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Pre-Race check bike bag cut nails treat both ears check petrol in car weather check route

check on AA charge mp3 bike service check tyre pressures test ride bike check petrol set watch alarms for gels

Timetable Time Item 4:35 wake up 5:20 load car 5:40 leave home 6:35 Arrival 6:45 Unload & get bike gear ready 7:00 Recce Run route ( already previously done bike route) 7:30 JO DOES Registration (collect time chip, swim hat, briefing sheet) OPENS at 7.30am 7:45 Layout Transition 8:00 Walk thru transition - swim to t1, t1 to bike exit, t2 to run exit 8:05 Locate place to do resistant band stretch 8:10 get number on hand / arm 8:15 RELAX 8:45 TOILET 8:50 Warm up run 9:10 Wetsuit + kit on 9:20 Stretch 9:30 Addidas bands 9:45 Briefing 9:50 RACE START 20 50 15 30 15 15 5 5 5 35 5 20 10 10 10 15 Duration Completed

Swim Box wetsuit ear plugs goggles

Done Y Y Y

swim hat + ADD RACE HAT RACE HAT adidas band hat hoodie waterproof trousers swim shoes 3 gu gels Y Y Y Y Y Y

mp3 player and headphones Y eco cloth salt water tri top tri shorts tissues Y

Spare Box laces jammers bike glasses inner tube x 1 + TEST articare cold pack contact lenses x 1 waterproof plasters & fabric first aid kit - scissors, scalpal, lighter, antiseptic wipes (4), gauze (4), micropore, iodine, blister plasters L(6), S(4) packet of tissues gear instructions insulation tape run socks spokes front & rear 2 gu gels swim hat bike repair bag salt BACK Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ONE Y

Car Box bike kit (1 layer), contact lenses, wallet, phone, keys sunglasses route map ipod fruit water 5 Boxes bike rack bike stand coffee video camera


Bike Box helmet computer gloves calf guard 1 shorts 1 tops bike shoes ankle guard tiger balm bike glasses oil & cloth waterproof blister plasters x 2 bike bag - allan key, tyre rim tool, spare tyre, spare chain, chain tool

Done Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


General Box wet bag for kit bike lock & spare key tri routes snacks / drinks for everyone towel fruit white run trainers bars jo _ kids jackets, waterproofs

Done Y Y Y

Change of clothes shorts, vest, pants, socks BELT, SHORTS plastic cups 1.5 ltr water waterproof jacket

Baby Rucksack - JO (wife) to have on her at all times) spare salt water spare goggles spare ear plugs spare inner tube toilet roll race day notes spare gu gel spare contact lense

Gel timing 9:50 - 10:20 Swim G1 9:35 G2 10:20 G3 11:05 G4 11:45

10:20 - 11:40 Bike 11:40 - 12:20 Run

Transition Box glide talc race belt socks gel timer sheet feet water plastic bag for seat bar sign contact lenses black run shoes towel 2 bike waters plastic sheet for kit 3 gu gels for bike tissues swiss army knife

Done Y Y Y


Recee put on ankle guard put on calf guard waterproof plasters tiger balm on injured ankle Transition set up glide and talc on bike shoes gel timer alarm gloves glide & talc on black run shoes check bike is in gear place 3 gu gels on bike clean bike glasses spare inner tube 2 bike waters on bike check helmet feet water towel plastic bag for bike seat if raining race belt & number spare contact lenses plastic sheet for transition kit if raining number on hand bike computer - reset check tyre pressure

check bike cleats check bike shoe velcro

Warm up /Swim SET UP Wetsuit ear plugs glide on neck,groin, ankle and calf guards goggles 2 swim hats swim shoes waterproof jacket hat check ears hoodie 3 gu gels in top


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