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Alarm Defenders of Human Rights USA and the World!!!

(Proof 14)

Another federal judge in the United States to protect the class prevarica worse and worse organized crimes, perpetrated by the sovereign political and legal (all jurisdictions) tyrants, corrupt and mafia devoted to conceal the crime of rich and super rich businessmen or oligarchs, the biggest crooks in history in all countries. Perpetuating and increasing inequality of opportunities and rights between social classes. Besides deciding to punish with greater suffering damages, the expense of quality of life for the poorest people, who like me dare to speak out and claim with arguments truthful, brave and persevering violated rights on their persons, their families and their projims. I refer to: Ms. VANESSA D. GILMORE, Judge U.S. District Court in South Texas, Houston Division. President of Civil Case No. 4:11-cv-04611 (The complaint No. 29 in this extraordinary history of U.S. criminal crato. Ms. Vanessa D. GILMORE, Judge U.S. District Court in South Texas, Houston Division. President of Civil Case No. 4:11-cv-04611 (The complaint No. 29 in this extraordinary history of U.S. criminal crato. Who has committed his first crime worse (in that Civil Case) established in abusive, corrupt (con-unfaithful) and plotted. Shown and specified in its resolution (Check the evidence published in

and-Lawsuits-for-More-Violations-Trial) to discontinue with prejudice (Synonyms perfect of Dogmatologa, Scholastic, Preconceive, Prejudices, Doctrinal, Prejuiciadura, Fehacient, Prejudgment, Belief, Credulity, Predestination and fanaticism. Antonyms perfect of Noesiology, hermeneutic, T nous, Conspiscuos, Cordatia, Understand, Intellect, Comprehend, Intelligence, Perspicacity, Lucidation and Elucidation. Whose literal translation into English is almost impossible for the known shortcomings of this language, though derived from the Latin and Spanish.), my repeated complaints and demanded (processed in the federal court) against six lawyers offenders in Texas (Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, Justice Ravi K Sandill, Judge Reece Rondon, Judge John Donovan, Judge Bill Burke and Judge Larry Weeiman's). Those who have accomplished together, 63 specific crimes. Causing additional damage to my self and my family already hurting U.S. MISVERDADES Check the evidence outlined in my statement, "I update Lawsuits Against I 29 Criminal Complaints Sovereign, oligarchs and U.S. Mercenaries Rabulas" Published in Infer after the world's intellectuals, especially those devoted to defending human rights and freedoms, legislated and recognized by the United Nations. Although quite well known are violated in almost all of its Member States. Raped by organized criminal sovereign in all the jurisdictions, to a greater extent in the nations political and legal systems founded on conservative programs and traditional methods of thought and exercises prejudiced, dogmatic, doctrinal, and so on. The psychopathic type, predominant in Cuba for more than half a century, and as fetishistic (phantom and self-righteous) as those prevailing in USA. Federal Judge VANESSA D. GILMORE and other political, legal and corporate Americans (over fifty) that preceded it over six years, have consistently violated a court injunction and historical world. The right to equality before the law. "Inherent right that all humans have to be recognized as equal before the law and enjoy all other rights granted unconditionally, ie without discrimination based on nationality, race, creed or any other reason." this or not well explained or confused in

the Constitution of the United States of America, and other federal and state laws in the USA. Also, the federal judge VANESSA D. GILMORE has violated many clauses in the Codes of Conduct for U.S. Judges. Prevaricate and concealing five other judges in Texas and his Attorney General. Check in: px Neither she nor the other six undercover Texas authorities, or to other political and judicial authorities to denounce U.S. and demanded in this outrageous criminal history (including its most guilty, Mr. Heric Holder, current Attorney General and Minister of Justice USA, at a time. Violating the global provision of the interdependence of political powers, the legislature and the executive over the judiciary, and the prohibited dual power) are entitled to immunity or impunity for crime. Nor have the right to commit crimes or have immunity or impunity of criminals sovereign of any country in the world are North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and others. He had no immunity or impunity for their crimes by President Nixon, nor any of his assistants accomplices, destitute after the Watergate scandal. Nor did impunity or immunity to violate the former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on charges of lying to the Senate to cover up abuses by the FBI. There was no immunity or impunity to violate the law regarding Texan judge sentenced his daughter hit the Internet download movies. Either immunity or impunity enjoyed the two judges in Pennsylvania who blamed 5,000 children and 2,000 of them jailed, businessmen bribed by builders and owners of private prisons, greatly benefit from incarceration. Among many other examples. First offenders poly hyper Castrism of Cuba and then the outlaws of the United States have been punishing me with extra ordinary rigor and cruelty over three decades due to utter truths and write justicieras, defended with courage, tenacity, honesty, self-esteem and sincerity. These two empires of evil gangsters kill only lack. I accept the challenge, I will not be submitted as you make too many mediocre

here and there. Know this powerful enemies and killers who want to destroy me, I will continue willing to continue claiming, demanding and protesting until finally judge and justice are in dispute with all my court cases filed and submit. I am also willing to follow the example of Hatuey holocaustic stoic, Giordano Bruno, Tpac Amaru II, Jos Mart, and other famous heroes of humanity.


Signed by Luis Alberto Pita Santos In Houston April 23, 2012. University Professor of History and Political Economy Scientific, heuristic and director entrepreneur of MYTRUTHS, History President of the ADEPOs (Association for the Defense of Political Rights and People's Democratic Alliance) Kidnapped and tortured in Cuba and the USA for my activism rights reforms and freedoms underwritten by the UN. Cuban exile, a Spanish citizen and permanent resident of the United States. 5455 Timber Creek Place Drive. Apt 101 Houston, Texas 77084 Mobile Phone No: 281 704 3105 My email:,,, My Site on the Internet My albums of photos and documents

The truths of all reality are exclusive to science, useful reasoning to infer their

Causes and effects and create newer and better facts, the concepts are explained. But metaphors (vulgar or literary) mystify the truth and the concept with fetishism and psychiatrists. Other times violate with the esoterisms and phariseeisms.

One of the world is good without dogmatism fetishists, without believing in ghosts divine and/or evil, without faithful saints and temples. It is best also for their efficient intellect, to know the cause inferred from its effects and created to modernize and improve human goods.

It is a right of free fetish dogmatic thinking, metempsicsico and mystical. But such harm to the public to instill and enforce them by the conservative authorities is a major cause criminal of such discriminatory, abusive and corrupt.

Micro-Communism, a family or a sect, it is feasible. Suppose communism to the world or a nation, is utopia. Resulting the attempt to impose a regime other major criminal case discriminatory, abusive and corrupt.

Published on Scribd, Facebook, Twitter and Linkeding. In addition, referred to over 3000 emails: more than 700 U.S. public, international and global, and over 2300 with hidden addresses.

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