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Wondrous Magic Items: Spell Scrolls

Spell scrolls are a consumable magic Item that disappears when used. Each scroll can have one arcane spell attack power or utility power from any class that can cast spells, but not paragon path or epic destiny powers. When you make a scroll select a spell you know when creating the scroll or any other spell for your class. Basically the scrolls are a one-time use of that spell so you gain implement bonuses and such to attack rolls as if you were using the power normally. Each spell level of a scroll costs the same amount of components as any other magic item of its level (see page 223, players handbook for component costs), so the wizards Chain Lightning spell scroll would cost 425,000gp (level 23 Encounter attack power) worth of arcane components. Spell scrolls come in many varieties some of which are listed here. Since there are so may spells available that are daily powers, the DM may raise the component cost as needed if he or she thinks this is to overpowering for the PCs. Spell Scroll: Fireball Level 5 A powerful scroll that can be used to cast the wizards fireball spell. Wondrous Item 1000gp Power (Consumable Fire): Standard Action. (As the wizards Fireball spell) You make the following attack. Area burst 3 within 20 squares, target each creature in burst; attack Intelligence vs. Reflex; Hit: 3d6 +Intelligence modifier fire damage, Miss: Half Damage

Spell Scroll: Web Level 5 A powerful scroll that can be used to cast the wizards web spell. Wondrous Item 1000gp Power (Consumable): Standard Action. (As the wizards Web spell) You make the following attack. Area k burst 2 within 20 squares, target each creature in burst; attack Intelligence vs. Reflex; Hit: The target is immobilized, Effect: The burst creates a zone of webs that fills the area until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes. The zone is considered difficult terrain. Any creature that ends its move in the web is immobilized (save ends).

Spell Scroll: Invisibility Level 6 A powerful scroll that can be used to cast the wizards Invisibility spell. Wondrous Item 1800gp Power (Consumable): Standard Action. (As the wizards Invisibility spell). You use the following power. Target you or one creature; Range 5, Effect: The target is invisible until the end of your next turn. If the target attacks, the target becomes visible. Sustain Standard: If the target is within range, you can sustain the effect.

Spell Scroll: Thunder Lance Level 13 A powerful scroll that can be used to cast the wizards Thunder Lance spell. Wondrous Item 17,000gp Power (Consumable Thunder): Standard Action. (As the wizards Thunder Lance spell) You make the following attack. Close Blast 5, target: each creature in blast; attack Intelligence vs. Reflex; Hit: 4d6 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage, and you push the target 4 squares.

Aaron Noll April 22, 2012

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