 mm on the chest plates and 12 ADU-6 05-80 titanium alloy VT-14 1.25 mm thick on the back, fabric bags of 30 layers o f fabric, J. TVSM on the chest and back. A flak jacket weighed about 8 pounds.

Body armor consisted of a front and back, joined at the shoulder area of the texti le belt-buckle and fastening pryazhechnym to adjust for growth. Front and back c overs are composed of products that are tissue protective pockets and the pocket s of power armor elements. Outside of the covers are pockets in the front - to 4 stores and breast pocket on the back - for 4 hand grenades and cape. An interesting feature of the vests and 6B3TM 6B3TM-01 is that they used a titan ium armor with differentiated thickness hardness. Raznotverdost in titanium was achieved by a unique technology of processing with the use of HDTV. These vests were adopted in 1985 under the designation M-85T (6B3TM) and G-85T-0 1 (6B3TM-01).

Body armor 6B3TM-01 In 1984 he was put into mass production of body armor 6B4. And adopted in 1985 u nder the designation F-85K. In the body armor used by 6B4 ceramic plates, as opp osed to a series of bullet-proof vests 6B3, which used titanium. Through the app lication of ceramic body armor protective elements 6B4 to protect against heat-c ored bullets and armor-piercing incendiary bullets. Body armor 6B4 circular provided protection from bullets and shrapnel, but his w eight was 10 to 15 pounds (depending on version), and having gone the way of bod y armor was created 6B3 6B4 lightweight version-01 (F-85K-01) with differentiate d protection (chest - the bullet fragments and small arms, back - from pistol bu llets and shrapnel). A series of bullet-proof vests 6B4 included several modifications, which differ by the number of ceramic plates: 6B4-O (10.5 kg), 6B4-P (12.2 kg), 6B4-C (15.6 k g), 6B4-01-D ( 7.6 kg), 6B4-01-P (8.7 kg). The protective elements are 30 layers of fabric and ceramic plates TVSM ADU from Boron Carbide: 6B4-O and 16 on the chest and back; 6B4-P - 20 on the chest and back; 6B4-C - 30 and 2 6 on the chest on the back. We vests 6B4-01 on the back plate ADU-605-80 titaniu m alloy VT-14 1.25 mm thick (01-6B4-O - 12 plates). 6B4 consists of front and back, joined at the shoulder area of the textile belt-bu ckle and fastening pryazhechnym to adjust for growth. Front and back covers are composed of products that are tissue protective pocket (back) pocket (front) and blocks the pockets of armor elements. The product is supplied with two spare armor elements. Case 6B4 product as opposed to cover 6B3 TM has breast pocket, and he lengthened rib section, protecting the lower abdome n. In later models appeared ballistic collar.

Body armor 6B4-01 The final in a series of first-generation Russian vests body armor is a series o f 6B5. The series was created in the Institute began in 1985 after a series of r esearch works to identify standartizovanyh model of body armor. 6B5 series based on the already developed and in use, and vests included 19 variants, differing levels of protection area, the appointment. The hallmark of this series is a mod ular approach to building security. ie each successive model in the series could be generated from the unified defense units. As the latter provides modules on the basis of tissue structures, titanium, ceramics and steel.

Body armor 6B5-19

Body armor 6B5 adopted in 1986 under the designation F-86. The new jacket was a case in which the ballistic screens placed soft tissue of the TSVM-J, and so-cal led circuit boards, which were placed in the pockets of armor plate. In the comp osition of the protective armor can be used the following types: ceramic ADU 14. 20.00.000, titanium ADU-605T-83 and ADA-605-80 5.14 ADU and steel thickness of 3 .8 mm. Early models had body armor covers of nylon cloth of various shades of green or gray-green color. There were also party to the covers of x / cotton fabric with a camouflage pattern (two-tone for the KGB and the MVD of the USSR, the tri-colo r - for the Navy and Marine Corps). Following the adoption of combined-arms camo uflage colors "Flora", a bulletproof vest, and 6B5 was produced with the camoufl age pattern. Body armor 6B5 consists of front and back, joined at the shoulder area of the text ile belt-buckle and fastening pryazhechnym to adjust for growth. Before and back rest are made up of covers, which are tissue protective pockets and pockets of p ower and armor elements. The protective properties are preserved after exposure to moisture by using water-repellent protective covers for the pocket. Body armo r is equipped with two waterproof covers for protective pockets, two spare armor elements and bag. All models are equipped with a ballistic vest collar. In a ca se outside of the vest has pockets to store automatic weapons and other items. I n the shoulder area includes rollers that prevent slippage gun belt with a shoul der. The main modifications: 6B5 and 6B5-11. Protects chest and back of the fragments and bullets and guns TM APS. Material s afety package - 30 layers of fabric, J. TSVM. Weight - 2.7 and 3.0 kg respective ly. 6B5-1 6B5-12. Protects chest and back from the fragments of guns and bullets PM, APS, PSM and TT has enhanced ballistic resistance. Material of the protective bag - titanium plate ADU-605-80 1.25 mm thick and 30 layers of fabric, J. TSVM. Weight - 4.7 an d 5.0 kg respectively. 6B5-6B5-4 and 15. Protects chest and back of the bullet fragments and small arms. Material of the protective bag - ceramic plates ADU boron carbide (22 in the front pocket of the module and the module 15 in the spinal cord) and 30 layers of fabr ic, J. TSVM. Weight - 11.8 and 12.2 kg respectively. 6B5-6B5-5 and 16. Designed to protect the breasts - from bullets and fragments of small arms, back - from the shrapnel and pistol bullets. Material safety package: chest module 8 titanium armor elements ADU-605T-83 6.5 mm thick, 3-5 titanium armor elements ADU-605-80 1.25 mm thick and the fabric package of 30 layers of fabric TSVM, J. ; back section - 7 titanium armor elements ADU-605-80 1.25 mm thick and the fabr ic package of 30 layers of fabric, J. TSVM. Weight - 6.7 and 7.5 kg respectively . 6B5-6B5-6 and 17. Designed to protect the breasts - from bullets and fragments of small arms, back - from the shrapnel and pistol bullets. Material safety package: chest module 8 steel armor elements ADU 14.05. thickness of 3.8 (4.3) mm, 3-5 titanium armor elements ADU-605-80 1.25 mm thick and the fabric package of 30 layers of fabric TSVM, J.; back section - 7 titanium armor elements ADU-605-80 thickness of 1 25 mm tissue package of 30 layers of fabric, J. TSVM. Weight - 6.7 and 7.5 kg resp ectively. 6B5-6B5-7 and 18. Designed to protect the breasts - from bullets and fragments of small arms, back - from the shrapnel and pistol bullets. Material safety package: chest module titanium plate ADU-605T-83 6.5 mm thick and 30 layers of fabric TSVM, J.; spina l unit - 30 layers of fabric, J. TSVM. Weight - 6.8 and 7.7 kg respectively. 6B5-6B5-8 and 19.

Designed to protect the breasts - the bullets of small arms and fragments (third degree of protection of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense); back - fro m the shrapnel and bullets and guns TM APS. Material safety package: module Ches t - 6 steel plates of thickness 5.14 ADU 3.8 (4.3) mm and 5-7 titanium plate ADU -605-80 1.25 mm thick and the fabric package of 30 layers of fabric TSVM-J, dors al Module - Tissue pack of 30 layers of fabric, J. TSVM. Weight - 5.7 and 5.9 kg respectively. Body armor, and 6B5-11 6B5-12 have ballistic protection. They were designed to c alculate artillery, missile systems, ACS, l / s headquarters, support units, etc . Body armor 6B5-13 6B5-14 6B5-15 provide bulletproof protection, and a circular i ntended to l / s units, performing short-term special combat missions (assault, etc.). Body armor 6B5-16 6B5-17 6B5-18 6B5-19 differential protection intended to l / N combat units, Navy and Marine Corps of the Navy. After making a series of bullet-proof vests for the supply of 6B5, the rest made for the supply of body armor has been decided to leave the troops to their full replacement. But in fact, vest 6B3TM-01 remained in the army and in the 90s, wh ere he was actively involved in local wars and conflicts in the former Soviet Un ion. Body armor 6B5 produced until 1998, and removed from the supply in 2000, le aving in service in the army jackets to full replacement of modern products. Fro m this it follows that the series of body armor, "Beehive" (6B3, 6B4, 6B5) in di fferent modifications are still in some parts. Body armor series "visor" consist of the chest and spinal cord sections, connect ed to the shoulder area and belt buckles nap-pryazhechnym compound in the zone, which allows to adjust the vest for growth. In the sections of the belt connecti on is made through a pile fasteners and a belt with a carabiner and hook. Sectio n consists of the external covers, which are located inside the fabric shields w ith external pockets for placing armor elements (two in the chest, and a section on the spinal cord). The rib section is hinged apron to protect the groin. On t he reverse side of the chest and spinal cord sections are dampers that ensure re duction of contusion impact. The design of the damper provides natural ventilati on podzhiletnogo space. Body armor has a collar, consisting of front and back, w hich serves to protect the neck by shrapnel. The connection of these parts nap b uckles can adjust their positions. Adjusting units are compatible with body armo r vest adjusting transport nodes 6SH92-4, intended for distribution and transpor tation equipment items from the kit worn by the military part of the basic equip ment of the individual military specialties NE, Navy, Navy, Marine Corps, etc. Body armor, depending on version, equipped with a Quick-fabric, steel and (or) O rgano-ceramic armor "Granite-4." The design of the protective package exclude th e possibility of ricocheting bullets at angles of approach of 30-40 degrees from normal. In the body armor provides protection for the shoulders and neck of a s erviceman. Top of body armor has a protective camouflage coloring, water-repelle nt and does not support combustion. All materials used are manufactured BZ resis tant to corrosive liquids, non-toxic, nonflammable, explosion-proof, does not ir ritate the skin in direct contact with the human body. Body armor can be used in all climatic zones, and retain their protective properties at temperatures from -50 C to +50 C, as well as exposure to moisture. Time of continuous wear, at le ast: 6B12-1 - 24, 6B13 - 5:00. Domestic vests the XXI century. In the early twenty-first century, came the next stage of development BKIE - pro ject "barmitsa-2". As part of this project in 2004 under the designation 6B21 (6 B22) was adopted for the supply of military protective kit (GCB) "Permyachka-O." It is designed to protect the vital organs of the military defeat of small arms round protection from shell splinters, landmines, grenades, protects against za

bronevoy local contusion injury, thermal factors, inclement weather, mechanical damage, while providing concealment, accommodation and transportation of arms, a mmunition and other elements in the management of all types of combat operations . In the Great Hall of the "Permyachka-O" includes: -Protective overalls or jacket and trousers; -Vest; -Protective helmet; -Goggles; Protective mask; Vest-purpose transport 6SH92; - Protective boots; - Ventilated clothes; - Raid 6SH106 backpack and other elements of equipment; -Addition of the kit can be included - camouflage suit summer and winter camoufl age suit. The basis of the suit, depending on the version, are either protective suit jack et and pants to protect from small fragments (1 g weight, at speeds up to 140 m / s) and an open flame (not less than 10 seconds). Body armor and helmet is made on the first level of protection and protection against bladed weapons and frag ments weighing 1 g, at speeds of up to 540m / s. To protect the vital organs (ZH VO) from the defeat of small arms bullets, body armor reinforced steel or cerami c armor third (modified 6B21-1 6B22-1) or 4-level protection (modified 6B21-6B22 -2, and 2). Armor of the 4th level of protection "Breastplate-4A" and "Breastplate-4K" is a composite structure based on the ergonomically shaped aramid fabrics, ceramics, and polymeric binder of two types: aluminum oxide ("Breastplate-4A"), or silicon carbide ("Breastplate -4K "). The design of armor plates "Breastplate-4A" and " Breastplate-4K" is the development of technical solutions framework on BP "Grani te-4." The protective properties of the GCB does not change in the temperature range fr om minus 40 to plus 40 C and stored after exposure to moisture (rain, sleet, etc .). The outer fabric of the main elements of the GCB and the backpack has water repellent impregnation raid. There are six major modifications GCB "Permyachka-O": 6B21, 6B21-1 6B21-2, 6B22, 6B22-1 6B22-2. The weight of the significant, but do not forget that it is still set consisting of 20 elements. Weight of ballistic GCB (6B21/6B22) - 8.5 kg, GCB enhanced bron eblokom 3rd level - 11 kg., GCB enhanced broneblokom Level 4 - 11 kg. On the basis of military protective kit manufactured protective camouflage snipe r kit, further comprising the elements of military camouflage - a set of camoufl age capes, camouflage mask, masking tape on the sniper rifle and more. Protective Combat Kit "Permyachka-O" was tested during the fighting in the North Caucasus, where he showed, in general, positive results. Minor issues related t o, basically, some elements of the set of ergonomics. In 2003 GMP class was developed by a combined-arms vest, which was accepted for delivery in 2004 under the designation 6B23. Body armor consists of a rib and spinal cord sections, connected to each other i n the shoulder area with the help of jacks, and a belt - the outer part of the b elt fastening and hinged flap. Between the layers of shielding sections are pock ets to accommodate the fabric, steel or ceramic panels. To protect the neck coll ar is BZ. At the side of the belt attachment placed shields designed to protect the sides. On the facing sides of the body sections of a ventilation-absorbing s ystem in the form of vertical strips of foam that reduce zapregradnogo (contusio n), and the impact of ventilation podzhiletnogo space. Body armor can be combine d with traffic vest or 6SH92 6SH104. Body armor is equipped with armor plates of different levels of protection. Ches t - Cloth (2 level of protection), steel (3 levels of protection), Ceramic (4 le vels of protection). Dorsal - fabric and steel.

Weight vest differs depending on the type of armor: the protection of the chest and back to class 2 - 3.6 kg, with the protection of the chest and back for 3 to class 2 - no more than 7.4 kg, with the protection of the chest and back throug h 4 to class 2 - not more than 6.5 kg, with the protection of the chest and back through 4 to class 3 - 10.2 kg. The design of body armor 6B23 appeared successful, and soon the Department of De fense adopted it as the primary means of personal body armor of the combat units of W, Navy, Navy, Marine Corps, etc. But the Russian military modernization is, as always, slow, and new body armor to the troops received limited parties. Pri ority in the provision, as before, given the elite Armed Forces - Navy, Marines, special forces. The next stage of development involves the development and implementation of BKI E "Warrior", which is 8-10 times more effective than "barmitsa." According to th e plans of Defense production "warrior" should begin as early as 2010. Special body armor. Combined-arms bullet-proof vests are not for everyone. For example, the combat v ehicle crew is inconvenient to use the body armor 6B23, as it makes leaving the BMP or the tank through the hatches, but in the combat vehicle restrict movement . A defense of the crew is required, primarily from damaging elements that arise in contact with armored shells, antitank guided missiles, grenades and the ther mal effect. In 2003 he was accepted to supply protective kit 6B15 "Cowboy", intended for the crews of armored vehicles Now comes a set of two organizations: Institute of Steel and the company ARMOKOM . The kit consists of: -Ballistic vest (first class protection); -Ballistic lining the tank headset (manufactured by ARMOKOM) or a tank helmet TS -5 (manufactured by Research Institute of Steel); - Flame retardant overalls (ARMOKOM) or costume (Institute of Steel). Weight of kit 6.5kg (ARMOKOM) or 6kg (Institute of Steel) Body armor consists of a detachable chest and spinal cord sections, a collar. In a case of body armor are pockets to accommodate equipment and staff evacuation device. The kit provides: protection of the neck, shoulder and groin area, accommodation and transportation of standard weapons and other items included in the equipmen t of military forces of this kind, provides a seamless execution of all the func tional responsibilities of any member of the crew of the BM within 48 hours. Armored elements of the products are made of ballistic fabric on the basis of hi gh domestic Armos fibers with a water-and oil repellent treatment. Jumpsuit, ves t and covers the outer lining made of flame resistant fabric camouflage coloring . The stability of a set of open flame - 10-15. Kit ensures that the protective properties when exposed to atmospheric precipitation, after a 4-fold decontamina tion, disinfection, decontamination, and after exposure to petroleum products an d specialty fluids for the operation of the BM. Operating temperature range - fr om -50 C to +50 C. The set has a camouflage color and does not increase the telltale signs of equip ment outside the BM crew of military equipment. Later, the firm represented ARMOKOM further development of protective kit 6B15 Protective Kit for the crews of armored vehicles and artillery rocket 6B25. In general, he repeated a set of 6B15, but in the new security kit 6B25 were added winter jacket and trousers from fire retardant fabric and traffic vest. Also included is provided by means of individual electrical foot soldier in the

form of insoles for shoes, which provides a surface temperature 40-45 C. The next category of servicemen who were not necessarily wearing heavy body armo r combined arms - it is part of a team. 6B17 and 6B18 vests were adopted in 1999 , and bronekomplekt 6B24 "Strawberry-O" in 2001. Body armor 6B17 is a freelance tool designed to protect against pistol bullets a nd shrapnel soldiers performing combat duty in patrolling, the protection of mil itary facilities such as commandants, staffs, as well as support various special -purpose goods in urban environments. Body armor had a general protection level 1 armor and tissue gain level 2. Mass of body armor was not more than 4 pounds. 6B18 covert body armor intended for junior officers. The level of protection of the mass of body armor 6B17 repeats. Bronekomplekt 6B24 "Strawberry-O" - designed for senior officers. The set consis ted of summer and winter versions: summer - a jacket with short sleeves and pant s (4.5 kg), the winter - a bulletproof vest, jacket and pants with removable win ter insulation (5kg). The protective properties of the set are achieved through the use of ballistic fabric, which filed a jacket and pants. On the front and ba ck protective armor provides.

Bronekomplekt 6B24 "Strawberry-O" Body armor 6B17, 6B18 and 6B24 in 2008 were involved in a major scandal. Head of Supply Main Missile and Artillery Directorate (Grau), the Russian Defense Minis try has purchased for his department about 14 thousand safety kits worth 203 mil lion rubles. from ZAO "Artess." Subsequently it was found that body armor class 2 protection is easily punched fragments and pistol bullets. As a result, all 14 thousand vests, set MOD "Artessom" were found to be unsuitable and the decision of the investigation were withdrawn from the warehouses. This was the reason fo r the criminal case against the general and his partner, co-owner of the firm "A rtess." In 2002, the "NGO Special Materials" presented to the state tests, two new body armor for the sailors who were taken to supply under the designation 6B19 and 6B 20 in 2003. 6B19 body armor intended for the watch outside of combat positions of ships and Marine Corps. Sailors during the first test evaluated the quality of the vests i mmediately, their improved ergonomics, strength, armor plate (even from the SVD sniper rifle bullet from the lipopolysaccharide distance of 50 m of the plate di d not break) and covers. Especially the Marines were satisfied after the trial o peration BZ 6B19. They had to sweat in them marshbroskah, but harder still was d ressed in old staff. The design feature of body armor 6B19 is that they have a s pecial rescue system, through which a soldier, once in the water unconscious and not drown. The system automatically cheat two cameras provide a human face turn ing up. CNM consists of two cameras (it is necessary to ensure reliability), spe cial automatic gas filling systems and has a reserve buoyancy of more than 25 kg . Combined Arms vest 6B23-1 623-1 the Defense Ministry warehouses the first batch. 623-1


, . To protect the neck collar is BZ.

- -

: :


(V ), ). -


), ),



. Cl

(III ), , M855) with 25 m AK-74 (the cartridge 7N24) and SVD (chuck 57-H-323S) with a st eel core with a distance of 50 m (IV -B3-3) with a distance of 100 m ), (

692 6104. Body armor vest is compatible with

- : The area of protection: - (1 ) 48 . .,

-540 / ., 1 , 50%; - General (cl

- (2, 3 4 ) 8 (2 3 ) 8 ( 3 4 4

. .; - Breast (2, 3 or Grade 4) - 8; . . - Spin (2 or Class 3) - 8

- - -

): Weight vest (no more):

2 3,6 (3,0) ; - The protection of the chest and the ba 2 2

7,4 ; - The protection of the chest a

6,5 ; - The protection of the chest a

3 10,2 . - The protection of the chest and back

: Completeness: ; - Ballistic vest; , III ( , )

: II

; - Carrying Bag;

- -. - APP.

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