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The Education system

This is my own thinking nothing else.

This may be a question of any student or any teacher that whether the educational system we are following is the good or some/many modification(s) are needed for the same. Many students say that the education system is wrong and needs to improve, but while asked for the improvements they tell only some of the fields to improve. As my experience for the same the education system is more related to the followers. If it is being followed in the good manner it is good and if not it has several limitations. As an example everything is mentioned in the educational system for student of every level but some teachers have more concentrations on the weak students and some liked to teach for the intelligent, some take lecture only as they are getting pay for this. The students again, some come as their parents sent them, some has a pressure that their society is of a good educational background, some are from poor family and need education to do something job, some has their own goal settled due to motivation of some ideal. In all these cases the Education system take care of all the conditions, again the education systems manufacturers are not machines i.e. they are all human having different thinking and their decision may also change time to time. Well, considering the education system till now, there are the state level education Boards, which I think is the best because the child level and their initial language, culture not come in the way of the studies, but it is matter of thinking that how much time a child takes to get adequate knowledge that it can go to the higher educational board, that is national level. Again there is solution in the education system as I think e.g. there is a state level result of the 5th standard, the place in state level can be a parameter to think of the next level, again I think there must be decision of the language of the education, e.g. Hindi or English.

This was just an idea about the basics, this tells the student the basic matter/medium of studying everything further, and let the child clear that why he is a student. The next question is what should be the next step that what field should the student choose.

This again comes with the interest of the student and the cultural/family background. Education system is not solely responsible for the streams like Doctor, Engineer, Teacher, Businessman, Manager, police navy etc. this is cultural as well as Family background needs . The students interest is sometime related to the criteria provided by family or culture and sometime by the ideal. Some people may ask that what about the students of interests that are not mentioned fields. But I think if the student is clear about its goal sometime there is no need of the education but of the skills and knowledge, e.g. a person with a poor family background may take training of the plumber or the electrician or the woodworker, from their known or somebody else and no need of educational system. More examples can be given for a player or actor or repairman etc. If the education system is providing the higher degree courses, the consideration is of the present and the future needs. Again the differences of the well-stand institutions and the a neglected institution come in the thinking, strictly, I am saying about he NITs and IITs, comparison with private institution name of that is not known even in the Distt. Level. The student of low level institution has fewer opportunities and can perform the less. Education system has criteria based exam like GATE but again the state comes of the higher and lower. If a person is getting fewer opportunities he/she will learn/perform the less whereas a person getting everything has good knowledge. Here I can mention a problem with the system but again not having a good solution. In this case I can say there must not be any distinguishing for proving the practical knowledge. Who knows, who can perform good practically. At last I can say that any system is every time good as thinking deeper about it. The parents must think to make the child learner, the teachers responsibility is to make a learner a student, a practical trainer must polish the student to the future. Then the education system will have the best performance.

By Ashish Kumar Student: B.Tech 3rd year

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