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Perodo del Calendario: Aos 1900 - 2099

2. Funcin de Alarma: Ajuste de la alarma y el sonido del timbre "Beep" por 1 minuto. 3. 4. Funcin Snooze: interruptor de arranque poder / Stop Count up: Nmero mximo de 30 horas con la funcin de Pausa

5. Count down: Mxima cuenta regresiva de 30 horas 59 minutos 59 segundos con la funcin de Pausa. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Temperatura de operacin: Rango desde +10F 50C Suiche de cambio de format de hora 12/24 habilitado Key: Mode/Alarm, Count up/down,(12/24), C/F, Snooze Pulse 3 segundos "/ Modo de alarma" para entrar o salir del modo de ajuste. 3 tipos de repiques de alarma

Key Instruction Manual

1. Visualizacin de la hora normal (hora-minuto-Mes-Da-Semana)

Pulse MODE / ALARMA mostrar el tiempo de ajuste de la alarma. 2. Pulse MODE / ALARMA mostrar el tiempo de ajuste de la alarma. a. Modo de ajuste de tiempo. Ajuste de la hora "hora-minuto-ao-mes-da", para cambiar presione arriba o abajo para hacer la seleccin. b. Modo de ajuste de alarma. Cambio de Ajuste "Hora-Minuto", pulse arriba o abajo para hacer la seleccin. SNOOZE setting model Setting Snooze time,Press UP or DOWN to increase or reduce the period. a. Fixed/Selected time setting Fixed time"Year-Month-Day" change,press UP or DOWN to make selection. b. Count down Setting Press to count down mode"Hour-Minute-Second",press UP or DOWN to make selection. c. Count up setting

Press to count up mode"Hour-Minute-Second",press UP or DOWN to make selection. 3. Press UP key,clieck the fixed/selected date

Actual time(Hour-Minute-Month-Day-Week) Fixed/Selected date(Year-Month-Day-Week) Actual time(Hour-Minute-Month-Day-selected date remained minutes) 4. 12/24 Hours mode

Press DOWN key to change the 12 hour or 24 hour format 5. C/F Temperature mode

Press SNOOZE key to switch on or switch off the alarm, selected date & SNOOZE functions. Additional Descriptions 1. During the display of counting mode,the number is bigger than 999 days, then the LCD will display"ERR", during the number bigger than 999 hours then the LCD will display the number of "days", during the number is bigger than 999 minutes then the LCD will display the "hours", during the number is bigger than 999 seconds than the LCD will display the"minutes", during the number is smaller than 999, the LCD will display " seconds ". 2. When the ALARM or TIMER beeping,press SNOOZE or automatically enter SNOOZE MODE, the clock - will beeping again,(For example:SNOOZE setting at "10", during enters the snooze mode, the alarm will start beeping after 10 minutes later. 3. When the LCD display not in normal, then press "RESET" for re-start the clock.

Por medio de la presente le hago entrega del documento de Informe de Avalo sobre PARCELA DE TERRENO URBANO y EDIFICACIN SOBRE ELLA CONSTRUIDA QTA. JEANNETTE, a los fines de que sea incluida en los balances de la empresa.

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