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Purple Routes Play Project Open Access Sessions: 16th April to 20th July 2012

The Purple Routes Play Project is a staffed open access play provision providing resources for children to play with in their local parks and open spaces. Resources include arts and craft, sports equipment, soft play and junk modeling. The Purple Routes team are CRB cleared and have undergone safeguarding training. All sessions will run 3.30pm 5.30 pm except for Harbour Close Park, Neyland where sessions will run from 4 pm to 6 pm and playing fields in Llandissilio where sessions will run from 3.15 pm to 5.15 pm. Sessions during half-term will run 2pm to 4pm Please note: Purple Routes is not a childcare facility and children are free to come and go as they please. Playing Field (next to Junior School), Tenby 3.30 pm 5.30 pm Monday 16th April Monday 30th April Monday 14th May Monday 28th May Monday 11th June Monday 25th June Monday 9th July School Playing Field, Maenclochog 3.30 pm 5.30 pm Monday 23rd April Bank Holiday Monday 21st May Half-Term Bank Holiday Monday 18th June Monday 2nd July Monday 16th July Harbour Close Park, Neyland 4.00 pm 6.00 pm Tuesday 17th April Tuesday 1st May Tuesday 15th May Tuesday 29th May Tuesday 12th June Tuesday 26th June Tuesday 10th July St. Patricks Park, Pennar 3.30 pm 5.30 pm Tuesday 24th April Tuesday 8th May Tuesday 22nd May Half-Term Bank Holiday Tuesday 19th June Tuesday 3rd July Tuesday 17th July Alexander Gardens, St. Dogmaels 3.30 pm 5.30 pm Wednesday 18th April Wednesday 2nd May Wednesday 16th May Wednesday 30th May Wednesday 13th June Wednesday 27th June Wednesday 11th July Play Area, Angle 3.30 pm 5.30 pm Wednesday 25th April Wednesday 9th May Wednesday 23rd May Half-Term 2pm 4pm Wednesday 6th June Wednesday 20th June Wednesday 4th July Wednesday 18th July Green Space at Stop and Call, Goodwick 3.30 pm 5.30 pm Thursday 19th April Thursday 3rd May Thursday 17th May Thursday 31st May Thursday 14th June Thursday 28th June Thursday 12th July Lota Park, Fishguard 3.30 pm 5.30 pm Thursday 26th April Thursday 10th May Thursday 24th May Half-Term 2pm 4pm Thursday 7th June Thursday 21st June Thursday 5th July Thursday 19th July Playing Fields, Llandissilio, 3.15 pm 5.15 pm Friday 20th April Friday 4th May Friday 18th May Friday 1st June Friday 15th June Friday 29th June Friday 13th July Playing Field, Merlins Bridge 3.30 pm 5.30 pm Friday 27th April Friday 11th May Friday 25th May Half-Term 2pm 4pm Friday 8th June Friday 22nd June Friday 6th July Friday 20th July

For more information contact: Pete King on 01646 683 919 or or visit the Purple Routes website on You can follow us on facebook and twitter.

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