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Copyright 2010



Issue: DEC 2011

Authorised: Jehad Ali

Date: 16/12/11

Page 1 of 73

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

October 2006 December 2008

Modifications to clauses; 3, 4, 5, 7, 14 & added Appendix - B. Added clause 13 associated with Civil works specific to 66kV cables and minor updates and re-numbering. Restructured the document to current standards Removed Old Appendix B Added New Appendices: C, D, E, F, G, H, J and K Added New Clauses 7.2.4, 7.2.5, 9.5.1, 9.5.2, 9.8.2, 9.8.3, 9.9, 9.10, 9.14, 10.7, 10.8.1, 10.9.1 and 17.10. Updated all other clauses
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February 2012

ETSA Utilities -

ETSA Utilities means Distribution Lessor Corporation subject to a two hundred year lease to the partnership of companies trading as ETSA Utilities or ETSA Utilities in its own right. ETSA Utilities, ABN 13 332 330 749, a partnership of:
CKI Utilities Development Limited, ABN 65 090 718 880. HEI Utilities Development Limited, ABN 82 090 718 951. each incorporated in The Bahamas. Spark Infrastructure SA (No.1) Pty Ltd, ABN 54 091 142 380. Spark Infrastructure SA (No.2) Pty Ltd, ABN 19 091 143 038. Spark Infrastructure SA (No.3) Pty Ltd, ABN 50 091 142 362. each incorporated in Australia.

1 Anzac Highway, Keswick, South Australia, 5035.

ETSA Utilities Disclaimer:

1. The use of the information contained in this Technical Standard is at your sole risk. 2. The Information in this Technical Standard is subject to change without notice. 3. ETSA Utilities, its agents, instrumentalities, officers and employees: a. Make no representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information contained in this Technical Standard; b. Accept no liability for any use of the said information or reliance placed on it; and c. Make no representations, either expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the said information for any particular purpose. 4. ETSA Utilities and its agencies and instrumentalities do not endorse or in any respect warrant any third party products or services by virtue of any information, material or content referred to or included on, or linked from or to this Technical Standard.

ETSA Utilities Copyright 2012:

This publication is copyright. ETSA Utilities reserves to itself all rights in such material. You must not reproduce any content of this Technical Standard by any process without first obtaining ETSA Utilities permission, except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968. All rights reserved.

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 2 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 PURPOSE ..............................................................................8 SCOPE..................................................................................8 GRACE PERIOD ...................................................................8 REFERENCES ........................................................................9 DEFINITIONS ......................................................................10 BACKGROUND ..................................................................13 CIVIL WORKS REQUIREMENTS ..........................................13
7.1 7.2 Customers Responsibilities .............................................. 13 Civil Contractors Responsibilities ..................................... 14
7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.2.5 7.2.6 7.2.7 7.2.8 Access Permit Requirements ................................................. 14 Safe Edge Shovel Requirements ........................................... 14 Civil Works Notification Requirements .................................. 15 Civil Works Compliance Requirements ................................ 15 Civil Works Non-Compliance ................................................. 15 Requirements of Changes to Civil Works ............................. 16 Directional Bore Drawing Requirements .............................. 16 Site Conditions Requirements ................................................ 16
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RETAINING WALLS .............................................................16

8.1 8.2 General .............................................................................. 16 Design Consideration for the Retaining Walls ................. 17
8.2.1 Other Design Requirements ................................................... 19


TRENCHING .......................................................................21
9.1 9.2 9.3 Cable/Conduit Requirements for ETSA Utilities Trench ... 21 Trench Requirements for Road Reserve/Crossing .......... 22 DPTI Requirements for DPTI Controlled Roads ................. 23
9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4 DPTI Open Shared Trenching Requirements ....................... 23 DPTI Trenchless Boring Requirements.................................... 24 DPTI Notification ....................................................................... 24 DPTI Traffic Control Notification Process .............................. 24

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 3 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks 9.3.5 9.3.6 DPTI Emergency Work Requirements ................................... 25 DPTI Maintenance Period Requirements ............................. 25
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9.4 9.5

Public Road (Non DPTI Roads) Controlled by Council ... 25 Conduits within Railway Boundaries................................ 25
9.5.1 9.5.2 Telecommunications Pilot Cable Only................................. 26 Telecommunications Fibre Optic Only ................................ 26 Vertical Separation between Services ................................ 28 Horizontal Separation between Services ............................. 29


Clearances between Services......................................... 27

9.6.1 9.6.1

9.7 9.8

Changes in Levels and Directional Changes ................. 29 Shared Trench Arrangement............................................ 30

9.8.1 9.8.2 9.8.3 9.8.4 9.8.5 Typical Shared Trench Cross Sections .................................. 31 Trenching for ETSA Utilities Telecom Only ............................. 32 Typical ETSA Utilities Only Trench ........................................... 32 URD Trench Design Requirements......................................... 32 Trenching for Retrospective (PLEC Schemes) ..................... 32

9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 10.1 10.2

Reduced Cover Trenching ............................................... 33 Underground Cables on Bridge Crossings ...................... 33 Pit Installations ................................................................... 33 Cable Location Markers ................................................... 34 Trenchless/Directional Boring .......................................... 34
9.13.1 Requirements for Directional Boring ..................................... 35

Hydro Vacuum Excavation .............................................. 35 General .............................................................................. 36 Spare Conduit Provision ................................................... 36
10.2.1 Wherever an electrical cable is buried direct .................... 36 10.2.2 When a cable is installed in a conduit ................................. 37 10.2.3 Road Crossings......................................................................... 37

10.0 CONDUIT REQUIREMENTS .................................................36

10.3 10.4

Conduit Bend Requirements ............................................ 38 Conduit Reinforcement .................................................... 40

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 4 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8

Conduit Sizes ..................................................................... 40 Conduit Cable Entry into Service Pillars .......................... 43 Conduits Compliance to AS/NZS Standards ................... 44
10.8.1 Identification of Conduit Sizes ............................................... 44 10.8.2 Colour of Conduits/Couplings ............................................... 44
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Typical Over to Under Conduit Entry into Ground .......... 43


Conduit for Directional Boring .......................................... 44

10.9.1 Drawing Requirements for Directional Boring ..................... 45

10.10 Conduit Installation (for and up to 33kV) ........................ 46

10.10.1 General ..................................................................................... 46 10.10.2 Requirements for the Conduit Installation ........................... 46 10.10.3 Additional Requirements for the Conduit Installation ....... 46 10.10.4 Sealing of Conduits ................................................................. 47

11.0 TRENCHING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ................................48 12.0 TRENCHING FOR SINGLE CUSTOMER ON VERGE ...........48 13.0 EXCAVATION FOR VAULTS AND PIERS ............................49 14.0 BEDDING SAND FOR LESS THAN 66kV ..........................49 15.0 POLYMERIC CABLE COVERS / MARKER TAPE .................50 16.0 BACKFILLING AND CONSOLIDATION .............................50 17.0 66kV UNDERGROUND CABLE INSTALLATION ..................51
17.1 17.2 Introduction ....................................................................... 51 66kV Design Information .................................................. 51
17.2.1 Extent of 66kV Civil Work ........................................................ 51 17.2.2 66kV Cable Route Design Changes ..................................... 52

17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8

66kV Cable Trench Dimensions ....................................... 52 66kV Cable Separation from Other Services .................. 52 66kV Directional Boring .................................................... 52 Installation of (66kV) Conduits in Open Trench .............. 53 Lubrication Points -66kV ................................................... 53 Laying 66kV Cables .......................................................... 53

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks


Thermocouples - 66kV...................................................... 53
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17.10 Flowable Thermal Backfill in Cable Trenches - 66kV ..... 54

17.10.1 Background Information on FTB ............................................ 54 17.10.2 General Factors for FTB ........................................................... 54 17.10.3 Installation Requirements for FTB ........................................... 55

17.11 Bentonite Mixture in Conduits - 66kV .............................. 56 17.12 Protective Cover Slabs - 66kV ......................................... 56 17.13 66kV Sand Backfilling Requirements ............................... 56
17.13.1 Sand Backfill - 66kV ................................................................. 56

17.14 Cable Marker Tapes - 66kV ............................................. 57 17.15 Cable Markers - 66kV....................................................... 57 17.16 Pits - 66kV .......................................................................... 57 17.17 Joint Bays - 66kV ............................................................... 57

18.0 CONTAMINATED SOIL ......................................................58 APPENDICES: ..............................................................................59 A: Civil Works Notification & Compliance ..............................59 B: Cable Location Marking Drawings ......................................60 C: Example of Directional Bore Drawing ................................61 D: Typical Shared Trench Arrangements ................................62
D-1: Cables Buried Direct (Shared Trench) ............................. 62
(In Footpath for Non DPTI Roads) ....................................................... 62

D-2: Cables in Conduits (Shared Trench)................................ 63

(In Footpath or Road Crossing for Non DPTI Roads) ....................... 63

E: Typical ETSA Utilities Trench Only .........................................64

E-1: Cables Buried Direct - (ETSA Utilities Only) ......................... 64
(In Footpath for Non DPTI Roads) ....................................................... 64

E-2: Cables in Conduits - (ETSA Utilities Only)............................ 65

(In Footpath or Road Crossing for Non DPTI Roads) ....................... 65

F: Typical Reduced Cover Trenching ......................................66 G: Typical ETSA Utilities Telecomm Trench (Only) ..................67
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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

G-1: Cables in Conduit (ETSA Utilities Telecomm Only) ......... 67

H: Trenching on Private Property .............................................68

H-2: Cables in Conduit Cable at 750mm Cover ....................... 68 H-3: Cable Buried Direct at 1.0m Cover .................................... 69 H-4: Trench for Single Customer on Verge ................................ 69
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H-1: Cables in Conduit Cable at 1.0m Cover............................ 68

J: Typical Trench Arrangements for 66kV ...............................70

J-1: Typical Flat Arrangement 66kV - Roadway ..................... 70 J-2: Typical Trefoil Arrangement 66kV - Roadway ................. 71 J-3: Typical Under Bore Arrangement 66kV Cables .............. 72

K: Typ. Over to Under Pipe Entering Detail ..............................73

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 7 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks


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This Technical Standard specifies the standard trench, conduit, retaining walls and Civil works requirements for a new or upgraded installation that will be a component of ETSA Utilities distribution network. Once the scope for a trench, conduits, retaining walls and Civil works is determined then this technical standard will assist the Customer in the Civil component of electrical works/network extension. The construction could encompass a network extension, PLEC projects, ETSA Utilities capital works, specific arrangements or customer works. These works could be on private property or on a public road verge. This standard will assist in clarifying the responsibilities of customers regarding agreements, approvals, construction requirements and the ETSA Utilities requirements for Civil Works Compliance


The specification in this technical standard is applicable (but not limited) to all parties involved in the activities of trenching, conduit installation, retaining walls and Civil works associated with the underground installation or alteration of distribution cable networks. This technical standard is to cover all underground trenching and conduit installations; however, section 17.0 is an additional requirement for applications to 66kV underground networks. The appendices at the end of this document provides more detailed information on trench arrangements, Civil works notification and Civil works compliance and cable location markers. The Electricity (General) Regulations 1997, other statutory authority requirements, AS/NZS standards and the Building Code of Australia (BCA) are the basis of TS-085. For any situation that is not covered in this standard, the requirement of AS/NZS 3000 applies. There may be additional requirements and specifications that are project specific. For further assistance/information concerning this technical standard, please contact the relevant ETSA Utilities Manager. This technical standard is available at the ETSA Utilities websites below: Intranet website (Internal) Internet website (External)


The maximum grace period acceptable by ETSA Utilities for implementing this Standard is 3 months from the date of publication. All projects that are not in receipt of Specification Compliance at the revised date of issue for this technical standard will need to incorporate the latest requirements. This is applicable to both the design and construction phases of the project. The validity period for a Specification Compliance is 60 days. On the expiry of a Specification Compliance, any specification change without a documented exemption must be incorporated into the design and construction of ETSA Utilities infrastructure.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks


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The following listed documents are for additional information. It is advisable to refer to the current publications before implementing them. Other documentation may be required on a project specific basis. For the Civil Contractors conducting regular Civil works for any ETSA Utilities installations, there is a Civil Construction Manual40 available on request. This manual details many project specific aspects of Civil works that may not be detailed in this standard.

Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) Codes:

SA Electricity Distribution Code (EDC)

Energy Networks Association (AUS) Publications:

ENA NENS 03 - National Guidelines for Safe Access to Electrical and Mechanical Apparatus ENA NENS 04 - National Guidelines for Safe Approach Distances to Electrical and Mechanical Apparatus

South Australian Legislation:

This technical standard does not necessarily align with AS/NZS Standards Australia Publications. SA Electricity Act 1996 SA Electricity (General) Regulations 1997 SA OHS&W Act 1986 SA OHS&W Regulations 2010

Environment, Heritage and Native Vegetation Protection Acts:

Environment Protection Act 1993 Environment Protection Regulations 2009 Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 Native Vegetation Act 1991 Heritage Places Act 1993 National Parks & Wildlife Act 1972 Natural Resources Management Act 2004 AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System Standard

Standards Australia Publications:

AS 60038 - Standard Voltages AS/NZS 3000 - Electrical Installations (known as the AS/NZ Wiring Rules) AS/NZS 1158 - Lighting for Roads and Public Spaces Set AS 1345 - Identification of the Contents of Pipes, Conduits and Ducts AS/NZS 2032 - Installation of PVC pipe systems AS/NZS 2053 - Conduits and Fittings for Electrical Installations Part 1 & 2 General Requirements AS/NZS 2648.1 - Underground Marking Tape - Non-Detectable Tape AS 2885.1 - Pipelines - Gas and Liquid Petroleum - Design and Construction

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 9 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

AS/NZS 3500 (Set) - Plumbing and Drainage Set AS 3798 - Guidelines on earthworks for commercial and residential developments AS/NZS 4645.3 - Gas Distribution Networks - Plastics Pipe Systems AS/NZS 4130 - Polyethylene (PE) Pipes for Pressure Applications AS 4678 - Earth-Retaining Structures AS 4799 - Installation of Underground Utility Services and Pipelines within Railway Boundaries AS/NZS ISO 31000 - Risk Management - Principles and Guidelines Note: AS/NZS4360 is superseded and replaced by AS/NZS ISO31000 ASTM STP1331-98 - The Design and Application of Controlled Low-strength Materials (flowable thermal backfill) ASTM STP1459-04 - Innovations In Controlled Low-strength Material (Flowable thermal backfill) AS/ACIF S009 - Installation requirements for customer cabling (Telecommunications Wiring Rules) WSAA Codes - Water Services Association of Australia: WSA 02: Sewerage Code of Australia WSA 03: Water Supply Code of Australia

ETSA Utilities Documents:

Service and Installation Rules Technical Standards NICC Brochures Guidelines for ETSA Utilities Crossings of the Electrified DPTI Railway Network Relevant E-Drawing Series; and Civil Construction Manual 40


AS/NZS stands for Australia and New Zealand Standards published by Standards Australia. Authorised Person - the person in charge of the premises, or the registered electrical worker or licensed electrical Contractor or other person appointed or selected by the person in charge of the premises, to perform specific duties associated with the electrical installation on the premises. Boring - refers to activities of directional drilling (typically horizontal or vertical). Cable/s - a wire, conductor or form of material designed for carrying electric current or communications signals, installed underground. Customer - has the meaning given to that term in the Electricity Act 1996, namely a person who has a supply of electricity available from a transmission or distribution network for consumption by that person and includes: (a) The occupier for the time being of a place to which electricity is supplied; (b) Where the context requires, a person seeking an electricity supply; (c) A person of a class declared by regulation to be customers; and (d) Customer may or may not necessarily be the landowner.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

Customer Agent/s - Customer agents are parties representing the customers. Such parties may include registered electrical workers, licensed electrical Contractors, consulting engineers, architects, and equipment manufacturers. DCDB - Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB) or landbase data is obtained from the S.A. Govt Department of Environment and Heritage. The landbase data includes parcel shapes, parcel line work, parcel text, road centre lines, road names, suburb shapes, suburb text, Local Government Authority shapes & text. DPTI Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Distribution Network - has the meaning given to that term in the Electricity Act 1996, namely the whole or a part of a system for the distribution of electricity, but does not include anything declared by regulation not to be a distribution network or part of a distribution network. For the purposes of these rules references to Distribution Network means the network poles, wires, underground cables, padmount transformers, substations etc, operated by ETSA Utilities, which transports electricity from the transmission system to a customers Connection Point. Excavation Depth - is the vertical distance measured between ground level and the deepest part of the excavation. Electricity Infrastructure means (a) electricity generating plant; and (b) powerlines; and (c) substations for converting, transforming or controlling electricity; and (d) equipment for metering, monitoring or controlling electricity; and (e) any wires, equipment or other things (including tunnels and cavities) used for, or in connection with, the generation, transmission, distribution or supply of electricity. Excavation - refers to the activities of digging or trenching and can be by mechanical means or by hand. ETSA Utilities' Manager - The ETSA Utilities' Manager/Responsible Officer serving that area of the customers installation. Ground Level - is nominally the final level of the ground that ETSA Utilities equipment is to be installed at. High Voltage or HV - a nominal voltage exceeding 1000 volts. Low Voltage or LV- a nominal voltage exceeding 50 volts but not exceeding 1000 volts. Landowner - The Landowner is the person or entity that is the registered proprietor/owner of the land as recorded at the Lands Titles Office. All easement agreements must be with the landowner. MNSP - stands for ETSA Utilities Manager Network Standards and Performance. MNP - stands for ETSA Utilities Manager Network Planning. NA - stands for ETSA Utilities Network Assets. NM - stands for ETSA Utilities Network Management.
TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 11 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

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CLER stands for Customer Lighting Equipment Rate.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

NPO/NPM - stands for ETSA Utilities Network Project Officer/Manager. NPE - stands for ETSA Utilities Network Planning Engineer. OTR - stands for Office of the Technical Regulator Public Land - has the meaning given to that term in the Electricity Act 1996, namely land owned by the Crown or an instrumentality or agent of the Crown or by a council or other local government body, including any such land that is subject to native title. Property - For the purpose of these Rules property means either what is commonly described, as a Torrens Title allotment, a Community Title Scheme or Land, which is owned by the Crown on which the owner/occupier has the right to the installation of an electricity supply. A property may include any combination of contiguous (adjacent) land and/or an individual title that constitutes a single development, to which an owner/occupier or a Customer has the right to the installation of an electricity supply. Shall - is to be understood as mandatory requirement or obligation. Should - is to be understood as nonmandatory, i.e. advisory or recommended. Suitable (or suitably) - means to the satisfaction of the relevant ETSA Utilities Manager. Separation Distance It is either the vertical and/or the horizontal distance, measured between any ETSA utilities plant and the Third Partys infrastructure. Underground Service - The electricity distributors supply network to the point of supply. Water Course Refer to TS-100. Works Planned: the works, which has followed the normal planning process, prior to work commencing, i.e. where, the worksite has been physically inspected and assessed, in advance of the work crew, arriving on site. Unplanned: any urgent works where there has not been a reasonable opportunity to follow normal planning processes prior to work commencing. This includes works where the supervisor has not physically inspected the work place or where a work crew has come across a scope of work requiring action during the normal course of their duties. Emergency: where a crew is despatched to the work site, in response to an immediate threat/danger to an individual, the public, property or the asset. WSAA Water Services Association of Australia.
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NSP - stands for ETSA Utilities Network Standards and Performance Group.

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 12 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks


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The responsibility for the installation of a trench for the installation of ETSA Utilities infrastructure can be: The Customer for a network extensions which includes land developments, Network Extensions or Customer alterations to the ETSA Utilities electrical network; Council for Power Line Environment Committee (PLEC) projects; and ETSA Utilities for capital works and, under specific arrangements, some customer works. The Electricity (General) Regulations 1997 (Part 6, Section 39A), requires a separation between a building or a structure and underground powerlines: At a voltage of 33kV or less shall be within 2.0 m; and At a voltage greater than of 33kV shall be within 3.0 m. Any trench installation not meeting these requirements will be non-compliant without exemption from the OTR. The Designer/Contractor will need to supply OTR exemption as a component of Civil Works Compliance Form. There are other separation requirements documented in section 9.6 in this document that are requirements of other service providers. A trench containing ETSA Utilities cables and the associated conduits are to be positioned in the straightest possible alignment to accommodate future cable installations. ETSA Utilities may agree to provide a quotation for the installation of a trench on behalf of a customer. For access to the list of Civil Contractors utilised by ETSA Utilities refer to NICC-203 which is available on our Internet website. Undertaking of trenching shall be in a workman-like manner and shall meet the requirements of TS-085 and any other relevant specification. The trench containing the electrical works is a component of the asset inspection process and it is the responsibility of the customer/land owner to ensure that the trench meets the specification. An ETSA Utilities Asset Compliance Officer may inspect the trench at any time. A non-compliance notice will be issued for any civil works, where remedial work to a trench is required to meet this Technical Standard including any other associated specifications requirements. If there is any query relating to the requirements of this Technical Standard (TS-085), please contact the Network Project Officer (NPO) responsible for the project.


CIVIL WORKS REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Customers Responsibilities

The Customer or an Agent of the Customer shall be responsible for the following: Ensuring that all allotment pegs, including any replacement pegs, easement pegs and level pegs are correctly placed, clearly visible, and numbered to show allotment numbers, reserves, easements etc; Carrying out and co-ordinating all the pegging, trenching, backfilling, reinstatement, levelling, and associated work including retaining walls, necessary for the installation of cables, padmount transformers and switching cubicles, service pits, pillars and lighting columns;

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 13 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

All street, ground openings, all costs associated with the compaction/reinstatement of road/footpath surfaces and services where disturbed or damaged, are to be to the satisfaction of the authority or owner concerned; The safety of the open trench and any liability arising from the Customer's works, this includes ensuring that there is suitable clearance between any excavation and existing ETSA Utilities infrastructure, including poles and footings. A financial penalty can be applied by the industry Regulator for any unlawful interference; Ensure that the necessary arrangements are made with the local authorities and public service utilities for the temporary disturbance of any driveway, culvert, pipe, drain, kerb, survey mark etc; Excavations of padmount transformer vaults/footings and/or switching cubicle vaults/footings and the reinstatement of the remaining excavation surrounding these vaults; and Damage caused to vaults and associated equipment during backfilling and compaction.


Civil Contractors Responsibilities

7.2.1 Access Permit Requirements
A Contractor shall not work near any live ETSA Utilities electrical cables. All electrical cables shall be treated as being live (energised). Contact Dial before You Dig on telephone number 1100 to verify the location of ETSA Utilities and other infrastructure prior to the commencement of any Civil works. The trench is a critical and integral part of the electrical installation. Any Contractor intending to perform any works within the vicinity of any electrical infrastructure shall follow the directions outlined in ETSA Utilities NICC-404: Information on Contractor Access & Working in the Vicinity of the Electricity Network. An access permit may be required if any electrical cables are in close proximity to the intended work site. A Contractor can contact the Network Access Officer (ETSA Utilities NOC Centre on 08 8404 4119) for further information. ETSA cables can be easily damaged and costly to repair.


Safe Edge Shovel Requirements

ETSA Utilities cables are covered in a soft layer of polyethylene, which is very easily damaged. To reduce the severity of damage to the outer sheath, all Contractors who have to work in the area of the electrical infrastructure shall utilise a safe edge (blunt nosed) shovel. A fibreglass handle shovel with a safe edge is available for purchase from ETSA Utilities Logistics. Please contact Marleston South Sales Team on (08) 8292 0489 and request for the catalogued item number KX8033. For a new asset installation i.e. common service trench, where cables are not connected (dead), the use of a fibreglass shovel is not mandatory.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

A Contractor is able to utilise a shovel of their choice but it must have a safe edge. A modification service to install a safe edge on a Contractors shovel/s is available from ADMECH Pty Ltd, ( Mobile: 0409 097 380, (08) 8272 0151), who have the specification for ETSAs requirements. A safe edge shovel minimises cable damage if a Contractor inadvertently encounters a cable. Any damage to ETSA Utilities infrastructure will be at the cost of the responsible party. If any party is aware of any damage to the electrical infrastructure please notify ETSA Utilities at the earliest opportunity. Early notice may reduce future repair costs.


Civil Works Notification Requirements

Civil works forms are a component of the asset inspection and vesting process. Refer to AppendixA of this document for more detail. The NICC-453: Civil Works Notification Form shall be submitted to the appropriate ETSA Utilities representative. The following notice period is required: A section (contestable projects) 10 working days notice B section 5 working days notice


Civil Works Compliance Requirements

ETSA Utilities regulatory requirements include an undertaking that any electrical installation is compliant with the relevant codes and standards. Civil works and conduit installation forms a part of the ETSA Utilities electrical asset and must be to a standard that satisfies all of the relevant external and ETSA Utilities standards and specifications. To assist in the verification that the Civil works are to standard, a NICC-452: Civil Work Compliance Form is required from the Civil Contractor as a part of the electrical compliance. Refer to AppendixA of this document for more detail. Note: The NICC-452: Civil Work Compliance Form shall be completed for all projects with a trenching component, as it is a prerequisite to acceptance of the Certificate of ETSA Utilities Electrical Compliance.


Civil Works Non-Compliance

The Civil Contractor shall complete NICC-452 Form and ensure this form is forwarded to the Electrical Contractor or to the nominated ETSA Utilities Officer. This form is an integral component of the Certificate of ETSA Utilities Electrical Compliance. If the Civil Contractor delays and/or does not submit a completed NICC-452 form, until the time of the final asset audit/sign-off stage, then this may result in delays to a customers connection. A non-compliance notice and the relevant charge will be issued to the responsible Contractor for any Civil works installation that does not meet the ETSA Utilities specification.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

Any fees due to ETSA Utilities that are associated with any noncompliance shall be paid in full, prior to the final electrical connection. Any non-compliance related to Civil works must be rectified prior to ETSA Utilities accepting the NICC-452: Civil Works Compliance Form.


Requirements of Changes to Civil Works

It is Civil Contractors responsibility to ensure that any details regarding changes to the installation be forwarded to the electrical designer. This will ensure that there is an accurate and permanent record.


Directional Bore Drawing Requirements

The Contractor undertaking the boring works shall supply a log for the total length of the bore for inclusion on the As Constructed design. Refer to TS-100 for the directional bore drawing preparation detail. Also refer to Appendix-C for Example of Directional Bore Drawing of this document. Further clarification can be obtained from the Facilities Records Coordinator through the ETSA Utilities Project Manager.


Site Conditions Requirements

(For Padmount Transformers & Switching Cubicles) The area around the padmount transformer and a switching cubicle and in particularly the front of the equipment/operating area requires 24hrs/7days access. This area from the time of the cable installation needs to have a finished base in place or as a minimum; the ground drained and crushed rock compacted in place. As per the manufacturers and ETSA Utilities specifications, this is an essential requirement to ensure that the cable installation, termination and testing phase can be undertaken in a clean and dirt free environment. Any easement over an operating area will be deemed as noncompliant and the testing phase will not be undertaken until the site conditions for the operating area are satisfied.



A padmount transformer can weigh from 2.45 tonnes to 6.45 tonnes and capacity range from 315kVA to 2.0MVA respectively. There may be a requirement to establish a retaining wall to ensure the padmount transformer has a stable footing and remains in a horizontal orientation. Refer to Technical Standard (TS-102) for the easements details. Specifying the need for a retaining wall at the design stage provides the following benefits: Informs the Customer/Civil Contractor for the need of a retaining wall;

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

Escalates the need for a specific engineering approved retaining wall design on extremely sloping sites; and
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Ensures the easement for the electrical design drawing and the subsequent transfer to a deposited plan is appropriate in size to fit the padmount transformer and the retaining wall.


Design Consideration for the Retaining Walls

A retaining wall for a padmount transformer and/or a switching cubicle in any location will be required where there is a change in the ground level to accommodate the padmount transformer and/or switching cubicle in a suitable horizontal orientation. The design requirements for the retaining walls should consider the following: The location of the padmount transformer(s) and/or switching cubicle(s), and the slope of the natural ground level; Construct a retaining wall that satisfies any ETSA Utilities and electrical equipment manufacturers requirements; Any retaining wall above 1.0m in height will require: 1. The involvement of a certified structural/Civil engineer to verify the adequacy of any retaining wall installation; 2. Provision of engineering calculations/confirmation that the design can be requested for any style construction; and 3. Where construction to the manufacturers specification cannot be verified and where the retaining wall is over 1.0 m in height then council approval is required. The retaining wall and any other ETSA Utilities plant (e.g. cables) shall be within any ETSA Utilities registered easement where an easement is required; The retaining wall should ideally be positioned at the extremity of the ETSA Utilities easement and should not encroach into the area occupied by the a padmount transformer and/or a switching cubicle; When required, construction of a retaining wall shall be entirely within the easement. (Refer to figure-1 below) Where the retaining wall is placed beyond the standard easement, the easement shall be extended to include the area occupied by the retaining wall. For any filled retaining wall, there shall be a buffer zone. The buffer zone shall be the minimum width that is equal to the height of the retaining wall. The maximum width required is 1.0m. Extend the easement boundary by 1.0m to allow the filled retaining wall constructed 1.0m inside the easement boundary. (Refer to figure-2 below). Any cut or fill greater than 300mm in the area upto 2.0m from the easement boundary will require a retaining wall; Any fill above the natural ground profile (that in effect creates a raised island) on any site will not obviate the need for a retaining wall; Dispensation may be given to a retaining wall if the surrounding ground level change is of a minor nature only and all of the land between the easement boundary and the 2.0m point is within a reserve; and

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

The installation of a retaining wall shall be completed prior to the installation of a padmount transformer and/or a switching cubicle;
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If above stated requirements are not met, then non-compliance will be issued. Refer to the TS-102: Easement Standard, Appendix-B for fill and cut scenarios of retaining wall details; A retaining wall construction needs to be of a quality that will ensure the long-term stability and safety of the ETSA Utilities asset; The retaining wall and backfill shall be designed to drain the area behind the wall and continue to do so indefinitely without blockage, so that hydrostatic pressure is not exerted on the wall at any time; A more effective system of drainage consists of a continuous agricultural pipe located at the base of all retaining walls and be surrounded by gravel or crushed stone with a continuous vertical layer of granule material at least 300mm thick covering the rear face of the wall area; Retaining walls shall be constructed of concrete masonry materials; For vertical block type retaining walls, a suitable concrete/steel reinforced foundation shall be constructed; If interlocking style blocks are utilised, they shall be of a pinned or socket and nib type. The two top courses shall be pinned and glued with an epoxy style resin and the top course shall consist of a glued top capping; Any brick style retaining wall construction will not be approved unless the number of courses is a minimum 5. Open style interlocking blocks may be acceptable provided the soil is retained. The use of Geo cloth type material may also be acceptable. Ensure that the material to be utilised for a retaining wall will be acceptable to ETSA Utilities; This style of retaining wall construction has the potential to require an easement larger than standard in order to provide the required retaining wall strength. Please contact your ETSA Utilities Network Project Officer prior to installation. ETSA Utilities reserves the right to request engineering calculations for any retaining wall. ETSA Utilities will consider a submission from a Certified Structural/Civil Engineer to a variation to the construction material utilised for a retaining wall as described in this clause; Material to be retained shall be classified in one of the 3 types listed below: 1. Coarse-grained soil without admixture of fine soil particles; Very permeable (clean sand or gravel); 2. Coarse-grained soil of low permeability due to admixture of particles of silt size; and 3. Residual soil with stones, fine silty sand and granular materials with conspicuous clay content. Materials not acceptable include very soft or soft clay, organic silt or silty clays, and medium or stiff clay;
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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

Weep holes shall be provided in the retaining wall at the lowest points; An open drain shall be provided to remove water from the area of the toe of the wall;
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Dispensation for the installation of a retaining wall can be granted by the relevant regional Network Manager when the following can be verified: 1. The short and long term stability of a padmount transformer will not be compromised. 2. The easement site and adjacent properties will not be impacted by erosion run off. I.e. It can be demonstrated that the site adjacent to the easement is well consolidated and/or there is other means of retainment or removal of any run off material.


Other Design Requirements

The other design requirements for the retaining walls should consider the following: A site meeting prior to the installation of the common service trench is an appropriate time to discuss retaining wall installation requirements. Note: If there are any issues, the relevant party should address them and if required, confirmation received from the Designer/Project Officer that the proposed installation will satisfy the specification. The electrical Contractor needs to be very specific at any site meeting that a padmount transformer and/or a switching cubicle will not be installed until the completion of the retaining wall; A non-compliance will be issued if a retaining wall is not installed as required. As a reminder, padmount transformers and switching cubicles are heavy and the risk of installing a retaining wall on a filled site around installed equipment is very risky, particularly in periods of wet weather. The Compliance group will generally not visit a site for the purposes of issuing a Certificate of Compliance until any required retaining wall(s) are installed and completed. A non-compliance will be issued by ETSA Utilities if any of the following conditions are not met: 1. Engineering confirmation is not available when required. 2. The construction is deemed inferior in quality. 3. On site inspection, ETSA Utilities identifies that retaining walls were required but have not been constructed. 4. For vertical block type retaining walls, a suitable concrete/steel foundation is missing. 5. The retaining wall(s) provided do not meet any of ETSA Utilities specified requirements.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

Retaining Wall

Easement to be extended to include the area occupied by the retaining wall if required.


Boundary of Public Area if appropriate.

Operating Area Refer to TS-102


ETSA Utilities Transformer/ Switching Cubicle Ground Level Suitable Retaining Fill Continuous agricultural pipe the length all retaining wall sections plus external weep holes on the lowest section of the retaining walls

Note Retaining wall to be built up to the height of the base Granulated material behind all retaining wall sections * 1.0m * ETSA Utilities extended easement requirement for a Fill situation. Weep hole Ground level Retaining Wall

300mm min.


Retaining Wall with 100mm Lip above Ground Level

Ground Level

ETSA Utilities Transformer/ Switching Cubicle

Continuous Agricultural Pipe The Length of all Retaining Wall Sections. Agricultural Pipe to Drain to The Front of Equipment.

Ground Level Easement Boundary Ag pipe to exit at the Front of the Retaining wall 300mm


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Area for ETSA Equipment (on standard easement) Refer to TS-102.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks


TRENCHING 9.1 Cable/Conduit Requirements for ETSA Utilities Trench

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When installing conduits/cables in a trench, consider the following Design Requirements: The trench shall be as straight as possible with a firm and smooth base; The installation of multiple conduits requires a minimum separation of 25mm in all directions (or as otherwise specified) between ETSA Utilities conduits. This is to ensure the bedding sand fully encompasses the conduit at the time of back filling. This will reduce future compaction issues. (Refer to figure-4 below); There shall be a minimum separation of 50mm in all directions (or as otherwise specified) between direct laid ETSA Utilities cable circuits. The greater the cable circuit separation, the greater the current carrying capacity of the electrical cable. (Refer to figure 4 below): Note: If the trench width allows for greater than 50mm separation, the preferred installation method is to increase cable separation to maximise the spacing. From time to time, there may be a requirement for a specific separation that is greater than the minimum. (Refer to figure-4 below). Separation from a trench wall to any ETSA Utilities infrastructure will normally be a minimum of 50mm. This is to reduce the likelihood of any damage to electrical infrastructure from sharp edges, stones, etc. Note: Under some circumstances, ETSA Utilities may approve a lesser dimension if it can be verified the trench edge is such that it will not damage the installed cables or if the installed conduit is medium or heavy duty. (Refer to figure-4 below). Conduit 50mm 25mm Cable circuit separation 50mm minimum (Refer section 9.1 & 9.2) Cables 25mm 50mm Bedding Sand Bottom of trench FIGURE 4 TRENCHING Dimensions for ETSA Utilities infrastructure in this standard are the minimum except where shown; The maximum depth of any length of open trench should not be greater than 1.2m without ETSA Utilities approval; Any trench, which has depth/cover over 1.5 m, requires additional construction requirements. For trenching and shoring examples, refer to the OHS&W Regulations 1995. Locate the trench, where practicable, in accordance with the publication A Code for the Placement of Infrastructure Services in New and Existing Streets (Services in Streets Code).
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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

Note: This code is prepared by the Public Utilities Advisory Committee (PUACC) and available from the Local Government Association.
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The installer shall submit all variations to the construction drawing for inclusion on the As Constructed ETSA Utilities drawing; It is the Civil and Electrical Contractors responsibility to forward hand written mark-ups of hard copy drawings detailing all changes and necessary installations information are returned to the designer within 30 days of completion to ensure that the final As Constructed drawings are correct. For the specific requirements relating to the submission of As Constructed drawings, refer to TS-100 - clauses 6.3 and 6.5 which is applicable to all Civil installations.


Trench Requirements for Road Reserve/Crossing

The following requirements apply for road reserves and road crossings: Open trench road crossings in existing streets where there is to be a reinstatement are to be at 90 degrees to the kerb. Any variation to this will require council approval; The minimum cover under a carriageway shall be 750mm. A road controlled by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) have specific requirements which are detailed in clause 9.3; All cables under carriageways shall be installed within a suitably sized and class of conduit. Any variation to this shall be at the approval of ETSA Utilities. Spare conduit installation under a carriageway is to be as per clause 9.5 of this standard; For a primary cable network that is buried direct in the primary trench in a road reserve such as a single customer network extension or a common service trench for a development there is a requirement for spare conduits. (Refer clause 10.2 below); Spare conduits installed at a road crossing shall match the spare conduits in the primary trench. The road crossing conduits shall be continuous with the primary trench spare conduits where practical. These conduits will be in addition to the conduits at a road crossing which shall be utilised for a direct buried cable installation. Spare conduits installed at a road crossing that are for a direct buried cable installation shall extend the full width of the carriageway and extend 900mm into the footpath verge from the back of kerb; The electrical designer and Contractor responsible for conduit installation at road crossings shall ensure that the appropriate numbers of conduits are installed; The conduit for a radial low voltage installation needs to be continuous (fully conduited) with LD conduit between pillars and installed in such away that it will facilitate quick cable replacement. If this is achieved a spare conduit is not required; and Any road crossing excavation for continuous conduits needs to consider the cover and trench floor invert of the conduits that are to be installed in the road verge.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

For trenching design, requirements refer to TS-100 and refer to figure-5 below for the Typical Road Crossing Trench Alignment.
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DPTI Requirements for DPTI Controlled Roads

The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) have very specific requirements for any work undertaken on a DPTI controlled road. For more details, refer to link Works on Roads by Other Organisations on the DPTI website. It is ETSAs expectation that a Civil Contractor is conversant with the DPTI standard specifications, if working on a DPTI road. The information DPTI requires may include: Barriers, Warning Signs and Lighting Installations; Traffic Management; Native Vegetation Management; and Roadside Significant Sites of an Environmental or Cultural Significance.

DPTI requirements can impact both a designer and a constructor. In country regions, DPTI have highlighted most DPTI controlled roadside sites with a distinctive but discreet marker. Information on Transport SA Guide to Matters of National Environmental Significance and a List of Roadside Significant Sites visit Transport SA website.


DPTI Open Shared Trenching Requirements

Most trenching involves work on medium or heavily trafficked roads with an asphalt surface. There is a requirement that all services shall be at a minimum depth of 1.0m cover. Any trenching involving an ETSA Utilities installation and other authorities may require a wider trench to ensure that appropriate separations are achieved without shoring requirements. Reinstatement needs to be as per DPTIs standard specification and avoid reusing excavated material. For various trenching arrangements visit DPTI website on Reinstatement Pavement Configuration

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks 9.3.2 DPTI Trenchless Boring Requirements
Multiple conduits can be passed through a single bore or tunnel. It is required that there be a minimum spacing of 10D between single bores where there are multiple bores where D is the diameter of the largest conduit. Refer to figure-6 below. The minimum depth of a trenchless bore will generally be 1.5m to minimise ground swell. The final depth is to be determined in conjunction with the boring Contractor, with the minimum depth to be achieved wherever possible. Refer to figure-6 below. Ground Level Bore 1 Min.1.5m Bore 2

100mm conduit

10 X 125mm = 1.25m minim

125mm conduit



DPTI Notification
The electrical designer shall submit any design to DPTI for comment where any ETSA Utilities infrastructure, i.e., poles, cable or conduit, will be running parallel to the kerb for some distance. This is to ensure any installation takes into account any future road widening. The Constructor: An electrical or Civil Contractor shall submit a Notification Form, which is available to download from DPTI website, 5 working days prior to the commencement of works. Any Civil works that will be undertaken on a DPTI road over a period greater than one day requires 4 weeks notice. The notice is required for the following: Any work that requires traffic management, this may also include work on overhead mains; An open trench or trenchless boring; and Any cable pulling through installed conduits.


DPTI Traffic Control Notification Process

The Metropolitan Traffic Control Centre - telephone 1800 018 313, shall be notified of any ETSA Utilities and Civil works that require DPTI approval (to clause 9.3.3 above). The Metropolitan Traffic Control Centre requires notification 15 minutes prior to work commencing and 15 minutes after the road has reopened. Download Notification Form from the DPTI website.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks 9.3.5 DPTI Emergency Work Requirements
DPTI requires verbal notification to the appropriate DPTI representative at the earliest opportunity. This shall be followed by submission of a Notification Form within 24 hours of the emergency.


DPTI Maintenance Period Requirements

The Contractor undertaking the Civil component of the electrical works associated with a DPTI road crossing will be responsible for the cost of making good any settlement or other deterioration in the reinstated excavation for the maintenance period, which is one year.


Public Road (Non DPTI Roads) Controlled by Council

For a public road that is not under the control of DPTI the authorisation to excavate and back filling requirement will normally need to be sourced from the relevant Council. ETSA Utilities will require a copy of the approval from the relevant Council plus details of Civil Works. This information is a component of the ETSA Civil Works Compliance process.


Conduits within Railway Boundaries

Refer to AS 4799 - Installation of Underground Utility Services and Pipelines within Railway Boundaries, which specifies the requirements in detail for both the design and installation of electrical infrastructure within a railway property. There are specific design information requirements and approvals needed to gain right of entry as well as easement agreements within railway boundaries/corridors. The Underground Service Request - Trains and Trams online electronic form is available from the Transadelaide website. This online form shall be completed and submitted by the designer a minimum of 14 working days prior to any work taking place. A copy of the approval shall be forwarded to ETSA Utilities relevant Project Manager and to the: ETSA Utilities Easements Coordinator Level 6, 1 Anzac Highway, KESWICK SA 5035 Telephone: (08) 8404 5897, Fax: (08) 8404 5193) There are a number of other authorities that ETSA Utilities may require approval from, such as: Australian Rail and Track Corporation; Australian Southern Railroad; and Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) When installing conduits/cables within railway boundaries also consider the following requirements: With the submission, a preliminary design drawing or a section of DCDB with street names, rail lines and the crossing point marked; Confirmation that any conduits that are to be installed, satisfies the design load for the railway loading may be required;

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

Confirmation from the railway authority that the electrical design has approval will be required prior to ETSA Utilities issuing a Specification Compliance;
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An electrical conduit should be installed a minimum of 2.0m deep under any rail line for a 3.0m distance beyond the outer rails. Refer to figure 7 below; Conduits in other locations within railway property shall have 1.0m minimum cover; and A railway authority may approve a lesser depth, but the depth shall not be less than the ETSA Utilities standard. For more details, refer to Guidelines for ETSA Utilities Crossings of the Electrified DPTI Railway Network
ETSA Utilities access point(s) to cables to be located outside of the rail corridor and the depth of the cables outside of rail corrider to be the requirements of TS-085 and TS-100 Rail corridor boundary fence 3m minimum to AS 4799 ETSA Utilities cable in conduit Depth to the Requirements of AS 4799



Telecommunications Pilot Cable Only

Where there is a single pilot cable underground rail crossing and where Civil-works has to be completed with an under-bore, the use of a single 63mm O.D. bore pipe may be acceptable; however, this shall have written approval from the ETSA Utilities Network Telecommunication Manager.


Telecommunications Fibre Optic Only

Where there is a single fibre optic underground rail crossing and where Civil works has to be completed with an under-bore, the use of a single 63mm O.D. bore pipe shall be installed. Notes: 1. Pits shall be P8 size (stock item. RA5461). 2. Outer bore pipe is to enter pit body using a bell-mouth spigot 63mm 3. Pole side of pit is to have bell- mouth installed in preparation for ETSA Utilities installers to extend conduit to pole. 4. Install pits so that the closest edge is nominally 2.0m from edge of pole.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks


Clearances between Services

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For normal trenching and trenchless technology installation, clearance from ETSA Utilities assets to other service utility assets shall not be less than (and preferably exceed) the minimum vertical and horizontal clearances as shown in the Table 1 (Vertical Separation) and Table 2 (Horizontal Separation) below. Written agreement on reduced clearances shall be obtained from the relevant ETSA Utilities Manager and the relevant Service Owner. Refer to Appendix F below and for clearance in shared trench arrangements, refer to Appendix D, E, G, H and K below. The following notes apply to Table 1 and Table 2 below: 1. For any other authorities infrastructure, crossing ETSA Utilities cables (and associated conduits), which are less than 66kV, a minimum separation if not specified as greater by other authority is 150mm. 2. For any other authorities infrastructure, running parallel to ETSA Utilities cables (and associated conduits), which are less than 66kV, a minimum separation if not specified as greater by another authority is 600mm. For any other authorities infrastructure, crossing ETSA Utilities 66kV cables (and associated conduits), refer to Section 17.4. For any other authorities infrastructure, running parallel to ETSA Utilities 66kV cables (and associated conduits), refer to Section 17.4. Any authority that is unable to achieve these specified minimum separations needs to contact ETSA Utilities for approval. As per AS/NZS 3500.3, the minimum separation between any underground stormwater drain and an electrical supply cable shall be at least a. 100mm provided the electrical supply cable is indicated along its length with orange marker tape complying with AS/NZS 2648.1 and is mechanically protected; or b. 600mm, where the electrical supply cable neither indicated nor mechanically protected. Refer to AS 2885.1, for clearances to the high-pressure gas mains. As per AS/NZS 3500.3, the minimum separation between any underground stormwater drain crossing another service shall a. cross at angle 90 if practicable, but not less than 45; b. have a vertical separation of not less than 100mm; and c. be marked along its length for 1m either side of the centreline of the service with marker tape complying with AS/NZS 2648.1, laid 150mm above the installed service. Refer to AS/NZS 4645.3, which states that: a. where a plastic main or service is laid parallel to other utility assets, a minimum separation distance is required in order to affect repairs. The minimum separation distance shall be 250mm; and

3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.


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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

b. where a plastic main or service is crossed by other services, the minimum separation distance shall be 100mm. Additional separation may be required for large utility assets in order to affect repairs. 10. 11. All clearances are in millimetres and are minimum separations. To achieve minimum clearances in Table 1 and Table 2, it may be necessary to increase the cover on ETSA Utilities cables and/or conduit or increase the trench width; this will require ETSA Utilities approval. Where an ETSA Utilities LV service pillar is inside a property boundary, the clearance SA Water requires to any water service from the LV service pillar shall be 1.0m. For clearances to stobie poles and public lighting columns please consult the ETSA Project Manager.




Vertical Separation between Services

These minimum dimensions are relevant where external parties infrastructure is vertically parallel, cross over or under ETSA Utilities equipment. Refer to notes (above) and Table 1 (below) for the minimum vertical separation between services. TABLE 1 - Vertical Separation between Services


ETSA Utilities LV Mains

ETSA Utilities HV < 66kV Mains

ETSA Utilities 66kV Cables

Non-ETSA Utilities Telecomm. Pipe Non-ETSA Utilities Telecomm. Pits Low Pressure Gas Non-Metallic Pipes
(Refer to notes 9 & 10)

100 100 250 225 (for sewer main pipe diam. 300) 300 (for other sewer mains) (Refer to note 1) 600 225 600 (Refer to note 6a) 100 600 (Refer to note 6b) 100 (Refer to note 8)

300 100 250 225 (for sewer main pipe diam. 300) 300 (for other sewer mains) (Refer to note 1) 600 225 600 (Refer to note 6a) 100 600 (Refer to note 6b) 100 (Refer to note 8) Approval Required from ETSAs MNP Refer to: Notes 3 & 4. and Section 17.4

SA Water - Sewer

Private Sewer SA Water - Water Private Water Storm Water

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks


Horizontal Separation between Services

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Horizontal separation will be dependent on the extent that the external plant is parallel with the ETSA Utilities infrastructure. To ensure compliance with the NICC-404 only hand digging is permissible for any excavation within 1.0m of any ETSA Utilities assets. Refer to notes (above) and Table 2 (below) for the minimum horizontal separation between services. TABLE 2 - Horizontal Separation between Services Types ETSA Utilities LV Mains ETSA Utilities HV < 66kV Mains ETSA Utilities 66kV Cables

Non-ETSA Utilities Telecomm. Pipe Non-ETSA Utilities Telecomm. Pits Low Pressure Gas Non-Metallic Pipes
(Refer to notes 9 & 10)

100 100 250 500 (for sewer main pipe diam. 300) 1000 (for other sewer mains) (Refer to note 1) 600 500 (for water main pipe diam. 200) 1000 (for other water mains) 600 (Refer to note 6a) 100 600 (Refer to note 6b) 100 (Refer to note 8)

300 100 250 500 (for sewer main pipe diam. 300) 1000 (for other sewer mains) (Refer to note 1) 600 500 (for water main pipe diam. 200) 1000 (for other water mains) 600 (Refer to note 6a) 100 600 (Refer to note 6b) 100 (Refer to note 8)

SA Water - Sewer

Private Sewer

Approval Required from ETSAs MNP Refer to: Notes 3 & 4. and Section 17.4

SA Water - Water

Private Water Storm Water


Changes in Levels and Directional Changes

The depth of any conduit installation in the carriageway should match that of any conduit installation on the road verge (footpath). If this is not achievable, the cover at the end of a conduit at a road crossing should be at the same level as the conduit in the verge. To achieve this, install conduit bends, if needed. A straight length of the standard 100mm Light Duty/Class 6 conduit has the possibility of a minor degree of bending (i.e. approximately 10 to 15 degrees over the length of the conduit). Any deviation greater than 15 degrees will require the installation of appropriate bends.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

Do not install under any circumstances, any conduit with a kink in its length. The repair of any damaged conduit section will be required prior to ETSA Utilities accepting the asset. Any major variation to the depth of a conduit will have an impact on the ease the electrical installer will have installing a cable in a conduit. A gradient rise or fall should be limited to 100mm per metre for the primary run of ETSA Utilities cables and conduits. Appropriate bends with the smallest radius requirement to achieve a satisfactory clearance to other services should be utilised. Retrospective undergrounding projects will provide challenges to the Civil Contractor from time to time when other service providers infrastructure is encountered within the trench. It will be the Civil Contractors responsibility to resolve these issues and the assistance of the ETSA Utilities NPO should be sought to ensure that the solution proposed is to the satisfaction of ETSA Utilities prior to construction. Refer to figure 8 below for examples of conflict and possible solutions. Also, refer to Table 2 for the minimum horizontal separation between services. The example in figure 8 shows an in-appropriate conduit coupling with excess tension applied to both the coupling and a straight length of conduit. It is important that the Customer and electrical Contractor establish appropriate ground levels at the time of the installation of the electrical works to ensure that there is no requirement to alter ground levels by a third party after installation. Under the Electricity Act 1996 and Electricity (Gen.) Regs 1997, the SA Independent Regulator can impose a fine for any breach. Refer to Part 6, Clause 38 of the Electricity (Gen.) Regs 1997.
INCORRECT G.L. X Sharp bends `Y
ETSA conduit

Note If Y > 1.5m it may be preferreble to go over service.

Alternative Conduit route

Coupling location is not appropriate if there is any tension. This creates a lip which can damage cables


Preferred gradient rise/fall of conduit 100mm per 1metre For primary run.

150mm minimum under service. Refer 4.3


Shared Trench Arrangement

A shared trench arrangement is normally installed as a part of a Greenfield housing project. The shared trench is the responsibility of the Customer and contains electrical and other infrastructure providers assets. Refer to clause 9.1 for Cable/Conduit Requirements for the ETSA Utilities Trench and for more details relating to the installation of 66kV cables, refer to clause 17.0 Civil Works - 66kv Underground Cables within this document.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

When installing conduits/cables in a shared trench, consider the following: The trench width can vary from 450mm wide upto 1.2m wide; however, the trench width is dependent on the cable/conduit specification and configuration, footpath/road location and soil type; The design drawings shall specify all trench widths and be submitted to ETSA Utilities for approval prior to installation; The trench depth will normally be a maximum of 1.2m; Subject to the ETSA Utilities approval, a trench depth could be up to 1.5m deep or even deeper for the 66kV projects, depending on site specification, conduit arrangement, soil type, and footpath/road location. The design drawings shall specify all cable depths; The depth of the trench shall be such as to achieve a minimum cover of 750mm above conduits and cover of 1.0m above all direct buried cables to the ultimate finished ground level; For Non-DPTI roads, a 750mm minimum cover from the finished road service level at the kerb invert shall be maintained; Refer to Services in Streets Code for trench location in a road reserve; and Maintained vertical and horizontal separation (clearances) between services as stated in clause 9.6 of this document.


Typical Shared Trench Cross Sections

For various typical cross sections of shared trench occupied by the ETSA Utilities underground HV cables upto 11kV and LV cables & Telecommunication, Third party Telecom, Private/Consumers service mains, CLER, Public Light and Gas, refer to the Appendices D to K in this document for detailed sketches. The following notes apply to Appendices D to K of this document: 1. Install ETSA Utilities Telecommunications conduit outside the line of any pits. Conduit shown is 110 O.D, Class 6, White, LD, IPLEX CTCR1004 or Equivalent (use Sub Ducts if required). 2. Install spare LV conduits thru to ETSA Utilities Pit (preferred location is on property side). Conduit shown is 110 O.D, Class 6, Orange, LD, and stock item no. NC2505. 3. Install spare HV conduits outside the line of any pits. (Preferred location is on kerb side of service pit). Conduit shown is 110 O.D, Class 6, Orange, LD, and stock item no. NC2505. 4. Public light, Private Consumer and CLER conduits are shown as 32 O.D, Orange, HD, stock item no. EA8045. 5. Gas mains, shown as 110 O.D, cover 750mm with 250mm min. clearance shown dotted lines to other services. 6. Flexible consumer gas pipe is shown as 20 O.D with 100mm min. clearance to other services. 7. Third party Telco, shown as 110 O.D with 100mm min. clearance showed dotted lines for LV and 300mm min. for HV. 8. HV and LV in Conduits are shown as 110 O.D, Class 6, Orange, LD, stock item no. NC2505.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

9. On the property side, shown dotted lines are for the ETSA Utilities P7 pit and third party Telco P8 pit. The preferred installations of these pits are fully within the trench or half way centre line of pits to the trench edge. All dimensions are in mm unless otherwise specified. For any installation of 33kV HV cables, refer to Electricity (Gen.) Regs 1997, Schedule-3, Section-7 and Table-1.

10. 11.


Trenching for ETSA Utilities Telecom Only

Refer to Appendix - G for the trench arrangement when conduits are required for ETSA Utilities Telecommunications only. For ETSA Utilities Telecommunications conduits that will only have Optic Fibre Cables installed, then a marker tape with tracer wires shall be required.


Typical ETSA Utilities Only Trench

For typical cross sections of a trench occupied ONLY by the underground ETSA Utilities HV/LV mains & Telecommunication cables, Refer to the Appendix - E. This situation only covers scenarios where ETSA Utilities do not share a trench with other parties such as Third party Telecom, Private/Consumers service mains, CLER, Public Light and/or Gas. For minimum depth of cable cover requirements refer to Electricity (General) Regulations 1997 Schedule 3 Section 7 Table 1. For maintaining safety, reliability and protecting ETSA Utilities undergrounding HV and LV asset, ETSA Utilities specific requirement is to maintain 750mm minimum cover for HV and LV infrastructure, conduits or cables in conduit measured from the ground surface to the top of conduits and 1.0m minimum to the top of direct buried cables. If these minimum requirements are unachievable then consult the relevant ETSA Utilities Manager.

9.8.4 9.8.5

URD Trench Design Requirements

For URD trench design requirements, refer to TS-100.

Trenching for Retrospective (PLEC Schemes)

Trench dimensions shall be sufficient to satisfy the minimum dimensions and clearances that are specified in this Technical Standard (TS-085) and/or as specified in the ETSA Utilities specification. The designer will also need to consider for each installation the available space; proximity to other services; DPTI design and operational requirements; The preferred method of trenching in an existing road reserve, which is located in a busy footpath and vehicular traffic area, is to install a full conduit system at the appropriate depth and back fill on completion of specific sections. (Refer to clause 9.8.1, figures 6 and 9); and

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

Consider Installation of a draw wire for any proposed cable installations. This method of installation minimises disruption to footpath and vehicular traffic and business premises.
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Reduced Cover Trenching

(E.g. Where Hard Digging/Obstacles Occur and/or conflict with another Authorities/Utilities) Refer to Appendix - F that specifies the requirements for reduced trench cover where hard digging or obstacles occur. This reduced cover trench arrangement can also be utilised where the ETSA Utilities asset is in conflict with another authorities/utilities installation. For reduced cover trench arrangement, consider the following requirements: Prior to using such reduced trench arrangement, a proposed scope of works shall be presented to the relevant ETSA Utilities Manager for approval; Install cable markers at the start and finish at spacing of 30m (where practical) for the full length of the reduced cover trench, Equivalent to Appendix - B of this document, for all areas including footpath reserve areas or private properties; Note to be added to As Constructed drawing, making reference to contact ETSA Utilities before trenching in reduced cover trench; Other Utilities such as telecommunications may go along side ETSA Utilities assets in another trench to maintain clearances. The affected utilities shall be notified of the reduced trench cover. Evidence of this notification shall be provided to ETSA Utilities; and Installations must also comply with all other requirements of this TS-085.

9.10 9.11

Underground Cables on Bridge Crossings

For cable requirements, on bridges refer to TS-100.

Pit Installations
There are number of pits available in various sizes. The Installed pit shall be of a size appropriate for the purpose. The designer also needs to be mindfull of clearances to the other services and note that clearance to water pipe lines infrastructure (e.g. SA Water) from ETSA Utilities LV pit shall be 1.0m. Also, refer to clause 9.6 and figure 9 below. Where conduits are installed into the body of a pit, the conduit needs to be 25 to 50mm inside the pits body. All conduit edges shall have no sharp edges. The Contractor shall cap all conduit entries, to stop the entry of foreign material between the time of the conduit installation and the installation of ETSA Utilities cables. Refer to clause 10.10.4 below and refer to TS100 for design information on service pillar and pit. Expanding foam or silicon should be utilised as a sealer at the conduit entry point into the wall of a service pillar if the conduit is not a tight fit.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks


Extended P7 pit (1 Standard body plus one shortened body or collar) at preferred 985mm invert

Preferred 0 40mm to pit bottom for low voltage cable entry to ensure appropriate room for cable cones

Conduit to finish 25mm - 50mm inside pit



Cable Location Markers

Wherever cables are laid in underground trenches in rural locations or across private property then cable location markers are to be installed to clearly identify the location of the underground cables. The cable location marker (stock item no - KS3722) is also to be installed to locate service pits/pillars in both rural and residential land developments, where the development is likely to remain unoccupied for an extended period or where the natural vegetation will prevent the obvious identification of the ETSA Utilities equipment. Refer to Appendix - B below for specific details of ETSA Utilities required cable location marking systems.


Trenchless/Directional Boring
Some trenching scenarios need to undertake the installation of conduit using trenchless boring technique. Directional Drilling should only be considered in situations where Open Trenching is not an option. Good examples of this would be - but not limited to under rivers, under tram or train lines, in CBD areas where the road is full of services and does not provide an alignment for an open trench. Trenchless/directional boring technology is utilised where: Open trenching is not suitable (or not an option) to the local conditions. The minimum depth needs to be 1.5m to ensure there is no groundswell above the conduit installation. The most suitable boring technique for a particular site will be dependent on the following considerations: Number and size of cables to be installed; Length required; Type of soil and condition; Location accuracy required; Straight or curved profile/route required; and Restraints on size of equipment used and/or work site access. When required, Install nylon draw ropes and seal the conduit ends, using suitable tapered push-in polystyrene plugs.

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Note 1. Refer to E1921 sht 2.1 for standard arrangements 2. Refer to E1921 sht 6.1 to 6.4 for assembly details 3. A P7 pit is preferred for LV cable junctions and service arrangements for approved below ground connections 4. The preference is for all conduits to enter at the ends of a pit

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks 9.13.1 Requirements for Directional Boring
When utilising trenchless/directional boring technology consideration shall be given to the following requirements: When installing more than one conduit in the bored hole, or the hole exceeds the outer diameter of the conduit by more than 25mm, then fill the resulting voids with a suitable approved slurry. When installing banks of conduits in a bore, install conduits in such a way when practicable that the conduit profile is the same at the entry and exit. The design and construction of a bore means polyethylene pipe is required as per Table 9 and Table 10 in this document. Also, consider the potential for cable de-rating for the deeper burial of cables and the minimum allowable depth can be preferable. For ETSA Utilities Telecommunications conduits that will only have Optic Fibre Cables installed, marker tape with tracer wires shall be required. Any trenchless bore installation requires a bore log of the final depths and locations to be included on the As Constructed drawing as a permanent record of the installation. Refer to TS-100 for the directional bore drawing preparation detail. Also, refer to Appendix-C for Example of Directional Bore Drawing in this document. Further clarification can be obtained from the Facilities Records Coordinator through the ETSA Utilities Project Manager.


Hydro Vacuum Excavation

Hydro vacuum excavation can be a non-destructive excavation and can be a safer technique compared to other excavation methods. To ensure that an ETSA Utilities asset is not damaged the operator needs to aware that the maximum working pressure allowed for the water excavator is 2000 pounds per square inch (psi) (13,790 kilopascals), as at higher pressures it is possible to damage fibre optic cables (Reference Energy Australia N156) In any case, the ETSA Utilities cables shall not be left exposed without some form of additional protection when the excavation site is left unsupervised. When any proposed excavation methods are utilised adjacent to ETSA Utilities infrastructure, compliance with NICC404 is also required. The Hydro Vacuum Excavation technique could assist in: Identifying an underground asset; Digging a pole hole near poly-ethylene or poly vinyl chloride (PVC) pipelines, excavating safely across optic fibre and precise potholing; Excavating in sensitive areas where traditional excavation machinery could cause major damage; Eliminating any costly damage or breakages; and Minimising accidents involved in any type of mechanical excavation.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks



Installation of cables shall be in the conduits, under the following circumstances: Road crossings; Full length of pathways with restricted access (i.e., a pathway between fenced allotments); Public lighting cables which are installed in independent trench to AS/NZS3000 and CLER Tariff lighting installations; Retrospective undergrounding (i.e. PLEC Projects); and/or Trenching on private property and an easements where cables are vested in ETSA Utilities. Refer to clause 11.0 below.
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Spare Conduit Provision

The Civil Contractor needs to be vigilant in ensuring that the appropriate number of conduits are installed at a road crossing to accommodate all of the electrical cables PLUS any continuous spare conduit requirements in the common service trench. This will minimise future on site works at the time the spare conduit is utilised. The design and installation shall include spare conduit requirements as detailed in the following clauses 10.2.1, 10.2.2 and 10.2.3. In some developments, the design specifies the installation of additional spare conduits above the conduit requirements within the common service trench for the buried direct cables. It is important that additional spare conduits installed in the common service trench are continuous with the spare conduits installed at road crossings. If the installation of additional spare conduit requirements is not continuous then ETSA Utilities will issue a noncompliance.

10.2.1 Wherever an electrical cable is buried direct

(I.e. in a Road Reserve) The conduit installation needs to be such that any buried direct cable can be replaced in a spare conduit. As an Example: There are three circuits of low voltage and one circuit of 300mm2 high voltage cable buried directly in a common service trench. In accordance with clause 10.5 - Conduit Sizes, the cables require the following spare conduits: TABLE 3 - Spare Conduits Required For the Low voltage: For the High voltage: 3 x 100mm LD conduit 3 x 100mm LD conduit

Note: Where one LV circuit consists of two or more parallel bundles of cables, a spare conduit must be provided for each bundle of cables.
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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

10.2.2 When a cable is installed in a conduit

To ensure that future Civil works for ETSA Utilities infrastructure is kept to a minimum; there is a requirement that where cables are to be installed in conduit, additional conduits are required to assist in cable replacement. Unless specified differently in the ETSA Utilities specification the requirements are:

For a PLEC Project:

One spare conduit for each of the low voltage circuits; 2x150mm2 parallel LV cables are deemed to be one circuit; One spare conduit for each of the high voltage circuits up to and including 95mm2; One spare conduit per phase for any 300mm2 and 630mm2 high voltage installation; and Install 1x100mm white telecommunications conduit. This is the maximum conduit installation as per the PLEC Guidelines. After considering space availability and future growth requirements, the PLEC group will advise the designer of the number of conduits required for the installation. The minimum requirement is as per a customer project.

For a CUSTOMER/URD Project:

(I.e. through any easement): For every three conduits (or part thereof) installed that are to be occupied by cables, there is one additional conduit included in the installation. As an Example: There are (total) three cable circuits installed in conduits comprised of two low voltage circuits in 2x100mm conduits and one 300mm2 high voltage cable with one phase installed in each of 3x100mm conduits. Conduits Requirements: There are (total) five conduits with cables. Based on a requirement of one spare conduit per three occupied conduits, or part thereof, there will need to be two additional conduits included in the installation. Result: Five conduits for cables PLUS 2 Spares = 7 conduits. Note: Any public lighting cable installed in a heavy duty conduit is excluded from the requirements of

10.2.3 Road Crossings

There is a requirement for spare conduits as well as the conduits that are to be utilised at the time of the cable installation at road crossings. Refer to clause 9.2 above.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks


Conduit Bend Requirements

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The requirement for bends will need to be assessed at the time of installation as well as at the time of trench design layout. Where spare conduits are required, refer to clause 10.2 above, the extent of the installation shall satisfy the minimum conduit bend requirements as per the following tables 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11: TABLE 4 - Conduit Bend Requirements Situation Common Trench T Intersections Trench Direction Changes Greater than 90 Deg Transformer Vaults - General Transformer Vault for a Future Stage Trench Direction Changes less than 90 Deg Road Crossing - Primary Cable Run Road Crossing Tee Off/Non Continuous Requirement No Bend Requirement No Bend Requirement Bend Requirement Bends Required Bends Required Continuous Nil

TABLE 5 - For/and up to 33kV Projects Rigid, Straight Lengths - Electrical Orange Conduits with Belled End
Nom. Size (mm) 32 (OD) 100 (ID) 100 (ID) ETSA Utilities Class Type HD LD LD ETSA Utilities Minimum Conduit Bend Requirement (mm) 312 Radius (HDPE or HD rigid PVC to match the conduit) 1800 Radius (HDPE or HD rigid PVC to match the conduit) IPLEX CT73109 or Equivalent

TABLE 6 - For the CBD Applications - for/and up to 33kV Projects Rigid, Straight Lengths - Electrical Orange Conduits with Belled End
Nom. Size (mm) 125 (ID) 100 (ID) ETSA Utilities Class Type LD LD ETSA Utilities Minimum Conduit Bend Requirement (mm) 1800 Radius (HDPE or HD rigid PVC to match the conduit) IPLEX CT73109 or Equivalent

TABLE 7 - ALTERNATIVE Conduit Sizes - For 300mm2 Size Cables For/and up to 33kV Projects Rigid, Straight Lengths - Electrical Orange Conduits with Belled End
Nom. Size (mm) 150 (ID) ETSA Utilities Class Type LD ETSA Utilities Minimum Conduit Bend Requirement (mm) 1800 Radius (HDPE or HD rigid PVC to match the conduit)

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

TABLE 8 - For the 66kV Projects Rigid, Straight Lengths - Electrical Orange Conduits with Belled End
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Nom. Size (mm) ETSA Utilities Class Type LD (Class PN6.3) or Equivalent LD LD ETSA Utilities Minimum Conduit Bend Requirement (mm) Greater than Min. Bending Radius of the Cable (HDPE or HD rigid PVC to match the conduit) 1800 Radius (HDPE or HD rigid PVC to match the conduit) IPLEX CT73109 or Equivalent

200 (ID) 100 (ID) 100 (ID)

TABLE 9 - GUIDE ONLY Flexible, Polyethylene Electrical Orange Conduits - Coils

Nom. Size (mm) Flexible Coil 110 (OD) ETSA Utilities Class Type HD Vinidex or HD Iplex SDR11 Class 9 or Equivalent ETSA Utilities Minimum Conduit Bend Requirement (mm) 1800 Radius (HDPE or HD rigid PVC to match the conduit)

TABLE 10 - GUIDE ONLY Flexible, Polyethylene Electrical Orange Conduits Coils

Nom. Size (mm) ETSA Utilities Class Type ETSA Utilities Minimum Conduit Bend Requirement (mm) 1800 Radius HD Vinidex Or HD Iplex or SDR11 Class 9 or Equivalent (HDPE or HD rigid PVC to match the conduit)

Flexible Coil 125 (OD)

TABLE 11 - GUIDE ONLY Generally for 66kV Projects For Horizontal Directional Boring/Drilling Installations Polyethylene Conduit - Straight Lengths HDPE Electrical Orange
Nom. Size (mm) HDPE 225 (OD) HDPE 125 (OD) ETSA Utilities Class Type HD Iplex SDR13.6 Class 10 or Equivalent HD Vinidex or HD Iplex SDR11 Class 9 or Equivalent ETSA Utilities Minimum Conduit Bend Requirement (mm) 1800 Radius (HDPE or HD rigid PVC to match the conduit) 1800 Radius (HDPE or HD rigid PVC to match the conduit)

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks


Conduit Reinforcement
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Encasing conduit bends in concrete, is not recommended for open trenching. Conduit bends encased in concrete can create issues at the time of the cable installation. Concerns are: Concrete has a much higher coefficient of friction than PVC and will increase any pulling tension if the conduit is compromised; and There is the potential to cause serious damage to the cable by the potentially rough surface finish of the concrete if a conduit wall is worn through. A cable pull over anything but a very short distance (i.e. a low voltage pull from pillar/pit to pillar/pit), shall undergo a full assessment that is not limited but shall consider the following: Ensure the cable pulling tension is known and specified; For a long cable pull, where there are number of corners/slopes, the designer shall be vigilant and apply the appropriate cable pulling tension; Ensure enough lubrication injection points are made available; Apply appropriate lubrication to both the cable and the draw wire Ensure the cable pull through a conduit is slow.


Conduit Sizes
The following tables from 12 to 18 (below) specify the minimum conduit sizes for various cables sizes and rated voltage. Installation of a larger/higher conduit classification is acceptable on the provisos that the conduit is continuous with any existing and/or future continuous conduit installation. The use of standard 200mm white PVC pressure pipe, as an alternative to the orange type is not permitted without MNSPs written approval. Telecommunications conduit is to be White and shall be marked as Telecommunications. Selection of conduit classification should be based on consideration of all factors, which may affect the operation of the conduit, such as: Temperature of operation Future development, extension requirements and external loading Care shall be taken in joining conduits. Different grades have different internal diameters and the resultant raised internal edge has the potential to damage the outer layer of cable during cable pulling.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

TABLE 12 - For/and up to 33kV Projects Rigid, Straight Lengths - Electrical Orange Conduits with Belled End
Technical Conduit Data Nom. Size (mm) ETSA Utilities Class Type No. of Conduits Required Application Mean Mean Diam. (mm) Public Lighting Circuits LV mains 95mm2 HV 300mm2 HV
(1 cable per conduit per phase)

Wall Thick (mm)

Belled Mouth Diam. (mm)

Effective Straight Length (m) 4

Belled (Socket) Length (mm) 25

ETSA Utilities Stock Item No.

*32 (OD)


1 1 1

*32 (OD)




100 (ID)


100 (ID)





3 LD (White)

630mm2 HV
(1 cable per conduit per phase)

100 (ID)

Optic Fibre

100 (ID)





IPLEX CTCR 1004 or Equivalent

Notes for Table 12: 1. * = Refer to Clause 10.8.1 for conduit OD & ID sizing. 2. N/A = (Data) Not Available; LD = Light Duty (Orange, except for Telecommunications which shall be White); E.g. Series 1 Pipes > class PN4 and class PN6.3; HD = Heavy Duty (Orange); E.g. Series 1 Pipes > class PN9 and class PN12.5.

TABLE 13 - ALTERNATIVE Conduit Sizes for 300mm2 Size Cables (For/and up to 33kV Projects) Rigid, Straight Lengths - Electrical Orange Conduits with Belled End
Nom. Size (mm) ETSA Utilities Class Type Technical Conduit Data No. of Conduits Required Application Mean Diam. (mm) Alternative 300mm2 HV 3 150 (ID) LD 1
(1 cable per conduit per phase)

Wall Thick mm)

Mean Mouth Diam. (mm)

Effective Straight Length (m)

Socket Length (mm)

ETSA Utilities Stock Item No.

Alternative 300mm2 HV
(1 cable per conduit per phase)

150 (ID)





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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

TABLE 14 - For the CBD Applications - For/and up to 33kV Projects Rigid, Straight Lengths - Electrical Orange Conduits with Belled End
Nom. Size (mm) No. of Conduits Required Application Mean Mouth Diam. (mm) Effective Straight Length (m)

Class Type

Mean Diam. (mm)

Wall Thick (mm)

Socket Length (mm)

Stock Item No.

1 1 125 (ID)

LV mains 95mm2 HV 300mm2 HV 125 (ID)


(1 cable per conduit per phase)





630mm2 HV 3
(1 cable per conduit per phase)

100 (ID)

LD (White)

Optic Fibre

100 (ID)

IPLEX N/A 114 N/A N/A CTCR 1004 or Equivalent

TABLE 15 - For 66kV Projects Rigid, Straight Lengths - Electrical Orange Conduits with Belled End
Nom. Size (mm) ETSA Utilities Class Type Technical Conduit Data No. of Conduits Required Application Mean Diam. (mm) 66kV 3
(1 cable per conduit per phase)

Wall Thick mm)

Mean Mouth Diam. (mm)

Effective Straight Length (m)

ETSA Utilities Manuf. Part Number # Stock Item No.

150 (ID)

LD (Class PN6)

160 (OD) & 150 (ID) 225 (OD) & 200 (ID) 100 (ID) 100 (ID) 3.0 114 6 6.1 N/A 6 4.8 N/A 6

Vinidex 11320 or Equivalent


200 (ID)

LD (Class PN6)

66kV 3
(1 cable per conduit per phase)

## (Special Order) Non-Stock

100 (ID) 100 (ID)

LD LD (White)

Earthing cable Optic Fibre

102 IPLEX CTCR 1004 or Equivalent






Notes for Table 15: 1. # = as per AS/NZS 1477, Class PN6, Table 4.2 (A), Colour Orange 2. ## = Manufactured by special order, Orange 200mm conduits with minimum 90m lengths with sufficient lead time. 3. * = Refer to Clause 10.8.1 for conduit OD & ID sizing.
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ETSA Utilities

Technical Conduit Data

ETSA Utilities

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

TABLE 16 - GUIDE ONLY - Flexible, Polyethylene Electrical Orange Conduits - Coils
Nom. Size (mm) ETSA Utilities Class Type HD Vinidex or Flexible Coil 110 (OD) HD Iplex SDR11 Class 9 or Equivalent 3 3 Technical Conduit Data No. of Conduits Required Application Mean ID Diam. (mm) 1 1 LV mains 95mm2 300mm2 HV HV 91.6 Vinidex or 90 Iplex or Equivalent 9.2 Vinidex or 9.8 Iplex or Equivalent 110 100 23000 Vinidex or EMCX9110100 Iplex or Equivalent NonStock Wall Thick (mm) Mean OD Diam. (mm) Effective Straight Length (m) Manufacturer Part Number ETSA Utilities Stock Item No.

(1 cable per conduit per phase)

(1 cable per conduit per phase)

TABLE 17 - GUIDE ONLY - Flexible, Polyethylene Electrical Orange Conduits Coils

Nom. Size (mm) ETSA Utilities Class Type HD Vinidex or Flexible Coil 125 (OD) HD Iplex SDR11 Class 9 or Equivalent 3 3 Technical Conduit Data No. of Conduits Required Application Mean ID Diam. (mm) 1 1 LV mains 95mm2 HV 300mm2 HV
(1 cable per conduit per phase)

Wall Thick (mm)

Mean OD Diam. (mm)

Effective Straight Length (m)

Manufacturer Part Number

ETSA Utilities Stock Item No.

104.2 Vinidex or 103 Iplex or Equivalent

10.4 Vinidex or 11 Iplex or Equivalent 125 75 Vinidex or 100 Iplex or Equivalent 23007 Vinidex or EMCX9125100 Iplex or Equivalent


66kV ( 1 cable per

conduit per phase)


Conduit Cable Entry into Service Pillars

The bend needed is NC5741 which has a 900mm radius and, while it may require some trimming when joined together, will achieve an entry with a trench at the normal invert; and A 1.8m bend, which can still to be utilised for any directional change where there is room, (i.e. at corners) Details of the arrangements for a conduit entry into a service pillar are detailed in E 1923 sheet 9


Typical Over to Under Conduit Entry into Ground

Refer to AppendixK Typical Over to Under Pipe Entering Detail in this document that explains the requirements for conduit entering ground near the pole footing.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks


Conduits Compliance to AS/NZS Standards

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Conduits and couplings shall be UPVC material and meet the requirements of AS/NZS 2053 Parts 1 and 2 for Rigid Plain designation; The conduit will be marked with the word Electrical, the conduit size and class, e.g. Electrical Ducting 100 mm 6.0 Class; No lower grade form of rigid conduit is permitted without the approval of MNSP; Conduits shall also meet the requirements of AS/NZS 1477 for the Test for Impact at 20 degrees C; and Conduits colour Orange (excluding Telecommunications conduits, which shall be White). Notes: ETSA Utilities requires that the installation and handling rigid LD PVC conduit be in accordance with: 1. PIPA website, which provides information on Solvent Cement Jointing of PVC Pipe. 2. AS/NZS 2032: Clause 5.3.11 - Bending of PVC Pipes that recommends a minimum radius of 150 x OD for non-pressure (electrical) pipes.

10.8.1 Identification of Conduit Sizes

The nominal sizes for rigid straight lengths conduits: Conduit sizes between 16mm to 63mm are to be referred to by the conduit outside diameter (OD). Conduit sizes greater than 63mm are to be referred to by the conduit internal diameter (ID).

10.8.2 Colour of Conduits/Couplings

AS1345 - Identification of the Contents of Pipes, Conduits and Ducts, Table 1, states that for electrical supply circuits applications the conduits and couplings shall be in ORANGE colour and for telecommunications shall be in WHITE colour. Conduits and couplings shall be compliant with AS 1345.


Conduit for Directional Boring

The conduit used for directional boring shall: Meet our minimum requirements and AS/NZS 4130; Be able to withstand the forces involved in the directional boring process; Be Orange in colour (excluding Telecommunications conduits, which shall be White); Be of size and characteristics to allow the cable to achieve its current rating; and Be anchored appropriately at the conduit entry/exit points to maintain its horizontal profile. Refer to figure 10 below Securing the End of Directional Boring Conduit. Note: The polyethylene material has a Memory and will attempt to coil up. This will introduce stress at conduit transition locations and at the start/end of a directional boring conduit installation.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks


10.9.1 Drawing Requirements for Directional Boring

Refer to clause 7.2.7 and Appendix-C of this document for Drawing requirements for directional boring. Further clarification can be obtained from the Facilities Records Coordinator through the ETSA Utilities Project Manager. TABLE 18 - GUIDE ONLY Generally for 66kV Projects For Horizontal Directional Boring/Drilling Installations Polyethylene Conduit - Straight Lengths HDPE Electrical Orange
Nom. Size (mm) ETSA Utilities Class Type HD HDPE 225 (OD) Iplex SDR13.6 Class 10 or Equivalent HD Vinidex or HDPE 125 (OD) HD Iplex SDR11 Class 9 or Equivalent 1 Earthing cable 104.2 Vinidex or 103 Iplex or Equivalent 10.4 Vinidex or 11 Iplex or Equivalent 125 75 Vinidex or 100 Iplex or Equivalent 23007 Vinidex or EMCX9125100 Iplex or Equivalent 3 Technical Conduit Data No. of Conduits Required Application Mean ID Diam. (mm) For 66kV Project
(1 cable per conduit per phase)

Wall Thick (mm) 17.5 Iplex or Equivalent

Mean OD Diam. (mm)

Effective Straight Length (m)

Manufacturer Part Number

ETSA Utilities Stock Item No.

191 Iplex or Equivalent



* (Special Order)



Notes for Table 18: 1. * = GUIDE ONLY, Orange, as per AS/NZS 4130, Class PN10, manufactured by special order, minimum 90m length order with sufficient lead time; 2. 225mm diameter white PVC Series 1 Pressure Pipes as an alternative to Orange type is not permitted without MNSP approval.

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Edge of entry/exit hole Directional boring conduit

End of polyethylene pipe to be concrete encased or Sandbagged

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

10.10 Conduit Installation (for and up to 33kV)

10.10.1 General
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Design Information shall detail via cross sections that detail network requirements along the route. When installing conduit consider the following general factors: Conduit designs shall be prepared to ensure that pulling tensions do not exceed the maximum permissible as required by the Construction Standard TS-087; Installation details and techniques for cable pulling through conduits should be as stated in E drawing E1906; and Lube injection points need to be considered by the designer for long pulls with multiple bends. In some situations lube Injection point are not possible and Front End Lubrication is the best method.

10.10.2 Requirements for the Conduit Installation

When installing conduit consider the following design requirements: Conduits shall be laid on an evenly bedded 50mm thick layer of well-graded sand substantially free from lumps and particles having a dimension in excess of 6mm; After the laying of each length, bedding material shall be placed and tamped to hold the conduit securely in position and provide a cover of 50mm when compacted; Allow minimum of one hour between any conduit gluing and the installation a draw rope. The gluing of conduits should be carried out to the manufacturers recommendations; Draw rope with a 6mm minimum diameter and made from a material approved by ETSA Utilities may be required; For spare conduits in a group, the position of the ends shall not vary by more than 300mm. Where conduits are installed in layers, the ends shall be positioned horizontally; Conduits between new and existing subdivisions shall be joined together; At pole locations any over to underground conduit at the point of burial shall be as detailed in Append-L of this document; and Cable markers are required wherever ETSA Utilities conduits/cables pass through private property. Refer to Appendix - B of this document, for the installation details.

10.10.3 Additional Requirements for the Conduit Installation

The designer shall also consider and apply the following additional installation criteria for underground conduits: Earth cables do not need to be installed in conduits; Where there will be access roads, driveways and footpath crossings greater then 2.5m in width, conduits for a cable installation as well as spare conduit requirements may need to be included in a design;
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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

Full details of the conduits shall be included on a design drawing and the As Constructed drawing shall reflect the actual installation; Any breaks in a continuous conduit installation shall be noted as shall any changes in the as installed conduit size; Install only straight lengths of conduits in a straight-line open trench. Coiled flexible conduit (i.e. coiled flexible directional boring conduit) cannot be utilised in an open trench; and Do not install 11kV cables in the same conduit as low voltage cables.

10.10.4 Sealing of Conduits For a Cable Installation

Where cables have been installed in conduits, the conduit end shall be adequately sealed to prevent the entrance of dirt, stones, white ants and moisture into the conduit. Insert scrunched plastic (i.e. plastic bag) or newspaper inside the conduit (around the cable) prior to use of the polyurethane foam fill. The scrunched plastic or paper will help restrict the wastage of foam fill been spread more then 75mm inside the conduit. After placing scrunched plastic, apply expanding polyurethane foam fill around cable inside the conduit as per the manufacturer's instructions. The expanding foam fill should not encroach into the conduit any further then 75mm. This will ensure that the foam/cable can easily be removed, if the need arises. Refer to figure 11 on the next page. Cable Scrunched Plastic (i.e. Plastic Bag) or Newspaper Expanding Foam Approx 75mm FIGURE 11 - SEALING OF CONDUITS WITH CABLES Note for figure 11: Sealing of conduits is not required for the Telecommunications conduits. For Conduits without Cables

The use of end caps is a requirement for any conduit that is to remain vacant. For all empty conduits, the exposed ends shall be squarely cut and cleaned. They shall be fitted with PVC caps to prevent the entry of water, dirt or other foreign matter. It is vital that end caps are installed on ALL conduits at the time of installation. This also includes any empty conduits left overnight or incomplete installations.
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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

Some caps will be recoverable once the conduit/cable installation is completed. The cost of an end cap is insignificant alongside the cost to cleaning out Sludge inside the conduit.

TABLE 19 - GUIDE ONLY - Cap Size Guide for Conduits with No Cables
Description Cap, Push on 40mm for Consumers Conduit Cap, Push on 50mm for Consumers Conduit Cap, Push on 80mm Cap, Push on 100mm Stock Item No NC 6462 NC 6470 NC 6501



Trench dimensions shall be sufficient to satisfy the minimum ETSA Utilities requirements as specified in this Technical Standard or any ETSA Utilities specification. There are three options for cable installation: Diagram A: Cable in Conduit at 1.0m Cover (Refer to Appendix - H-1 below) 1. Install all cables in conduits buried at a depth of 1.0m. 2. The polymeric cover slabs are not required but may be installed if desired. Diagram B: Cable in Conduit at 750mm Cover (Refer to Appendix - H-2 below) 1. Install cables in conduit at a depth of 750mm. 2. Install polymeric cover slabs (if required) and warning tape as shown. 3. Conduit requirements are as per clause 10.0 of this document. Diagram C: Cable Buried Direct (Refer to Appendix - H-3 below) 1. Install cables buried direct at a depth of 1.0m. 2. Spare conduits as per clause 10.2 of this document are required for the cable circuits that are to be installed. 3. Polymeric cover slabs are to be installed. Notes: 1. Warning tape is required in all three cases above. 2. Refer to clauses 10.1 & 10.2 in this document for more details. Diagram D: Cable in Conduit (Reduced Cover Trench) 1. Install cables in conduits in private property at minimum depth of 450mm. (Refer to clause 9.10 above and Appendix - F below).



Trench dimensions shall be determined as required between ETSA Utilities and the customer and will depend on the available space in the footpath (verge) and proximity to other services. Where the cables are to be direct buried, the trench configuration shall be in accordance with the Appendix - H-4 Trenching for Single Customer on Verge. Any ETSA Utilities cable system that needs to be located under a road needs to satisfy either the requirements detailed in clauses 9.3 and 9.8 for shared service trenches and/or clause 9.4 if it is a Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) road;

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

In situations where public lighting circuits within conduits are to be located in a trench alone, (e.g. no adjacent power circuits or spare conduits), the minimum cover shall be 500mm with warning tape installed at 250mm. In these situations, the cable installation shall comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 3000; and Any public lighting network that is a Customer Lantern Energy Rate (CLER) or Energy only or fed from a metered supply point is a private supply for public lighting and requires a minimum separation of 150mm from any ETSA Utilities infrastructure.



The excavation for vaults and piers shall be as follows: Padmount Transformer Vaults: The dimensions are in the order of 1.85m long x 1.0m wide x 1.25m deep, total excavation approximately 2.5m of spoil. Padmount Transformer Piers: Piers shall be installed as per E-drawing E1982 Sheets 11.2. Switching Cubicle Vaults: The dimensions are in the order of 2.25m long x 1.0m wide x 1.175m deep, total excavation approximately 2.7m of spoil. The spoil requiring excavation for the above two cases allows working room for the placement of cables in conjunction with installation of the vaults.



Bedding sand/sand back fill shall be: Used prior to and after the laying of cables; Layed below and above the cable and conduits to the depths shown in clause 9.8 of this standard; Used under any cable vault and service pit installation; Lightly and evenly compacted by rolling the trench bed, prior to backfilling; Minimum coverage requirements shall be maintained; and In compliance with the ETSA Utilities specification. DS4B and PM64 are common sand type designations but their specifications differs to the ETSA Utilities standard. On occasions, sand supplied as DS4B and PM64 can be suitable. It is the Contractors responsibility to ensure the installed sand meets ETSA Utilities specification. See Table 20 below for the specification of bedding sands permitted test values. Sand delivered on-site will be regularly checked. It is in the suppliers interest to ensure the supplied sample at a site meeting matches the on-site sand. ETSA will seek laboratory verification on and as needed basis to verify that the sand is compliant. ETSA will not compromise on these requirements. If a contractor (Electrical/Civil) is unsure, seek verification from the sand supplier prior to the sand being installed in a trench. For further information-verification, contact the ETSA Compliance Group.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

TABLE 20 - Bedding Sand Permitted Test Values TEST METHOD TEST Grading Sieve Sizes (mm) AS 1152-1993 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.6 0.425 0.3 0.15 0.075 Plasticity Index PERMITTED TEST VALUES Percent Passing 100 98 - 100 94 - 100 85 - 100 55 - 100 25 -100 5 - 40 0 - 10 (Non Plastic)
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AS 1141.11-1996

AS 1289. 3.3.1-1995



Polymeric cable covers and Marker tape shall meet following requirements: The stock item for the 5mm polymeric cable cover is RN0202 which is supplied as a 15m long roll, 300mm wide; To satisfy AS/NZS 3000 the strip shall be placed no more than 75mm above ETSA Utilities infrastructure and shall overlap the ETSA Utilities infrastructure by 40mm per side; Marker tape is a requirement for all PLEC projects; If polymeric cable covers have been installed marker tape is not required; and For ETSA Utilities Telecommunications conduits that will only have Optic Fibre Cables installed, then the marker tape with tracer wires shall be required.



The Contractor shall carry out the backfilling of trenches, tunnels, joint bays and any other associated excavations as soon as practicable after cable/conduit laying and/or jointing is completed. If any installed cable cannot be backfilled at the end of the working day a Contractor needs to consider security provisions to ensure the cable is not vandalised. Before commencing the backfilling operations of any trench excavation, surplusjointing materials, any waste materials, all rubbish including timber, foreign material, free water and slurry shall be removed from the trench. Backfill material shall not be placed in any excavation containing free water or slurry. The excavation shall be clean and completely free from all fibrous and vegetable matter and other material, which may attract termites. Excavated material from the trench may be permitted as backfill (above the bedding sand), if this material is predominantly a soil. Excavated material that contains any metal and/or rocks may be permitted, if it satisfies the following criteria: The amount of metal and rocks is less than 20% of the material (by volume) The metal and rocks pass through a 50mm screen Approval for any back fill arrangement with excavated material is by agreement with the ETSA Project Manager on a Case-By-Case project basis

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

Where cables and/or conduits are laid beneath other buried services, the Contractor shall ensure that the backfill beneath such services is adequately compacted such that no voids between cables and/or conduit layers detrimental to the cable rating occurs; and damage to the other buried services, due to inadequate support is prevented. Consolidation of the backfilled excavations will be in accordance with the local Council or Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure specifications as appropriate. If there is no third party specifications on compaction the nominal ETSA specification is 95% unless otherwise specified.



This section of the Technical Standard addresses major issues, which are to be considered, when installing new or replacement 66kV underground cables. This section of the Technical Standard sets out the essential design requirements for the Civil works associated with the installation of 66kV underground cables. These requirements are in addition to or supersede any other requirements of this Technical Standard when dealing with 66kV cable installations. All future underground 66kV cables will be installed in accordance with this Technical Standard.


66kV Design Information

Prior to the commencement of any cable installation works, the cable route and installation design details shall be finalised as part of the project design process and all necessary agreements, permits and easements shall be obtained. ETSA Utilities will supply specifications relating to the specific cable project, which will include the following information: Cable route drawing; Preferred conduit requirements and arrangements; Preferred conduit depth; Directional boring requirements; Cored pole footing requirements; Thermocouple location requirements; Type of bonding; Backfill requirements (e.g. Use of Fluidised Thermal Backfill FTB, Refer to clause 17.10 or other approved materials); and Bentonite is not permitted and shall be avoided, unless the relevant ETSA Utilities Manager provides approval.

17.2.1 Extent of 66kV Civil Work

To ensure cables are installed without damage, strict adherence to this standard, specified design requirements and manufactures specification is essential. The work involves the complete installation of the cables in accordance with this standard including:

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

Verification of route; Excavation; Installation of conduits; Laying cables; and Backfilling requirement.

17.2.2 66kV Cable Route Design Changes

Any changes to the cable alignment, cable depth or to the location of joints and so on previously approved by ETSA Utilities shall be submitted to ETSA Utilities for re-approval, prior to commencing installation of the cable.


66kV Cable Trench Dimensions

Trenches shall be excavated to the dimensions shown on the typical drawings submitted with the Contractor's tender and approved by ETSA Utilities and shall provide a depth of cover as specified by the cable specification. The cable spacing and depth are project dependent to maximise cable rating. Refer to Appendix-J-1, J-2 and J-3 at the end of this document for typical 66kV cable trench arrangements. The cable design drawings submitted to ETSA Utilities for approval shall show the cross-sections of the trenches including the cables and cover slabs, size and spacing of ducts including any concrete surrounds, all in their correct position and fully dimensioned. These dimensions shall constitute "Standard Trenches" within the terms of the contract and for the determination of contract price adjustments. ETSA Utilities will require notification of any variations in the trench dimensions from the approved design for re-approval.


66kV Cable Separation from Other Services

No other services are to be laid in parallel with 66kV cables at any depth within 3.0m measured horizontally from the outer phase cables. Where this requirement cannot be met, consult ETSA Utilities Manager Network Planning (MNP) to determine a site specific agreed clearance. All services or assets crossing 66kV cables will require approval from ETSA Utilities Manager Network Planning (MNP). Clearances between services and changes to levels and directional changes shall comply with the respective clauses in this Technical Standard.


66kV Directional Boring

The trenchless method of conduit installation involves directional boring. Refer to clause 9.14 and 9.14.1 of this Technical Standard. However, for 66kV cable installations, one spare non-metallic conduit only is required per bore. Refer to Appendix-J-3 for typical underground bore arrangements. All trenchless bore installations require a bore log of the final depth of cover. Also refer to clause 7.2.7 in this document for the drawing preparation requirements for directional boring.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks


Installation of (66kV) Conduits in Open Trench

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The Contractor shall install conduits for the cables at locations as specified, and as shown on the cable route drawings. Refer to Appendix-J for typical trench arrangements - 66kV Projects. At locations other than specified in the cable route drawings, consideration will be given to any proposal to install the cables in ducts to simplify the cable installation provided the cable system will remain adequate to meet the service conditions specified. ETSA Utilities approval is required for such variations.


Lubrication Points -66kV

Install the Lube Injection Points (LIPs) according to the designer and as per ETSA Utilities requirements. ETSA Utilities will nominate the exact number and location of LIPs prior to commencement of conduit installation. Position LIPs before bends and over long lengths, where heavy cable hauling is expected.


Laying 66kV Cables

The cables shall be pulled into the trench or conduits in a manner to be approved by ETSA Utilities. The Contractor shall present calculations for the cable pull tensions to the relevant ETSA Utilities Manager at least 4 weeks before the proposed pulling of cables or during the submission of the design for approval, whichever is first. ETSA Utilities and the cable manufacturer have to approve the rating design calculations. After any cable has been laid, and until the whole of the cables to be laid in the trench have been covered with their protective cover slabs, no sharp metal tools such as spades or crowbars shall be used in the trenches or placed in such a position that they can fall into the trench. The Contractor shall give notice of the completion of laying each length of cable or conduit (as applicable) and shall not commence to backfill the trench until notified by ETSA Utilities that they have suitably recorded the length, depth and position of the cable or conduit (as applicable) with respect to the various datum and other underground services and obstructions. The Electrical Contractor responsible shall record details of the cables installation for each section of cable, stating its location (including depth and separation to other services), the drum number, direction of pull and other relevant information. Refer to TS-110 - Cable Standard for 66kV Underground Cable- clause 8.0 for the details relating to electrical accessories such as link boxes, sheath voltage limiters, surge arrestors, earthing.


Thermocouples - 66kV
Thermocouples, where specified, shall be fitted to the outer serving of the power cables in accordance with the cable manufacturer's instructions. Thermocouple leads shall be taken to suitable terminals in pits or terminal boxes supplied and installed by the Contractor. Earthing link box pits may be used where appropriate.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

17.10 Flowable Thermal Backfill in Cable Trenches - 66kV

17.10.1 Background Information on FTB
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Flowable Thermal Backfill (FTB) is a self-levelling, self-compacting and low strength cementation material. It is characterised in its plastic state by its flowable consistency. In many backfilling applications, FTB is a better alternative to the conventional compacted granular fill method where it eliminates the need for the conventional placement and compaction equipment. This material is typically a mixture of cement, fly ash, fine aggregate and water and has a consistency Equivalent to that of a thick slurry or grout, which may also include Slag/Silica fume in the mixture. To enhance the performance properties and variations to the proportioning of the typical FTB mixture, additional chemical admixtures/additives may improve the versatility in design of the FTB material. In contrast to concrete, FTB does not require curing. However, some protection may be necessary during very cold weather applications or wet conditions. FTB works well particularly around pipes and culverts.

17.10.2 General Factors for FTB

This Flowable Thermal Backfill (FTB) technique helps reducing overall organisational requirements with regard to equipment, materials, handling, placing and completion time compared to conventional backfilling. It Improves worker safety by removing labour from direct placement area and reduces the requirement for equipment such as loaders, rollers, compactors and vibrators. Consider the following general factors when using FTB around underground pipes or culverts: Designers/Planners shall determine if the pipe or culvert can support the weight of the FTB (around the pipe/culvert) during placement. Consult with the conduits manufacturer or a structural engineer to confirm its capacity. Apply FTB by discharging directly from a concrete agitator truck, however, where access is a major problem use a concrete pump. Use FTB technique for tight or restricted areas where placement and compaction of conventional fill would be difficult or even impossible to undertake. If re-excavation is absolute necessary, ensure the use of low compressive strength FTB mix grade so that it can allow use of conventional methods such as hand tools or backhoe. Ensure the FTB mixture is durable and more resistant to erosion, this is achievable since it is often less permeable than the in situ material.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

17.10.3 Installation Requirements for FTB

Flowable Thermal Backfill (FTB) easily enters difficult access areas, provides a relatively uniform compaction density, is self-levelling and requires minimal crew and equipment for the application. It is easily controllable with its mixing strength in cases requiring either re-excavation (lower strengths) or heavy surface loads (higher strengths). Consider the following design factors when using FTB around underground pipes or culverts: Determine the maximum depth of a pour of FTB around an underground facility to avoid the pipe or culvert becoming buoyant; Anchor lightweight pipes or other lightweight embedment to avoid floatation and consider lateral pressures due to its liquid state; Coverage of the FTB is to be 100mm above and 100mm below the power cables/conduits. Note that sand backfill of 100mm shall be on the top of this FTB. Install protective cover slabs as per clause 17.12 in this document; FTBs thermal resistivity shall be 0.9 K m/W. Refer to section 17.13.1, Table 21 (below). The Contractor shall supply a sample of their proposed FTB for testing by ETSA Utilities to ensure that the thermal resistivity of the FTB shall not exceed the ETSA Utilities specification; The rate or staging of the pours shall be determined to prevent the floatation of the conduit. However, shoring of trenches is not required during placement; FTB is a controlled low-strength material (28 days strength at 0% moisture content of 3MPa) made of cement, fly ash, water, sand, and typically an air-entraining admixture: Note: This mixture is useful for backfilling utility trenches, mud jacking, pipe bedding, abandoned sewers, and many other applications. Due to its flowability, it needs to be confined to the area being filled until setting has taken place. This should be ensured prior to pouring of the FTB; The FTB strength shall be appropriate and should note that higher grades strength makes the job difficult for re-excavation work, however acceptable for the permanent fill; Take due care for early shrinkage due to the cold or wet weather conditions, which may prolong the product setting time; and Deeper applications may require pouring in stages depending on the lateral pressures exerted and the type of formwork. In such cases up to 12 hours or longer may be required between the successive stages of placement.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

17.11 Bentonite Mixture in Conduits - 66kV

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The use of Bentonite is not permitted under normal circumstances and shall be avoided, unless ETSA Utilities approves its use. Please seek further advice before considering or using this product.

17.12 Protective Cover Slabs - 66kV

The Contractor shall supply and install polymeric cover slabs (Stock Item. RN0202), as per the current Australian Standard, placed over the cables in a continuous line so that the edge of the slab shall overlap the edge of any cable by not less than 50mm unless the space between cables does not permit this. In such a case, a full width cover slab shall be used or, alternatively, a number of slabs butted together so that there is no longitudinal joint over a cable. One face of each slab shall be finished smooth and imprinted with "66 000 VOLT CABLES" in letters 40mm high minimum. All earthing cables shall also be protected with cover slabs.

17.13 66kV Sand Backfilling Requirements

Before sand backfilling, the Contractor will obtain a certificate of compliance from ETSA Utilities to certify that the cable depth, cable spacing and bedding requirements have been met. ETSA Utilities shall be notified prior to the commencement of each stage of the cables installation to ensure the requirements of the cables installation specification have been met. Where long sections of conduit are installed, the trench is to be back-filled as soon as practicable without waiting for cable laying unless directed otherwise by the relevant ETSA Utilities Manager to wait. Detailed survey sketches shall be prepared and photographs shall be taken prior to backfilling the trench.

17.13.1 Sand Backfill - 66kV

Sand backfill (TR 1.0 K m/W) shall be used on top of FTB (TR 0.9 K m/W) and shall completely fill the trench to near final surface level unless agreed otherwise with the relevant ETSA Utilities Manager or other authorities. It is the Contractors responsibility to ensure that for 66kV cable, the sand backfill shall meet thermal resistivity values stated in Table 21 (below) or as per ETSA Utilities project specification. For further information, refer to TS-110. TABLE 21 - Sand Thermal Resistivity Values for 66kV Thermal Resistivity
FTB - Controlled Bedding (Maximum) Sand Backfill Material (Maximum)

K m/W
0.9 1.0

Special precaution shall be taken to install sand backfill with optimal compaction to ensure that the required thermal resistivity is achieved. The Contractor shall provide a construction Work Method statement describing how this will be achieved to the relevant ETSA Utilities Manager for approval.
TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 56 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

At and near the final surface level, any standard or specific sand backfill instructions by landowners, Councils or Government Departments are to be followed where appropriate. As a minimum, surfaces shall be reinstated to the same condition as prior to excavation. Where a sand backfill has been selected for its thermal properties and does not fully satisfy the grading requirements of ETSA, the thermal requirements shall take precedence but the matter shall be referred to ETSA Utilities for approval. Any backfill containing clay or lumps of clay will be rejected. For a typical 66kV roadway installation, refer to Appendix-J-1 and J-2 of this document.

17.14 Cable Marker Tapes - 66kV

Orange coloured plastic cable marker tapes of an approved type (Stock Item. KS3765 or Equivalent) shall be installed longitudinally in all trenches placed centrally (half way), i.e. half the distance measured from the ground level to the top of the conduits and use number of tapes required in accordance with Table 22 (below): TABLE 22 - Trench Width and Nos of Tapes requirement Trench Width 500 mm 500-1000 mm 1000-2000 mm No. of Tapes 1 2 3

Note for Table 22: When underground conduit system has optical fibre (Telecommunications) cables ONLY, then the marker tape installed will require tracer wire.

17.15 Cable Markers - 66kV

In the Adelaide parklands, where the cable crosses footpaths and in any other location, the Contractor shall supply and install cable markers (Stock Item. KS3722), as specified by ETSA Utilities. ETSA Utilities shall approve the cable marker design and method of installation.

17.16 Pits - 66kV

Pits shall be provided for earthing link boxes and any other equipment installed below ground level to which periodic access will be required. The floor shall be constructed of concrete with suitable sump cavity for pumping water drainage. Walls shall be concrete and covers shall be standard "Gatic" type suitable for roadway or footway duty as required. Drawings of pits shall be submitted to the relevant ETSA Utilities Manager for the approval.

17.17 Joint Bays - 66kV

Joint Bays shall be suitably large enough for jointers to carry out the work efficiently. The joint bay floor shall be a reinforced concrete slab not less than 100mm thick with sidewalls of brick or concrete to a minimum height of 800mm above the floor. Drawings of Joint Bays shall be submitted to the relevant ETSA Utilities Manager for approval.
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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks


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The Customer is responsible to ensure that the soil is free from any contaminants that may be a risk to the health of ETSA Utilities distribution workers; this is imperative where ETSA Utilities performs the works. Written assurance may be required to demonstrate that the soil is free from contamination and if necessary a report detailing known contamination and steps taken to alleviate the health risks. Test results may be required to be submitted to ETSA Utilities before ETSA Utilities agrees to work on the site.

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 58 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks App-A: Civil Works Notification & Compliance Responsibility

APPENDICES: A: Civil Works Notification & Compliance

CaMS / BSO (Minor Works only) CaMS / Contract Supervisor (Minor & Major project) CPO (Major projects only) Customer (When responsible for Trenching) Civil Contractor

Civil Works Notification Form NICC - 453 available on Intranet and on Internet websites. 1. Insert point of Contact: Compliance CoOrd 2. Issue to Customer as part of Information Pack 1. Fill in B: Contract Supervisor/TSW8 2. Issue to Civil Contractor Civil Works Compliance Form NICC - 452 available on Intranet and on Internet websites. 1. Insert name of Contract Supervisor/TSW8 2. Issue to Customer 1. Fill in ETSA Utilities Contract Supervisor/TSW8 2. Issue to Civil Contractor 1. Highlight point of contact as Electrical Contractor 2. Issue as part of Information Pack 1. Customer to insert Electrical Contractor details 2. Forward form to Civil Contractor

Customer doing the Trenching

1. Fill in B: Contract Supervisor/TSW8. 2. Issue to Customer

Customer to forward form to the Contracted Civil Contractor

Return Form to: 1. For a Contestable Project 2. For all other Projects (Contract Supervisor /TSW8)

ETSA Utilities doing the Trenching

Return Form to: Contract Supervisor /TSW8

Customer doing the Trenching

Return Form to: Electrical Contractor. If unknown, the Customer

ETSA Utilities doing the Trenching

Return Form to: Electrical Contractor. If unknown, Contract Supervisor / TSW8


Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks App-B: Cable Location Marking Drawings

B: Cable Location Marking Drawings

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks

App-C: Example Drawing

C: Example of Directional Bore Drawing


Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks App-D1: Typical Shared Trench Arrangements Cables Buried Direct

D: Typical Shared Trench Arrangements D-1: Cables Buried Direct (Shared Trench)
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(In Footpath for Non DPTI Roads)

D-1(a): Trench Size: 600mm Wx1200mm D

D-1(b): Trench Size: 900mm Wx1200mm D

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 62 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks App-D-2: Typical Shared Trench Arrangements Cables in Conduits

D-2: Cables in Conduits (Shared Trench) (In Footpath or Road Crossing for Non DPTI Roads)
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D-2(a): Trench Size: 600mm Wx1200mm D

D-2(b): Trench Size: 900mm Wx1200mm D

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 63 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks App-E-2: Typical ETSA Utilities Trench Only Cables in Conduits

E: Typical ETSA Utilities Trench Only E-1: Cables Buried Direct - (ETSA Utilities Only) (In Footpath for Non DPTI Roads)
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E-1(a): Trench Size: 600mm Wx1200mm D

E-1(b): Trench Size: 900mm Wx1200mm D

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 64 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks App-E-2: Typical ETSA Utilities Trench Only Cables in Conduits

E-2: Cables in Conduits - (ETSA Utilities Only) (In Footpath or Road Crossing for Non DPTI Roads)
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E-2(a): Trench Size: 600mm Wx1200mm D

E-2(b): Trench Size: 900mm Wx1200mm D

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 65 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks App-F: Typical Reduced Cover Trenching

F: Typical Reduced Cover Trenching

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TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 66 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks App-G-1: Typical ETSA Utilities Telecommunication Trench Only

G: Typical ETSA Utilities Telecomm Trench (Only) G-1: Cables in Conduit (ETSA Utilities Telecomm Only)
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G-1: Trench Size: 600mm Wx1200mm D

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 67 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks App-H: Trenching on Private Property

H: Trenching on Private Property H-1: Cables in Conduit Cable at 1.0m Cover

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H-1: Cable in Conduit at 1.0m Cover

H-2: Cables in Conduit Cable at 750mm Cover

H-2: Cable in Conduit at 750mm Cover

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 68 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks App-H: Trenching on Private Property

H-3: Cable Buried Direct at 1.0m Cover

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H-3: Cable Buried Direct at 1.0m Cover

H-4: Trench for Single Customer on Verge

H-4: Trenching for Single Customer on Verge

TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 69 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks App-J-1: Typical Flat Arrangement - 66kV Cables

J: Typical Trench Arrangements for 66kV J-1: Typical Flat Arrangement 66kV - Roadway


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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks App-J-2: Typical Trefoil Arrangement - 66kV Cables

J-2: Typical Trefoil Arrangement 66kV - Roadway


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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Networks App-J-3: Typical Under Bore Arrangement - 66kV Cables

J-3: Typical Under Bore Arrangement 66kV Cables

J-3: Typical Under Bore Section Arrangement - 66kV CABLES

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TS-085: Trenching & Conduit for Underground Distribution Cable Network

K: Typ. Over to Under Pipe Entering Detail

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TS-085 Issue: FEB 2012 Authorised: Jehad Ali Date: 24/02/12 Page 73 of 73 The use of this Technical Standard is subject to the conditions stated in ETSA Utilities Disclaimer.

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