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Hungarian Wind Energy Association

Website: http://www.mszet.hu Address: H- 4010 Debrecen, Egyetem tr 1., Postbox 13 Phone.: 00-36-52-325-816, Fax: 00-36-52-512-927 E-mail:
Kircsia@delfin.unideb.hu tothp@mail.sze.hu, tark@puma.unideb.hu hunyar.matyas@vet.bme.hu

Practical experiences in wind energy project development in Hungary

Andrea Kircsi
Secretary of HWEA

Hungarian Wind Energy Association Wind energy potential in Hungary Installed wind energy capacity in Hungary Wind project in Hungary Administrative barriers - experience
Licensing procedure Environmental aspects Grid connection regulation Support mechanism

Future of wind energy in Hungary

Hungarian Wind Energy Association

HWEA is a civil organization and it was formed in 1999 by university lecturers, researchers, meteorologists, entrepreneurs and other civilians who are concerned in wind energy use in Hungary. HWEA has a nationwide competence in wind energy in Hungary. We have several regional workgroups to encourage the use of wind energy in Hungary and co-operation of the institutes and organizations. Our main purpose is to presented and popularize the utilization of wind energy in Hungary.

Activities of HWEA
HWEA follows with attention the theoretical and practical results of research dealing with wind energy and popularizes them. HWEA collects data and information about current status of wind energy in EU and in Hungary. HWEA keeps an eye on conflicts between investors and authorities. HWEA is drawing recommendations to minimalism problems. Workshops, symposiums, conferences and other forums are organized by HWEA regularly.

HWEA joined to EWEA in 2001 and this membership gives the opportunity to provide upto-date information on wind energy between Hungary and members of European Wind Energy Association. HWEA got in touch with EREF (European Renewable Energies Federation) in 2005. EREF is a federation of associations from EU Member States, which work in the sector of energy produced from renewable sources, such as small hydro, wind, tidal, wave, bioenergy, solar and geothermal sources.

Wind energy potential in Hungary

Hungary located in the Carpathian basin, which is unfavorable for wind potential. So Hungary is not so windy as Poland. The assessment of wind energy potential was made in 2005. http://www.met.hu

Prevailing wind directions in Hungary (Wantuchnt al.,2005) The prevailing is the north-westerly wind.

Distribution of wind speed

Above 10 m from surface

Above 75 m from surface

Wind atlas made by Hungarian Meteorological Service in frame a national research competition. Main database was ERA-40 reanalysis between 1992 and 2002 Dynamical downscaling method with a numerical forecast model One grid is 5x5km It was made from 10m to 125m above from surface.

Specific wind energy potential on 75m [W/m2]


Cummulated installed wind energy capacity


63,275 60,875

60 50 40 30 20 10 0,850 0 MW 2001 0,850 2002 3,250 2003 3,475 17,475





Wind energy projects

Electricity from wind [GWh]


40 35







3,74 0,92


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Yearly installed wind capacity Status: 31 July 2007

50 000 40 000 30 000

20 000 10 000

0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

In Hungary have a great interest in utilization of wind energy. There are investors, but the development is not continuously.

Licensing procedure in Hungary

Environmental license Plan and Permit for construction Network connection agreement with Transmission System Operator (TSO) Network connection agreement with Distribution System Operators (DSO) The simplified license relates to the selection of the primary energy source, establishment and electricity generation of small power plants between 0.5 MW and 50 MW from Hungarian Energy Office.

Environmental license

Potential area for establish wind turbine

Permit for building

All wind turbine and park have to provide application for Hungarian Trade Permitting Office. This is the main authority for construction licensing and no local governments!

Network connection agreement

High priority of technical aspects wind parks connected to 20kV line 330MW capacity limit for wind For new projects is very difficult to gave this agreement!

Bottle neck is license from HEO

Only in 2006 was 139 request for HEO license with 1787MW capacity demand! 49 project gave license with including all wind turbine which is in operation. 83 project refused!

Main reasons of refuse

HEO provide safety operation of electricity systems. There is a capacity limit to wind plants until 2010: 330MW Already have license for 330MW wind project

No license for new project

Difficult to meet the requirements: Network connection agreement before 11 November 2005 Application for license before 1 March 2006.

Support mechanism in Hungary

Hungarian feedin tariff Feed-in price is 24,71HUF which is follow inflation.
Limited time period approx. 15 year Reducing factors:
Subsidies EU or national supports Benefit from emission trading ect.

HEO determine producing quote for every type of wind turbine: approx. calculated with 24% capacity factor. 2171 kWh/MW/year

In 2006, 47.2 billion HUF KP, which is associated with the feed-in obligation of electricity generated from renewable energy source. This amout is near 1.5 times more than the KP payment in 2005.

Share of RES-E to electricity consumption in Hungary

5 4 3.6% 2,2% 0,6%



3 2 1 0 2003




Share of RES-E

EU target to 2010

Future of wind energy in Hungary

Planned wind parks in NW of Hungary


Planned wind energy projects and possibilities

1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

Planned wind energy capacity, MW

maximum by favourable condition

maximum by unfavourable condition
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030


What can we do?

1. Buying project company which has license from HEO 2. Generate electricity to liberalized market to a balance circle with market price 3. No connection to grid

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact with Hungarian Wind Energy Association!
Contact with staff of HWEA:
Chairman: Pter Tth tothp@mail.sze.hu ; Vice-chairman: Kroly Tar tark@puma.unideb.hu; Mtys Hunyr hunyar@eik.bme.hu ; Secretary: Klra Panksz kpankasz@golder.hu ; Kroly Kacz kacz@mtk.nyme.hu ; Andrea Kircsi kircsia@delfin.klte.hu ;

Leaders of regional workgroup: Klra Bank rbank@gamma.ttk.pte.hu ; Mikls Orosz nyirokowatt@netra.hu Board of the supervision: Jzsef Mrialigeti itegil@itegil.kfkipark.hu ; Jnos Pusks pjanos@fs2.bdtf.hu; Szab rpdn nyirokowatt@netra.hu

Thank you for your attention!


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