Arts Criteria

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Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa

The Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa route covers applicants working in the fields of science, engineering, humanities and the arts. Applicants will be assessed by one of four competent bodies: the Arts Council England (for arts applicants); and the British Academy, The Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society (for applicants in the fields of science, engineering, and humanities). The Arts Council and the three national academies have agreed to advise UKBA on the merits of applicants under Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent). We have been invited by UKBA to fulfil this role in virtue of our national roles and standing. We have agreed in order to assist in the identification of outstanding scholars, scientists, engineers and artists wishing to enter the UK under this new route. An Arts applicant for a visa under the Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) route must demonstrate that they are internationally recognised in their field and can demonstrate this to the satisfaction and understanding of a UK Competent Body. The following criteria apply only to arts applicants who will be assessed by the Arts Council. These criteria will apply to all applicants making a Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) application in the current financial year - 2011/12. They are subject to annual review and may consequently change for applicants applying in future years.

Eligibility Criteria In order to enter the UK through the Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) route you must be established as a world-class artist and/or an internationally recognised expert in your field within the arts (encompassing dance, music, theatre, visual arts and literature), museums, galleries, film or television, animation, post production and visual effects industry. You must be able to demonstrate that you are professionally engaged in producing work of outstanding quality which has been published (other than exclusively in newspapers or magazines), performed, presented, distributed or exhibited internationally. Applicants to the scheme must provide the following documents to support their application: 1) Evidence of exceptional talent in their field (see details below); and 2) Two letters of endorsement (see details below)

How To Provide Evidence Of Exceptional Talent To demonstrate exceptional talent within the fields of arts, museums, galleries, film and television you must meet the following criteria: 1) Provide evidence that your work is of exceptional quality and has international recognition (this is different from being known in one country). This must consist of no more than ten documents in total (such documents can include for example, web links) to support two or more of the following (except film, television, animation, post production and visual effects industry see IV below): I. Examples of significant media recognition, articles or reviews from national publications or broadcasting companies in at least one country other than your country of residence. Event listings or advertisements are not acceptable II. International awards for excellence e.g. The Booker Prize, Grammy Award; and/or domestic awards in another country e.g. Tony Award. It remains for the Arts Council to judge whether a particular award provides appropriate evidence of international recognition in your field III. Proof of appearances, performances or exhibitions in contexts which are recognised internationally in your field and/or extensive international distribution and audiences for your work IV. Film, Television, animation, post production and visual effects industry applicants must meet the following compulsory criteria: Within the last five (5) years from the year of application received a Nomination for an Academy Award, BAFTA, Golden Globe or Emmy Award. (Please note, you are not eligible to apply if outside the 5 year time frame if you only received a nomination). If an applicant has won an Academy Award, BAFTA, Golden Globe or Emmy Award there is no time frame allocated to meeting the criteria. Please provide: a. full details of the production nominated/award including category and year of nomination/ award. b. evidence of your involvement if the nomination/award was as part of a group c. the Credit you received for the nomination/ award. 2) Provide two letters of endorsement from established arts/cultural organisations, institutions or companies with a national or international reputation. At least one of these should be from a UK body and both should be on headed notepaper and signed by the author. Acceptable organisations would be those which work

with many international artists each year and are widely acknowledged as possessing expertise in their field. Letters of endorsement must: a. Be written on headed paper by an authorised member of the organisation such as the Chief Executive, Artistic Director or Chair b. Include details of the author s credentials (e.g. CV/ resume) and how they know the applicant (personal relationship or reputation) c. Detail the applicant s achievements in their specialist field and how in the opinion of the author they exhibit exceptional talent d. Describe how the applicant would benefit from living in the UK and the contribution they could make to the cultural life of the nation e. Include full contact details of the author including personal email address and direct telephone number so that personal contact can be made

Documents should be provided to the UK Border Agency along with your visa application form in hard copy. Authorised English translations must be provided for all documents which are not originally written in English. Any applicant submitting false or fraudulent evidence will be ineligible for consideration through this scheme. If evidence submitted is subsequently found to be false or fraudulent the UK Border Agency will be informed immediately and will take action accordingly.

Assessment Process The Arts Council s art form and other sector specialists will review the documentation and letters of endorsement provided and make an assessment of the extent to which they provide clear evidence that your application meets the stated criteria. Film, television, animation, post production and visual effects applications will be referred to Pact (the UK trade association for independent feature film, television, digital, children's and animation media companies) for review and recommendation In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the Arts Council and Pact, Pact will review all relevant information/ documentation and supporting letters of endorsement, and shall verify all declarations of fact made by the applicant. Pact will then based on the evidence assesses that the applicant has met the minimum standards to qualify under Criteria IV of the Exceptional Talent route.

Role of the Designated Competent Body (Arts Council England) The role of the Designated Competent Body is to use its judgement of the evidence submitted to advise the UK Border Agency on whether an applicant can be defined as possessing exceptional talent based on their ability to meet the published criteria. It may consult with other bodies within the UK or internationally as part of this process. The Designated Competent Body will assess the applicant s case for meeting the published criteria for Exceptional talent and will advise the UK Border Agency accordingly. UK Border Agency will consider each application, taking into account the advice from the Designated Competent Body and the requirements of the Immigration Rules, and decide whether the application for entry clearance, leave to enter or remain should be granted or refused. If the UK Border Agency refuses an application for entry clearance, leave to enter or remain under the Exceptional talent route, he/she may still apply for UK entry through other routes. The decision as to whether or not to grant entry to an applicant will at all times be made by the UK Border Agency. Applicants who are successful in obtaining an Exceptional Talent visa with an endorsement from Arts Council England may contact the Arts Council directly once in the UK to explore opportunities for engagement.

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