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Grammar in Discourse Assignment

Name Class Reg. No : Wantri Fajar Pratiwi : 10 Dik A : 2215102136

The only reason I agreed to do this at all is because I figure later on when Im rich and famous, I will have better things to do than answer peoples stupid questions all day long. No . 1 Conjunction Participant The only reason I agreed to do this at all (identified) [I (sayer) I (senser) I (carrier) I (carrier) Process Is (relational) Agreed (verbal) Figure (mental) Am (relational) Will have (relational) [to do (material) Answer (verbal) Participant Because I figure later on when Im rich and famous (identifier) To do this (verbiage) When Im rich and famous (phenomenon) Rich and famous (attribute) Better things to do than answer peoples stupid questions all day long (attribute) Peoples stupid questions (verbiage) Participant Circumstances

2 3 4 5

[Because [When

at all Later on (time)

6 7 [than

All day long (time)

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So this book is gonna come in handy. No . 8 Conjunction So Participant This book (carrier) Process Is gonna come (relational) Participant Participant Circumstances In handy

Gregory, tell us about your childhood! No . Conjunction Participant Gregory (sayer) Process Tell (verbal) Participant Us (receiver) Participant Circumstances About your childhood (preposition)

Were you ALWAYS so smart and handsome? No . Conjunction Participant You (carrier) Process Were (relational) Participant So smart and handsome (attribute) Participant Circumstances Always

Heres my journal. NOW SHOO, SHOO. No . Conjunction Participant Here (identified) Process Is (relational) Participant My journal (identifier) Participant Circumstances Now (time)

Like I said, Ill be famous one day, but for now Im stuck in middle school with a bunch of morons.

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No . 9 11


Participant I (carrier)

Process Will be (relational) Said (verbal) Am (relational)

Participant famous (attribute) Stuck (attribute)


Circumstances Like I said one day (time) Now (time) in middle school (place) with a bunch of morons (preposition)


I (sayer) I (carrier)

Let me just say for the record that I think middle school is the dumbest idea I ever invented. No . 12 Conjunction Participant Me (senser) Me (sayer) [That I (senser) Process Let (mental) Say (verbal) Think (mental) Participant that I think middle school is the dumbest idea I ever invented (verbiage) middle school is the dumbest idea I ever invented (phenomenon) The dumbest idea I ever invented (attribute) Participant Circumstances For the record (purpose)


14 15

[middle school (carrier) [I (actor)

Is (relational) Invented (material)

Ever (time)

Youve got kids like me who havent hit their growth spurt yet mixed in with these gorillas who need to shave twice a day. No Conjunction Participant Process Participant Participant Circumstances Page 3

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You (senser)

Have got (mental)


[kids (actor)

Havent hit (material) Mixed in (material)

18 19 20

[yet [these gorillas (senser)

Need (mental) [to shave (mental)

Kids who havent hit their growth spurt yet mixed in with these gorillas who need to shave twice a day (phenomenon) Their spurt yet mixed in with these gorillas who need to shave twice a day (goal) with these gorillas who need to shave twice a day (goal) To shave (phenomenon)

Like me

Twice a day (time)

Outta my way, runs! No . Conjunction Participant Runs (Actor) Process Outta (material) Participant My way Participant Circumstances

And then they wonder why bullying is such a big problem in middle school. No . 21 Conjunction And then Participant They (senser) Process Wonder (mental) Participant why bullying is such a big problem in middle school (phenomenon) Participant Circumstances

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bullying (identified)

Is (relational)

A big problem (identifier)

Such In middle school (place)

If it was up to me, grade levels would be based on height, not age. No . 23 24 Conjunction If Participant It (identified) Grade levels (carrier) Process Was (relational) Would be based on (relational) Participant Up to me (identifier) Height (attribute) Participant Not age Circumstances

But then again, I guess that would mean kids like Chirag Gupta would still be in the first grade. No . 25 Conjunction But then Participant I (sayer) Process Guess (verbal) Participant that would mean kids like Chirag Gupta would still be in the first grade (verbiage) kids would still be in the first grade (attribute) In the first grade (attribute) Participant Circumstances again

26 27

[that (carrier) [(kids) (carrier)

Would mean (relational) Would still be (relational)

like Chirag Gupta

Today is the first day of school, and right now were just waiting around for the teacher to hurry up and finish the seating chart. No . 28 Conjunction Participant Today (identified) Process Is (relational) Participant The first day of school (identifier) Page 5 Participant Circumstances

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We (behaver) The teacher (behaver) (the teacher) (actor)


Are just waiting around (behavioural) to hurry up (behavioural) Finish (material)

For the teacher to hurry up and finish the seating chart The seating chart (goal)

Right now (time)

So I figured I might as well write in this book to pass the time. No . 32 33 Conjunction So As well Participant I (senser) [I (actor) Process Figured (mental) Might write (material) [to pass (material) The time (goal) Participant I might as well write in this book to pass the time (phenomenon) in this book (place) To pass the time (purpose) Participant Circumstances


By the way, let me give you some good advice. No . 35 Conjunction Participant Me (senser) (Me) (actor) Process Let (mental) give (material) Participant You (recipient) Participant Some good advice (goal) Circumstances By the way

On the first day of school, youve got to be real careful where you sit.

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No . 36 37


Participant You (carrier)

Process Have got (relational) Sit (material)

Participant To be careful (attribute)

Participant Where you sit

Circumstances On the first day of school (time)


You (actor)

You walk into the classroom and just plunk your stuff down on any old desk and the next thing you know the teacher is saying, I hope you all like where you are sitting, because these are your permanent seats. No . 38 Conjunction Participant You (behaver) And 39 and (you) (actor) The next thing you know (identified) Process Walk (behavioural) Plunk. Down (material) (is that) (relational) Your stuff (goal) The teacher is saying I hope you all like where you are sitting, because these are your permanent seats. (identifier) I hope you all like where you are sitting, because these are your permanent seats. (verbiage) you all like where you are sitting, because these are your permanent seats (phenomenon) Participant Participant Circumstances Into the classroom (place) On any old desk (place)

[you (senser) [The teacher (sayer)

Know (mental) Is saying (verbal)

[[I (senser)

Hope (mental)

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[you all (senser) [[[where [[[because You (actor) These (identified)

Like (mental) Are sitting (material) Are (relational)

where you are sitting (phenomenon) Your permanent seats (identifier)

So in the class, I got stuck with Chris Hosey in front of me and Lionel James at the back of me. No . 41 Conjunction So Participant I (carrier) Process Got (relational) Participant Stuck (attribute) Participant With Chris Hosey in front of me and Lionel James at the back of me Circumstances In the class (place) In front of me (place) At the back of me (place)

[Chris Hosey 42 [and Lionel James

Jason Brill came in late and almost sat to my right, but luckily I stopped that from happening at the last second. No . 43 44 45 Conjunction and But Participant Process Participant Participant Circumstances In late (manner) Almost to my right (place) Luckily (manner) from happening at the last Page 8

Jason Brill (actor) Came (material) (Jason Brill) Sat (material) (actor) I (actor) Stopped (material) That (goal)

Grammar in Discourse Text Analysis

second (time) Is this seat taken? No . Conjunction Participant This seat (goal) Process Is taken (material) Participant Participant Circumstances

Next period, I should just sit in the middle of a bunch of hot girls as soon as I step in the room. No . 46 Conjunction Participant I (actor) Process Should sit (material) Participant Participant Circumstances Just Next period (time) in the middle of a bunch of hot girls (place) In the room (place)


as soon as

I (actor)

Step (material)

But I guess if I do that, it just proves I didnt learn anything from last year. No . 48 Conjunction But Participant I (sayer) Process Guess (verbal) Participant If I do that (verbiage) Participant Circumstances

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49 50 51


I (actor) It (sayer) [I (actor)

Do (material) proves (verbal) Didnt learn (material)

That (goal) I didnt learn anything from last year (verbiage) Anything (goal)

Just From the last year (time)

Greg, will you please pass this note to Shelly? No . Conjunction Participant Greg You (actor) Process Pass (material) Participant This note (goal) Participant Circumstances To Shelly (purpose)

Greg is a dork. No . Conjunction Participant Greg (identified) Why, certainly! Heh, heh No . Conjunction Participant why Process Participant Participant Circumstances Why, certainly Process Is (relational) Participant A dork (identifier) Participant Circumstances

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Man, I dont know WHAT is up with girls these days. No . Conjunction Participant Man I (senser) [what (identified) Process Dont know (mental) Is (relational) Participant WHAT is up with girls (phenomenon) Up (identifier) Participant Circumstances These days (time) With girls

It used to be a whole lot simpler back in elementary school. No . Conjunction Participant It (carrier) Process Used to be (relational) Participant A whole lot simpler (attribute) Participant Circumstances Back in elementary school (place) Participant Circumstances

The deal was, if you were the fastest runner in your class, you got all the girls. No . Conjunction Participant The deal (identified) Process Was (relational) Participant if you were the fastest runner in your class, you got all the girls (identifier) The fastest runner (identifier) All the girls (goal) In your class (place)


You (identified) [you (actor)

Were (relational) Got (material)

And in the fifth grade, the fastest runner was Ronnie Mc Coy.

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No .

Conjunction And

Participant The fastest runner (identifier)

Process Was (relational)

Participant Ronnie Mc Coy (identified)


Circumstances In the fifth grade (place)

Nowadays, its a whole lot more complicated. No . Conjunction Participant It (identified) Process Is (relational) Participant A whole lot more complicated (identifier) Participant Circumstances nowadays

Now its about the kind of clothes you wear or how rich you are or if you have a cute butt or whatever. No . Conjunction Participant It (identified) Process Is (relational) Participant about the kind of clothes you wear or how rich you are or if you have a cute butt or whatever (identifier) Rich (attribute) A cute butt (attribute) Participant Circumstances now

[Or [how [or [if [or

You (carrier) You (carrier) whatever

Are (relational) Have (relational)

And kids like Ronnie Mc Coy are scratching their heads wondering what the heck happened. Grammar in Discourse Text Analysis Page 12

No .

Conjunction and

Participant Kids (actor) [(kids) (senser)

Process Are scratching (material) Wondering (mental) Happened (relational)

Participant Their heads wondering what the heck happened (goal) what the heck happened (phenomenon)


Circumstances Like Ronnie Mc Coy


The heck (carrier)

The most popular boy in my grade is Bryce Anderson. No . Conjunction Participant The most popular boy (identifier) Process Is (relational) Participant Bryce Anderson (identified) Participant Circumstances in my grade (place)

The thing that really stinks is that I have ALWAYS been into girls, but kids like Bryce have only come around in the last couple of years. No . Conjunction Participant The thing that really stinks (identified) Process Is (relational) Participant that I have ALWAYS been into girls, but kids like Bryce have only come around in the last couple of years (identifier) really Participant Circumstances


(thing) (carrier)

Stinks (relational)

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[that but

I (carrier) Kids (carrier)

Have been (relational) Have come around (relational)

Into the girls (attribute)

ALWAYS Like Bryce Only in the last couple of years (time)

I remember how Bryce used to act back in elementary school. No . Conjunction Participant I (senser) [how Bryce (carrier) Process Remember (mental) Used to act back (relational) Participant how Bryce used to act back in elementary school (phenomenon) in elementary school (place) Participant Circumstances

Girls are stinky poos. No . Conjunction Participant Girls (identified) I dont think girls are stinky poos. No . Conjunction Participant I (senser) Process Participant girls are stinky poos (phenomenon) Stinky poos (identifier) girls all this time. Page 14 Participant Circumstances Process Are (relational) Participant Stinky poos (identifier) Participant Circumstances

Dont think (mental) [girls (identified) Are (relational) But of course now I dont get any credit for sticking with the Grammar in Discourse Text Analysis

No .

Conjunction But

Participant I (carrier)

Process Dont get (relational)

Participant Any credit (attribute)


Circumstances Of course Now (time) for sticking with the girls all this time (purpose) all this time (time)

[sticking (material)

With the girls (goal)

Like I said, Bryce is the most popular kid in our grade, so that leaves all the rest of us guys scrambling for the other spots. No . Conjunction Participant Bryce (identified) so [I (sayer) That (actor) (all the rest of us guys) (behaver) Process Is (relational) Said (verbal) Leaves (material) [scrambling (behavioural) Participant The most popular kid (identifier) all the rest of us guys scrambling (goal) Participant Circumstances Like I said In our grade (place) for the other spots

The best I can figure is that Im somewhere around 52nd or 53rd most popular this year. No . Conjunction Participant The best I can figure (identified) [that I (identified) Process Is (relational) Participant that Im somewhere around 52nd or 53rd most popular this year (identifier) 52nd or 53rd most Participant Circumstances

Am (relational)


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around (place) this year (time) But the good news is that Im about to move up one spot because Charlie Davies is above me, and hes getting his braces next week. No . Conjunction but Participant the good news (identified) Process Is (relational) Participant that Im about to move up one spot because Charlie Davies is above me, and hes getting his braces next week (identifier) move up one spot (attribute) One spot (goal) Above me and hes getting his braces next week (attribute) His braces (attribute) Participant Circumstances

popular (identifier)


I (carrier) (I) (actor)

[because [[and

Charlie Davies (carrier) He (carrier)

Am about to (relational) [[move up (material) Is (relational) Is getting (relational)

Next week (time)

I try to explain all this popularity stuff to my friend Rowley (who is probably hovering right around the 150 mark, by the way), but I think it just goes in one ear and out the other with him. No . Conjunction Participant I (senser) Process Try (mental) Participant to explain all this popularity stuff Participant Circumstances to my friend Rowley (who is

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probably hovering right around the 150 mark, by the way) (purpose) Probably By the way

who [but

(Rowley) (actor) I (senser) [[it (carrier)

[To explain (verbal) Hovering right around (material) Think (mental) Goes (relational) Out (material)

all this popularity stuff (verbiage) The 150 mark (goal) It just goes in one ear and out the other with him (phenomenon) In one ear and out the other with him (attribute) The other (goal)

Just With him (preposition)


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