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Macbeth Questions Act 1 Scene 4-5 Act 1 Scene 4 Vocabulary Liege- a ruler; king Studied- rehearsed Owed- owned

Careless- worthless Before- ahead Wanton- unrestrained; lewd Harbinger- a messenger 1. How does Malcolm describe Cawdors execution? How does Duncan respond? Malcolm tells Duncan that Cawdor confessed his treasons and begged for forgiveness. Malcolm said that Cawdor never looked as good as the way he died and that he died like he practiced how to throw away his dearest thing he owned as it was a piece of garbage or trifle. Duncan believes you cant tell whats in a mans mind just by looking at his face. Duncan is in disbelief of Cawdors treason. 2. How does Duncan regard Macbeth has done for him? What does Macbeth think about the services he has provided? Duncan is thankful of what Macbeth has done for him. He wishes that he deserved less, so that his rewards and payment would be in proportion to his. Duncan believes that he owes Macbeth more than he can ever repay. Macbeth thinks that his services are its own reward. 3. What metaphor does the King use to describe how he will nurture Macbeth? -

4. How does Banquo further this metaphor? What earlier comment do his words echo? -

5. What is the significance of Duncan naming Malcolm the Prince of Cumberland? The significance of Duncan naming Malcolm the Prince of Cumberland is to give Malcolm a title of honour because he believes that he deserves to be recognized for his nobility. 6. How does Macbeth react to the announcement in his last speech in this scene? What does he reveal? Macbeth thinks Malcolm is in his way of becoming King. He contemplates on whether he will have to step over him or give up entirely. Malcolm condemns Malcolms title. He does not want anyone to know his true feelings about the change of title. He reveals.....

Act 1 Scene 5 Vocabulary Missives- massagers Metaphysical- supernatural Fell-cruel Gall-bile Sightless-invisible Pall-cover Dunnest-darkest Beguile- deceive Dispatch-management Sovereign- absolute Favour-facial expression

1. After Lady Macbeth finishes reading the letter, she says Macbeth, shalt be what he has been promised, meaning King of Scotland. Why is this comment significant? This comment is significant because it indicates that Macbeth is going to be King of Cawdor as well just like he was promised. This reveals that in the future of the play he will become King. 2. After Lady Macbeth finishes reading the letter, what concern does she express about Macbeth? Lady Macbeth is concerned whether or not Macbeth will have what it takes to seize King persona. She believes that he is too kind to take on the role of an aggressive and powerful position. Lady Macbeth thinks her husband is too nice for the high authority role and wont be able to act cruel. 3. Why does Lady Macbeth want her husband to hurry home? She wants Macbeth to hurry home because she wants to persuade and talk Macbeth out of not going after the crown to be King. 4. How does the news about King Duncans impending arrival affect Lady Macbeth? What is she planning? The news about King Duncans impending arrival startles and alarms Lady Macbeth. She was not able to prepare making her uneasy about his arrival. Lady Macbeth is planning to receive the King. ****

5. Why does Lady Macbeth pray to be unsexed? How else does she asked to be altered and why? What does this say about Shakespeares view of the nature of masculinity and femininity? Lady Macbeth prays to be unsexed because she wants to become more cruel and ruthless like a man is said to be. She feels she is too compassionate and remorseful to accomplish her plan. She also asks for her blood to thicken so she wont feel remorse and to change her breast milk into gall, a poisonous acid. She wants to become merciless. This tells the reader that Shakespeare view on the nature of masculinity and femininity is stereotypical in time of the play. Men are cold-hearted and women are not. 6. When Macbeth enters, how does Lady Macbeth again echo the words of the Witches? Lady Macbeth echoes the words of the Witches by telling her husband that he should appear in the opposite viewpoint that he is. He should appear truthful when he actually is untruthful and mislead. 7. What instructions does Lady Macbeth give to her husband? What metaphor does she use to describe her advice? What role has Lady Macbeth adopted in their relationship? She instructs her husband to come across as a welcoming and innocent man in order to deceive Duncan. Lady Macbeth metaphors the fact that he should like an innocent flower, but be the serpent under the flower. In other meaning, Macbeth should appear in the opposite viewpoint of what he is. Lady Macbeth takes on the role of the person in charge and command. She the ruler in the relationship. UNDER THE SURFACE Act 1 Scene 4 1. Why was the former Thane of Cawdor executed? -

2. What effect does Shakespeare create by having Macbeth and Banquo enter just as they are discussing the execution of the former Thane of Cawdor? The way Shakespeare created Macbeth and Banquos appearance during the discussion of the execution of the former Thane of Cawdor makes the reader reflect and think that they were the ones that executed the former King. 3. What announcement does the King make to everyone present and what is Macbeths reaction? The King announces that Malcolm is named the Prince of Cumberland. He names Malcolm this because he feels that he deserves a title of honour due to his nobility. Macbeth condemns Malcolms title and does not feel that he should be recognized for the honour. 4. In his last speech in this scene, what does Macbeth reveal? Macbeth thinks Malcolm is in his way of becoming King. He contemplates on whether he will have to step over him or give up entirely. Malcolm condemns Malcolms title. He does not want anyone to know his true feelings about the change of title. He reveals.....

Act 1 Scene 5 1. What is the purpose of the letter? The purpose of the letter to tell Lady Macbeth the news of becoming the new Thane of Cawdor. He wanted to tell her so that she could rejoice the greatness along with him. However, he wants to keep the news a secret. 2. What do we learn about Macbeth from Lady Macbeths reaction to the letter? We learn that Macbeth is a kind human being that is not an aggressive and mean. Macbeth wants to be powerful, but to be powerful you must be wicked and cruel. Macbeth has the ambition to be King, but most likely will not be able to change from a good person to a bad one. 3. What do we learn about Lady Macbeth from her reaction to the letter? We learn that Lady Macbeth is persuasive, and believes in fate and witchcraft. She is a powerful and influential person. She is a dominant character in the play.

4. Does Lady Macbeth fear Macbeth will not be King if he does not murder Duncan? I believe Lady Macbeth does fear that Macbeth will not be able to become King if he does not murder Duncan. She feels that Macbeth is too kind to take on high authority role in society. So she thinks that killing Duncan will change Macbeth into a more powerful and forceful person. She thinks killing Duncan will be his only chance in becoming King. 5. How does the news about King Duncans expected arrival affect her? What is she planning? The news about King Duncans impending arrival startles and alarms Lady Macbeth. She was not able to prepare making her uneasy about his arrival. Lady Macbeth is planning to receive the King. ****

6. Why does Lady Macbeth pray to be unsexed? Lady Macbeth prays to be unsexed because she wants to become more cruel and ruthless like a man is said to be. She feels she is too compassionate and remorseful to accomplish her plan. She wants to become more cold-hearted and unsympathetic. 7. What does Shakespeare establish in Macbeth and Lady Macbeths first exchange when Macbeth arrives home? Shakespeare establishes that Lady Macbeth has great affection towards Macbeth. She calls him her dearest love, which indicates love and devotion. 8. In what way does Lady Macbeth advice to Macbeth relate to the fair is foul theme?

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