2.2 Project Capacity and Rationale

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2.2 Project Capacity and Rationale Project Capacity cannot be based on machinery capacity, as the same oven will be having different capacities for different products. This business segment is labor intensive. The proposed bakery outlet will be working from 6.00 am morning to 12.00 midnight. These shows that 2 shifts are necessary for production. These out let determine the factory from timing operation,the interesting fact is that these two shifts include only 3 or 4 pure working hours. Main plant & machinery includes oven in which different items are baked with different temperatures and different baking timings. Industrial ovens are easily available in market. For the proposed project, oven of 7x7x10 feet with 8 rotating stands having 5 trays on each stand is used. So the oven capacity will be: 60-kg biscuits in 30 baking minutes at a temperature of 150 degree centigrade. 120 pieces of large Pizza in 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 150 -180 degree centigrade. Number of working days has been taken as 355 with average 2 shifts per day. Initial Capacity of the Bakery & Confectionery is calculated on the basis of total expected sales of items. Maximum sales are expected in festival months and when students start their regular class program..

However, in order to calculate average monthly sales, potential revenue is estimated by using the potential demand estimates. The estimated combination of sales is as given below: 1. 73% sales to own outlets. 2. 27% sales to other bakeries It is expected that annual increase in sales would be 5%. Although due diligence is carried out in estimating these numbers, the final outcome will vary depending on the selection of location, pricing, product mix and the marketing strategies

2.3 Project Investment Total cost of the project worked out is in the table below: material cost table 1500 Chair 1200 Shelf 4000 Casa 2000 Balance small 300 Balance bigplastic roto 4500 Reservoir 3000 Total capital investment 140,000 Table 2-1: Project Costs

Capital Investment Rs. 140,000Sr. No DESIGNATION No. of


For the bakery business, following direct labor will be required for the factory. Table business wages and saleis Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DESIGNATION No. of Employees Security guards 1 Shop keepers 8 Bakeries 4 Mixers 4 Dispatchers 4 Electrician 1 driver 1 Acountant 1 Cost for each person 600 800 1000 600 200 800 700 1000 Monthly Sal. 600 6400 4000 2400 800 800 700 1000

Total salary per month=16,700birr/month Total salary birr per day=557birr/day Table 6-1: Land & Covered Area requirement Sr. No PARTICULARS quantity 1 Main house rent 1 2 Shop rent 4

Cost for each 2000 300

Monthly 2000 1200 Total=3200birr/month

Total land and covered area requirement per month=3200birr/month Per day=107birr/day

Size and location of the small business

There are four sites these are three selling shop and one main bakery shop. 1, bakery shop will suited at Keble 04 .it is the main bakery shop. 2,one selling shop branch at abay mado 3,second selling shop branch at Keble 16. 4,third selling shop branch at Keble 13.

The main reason for choosing these locations are

1, there are centered at the community 2, there are so much populated area. The time horizon necessary for the project is running at capacity 1, for getting location of bakery production house and shops it takes about 10 day. 2, for buying machines it takes about 10 days 3, for machine installation it takes about 15 days.

4, for fulfilling inputs or raw materials it takes about 5 days. 5,for making decision to make agreement how we lead the business it takes about 5 days. The scope of this small business is -to begin small business -to initiate the society by giving service and producing job opportunities Even if the business is begin with small capital investment it is designed to be -increase the branch to the border of the city like around merawi, zenzelma etc. Increases the customer -increase the job opportunities. -producing the machine itself and distribute it. the nature of the business is going through rapid change and restructuring. The life-cycle of the business is it has no end until there is customer need.

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