Brampton Bulletin: Brampton Primary School Striving To Reach The Best

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Brampton Bulletin

B r a m p t o n P r i m a r y S c h o o l S t r i v i n g t o R e a c h t h e B e s t Week ending: 20.4.12 Summer Term: Issue 1

Inside this weeks issue: Wildlife Garden Forthcoming Dates 5B Crystal Palace Attendance so far. Week 2 Menu Parent Forum & Council FOB News Gold Book Entries Weekly Attendance

During the last few weeks of the Spring term the Pond and Wildlife Garden Club, made up of children from Reception to Year 6, met every Wednesday lunch time to plan and develop our pond and wildlife garden. We spent our time clearing rubbish and unwanted plants from the area around our pond. Native plants were ordered to create a habitat which local wildlife would be able to enjoy, including our new inhabitants, a large mass of frog spawn. On Friday 30th March the Club was very busy planting over 250 plants including a new hedgerow, pond and bog garden as well as a variety of herb, woodland, wild meadow flower, bee and butterfly attracting planting plugs. With the help of Mrs Barnard, a regular supply teacher and member of BEECHE staff, the children planted pond plants in and around the edge of the pond. We also created a beach area, bog garden and small rockery.

Forthcoming Dates: Wednesday 25th April Parent Forum Meeting Thursday 26th April 7.00pm FOB Meeting Monday 30th April Year 6 British Museum Wednesday 2nd May FOB Spring Ball - cancelled Thursday 3rd May Year 5 British Museum

During the next term we will be creating a stag beetle log pile, a Monday 7th May bug hotel as well as a bark path and paving one edge of the pond. Bank Holiday School Closed If there is anyone who has any Monday 14th May expertise in these areas or would SATs tests all week for Y6 like to offer their support I would Yr 4 class to British Museum be very grateful to hear from you.
Polling DaySchool is open Friday 18th May Big Dance event Sunday 27th May FOB Inflatable Day

Miss Bates

Brampton Primary is a restorative school where the initial response to conflict is to find a solution where things are put right, the victims needs are met whilst also meeting the needs of the wrong doer and meet all the schools responsibilities.

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Brampton Bulletin


Before Easter 5B were lucky enough to go to Crystal Palace to have a go at some new sports and support our local teams in the youth games. We were selected from the Hurstmere Partnership and so were very lucky to be chosen. The children tried out cheerleading and mini squash as well as watching some street dance. After this, the children got to experience running on the race track. We had a lovely day and a big thank you goes to Mr Allen and Mrs Buckle for helping as well as all to our Teaching Assistants and Miss Bennett for arranging the day.

Attendance for the Autumn and Spring Terms We are pleased to report that we are currently on track to meet our attendance Group Authorised Unauthorised % Attend Absences Absences 4.8 3.9 3.0 3.5 2.8 2.5 2.0 3.0 3.3 4.5 3.8 5.7 4.6 2.6 3.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.4 95.1% 96.0% 96.7% 95.9% 97.1% 97.3% 97.7% 96.4% 96.3% 94.8% 95.9% 94.0% 95.0% 97.4% 96.2%

target of 96.1%. From the table opposite RB RJ you can see that 3W have the best attendance record and RJ and 6M have the lowest number of unauthorised 1B 1W

absences. May we take this opportunity to 2PW remind parents that any absence should be 2B phoned into the school as soon as possible 3W on the first day and a written note sent in 3WH on the childs return. We currently have 4C 24 children with over 28 sessions missed 4H all ready. This equals 14 days or nearly 3 5B weeks of education missed. Well done to 5C the 54 children who currently have 100% 6S 6M attendance for this school year. Totals

Issue 1

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Monday Meat
Spaghetti Bolognaise

Cajun Chicken Wrap with Rice

Roast Chicken Thigh with Roast Potatoes

Meat Pattie in a Tomato Sauce with New Potatoes Tomato and Basil Pasta

Battered Fish with Chipped Potatoes Potato Farls

Fish or alternative Vegetarian

Soy and Ginger Salmon with Spaghetti Jacket Potato with Cheese and Spring Onion Toffee Frozen Yoghurt with Fresh Bananas

Tuna or Roasted Vegetable Melt Cheese and Leek Pie with Roast Potatoes Black Forest Gateau Apple Muffin Cake with Custard

Cheesy Stuffed Potatoes

Vegetable Korma with Chipped Potatoes Fruit Deli Bar


Jelly with Ice Cream

A choice of salads, seasonal vegetables, fresh bread, fresh fruit platter, fruit yoghurt, milk and drinking water are also available daily. Peanut Allergies Please can we remind everyone that we are a Peanut Free school in our cooked meals and we ask parents not to put any nuts or items containing nuts in their childs packed lunches. Thank you School NewsParent Forum and Council e are een to esta lish a Parent Forum and Council to encoura e enuine osi e ar ci a on and colla ora on with parents. The Parents Forum is o en to e eryone; a Parent Council is a rou of arent carer re resenta es from the Forum around who meet once each term to discuss school related issues and who feed ac to the Forum. The Parents Forum and Council will ro ide a alua le way to listen to our arents carers ideas and concerns and to see their iews, hel in to ma e sure the needs of our children and their families are met. The Parent Forum and Council are not a decision ma in ody they feed into the Go ernin Body. Parent Forum Council can address a ariety of to ics such as e eryday school ma ers e. . school site and facili es; school olicies and rocedures. Ap 01 p I p p p p p FOB News Just to remind all parents that you are invited to the next FOB meeting on Thursday 26th April at 7pm in the Parent/activity room to plan for the next eventsthe Inflatable Day on Sunday 27th May. All helpers and volunteers welcome

BRAMPTON GOLD BOOK Striving to Reach the Best Every week we print the names of those children who have achieved in either their work, conduct or behaviour around school and have been entered in the Gold Book. They have been mentioned in Mondays celebratory assembly. After 3 mentions children receive a bronze certificate, 6 mentions for a silver, 9 mentions for a gold, 12 mentions for a Super Gold and 15 mentions for a Platinum certificate, 18 for Diamond, 21+ for a Head teachers Award and 24 for a Special Head teacher Award and Badge.
1W Archie Annis (Silver) 1W James Berry 1W Florence Black 1W Finlay Broad 1W Harley Brown 1WLeena Cheung 1W Lucy Courtney 1W Flynn Cox 1W Ryan Davidson (Silver) 1W Ravina Dhesi (Silver) 1W Rebecca Dickson 1W Zak Drew 1W Liberty Gowers 1W Ruby Halliday (Silver) 1W Louise Jardine 1W George Jarvis 1W Shyanne Lorde-Perry 1W Amrit Minhas 1W Macey Wade (Silver) 1W Louis West 1W Jack Whyte 1W Aidan Wicks 2PW Jakub Kaminski 2PW Daisy Ingram 2PW Ben Steiner 2PW Maria Buckner 2PW Sophie Boyns 2PW Jessica McCawley 2PW Kody Johnson 2PW Aimee Irving 2PW Ami Brown-Rodgers (Silver) 2PWAbigail Mentz Unfortunately there is not enough space to mention the childrens achievements here but if you are interested to see your childs mention please pop in and ask to see it.

Weekly Attendance

Week ending 30.3.12 RB: RJ: 1B: 1W: 2PW: 2B: 3W: 3WH: 4C: 4H: 5B: 5C: 6S: 6M: 91.7% 94.3% 95.9% 86.4% 99.2% 98% 95.5% 92.7% 96.7% 96.7% 92.4% 90.3% 96.3% 97%

HOUSE POINTS Week ending 29.3.12

1st Yellow = 106 3rdRed= 66 2ndBlue = 98 4thGreen= 58

Well done to 2PW and the other classes above 96.1%

Our School Total was 94.5% Raffle Prize Winners The winners in this weeks draw for a treat with Miss Fisher were Tommy Wheal in 2PWand Harry Payne in 3WH. Well done to them for showing the appropriate behaviour.

Congratulations to Yellow House members!

And finally.......Labelling items Please can we remind parents to check all personal items of clothing to ensure your childs name is clearly displayed. This will enable us to return lost property to the correct person. Otherwise it will go straight to the lost property box Remember if you like what were doing tell us and others! If you dont, please help us improve! School Office; 020 8303 2873 Fax; 020 8298 0286

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