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Question 1: Work individually or in groups, develop outlines showing how trends like work-force diversity, technological innovation, globalization,

and changes in the nature of work have affected the college or university you are attending now. Present it in class.

Answer 1: Human Resource Management is the significant area of the dynamic business world. Due to the change of business world, human resource management is changing all over the world in theory and practice indeed. Simultaneously the environment of human resource management in the corporate arena throughout the world is also changing massively. Changes are occurring today that are requiring human resource managers to play an increasingly central role in managing companies. These changes or trends include globalization, changes in the nature of work, and technology. These are discussing below Globalization: The tendency of firms to extend their sales, ownership, and/or manufacturing to new markets abroad- is the basic theme of globalization. In globalization no trade barrier exists at all. Free flow of goods, services and laborsis the traced philosophy of globalization concept actually. Whole world treated as the market here and the traders would also be multinational as well. The firms show a tendency to spread the sales, ownership and manufacturing to the whole world market. For example- Across the world, in the 1st January of year 2005, the Open Market Economy starts throughout the world. As a result, the human resource practice has been changed due to this worldwide change. Visa-free entrance is the vital tension of globalization.

We can relate Globalization Trends with our university through eLink program. This is a Scholarship/ Post Doctoral Fellowship under EC sponsored eLINK (east-west Link for Innovation, Networking and Knowledge exchange) project. The aim of eLINK project is to foster institutional co-operation in the field of higher education between the European Union and Third-countries through a mobility scheme addressing student and

academic exchanges for the purpose of studying, teaching, training and research. This program helps both teachers and students a lot. We can also take the example of Duke of Edinburghs Award Program. UIU launched the Duke of Edinburghs Award Program - a global self-development program enrolling over 120 countries in the world. This Program is intended to help both the young as well as those who are concerned for their welfare. The object is to provide an introduction to worthwhile leisure activities and voluntary service, as a challenge to the individual to discover the satisfaction of achievement and as a guide for those people and organizations who would like to encourage the development of their younger fellow citizens.

Work-force diversity: The work forces are becoming diversified as well in the human resource management practice throughout the world. Domestic human resource practices would be changed due to the change of global human resource practices. Work-force of an organization would more and more efficient and extraordinary as well. So the training and development is very important for the human resource management to diverse the existing workforce by which an organizations human resource could work in any changed environment to achieve the ultimate goal of the organization as well. At UIU our facilitys job is not only to teach us but also they have to play the role of Advisor, some of them have to play the role of Moderator of a club and guide the young people to be a future leader.

Students of UIU are also very active in the co-curricular activities beside their study. These co-curricular activities help them in the long run to build a good career and be a future leader.

Technological innovation:

Human resource management is changing with the

advancement and innovation of technology indeed. It is very important for every domestic and global organizations human resource practice to enroll with the technological innovation and advancement as well. Advanced technology helps the HRM department and employees also to cope up with their work and increase the expertise as well as effectiveness of them.

Such as- Enterprise Resource System (ERS) helps the organization to draw any solution about the enterprise related problem. So the human resource management must have the knowledge about upgraded and high technology like ERS to use it in their respective work area.

Our UIU is highly automated. The Center for Information Technology Services (CITS) provides the technical support for university automation, network and laboratory services. It is committed to offering courses and workshops for faculty and students with regular intervals. CITS also provides a forum for providing students with ideal computing facilities and services. Itll train programmers through its own in-house training programs.

Since June 2007, UIU Cisco Networking Academy offers CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) program, which is a four-term program on the principles and practices of designing, building and maintaining computer networks. The combination of our lectures, case studies and practical exercises on real networking equipment ensures an understanding of the skills needed in the Internet economy.

The Cisco Networking Academy Program provides a solution to these demands. Its courses, led by highly trained instructors, develop real-world skills. The curriculum is designed, updated and continually assessed by networking and Internet experts.

Due to the explosion of knowledge in both traditional and digital forms, UIU Library has developed a system that is capable of serving the best of its users. As part of our 3

endeavor to achieving excellence in information service, we have subscribed some of the following e-journals

Acoustical Society of America British Psychological Society Royal Society - Royal Society Journals Online Cambridge University Press - Cambridge Journals Online University of California Press Caliber

Changes in the nature of work: We know human resource management functions are recruits, selects, trains and compensates employees and so on. But the human resource tasks are becoming changed its patterns of functions as well. Today jobs are almost high-technology, service and knowledge based. So the human resource management is changing its core task like recruits, selects, trains and compensates employees and so on. High-Tech Jobs: Todays almost jobs are based on high-technological approach actually. So a human resource manager must concentrate to the technological expertise of potential employees. And a potential employee must have the upgraded technological expertise and knowledge as well and it would be mandatory.

As our university is highly automated as a result the staff members who are in charge of our different floors has to have knowledge about how to operate a computer, projector etc. Some them has to have the knowledge of running a scientific laboratory.

Service jobs: Nowadays, all jobs are treated as service job. Teachers, lawyers, doctors, researchers, engineers and so such occupational personnel are providing their service through jobs. In these jobs, human resource management must focuses on the nature of these jobs to develop and upgrade as well.

At our university there are some faculties who are working in renowned organizations and also work as a part time faculty. They are spreading their valuable knowledge and expertise among the young generations. We can say about Professor Dr Syed Farhat Anwar, who is the Chief Advisor of Bangladesh Brand Forum (BBF) also a part time faculty of our university. Some of the meritorious students are also joining as Teachers Assistant (TA). This helps a student to enrich his/her knowledge.

Knowledge Work and Human Capital: In general, the best jobs that remain require more education and more skills. To do any task knowledge, education, training and development is must requirement. So to enlarge and strengthen the human capital knowledge, education, training and development are obvious for all. Human capital means the knowledge, education, training, skills, and expertise of a firms worker. So, due to the change of nature of work human capital is very important issue for human resource management.

Company Overview:

British American Tobacco Bangladesh (BATB) is one of the pioneer cigarette manufacturers in the world. The company was formed at the turn of the 20th century with the objective of establishing a worldwide business. Today British American Tobacco sells the leading brands in over 30 markets covering 102 countries, has more than 200 brands worldwide, employs more than 55,000 people and produces some 2 billion cigarettes every day.

British American Tobacco Bangladesh Company Limited is one of the largest private sector enterprises in Bangladesh, incorporated under the Companys Act 1913 on 2ndFebruary 1972 and since then it has been the market leader in the country. Based in Dhaka the company has one packaging factory in Dhaka and one leaf-processing factory in Kushtia. The company currently employees more than 200 managers and 1300 employees. In its effort to create an international market for Bangladeshi leaf tobacco the Company has been exporting tobacco to markets in developed countries like UK, Germany, Poland, Russia and New Zealand.

Respondent Identity:

We are extremely grateful to Mr. Jahid Shafiq, Corporate HR Executive for providing us with the relevant information to produce the assignment. We heartily thank him for giving us time from his busy schedule. Without his kind co operation this assignment would not have been possible.

Question 2: Working individually or in groups, contacts the HR manager of an organization. Ask the HR manager how he or she is working as a strategic partner to manage human resources, given the organizations strategic goals and objectives.

Answer 2: If we want to say the goal of BATB in the simplest way it would be Move Ahead. The goal of HR department is Embedding winning culture where people always strive to excel. To develop the most vital element of the organization which is the human resource BATB has put in a lot of efforts in responding to various changes and problems through effective formulation and implementation of human resource strategies through the HR department.

Bridging the gap between top level and lower level management. Improved performance through attractive reward system. Strive for excellent management practice.

From recruitment to selection and also from employee welfare to industrial relations, this department has to play an important role. According to Mr. Jahid Shafiq, Corporate HR Executive BATBs HR department is divided into 3 individual teams:

Corporate Team Employee Team Reward Team

Corporate Team: This teams work is to recruit new employees to the organization. Different organization has different culture. Corporate team used to hire those people who fit to the BATBs culture.

Employee Team: Particularly this teams job is related to industry. BATBs all the employees are known as Employee they never discriminate them by calling production worker as Labor. Whenever there is a vacant position in the organization this teams plans who will continue his/her work until a new employee is recruited, when they will be able to fill up that position. Beside this they also Prepare the employees for the future. Assist operating managers to identify employee's training need. Assist the Training managers to design and implement training programs. To carry out general skill development program. Monitor on the job training and training offered by the training programs.

BATB values its people as Human Capital. As a measure to that, BATB has taken extensive training programs, which include educational programs like English training, Computer literacy etc. In order to improve individual performance, different skill development programs are also in place. Teams are being formed to implement flexible work practice.

Reward Team: Mainly this team works with the quantitative and qualitative things. They develop compensation plans and handle the employee benefits program. BATB has introduced new Reward and Recognition system throughout the company to motivate the employees. Any employee, doing something extraordinary, is being selected as Champion for a specific month. As a result, people are opening up and trying to grab the title. This has generated a positive competition among the employees.

Question 3: Working individually or in groups, interview an HR manager. Based in that interview, write a short presentation regarding HRs role today in building more competitive organizations?

Answer 3: It is becoming increasingly important for an HR manager to understand business & what drives it. The HR has to move up from day-to-day operational level to the role of change agent and strategic partner. It may be perfectly alright for HR to focus on aligning employee-oriented processes; but what they need to ask themselves is the very purpose of this exercise... and the answer is very clear - Whatever does not make business sense, cannot make HR sense!

The challenges before HR cannot be seen in isolation. HR professionals need to understand the challenges before their organizations. They must respond to the requirements of today and prepare for tomorrow as well. With ever increasing use of technology, transactional functions are now much better performed by automated systems. Computerized processes can add a lot of speed and accuracy to data capturing and analysis, and facilitate decision making in much improved manner. As such, real value addition from HR will come from rising above the transactional level and operating at the strategic and transformational level.

HRM professionals or departments can create real value within their respective organizations when they focus on developing the competencies and positive values of their employees. These are but fundamentals in building a competitive human resource.

Competitive human performance, not machine and systems performance as some would suggest, is the core of business performance. When organizations are able to harness effectively the talent, energy, and motivation of their employees, they will have an ideal competitive business edge. The competencies of these people, when sharpened and harnessed to their full potential, will greatly enhance the overall value and competitiveness of the organization. Thus, there lies the real value contribution of

the HRM professional building the framework and environment for continuous competency development. According to Mr. Jahid Shafiq, Corporate HR Executive, there are certain guiding principles that center on the corporate principles of the company. Open Minded It encourages within the organization to be able to maintain an environment where the managers can have open-minded approach to various strategic decision-makings. Enterprising Spirit The core asset of the organization will come from the enterprising spirit embedded in the minds of the managers, resulting from effective strategies. Freedom through Responsibility Managers at all levels work with freedom of responsibility in their areas of functioning. Develop employees weakness Managers should figure out the strength and weakness of his/her employees, so that s/he can give proper training to the employees to overcome his/her weakness. Other than that continuous development process for all the employers is needed. Promotion of the employees Those who are working tremendously for the organization and also committed to the organization should be promoted immediately, otherwise s/he would be demotivated.


BAT has already earned reputation as a very potential Multinational Company of the country. This has been possible due to skilled manpower, which has been developed by taking proper recruitment and selection strategies and giving sufficient training and development opportunities and also retaining their employee through providing adequate compensation and benefit. This assignment helps us to relate our bookish knowledge with the real world.


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