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Meg Whitman :

Meg Whitman is a talented energetic woman entrepreneur, a trail blazer who revolutionized online trading. Her successes could serve as a powerful example for womens empowerment and break the barriers for others to follow. Whitman joined eBay on March 1998, when it had 30 employees and revenues of approximately $4 million. in her time as CEO, the company grew to around 15,000 employees and $8 billion in annual revenue by 2008.

Originally, when Whitman had joined eBay, she found the website as a simple black and white webpage On her first day, the site crashed for 8 hours. She believed the site to be confusing and began by building a new executive team. Whitman organized the company by split it into 23 business categories. She then assigned executives to each, including some 35,000 subcategories. In 2004, Whitman made several key changes in her management team. Shortly after taking the company public, Whitman told how stock for the company would rise 80 points in a single day. During Whitman's tenure as CEO, eBay completed the purchase of Skype for $4.1B in cash and stock in September 2005.

transformational leadership and Meg Whitman : Like most of the transformational leaders Whitman share general attributes of authentic leadership. the case doesn't describes how much Whitman personally provides special attention to each followers needs for achievement and growth. But the company as a whole embraced creativity and innovation. eBay allows new comers to settle in, get familiar with company philosophy and understand business model in the really deep way. Leadership makes sure that employees are well managed and they focused on high value projects, and they understand the results that they are going to be accountable. Another attribute of the transformational leader is intellectual stimulation is to what degree to which she or he can

challenge assumptions and solicit followers ideas. Definitely we can see reflection of this in eBays often constructive reorganizations, bringing on board new people with fresh ideas and .to have a fresh eyes on the problems . They trying think out of box by have been innovative and creative. From her acquisition strategies to transformation of eBay from online auction into a much bigger, general-purpose shopping destination it is easy to conclude that she is the visionary and inspirational leader.

transaction leadership and Meg Whitman : Since becoming the CEO of the company in 1998, Meg Whitman understood that without the transactional base, expectations are often unclear, direction is ill-defined, and goals people are working toward are too ambiguous. Transactions clearly were needed to put in place a firm base for more mature corporation. Reviewing this article we can still find some of the elements of this type of leadership in her current management approach. Whitman and her executives handle categories (e.g., toys, cars, electronics, etc) like brand managers at any other big retail company. Also she is pay a lot of attention to details of the business transactions, craving for statistics and more specifically to bottom-line results

Authentic leadership and Whitman: Whitmans management style has easily identifiable components of authentic leadership. When asked she provided insights and perspectives to her leadership I think at all good companies, employees are excited by the mission of the company We look for people who are energized by this missionShe comments: Im a better leader, a better manager, a better executive than when I arrived as a youngster. I have learned how to manage a company that reinvents itself every couple years She instilling her values and influencing her employees attitudes and behaviors. Once people join the eBay Whitman wants to make sure that they have a chance to understand the company in a really deep way. As an authentic leader Whitman and eBay as a whole creates positive motivations for followers by fostering .goal setting and helping them how to achieve their goals. Company lets people a chance to settle in, makes sure their well managed, that they focused on high-impact projects, and that they understand the results that they are going to be accountable for. She also knows that successful plans can be developed to raise hopefulness and achieve company goals. She keeps people exited because they get repotted into new opportunities .As every authentic leader Whitman espouses high moral and ethical values.

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