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(Rituals in their Honor)

Ritual in the Honor of the Deer

((My Aniimall Guiide)) My An ma Gu de

Waniing Moon an ng oon

By:: Wiilllow SkyFiirre By W ow SkyF e

Ittemss Needed em eeded

Unconditional Love Incense Catnip and Rose Petals 1 White Candle Sm. Bowl of Water Sm. Bowl of Dirt 2 X 2 Red Cloth Pink Ribbon Cakes and Ale Wooden Matches

Sett up e up
Catnip and Rose Petals Dirt Cakes and Ale Water Incense Red Cloth and Ribbon White Candle Matches

Wiitthiin Reach W h n Reach

Recciipess e pe
Unconditional Love Incense
Catnip Evening Primrose Gardenia

Grind herbs together into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle. Sprinkle onto a charcoal disc in a fire proof dish.

Prre Riittuall Inssttrruccttiionss e ua n u on

You will need to half up the Catnip; for magickal workings, for Incense.

Ciirrcclle Cassttiing e a ng
Starting in the east and going clockwise to the south, hold out your right index finger. Visualize a white light starting to surround you and you turn slowly in each of the directions while saying: I call to the directions to aid me in the casting this circle tonight. Repeat above two more times. On each turn, see your white light getting brighter and on the third turn to the east say: This circle is now safe from any harm. So Mote It Be!

Corrnerr Calllliing o ne a ng
Easstt Ea
Light your incense and say: I call upon the direction of the east, element air. Come to me on this night in honor of the deer and as the deer, bring with you this night; compassion, peace, gentleness, sensitivity, kindness, and unconditional love. Hail and Welcome!

South South
Light your candle and say: I call upon the direction of the south, element fire. Come to me on this night in honor of the deer and as the deer, bring with you this night; compassion, peace, gentleness, sensitivity, kindness, and unconditional love. Hail and Welcome!

Wesstt We
Hold up your water and say: I call upon the direction of the west, element water. Come to me on this night in honor of the deer and as the deer, bring with you this night; compassion, peace, gentleness, sensitivity, kindness, and unconditional love. Hail and Welcome!

Nortth No r h
Hold up your dirt and say: I call upon the direction of the north, element earth. Come to me on this night in honor of the deer and as the deer, bring with you this night; compassion, peace, gentleness, sensitivity, kindness, and unconditional love. Hail and Welcome!

Invoccattiion nvo a on
Standing center of your space, hold your arms out stretched in front of you and say: I call upon my animal guide, the deer. I ask you share with me on this night your precious gifts of compassion, peace, gentleness, sensitivity, kindness, and the gift of unconditional love for all. Hail and Welcome!

Riittuall Worrk ua ok
Pass the red cloth and pink ribbon over your scared alter and say the following three (3) times: Through the elements and my animal guide, I invoke the energy of compassion, peace, gentleness, sensitivity, kindness, and unconditional love into all that this cloth contains. In the center of your cloth, place the catnip and rose petals. Make into a bag and tightly tie the pink ribbon around the top, then say: The gifts I have been given this night shall remain with me always. So Mote It Be!

Cakess and Alle ake and e

Hold up your cakes and ale and say: To the great loving deer, my animal guide, I now eat and drink in your honor.

Thankss tto tthe Deiitty hank o he e y

I thank you with all my heart for coming and being here with me tonight. Thank you for all of your gifts that you have given to me tonight. Leave if you must but stay if you will. Hail and Farewell!

Relleassiing tthe Corrnerrss e ea ng he o ne

Nortth No r h
Hold up the dirt and say: Element Earth, direction north, I thank you so much for bring here and for sharing this night with me. Hail and Farewell!

Wesstt We
Hold up the water and say: Element Water, direction west, I thank you so much for bring here and for sharing this night with me. Hail and Farewell!

Soutth So u h
Snuff or blow out the candle and say: Element Fire, direction south, I thank you so much for bring here and for sharing this night with me. Hail and Farewell!

Easstt Ea
Hold your hands over the incense and say: Element Air, direction east, I thank you so much for bring here and for sharing this night with me. Hail and Farewell!

Openiing tthe Ciirrcclle pen ng he e

Going reverse now and going counterclockwise, facing the east but going north now. Hold out your left index finger and slowly turn to the other directions, see your white light growing dim while you are saying: This circle has kept us safe, now its time has come. Soon this circle will be gone. Repeat above two more times and on the third and final turn to the east say: My circle may be open but it will never be unbroken. So Mote It Be!

Riittuall Endiing ua nd ng
May you go in love and trust.

Posstt Riittuall Inssttrruccttiionss o ua n u on

Take wax, ashes, water and dirt and place outside somewhere near your home. Place your red bag somewhere safe, but somewhere that you can see it.

Ritual in the Honor of the White Tiger

(My Main Animal Guide)

New Moon
By: Willow SkyFire

Items needed
Power Powder Incense-Air (recipe below) Red Candle-Fire-All aspects of the White Tiger (Passion, Power, Devotion) Chalice filled with Distilled Water-Water Pentacle Tile-Earth Cakes and Ale-(Use what you have for Cake and the distilled water will be used for ale) Lighter

Set up Incense Pentacle Tile Cakes Chalice Red Candle Lighter

Within Reach: Blessing Bowl, Total of ounce of the following herbs: Lotus, Myrrh, Mugwort, Cinnamon, White Sage


Power Powder Incense

2 parts Dragons Blood 1 part Eucalyptus 1 part Lavender 2 parts Rose Grind each herb separately into a powder and mix together well using a mortar and pestle. Sprinkle onto a charcoal disc in a fire proof dish.

Circle Casting
Starting in the East and going clockwise toward the South, Hold out your index finger and visualize a white light coming from it. Visualize the white light circling you and your space as you turn toward the south and while you are saying: I cast this circle all around, for protection it is bound. Repeat above phrase in the other directions. Repeat above two more times and on the third turn to the North say: This protective circle is now been cast and will keep unwelcomed spirits out. So Mote It Be!

Corner Calling
Light Incense and say:

I call upon the element of the air to come join me on this night and bless me with your power and love. South
Light candle and say:

I call upon the element of the fire to come join me on this night and bless me with your power and love. West
Hold up water and say:

I call upon the element of the water to come join me on this night and bless me with your power and love. North
Hold up your tile and say:

I call upon the element of the earth to come join me on this night and bless me with your power and love.

Invocation Standing center of your circle, raise up your hands and say: I call upon the spirit of my animal guide the white tiger. Please bless me with your gifts of Passion, Power, and Devotion.

Ritual work

A Spiritual Blessing
To be blessed on my spiritual journey

Items Needed For the Blessing Blessing Bowl Total of ounce of the following herbs: Lotus, Myrrh, Mugwort, Cinnamon, White Sage Preparation: Place herbs into your blessing bowl.

Your Blessing: Hold up your blessing bowl with herbs and say:

I place a blessing upon my spirit, may my eyes be open to see what needs to be seen. So Mote It Be!

Cakes and Ale Take up your cakes and ale and say: I eat and drink in the honor of my animal guide the White Tiger.

Thanks to the Deity I thank you, my animal guide, for being here with me and the guidance that you give to me. Stay if you will or go if you must. So Mote It Be! Releasing the Corners North Hold up your tile and say: I thank you, element of earth, for being here with me on this night. Stay if you will or go if you must. So Mote It Be! West Hold up your water and say: I thank you, element of water, for being here with me on this night. Stay if you will or go if you must. So Mote It Be! South Snuff or blow out your candle and say: I thank you, element of fire, for being here with me on this night. Stay if you will or go if you must. So Mote It Be! East Place your hands above the incense and say: I thank you, element of air, for being here with me on this night. Stay if you will or go if you must. So Mote It Be!

Opening the Circle Going reverse now and moving counter clockwise, starting in the north, hold out your index finger and visualize your white light starting to grow dim as you turn toward the west and say: This circle is opening but its protection shall remain. Repeat above phase in the other directions. Visualize your white light getting dimmer with each turn. Repeat above two more times and on the third turn to the east, say: This circle is now open. So Mote It Be!

Ritual Ending Go in Love and dont despair for the Goddess is always there.

Post Ritual Instructions Discard wax and ashes by burying in Forest Dirt. Leave herbs in the blessing bowl for 2 weeks then bury in the ground beside your home for protection.





Ittems needed ems eeded

Power Enhancement Incense 1 Brown Candles Sm. Bowl Water Sm. Bowl Fresh Dirt Athamae 1 Quartz Crystal 3 X 3 White Silk Cloth Fire Proof Dish Herbal Mixture White Silk Ribbon Wooden Matches Cakes & Ale

Sett up e up
Quartz Crystal Fresh Dirt Cakes & Ale Power Enhancement Incense Silk Cloth & Ribbon Water Matches Brown Candle Athamae

Reciipes ec pes
Power Enhancement Incense
Barberry Dragon's Blood Honeysuckle Lily of the Valley Grind all herbs together into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle. Sprinkle onto a charcoal disc in a fire proof dish.

Pre Riituall Insttructtiions tua ns ruc ons re

BEFORE making Incense, split your herbs in half and keep the other half for the ritual work.

Ciirclle Casttiing rc e as ng
Starting in the East and going clockwise toward the South, Hold out your Athamae and visualize a white light coming from it. Visualize the white light circling you and your space as you turn toward the south and while you are saying:

I cast this circle all about, to keep unwelcomed spirits out.

Repeat above phrase in the other directions. Repeat above two more times and on the third turn to the North say:

This protective circle has now been cast. So Mote It Be!

Corner Calllliing orner a ng

Easstt Ea
Light your Incense and say:

Watchtowers of the east, element of Air, I call upon you this night to be with me here, in the glorious honor of my animal guide the horse. Hail and Welcome!

Soutth Sou h
Light your Candle and say:

Watchtowers of the south, element of Fire, I call upon you this night to be with me here, in the glorious honor of my animal guide the horse. Hail and Welcome!

Weesstt W
Hold up your water and say:

Watchtowers of the west, element of Water, I call upon you this night to be with me here, in the glorious honor of my animal guide the horse. Hail and Welcome!

Nortth Nor h
Hold up your fresh dirt and say:

Watchtowers of the north, element of Earth, I call upon you this night to be with me here, in the glorious honor of my animal guide the horse. Hail and Welcome!

Invocattiion nvoca on
I call upon you my animal spirit guide the beautiful horse. I ask you to bless me with your presents and let me behold yours wonderful gifts. Hail and Welcome!

Riittuall work ua ork

Spread out your white silk cloth and place your quartz crystal in the center of the cloth then say:

I call upon the great powers of my animal guide the majestic horse and all of its forms. Bring to me your wondrous gift of freedom and release me from all negativity.
Now sprinkle your herbal mixture over your quartz crystal. Take silk ribbon and tie cloth tightly closed into a bag.

Cakes and Alle akes nd e

Take up your cakes and ale and say:

In your great honor, My Animal Guide, I drink and eat to you only.

Thanks tto tthe Deiitty hanks o he e y

I thank you the Horse and my guide for joining me here tonight so that I might honor your presence in my life. Stay if you will or leave if you must. Hail and Farewell!

Relleasiing the Corners e eas ng he orners

Nortth Nor h
Hold up the fresh dirt and say:

I thank you Watchtowers of the north, element of Earth, for joining me here. Stay if you will or leave if you must. Hail and Farewell!

Weesstt W
Hold up the water and say:

I thank you Watchtowers of the west, element of Water, for joining me here. Stay if you will or leave if you must. Hail and Farewell!

Soutth Sou h
Snuff or blow out the candle and say:

I thank you Watchtowers of the south, element of Fire, for joining me here. Stay if you will or leave if you must. Hail and Farewell!

Easstt Ea
Facing the east, say:

I thank you Watchtowers of the east, element of Air, for joining me here. Stay if you will or leave if you must. Hail and Farewell!

Openiing the Ciirclle pen ng he rc e

Going reverse now and moving counter clockwise, starting in the north, hold out your Athamae and visualize your white light starting to grow dim as you turn toward the west and say:

This circle is opening but all of its protection shall remain.

Repeat above phase in the other directions. Visualize your white light getting dimmer with each turn. Repeat above two more times and on the third turn to the east, say:

This circle is now open. So Mote It Be!

Riittuall Endiing ua nd ng
May you go in peace and in love; and may your morning be happy and bright!

Posstt Riittuall Insttructtiions ua ns ruc ons o

Take wax, ashes, water, and dirt and bury it in a Campground to promote a stronger connection with nature.

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