Hoop Dreams

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Hoop Dreams In the context of what we are discussing a dream is defined as a cherished hope; ambition; or aspiration.

Everyone has dreams and goals that they wish to achieve, and our life consists of journeys both small and large which are set towards achieving them. However in reality we live in a world of scarcity and limited resources which plays as sad irony to human nature as we tend to have an inherent taste for excess often making our dreams and our impending futures mutually exclusive. While our dreams depend largely on our background a dream requires a means of fulfillment. The fact that dreams require a means to achieve them implies that action must exist. Whether we desire love, power, or financial freedom, these are all scarcities which demand pursuit. Furthermore; it can be said that people who achieve these ends needed to actively pursue them. In other words; peoples motivations dictate where they go in life, and dictate the structure that our lives take on. People whose self-interest is furthered by helping others may become teachers, or public advocates. Similarly, people whose self-interest is best sated through the acquisition of power and money actively pursue positions which allow them to achieve these ends. If we dont have the necessary means to achieve our dreams then they will never come to pass. In the movie, the dream of both Arthur and William is to become a professional basketball player. There means of achieving this dream are dependent on both action and quality. To become a professional basketball player, they must first actively take steps to achieve this dream. For Arthur and Marcus this requires that they be noticed by NBA scouts. For this to happen they must be enrolled in high school and meet all the necessary requirements to graduate. They must also get into a college program whereby they can showcase their skill to NBA scouts. Their means of achieving their dream also depend on quality. In this sense what I am referring to is

they must have the sufficient amount of skill to make it to the NBA. When I assert scarcity in my opening statement what Im referring to is the fact that our capitalistic society dictates that not everyone can have everything they want. In business there is only so much money to pay for new employees so in order to achieve your goal of working for them you must be deemed more valuable than others applying for the same position. The same holds true in the NBA, and in this way our dreams are in constant competition with those of others vying for the same outcome. In the story we see how both Arthur and William struggle with these means. For William and Arthur, they both struggle in meeting the academic requirements necessary to graduate high school which will allow them to play at the next level. We also see how their ability presents problems for them. In both cases there were periods where they were in a slump which put their future of playing in the NBA at risk. In Arthurs case this happened early in his high school career at St. Josephs which incidentally caused him to leave the school. When asserting dreams, it is important to understand while a dream is an end it is also a means that is ultimately intended to satisfy a human need. In Maslows Hierarchy of needs depicted in many cases by a pyramid, the most fundamental needs are at the bottom and higher needs are at the top. The most fundamental needs are those of a Physiological nature which allow us to survive, and include air, water, clothing, shelter, and food. Also at the bottom are safety and security needs which include personal security, financial security, health and wellbeing. While the rest of the needs in the hierarchy are very important, the ones stated prior are those that are most fundamental to human existence. What one must consider is that in the end are ability to satisfy these most essential needs is dependent on our ability to make money. Money is necessary to meet these fundamental needs, and is the instrument that we use to secure our necessary resources to live. In this movie

money and class are a central theme and help to explain why characters act in the way that they do. For people of the lower class, just getting by day to day is a struggle, and often times they lack the education necessary to hold higher paying positions. This is part of the reason why pursuing sports is so appealing. In basketball the average salary is more than enough to bring their entire family out of poverty and this prospect plays as an enticing factor which leads people like Arthur and William to pursue Basketball careers. For someone of this class, their struggles are much different than those of the upper class. While rich people may worry about getting into the college of their choice, people of the lower classes struggle just to pay their Bills. As we saw in the movie; Arthurs mom couldnt pay their heat or electric bill and they didnt have power or heat for months. In addition this explains much of why people of the lower class fail to meet their higher needs such as realizing their potential. They spend so much time just trying to get by; they dont have much time to expend on other things. In addition, while in many cases our dreams cost money; playing basketball and increasing your skill doesnt cost anything. Even if someone doesnt have a dollar to their name granted they have some natural ability they can gain the skill necessary to make it to the NBA or get a scholarship without paying a dime. This movie gives a strong portrayal of African American life in the inner city seen through the eyes of basketball. This documentary gives viewers an inside look on race and differential opportunity in the United States. In addition, it shows how in the inner city sports are seen as one of the few possible means to achieving a better life. This is captured through following two typical inner city young black males, and the role basketball plays in their lives. What makes these two young characters so special is their talent and ability to play the game of basketball. Their ability to play basketball gives these characters value in the eyes of others and

furthermore opens up doors that would not otherwise exist for them. They get opportunities that others in their neighborhood don't. In many cases, college education for poor families is unaffordable without a scholarship. As the school systems in these neighborhoods offer a terrible education, often the only viable way for these kids is to get an athletic scholarship. William and Arthur are able to get into prep school and into college based on their ability to play a sport. This plays an essential role into why many who are similarly situated put such an emphasis on sports. For an upper middle class white person coming from a family of business people my goal is to become an accountant. The steps I have taken to achieve these goals are to do well in school, join various clubs, participate in various sports, and to gain valuable work experience, which ultimately are aimed at getting me hired, and more valuable as an employee. In the case of Arther and William; they come from a different background. They come from very little money, and see there best way of satisfying these financial needs through sports. There physical attributes are what they believe to make them valuable, and what will ultimately bring them out of the ghetto. I see my intellectual attributes and knowledge of business as being my greatest asset and what will bring me security in the future. While in both our cases we seek to satisfy the same needs our means of achieving them differ greatly. What I took away from this movie is that knowing yourself, and having a good understanding of your core competencies is crucial for deciding which dreams are possible to achieve. We live in a world where many people strive towards the same ends where it is possible for only a limited number to achieve them. This being said you must always take steps to add value to yourself which make you more likely to achieve your dreams over others with the same dream or goal.

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