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English 202C: Section 014 Basic Rhetorical Analysis To: Bara, Rachel From: Flanagan, Amanda Subject: Basic

c Rhetorical Analysis of a WWF Pamphlet Date: January 27, 2012 I am writing this memo in order to evaluate the content effectiveness and audience appropriateness of a pamphlet released by the Center for Conservation Innovation/Conservation Strategies Unit of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). This pamphlet focuses on the impact of populations on specific environments and ecosystems in order to understand and promote the organizations landscape conservation efforts. Targeting the Audience: The WWF has employed many effective strategies to target their specific audience. The targeted audience consists primarily of conservation-conscious adults, particularly those who have some prior knowledge of the science and history behind environmental conservation, as well as the efforts of the WWF. This focus is made obvious throughout the pamphlet through both the design and textual information. One can infer from the graphics alone that this pamphlet is intended for adults rather than children through the colors utilized. Typically, documents written for children use cartoons and playful colors. On the contrary, darker, more mature color schemes are used in this document. Textually, this document separates itself as a document for adults rather than children due to the abundance, layout, and nature of the text. This is primarily a text document, with no pictures occurring after the introductory pages, and the text is written in paragraph form in a small, professional font with separate, clearly labeled sections for each topic. Additionally, the text uses a lot of technical and scientific jargon, and although it is presented in a way that allows those unfamiliar with the information to understand (definitions, explanations, and important notes and summaries in the margins), it does so as a secondary function, implying that the primary function is to address adult readers with some prior knowledge of the subject and organization. The pamphlet also appeals to the assumed compassion of an audience interested in the conservation efforts of a philanthropic organization through the use of a full-page quote early in the pamphlet to instill urgency and emotion. Additionally, the WWF appeals to philanthropy by beginning the pamphlet with the organizations mission statement and contact information. Goals of The World Wildlife Fund (WWF): The WWF is an incredibly active organization, with many goals, projects, and divisions; however, the main goal of this particular document is to provide vital information about serious conservation issues in four specific landscape environments around the world. This pamphlet functions to promote knowledge of the effects of human populations on the environment, as well as opportunities to get involved. The pamphlet functions by appealing to both the rational and emotional sides of the audience. It appeals to logic by presenting the necessary information about the topic, and to emotion by including pictures, organization contact information, and

To: Bara, Rachel Page 2 of 3 January 27, 2012 inspirational quotes. The facts in the margins and succinct summaries (particularly on the title page) relay a sense of urgency to the audience regarding the seriousness and time sensitive nature of the subject. The prevalence of the organizations mission statement and contact information on the very first page, formatted in a severe white font on a back background, also hope to relay urgency and professionalism. Additionally, the title of this pamphlet, Disappearing Landscapes, further supports the urgency of the information in a way that can be understood by anyone, regardless of education or prior knowledge. Design and Appearance: Overall, the Center for Conservation Innovation/Conservation Strategies Unit of the World Wildlife Fund has produced an effective and aesthetically pleasing document, however, there is definite room for improvement. As a whole, the pamphlet is very attractive and attention grabbing. The contrasting colors, whether it be the black background and white font with cool-toned photos on the first page, the full-page nature photos following, or the dark text on blue and green trimmed white backgrounds towards the end, the WWF uses color to simultaneously convey the beauty of nature and the importance of the information very effectively. Similarly, the text in the document is divided and organized to effectively navigate through the information with relative ease. The summary on the title page just prior to the text is also very useful and well placed to stand out and provide quick, pertinent information. Criticism: Although this document has a pleasing appearance, criticism must be made at several points. First, although devoting the first page of the pamphlet to the mission statement and contact information of the WWF certainly conveys urgency, importance, and encouragement, the styling could be improved. While the white on black is effective and attractive, the small size and style of font harms the initial look of the document, and is made especially noticeable by the large, empty space of blackness above the text. The addition of another picture, or pictures, could easy rectify this without losing the urgency and effectiveness of the document. Similarly, the first half of the document is very photoheavy, while the second half (with the majority of the information) barely contains any images. Without the occasional photo, map, chart, or graphic to accompany the copious amount of information, it is easy for even the most educated and interested reader to get bored. Additionally, the majority of the information relates to four specific locations, however there are scarcely any visual aides to accompany the topics, such as maps, or more location-unique images. Since the organization relies so heavily on the beauty and importance of nature to achieve its goals, it would increase the effectiveness of the document to include more images to better orient the audience towards the reality of a subject that is foreign to most people.

To: Bara, Rachel Page 3 of 3 January 27, 2012 Cohesiveness and Comprehensiveness: Despite some design flaws, the document is both efficient and effective. The pamphlet provides a lot of easily accessible, understandable, and succinct information, as well as beautiful photographs and color schemes. However, the uneven distribution of these elements detract from the cohesiveness of the document. Providing more photos and supplementary graphics throughout the entire pamphlet would greatly increase the readability and effectiveness of maintaining the attention of the audience. Additionally, since the WWF is a philanthropic organization, it would be useful to include more specific ways to get involved with the presented project, rather than just the organizations contact information. Design cohesiveness and information follow through aside, the information about landscape conservation is well presented, thorough, easy to understand and follow, and well targeted towards its intended audience. The pamphlet is very informative and attractive, and, with slight modification, has the potential to be a very effective technical document.

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