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Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Pertemuan Alokasi Waktu Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar

: : : : : :

Bahasa Inggris II / 1 1 4 x 45 menit Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Elementary Memahami percakapan sederhana sehari-hari baik dalam konteks profesional maupun pribadi dengan orang bukan penutur asli Berbagai bentuk ungkapan digunakan dengan tepat untuk membicarakan kegemaran /hobi dan minat. : Santun, rasa ingin tahu, komunikatif, mandiri dan jujur.


Nilai Karakter

1 Tujuan Pembelajaran

Menggunakan ungkapan yang tepat untuk menanyakan kegemaran / hobi dan minat

2 Materi Ajar

Talking about hobbies and interests - Do you like fishing? - What do you like doing in your spare time?

3 Metode Pembelajaran

a. b. c. d.

Ceramah Tanya Jawab Presentation Role Play

4 Langkah- langkah : Kegiatan Awal Kegiatan Inti

a. b. a.


c. d.

Greeting and calling the roll Giving motivation to the students Listening: Answering questions based on recorded materials. Dialogues about guest handling Speaking: Telling about ones own daily activities. Role playing about guest handling Reading: Answering questions about hobbies and interests Writing:

Writing descriptions of others daily activities. Writing sentences containing gerund . Arranging sentences containing too and enough Kegiatan Akhir a. b. c. d. Role Play Conclusion Assessment Homework

5 Alat-Bahan Sumber Belajar

a. b. c. d. e.

English Module Global Access Book 2 Grammar In use Lembar Kerja Tape Recorder

6 Penilaian


Tes lisan Dialog berpasangan Tes tertulis Melengkapi kalimat Pilihan Ganda Membuat paragraf pendek


LAMPIRAN SOAL I. Practice the dialogue with your partner beside you. ( Tes Lisan ) A : What do you do on Sundays? B : I get up about 5.00 to pray, and then I do physical exercises. I take a bath at around 8. A : What do you do in the afternoon? B : I usually take my brother to the park. A : And in the evening? B : I usually watch television, and I go to bed at about 10 a clock p.m. II Fill in the missing words by using your own words to complete the dialogue. ( Test Tertulis ) Robin Knight, the television reporter is interviewing the Duchess of Wessex for the program The English At Home . Robin Duchess Robin : Now, Duchess, could you tell us about your ordinary day in your life. : Well, I (1) up at seven o`clock. : Really? Do you ..(2) up then?

Duchess and Robin Duchess Robin Duchess Robin Duchess Robin Duchess Robin Duchess Robin Duchess Robin III.

: No, of course not. I don`t get up at that time. I (3) breakfast in bed I read The Times. : What (4) do you get up? : I get up at ten. : What do you do ..(5)? : I .(6) my letters and dictate the replies to my secretary. At eleven we ..(7) in the garden with Philip. : Oh, who`s Philip? : Philip`s my dog. : What time do you have (8)? : At twelve thirty. : And after that? : Oh, I ..(9) until six o`clock. : What time do you go to ..(10)? : Well, I have a bath at nine thirty and I go to bed at ten. : Thank you, Duchess, you certainly have a busy and interesting life.

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 1 . We have been running the youth camp ... ..........five years. a. Before c. Since b. After d. For 2. Irene has been reading that novel ............. a. For one hour c. Next Tuesday b. When I met her d. Last Friday 3. Sofia and Munir are talking about their hobbies. Sofia : what do you like to do in your spare time? Munir : I like listening to classical music a lot. What about you ? a. So do I d. Nor do I b. Neither do I e. So can I c. I dont like it either 4. Munir : Do you like cooking? Sofia : No, I dont like it! How about you? Munir : .................. a. Nor can I d. I dont, either b. So do I e. I do too. c. So can I 5 Ronny : Mirza, what beverage do you like to drink? Orange juice, apple juice or cucumber juice? Mirza : I like apple and orange juice, ................... I dont like cucumber juice. a. And d. but

b. c.

as well though

e. while


Making Paragraph. Write your evening activities by using the key words provided in the box. Take a bath Study Listen to the music go to bed have dinner discuss something watch tv

KUNCI JAWABAN I Aspek Penilaian pada percakapan adalah a. Fluency b. Accuracy c. Pronunciation d. Intonation 1. get up 2. get 3. have / eat 4. time 5. then / after that 1. d. for 2. a. for one hour 3. a. so do I 4. d. I don`t either 5. d. but Take a bath Study Listen to the music go to bed have dinner discuss something watch tv 6. read 7. play 8. lunch 9. take a rest / nap 10. bed




At about 5.30 I take a bath. Then listen to music until 6.00 and discuss something with my families especially my homework. At about 7.00, I have dinner with all families and after that I watch tv especially Evening News. At 8.00 I study my lesson for tomorrow morning until 10.30 then I go to bed.



a. Fluency b. Accuracy c. Pronunciation d. Intonation

: 2.5 : 2.5 : 2.5 : 2.5


No.1. No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 No.8 No.9 No.10

:2 :2 :2 :2 :2 :2 :2 :2 :2 :2


No.1. No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 Paragraph

:1 :1 :1 :1 :1 :5 -------Total Bobot : 40


Score :

Bobot Jawaban Benar x 10 Bobot Soal

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