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XSS Homepage Framework for Employee SelfService

SAP AG 2005


XSS Homepage Framework

The following session explains:
Benefits of XSS Homepage Framework Short Introduction How to customize your own ESS Homepage

SAP AG 2005


Benefits of the XSS Homepage Framework

For endusers
Simple and fast access to all Web applications such as ESS applications Access to context information Fast access to e.g. frequently used ESS applications Reminder functionality

For companies
Easy grouping of Web applications Possibility to provide customer individual information such as vacation rules Inclusion of external links (guidelines, manuals etc.)

SAP AG 2005


Introduction of new Homepage Framework

Area group page

Area page
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The Homepage Framework enables you to create area group and area pages, thereby providing your employees easy access to Web applications (services) that run in the SAP Enterprise Portal. These pages group and describe the different services and contain hyperlinks which they can be started. Various components such as Employee Self-Service and Manager Self-Service can use the framework.


Flexibility Area Group Page and Area Page

Flexible text adaption
Edit area and service description Edit the link text of the hyperlinks Add additional customer individual information

Flexible service behaviour

Emphasise certain service Deactivate services Display employee-specific information as dynamic links (e.g. Nine days of leave will expire by <Date>) Assign customer specific services and short description

Individual change of picture

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The homepage framework offers the following functions: Flexible text adaptation such as you can easy edit area and service descriptions, you can edit link text of the hyperlinks that the employees use to start the service and you can add additional customer individual information like integration of html pages including company rules, external links to e.g. manual, guidelines etc. Flexible service behaviour such as emphasising certain services (for example, because there is an urgent deadline), Deactivate services, Display employee-specific information as dynamic links (for example, "Nine days of leave will expire by <Date>") , Add customer specific services including short descriptions Easy exchange of picture possible


Flexibility of Area Group Page (Homepage)

group text

area link text

short area description

quick links


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The Area Group page or Homepage is very flexible, you can easy adapt e.g. text elements on the area group page (homepage) or pictures


Flexibility of Area Page 1

area link text subarea service link text service description Picture

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Also the area page is easy adaptable. You can change the following text elements quick and easy: Area link text, subarea header text, service link text and service description Also the picture can be exchanged against an own picture.


Flexibility of Area Page 2

area description header

long area description

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It is als possible for customers to provide customer individual information on area pages. On the right side the customer can provide e.g. links to manuals, guide line, company defined rules such as vacation rules etc.


Where to Customize the ESS Homepage?

The new XSS homepage concept is available since mySAP ERP 2004. The customizing of the ESS homepage is located in the Backend system. The underlying backend system for mySAP ERP 2005 is system ECC6.0 To customize the ESS homepage go into the backend system ECC 6.0!

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Before you Start!

Make a graphical design of the areas and services you want to implement! The hierarchical relations between these elements will become apparent. Make a list of the necessary resources

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We recommend you make a graphical design of the areas and services you want to implement. This way, the hierarchical relations between these elements will become apparent. You should also make a list of the necessary resource objects



Graphical Design Entities and Relations

Header H1 ... Header Hi Areagroup AG1 ... Areagroup AGi Server SV1...SVs

Area A1 ... Area An Subarea SA1 ... Subarea SAm Service S1 ... Service Sk
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Resource R1...Rr

Servicegroup SVG1...SVGg



Example Graphical Design ESS Homepage Cut-out

Header H1 Area Group AG1 = Employee Self-Service Resource R1...Rr Area A1 = Benefits and Payment Subarea SA1 = Benefits Service S1 = Open Enrollment Service S2 = Participation Overview Subarea SA1 = Payment Service S3 = Salary Statement ... Service S4 = Total Compensation Statement Service S5 = Employment Verification Area An Subarea SAm Service Sm ... Service Sk
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Server SV1...SVs

Servicegroup SVG1...SVGg



How to Find the Right Customizing Path?

IMG -> Cross-Application Components -> Homepage Framework

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You can then implement this concept using the IMG activities. For technical reasons, there are two views for the IMG activities in this section: The first view contains SAP's standard entries. Use this view to add your own entries. The second view contains each entry that is entered in the first view. Use this view to change SAP's standard entries. The views in which you assign areas, subareas and services, and define the order in which they are displayed, are an exception. In this case you need the first view only to look up SAP entries you want to hide or extend.



How to Customize the ESS Homepage?

Step-by-Step 1. Header definition (optional) 2. Area group definition 3. Area page definition 4. Service definition (including country-specific services) 5. Resource definition

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Header Definition (Optional for Test Purposes)

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In this IMG activity, you define the header for your ESS homepage. The header contains a picture and a welcome text for the employee. This IMG step is optional because the header picuture is only nice to have if you would like to test the ESS on the J2EE Server independent from the Enterprise Portal 6.0. Note: Official positioning of ESS in mySAP ERP 2004 is ESS with SAP Enterprise Portal 6.0. Customers have to be aware that the integration of ESS into non-SAP Portals can only be realized through a customer project. SAP will only guarantee maintenance and support of ESS with Enterprise Portal 6.0. Please inform your Account manager in case you would like to use ESS stand-alone!!



Area Group: Basic Definition

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In this IMG activity, you define area group pages. Area group pages contain descriptions of areas, hyperlinks to access the area pages, and hyperlinks to start services directly. Activities: Define one area group page or Homepage for Employee Self-Service. Please note In case you have employees (employee groups) accessing different ESS Services offering you have to define for every group of employee a separate ESS homepage and a corresponding ESS Portal menu.



Area: Basic Definition 1

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In this IMG activity, you define area pages. Area pages contain services (Web applications) that are related to each other. Employees access an area page from an area group page. Activities: You need to define at least one area page. Example: You define an area page for all services e.g. in the Time Management area (Record Working Times, Leave Request, and so on). Note: You group familiar ESS applications in one area page as you have already provided in your graphical design



Area: Basic Definition 2

Two options possible: 1) area description text or 2) external html page

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You can define additional information for your area page Note: You have two options to provide customer individual information here: 1) adding an area description text 2) refering to an external html page



Area Group / Area : Basic Definition

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You define here the are description appearing on the area group page.



Relation Between Area Group and Areas

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In this IMG activity, you assign each area to an area group page and define its position. Activities: If you want to hide an area on an area group page that has been delivered by SAP, proceed as follows: 1. Look up the relevant entry in the first view of this IMG activity. 2. Repeat this entry with position 0 in the second view of this IMG activity. If you want to add your own areas to an area group page, enter the area group page in the second view of this IMG activity and assign your areas to it. This applies to area group pages delivered by SAP as well as your own area group pages.



Subarea: Basic Definition

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In this IMG activity, you define subareas. Areas and subareas can be compared to headings and subheadings in a document. You use subareas to group the services that belong to an area on the screen. Activities: You need to define at least one subarea per area.



Relation Between Area and Subareas

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In this IMG activity, you assign subareas to area pages and define their position. Activities: If you want to hide a subarea on an area page that has been delivered by SAP, proceed as follows: 1. Look up the relevant entry in the first view of this IMG activity. 2. Repeat this entry with position 0 in the second view of this IMG activity. If you want to add your own subareas to an area page, enter the area page in the second view of this IMG activity and assign your subareas to it. This applies to area pages delivered by SAP as well as your own area pages.



Service: Basic Definition

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In this IMG activity, you define the services (e.g. Web Dynpro applications) that are to appear on the area pages. For each service you define, a hyperlink and a short description will appear on the related area page. Employees use this link to start the service. You can make numerous settings to define where and how the hyperlink to the service will appear such as emphasize the service Service Types: The homepage framework supports the following service types and expects entries in this view as indicated below: 1. BSP: Service build with BSP 2. ITS: ITS-based service 3. WEBDYNPRO: Web Dynpro application



Definition of Country Specific Services

<no entry here!!>

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In this IMG activity, you define country-specific services. When an employee starts a service, the system determines the employee's country grouping and checks if there is a country-specific service definition in the V_T7XSSSERSRVCG and V_T7XSSSERSRVCGC views. If there is a country-specific service definition, the system uses this definition. If there is no country-specific service definition, the system uses the general service definition in the V_T7XSSSERSRV and V_T7XSSSERSRVC views. If the general service definition does not contain a resource object, the system does not display the service (see example 2). This enables you to define country-specific variations of services for certain countries while using a general service definition containing a resource object with more international character for all other countries. Example 1: Your company has employees in five different countries: Germany (01); Austria (02); Switzerland (03); Canada (07) and USA (10) - (Number in brackets = country grouping) The service for displaying SAP standard salary statement is the same for Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. For Canada and the USA, you have developed a customer specific service with additional content. You define a general service for displaying the salary statement in the V_T7XSSSERSRV and V_T7XSSSERSRVC views referring to the corresponding Resource Object of the Standard Salary statement service. Furthermore you define two additional services for the country groupings 07 and 10 in the V_T7XSSSERSRVCG and V_T7XSSSERSRVCGC views containing the Resource object for your customer specific salary statement Service. When an employee from Germany, Austria or Switzerland starts the service for displaying salary statements, the system uses the service definition in the V_T7XSSSERSRV and V_T7XSSSERSRVC views. When an employee from Canada or the USA starts the service for displaying salary statements, the system uses the customer service definition in the V_T7XSSSERSRVCG and V_T7XSSSERSRVCGC views. SAP AG 24

Example 2 Your company has employees in two different countries: Germany (01) and Switzerland (03) (Number in brackets = country grouping) There is a service that is only relevant for employees from Switzerland. You define a general service without a resource object in the V_T7XSSSERSRV and V_T7XSSSERSRVC views. You define a country-specific service with a resource object for country grouping 03 in the V_T7XSSSERSRVCG and V_T7XSSSERSRVCGC views. This service is only displayed for employees in Switzerland.



Relation Between Subarea and Services

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In this IMG activity, you assign each service to a subarea and define its position. Activities: If you want to hide a service in a subarea that has been delivered by SAP, proceed as follows: 1. Look up the relevant entry in the first view of this IMG activity 2. Repeat this entry with position 0 in the second view of this IMG activity. If you want to add your own services to a subarea, enter the subarea in the second view of this IMG activity and assign your services to it. This applies to subareas delivered by SAP as well as your own subareas.



Resource Definition

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In this IMG activity, you define resources to be used in area group pages and area pages. In the homepage framework, you define various pages that the system displays in the Web browser. These pages contain objects of different types such as Texts, Pictures, Services (Web Applications) and Uniform Resource Locators (URL) In terms of the homepage framework, each of these objects is a resource. Resources can be reused throughout the pages you define. When you define a URL for a resource, you need to provide the relevant content at the location the URL refers to. The resources you define here will be available in the input help of the other IMG activities. We recommend you choose meaningful technical names and short descriptions for the resources. Note that certain fields in this IMG activity only apply to certain types of resources. Example: If the resource object is a service, it makes sense to enter URL parameters. If the resource object is a picture file, it does not make sense to enter URL parameters. Service Types: The homepage framework supports the following service types and expects entries in this view as indicated below. Please note the service type was defined in the service definition IMG step: BSP: Service build with BSP Directory Path: No entry Object Name: BSP-Application/BSP-Page ITS: ITS-based service Directory Path: No entry Object Name: ITS-Application



PORTALPAGE: Call a Portal page (PCD) Directory Path: No entry Object Name: No entry Enter the absolute URL of the page in the URL of PCD Page field URL: Direct URL launched in a separate window You can either enter the relevant parts of the URL in the Directory Path and Object Name fields or enter an absolute URL in the URL of PCD Page field. WEBDYNPRO: Web Dynpro application Directory Path: Vendor/DC-Name Object Name: Web Dynpro application In addition to these entries, you need to enter the PCD page that starts a service in the SAP Enterprise Portal. This applies to all service types. Example: The service that lets employees display and change their skills profile is a Web Dynpro application. For this service, the following entries are necessary in the fields mentioned above: Object Name: SkillsApplication Directory Path: URL of PCD Page: ROLES://portal_content/ ces



Integration of EIC Into ESS

You have already implemented EIC and now you would like to activate the corresponding EIC services. Within the standard homepage customizing the following EIC services are delivered!
EIC Authentication Service: By using this services employee can enter, change or delete their authentication data for the Employee Interaction Center Help Desk service (callable within all ESS services!) This service have to be activated within every ESS service

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Enter, change, or delete your authentication data for the Employee Interaction Center



Integration of EIC Into ESS EIC Authentication Service

In the standard ESS homepage this service is available via ESS area page Personal Information

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Enter, change, or delete your authentication data for the Employee Interaction Center



Integration of EIC Into ESS EIC Authentication Service The Service is allocated to the subarea Personal Information which is itself allocated to the area group page Personal Information
Service Subarea

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Enter, change, or delete your authentication data for the Employee Interaction Center



Integration of EIC Into ESS Help Desk Service

The EIC help desk service can be integrated in every ESS service

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Integration of EIC Into ESS Help Desk Service

In the standard homepage customizing the corresponding EIC Help desk service is marked as Help Service This means that this service can be activated as Help Service in every ESS service

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Integration of EIC Into ESS Help Desk Service

Activate EIC Help Desk service in ESS service Bank Information: Allocate the EIC help desk service EIC_SERVICE_REQUEST to the corresponding ESS service EMPLOYEE_PERSINFO_BANK05.

SAP AG 2005



Portal Page and Homepage Framework

The ESS Business Package (ERP 2005) contains
Several Portal pages for calling the ESS area group and area pages (ECC6.0) (workset) and ESS applications. To every Portal page one iview is allocated.
Services in the Portal are represented by one Portal page and one appropriate iview. For every ESS service one Portal page and one iview are delivered. Also an ESS service is defined via homepage framework customizing in the ECC 6.0 backend system. The function of the iview is among other things to render the application in the Portal environment and to benefit of Portal features like Web Dynpro personalization. For the Area group page and for every Area page one Portal page and one iview are delivered. The iview refer to the homepage Web Dynpro application and is responsible for the portal navigation.

SAP AG 2005

New in ESS Business Package ERP 2005: Additional iviews and corresponding portal pages representing ESS services With ESS Business Package ERP 2004 one Portal page including a generic iview was delivered -> with ERP 2005 for every ESS service one iview and corresponding portal page is delivered which replace the one portal page/generic iview concept. Note: You have to implement the ESS Business Package according to the guidelines defined for Portal Content by SAPNetWeaver. Please see more information on how to do this on the SAPNetWeaver pages.



Portal Content Administration of BP ESS

Portal content structure of the ESS Business package in ERP 2005

The Portal content structure includes Iviews, Pages, Roles, Transport packages and Workset objects

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Portal Content Administration of BP ESS

Portal content structure of pages delivered with the Business Package for ESS in ERP 2005 With the ESS Business Package pages for Area Group (Homepage) Areas (Worksets) and ESS services Area group Are delivered

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Relationship Portal Content Objects Homepage Objects

Role Workset n = Portal page = Area group page Workset 2 = Portal page = Area page Workset 1 = Portal page = Area page
Iview = ESS Area page

Portalpage n Iview = ESS service Portalpage 1 Iview = ESS service

Portal Content objects: blue homepage objects: red

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Portal Page and Homepage Framework

Enterprise Portal Page for ESS area page Address Book ECC 6.0 Backend system ESS Homepage Customizing

Page for ESS service Address Book (Whos Who)

Connection homepage objects and portal content objects

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You need one page for calling the ESS homepage applications (Area group page and the Area page) You need for every single application one page For every defined page a corresponding iview is defined!



Portal Content and Homepage Framework Relationship

How can you link the objects defined via Homepage Framework to the objects defined In the Portal Content administration? You have to link the corresponding PCD Location URL extracted from the Portal Employee Self-Service Roles definition to the corresponding Resource objects defined via the Homepage Framework Example here shows the Resource Definition for Area page Working Time in Backend system ECC6.0 and the corresponding URL.

ROLES://portal_content/ ap.pct.ess.employee/ t.ess.employee_self_service/ _self_service/ sap.pct.ess.area_working_time

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In the IMG step Resource definition for every area page and service a resource entry is defined. The relation to the appropriate Portal page and iview is maintained under parameter PCD location. The URL delivered in the standard is referring to the corresponding standard delivered ESS portal iview PCD location.



Relation Resource Objects Portal Content Page

Resource Definition for Area page Address Book in ECC 6.0

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You will find the PCD location of the corresponding Portal object here (this folder contains the absolute URL-path of the role!): Go to Content Administration -> End User Content -> Employee Self-Service -> Roles -> Select Employee Self-Service and click right mouse button menu to open the objects in the Edit area. Under Role ESS you will find all Portal Worksets delivered with the ESS Business Package. Every Workset contains pages for the area page and pages for ESS services. One Workset contains one overview page representing the Area group page. To view the parameter PCD location of one object select Show all under Property Category. One page-iview combination is responsible for the homepage navigation (and is of course also related to the homepage framework in the backend) One page-iview combination is relevant for starting the ESS services. For every single ESS service, one page-iview combination exist. You have to link the corresponding portal object PCD location (URL) defined in the portal role URL for every ESS service to the corresponding resource object in the Homepage framework. Note: You need Portal Content Administration authorization to access the Portal Content Administration tools Please take into account that as of ERP 2005 you need one page and one iview representing ESS Services. This is different in comparison with EPR2004!!! See also slide 33.



Relation Resource Objects Portal Content Page

Resource Definition for Area page Address Book in ECC 6.0



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You will find the PCD location of the corresponding Portal object here (this folder contains the absolute URL-path of the role!):



How to Set-up an ESS Homepage/Area Group Page

Area Group Key defined in the backend-system ECC5.0

How to allocate the Area group Key (homepage) to the corresponding Portal object???

SAP AG 2005

You may have defined your own homepage via Homepage framework customizing and you would like to allocate this homepage definition to the corresponding Portal content objects. To create your own homepage you have to define an area group key. After this you have to change the parameters of the corresponding Portal objects.



Allocate Area Group key to Portal Iview Overview

SAP AG 2005

In case you have defined your own ESS area group page (ESS Portal overview page). You have to allocate the Area group key you defined in the ECC 6.0 system to the corresponding ESS Portal overview page iview. How to do this? Go to Portal Content -> End User Content -> Employee Self-Service -> Iviews Select the iview of the Overview page (right mouse button -> Edit object). Assign your area group key in field Application Parameters like following: sap.xss.menuargrp=<customer defined area group key>. Note: The parameter for sap.xss.menuhdr=SAPDEFAULT symbolizes the Header definition. This parameter become redundant by using ESS in the Enterprise Portal. You can simply remove this parameter!



Allocate Area Group key and Area Group to Portal Worksets



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In case you have defined own ESS area groups (e.g. for Personal Information, Working Time etc.) you have to allocate the Area key you defined in the ECC 6.0 system for your ESS area pages to the corresponding ESS Portal page iviews How to do this? Go to Portal Content -> End User Content -> Employee Self-Services-> Iviews Select the iview of the Portal page e.g. Employee Search (right mouse button -> Edit object). Assign 1. The area group key in field Application Parameters like following: sap.xss.menuargrp=<customer defined area group key>. 2. The area key in field Application Parameter like following: sap.xss.menuarea= <customer defined area key>



Entities and Relations With Corresponding Views

Header H1 ... Header Hi Areagroup AG1 ... Areagroup AGi

Server SV1...SVs




Area A1 ... Area An


Resource R1...Rr

Subarea SA1 ... Subarea SAm



Service S1 ... Service Sk

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Servicegroup SVG1...SVGg



All Views at a Glance

VIEW (SAP) V_T7XSSSERHEB V_T7XSSSERARGB V_T7XSSSERARB V_T7XSSSERSARB V_T7XSSSERSRV V_T7XSSSERSRVCG V_T7XSSSERSRVG V_T7XSSSERARG V_T7XSSSERAR V_T7XSSSERSAR V_T7XSSSERRES Description Basic Header definition Basic Areagroup definition Basic Area definition Basic Subarea definition Basic Service definition Definition of country specific services Basic Servicegroup definition Areagroup definition: Grouping of Areas Area definition: Grouping of subareas Subarea definition: Grouping of services Resource object definition

VIEW (Customer) Description V_T7XSSSERHEBC Basic Header definition customer V_T7XSSSERARGBC Basic Areagroup definition customer V_T7XSSSERARBC Basic Area definition customer V_T7XSSSERSARBC Basic Subarea definition customer V_T7XSSSERSRVC Basic Service definition customer V_T7XSSSERSRVCGC Definition of country specific services customer V_T7XSSSERSRVGC Basic Servicegroup definition customer V_T7XSSSERARGC Areagroup definition: Grouping of Areas customer V_T7XSSSERARC Area definition: Grouping of subareas customer V_T7XSSSERSARC Subarea definition: Grouping of services customer V_T7XSSSERRESC Resource object definition customer V_T7XSSSERSDB Server definition
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Corporate Colors for PPT

ge for sli Remove pa

de show

SAP Blue

SAP Gold

SAP Gray

You can use these colors with gradations

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