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Chapter 18

Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. By the 1870s, the major mineral being mined in the West was a. gold. b. silver. c. copper. d. lead. e. platinum. 2. "Jim Crow" laws a. disenfranchised black Americans. b. extended the naturalization period for foreigners. c. prevented women from voting. d. mandated labor unions. e. mandated racial segregation in public facilities. 3. The Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson stated that a. the right of blacks to vote was not constitutionally protected. b. black Americans could be prevented from running for office. c. Jim Crow laws were illegal. d. black and white Americans could be segregated by race, but must be supplied with equal facilities. e. the Fourteenth Amendment did not apply to private acts of discrimination. 4. In the fight for equal rights, black leader Booker T. Washington adopted a strategy that emphasized a. segregation. b. political equality and freedoms. c. self-help and education. d. government assistance to blacks. e. violent resistance. 5. The Dawes Severalty Act a. protected tribal ownership of land and separate nation status. b. offered each Indian head of family 160 acres of farmland or 320 acres of grazing land. c. resulted in the addition of millions of acres to tribal holdings. d. only affected the five "civilized tribes." e. led to the revival of traditional cultures. 6. Charles Guiteau is noted as the a. paranoid schizophrenic who assassinated James A. Garfield. b. Mugwump leader who ran as the vice presidential candidate in 1892. c. congressman who led the civil-service reform movement. d. major northern Democratic leader of the 1880s. e. a writer whose work inspired significant reforms in the Gilded Age. 7. According to Frederick Jackson Turner, American character and culture were primarily influenced by a. the Spanish and the French traditions. b. the development of civilized cities and towns. c. the spread of the plantation system. d. the existence of the frontier and the westward movement. e. war.








8. The Battle of Little Bighorn in which George A. Custer and his men were killed occurred after a. whites had entered the sacred Black Hills seeking gold. b. the U.S. army had massacred the Ghost Dancers at Wounded Knee. c. Custer had insulted the Sioux chief. d. the Sioux had been confined to a reservation in Dakota territory. e. the army had carried out mass executions of Indian prisoners of war.

True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. ____ 9. The basic institution of the southern rural economy after the Civil War was the "crop lien system."

____ 10. Ida B. Wells was a southern black journalist who carried on an extensive campaign against lynching. ____ 11. Booker T. Washington encouraged black Americans to accept permanent second-class citizenship. Completion Complete each statement. 12. The notorious massacre of hundreds of Indian women and children by Colonel John Chivington (1864) in Colorado occurred at ____________________. 13. ____________________ was the founder of Tuskegee Institute who emphasized that educational and economic opportunities were more important than civil rights. 14. The completion of the transcontinental railroad was marked by the use of a ____________________ for the last track. 15. A Century of Dishonor by ____________________ emphasized the violence, exploitation and broken treaties that characterized relationships between Indians and whites. 16. Republicans who opposed civil service reform were known as ____________________. 17. The Pendleton Civil Service Act passed during the presidential administration of _______________.

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