Drug Study Final

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DRUG STUDY NAME OF DRUG Generic Name: Ceftriaxone sodium MECHANISM OF ACTION It preferentially binds to one or more of the

penicillinBrand Name: binding Rocephin proteins (PBP) located on cell walls of susceptible Drug organisms. Classification: This inhibits Antibiotic third and final 3rd generation stage of cephalosporin bacterial cell wall synthesis, promoting osmotic instability, thus killing the bacterium. INDICATIONS CONTRAINDICATIONS This drug is indicated in patients with neurologic complications, carditis and arthritis. It is also effective in Gram negative infections; Meningitis, Gonorrhea. It is also for Bone and joint infections, Lower respiratory tract infections, middle ear infection, PID, Septicemia and Urinary Tract infections. Patients hypersensitive to cephalosporins, penicillins and related antibiotics. Pregnancy (Category B). Breastfeeding women. ADVERSE EFFECTS CNS: fever, dizziness CV: phlebitis GI: diarrhea, abdominal cramps, pseudomembranous colitis, biliary sludge URO: Genital pruritus; moniliasis HEM: eosinophilia, thrombocytosis, leukopenia SKIN: pain, indurations, tenderness, rash other: hypersensity reactions NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES determine hypersensitivity reactions periodic coagulation studies (PT and INR) should be done. inject in large muscles, such as gluteus maximus or lateral aspect of thigh and rotate sites. report signs such as petechiae, ecchymotic areas, epistaxis or other forms of unexplained bleeding. avoid alcohol use

NAME OF DRUG Generic Name: Mannitol Brand Name: Osmitrol

Drug Classification : Osmotic Diuretic

MECHANISM OF ACTION Mannitol increases urinary output by inhibiting tubular reabsorption of water and electrolytes. It raises the osmotic pressure of the plasma allowing water to be drawn out of body tissues. Interferes with sodium reabsorption

INDICATIONS Treat hypertension edema, to reduce intraocular and intracranial pressure

CONTRAINDICATIONS Pulmonary congestion or edema; intracranial bleeding; CHF; metabolic edema with abnormal capillary fragility; anuria due to severe renal disease; severe dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, , anemia, hypotension

CNS: confusion, headache EENT: blurred vision, rhinitis CV: transient volume expandesion, chest pain, tachycardia GI: nausea, thirst, vomiting F&E: dehydration, hyperkalemia, hypernatremia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia. Local: phlebitis at IV site

Monitor vital signs, urine output, CVP, and pulmonary artery pressures before and hourly throughout administration. o Assess patient for signs and symptoms of dehydration or signs of fluid overload. o Assess patient for anorexia, muscle weakness, numbness, tingling, confusion and excessive thirst. o Monitor neurologic status and intracranial pressure readings in patients receiving this medication to decrease cerebral edema. o Monitor for persistent or increased eye pain or decreased visual acuity. o Do not use solution that is cloudy or contains a precipitate.

NAME OF DRUG Generic Name: Paracetamol Brand Name: Biogesic Drug Classificati on: Analgesic Antipyretic

MECHANI SM OF ACTION Decreases fever by inhibiting the effects of pyrogens om the hypothalam ic heat regulating centers and hypothalam ic actions leading to sweating and vasodilatio n. Relieves pain by inhibiting prostagland in synthesis at the CNS but does not have antiinflammator y actions because of its minimal

INDICATIO NS Indicated in diseases manifesting with pain and fever: headache, toothache, mild and moderate postoperativ e and injury pain, high temperature , infectious diseases and chills (acute catarrhal inflammatio ns of the upper respiratory tract, flu, small-pox, parotitis, etc.).


ADVERSE EFFECTS When taken at therecommended dose,side-effects of paracetamol are rare.Skin rashes, blooddisorders and aswollen pancreashave occasionallyhappe ned in peopletaking the drug on aregular basis for along time.One advantage of paracetamol over aspirin and similar drugs (eg ibuprofen and diclofenac) isthat it won't upsetyour stomach or cause it to bleed.A paracetamoloverd ose is particularlydanger ous becausethe liver damage

NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES Use liquidform for children and patients whohave difficultyswallowing. In children,dont exceedfive doses in24 hours. Advise patientthat drug isonly for shortterm use andto consult the physician if giving tochildren for longer than 5days or adultsfor longer than10 days. Advise patientor caregiver that many over the counter productscontainacetamino phen; be aware of this whencalculatingtotaldailyd ose. Warn patientthat high dosesor unsupervisedlong term usecan cause liver damage

Contraindicatedin patients hypersensitiveto drug. Use cautiouslyin patients withlong termalcohol use becausetherapeuticdoses causehepatotoxicityin these patients. Hematologic:hemolytic anemia,neutropenia,leucop enia, pancytopenia. Hepatic:Jaundice Metabolic:Hypoglycemia Skin: rash,urticaria.

effect of peripheral prostagland in synthesis.

maynot be obvious for four to six days after the drug has beentaken. Even if someone who hastaken a paracetamoloverd ose seems fineand doesn't have anysymptoms, it'sessential that they aretaken to hospitalurgently. An overdoseof paracetamol can befatal.

NAME OF DRUG Generic Name: Brand Name:




Drug Classification:

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