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Date: __________________ Time Started: _____________________ Weight: ________________ Time Finished: ____________________
Before commencing any form of physical activity always ensure you are sufciently hydrated, completed an effective warm-up specic to your workout and have consumed a good source of protein at least 30min before you begin. If 6 reps are to difcult to perform lighten the weight load and if a 10 rep range is fairly easily then achieved increase the weight load. Three workouts a week train whole body over two workouts alternating each week for approximately 6 -8 weeks. Workouts spread over three days per week Eg:

Weight workout 1 - Upper Body

Chest Bench Press Incline Back Deadlifts Chins or lat pulldowns 6-10 6-10 6-10 x3 x3 x3 Major muscle groups targeted Erector Spinae, Gluteus Maximus, hamstrings Weight Reps (target) 6-10 6-10 Reps (completed) Sets x3 x3

Major muscle groups targeted Pectoralis Major, Deltoid, Triceps Brachii Major muscle groups targeted Pectoralis Major, Deltoid, Triceps Brachii, Serratus

Week one
Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Upper body (workout one) Off Lower body (workout one) Off Upper body (workout two)

Week Two
Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Lower body (workout one) Off Upper body (workout one) Off Lower body (workout two)

Major muscle groups targeted Latissmus Dorsi, Biceps, Teres Major Seated rows Major muscle groups targeted Latissmus Dorsi, Biceps, Teres Major,Trapezius, Erector Spinae, Rhomboids, Deltoid Shoulders Military press 6-10 6-10 x3 x3 Major muscle groups targeted Deltoids, Triceps Brachii

Weight workout 1 - Lower Body

Quads Barbell squats Lunges Leg extensions Major muscle groups targeted Quadriceps Hamstrings Lying leg curls Calves Standing calve raise 6-10 x3 Major muscle groups targeted Calves (gastrocnemius), Soleus 2006 BSc Body Science, BSc Physical & Mental Performance 6-10 x3 Major muscle groups targeted Hamstrings, Calves (gastrocnemius) Weight Reps (target) 6-10 6-10 6-10 Reps (completed) Sets x3 x3 x3

Lateral raise Biceps Straight barbell curls Major muscle groups targeted Biceps Extensions Major muscle groups targeted Triceps Abdominals Crunches Leg raises Triceps

Major muscle groups targeted Deltoids, Trapezius (upper portion, middle portion) 6-10 x3

Major muscle groups targeted Quadriceps, Gluteus Maximus/Medius Major muscle groups targeted Quadriceps, Gluteus Maximus/Medius



6-10 6-10

x3 x3

Major muscle groups targeted Rectus Abdominals, External Obliques Major muscle groups targeted Rectus Abdominals, External Obliques, Rectus femoris, Tensor Fascia Lata

see over for safety tips


Weight workout 2 - Upper Body
Chest Weight Reps (target) 6-10 Reps (completed) Sets

Weight workout 2 - Lower Body

Quads Leg press Front squats on smith machine Weight Reps (target) 6-10 6-10 Reps (completed) Sets x3 x3

Incline Dumbbell Press Flat bench yes Major muscle groups targeted Pectoralis Major

x3 x3

Major muscle groups targeted Pectoralis Major, Deltoid, Triceps Brachii, Serratus

Major muscle groups targeted Quadriceps, Gluteus Maximus/Medius Major muscle groups targeted Quadriceps, Gluteus Maximus/Medius Leg extensions 6-10 x3

Chins or lat pulldowns Bent over rows One arm dumbbell rows


x3 x3 x3

Major muscle groups targeted Quadriceps Hamstrings Stiff legged deadlifts Calves Seated calve raise Major muscle groups targeted Soleus 6-10 x3 6-10 x3 Major muscle groups targeted Erector Spinae, Gluteus Maximus, hamstrings

Major muscle groups targeted Latissmus Dorsi, Biceps, Teres Major, Bicep

Major muscle groups targeted Trapezius, Deltoid, Rhomboids, Latissmus Dorsi, Bicep

Major muscle groups targeted Trapezius, Deltoid, Rhomboids, Latissmus Dorsi, Bicep Dumbbell press Bent over Lateral raise Major muscle groups targeted Deltoids, Trapezius
Biceps 6-10


Major muscle groups targeted Deltoids, Triceps Brachii


Safety Tips
As with anything in life there is always an element of risk involved. When partaking in any physical activity it is advised that if you are not a trained professional than you seek the advice and instruction of someone who is. Adhering to this precaution will ensure your time in the gym is not only fun but free from injury. The training programs set out in this document have been written as a guide only and we do ask that you ask a professional on the correct function of the equipment if you are unsure. There are safety tips we would like to stress to assist in the prevention of injury. The exercises prescribed will produce great results if the correct instruction is adhered to. Always maintain correct form when executing a rep. Dont arch your back when completing a rep.

Seated dumbbell curls Major muscle groups targeted Biceps, Deltoids




Close grip bench press




Major muscle groups targeted Triceps, Anconeus, Pectoralis Major Crunches Leg raises

x3 x3

Major muscle groups targeted Rectus Abdominals, External Obliques


Major muscle groups targeted Rectus Abdominals, External Obliques, Rectus femoris, Tensor Fascia Lata
2006 BSc Body Science, BSc Physical & Mental Performance

Your feet remain at on the oor. Keep your head pressed against the bench, doing this will reduce neck strains. Comply with gym policies as they are in place to protect you. (hygiene, footwear, return all weights to their place) Whether youre a seasoned athlete or a beginner substituting form to lift heavy is opening yourself up for an injury, When the time comes to try heavier weight always use a spotter and maintain technique. When executing any abdominal exercise, to reduce injury tilt the head forward with eyes looking into your groin at all times. Breathing for safety and comfort it has been said to be benecial to breathe out on the concentric part of the movement. Always check the equipment prior to use. If you are a person who perspires while exercising you may nd workout gloves benecial, they enable you to better grasp the bar/dumbbell

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