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Lauren Pupchik in Guatemala- Spring 2012 Ministry Update

For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, Abba! Issue [#]: Issue Date Father! Romans 8:15
Transition is never easy. I know because I am right in the middle of it. However, God continues to hold my hand through it. One lie the enemy throws at me time and time again is: This is never going to work. There will not be provision. I reject that lie and trust in Father Gods provision. He is Faithful and I will never stop declaring that. Abba Father is using YOU and YOUR financial support to further develop and reveal His call on my life: -To bring hope, healing and restoration to those in need. -To be an advocate for those who cannot speak up for them selves in Guatem ala. -To reveal the Fathers heart of love to His children. That realization makes me STOP and stand in AWE. Now you understand the battle I am in, but please also understand that I am not in it alone. You are walking this journey with me. It started in 2003. It continues to this day. God is leading me on a very unique journey and His revelation of each step is not immediate. It is often a slow uncovering of the very next step I am to take. It requires a tremendous amount of patience and faith. Some days I am able to show more than other days. As the Lord leads me to a deeper understanding of His plan for my life, I want to make sure you understand what a TREASURE your love and support are in my life. Ive begun the back and forth travel for 2012 and am currently in Guatemala and will stay for a while. Its like my heart is back at home. We celebrated the January-March birthdays of 26 of our 125 girls. Nothing like inviting 100 of your closest classmates to celebrate with you! Most of the girls at our school never celebrate their birthdays at home and most arent sure how old they are until we tell them based on their birth certificate. We played games, had cake, gave out small gifts to the birthday girls and shared lots of hugs and love.

Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in HimBe still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him. Psalm 37:4-5,7

Please Pray with me! -Pray for the Lords protection and covering as I fly back and forth between Guatemala and the US throughout the year. -Pray for his continued hand of provision in my personal support. My health insurance went up $100 a month this year. -Thank God for his creative ways of caring for me. For the next two years that I am based in NJ, I am staying at Cedar Lane Missionary Homes. My neighbors are missionaries, and the rent is cheaper than an apartment. God is so good! He has moved some very dear friends to provide a vehicle, different things for my home, a cell phone and other blessings that I never expected!

Mission Impact is a non-profit 501(c)(3) evangelical, non-denominational, mission organization that works in Guatemala sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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