SYNC Catalog 2012

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SYNC at Christ Church!

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
Matthew 22:37
When I flew KC-135s in the U.S. Air Force, each aircrew would synchronize their watches to the Navy Atomic Clock before each flight. It was important that we worked off the same clock. Our mission was to rendezvous with another airplane that was departing from another location thousands of miles from our location and meet them at a certain point at a predetermined time. If our watches were off by a couple of minutes from the crew of the other airplane, we could miss each other by 5 to 10 miles. Synchronizing our lives with Jesus Christ keeps us near Him and lessens the chance that we may miss Him when we need Him most. For the next 24 months, Christ Church is going to synchronize our lives with Jesus through Worship + 2 and a Tithe. SYNC is a four part plan designed to continually connect you with Jesus Christ. Our goal is that everyone will commit to attending at least one Worship service per week, becoming a part of a ministry that Loves God, serving in a ministry that Loves Neighbor, and Tithing. We live in a fast paced world where advancements in technology happen on a daily basis. It is almost impossible to keep up with! We constantly have to take time to synchronize our computers, laptops, iPads, and mobile devices so that they can communicate with each other and everyone else in the world. It is time to synchronize our lives with Jesus Christ!

Alan Prass

Executive Director

SYNC to Worship
There are no acts of piety or good deeds that can replace the central role of corporate worship in the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ...
Worship is a difficult word to define in the English language for it summons a group of emotions for which we have no real nomenclature. What words are there to describe what happens to the finite when we commune with the infinite? My wife Melissa offers my favorite definition, Worship happens when our hearts and Gods heart become one. Worship is about making a real time connection with God! The Greek word for worship is proskunEo, which is a compound word meaning to turn toward someone for the purpose of offering a kiss. This establishes three things about worship. First, worship takes effort on the part of a worshipper. You have to turn. I think there are people who have attended hundreds of worship services in their lives but have never really worshipped God. Secondly, worship is intimate. In USAmerica you dont kiss a total stranger. To kiss someone is to know someone and the kiss celebrates that special knowledge. Third, worship is not something you can do alone. No matter how much you like you, you cant give yourself a kiss. Worship happens in community. Sync your life to worship this year and make a priority of 1) Being present for worship services each weekend 2) Truly connecting with God once you get here. It will change everything!

God is Good!

Rev. Shane
Senior Pastor

SYNC to Stewardship
But who am I, and who are my people, that we could give anything to you? Everything we have has come from you, and we give you only what you first gave us.
1 Chronicles 29:14

What is a tithe? The tithe is that tenth of our income that we give back to God, which enables him to move on our behalf in the area of blessings. Early in my Christian walk, I misunderstood the idea of tithing. I often thought of it as giving a tenth from my own property to God. However, in reality it is God that has done the giving to me, and claims the return of only 10% of His property. Tithing is not taking a tenth of my own money and giving it to God, but it is faithfully returning a tenth of what was already His to begin with! We come into this world with absolutely nothing. God gives us parents. Through them, we are provided love, food, shelter and knowledge. Throughout our lives, God gives us everything we need to live. We are responsible for managing those resources, and this is called stewardship. Of those resources He gives us, God asks us to give back just 10% so that we may be blessings to others. As I began to tithe, I noticed that my priorities in the way I spent my money changed. The way I looked at money changed. Instead of wondering what my money could do for me, I began looking at my paycheck as a blessing from the Lord and I needed to be accountable to Him and manage it in a way that I would earn his trust. By doing this, I have been blessed by the Lord in so many ways. Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full--pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. Luke 6:38

Alan Prass

Executive Director

Giving is one of the fundamental ways in which we demonstrate our love and gratitude to God. SYNC is your opportunity as a family to commit to how you will give financially to the church over the next 24 months. When you give, you support the mission of Christ Church to connect people to Jesus Christ down the hall, around the corner and around the world.
Frequently Asked Questions About Giving 1. What is the difference between a tithe and an offering? A tithe is the first tenth of your income that you return to God, which enables him to move on our behalf in the area of blessings. An offering is any gift above and beyond the amount of the tithe. What if I want to make a commitment to give, but Im not sure what my income will be or my circumstances change? Ultimately, your pledge is between you and the Lord and He knows what the future holds for you and your family. Pray and ask God to help you make the best estimate of what to give by faith, and then trust Him to provide your needs. If your financial circumstances change unexpectedly, God will certainly be aware of the change and will understand what you are able to give. What are my options for giving? There are several options for giving. You may: Place an envelope with cash or check into the collection bag during worship services Use your debit card at the kiosk located in Scripture Hall Give online at Click on Online Giving at the top of the page. Schedule an electronic funds transfer directly from your financial institution. Can I schedule my gift electronically? Yes! Contact the church office or go online to forms to download the GIVE Program enrollment form. Will I receive a contribution statement? Yes, as long as you do not give anonymously, statements will be mailed to you each quarter. Who do I contact if I have a question about giving? Questions about giving may be directed to Samantha Allard, Financial Administrator or Mickey Buehler, Accounts Payable Clerk






Annual Income 5%
$41 $83 $125 $166 $208 $250 $291 $333 $375 $416 $458 $500 $541 $583 $625 $729 $833 $1,041 $1,250 $1,250 $1,500 $1,000 $875 $1,020 $1,166 $1,458 $1,750 $750 $875 $700 $816 $649 $758 $866 $933 $1,000 $1,166 $1,333 $1,666 $2,000 $600 $700 $800 $550 $641 $733 $825 $900 $974 $1,050 $1,125 $1,312 $1,500 $1,875 $2,250 $499 $583 $666 $749 $450 $525 $600 $675 $400 $466 $533 $600 $666 $750 $833 $916 $1,000 $1,083 $1,166 $1,250 $1,458 $1,666 $2,083 $2,500 $349 $408 $466 $524 $583 $300 $350 $400 $450 $500 $250 $291 $333 $375 $416 $500 $600 $699 $800 $900 $999 $1,100 $1,200 $1,299 $1,400 $1,500 $1,750 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $199 $233 $266 $299 $333 $399 $150 $175 $200 $225 $250 $300 $375 $499 $625 $750 $874 $1,000 $1,125 $1,249 $1,375 $1,500 $1,624 $1,750 $1,875 $2,187 $2,500 $3,125 $4,500 $100 $116 $133 $150 $166 $200 $250 $49 $58 $66 $74 $91 $99 $108

































































































Find out how close you are to a tithe!






Start by finding your approximate annual income on the left side of the page. Slide over until you reach your approximate monthly gift, then slide up to see your current percentage of giving. How might God be calling you to move your monthly giving closer to 10% or even beyond?






SYNC to Discipleship:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20

At Christ Church, we exist to connect people to Jesus Christ. Connecting people to Jesus is not just about getting them inside the doors of a church. It is also about helping individuals to become disciples, connecting them in a deeper relationship with our God. In Matthew 28, we are commanded to GO and make disciples of all nations. At Christ Church we take that command seriously by offering biblical teaching from the pulpit, in the children and youth rooms, and in the adult classes. We begin with the New Member class, and it never ends. Loving God is about studying His word, learning His ways and loving His people. Prayerfully consider the discipleship opportunities listed here. Ask God to reveal a class or group that will help you draw closer to Him. If you would like help choosing a Connection Class or a small group, please contact me. Sync your life by increasing your discipleship; join a Bible Study or class today.

Larry Weber

Director of Ministries

Discipleship Opportunities
ADULTS..... 9-10 Connection Classes..... 9 Coffee With Bernie..... 9 Single Adults Ministry..... 9 Twenty Somethings (Stepping Up)..... 10 SMALL GROUP BIBLE STUDIES..... 10-11 House of Rock..... 10 PB by J2..... 10 Seasoned Veterans..... 10 Sonlight..... 11 Tuesday Night Sunday School..... 11 MENS MINISTRIES..... 11-12 Mens Small Groups..... 11 Quest for Authentic Manhood..... 11 United Methodist Men (UMM)..... 12 WOMENS MINISTRIES..... 12-13 JOY Group..... 12 MOPS..... 12 Summer Smorgasbord Womens Small Groups..... 13 United Methodist Women (UMW)..... 13 FAMILY MINISTRIES..... 13-14 Building Bridges of Hope: Adoption Ministry..... 13 Gen X (30s & 40s)..... 14 Marriage Study Small Groups..... 14 ChILDRENS MINISTRIES..... 14-16 Creation Corner (Birth Kindergarten)..... 14 Kid Connection (1st 5th grade)..... 15 Special Needs Ministry (Birth 12th grade)..... 15 AWANA..... 15 Jump In ..... 16 STUDENT MINISTRIES..... 16-17 Base Camp (6th 8th grade)..... 16 Middle School Bible Study (6th 8th grade)..... 16 The Peak (9th 12th grade)..... 17 High School Bible Study (9th grade 12th grade)..... 17 SPORTS..... 17 Cross Checking (Mens Floor Hockey)..... 17 Thursday Night Coed Volleyball..... 17 ACTIVITIES/SPECIAL INTEREST..... 18 Cropping with Christ..... 18 Quilters..... 18

Connection Classes (Fh, CM, M)
Each year we offer hundreds of classes and small group opportunities that are intended to help you become a better disciple of Jesus Christ! Connection Classes are offered in cycles throughout the year and usually run 4-8 weeks, depending on the length of the study. We offer studies on a variety of topics, including bible study, parenting, marriage, financial stewardship, and many others! Small Group Bible Studies are more like a traditional Sunday School class. They are on-going throughout the year, and enrollment is open. Classes and small group opportunities are available at all three Christ Church campuses. All classes are Bible-based curriculum and are an important step in connecting to Jesus Christ in deeper and more meaningful ways. If you would like more information on current Connection Classes or small group Bible Studies, please visit, or stop by the Activity Center.
Contact: Larry Weber, 618.277.4659,

Coffee with Bernie (Fh)

An informal coffee time for men and women of any age devoted to casual conversation, devotional time, and prayer. Meets Mondays at 8:00 am.
Contact: Rev. Bernie Kneale, 618.977.0053

Single Adult Ministry (Fh)

The purpose of the Single Adult Ministry is to provide a social avenue for people in their 30s through 50s. We are a group of men and women who desire to develop friendships and support with others who have similar lifestyles, needs, and Christian values. The group meets approximately once per month in various settings such as dinners, contemporary Christian concerts, etc.
Contact: Susan Markle, 618.235.3188,

Twenty-Something (Stepping Up) (Fh)

Stepping Up is Christ Churchs ministry group for 20-somethings. From recent high school grads to young moms and dads, our goal is to help connect those who are almost finished laying the foundation for their lives to Jesus Christ. We meet weekly at the STL Bread on Green Mount for Bible study and social events. We perform quarterly service projects to develop leaders and act as the hands and feet of Christ. If you want fellowship, fun, and Biblically-based teaching (and are 19 29), we have a group for you!
Contact: Matt and Mistie Denny, 618.691.9074,

smAll Group BiBle studies

house of Rock (Fh)
House of Rock is led by Erik & Wendy Arneson and is designed as a discussion group for adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s seeking to build their lives around the Word of God. Come learn what the Bible says and how to apply it to the construction of a sturdy home! House of Rock meets Sundays at 10:30am at the Fairview Heights campus. Childcare is provided.

PB by J2 (Fh)

People Blessed by Jesus is a Bible Study discussion for those who have been in Bible Studies previously. The group varies in age and includes both individuals and couples. All are welcome! This group, led by Dave Gillingham, meets Sunday mornings at 10:30am at the Fairview Heights campus.

Quest for Authentic Manhood (Fh) (see Mens Ministries) Seasoned Veterans (Fh)

This class is led by Tracey Bone and Deb Clark. Seasoned Veterans concentrates on how to better connect lives and families to the will of God. Through discussion of books and mini Bible studies, this class also provides a social avenue for those seeking closer relationships with others both in and outside of class. This group meets Sundays at 10:30am at the Fairview Heights campus. Childcare is provided.

Sonlight (Fh)

You will enjoy meeting with this large diverse group of people eager to hear Gods Word. We have several social events and fellowship time throughout the year. Rick and Liz Reed warmly invite you to be a part of the Sonlight family at 9:05 each Sunday morning in the Chapel. Childcare is provided.

Tuesday Night Sunday School (Fh)

Tuesday Night Sunday School is a Bible Study for men and women. Each session examines Scripture for insights and relevance to daily living. Enrollment is open each Tuesday and will focus on various books of the Bible. Drop in anytime! Class begins at 6:30pm and is led by Rev. Bernie Kneale and Rev. Ed Givens. Childcare is provided.

mens ministries
Mens Small Groups (Fh, CM, M)
Mentoring. Accountability. Discipleship. The Real M.A.D. men. The purpose of our small groups is to challenge and encourage the men of Christ Church and provide biblical training to enable them to become effective Godly leaders at home, in church, at work, and in the community. Groups meet in various locations near all three Christ Church Campuses.
Contact: Fairview heights: Chuck Phillips, 618.580.9719, Collinsville/Maryville: Jerry Dortch, 618.622.9107, Millstadt: Jerry Dortch, 618.622.9107,

Quest for Authentic Manhood (Fh)

This study teaches men how to live lives of authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus Christ, directed by the Word of God and marked by integrity , boldness, and compassion. This group meets Sunday mornings at 10:30 at the Fairview Heights campus. Childcare is available.
Contact: Nathan Hanson, 618.795.8036,


United Methodist Men (UMM) (Fh)

Every man in Christ Church is automatically a member of United Methodist Men (UMM). There are no dues and there are no membership applications only participation and service. Our mission is to assist men in knowing Jesus Christ, serving Him, growing spiritually, and seeking daily to do His will and His work. Fellowship, work projects, small groups, mens retreats, and sports events all help us in achieving this mission. We host at least one mens retreat annually, and we also hold two golf tournaments. The funds we raise are used to support local, national and global missions. Participating in UMM activities will help you to know Christ through associating with some of the strongest and finest Christian men you will ever hope to meet!
Contact: George Clifton, 618.234.8848,

Womens ministries
JOY Group (Fh)
Jesus (first), Others (second), Yourself (third) JOY started in 1987 as an unstructured Christian Womans Support group. We support each other with friendship, fellowship, and prayer. The JOY group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 6:15 p.m. each month from September through May. During the summer, we meet once a month (to be announced).
Contact: Ruth Walsh, 618.540.8674

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) (Fh)

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is part of a dynamic international organization dedicated to nurturing the needs of all mothers by providing quality child care services for children ages 0-5 twice a month while mothers spend time in fellowship with other moms. MOPS is about celebrating motherhood, meeting needs, making connections, and experiencing Gods love through relationships and resources.
Contact: Wendy Rosborg, 618.624.7374,


Summer Smorgasbord Womens Small Groups (Fh, CM, M)

Summer Smorgasbord is a part of The Journey womens ministry and offers Bible studies during the summer months for the purpose of providing relaxed, small group opportunities for women to connect in friendship and fellowship. Women of different ages and stages in life and in their walk with the Lord grow together through Bible study and discussion. We have found that as our church bets bigger, we need to get smaller, and Summer Smorgasbord is one way to connect in a smaller setting. Watch for Summer Smorgasbord information in the late Spring! If you would like to build friendships as you grow closer to Christ, join a study this summer!
Contact: Theresa Cavalier, 618.604.5699,

United Methodist Women (UMW) (Fh)

The mission of the UMW is to continue the legacy that started on March 23, 1869. On that day, six women in the Boston area came through torrents of rain to hear about the plight of two women serving as missionaries in India. These six women vowed to give two cents a week and pray fervently to support these missionaries. This incredible journey has continued for over 137 years with many, many women supporting global missions through UMW. Bring your pennies and join us for devotion, guest speakers, and fellowship on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 9:30am. Come hear about this incredible journey, and be a part of this awesome legacy.
Contact: Marge Oppedal, 618.235.7343

FAmily ministries

Adoption Ministry: Building Bridges of hope (Fh)

The adoption ministry was started by families who have been touched by adoption. This group is in place to provide support to families who are considering adoption, who are in the process of adopting, have already adopted, or those who have been adopted themselves. It is also our hope to educate Christians about Gods love for orphans and our role in ministering to them. The adoption ministry also offers a Connection Class called If You Were Mine for anyone who is considering adoption.
Contact: Jill Biehl, 618.476.9650,


Gen X (30s & 40s) (Fh)

This group is designed to connect people who are looking to build community with others in their age & stage at Christ Church. GenX is geared toward folks in their 30s and 40s. This group is primarily focused on families, but everyone is welcome! We host social events every 4 to 6 weeks, including things like movie nights, swim parties, and bonfires. Come out and fellowship with other families who are striving to walk with Christ as they raise the next generation!
Contact: Paul & Kelly Costello, 618.207.1439,

Marriage Study Small Groups (Fh, CM, M)

The purpose of Marriage Study is to support the transformation of marriages as couples study Gods Word together with other engaged or married couples. In these small groups, couples encourage and challenge one another to live into Gods standard for healthy marriages in a fun, supportive environment. Groups meet in homes near all three Christ Church Campuses.
Contact: Erin Hanson, 618.277.4659,

Childrens ministries (Fh, Cm, m)

Creation Corner (Fh, CM, M)
Creation Corner is Christ Churchs Early Childhood Ministry on Sunday mornings. Each week, preschoolers learn that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever. High energy worship, large group lesson, and small group activities are all part of how we strive to connect preschoolers with Jesus Christ! If you have any questions regarding our program for your preschool age child, please contact:
Fairview Heights: Mistie Denny, Director Of Early Childhood Ministries, Collinsville/Maryville: Erica Wright, Millstadt: Misite Denny, Director Of Early Childhood Ministries,


Kid Connection (Fh, CM, M)
Kid Connection is Christ Churchs ministry to children in grades 1 5 on Sunday mornings. Kids connect with Jesus each week through a large group lesson, small group experience, and high energy worship! Each month, the kids explore a different virtue as they learn to apply Biblical truths to their lives. If you have any questions regarding our program for your school age child, please contact:
Fairview Heights: Amanda Cates, Director of Elementary Ministries, Collinsville/Maryville: Erica Wright, Millstadt: Amanda Cates, Director Of Elementary Ministries, amandacates@

Special Needs Ministry (Fh, CM, M)

The heart of the Special Needs Ministry is to provide ALL children (Birth 12th grade) the opportunity to connect to Jesus Christ. Here at Christ Church, we utilize the buddy program. Buddies are there for your child during small and large group giving them individual attention and accommodations they need to help them fully engage in childrens ministry. If you have a child with special needs, we would love to connect them to Jesus!
Contact: Marquitta Jacob, Special Needs Coordinator, 618.973.6075,


AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed. This is a ministry for kids age 2 through 9th grade at the Fairview Heights campus. It meets one evening a week during the school year (September May). In AWANA, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is brought to the kids as they learn to serve the Lord in their everyday lives. Kids learn Bible verses and Biblical Truths and have a blast doing it!
Contact: Steve Barrett, AWANA Commander,


Jump In! (Fh, CM, M)

Jump In is our summer childrens ministry at Christ Church. Jump In meets every Sunday evening from June August at our Fairview Heights campus, and for three consecutive evenings in June at our Collinsville/Maryville and Millstadt campuses. Jump In is action-packed and a ton of fun! In this highenergy program, kids encounter God through music, games, storytelling, and small group activities.
Contact: Fairview Heights: Amanda Cates, Director of Elementary Ministries, Collinsville/Maryville: Erica Wright,

student ministries


Christ Church Students is the student ministry for teenagers who are in 6th12th grade. We simply exist to connect students to Jesus Christ. Our desire is that students will encounter the Word of God, build authentic relationships and have some fun as they are challenged to follow Christ.
Contact: Rev. Will Campbell, Pastor of Student Ministries at

Base Camp (Fh)
Base Camp is our Tuesday night experience for our middle school students. Those in grades 6-8 meet every week from 7-8:30pm in the Kid Connection Worship Area to share a meal, have some fun, and dig into Gods Word in small groups.

Middle School Bible Study (Fh)

Middle School Bible Study is held on Sunday mornings at 10:30. Students in grades 6-8 spend time together as they explore Bible-based student curriculum.


The Peak (Fh)
The Peak is our weeknight experience for high school students. Those in grades 9-12 meet in the Gym each Tuesday night from 7-8:30pm to share a meal, have some fun, and grow in their relationship with Christ and each other through small group study.

high School Bible Study (Fh)

High School Bible Study is held on Sunday mornings at 10:30. Students in grades 9-12 spend time together as they explore Bible-based student curriculum. This group also participates in various service projects throughout the year.

Cross Checking (Floor hockey) (Fh)
The purpose of Cross Checking is to connect men and boys ages 12 and older to check their spiritual, physical, and relational pulses each week. We meet on Monday nights beginning in late October and run through the month of March. Meeting at 6:00pm, we play a full-court brand of floor hockey. Around 7:15, we break for a devotion, which is geared toward getting closer to Jesus and each other through discussion. Hockey resumes after the devotion, and we wrap up around 8:30pm. Join us for a chance to grow closer to Jesus and other men of Christ Church.
Contact: Rich Bell, 618.416.2285

Thursday Night Coed Volleyball (Fh)

Thursday Night Coed Volleyball is for anyone 16 and over who loves to play! We meet in the gym Thursdays at 6:30 for pick-up games. Whoever shows up plays! We spend time in fellowship, and have a devotional time each time we meet. Childcare is available.
Contact: Ann Wingerter, 618.616.1397,


ACtivities/speCiAl interest
Cropping with Christ (Fh)
This group gets together 4 to 6 times a year from 10:00 am until 4:45 pm to scrapbook. Everyone is welcome. We meet in a very informal and relaxed atmosphere, and you can come when you want and stay as long as you like. This is a chance for beginners and advanced scrapbookers to get together and meet new people, make new friends, learn and share ideas about scrapbooking, share memories, and share what Christ is doing or has done in their lives.
Contact: Gerry Ford, 618.416-5087,

Quilters (Fh)
The Christ Church Quilters share faith and friendship each week. The work of their hands benefits missions, nursing homes, and other needs of the church. They meet each Monday from 9:30am until 2:00pm, and enjoy lunch together. The ladies spend a pleasant day quilting and chatting as they work on their quilt designs. If you would like to join the Quilters, just sign up for this fulfilling ministry!
Contact: Nancy Noonan, 618.236.3051


SYNC to Service:
For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. The entire law is summed up in a single command: Love your neighbor as yourself.
Galatians 5:13-14


Our God has richly blessed each one of us with a unique set of spiritual gifts and talents to be used for His glory! By His grace, we are free to choose how we will use those gifts, and whether we will allow God to use us to impact this world for His purpose. At Christ Church, we exist to Connect People with Jesus Christ. As Rev. Shane says, Its all we do! As we Reach Out, Welcome, and Disciple through Worship and Service, we live out this very important mission in practical ways, and sync our lives to the will of our Heavenly Father. Resolve today to find a ministry area that speaks to your heart as well as your unique gifts and talents. As you look through the ministry opportunities listed in this catalog, ask God to show you where to serve as you prayerfully consider your commitment for the coming year. Contact the individuals listed with any questions you may have about a particular ministry. If you need help discovering your spiritual gifts, or choosing an area to serve, contact me! I am happy to help you find a place where you can be passionate in your service to the Lord at any of our three campuses! I am excited for what God has in store as you serve in ministry at Christ Church! Welcome! Blessings,

Erin hanson

Volunteer Coordinator

spiritual Gifts For ministry


Able to organize and manage information, people, events and rexources to accomplish the objectives of a ministry.


Able to provide an environment where people feel welcome.



The divine ability to build the foundation of new churches

Able to understand, organize and effectively use information to advance Gods purposes.



Able to perform practical tasks to sustain and enhance the Body of Christ

Able to cast a vision, set a course and motivate and direct people.



Able to recognize what is of God and what is not of God.

Able to lovingly minister to those in need.


Exhortation (Encouragement)
Able to strengthen and comfort others in their efforts to live into Gods potential for their lives.

The God-given ability to proclaim Gods truth.



Able to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ so that non-believers respond with faith and discipleship.

Able to understand and clearly explain Gods truths and how we can apply them to our lives.



Able to trust in Gods promises through all of lifes situations

Able to understand and apply Biblical and spiritual knowledge to complex, contradictory or other difficult situations.

Spiritual Gifts Discovery Tool

Volunteer Opportunities
REACh OUT..... 24-26
Christ Church Campuses..... 24 Evangelism Team..... 24 Biking aCross Town..... 24 Coed Paintball..... 25 Coed Softball..... 25 Coed Competitive Volleyball..... 26 Golf Ministry..... 26 Mens Softball..... 26 Motorcycle Ministry..... 26

WELCOME..... 27-29

Activity Center..... 27 Coffee Hosts..... 27 Greeters..... 27 Guest Services..... 28 Pie Ministry..... 28 Shuttle Ministry..... 28 Ushers..... 29 Welcome Center..... 29

DISCIPLE..... 30-38
Childrens Ministries..... 30-33 Creation Corner..... 30 Kid Connection..... 31 Jump In!..... 31 AWANA..... 32 Special Needs Ministry..... 33 Student Ministries..... 33-34 Base Camp..... 33 Middle School Bible Study..... 34 The Peak..... 34 High School Bible Study..... 34 Hospitality Team..... 34 Adults..... 35-38 Connection Class Leaders..... 35 Gen X Planning Team (30s & 40s)..... 35 Mens Small Group Leaders..... 35 MOPS Steering Team (Mothers Of PreSchoolers)..... 36 Single Adult Ministry Planning Team..... 36

The Journey Team..... 37 Summer Smorgasbord Small Group Leaders..... 37 United Methodist Men (UMM)..... 38 United Methodist Women (UMW)..... 38 UMW Prayer Chain..... 38

WORShIP..... 39-42

Communion Stewards..... 39 Decorations Ministry..... 39 Ministry for Deaf and Hard of Hearing..... 39 Prayer Team..... 40 Production Ministry..... 40 Saturday Night Worship Assistants..... 40 Christ Church Choir..... 41 Vocal Team..... 41 Drama Ministry..... 41 Christ Church Orchestra..... 42 Praise Band..... 42 Handbells..... 42

SERVICE - Down The hall..... 43-49

BASICS (A ministry to college students)..... 43 Christ Church Bookstore..... 43 Church History Ministry..... 43 Congregational Care..... 44 Parish Nursing..... 44 Shepherd Care..... 44 Visitation Team..... 44 Event Planning Team..... 45 Fellowship Team..... 45 Funeral Dinners..... 45 Hearts For Heroes..... 45 Heavenly Jewels..... 46 Holy Folders..... 46 Kitchen Ministry..... 46 Mow Joes & Jacks..... 46 Parking Ministry..... 47 Pew Crew..... 47 Photography Team..... 47 Quilters..... 47 Safety and Security Team..... 48 Share-A-Ride..... 48 Stamping for Christ..... 48 The Flame Magazine..... 49 Wedding Coordinating Team..... 49 Womens Intercessory Prayer Team..... 49

SERVICE - Around the Corner..... 50-53

Birthday Parties for Children..... 50 Christian Activity Center..... 50 Disaster Preparedness..... 50 Good Neighbor Family Missions..... 51 Nursing Home Ministry..... 51 Nursing Home Music Ministry..... 51 Prison Ministry..... 52 Summer Domestic Mission Trip..... 52 Welcome Home..... 52 Winter Patrol..... 53 Womens Card Ministry..... 53

SERVICE - Around the World..... 54-55

Bibles for Honduras..... 54 Feed My Sheep Ministry (Honduras)..... 54 Philippines Missions..... 55 Sight Ministries..... 55

reACh out
Christ Church Campuses

Evangelism is how we reach out to those who may not hear about Jesus anywhere else! Our Reach Out ministries create opportunities to connect members of our communities to Christ!

If you are a person with an entrepreneurial spirit or evangelistic, join us as we Connect People to Jesus in other communities in our area by becoming a Pioneer to one of our Christ Church Campuses. Each campus needs 5075 people that are willing to put personal preference aside and worship and be in ministry in another community for up to one year. Pioneers invite their friends and acquaintances to join them for church at the campus, and are often the key volunteers in areas such as site set up, Childrens Ministry, and Welcome ministries.
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Assistance/helps, hospitality. Contact: Larry Weber, 277-4659,

Evangelism Team (Fh, CM, M)

The focus of the Christ Church Evangelism Team is to embrace and strategically support CUMC and the growth of multi-site missions. Members of the evangelism team will have a heart and desire to proactively reach out and assist people in connecting with Jesus Christ. Through planned functions and outreach events, this team will extend invitations that will connect people with Christ through our CUMC locations. Based in prayer and biblical support, this team will cultivate individual growth and nurture members to fulfill their God given talents.
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism Contact: Mike Harvey,

Biking aCross Town (Fh)

The Christ Church biking ministry brings bicycle riders together in fellowship, friendship, fun and competition. We seek to encourage all riders with Jesus Christ by participating in biking events throughout the season where we express our faith as representatives of Christ Church. Join us!
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, hospitality Contact: Adam Forsythe, 618.973.0175,


Coed Paintball (Fh)

WE WANT YOU! Come and join us for some adrenaline-filled fellowship! This ministry has something for everyone, whether you are brand new to paintball, or a seasoned veteran of the sport. We plan to participate locally as well as regionally. We would also like to form a competitive team for those who are interested. Please come and join us!
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Exhortation (Encouragement) Contact: Carl Owens, 618.520.6166, or Facebook ccpbm@

Coed Softball (Fh)

The purpose of Christ Church Coed Softball is to take part in fellowship, friendship, and competition while connecting friends, families and competitors with Jesus Christ! This organized sports ministry offers something for Christ Church men and women 16 and over who want to share Jesus while they play softball. Teams compete in fall leagues. Anyone interested is welcome to participate as a player, coach or volunteer scorekeeper. If you love to play softball, and want to offer your witness to Christ while you do it, join us!
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Exhortation (Encouragement) Contact: Dennis Jenkins, 618.416.5585, or Josh Veath, 618.939.4521,

Coed Competitive Volleyball (Fh)

Do you like to play fast-paced, high energy volleyball with other skilled and competitive players? Christ Church Coed Volleyball teams participate in various recreational leagues in an effort to share Christ with others while they compete. Teams form based on level of competition desired and the number of people available to commit to each session. Sessions run 8-10 weeks, and there are varying levels of competition. Come help us connect other volleyball players with Christ!
Contact: Jessi Semaan, 218.213.8533,


Golf (Fh)

The Christ Church Golf ministry exists to place volunteers, teams and sponsorships by participating in charity golf tournaments, scrambles and area leagues where we can share our faith on the golf course as representatives of Christ Church. Join CCG for the opportunity to support your community and their charities all while connecting people to Jesus Christ!
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, hospitality, Exhortation Contact: Dale Loiseau, 618-420-6362 or J. Haas, 618-401-4261

Mens Softball (Fh)

The purpose of Christ Church Softball is to connect men and their families with Jesus Christ through participation in inter-church sports competition. This organized sports ministry offers something for men age 16 and over who wish to become involved. There are opportunities for men to participate as players, team managers, base coaches, league umpires, team statisticians, and team photographers. Come out and compete with other men of God seeking to better know Christ and each other. Join us afterward for pizza and more outreach opportunities!
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Exhortation Contact: Jim Shoffstall, 618.257.9019,

Motorcycle Ministry (Fh)

Thunder for the Cross is the ministry for motorcycle enthusiasts at Christ Church! Join us as we connect the biker community to Jesus Christ through evangelism, witness, and fellowship. We ride one evening a week (weather permitting) and at least one weekend a month. Each member of this ministry will have an opportunity to lead! Events always begin with prayer and a short devotion. If you have a motorcycle or a scooter that does highway speeds, join us! There will be a highway called the Holy Road. (Isa. 35.8 The Message). Lets Ride on It!
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Leadership, hospitality, Exhortation (Encouragement) Contact: Wayne Witter, 618.791.2000,


Activity Center (Fh)

We want every person who walks through our doors to feel instantly at home! By offering heartfelt hospitality and going the extra mile, we can have a part in connecting every person at Christ Church to Jesus Christ!

Members of this team have the pleasure of helping people connect with Jesus Christ by educating them about all of the great things Christ Church has to offer. Guests can get information on upcoming events and find out more about ministry opportunities when they visit the Activity Center. Volunteers are needed to staff the Activity Center before and after each Sunday worship service. Join the Activity Center team and be in the know about what is happening at Christ Church!
Spiritual Gifts: hospitality, Evangelism, Assistance/helps, Leadership Contact: Terri Haider, 618.277.4307, Deborah Hunt,

Coffee hosts (Fh, CM, M)

This team serves Jesus by welcoming people to the Coffee Cafe before and after church services and during special functions. They arrive in time to make the coffee, serve the coffee and other beverages and then straighten and restock the cafe. This is a fun ministry, a great way to meet new members and see old friends. It is a team ministry, usually done in teams of 2 or 3. The time commitment is about 4 hours per month.
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Exhortation (Encouragement), hospitality Contact: Fairview heights: Noel Russell, 618.277.4659, Collinsville/Maryville: Sabra Cabor, 316.519.0548, Millstadt: Sheri Luecking, 618.920.3595,

Greeters (Fh, CM, M)

Greeters share a passion for welcoming current members and guests to church services at CUMC they smile, answer questions, give directions to classrooms, nursery, and restrooms. Greeters assist elderly guests, disabled guests, and families with small children. We even provide umbrellas in inclement weather! This ministry is a fantastic way to get to know people throughout the church while creating a warm and friendly atmosphere for everyone.

Greeters arrive 20 to 30 minutes prior to worship and take their positions. Time commitment is 20 minutes every other Sunday throughout the year at a designated service.
Spiritual Gifts: hospitality, Assistance/helps, Exhortation (Encouragement) Contact: Fairview heights: Carie Bradshaw, 618.222.9617, Collinsville/Maryville: Sabra Cabor, 316.519.0548, Millstadt: Sheri Luecking, 618.920.3595,

Guest Services Connectors (Fh, CM, M)

Are you a friendly, caring person who would like to extend hospitality to those who attend Christ Church? If so, the Guest Services Connectors Team needs you! Members of this team assist people according to their needs, whether it is escorting them to the Welcome Center, helping them check their kids in to childrens or student ministry programs, directing them to Connection Classes, or giving them a tour and explaining the programs of the church. The Guest Services Connectors are a valuable part of the life of Christ Church.
Spiritual Gifts: hospitality, Exhortation (Encouragement), Assistance/helps Contact: Fairview heights: Troy Benton, 618.277.4659, Collinsville/Maryville: Sabra Cabor, 316.519.0548, Millstadt: Sheri Luecking, 618.920.3595,

Pie Ministry (Fh, CM, M)

We make our first time guests feel extra welcome with an apple pie and a smile! Volunteers pick up furnished bakery pies (with directions and maps) at the church and deliver them to our guests as a follow-up to their visit to the church. Time requirement will vary based on the number of Sunday visitors, but usually once or twice a month for approximately an hour. Come and help with a beloved Christ Church tradition!
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Exhortation (Encouragement), Assistance/helps Contact: Mary Zargan 618.566.0090, or Judy Schlosser 618.541.1944,

Shuttle Ministry (Fh)

The Shuttle Ministry is primarily responsible for taking people to and from the shuttle parking areas and the church on Sunday mornings. Those interested in this ministry will need a special endorsement on their drivers license for the 15 passenger bus, and will require a commercial drivers license for the 25 passenger bus. You may volunteer for this ministry without having either

and we will assist you in getting properly licensed. Shuttle drivers can expect to drive a couple of 1 hour Sunday morning shifts per month. Drivers may also be asked to drive the shuttle for other ministries throughout the year.
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, Evangelism, hospitality Contact: Alan Prass, 618.277.4659,

Ushers (Fh, CM, M)

Ushers are a vital part of helping make each worship experience at Christ Church a pleasant one! They perform many duties, including assisting with seating those who may require assistance, and finding seats for late comers. Ushers count attendance, collect the offering, and assist in directing worshipers during communion. Ushers also monitor the pews for articles left behind by worshipers to ensure that the next service will have a clean sanctuary for worship. Flexibility and dependability are essential for this ministry! Time commitment is about 1 to 2 hours one Sunday per month. We have opportunities to serve at all three Christ Church campuses. If you have a heart for hospitality, we need you!
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, hospitality Contact: Fairview heights: Jerry Cowart, 618.398.7664, Collinsville/Maryville: Chad Oliver, 630.885.2715, Millstadt: Sheri Luecking, 618.920.3595,

Welcome Center (Fh, CM, M)

An easy, pleasant, yet vital ministry, the Welcome Center is a place to register first-time visitors and present them with a warm welcome, a nice gift and an encouragement to return. Volunteers may be individuals, couples, or families and may serve at any of Christ Churchs Sunday services. Volunteers staff the Welcome Center 15 minutes before and after each service. By making first contact with those seeking Christ in a church home, we have the unique opportunity to affect the future of Christ Church.
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, Evangelism, hospitality Contact: Fairview heights: Sharon Cleveland, 618.632.4960 or Karen Kelso, Collinsville/Maryville: Sabra Cabor, 316.519.0548, Millstadt: Sheri Luecking, 618.920.3595,



Helping someone else learn and grow in their faith is a great way to serve. Making disciples of all ages is important!

Childrens and Student Ministries in particular are vital to our mission here at Christ Church as we strive to connect the next generation with Jesus Christ! Since Childrens and Student Ministries require large numbers of volunteers to be successful, we would like to encourage you to pray about and give extra consideration to whether God may be calling you to serve in one of these areas.

Childrens Ministries (Fh, CM, M)

There are four main areas to serve in Childrens Ministry at Christ Church. Volunteer Applications and job descriptions are available at the Activity Center, or at any K4C Registration Desk. You may also contact those listed to learn more! Opportunities are available at all three Christ Church Campuses.

Creation Corner (Fh, CM, M)

Creation Corner is Christ Churchs ministry for children birth through kindergarten on Sunday mornings. Our goal is to make sure our children know from their earliest days that God made them, God loves them and Jesus wants to be their friend forever. Every Sunday, volunteers engage the children to grow in their faith through worship and large/small group lessons. Children build relationships and are able to encounter the love of Christ at an early age! There are many ways to serve in Creation Corner: Nursery Small Group Leader Large Group Leader Worship Leader Check In Welcome Team Copy Cats Special Events

Stop by the Welcome Desk at the entrance to Creation Corner to learn more about all of the wonderful opportunities to serve in this very special way.

Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Assistance/helps, Exhortation (Encouragement), Evangelism, hospitality, Knowledge, Leadership, Teaching, Wisdom Contact: Fairview heights (Fh): Mistie Denny, Director of Early Childhood Ministries, Collinsville/Maryville (C/M): Erica Wright, Millstadt (M): Mistie Denny, Director of Early Childhood Ministries,

Kid Connection (Fh, CM, M)

Kid Connection is Christ Churchs ministry to school-age children (1st 5th grades) on Sunday mornings. Each week, volunteers engage and guide children to grow in their faith through high energy worship, relevant large group lessons, and intentional small group activities. Kids build relationships and are able to encounter the love of Christ at a young age! There are many different ways to serve in Kid Connection: Small Group Leader Large Group Leader Worship Leader Check In Welcome Team Tech Special Events

Stop by the Welcome Desk outside Kid Connection or Creation Corner to learn more about all of the wonderful opportunities to serve in this very special and important way.
Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Assistance/helps, Exhortation (Encouragement), Evangelism, hospitality, Knowledge, Leadership, Teaching, Wisdom Contact: Fairview heights (Fh): Amanda Cates, Director of Elementary Ministries, Collinsville/Maryville (C/M): Erica Wright, Millstadt (M): Amanda Cates, Director of Elementary Ministries,

Jump In (Fh, CM, M)

Jump In is our summer childrens ministry at Christ Church. Jump In meets every Sunday evening from June August at our Fairview Heights campus, and for three consecutive evenings in June at our Collinsville/Maryville and Millstadt campuses. Jump In is action-packed and a ton of fun! In this high31

energy program, kids encounter God through music, games, storytelling, and small group activities. There are many ways to spend summer nights serving! Opportunities include: Small Group Leader Large Group Leader Worship Leader Check In Welcome Team Tech Dcor Copy Cats

Stop by the Welcome Desk outside Kid Connection or Creation Corner to learn more about all of the fun ways you can volunteer to connect a child to Jesus this summer!
Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Assistance/helps, Exhortation (Encouragement), Evangelism, hospitality, Knowledge, Leadership, Teaching, Wisdom Contact: Fairview heights (Fh): Amanda Cates, Director of Elementary Ministries, Collinsville/Maryville (C/M): Erica Wright, Millstadt (M): Amanda Cates, Director of Elementary Ministries,


AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed. This is a ministry for kids age 2 through 9th grade at the Fairview Heights campus. It meets one evening during the week throughout the school year (September May). In AWANA, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is brought to the kids as they learn to serve the Lord in their everyday lives. Kids learn Bible verses and Biblical Truths and have a blast doing it! There are different ways to volunteer to connect kids to Jesus at AWANA: Council Time (Large Group) Book Time Leader (Small Groups) Recreation Leader

To learn more about volunteering for opportunities in AWANA, please visit the Welcome Desk outside Creation Corner!
Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Assistance/helps, Exhortation (Encouragement), Evangelism, hospitality, Knowledge, Leadership, Teaching, Wisdom Contact: Steve Barrett, AWANA Commander,

Special Needs Ministry (Fh, CM, M)

The heart of the Special Needs Ministry is to provide ALL children the opportunity to connect to Jesus Christ. Here at Christ Church, we utilize the buddy program. Buddies are there for a child during small and large group giving them individual attention and accommodations to help them fully engage in childrens ministry. Not only will you be helping to connect a child to Jesus, you will also be a blessing to parents, providing them with the peace of mind while they worship by ensuring their child is safe and growing closer to Christ. Time commitment is simple approximately 1 hours per week volunteered. There are opportunities to serve at all three Christ Church campuses! We need volunteers on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Tuesday evenings at the FH Campus; and Sunday mornings at both the C/M and Millstadt campuses. If you have the gift of working with any child regardless of special needs, here is your chance to be a part of childrens ministries in a very exceptional way. No experience necessary, just a heart to serve!
Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Assistance/helps, Exhortation (Encouragement), Evangelism, hospitality, Knowledge, Leadership, Teaching, Wisdom Contact: Marquitta Jacob, 618.973.6075,

Student Ministries (Fh)

Christ Church Students is the ministry for teenagers who are in 6th-12th grade. There are four main areas to serve within Student Ministry. We simply exist to connect students to Jesus Christ. Our desire is that students will encounter the Word of God, build authentic relationships and have some fun as they are challenged to follow Christ. There are also varying commitment levels. If you love Jesus and have a heart for teenagers, this may be the ministry for you!
Contact: Rev. Will Campbell, Pastor of Student Ministries,

Base Camp (Fh)

Base Camp is our Tuesday night experience for our middle school students. Those in grades 6-8 meet every week in the Kid Connection Worship Area to share a meal, have some fun, and dig into Gods Word in small groups. Base Camp is about building relationships with one another and with Christ! There are different ways to serve in Base Camp: Small Group Leader Large Group Leader (emcee) Tech

Hospitality Team

Spiritual Gifts: Discernment, Exhortation, Evangelism, Faith, hospitality, Knowledge, Leadership, Mercy/Compassion, Teaching, Wisdom

Middle School Bible Study (Fh)

Middle School Bible Study is held on Sunday mornings at 10:30. Students in grades 6-8 spend time together as they explore Bible-based student curriculum. Volunteers are needed to lead small groups.
Spiritual Gifts: Discernment, Exhortation, Evangelism, Faith, hospitality, Knowledge, Leadership, Mercy/Compassion, Teaching, Wisdom

The Peak (Fh)

The Peak is our weeknight experience for high school students. Those in grades 9-12 meet in the Gym each Tuesday night from 7-8:30pm to share a meal, have some fun, and grow in their relationship with Christ and each other through small group study. There are many ways to volunteer and serve high schoolers at The Peak. They include: Small Group Leader Large Group Leader (emcee) Tech Hospitality Team
Spiritual Gifts: Discernment, Exhortation, Evangelism, Faith, hospitality, Knowledge, Leadership, Mercy/Compassion, Teaching, Wisdom

high School Bible Study (Fh)

High School Bible Study is held on Sunday mornings at 10:30. Students in grades 9-12 spend time together as they explore Bible-based student curriculum. This group also participates in various service projects throughout the year. Volunteers are needed to lead small groups and assist with small service projects.
Spiritual Gifts: Discernment, Exhortation, Evangelism, Faith, hospitality, Knowledge, Leadership, Mercy/Compassion, Teaching, Wisdom

hospitality Team (Fh)

The Hospitality Team provides meals for our students on Tuesday nights. Volunteers help prepare and serve the meals to students each week. They also assist with meals for Student Ministry special events, such as Mission Metro East and Dare 2 Share.
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, hospitality


Connection Class Leaders (Fh, CM, M)

Each year we offer hundreds of classes and small group opportunities to our congregations that are intended to help them become better disciples of Jesus Christ. Many people are called by the Holy Spirit to lead a small group study or class. Some are the hosts/hostesses, others teach. All classes are Bible-based curriculum and strategically important as we Connect People to Jesus Christ in deeper and more meaningful ways.
Spiritual Gifts: Teaching, hospitality, Wisdom Contact: Larry Weber, 618.277.4659,

Gen X Planning Team (Generation Christ) (Fh)

Do you want to connect with other people in the Christ Church family that are raising their families in a Christian way? Do you like to plan and/or host fun events? Are you ready to use those spiritual gifts to help connect people to Christ? This group is designed to connect people who are looking to build community with others in their age & stage at Christ Church. GenX is geared toward folks in their 30s and 40s. This group is primarily focused on families, but anyone is welcome! We host social events every 4 to 6 weeks, and are looking for people who have a heart for planning and hosting! Please contact us for more information!
Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Evangelism, hospitality Contact: Kelly Costello, 618.207.1439,

Mens Small Group Leaders (Fh, CM, M)

Mentoring. Accountability. Discipleship. The Real M.A.D. men. The purpose of our small groups is to challenge and encourage the men of Christ Church and provide biblical training to enable them to become effective Godly leaders at home, in church, at work, and in the community. For those who are interested in leading a small group, we have training and resources available, as well as small group mentors who can assist, if needed.
Spiritual Gifts: Faith, Prophecy, Exhortation (Encouragement) Contact: Fairview heights: Chuck Phillips, 618.580.9719, Collinsville/Maryville: Jerry Dortch, 618.622.9107, Millstadt: Jerry Dortch, 618.622.9107,


MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Steering Team (Fh)

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is part of a dynamic international organization dedicated to nurturing the needs of all mothers by providing quality child care services for children ages 0-5 twice a month while mothers spend time in fellowship with other moms. In addition to attending MOPS, you could become a member of the MOPS Steering Team! The team meets approximately 4 times per year to decide on programming for the meetings and to discuss any pertinent issues. A variety of positions are available. The time commitment is approximately 1-2 hours per month, in addition to attending the 2 regular MOPS meetings during the month whenever possible.
Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Exhortation (Encouragement), hospitality, Leadership, Wisdom Contact: Wendy Rosborg, 618.624.7374,

Single Adult Ministry Planning Team (Fh)

The purpose of the Single Adult Ministry is to provide a social avenue for people in their 30s through 50s. We are a group of men and women who desire to develop friendships and support with others who have similar lifestyles, needs, and Christian values. The group meets approximately once per month in various settings such as dinners, contemporary Christian concerts, etc. If you would like to help plan events, or would like more information, please contact us!
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Exhortation (Encouragement) Contact: Susan Markle, 618.235.3188,


The Journey Team (Fh)

The Journey is a growing unifying movement for women. We exist to connect women to Jesus Christ- going deeper, growing stronger, reaching out. We are committed to discipleship and working together as the body of Christ. The Journey ministry includes: Journey gatherings in Spring and Fall Between the Lines, our quarterly magazine Journey on the Road Summer Smorgasbord small bible study groups

If you are interested in participating on the Journey team by serving on various support teams ranging from prayer, publicity, hospitality, registration, greeters, creative planning, and much more, please sign up and we will discuss your interests and strengths and help you to feel at home on this team.
Spiritual Gifts: Faith, hospitality, Leadership, Administration, Assistance/helps Contact: Mary Ann Turner, Team Leader, 618.257.2458, Linda Duncan, Administrative Assistant, 618.398.0862,

Summer Smorgasbord Small Group Leaders (Fh, CM, M)

Summer Smorgasbord is a part of The Journey womens ministry and offers Bible studies during the summer months for the purpose of providing relaxed, small group opportunities for women to connect in friendship and fellowship. Women of different ages and stages in life and in their walk with the Lord grow together through Bible study and discussion. Volunteers who lead these small groups typically meet in their homes; however, some groups meet at the church.
Spiritual Gifts: Teaching, Exhortation (Encouragement), Wisdom, Evangelism, hospitality Contact: Theresa Cavalier, 618.604.5699,


United Methodist Men (UMM) (Fh)

Our mission is to assist men in knowing Jesus Christ, serving Him, growing spiritually, and seeking daily to do His will and His work. Fellowship, work projects, small groups, mens retreats, and sports events all help us in achieving this mission. We host at least one mens retreat annually, and we also hold two golf tournaments. The funds we raise are used to support local, national and global missions. Volunteering to assist with and participating in UMM activities will help you to know Christ through associating with some of the strongest and finest Christian men you will ever hope to meet!
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Exhortation (Encouragement), hospitality Contact: George Clifton, 618.234.8848,

United Methodist Women (UMW) (Fh)

The mission of the UMW is to continue the legacy that started in 1869, when six women in the Boston area came through torrents of rain to hear about the plight of two women serving as missionaries in India. These six women vowed to give two cents a week and pray fervently to support these missionaries. For over 137 years, many, many women have supported global missions through UMW. UMW meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 9:30am. UMW also hosts various events throughout the year. Volunteers are welcome! Come hear about this incredible journey, and be a part of this awesome legacy.
Spiritual Gifts: hospitality, Teaching, Exhortation (Encouragement), Administration, Generosity Contact: Marge Oppedal, 618.235.7343

UMW Prayer Chain (Fh)

If you attend United Methodist Womens meetings, you may choose to be a part of the UMW prayer chain. When there is a request for prayer, the leader of the prayer chain will call the first person in the chain. Then each person in the chain is asked to call the next name until the leader receives a call back, thus closing the chain. May God bless you and increase your faith as you pray in your own special way about the request.
Spiritual Gifts: Faith, Discernment, Mercy/Compassion, Wisdom, Exhortation (Encouragement) Contact: Esther Lawrence, 618.236.7311



Helping people connect to Jesus Christ through authentic, experiential worship is an essential part of our mission.

Communion Stewards (Fh, CM, M)

Communion is a very special part of worship at Christ Church! It is yet another time where we are blessed to meet and connect with Jesus. Communion Stewards assist the pastors in serving communion to the congregation during all Sunday worship services. Stewards are asked monthly to designate which service they are able to serve, resulting in approximately 6 to 10 services per year. Although minimal training is required, a warm smile and a love of serving others are blessings to all!
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps Contact: Fairview heights: Pati Church, 618.234.7549, Collinsville/Maryville: Mike Loftus, Millstadt: Jeff Abel,

Decorations Ministry (Fh)

Wanted: creative people to beautify the church sanctuary, chapel, and Scripture Hall! This ministry is responsible for flower arrangements and seasonal/holiday decorations for the church. Occasionally, there will be opportunities to help with decorations for special events.
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps Contact: Michelle Barncord, 618.277.4659, michellebarncord@mychristchurch. com

Ministry for the Deaf and hard of hearing (Fh)

This ministry is for people who are fluent in American Sign Language who would like to share this skill serving God. We are seeking volunteers to sign during worship services and special events.
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps Contact: Tammy Kowalski, 618.257.2367,


Prayer Team (Fh, CM, M)

In The Beginning is a team of prayer warriors that covers each Christ Church campus with prayer on Sundays. This team begins the worship week for Christ Church by starting an hour before the first morning service in the sanctuary of each campus. The faithful men and women of this special team pray through every room in the building, and then pray for the worship team, pastors, and leadership teams.
Spiritual Gifts: Discernment, Exhortation (Encouragement), Faith, Mercy/ Compassion Contact: Larry Weber, 618.277.4659,

Production Ministry (Fh, CM, M)

This group is responsible for all aspects of technical production at Christ Church campuses. Positions and training are available for all skill levels from beginner to professional. Team members typically serve a few Sundays a month (some positions require a mid-week rehearsal) or a few evenings during seasonal set changes. Audio setup, assistants, mixing Lighting Sunday operators, designers Video camera ops, editors, producers/directors Stage and Set design and builders Lyric operators If you would like to serve with others who have a passion to use technology creatively in worship, this is for you.
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, Knowledge Contact: Nathan Tobin, 618.212.1884,

Saturday Night Worship Assistants (Fh)

Here is another chance to connect in worship at CUMC from 5:00-5:45pm every Saturday. Help with ushering, greeting and assisting the pastor. Come be a part of this very special traditional service!
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps Contact: Jime Oppedal, 618.235.7343,


Christ Church Choir (Fh)

The Christ Church Choir is open to anyone who wishes to praise God through song! There is no audition requirement. The Choir sings at all three Sunday worship services about once a month. Rehearsals are held Thursday evenings at 6:30 in the Music Rehearsal Room (behind the stage.) A program cycle is the performance date and the rehearsals leading up to it (usually 3). The choir is open for membership at the beginning of each new program cycle.
Spiritual Gifts: Exhortation, Love of Music Contact: Michelle Barncord,

Vocal Team (Fh, CM, M)

The Vocal Team sings every week at each of the three Sunday worship services. Rehearsals are held one evening per week at the Fairview Heights Campus. The Vocal Team is an auditioned group of vocalists, who are members of the Christ Church Choir. Membership in the choir is a prerequisite for joining the Vocal Team, and continued participation in choir is mandatory. Anyone interested in joining the Vocal Team should: Join the Christ Church Choir and be an active participant for at least 6 months Audition at the next Express Lane audition, held in the Spring and Fall .
Spiritual Gifts: Exhortation (Encouragement), Love of Music Contact: Don Frazure,

Drama Ministry (Fh)

The Drama Ministry at Christ Church seeks to utilize drama as an avenue to connect people with Jesus Christ. We use skits, pantomime readers theatre, etc. to bring the congregation into a deeper understanding of a Biblical theme, or to get them thinking about a concept in a different way. There are roles available for all ages, speaking and non-speaking. No experience is necessary! Auditions for parts and schedules are announced as needed and rehearsals are scheduled with respect to those involved.
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Exhortation (Encouragement), Faith Contact: Don Frazure,


Christ Church Orchestra (Fh)

The Christ Church Orchestra is open to anyone who wishes to praise God through instrumental music. A simple audition/interview is required to join. The Orchestra performs with the Choir at all three Sunday worship services at least once a month. Rehearsals are held Thursday evenings at 6:00 in Scripture Hall. The schedule for Orchestra is organized by program cycle and is the same as the Choir. A program cycle is the performance date and the rehearsals leading up to it (usually 3). The orchestra is open for membership at the beginning of each new program cycle.
Spiritual Gifts: Exhortation (Encouragement), Love of Music Contact: Michelle Barncord,

Praise Band (Fh, CM, M)

The Praise Band is an auditioned group that plays weekly at all three Sunday worship services at the Fairview Heights Campus, and Sunday mornings at both Collinsville/Maryville and Millstadt. Rehearsals are held weekly. We are always looking for people who can play drums, bass guitar, keyboard/piano, electric/acoustic guitar you name it, were looking for you! You may contact us to set up an audition at any point, or you may come to one of the two Express Lane auditions that we have during the year .
Spiritual Gifts: Exhortation (Encouragement), Evangelism, hospitality, Love of Music Contact: Jeff Allen, 618.277.4659,

handbells (Fh)

Ringing handbells is a fun way to praise the Lord! No prior musical experience is required. We practice in the Music Rehearsal Room (behind the stage). Youth bells (ages 10 and up) meet from 5:15 - 5:45 p.m. on Sundays September - May. Chancel Bells meet from 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. on Sundays September - May. The bells will ring approximately once a month during 10:30 service, as well as for special services and events. Join us anytime!
Spiritual Gifts: Exhortation (Encouragement), hospitality, Love of Music Contact: Bonnie Fahrner, 618.234.3475 or 618.660-9749,



doWn Hall at Christ hAll way to get involved the Church is a great Serving Down the
in a way that directly impacts your church family in the name of Christ!

BASICS (A ministry to college students) (Fh)

BASICS is a ministry whose mission is to encourage college students both in-state and out-of-state through cards, care packages, and prayer. If you have a student away at college or if you have a heart for these college students, this ministry is for you. We meet monthly during the school year, to write personal cards of encouragement to our college students. Our goal is to keep them connected to their home church, and let them know someone loves them and is lifting them up in prayer.
Spiritual Gifts: Faith, Exhortation (Encouragement) Contact: Sherri Sweeten, 618.616.5332

Christ Church Bookstore (Fh)

This ministry is responsible for our bookstore. We are involved in assisting with the distribution of training materials for the connection classes that are provided by Christ Church, the point of sale for Christ Church apparel, AWANA materials, and tickets to events held at our church. If you are passionate about books and helping others discover the wealth of information and inspiration contained between their covers, please join us!
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, Administration Contact: Noel Russell, 618.277.4659,

Church history Ministry (Fh)

Church History Ministry members maintain the historical records of our church. Knowing our history is entertaining, inspiring, and enables us to understand who we are as a church. By reflecting on our past, we can better appreciate who we are and help determine our future direction in connecting people with Jesus Christ.
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, Knowledge Contact: Bill Tasso, 618.236.1923,


Congregational Care Ministry (Fh, CM, M)

Parish Nursing Shepherd Care Visitation Team

There are three main areas to volunteer and serve on the Congregational Care Team. They are:

Contact: Debby Creagh, Parish Nurse Coordinator, 618.277.4659, debbycreagh

Parish Nursing (Fh, CM, M)

Parish Nurses minister to Christ Church by providing health, wellness, and wholeness through information and activities with the congregation. We provide emergency coverage during church services and events, advocate and resource individuals with medical concerns, provide opportunities for members to participate in managing their own health and wellness, and offer events like Blood Drives and Organ Donation screening sign ups. Current licensure or certification for Nurses, EMTs and CNAs, along with current CPR are required to be a member of this team. Parish Nurse Council meets once a month and all members are invited to attend. Participation is usually 1-2 hours per month.
Spiritual Gifts: Mercy/Compassion, Exhortation, Discernment, Assistance/helps

Shepherd Care (Fh)

Shepherds minister to members of the Christ Church family that are not able to regularly attend church due to being homebound, in nursing homes or rehab, or assisted living facilities. Shepherds visit one on one with individuals to establish a relationship with them and visit at least once a month. Our Shepherds show Jesus love through their attentiveness, care, and presence with the individual and observe for any potential problems that might need to be addressed. The Parish Nurse is informed of each visit. Bi-monthly meetings for Shepherd Care include training and support. Participation is usually 1-2 hours per month.
Spiritual Gifts: Mercy/Compassion, Assistance/helps, hospitality

Visitation Team (Fh, CM, M)

Visitation Team members assist the pastoral staff in visiting members and attendees of Christ Church that are in the hospital, will be going to surgery, and those in rehab, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or homebound situations. They minister to people in Jesus name by their prayers and presence. They inform the Parish Nurse and pastors of their visits and any

further needs of the person. Visitation Team meets quarterly for training and encouragement. Participation is as needed and as participants schedule allows.
Spiritual Gifts: Intercession, Exhortation, Mercy/Compassion

Event Planning Team (Fh, CM, M)

Members of this team will assist in the planning and execution of both small and large events and conferences at Christ Church, such as the Navigating Change Conference. This will include all aspects of event planning.
Spiritual Gifts: Administration Contact: Liz Reed, 618.277.4659, Diane Kruger, 618.277.4659,

Fellowship Team (Fh, CM, M)

The Fellowship Team supports events throughout the year. Main events include socials, receptions, and large events such as the Navigating Change Conference. If your gifts are hospitality and service, then this ministry is right for you!
Spiritual Gifts: hospitality, Assistance/helps Contact: Mike & Donna Harrison,

Funeral Dinners (Fh)

Volunteers this ministry provide meals for our church families to support them in their time of bereavement. We need team members to set-up, serve food, and clean up afterward. We also need people to coordinate these services.
Spiritual Gifts: Mercy/Compassion, Assistance/helps, hospitality Contact: Marilyn Clifton, 618.234.8648,

hearts for heroes (Fh)

The goal of this ministry is to support deployed military members from this church and surrounding areas by sending care packages and spending time praying for the troops safety as they serve our country. Hearts for Heroes also offers support to military families while their loved ones are deployed. Volunteers can help by assisting with collecting items, and assisting with the assembly of care packages.
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, Exhortation (Encouragement), hospitality, Mercy/Compassion Contact: Kathi White, 618.257.2538,

heavenly Jewels (Fh)

Heavenly Jewels offers hand-crafted salvation bracelets as gifts to men and women who really need to hear the Good News of Jesus. It is a special growing ministry that seeks to share the gospel message with those who are experiencing a significant emotional event in their lives. We meet the first Tuesday of the month from 6:30-8:00. We need volunteers to make bracelets, provide quality assurance, and prayer warriors to deliver bracelets and pray with the recipients. We need your hands and your ideas to join this exciting ministry!
Spiritual Gifts: hospitality, Evangelism, Generosity, Exhortation (Encouragement) Contact: Christine McNulty 618.622.9522 or Ann Brune 618.589.3539

holy Folders (Fh)

Holy Folders meet in the Coffee Caf at 8:30am every Thursday for about two hours to help prepare bulletins for Sunday worship.
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps Contact: Sheila Pride, 618.277.4659,

Kitchen Ministry (Fh)

Members of this ministry help keep the kitchen organized and thoroughly clean. We also help shop for kitchen paper products.
Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Assistance/helps Contact: Marilyn Clifton, 618.234.8648,

Mow Joes and Jacks (Fh)

Mow Joes and Jacks maintain the church grounds by mowing, trimming, weeding, edging, and pruning landscaping. Members of this ministry will be called upon to assist with clean-up, movement of items, and other miscellaneous jobs around the church.
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps Contact: Ed Laidley, Sr., 618.233.6586,


Parking Ministry (Fh)

Be on the front lines of welcoming people to Christ Church as you help guests and church members find parking spots! Parking ministry volunteers will be active in guiding traffic through the parking lot during special events, and holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, hospitality Contact: Jim Hutchison, 618.792.5902,

Pew Crew (Fh)

Members of the Pew Crew Ministry prepare the chapel and the sanctuary for worship services. Volunteers serve one or two days during the week on a rotating schedule. Members sharpen pencils, stock pews with offering envelopes, and remove old bulletins and other trash from pews. Time commitment is 1-2 hours every four to five weeks on a rotating basis. Join us!
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, hospitality Contact: Mike Shindler, 618.616.1898, Rich Bell, 618.624.8103,

Photography Team (Fh, CM, M)

Members of the photography ministry will document the activities of the church and provide images for the church website, multimedia, and printed church publications. We are looking for experienced photographers as well as those who would like to improve their photography skills. We invite you to be a part of the Photography Team at Christ Church!
Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Assistance/helps, Knowledge Contact: Matthew Kauffmann, 314.210.5477,

Quilters (Fh)

The Christ Church Quilters share faith and friendship each week. The work of their hands benefits missions, nursing homes, and other needs of the church. The ladies spend a pleasant day quilting and chatting as they work on their quilt designs. They also baste quilts for other quilters in the church, charging a nominal fee which funds their missions. If you would like to join the Quilters, just sign up for this fulfilling ministry!
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, hospitality Contact: Nancy Noonan, 618.236.3051


Safety and Security Ministry (Fh, CM, M)

The purpose of the Safety and Security Ministry is to keep everyone at Christ Church safe and secure! Our goal is to provide a well trained, low-key security presence at every major worship service and special event. We have four groups that work together to form the Safety and Security Ministry: watchers, shepherds, guardians and control center operators. Each position has different qualifications and roles within the ministry, and each plays a key part in keeping Christ Church safe for our church family. We also provide specialized training for other ministries. Volunteers work all worship services on Sundays, and special events as needed. If you would like to serve God by protecting His flock, join us!
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/help, Leadership, Discernment Contact: Jim Hutchison, 618.792.5902,

Share-a-Ride Ministry (Fh)

Are you looking to reach out and serve others but perhaps dont have a lot of extra time to give? The Share-A-Ride team is made up of a dedicated group of volunteer drivers who use their personal vehicle to provide rides to and from church for attendees who do not have a form of transportation. The drivers are on a rotating basis and drive once every 4-5 weeks. This ministry is a great way to get to know a great group of people while serving God and making a big difference in the lives of others. All you need is a car and a willingness to share your ride!
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, Evangelism, Exhortation (Encouragement), Mercy/Compassion Contact: Lyndelle Luecking, 618.355.0810,

Stamping for Christ (Fh)

Members of this ministry meet several times a year to make home-made cards to be used by various ministries in the church. If you are crafty and enjoy fellowship with other crafty people, this ministry is for you.
Spiritual Gifts: Exhortation (Encouragement), Faith, Mercy/Compassion Contact: Terri Haider, 618.277.4307,


The Flame Magazine (Fh)

The Flame Magazine Team prepares the bi-monthly inspirational magazine for distribution. Gifted writers, poets, proof readers and future editors are needed.
Spiritual Gifts: Administration Contact: Donna Harrison, Editor,

Wedding Coordinating Team (Fh)

The Wedding Coordinating Team is a very fun and exciting way to serve! We assist our wedding couples here at Christ Church with all the many details of getting married. Coordinators work the Friday evening rehearsal and the wedding in teams of three or more. Duties include making sure the church is set and ready, assisting others serving in the wedding and ensuring the wedding party and family members have everything they need. New coordinators are trained by shadowing at a minimum of two weddings. Coordinators are scheduled as needed and asked to assist with a minimum of two weddings a year.
Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Assistance/helps Contact: Vanessa Prass, 618.235.6585,

Womens Intercessory Prayer Team (Fh)

Is God calling you to be an intercessor? Join us Saturday mornings from 9:00-10:00 in the Cry Room as we pray for our pastors, our ministries, and the needs of our church family. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6
Spiritual Gifts: Faith, Wisdom, Discernment, Prophecy Contact: Roni McDaniels, 618.234.7598,



Around the Corner

Birthday Parties for Children (Fh)

Around the Corner ministries at Christ Church help connect our neighbors in the Metro East with Jesus Christ!

Birthday Parties for Children brings birthday parties to children who may otherwise never have a birthday celebration. Theres always room for volunteers at the three locations we serve: a homeless shelter, transitional living facility, and a phenomenal Christian after-school program serving children from 14 projects. Each month committed adults and children volunteer time and resources to make all children feel special regardless of their living situation. Guiding our work is the belief that we are all Gods children and we celebrate together as part of His family.
Spiritual Gifts: Mercy/Compassion, Evangelism, Generosity Contact: Julie Eichholz, 618.698.4458,

Christian Activity Center (CAC) (Fh)

Did you know that only 40% of East St. Louis youth graduate from high school, and only 25% go on to college or trade school? At the Christian Activity Center (CAC), which serves the most under-resourced neighborhoods in East St. Louis, the numbers are very different! This quiet ministry around the corner engages inner-city children during the critical risk-taking hours of 3-8pm. The CAC welcomes more than 165 school-aged children (ages 6-18) through their doors daily, providing everything from after-school snacks to homework tutoring and karate practice. There are many ways to volunteer! Join others in the Christ Church family as we serve this community!
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, Exhortation (Encouragement), Faith, Mercy/ Compassion Contact: Peggy Hutchison,

Disaster Preparedness (Fh)

Christ Church is a designated American Red Cross Shelter. When a disaster strikes in our area, the Red Cross will need all of the extra hands it can get to assist with babysitting, unloading and organizing supplies, cooking, serving meals, providing emotional support, secretarial support and transportation. The Red Cross provides training for all civilian volunteers including an Orientation class, Mass Care, Health Services, Family Services, and CPR training for our Parish Nurses. There is yearly training provided by the Red Cross.

This is a wonderful opportunity to share our church, share our faith, and roll up our sleeves to help our neighbors in a time of crisis. Time requirement: 3-4 hours per training session.
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, Mercy/Compassion Contact: Rodney and Deb Muckensturm, 618.628.7090,

Good Neighbor Family Missions (Fh)

Now you can make a difference right in your own backyard! Good Neighbor Family Missions is a ministry for the ENTIRE FAMILY! We are creating local mission opportunities so that each able-bodied member in your family can pitch in. There isnt anything more gratifying than serving beside your parents, children and church family! Maybe well work on a Habitat for Humanity home, or help at a shelter, orhelp us fill in the blanks!
Spiritual Gifts: Assistance/helps, Exhortation (Encouragement), Evangelism Contact: Amanda Cates, 618.402.7408,

Nursing home Ministry (Fh)

Volunteers are needed to visit residents in local nursing homes. This community service is focused on providing visitors to those residents who have few (if any) family members or friends in the area. Our aim is to visit on a regular basis so that a relationship with the resident is formed. No special talent is required; you simply spend time with an often neglected senior. This ministry is ideal for a family with children since it can be a valuable teaching tool. We will help you select a nursing home and identify a resident for you to visit. This ministry does require self-motivation and a commitment to faithful visitation. Notwithstanding, this is a ministry that makes you feel good each time you visit.
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Mercy/Compassion Contact: Jean Casey, 618.622.1647,

Nursing home Music Ministry (Fh)

Join Forrest Bevineau as he sings for various nursing homes in the area. One Sunday a month, Forrest brightens the lives of people living in nursing homes through his wonderful music. Volunteers are not only welcome, but also very much needed to help with the visitation aspect of this ministry. No singing required.
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Exhortation (Encouragement), Mercy/Compassion Contact: Forrest Bevineau, 618.233.2785


Prison Ministry (Fh)

Prison Ministry is sharing Gods word with prisoners. We equip people to reenter life with new values in relation to faith in Jesus Christ. Each year, we host an Angel Tree that provides Christmas Outreach for children whose parents are incarcerated. We meet on the 3rd Monday at 7pm in the Coffee Cafe. Come check us out!
Spiritual Gifts: Exhortation (Encouragement), Evangelism, Faith, Mercy/ Compassion Contact: Mike Goeddel,

Summer Domestic Mission Trip (Fh)

Looking for an opportunity to serve others right here in the US? Christ Church sponsors a week-long mission trip to another state each summer with the intent of extending the boundaries of serving Christ across the nation. As we meet people in their times of greatest need, we have an opportunity to share the love of Christ in a unique setting. We have renovated and repaired several homes, sharing Christ with those we meet along the way. Construction experience is definitely welcome, but not necessary! The bond that develops among the mission team and the communities is life-changing! Regardless of how much you give, you always gain more in return!
Spiritual Gifts: Apostleship, Faith, Evangelism, Mercy/Compassion, Wisdom, Exhortation (Encouragement), Administration, Assistance/helps Contact: Rev. Will Campbell, Pastor of Student Ministries, willcampbell@

Welcome home (Fh)

The Welcome Home Ministry serves Christ around the corner by providing furniture and household items to people in need. Using our hands and feet for Christ, we do more than deliver. We make a house into a home. Spend just 2 to 3 hours on a Saturday and make a big impact on a familys current situation and future. You may just get more than you give. We need volunteers to help us deliver furniture and household items to families (not all volunteers need muscles), arrange future, make beds and decorate.
Spiritual Gifts: Exhortation (Encouragement), Assistance/helps, Administration, Evangelism, hospitality Contact: Sherry Gibson, 618.604.1605, or Sabra Cabor, 316.519.0548,


Winter Patrol (Fh)

The Winter Patrol Team consists of people who share the love of Christ with the homeless. This mission is accomplished by delivering much-needed items to the people living on the streets and in shelters. We spend our time serving meals at shelters and walking the streets handing out Bibles, blankets, coats, hats and other necessities. This ministry allows us the opportunity to share Christ with a population that most ignore and who may not have another means to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. Although titled Winter Patrol, this is a year-round ministry.
Spiritual Gifts: Mercy/Compassion, Faith, Evangelism, Discernment, Assistance/helps Contact: Cheryl Shoffstall, 618.660.5033,

Womens Card Ministry (Fh)

Do you enjoy encouraging people and blessing them with cards? Perhaps you may want to consider the Womens Card Ministry. This ministry team will meet 3 or 4 times a year to prepare birthday cards for the women of our church, pray for them while preparing the cards and take a look at Biblical examples of encouragers. The time together will be a celebration of life. With an ever-increasing number of Christ Church members, we are looking for people to assist with this ministry to encourage our fellow sisters-in-Christ in their walk of faith.
Spiritual Gifts: Evangelism, Exhortation (Encouragement) Contact: Jill Schlueter, or Liz Toepfer,


Around the World

Bibles for honduras (Fh)


Christ Church Around the World ministries connect those in our global community with Jesus Christ.

Bibles for Honduras exists to put the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the hands of the people of Honduras. The sole purpose of this ministry is to purchase, transport and distribute Spanish Bibles to the people living in Honduras. We give out Bibles in many places throughout Honduras; streets, prisons and churches, as well as anyone we come across that may need a Bible. You can be involved in this ministry by helping us provide Bibles to the people of Honduras.
Spiritual gifts: Mercy/Compassion, Evangelism Contact: Brian Safarian,

Feed My Sheep Ministry (honduras) (Fh)

The purpose of Feed My Sheep Ministry is to help the people of Honduras to form a relationship with Jesus Christ. We work to provide the opportunity to the poorest of the poor of Honduras to change their lives and situations. We support them by supplementing their diets with feeding programs, providing much needed medical care, and giving them an opportunity to receive an education. Feed My Sheep focuses on neighborhoods to help the people of those areas break the cycle of poverty through education, nutrition and health care. You can be involved in our ministry in a variety of ways, including traveling to Honduras as a missionary. You can also help us by providing food, Bibles, clothing, toys, medicine, and scholarships to the people of Honduras.
Spiritual Gifts: Mercy/Compassion, hospitality, Prophecy Contact: Marvin or Karen Steinke, 618.236.1279,


Philippines Missions (Fh)

Christ United Methodist Church Philippine Missions administers and coordinates programs to support our sister church, Christ Church Philippines in Mindanao. The provision of scholarships to qualified and needy students at all levels of education, which started in 2001, remains the centerpiece of our ministry. Our scholars reside in 10 locations throughout the Philippine islands. We also support a Supplemental Feeding Program for elementary students who go to school without first eating breakfast, as well as a dental program. Donors can choose to sponsor students or contribute to the feeding and dental health programs.
Spiritual Gifts: Apostleship, Faith, Leadership, Evangelism, Wisdom, Discernment, Knowledge, Mercy/Compassion, Prophecy, hospitality Contact: Dr. Cosme R. Cagas, CP 618.531.5976,

Sight Ministries (Fh)

Sight Ministries works to bring physical sight to impoverished people in third world countries. We provide vision care, eyeglasses, and eye drops. We travel with organizations within Christ Church: Feed My Sheep (Honduras) and the Philippine Mission Team. At home, the work also involves sorting and repairing eyewear that is donated. Anyone with interest is helpful, and individuals with optical experience are especially beneficial.
Spiritual Gifts: Mercy/Compassion, Administration Contact: Dr. Kimberly Tinge, 618.972.6039,



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