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i I ___________ _
lAsia\h)ighttalJes,'to the': animals;;;r.... ahCl 'says'everyone else can, too;
t yit;tced her that her childhoo\. 'know,'" she said. "You may be work on the telephone. The ani-
:By Kay Kruse-Stanton sk!U had returned, It was her alread understanding them." mal owner Sends her a photo-
Assistant Editor
MADISON - For years,
'Asia Voight assumed she was
crazy - or at least, just a little
,odd. '
friends who her she y graph of the animal, then tele-
should get more training and Some people may have trou- phones her at a pre-arranged
She told standing-room-only
<crowds at the Midwest Horse
:.Paii' 'that as a child, she:routinely
communicated with the animals
around her. The key word here is
"communicated." She admits
that all people ,have talked to
animals at one time or another. ,
share the skill with others. She ble believing that such commu- l time. She looks at the phQto-
trained under Penelope Smith, a nication is possible, or will sim- graph to establish contact
woman who has worked as an ply deny it, she said. She under- \ the animal.
animal communicator for some stands.
30 years. h 1
"But they talk back to me and
I understand them," she said.
She traveled to California and
joined five .other for the
class; One of the exerCIses was
to commtfuicatewith, Ms :
Smith's dog" The other
participants got short messages
from Heidi, and that shook Ms.
Voight's ,She had
Her presentations at the Midwest When it came time fbr her to
Horse Fair April 14-16 were to she'd learlied that
pages ofnotes,$he
"tell you that you can do that too , Heidi was dying. The dog was in
'.:- and maybe already , ,". lllle
As a child1 she ' was. .' , . , ' was ready to
that others did not share her abIl- after her presentation at the Midwest Horse Fair on Ms. Voight,was,right:
ity to "hear" what animals were ' '", '..'
saying, As a real- If that M:s. JoIID : In her years as a profes-
ized she would beconslderec,l , "' , slonal ammal .commumcator,
Voight has several stories of how d ct d .... - k 1:..' " h h k d 'th odd l
'f she continued,to insl,'st , "50,1 eCI e ,to ..uIffi, ' -, Ms. Voig t as wor: e WI
that communication process has 1.:":_ ' t h 'd A
that she was getting messages .she said. The horse was uqsltan .' about '8OQ animals, s e Sal. S
from animals,and stopped trying helped or others. to reply, almost ,embarrassed t9 ' she has with the people
to communicate with them. , One .. for example, she ' discuss the issue'. Finally, Massociatoo-with the animals, she
and friends were getting ready to said, "You' forgot to: tighten the has become more convinced that
, Thirteen years ago she nearly
died in a car accident. As she
was recovering, her dog asked
'her to fill his water bowl. She
complied with the request -
and decided she had to renew
her childhood skills.
Today she is a full-time ani-
mal communicator, People con-
tact her to act as a translator,
belping what
their animals are saYlDg, and
.. . ...L _ ! ____ !
go for a ride on their horses girth." people receive messages from
when her horse, Rocket-Powered . d ' , their aniJ:rl , als all the time. '
She tightened tf:ie girth, Ie .
Slider, refused to go anywhere him to mounting block and,. "Haven't you had a gut feel-
near the mounting block. He .
rode away. ,- mg, an intuition about your
simply 'froze. mals? It's something you Just
It-was that incident that
Ms. Voight said she tried all
the techniques she'd ever seen,
drawing on the training tech-
niques of Pat Parelli and
Permanent or Portable Buildings for
Livestock, Equipment or Garage
The owner asks questions
"It means there ' s a woe over t4e telephone'. Ms,.
l ayer of responses there. To Voight "fqrwm::ds" those
know that if you call your horse tions to the animal, telepathical-
a name - or lazy, or stupid - ly. She receives a telepathic
that they understand that," she communication in return and
said. tells the owner, over the te1e'-
The concept of telepathic phone, what the animal has said.
communication between species "It , still amazes me, too," she
becomes even more difficult to said. "I've been practicing this
accept when the human and ani,.. for 13 years and every I
mal are many apart. do _ it's wonderful. It Just
She conducts m'ost of her iunazl;!s me."
" '
in " ",
Electrica I

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