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Software Requirement Specification

Introduction: --Supplier selection is the process by which firms identify, evaluate, and contract with suppliers. The supplier selection process deploys a tremendous amount of a firms financial resources. In return, firms expect significant benefits from contracting with suppliers offering high value. In the early 2000s, business and governmental organizations began to realize that electronic procurement can significantly improve their efficiency and reduce their costs. E-procurement which is defined as the process of acquiring goods and services through electronic means, and more specifically using the Internet. Supplier selection in E-procurement is set to answer the question: which sup-pliers to buy from and what quantity to buy from each supplier? Most techniques used to select the right supplier consider a number of criteria. Based on these criteria, new and existing suppliers are evaluated and then ranked. The decision is based on the rankings. At this point, two situations arise. In the first one, a single supplier can fulfill all the requirements of the buying organization. Consequently, managers only need to decide on the best supplier, and automatically order all their goods/services from that supplier. This situation is called single sourcing. Supplier Selection plays a vital role in auction process for E-procurement model. When a buyer puts his/her requirements then it becomes very essential for them to select the proper supplier to fill their requirements. There may be various considerations for a buyer to select a supplier such as price value, quality of the product, service, delivery, warranty etc. Normally in E-procurement model there may be a chance for the purchaser may does not get the actual price of the product from the vendor in other words there is a high probability of purchase risk in such type of Eprocurement model.

The main objective of supplier selection process is to reduce purchase risk, maximize overall value to the purchaser, and develop closeness and long term relationships between buyers and suppliers, which is effective in helping the company to achieve Just-In-Time production additionally, with the increase in use of Total Quality Management and Just-In-Time concepts.

Existing System and Drawbacks: ----From a recent study make by scientists at Carnegie Mellon University, found many fraud schemes from the historical auction data using data mining techniques and other a compliances One of the most currently fraud schemes is that the bidders are making false identity or accounts in order to increase the sale price. Currently there are two approaches mostly being implemented such as policy-based and reputation-based trust management, which also lag certain security issues.

There was a recently proposed system by Ganeriwal and Srivastava, which was a reputation based model for sensor networks. This system works well in maintain the reputation for the nodes and also in evaluating trustworthiness. But the main drawback is that there is no effective and particular method to prevent the users from giving false identity and hence the system fails in providing a secured environment.

Drawbacks: - Inconvenience and incomplete information Variation in price and waste of time

Buyer has no option to specify customized features for the product Proposed System and Benefits: ---The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to develop the web-application entire process keeping in the view of database integration approach: This system will generate team progress and also provides secure registration and profile management of the users. Administrators would authorize the product to auction, set auction dates & minimum auction amount for that product. Prior to each bid, the users bank or credit account must be authenticated for available balance required for the bid.

Users can select their interested fields for bidding and periodic Mail alerts must be sent in case an article in that field goes on auction. Complete Search/Site Map of the entire site for easy access.

The proposed system overcomes the drawbacks of existing system by establish a workflow model for Multi-Round Auction based Mechanism by using the concept of Reverse Auction Model. The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to develop the web-application entire process keeping in the view of database integration approach:

This system will generate team progress and also provides secure registration and profile management of the users. Administrators would authorize the product to auction, set auction dates & minimum auction amount for that product. Prior to each bid, the users bank or credit account must be authenticated for available balance required for the bid. Users can select their interested fields for bidding and periodic Mail alerts must be sent in case an article in that field goes on auction.
Gaining better knowledge of the market.

Suppliers have indicated that the reverse auction process is transparent and fair, as all bidders have knowledge of the bids being offered. Suppliers have a good idea if they have been successful at the close of the reverse auction period.

Scope of the Project: ---- The scope of this project is to compare the supplier selection process across and within companies using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Can be used to develop an iterative market mechanism helping bidders to improve their tiered bids in each round.

This can be implemented in E-procurement model as the process of acquiring goods and services through electronic means-Internet. Another supplier selection model that could be addressed in the future is selecting the suitable supplier's in order to purchase the new advanced manufacturing technology.

Assumptions: --- Only Registered Buyer and Supplier can give the requirement and Bids. Auction model considered is reverse auction model. Only branding suppliers are called for bidding. The factor to establish the offer of the proposed model may change depending upon the intend change. Propose model will be developing to the needs of Indian market.

Functional Requirement:Requirement Id
R1 R2 R3 R4

Requirement Name
Admin Login Buyer Login Supplier Login Edit and Delete

Admin must be able to login with his unique name and password. Login page for Buyer to specify requirements. Supplier must be able to login with his unique name and password. Admin should have the authority to edit and delete requirement and bid as he wishes. Facility for Buyer to give requirements for purchase of product. Facility for Suppliers to see the requirement given by the Buyer. Supplier must be able to give bid based on the buyer requirement. More than one supplier can give the bids at a time. Flexibility for Buyer to select the Suppliers after completion of first round Login page for the admin to control the entire activity of the system Suppliers have flexibility to see the highest price and lowest price for the product after completion of each round Finally buyers contact the selected supplier to make purchase of service.

R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11

Buyer Requirement Notification Supplier bid


Non Functional Requirements: ---Non functional requirements include external requirements that can be categorized as follows. Modifiability The proposed system Supplier selection process in E-procurement model must be structured to support the modifications expected in the future depending upon the Buyer requirements and Suppliers bids. Accuracy The document and working of Supplier selection process in E-procurement model application should satisfy its specification and fulfill buyer requirements. The outcome of the Multi Round Bidding is accurate and it also fulfills the Buyer and Suppliers requirements. Reliability The application Supplier selection process in E-procurement model being developed should be highly reliable. Unexpected error conditions are to be handled properly. For all the specified inputs only specified output should be generated. Efficiency The codes required for various functions are working correctly. The efficiency of source code for Supplier selection process in E-procurement model should be directly tied up to the efficiency of algorithms defined during detailed design. Scalability The Supplier selection process in E-procurement model to support any number of Suppliers. Multiple numbers of suppliers must be able to access information at a time. Flexibility The Supplier selection process in E-procurement model should be flexible such that modification can be done very easily without much of effort. Reusability

The function and structure of Supplier selection process in E-procurement model created i.e. both source code and compiled component should be reliable such that it can be reused in another Auctions. Security The application Supplier selection process in E-procurement model provides high level security like protection; authorization and authentication concepts make the application very much secure.

Module Description: -Module 1: Admin This module provides the complete information related to products for Buyer and the Suppliers can bid for the products. All this has to be provided and maintained by the admin because the complete auction process is to be kept under control till the Suppliers gets confirmed. The Admin will control and co-ordinates the entire activities of the Auctioning System.

Module 2: Buyer The Buyer starts the Auction and gives the requirement for the product. She/he can call the bidding any times depending upon the requirements. He/ She can select the suppliers after each round and determine the winner after final round bidding. Module 3: Supplier After seeing the requirements given by the buyer the supplier bid for the product. At the same time multiple suppliers can bid for the product. Each supplier can bid multiples time in the process of supplier selection environment. If any supplier is not interested in bidding process then he/she can withdraw from bidding process after any round of the bidding.

Module 4: Visitor Module Visitor is nothing but all the people who visits this application online. They can know the information of all the products, which are for sale under this application. Module 5: Security and Authentication The security and authentication is as follows: Login as buyer or supplier or administrator. Change password. Forgot Password. Registration for buyer / supplier.

Module 6: Reports In this module, different actors can generate the different types of reports according to their access.

Constraints: -- It is difficult to implement Suppliers selection process for the large chain of Suppliers. Possibility of fraud. Limited participation Security Auction software Long cycle time Monitoring time Equipment for buyers Sometimes it is difficult to determine the winner of the bid depending upon the Buyers preferences.

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