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Q. No 1 Scoring Indicators a) Statement of coulombs law of electrostatics
b) No. The least charge is 1.6 x 10-19 C. Explanation of Quantization of electric charge ( Q = ne) c) 1

Split Score

Total Score

A(5mc) m 5
q q



m 5 B(5mc)
is given by F A= F B=

A` 9 109 5 10 6 5 10 6 = 0.09 N 5

The forces excerted by the charges 5micro coulomb on C are equal and

These are resolved by vertical and horizondal components. Vertical are cancel out. Total force = FA cos + FB cos = 2 F Acos = 2 0.09 along CX 2 a)

2 = 0.161N 5
2 4

10W 10W 10W









2 2 1 2 3 2 1 3 4

b) Total resistance = 1.6 + 3.4 = 5 ohm

I = V/ R = 5 / 5 = 1 A and V = IR = 1 x 1.6 = 1.6 v 3 4 a) Statement of Biot - Savart law b) Derivation a) Declination , dip and horizontal component of earths magnetic field and its explanation b) Explanation of dia , para and ferromagnetic substances c) Sodium. ( Sodium is Para magnetic and the remaining all are diamagnetic )

ll Q. No

Scoring Indicators
a) Explanation of eddy current b) In speedometer, a small magnet rotates in an aluminum drum and produces a magnetic field. Rotating magnet produces eddy current in the drum, drum turns in the direction of rotating field. A pointer attached to the drum indicates the speed

Split Score

Total Score

1 2 3 1

a) Explanation of Watt less current b) Phasor diagram of LCR and derivation of power c) E = - L dI / dt = -2 x 10 -3 x -1 / 10 -3 = 2V

Davison Germer experiment Twinkling of stars Alpha particle experiment Blue colour of the sky

wave nature Refraction distance of closest approach Scattering

l = h / mv
= sin I / sin r Rutherford Rayleigh 8 X 1/2 4 X 1/2 2 1 1 3 4 2

8 9

(a) UV ray (b) microwaves (c) Infrared (d) visible light a) Ray diagram + Explanation b) Explanation least distance distinct vision


a) Explanation coherent sources b) No. The phase of waves emitted from them will be changing independent of each other. Hence the phase difference between two independent sources cannot be constant with time. c) Derivation of band width d) I1 / I2 = (a1/ a2) = 81 / 1 , a1 : a2 = 9 ; 1

1 2

a1 = 9a2 I max / Imin = (a1 + a2 )2 /(a1 - a2 )2 = ( 9a2+ a2)2 / ( 9a2 - a2)2 = 25 / 16 2 6


a) Diagram + Derivation b) I1 = 0 , r1 = 0 n = 1.52 and i2 = 90 n = sin i2 / sinr2 r2 = 4108 and A = r1 + r2 = 0 + 4108=4108

Q. No
12 a) Statement b) Derivation

Scoring Indicators

Split Score
4 X 1/2 2

Total Score

c) Threshold wavelength = hc / 0 =6.62 x 10-34 x 3 x 108 / 4.4 x 1.6 x 10-19 = 2821A0 The wavelength of light is greater than threshold wavelength and it cannot eject electrons from copper 13 a) N / N0 = (1/2) t/T N / N0 = (1/2) 25/12.5 = (1/2) 2 = 1/4 14 a) Postulates b) Explanation + formula c) Energy level diagram 2 2 2 2 6 2 2 6

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