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Electricalsensitivity and allergy

h appearsthat electromagneticsensitivity exists as a definite clinicatl"Uty. Its recognition will aid in the treatment of the environpatient. sensitive coentally

o;yilf 3#'f.'"1:i: al;t::i:i3."1ffi i'fi UK "'"?,'#3,|; Guildford, of University Surrey,

'0h irllowing is an account of some problems which came the way ,d ffic senior author as a result of his work on the bio-medical effects I ,ddmomagnetic fields.In 1947,he startedworking in radar research and the use of microwave oscillators. Later, fu nrolved electronics 1a [955. he moved up the frequency spectrum to ionising radiation and nrffis biomedical aria when he worked on the intensificationof X-ray lqs ln the early 1960s his interestsmoved from the surfaceof the &5h to rhe geophysicalphenomenon of the sodium light from the twiworking ffi rlr)-.ln Ige4,he joined SalfordUniversity and commenced phenomenain insulating liquids.'\il7ithinten years, ,-,,e.cti..t high-field stimuh Tork had returned to biological materialsand living systems' ProfessorHerbert Frohlich FRS following retirehd t'r the arrival of trom Liverpool University. This particular researchbegan with on enzymesbut was soon extended to include ofthur'ic -."rrrr.-etts measurements.A number of the effects observed were found m U. o.o.iated with living systems,so the investigationswere extended n hrreria and yeasts. From 1'979, the work began to acquire wider uilb;rl and environmental implications. He then recorded a demoniil,rfn for a BBC-TV programme,The Vital Spark, produced by Dick


Electrical sensitiu ity and allergy

Gilling, in which he showed that the sort of magnetic fields used f.: the treatmentof non-union in bone fracturesby Baiett and Beckercou,also affect an enzyme reaction. As Hilary Bacon relatesin chapter :. shesaw this programmeand wrote to cyrii smith for assistance unde:in standing the experiences widespreadin her Dorset village of Fishpon:. which seemed be relatedro the power lineswhich ,r."idl"d it. to The_ next pieceof the jigsawcameby serendipity. Followinghis unsu-cessfulaffempt to get researchfunding from the New york Statelro..., Lines Project,and no prospe* of funding for suchwork from elsewhe:. he wrote (smith and Aarholt,1982) that ersons exposed environme to :f tal.electromagneticfields could be experiencingtody currenrs of ::.. order of tens of microamps, currents .o-pr.""bl. to those knou.n : be able to produce electro-inaesthesia deniistry, which in turn is ass in ciatedwith the stimulationof endogenous opiaies,pain- and emotrc:.. controlling substances manufacturedin the brain and elsewhere ::.. rn nervoussystem(Patterson,1986). the sameyear, endogenous opiateshad also beenlinked *::.-.During allergiesin papers presentedai two intirnational conferences. This -.: Dr Jean Monro to contact him to seekhelp with the treatment of :.: electrically sensirive multiple-allergy patients. Since then, over 1 patients have been tested,first at the wellington Hospital, then ar :.-.. Nightingale Hospital and finally at the Lister Hospital, followrng ::: movesof Dr Monro's central London facility. we also'tested patre:.:, at her clinic in Hemel Hempsteadand in Dr Bill Rea'senvironmen:: unit in Dallas, Texas.Most of thesepatientswere found to have elect: magneticsensitivities which were critically dependent frequencies =: on or a rangeextendingfrom at leastmilliH ertz to GigaHertz,wit^hlessdepe:denceupon the electricor magneticfield strengtli,so long asthis exceec= _ a certain threshold value specificfor the individual p"atients and th.,: allergicsrareat the time of testing. Dr Monro now directsher own hospitaldevoted the careand tre=:to ment of the environmentally sick - the Breakspear Hospital, a forr:._: catholic college, at Abbots Langley,Hertfordshire,England.the.. t.. . have facilitiesfor carrying outicieening resrsfor chJmicalpollurr.,, and electromagnetic sensitivities. There iJ a controlled environrnenru:_: in which the air is filtered and the construction is non-toxic and *-he:. patients can experience period of withdrawal from common,. a mentalpollutants.

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Allergy usedto be concerned with skins and respiration.but in re.:.-: yearsallergicresponses have beenfound to occuiso widely that alle:.-

Electrical sensitiuity allergy and

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rnay now be defined as 'the failure of a regulatory system'.The more ;everely.allergic patientshave acquiredallergicr.rponr., to many chemical, environmental and nutritional substan..r; th.r. may be counted m tens and even exceed a hundred in extreme cases.It appearsthat a.bout15 per cent of a given population function ro some."i.n, below creir best performancecapability due to a degreeof allergy,that is one ' or more of their regulatorysystems functionsinadequatelyl' It seems that a new allergic response can be acquired,'or transferred, b'being exposedfor a sufficientlylong time to somehitherro innocuous iubstance while reactingstrongly to an existingallergen.In suchcircumstances seems it that exposureto an electromagnetic frequencycan sensi:se the parienr, so that- rheir specifi. prtt.rir of allergic responses is :nggered. subsequenrlyencountering that particul"i ft"qu"rrcy. In on eeneralthe pattern of allergic responseristhe samewhether ih. trigg., :s chemical,environmental,nutritional or electrical.In principle, J,r".h ln accurate'memory' for frequencyis no differentto the ,absolute pitch, :acilirythat many musicianspossess. A therapyfor chemicaland nutritional allergicresponses originally was :escribedbv carlton L:: modified by tviiller (igzz). There ii good ".".4 tr-idence from four double-blindstudiesthat it is satisfaciory the treatin n91t of food allergy and from a further double-blind stuiy in respect 1f fgod allergy in migraine (Monro et al., 19g4). Miller s'ho-.d ihat :he diameterof the weal on the skin o{ a patient following a .skin-prick' Lntradermal injection) test with an allergin depended upln the dilution ri. the allergenused.Furthermore,if a whole ,.qu"rr.. o?seriallydiluted illergens were applied successively, cerrain dilutions gave larie weals ru! on further diluting there would eventually be a dllution it which ro weal was produced. still further serial dilutions would re-cycle duough similar parterns of response.The dilution at which no weal :esultedwas termed the patient's 'neutralisingdilution, because could it injectedto provide neutralisationof rhe ry-pto-, due to that allergen could provide prophylactic prorection-"g"itrrt subsequent environ'od :nentalor nutritional exposure. In the course of treating many extremely sensitiveallergic patienfs, DrJeanMonro and her colleagues found thai suchpatienm needed :o hold a glassrube containinga dilution of the alleigenfor -lrely the ry,-p.o-, rr neutralisingeffectsto becomemanifest.This evJn applied if the tube :ontentswere still frozen following deep-freeze rtot"g.. ihe most sensi:r-e patientscould distinguish,double-blind,tubesof allergenfrom tubes :,t placeboif thesewere merely brought inio the room. ihi, l.d to the :evelopmentof the techniqueof deseniitisation usingsurfaceapplication :c the skin of antigensin serial dilution. It paralle"led iniiadermal the :zuhniquein provocation and neutralisation of symptoms (Monro e/


Electrical sensitiuity allergy and j

al., 7984). This technique is much quicker to apply, because the drop of antigencan be merelywiped off rhe skin when the iull allergicresponse has been observed; the patient is then ready for testing wlth the next dilution.

Electrically sensitive allergy parienrs

Based on the above techniques,a method of testing and therapy has been devisedfor the treatmenr of those electricallysensitive, allergypatientswho experience -ultipt.symptomswhich they can describe within a few secondsof being exposedto the allergenor electricalfrequency (smith et a1.,1985). However, the testingof ilectrically sensitiveillrtgy patients must be regardedas a clinical procedureand not be attemptid without the immediateavailability of facilitiesand staffmedicallycompetent to treat anaphylaxis(a seriousshock reaction arising from a hypersensitivecondition of the body) should ir occur. The most effectivi and rapid therapy for this is to place a drop of the patient's neutralising dilution of chemicalallergenon the skin. The procedure for testing and treating electrically hypersensitive patients is basedon the provocation-neutralisation therapiesof Miller (1972,1987) andMonro et al. (1984).It appears that increasing cohera ent frequencyhas the sameclinical effecton electricallysensitivipatients a.s increasingallergendilution doeson chemicallyor nutritionalfu sensitive patients. Thus, it may be possibleto find particular frequencies at which the allergicreacions cease, asa dilution of the allergin (neutrajust lising dilution) which results in the cessationof the allergic reacions (neutralisation) soughtin the Miller Technique.In the eleJtromagnetic is case,it_isthe frequencyand the coherence which is important; th; field strength is less important so long as it is above a cirtain threshold. particular to an individual patient. one is seeking,in this situation, to produce clinical effectsby merely . fields that lraying the patient in the same room is the electromagnetic leak from elecrronicequipment,such as ordinary labor'atoryoscillators or signal generators which can be borrowed from teachingand research laboratories. No electrical connection to the patient is iecessary,nor should be contemplatedfor safety reasons.Ail that is done is to-alter the environmentalelectromagnetic radiation by an amount well within the allowed limits for non-ionisingradiation and comparable the radiato tion leakagefrom a domestic television set, home iomputer, or other piece of electronic equipment. If the patient does not iespond to this level of signal, then the patient has no problem with eleitromagneric allergicresponses. general,the symptomsprovoked on electricaltestIn ing are the sameas thoseprovoked on chemicaltesting.

In resp extend gatlnSr take pl relann The be loca numbe if alleq allergc tancea a locat across other r' a'*'av t had pa buildin callr". carned Ifhrt of a ter usingu 1Hz I fields t bern-ee whv Sc ing. Hc are rea reflecre their aI testing S steel. (about posino elecric The : by darl escent i clinics providr so-call

Electrical sensitiuity and allergy


the drop : response i the next

An imaginaryelectricalallergytestingsession
In respolse to many requestsfrom medical colreagues to write an extended accounrof the teiting procedures far deve"l;;;i1r, so investi_ the following i,,ypi."i.i*f,", might ::J:r^,.1::rltcafJr)'persensitivities, ra*e pracedu'ng a.testingsession, with nothing but in this account relating anyactual to p.rrorr. The consulting room, partic,larly if within an allergyunit, should , be locatedas far from'the other patienrs termsof the in "s_possibre number of solid walri and floors separating ihem. ir,i. ir-ir"porranr ar 1{,"llgrsi.,r..sponses not_ro.betiiggeredin ail the other sensitive arrergrc sub,ects rhroughout buildingduringthetesting the session. Dis_ tancealoneis not a sufficient criterionie."uri it is possi'ble-to choose a locationwhich is a long way-downthe corridorsand yet is onryjust across openwell in the.buildingwith windowstookinj an aii.ctly into other rooms.The electricaland t"Lphone wiring may carrythe signars away from the testingroom too. Evenwith ,rt.i. pir."uiilrr, *, h"u. had patientscomeint_o_the hospital ,"y,-,-vdil-;ffi into the bu.ilding morning I felt just t aia *h." i *", L.i"* "trd this *rr-.a .t..rri_ cally'. This was witliout being ", awarethat .r*rri."ii.rii"g *", u.irrg carriedout in the basement t*h"tparticulartime. "t it to screening thepracticallimit to .tJ7hile il nossible provide electrical of a ten-million-foldreductionin the ambientfielis withiln-" Lr, ,oou{1g wire mesh andmetal sheets frequencies at above kHz andbelow 10 Hz (Persinger,'t'974), may still not b. ,r,o,rgh;;;;;externar this f at the theoreticatlimit of seinsitivity. The region fff:^::T thesetrequencies oerween i^p.:r:on presents especial screening problems i, why schumann Radiation powerr"ppry rr.qr.".i.i;;.";;.nerrar"nl ing. However,screening "ndpr.r.r,t, iti^own pi;Lh";. also *":,ing,, the4 often emit electricalsignars 'utrh'Jn'p"ti.r,t, themr.r".r; ii-ir,eseare 1-tl refle..ecbackto themby theverymetalwhichis providing thescreening, their allergicreactions may become moresevere. foundthis out when r7e testingthe patientsin a chemically cleancaravan li"ed with pticelained steel. gotlgund the.probrem placing r7e bv pl;;;;;k.i, water (abouta handfulof cooling or tabiesarttJa gallon "i,"r, .f ;;;t;;suitabre positions insidethe room io absorbelectricaT."*syi.rr*llrr"ri"g electrical resonances build up. The room for testingeleclicalry hypersensitive patientsshouldbe lit by daylight.if po-ssiblelotherwise nL-.n, lamps, 6y nuo. some doctors. keepa fluorescent "oi*air,"ry in their iigtrt :l,t.r,i, ligh,tins.' crlnrcsto be abre to switch it on to seewhether patients "u"il;al. react to it, providinga usefulscreening for electrical test ,.n.itiiiii.*-m.rl i, .o,n" so-calledfull-spectrumfluorescent lighting *rri.ri a".r'n*-"ip"". .o

rapy has multiplebewithin requency 'e allergy nempted r compea hypertive and rtralising rnsidve 'f Miller a coherparients tr sensincies at Ineutrazcrions ngnetic fre field tshold, merely ds that illators esearch tY, nor o alter sithin : radiar other to rhis tgnetic al test-



in caseswhere the tubes have been replaced th"*..k.nd *il;;;;h;JJ.ii"nt, over informed. is atsoreported It to h;;, .gg, and be more free frorn-disease. -"k.-L"t"ry purposes, laboratory oscillators, such as would be used ,^I:r.,j.:rll_g oaty m a unrversiryor school laboratory by siaff shourd be set out on a table near convenient power "nd,tuJ.nts, outrets. rf batterypowered oscillators are preferable. There safery "u"ii"Ll., in having rechargeablebatterieswhich must be r.moued "re phyri."ilyli.""d*;r"g". ,r* instrument for re-charging. Together, theseoicillar..^.*9.Trd provide.conrinuous frequencycoverage from 0.1H2 to ar reast l MHz i"a pi.'.r"fuyll;;;;;.;r.r ranse than this in either direction (romiliFteltzto l}GigaHertz). The types of oscillators in which tn. rr.qu.".y lr .h""g.J;;-,h"";;.ration of a switch rather turning a diai arenot satisfactory, since merely operating the switches can five rise to transients leiect omagnetic impulses)which can affect the iatients in an uncontroiled manner. conti_ 1u9us[ variable (dial) controis both r* rr.qu";;;;;;;;"tion are desirable since the swirching th. .r,a, oi ii.-r"rrg., .", "p.r"rio"r "t also be troublesome. The re-vel'of,tt" o"apu, signals is not critical but that typical of laboratory measuring instruments will suffice.Audio frequencv oscillators usuaily have an-output which .;;;;; to ,.u.r"r volts, radiofrequency oscillators uru"ilt, have extending to severalmillivolts, and low porver microwave -outputs oscinatorscover the microwatts to milliwatts range of o.lplt power. In all cases,no electrical conta* is made to the patient. AII thaiis aon"i, to pr;;;;"';".ontroiled electrical environmenr. The procedure is basicalry a question of controlring the coherent frequencies present in the patient's electromagnetic environment and observingany.symptoms triggered. vlith tl. sensitivepatienrs,there may be sufficient leakage fiJm the oscilrator,s -ost ."r. p'o*., cord to produce the minimal symptoms rough,.-For.the "nd less seniitive patienrs, it is sufficient to trail a l-merre rengtfi oi insurated *ir. iro- it. ourput terminal to the floor ro serye as in anrenna; this woulJ Le typicaty at a distance of several metres rro- th" patient. For the microwave oscillators, a small loop antenna is better and more convenient. The signallevel

grve rise to these probrems; this has been confirmed

at thepatieni will beof the oiier .rlo ii square meffe. There is thereforeno rikerihoodof getting ", ;u;;; arrywherJ near the levels regarded thelimits of thor" r"r. ,o riueand as work in,(see chapter 9). If this arrangement prod'ces ,ro ,f-pro_s at any frequency, then either the patient does not have a prfuti,n with electrii sen.itiuity, or thepatienthasa derayed response rlrorra bewatched reactions i"a for appearingup to 48 hours after testing.If th" i,Jrgi, ," u. ;;ti;;r]

electrically sec frequencies fro of the techniqr followingead The tester sir usually be asko is unable to sce tionerin charge and facilities ft but out of sigh test is carried o any symptorxt any, are being along with any I In general, 6 testing as they r has forewarniq it is easier and qr than lt ls to ren ties tend to havc have usually alr these other alLu likely to have di ties make it dif, then the followi may help the o should not be e because,for thcl investigation. I7hen setringl wave oscillators in this frequency wave oscillatorsr cavities, they em inexpensivemod do have highly r responseto any ir Iil7ehave been ab cavities (connee in the viciniry ol region. This is th until needed. Th such patients is d

Electrical sensitiuity and allergy


rseswhere the :cupantsbeing d-shelledeggs rould be used rdents,should lable, batteryagesin having 'om the instruquencycoverBreaterrange e). The types operation of , sincemerely :crromagnetic Enner. Contitenuation are r rangescan rt critical but r. Audio freup to several extending to rerthe microno electrical : a controlled coherent freonment and adents,there cs'er cord to tive patients, m the output be rypically : microwave cenient. The V per square ere near the (seeChapter penry, then I sensitivity, for reactions roughr to be

electricallysensitivefrom the casehistory, but does not respond to the frequenciesfrom the oscillators, a more sensitivetest is to make use changesin muscle response 9f.$e.techniques of kinesiology to assess following each frequency change. The tester sits at the table with rhe oscilrators.The patient, who will usually be askedto sit or lie on a bed on the oppositeiid. of ihe room, is unableto seethe dials and knobs of the oscillators. The medicalpractitioner in-chargeof the case,who will haveensuredthat an oxygen .ylirrd., and facilities for ffeatment of anaphylactic shock ,."diTy available "t" but out of sight, will be on the patient's side of rhe room so that the test is carried out 'blind' to both the doctor who observes and reports any symptoms and to the patient. Neither knows what frequencies, if any' arc being radiated at any given instant. The tester reiords these alongwith any symptoms. In general,the patients developthe samesymptomsduring electrical testing as they do during chemical or food tesring, so that o"neusually has forewarnjng oj the likelihood of an extreme reaction; in any case it is easierand quicker to switch an oscillator off, or changethe frequency, than it is to removean injectedallergen.patientswith ellctrical sensitivities tend to have many (perhaps10 or even50) other sensitivities, which have usually been investigated.If it has been possibleto treat .aheady these other allergic reactions succissfully, the electricaf sensitivitiesare likely to have disappeared well. In cases as where the electricalsensitivities make it difficult to neutralise the food and chemical sensitivities, then the following protocol for neutralising the electrical sensitivities may _help the other treatments to become effective. Electrical resting should not be attempted without adequateclinical facilities and staff because, thesepatients, it is a clinical procedureand not a research for investigation. 'v7hen s.9.tting up-the.roomfor tesring,it is advisableto keep any microwave oscillators physically outside the room until one is ready ro test in this fre.quency region. The old-fashioned, vacuum tube lvalve) microwave. oscillatorsarepreferable because, havinghighly resonant microwave cavities, they emit a much more coherent oicillati,on than many of the inexpensive modern (transistordevice)oscillators.However, the former do have highly resonant electrical circuits capableof a very coherent r_e-sponseany incident radiation (in technicalterms,,High-Q'cavities). to $7ehave been able to trigger allergic responsesby runing"su.i, ,.rorr"r,, cavities(connected an antennabut without anyoscillat"or to functioning) in the vicinity of patients with extreme sensitivities in the microwave region. This is the reasonfor keepingtheseoscillatorsoutsidethe room until needed.This shows that the limiting or threshold sensitivity of such patientsis that level of radiation which they themselves emit. They


Electrical sensitiuity and allergy

seemto be able to'zap'their environmentelectromagnetically sense and any resonanceswithin it, rather like electric fish. similarly, iarge metal reflecting surfaces near the patient can cause difficulties. fh"t"i, *hy, when testing in an environmentally cleanporcelained steelo, lined room or caravan,.it helps to place a large, plasti. bu.k.i-o, gr"r, "lrr-ir,i.r-jar filled with saline at about *"-*"t"t .on..rrir"tion, mid-way between the metal surfacesto damp the electrical resonances.

The testingsession
This should commencewith a few questionsto get all the relevant information on one pieceof paper: full name, age,the address, which should be that to which repea! prescriptionr .""ir ,.rrt *hen'n..a.a. el*, the general sort of environment in which the patient-li"; : town or country' seaside, hills or vales,a new house or an old one, any nearby industries or electrical installations including electricity diriiiUutior, ,uUstations or transformers. Note that overhead power lines are marked on-tfre1 :50,000 OrdnanceSurveymaps of Greai Britain. The a_pparatus explainedro ihe patient. Ir is convenientlydescribed is as a collection of electronic oscillators which together .oulr most of the.electromagngtic frequenciesthe patient is hkiy to have met in the environment, while the strengths of the fields usei .o-p"rable to the fieldswhich leak out of a domestictelevisionseror "r,home io*puter; a enough for the detector vans for unlicenced TVs to work offr'or to enablesnoopersto read what is on vDU terminalsfrom outsidea buildbT .n:lg\ to be perceivedby people who are Je.tric"lly lll "gl hypersensitive. is the electricalequivalentof alargereference "oi collection It of environmental, food and chemical allergens.D"uring the testing, the oscillators will be slowly tuned through all tlie frequenciJsth"t th. p"ti.rrt could encounter in the environm.nt. 'what is wanted is for the patient to report any symptoms felt - if and when_, as they come ana or, go. Any symptoms are likely to be similar to those prorroked *h.r, bri".rg testedfor reaction to foods and chemicals. The reason for asking the patient to sit or lie on a bed rather than in a chair is that the patient may lose muscle control ,tr.ngth, ,o it will be easier for the testing and more comfortable to ,i"rt "rrJ or i' a position from which the patients can rie down if they feel they want to. It is all rather like having eyesighttested- ultimately, orrly th. subject can say wf-rether they can read the line of letters on the ihart .learly. ' To estimate how electrically sensitive the patient is likeiy io be to electrical signals, it is worth out what neutratiri"j Jiiutions are _finding currently being prescribed.If the neutralising dilutior,r""r.-"ll below

five, there should 6rst switch on ant It is worth tldr symptoms the chc as: bad headachc years;somedmes I move; sometimes again the padenr r mental tasks; the head and sinuseq r The patient's r hypersensitiviry. ( to take out the d glass bottles ? Doe or concretehave a The patient's co be sought; do any Typicalcomme! switch them on ft pain in the arm'; '\ goes straight ro fir there is nothing wr it makes me go sl North America) in lighting makes me I are not too bad wh 'Some people com ill as soon as thev s Theseare all rygi vity. The dislike o emit many frequer not just light. It is r Perhapsit is jusr h Failure to make ele the patient into eu upset the electronir things electrical. T reports. There are d weather fronts arri emit electrical signa catastrophic if this and children. It may be possib


Electrical sensitiuity allergy and rically and sense iarlv, large metal res.That is why, rl or aluminiumc bucket or glass nid-way befween


re relevantinforss. n'hich should en needed.Also, Iives - town or one, any nearby distribution subLinesare marked oniently described :f cover most of have met in the e comparableto home computer; r*'ork off, or to r outsidea builde not electrically ierence collection g the testing,the s that the patient rs for the patient c.Tcome and go. rked when being bed rather than and strength, so le to start off in ry-feel they want , only the subject han clearly. s likely to be to ing dilutions are ns are all below

five, there should be no great problem. If severalare higher, do not first switch gn any of the oscillatorsin the sameroom as the patient. It is worth being forewarned of likely trouble by finding out what symptoms the chemical and food allergenstrigger. Thesemay be reporred as: bad headaches with disturbances vision which have persisiedfor of years; sometimes legswill not work, the patient getsstuck and cannot the move; sometimes patient becomes the completelyunableto speak; then againthe patient may just get all'zombie'-like and cannotdo the simplest mental tasks; the patient may also get pains in joints, limbs, shoulders, head and sinuses, ears. _ The patient's tolerance to water gives a good indication of possible hypersensitivity.can the patient drink tap water ? Must it be filtered to take out the chlorine, can the patient only drink bottled warer in glassbottles? Does taking a shower,bath or standingbare-footon grass or concretehave any effect? _ The patient's commentson'electrical things around the place'should be sought; do any causediscomfort ? I7hat about thunderstorms ? Typical commentsare,'I am no good with electrical things,the children switch them on for me if I need them'; 'The electric iron gives me a pain in the arm'; 'When I switch on the washingmachinethe programme goes straight to finish without doing any of the washing, the m.r, say thereis nothing wrong with the washer'I 'l cannot *."t a-q.r"ttz watch, it makes me go sleepy'; 'At work there are a lot of VDUs (VDTs in North America) in the officeand I just do not like them'; 'The fluorescent lighting makesme bad, I turn it off and usea desklamp'; ,Thunderstorms are not too bad when they break,I usuallyfeelworsebeforethey arrive'1 'Some people coming into the public part of the office make me feel ill as soon as they enterthe door'. ThT-. are all rypical remarks from patients with electricalhypersensitivity. The dislike of fluorescentlighting is common; fluoresient tubes emit many frequenciesthroughout the electromagneticspectrum and just light. It is not clear why full-spectrumlighting should be better. not_ Perhapsit is just because increased the spectrummakis it lesscoherent. Failure to make electricaldeviceswork may be due to them triggering the patient into emitting quite strong electrical signals which itr tutrt upset the electronic circuits, rather than the presumedineptitude with things electrical. TV remote controls are ofien the subjeit of similar reports.There are electricalchanges the atmosphere in somehours before weather fronts arrive and more so before thunderstorms.people can emit electricalsignalswhich affectother sensitive persons;it is, of course, catastrophicif this situation arisesbetweenspouses betweenparents or and children. It may be possibleto find out what first startedthe hypersensitiviries.


Electrical sensitiuity albrgy and

Did they start after getting sprayed with pesticide or herbicide ? Does the patient have a lot of different metals in dental fillings ? The amalgam of 'dental amalgam' contains the element of mercury which is highly toxic. Mercury metal is generally supposed to be difficult to remove from the amalgam, but there are reports that it does disappear from fillings and that electrical potentials can often be measuredbetween different fillings in the mouth (zitr,1984). After chewinghot food or chewing-gum the breath may contain a high level of mercury vapour from the dental amalgam(BSCN, 1985).Kervran (1972)discusses possibithe lity of bacteria being involved in the removal of mercury from other biological systemsand concludes that radioactive tracers should not be considered 'behavebiologicallyin a mannersimilar to stableisotopes'. to The patient has now been sitting in the sameroom as the piecesof electronicapparatusfor someminutes; doesthe patient noticeany smells coming off the paint or electrical insulation ? Are there any cooking smells, traffic fumes getting into the room ? Are there any unpleasant noises?Electrical and chemical reactionsmay give rise to hypersensitivity to sounds. This gives an opportunity to find out if anything in the room, whether furnishings or fittings or any person, their clothing or their odours, such as perfumed soap, or tobacco, or outside traffic fumes, etc., are going to interfere with the testing. If there is any opportunity to get the testing room checked for geopathic stress before it is used, this should also be done so that all the patients' stresseswill be due to the electrical oscillators and under full control. Geopathic stressmay be located by dowsing (seeChapter 11), magneticanomaly measurements, conducair tivity measurementsand background ionising radiation levels (Aschofl L986; von Pohl, 1987). Reactions have been observed in sensitive patients which were triggeredby the hospital paging ('bleep') transmissionsignals.If a portable radio receiver works in the room, then it is picking up transmissions which have penetrated its screening,and therefore other electromagnetic signalscan also penetrate and interfere with the testing. Still do not switch on any electrical apparatus inside the room with the patient, sinceyou might get such a strong reaction, evenfrom minimal fields, that it would take a long while for the reaction to wear off; meanwhile it would not be possible to detect any weak symptoms produced by other frequencies. Keeping the fields to a level where the symptoms are just perceptible means that the patient will respond to a frequency within L0 seconds, and all the reaction that is going to occur will have happened within a minute. To determine this level for a given patient, the low frequency oscillator is taken about 10 metresdown the corridor outsidethe room

and out of sight , the oscillator on e show whether thc a frequency arour there will be no c many chemical ser the oscillator is o{ heart-beat frequer 'Something feelsdi In the former c the room and wor minimum output I reacts strongly to t with the oscillator to reduce the levc the sameroom :rsI


A cyclical occrurr to continue as fr it can take three there are decades changes in the cu rapid. The limitar symptom changes be missed or atu' actually produced in the opposite dir frequenry whether some patients rhis symptoms that acc uncomfoftable or to tune quickly d change of dilutioo comfort of the p* so that when thing re-tuned there to g The patient in t quencies free fror 350kHz,}OMIIZ ducing symptorns.

Electrical sensitiuity allergy and icide ? Does he amalgam ich is highly t to remove rppear from between difpd or chewrapour from ; the possibifrom other rould not be rl isotopes'. he piecesof any smells rnv cooking ' unpleasant msensitivity rm, whether rdours, such :, are going r the testing should also he electrical e located by , air conducds (Aschoff, h were triglf a portable ansmissions tromagnetic : room with omminimal roff; meanns produced :Prceptible 10 seconds, ened within r frequency de the room


and out of sight of the patienr and doctors. A number of tests with the oscillator on and off and at different output level settings will soon show whether the parient can detect anything. Experience"showsthat a frequencyaround 1Hz is a good place to ri"rt. with some patienrs, there will be no obvious response. any frequency. A patieni having it many chemicalsensitivities would be expectedio be-able tell whethei io the oscillator is off or on at the maximum output setting, and at about heart-beat fegue-n9y when it is outside the room. Thiy usually say, 'Somethingfeelsdifferent,now', or, 'I don't like that !'whin it is on. . In the former case,it is satisfactory to bring the oscillator back into the room and work systematically_throughail1he frequenciesusing the minimum outpur seting of _(e.g. the order of millivolts). If the p"ii.rrt reacts-stronglyto the oscillator outside the room, tesring should be done with the oscillator at that distance,or the patient should ieceivetrearment to reduce the level of sensitivity before the oscillator is brought into the sameroom as the patient.

Locatingthe neutralising frequencies

A cyclical occurrenceof symptoms and their amelioration will be found to continue as the frequency is slowly increased. rtr7ithsome patients it can take three hours to go from Hertz to GigaHertz; with others there are decadesof frequency in which there arJ no symproms or no changes in the current symptom pamern and the tuning ian be more rapid. The limitation is the 10 seconds or so that it cin take for the symptom-changes appear; if the tuning is too rapid, reactionsmay to be missed or anributed to a later frequency setting than that whicir actually produced the symptom. It is elsy to check-for this by tuning in the opposite direction * the samery-piom should occur at ih. ,",nI frequency whether approached from irigher or lower frequencies.vith some patients this is easily done, with others there are ro--"rry delaved symptoms rhat accuraterepetition is very difficult. If the patient is clearly uncomfortable or in pain at a particular frequency,ii is much easier to tune q.uickly throush this region than it is to make the equivalent change of dilution in food and chemical testing. It greatly enhancesthe comfort of the-patient if a neutralising frequeqiy ."-n b. quickly located so that when things get too uncomforiable, the oscillator can be quickly re-tuned there to give somerespite. The patient in the above example might have had the following frequencies free from all symptoms: 8.4H2, 4S0Hz, 4kHz, 2S"kHz, 350kHz, 20MHz,320MHz, with all frequencies above 350MHz producing symptoms.


Electrical sensitiuity allergy and

The above frequenciesrepresentthe first attempt at finding the neutralising frequencies. is now possibleto go back to eachofthese frequenIt cies to check that they really neutraliseall the patient's symptoms; this is necessarybecause of delayed responsesduring the preliminary run through all the frequencies,but the patient should nor have ro put up with any more severereactions becausethese have now been mapped and the frequenciescan be avoided. The patients usually find this experience of having their symptoms turned on and off by an external agency quite comforting, particularly if they have been told by many doctors for many yearsthat 'The illnessis all in your mind'i.e. it's your fault! We now have severalfrequencieswhich do not provoke any symptoms and which the patient says 'could be lived with'. The next thing to do is to expose a seriesof glass tubes containing saline, or other water the patient can tolerate, to a magnetic field produced in a coil connected to the oscillators set at each neutralising frequency for about 4 minutes. The doctor will explain to the patient how to use the tubes to relieve any reactions due to environmental triggering: 'You should hold one of these tubes for a few minutes morning and evening to reduce the likelihood of environmental frequenciesprovoking a severe reaction, and told a tube if you are starting to get a reaction. The water will probably retain a clinical effectiveness you for one or two months, but patients for who hold a tube to quell a severe reaction report that the tube feels as though it has been drained. 'S7eknow the frequenciesto which the tubes have been exposed and can make a replacement and mail it to you when the first ones ceaseto be effective. This can usually be done satisfactorily if the glass tubes are well wrapped in aluminium foil and packed against breakage. The only times that we have had them arrive in a uselesscondition was when they were sent by rail, as packages are carried on an electrified railway line. Road and airmail, even across the world, seemquite satisfactory. You have tubesfor severalneutralising frequencies; I suggest that you use them in rotation like your foods so that you do not acquire a new reaction to any of them.'

and extends into the r emissionis different ftr reactions and termed b However, notonlya cally sensitive, they ca signals, rather like an to interfere with elec The electrical signalsr are sufficiently strong who are then liable ta equipment. The subfa lems is 'Electromagnc patients have describe system in a factor,v o it. Another has had r cars fail as soon as a a diesel truck in frone guided car failing each for'zapping' electronk One must hope that' status or otherwise of world's military instrll gic operator could sa TheWar Game,butw ending'. A.J.P.Taylor I7orld War in terms of of Europe. We must en is not already wrinea and merely awaiting 6 them. According to a r reckoned to be more li error than by deliberar

Allergic responses fabricsand electronic to equipment

The results of some preliminary experiments to determine how reacting allergic patients would respond to a range of fabrics had suggested that the ultra-violet absorption properties of the fabrics might be an important factor (Smith et al., L986). This would be consistentwith the preference of allergic patients for natural fibre materials which are untreated or only coloured with vegetable dyestuffs. This is also consistent with the reported widespreadphenomenonof 'ultra-weak'photon (light) emission from living cells and organisms which is very probably coherent


I7hile it is possiblefor r by having an oscillac room, this is not a s. in the microwave regi quency is another's all a multiplicity of perso ( testing as the presence 'When faced with fii

t finding the neutrad of thesefrequenrt's symptoms; this he preliminary run not have to put up now been mapped dlv find this experan external agency d by many doctors : it's your fault! roke any symptoms r next thing to do o, or other water in a coil connected r about 4 minutes. 6e mbes to relieve u should hold one ning to reduce the r:verereaction, and rater will probably onths, but patients &at the tube feels ncies to which the cnt and mail it to n usually be done rluminium foil and re had them arrive 'rail, as packages irmail, even across rryeralneutralising n like your foods
m .t

97 and extends into the urtra-violet part of the spectrum (Li, 19g7). This emissionis differentfrom the emisiion,.sulti'iin;;;;;;ffi; chemicar reactionsand termed bioluminescence. However, not only are rhesereacdng allergic patients exrremeryerectricallv sensitive, thev can also, when riactin! electrical signals, rather like an erectric fish. These iigr,"tr"."n "it.rgil"it;;;;; tL il;. enough to interfere with electronrc apparatus, as crinical case historls testify. The

Electricalsensitiuityand allergy

19gg),nuclear wai is ,row reckoned be morelikely.tobe triggered to dy;;;;;?;;;; human error than by deliberate action.

right iriorruirou,, to implement f*.:lty:!11stt'eto aJecent sequen.. urcm.Accorolng report (Smoker,

are sufficientlvstrong to trigger.ailirgic reactions in sensitive patients who are then'liable.t-o 'i"iu"g.;ilck into the feed computer other or equipment. subject The itr eleironicswhich d."r; ;rh;;ch prob"r." lem.sis 'Electromagnetic compatibiliry'. The probrem;;ffi ailergy patients havedescribed are-very wideranging. ci". p"ri.n, i"a-" ,ouoti. systemin a factorv. completely marfuniioi eachtime he-sioodnear it. Another has had the'erectrtnilid;." system successive on new cars fail as soon as an ailergic reactlonwas trigger.d it-fu;.s from a dieseltruck in front. There-has alreadybeena report of a computerguided failingeach car timeitpassed microwave a tower;thepossibilities tor'zapping'electronics allergic by subjects many. are one musthopethat world pea-ce not d.p*J does lpon the allergy-free statusor otherwiseo.fthe strategic computer bp"r"to* throughoutthe world'smilitaryinstalations. ii not inJonceivabre It that ,.r.iing gic operator could a squnce events " "il.r_ of like those in the film The war Game,but without ttt. dr"-"iirt's ability ,happy to providea described euents the t;;did;;'iJ ...ldilgl:,-A.I.p.Taytor,has rr,. rirr, ItrTorld war in termsof therogicar consrqurn"., of therailwaytimetables of Europe.wrcmustensure tf,at the confli.t is not ah.eady '.;;;i;;i;ilffi;;;rld written inro compur., piogr"-, ihro.rjhout-ih. *orld

electrical signals which.m?e p.rriil" i.;;il6;i.o-p,r,.r. it

ric equipment
mine how reacting tad suggested that ht be an important rith the preference r are untreated or onsisrentwith the oton (light) emisrobably coherenr

Unexpected effectsin water

rvhile it is possible thepatientto gainrerieffrom for theallergic responses by having an oscillator set to a niutrarisrngtrequency reft on in the room' this is not a satisfactoryor .or..r.3riu.-:;iffi;,;a"rti.urarry in the microwaveregion.. Furthermor., on" patient's quencyis another'sallergictrigger andin a ciowded ,r"uti"lirirrg t .ho;;ir"r ;, crinic, a multiplicity of personaloscifi'tors would u. ailergy testing asthepresence perfume. "r]o"Jffi;'"; of when facedwith this froblem in respect a patient of who courdonlv


Electricalsensitiuityand allergy

be neutralisedat a frequencyin the microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum'Dr smith and Dr Monro remembered that the homoeoiathic Materia Medica lists potentised water exposedto electric currents, magnetic fields and X-rays. Dr Monro had already used dilution of water exposedto ultra-violet radiation as a therapy foi hypersensitiviryto light. A simple test confirmed that water which was tolerated by the p"tlrrt andwhich was exposedto a magnetic field at the frequen.y *t i.t ,r.utr"lised. patient's allergic responr.s was crinically as effectiveas having the a microwave oscillator switched on in the patient,s room. s7ater so exposedto electromagnetic radiation can be usedas a neutralisingdilution of allergen, and resemblesin its effects a potentised homeolathic preparation (seesection in chapter 7). It is eisier to keep a tube of such potentisedwater_awayfrom other allergy patients than to provide an electrically screenedroom to shield or.ill"to, from affecting them. It seems that such water retains this "n effectivenessfor at least one or two months (Smith ey a1.,198s), although the experience Dallas is in that it has a considerable shorrerperiod of-effectiveness 1Rea,i9g7;. patients use a tube of potentisedwater ,o ,r.urr"lire a srrong -_when allergicreaction the tube seems zubsequently have becomeineffective. to S.uperimposjnga triggering and a neutralising frequenry on -frequency the.sametube producesa rube o] *at., which riggers "li.rgi.=i.".tior* rather than neurralising them. patients and othJi p.rronr""r. able to overwrite the water in their tube with their own elictromagnetic emissionswhen reactingstrongly.It doesseemthat an extended#tal surface nar a reacting allergic patient,, acting as a mirror for the patient's own electromagnetic emissions, makes th-ese reactions worse. A large glass container of salt water (approximately sea water concentration) near the patient helps to damp tlieseeffects.'This may also explain the'problems that some patients experiencein cars and other vehicles of metal box construction. some yearsbeforethis, Dr smith's laboratory had found that the lysozyme solutions 'remembered'the frequencies and fields to which ihey had exposedlong enough for measurements be carried out in to -been a different building. Homoeopathic remediesbased on electric currents and.magneticfields, as well aJ x-ray and urtra-violetand colouredlight radiation, are well known practitioners; potentiseaprlp"mongsi_its arations from tinctures exposed to these radiations in homoeopathic Materia Medica (pharmacopoeia). The action'of homoeopathic ^ppr^, remediescould be explainedin physical terms if warer, alcohol and lactose could be shown to take op io-. structure having the properties of an electrical resonator which matches electrical freq"uenciJs-presenr, or missing, in the body. This would be the electromagnetic equivaleni of the string or pipe of a musical instrument which".remembers'the

frequenciesto wl has suggestedS; for homoeoparhl" Homoeopathy no chemistry shc beyond 1024(in h of the original tir fivefold diludons physics and chem countries it is callr culesin one gramAlthough electr parts of the non-i possibleto do a lo lator covering a i The testing of patir out using the 6eld the frequency of r serial dilution of the allergic reacti quency can be tra known to be tolera field at this neur: to be clinicall;- ef prevent or relieve the tube; it can alr{ Clinically, water coherent frequenc Apart from the clin demonstrationis p A capacitance br at a bridge frequen electrodesto minin ing anything, the s the water to an alr the samefrequencr to the bridge, it r will measurethe o slightly; 50.020 kt inally balancedat j and 49.990kH2. I unlessit is possible to parts-per-million

Electrical sensitiuity and allergy


dectromagnetic c homoeopathic c currents, magilution of water nsitiviry to light. d by the patient cywhich neutrairtive as having oom. Water so curalising diluod homeopathic keep a tube of 6an to provide r affecting them. at least one or nce in Dallas is Rea,1987). nralise a strong pme ineffective. g frequency on Ilergic reactions ons are able to rmagneticemisodmetal surface c patient's own a A large glass lntration) near plain the probfricles of metal rd that the lyso; to which they : carried out in {ectric currents I coloured light otentised prepear in homoeoihomoeopathic ilcohol and lac; the properties renciespresent, nic equivalent cmembers'the

frequencies which it has been tuned. Dr smith (smith et al., 79gs) to has-suggestedthat such a mechanism could provide a physical basis for homoeopalhy. This is further elaboratedin bhapter 7. ' Homoeopathy is clinically effective ar potenciei or dilutions where no chemistry should remain. Porencies produced by serial dilutions beyond 1024(in homoeoparhy,24x or tic potency)should have none tlrg original tincture moleculesremaining. In airergy therapy using 9f fivefold dilutions (1 + 4) this is equivalentio 53a,or"i+ diluiions; ii physics and chemistry it corresponds to Avogadro's Number (in some countriesit is calledLoschmidt'sNumber), which is the number of moleculesin one gram-molecular weight of any substance. Altholgh electrically sensitive patients react to frequenciesin most parts of the non-ionising region of the electromagnetic spectrum, it is possible to do a lot of clinically valuable work with a high-quality oscillator covering a freq'rency range from lmilliHertz to"2}MegaHertz. The testing-ofpatients for electromagnetichypersensitivityc"r, bL carried out using the field leaking_from an oscillator-.It appearsthat increasing the frequency of the oscillator produces a similai^clinical effect to thi serial dilution of an allergen. A frequency may be reached at which the allergic reaction is neutralised. The neutralising effect of this frequency can be transferred to a glass phial of *"tei or saline which is known to be tolerated by the patient, by exposingthe phial to a magnetic field at this neutralising frequency. watei tt."t-"d in this way appears to be clinically effective for l-2 months. This water can be uiid to prevent or relieve an aller-gicreaction by just having the patient hold the tube; it can also be appliedsub-linguaily,or.*tra- or intia-dermally. clinically, water seemsto have a memory for past exposuresto highiy coherent frequencieswhich have taken place since it was last distified. Apart from the clinical effectsdescribedabove,somedegreeof laboratory demonstrationis possible. Acapacitance bridge can be balancedwith a test cell containing warer, at a bridge frequency of,_for example, 50.000 kHz, using chloridJd silvei electrodesto minimise electrodepolarisation,ivithout disturbing anything, the same oscillator is connected to a coil which exposes the water ro an alternating magnetic field of about l Gauss at preiisely the samefrequencyfor-someminutes then, on re-connectingthe oscillator to..ghebridge, it will be Jound to have gone 'off-balancJ'. The bridge will meas_uJe_ original capacitan.. u"-I,r. if the frequency is alterJd the. sliglrdy;50.020kH2 or 49.980kH2 will sufficeif the bridge was originally balancedat 50.000 kHz. It will still be off-balance ui" "t"so.oto and 49.990kH2. There is no point in taking this experiment further unlessit is possible to use an oslillator which l"tt ..produce frequencies to parts-per-million.


Electrical sensitiuity allergy and

In Paris, Dr JacquesBenvenisteand his co-workers have . followed immunological experimentsrhrough serial dilutio". t"i in .*.ess of Avogadro'sNumber (seeConclusiona-nd postscript). other branchesofphysicswhich r.em to be capabre .The.only "iprrr.rr. of probing the mysteriesof water structure are convection, neutron scattering and X--ray diffraction. There have been reports from Russi" that convectionphenomenaare affectedby exposureof th. *" electromagneticfields. In my own laboratory, work on ice formed by freezing water in a static or an alternating magnetic field shows an asymmetry ii the crystals

1_::.T^.^1,t_lilfl from this ". drfiraction pamerns icehavebeen o6tained. Professor Shik Jhon, from S9o.ul, Mu SouthKorea (Moon and Jhon, 1,986;l.hon 1987)has considered importance *"t., the oi srructure crygliolggy and cancerand his medicarco-worker,oi Hid.-itr., i1 Hayashi(1988),from Kobe,Japanhas been,u...rrljty lppfyi"g 'electricwater reformer'in cliniial siruations. Til.rtJ;i:.Jii..,rolyr. "" filteredbut mineral-contain_ing in ..llr urinj.l*rr"a* water *rrich are alsoferritemagnets givingfiells in excess r.2rJrr", of *i*i" which theanions cations_producedseparated and ""a ilr. are by water is usedexternally bathing,the cathodic for -.-Li"*r. i, ,r.a "rroai. water for all wateringested thepatienrs. by

perpendicular themagnetii to fielddirecti,on. X-ray

Electromagnetic emissions duringallergic reactions

objective tests for the existenceof erectromagnetic emissionsfrom living systemsare difficult to achieve.. Radiofrequency emissionsfrom dividinfi yeastcellshave alreadybeendiscussed. Electromagnetic emissions the audio-frequency in part of the spectrum , by,reactingallergic subjectsmay be readily d.-orr*r"r.J tf-g.rring ,t .

mode, but with no microphone connected. If the subject is reacting strongly enough, there will il;ffi;i.;;i't.rf.._ encepassing.through the prastic case-tobe_picked by up ihe circuits. A wide variety of signalsmay be obiained ." ,*f"" "mplifi., these u1? only fro.m patient to patieni but differ on ditr i.ri o.."rion, ""d Tot wrth the samepatient. sometimesthereis a continuoussinusoidal oscilla_ tion,.perhaps with distinct sidebands,on other o.."riorrr-there will be a series clicks; both theseelectricalwaveformsh"";"[; of b;; with species electricalfish. The waveform of the clicks of resembles that of a 'squegging'oscillator, for which the samepiece of electronic circ,ritry can function both as an oscillator and th" highrt;;;il;., super",

a plastic-cased T^b,_.-.: rn the 'record' i"p. ,..orier with ,il;;ilffi;ing ::,hold the recorder


regenerative the wireless r The specr holding a ta; tions on a r show the & emissions.Ti level of a clcz cal interferer with nobodr whether d those noted If tape reor recorder is n and, if batu analysisfacilr patients are done, but ft mostly orign own oscillati these are pic patient. The 1 qutte coare c On the on using a spectn posed on rhe were obtainer ments were tI lead of the q subject'smea reactance,thc able, enough logic) and feec of spikes exa signalswerepr becauseno er an electrically screenedlabor extremely low particular sub region of the q A test for e electromagnet

have followed excess Avoof n ro be capable , neutron scatm Russiathat ater to electromg water in a 'in the crystals rection. X-ray oon and Jhon, ;ater structure Dr Hidemitsu y applying an ceselectrolyse des which are I t'ithin which res. The anodic is used for all

rnsfrom living trom dividing f the spectrum bv getting the e running and ,neconnected. icient interfer'the amplifier >lavand these rnt occasions soidal oscilla; there will be beenobserved resembles that ronic circuitry rsitive, super-

subject'smeasuredd.c. skin resistaniewas 50 kohm ,. ,rr"t, *grecting reactance'there should have-been open circuit voltage an of b.s v arrailto trigger. the. less sophisticated .o-p.rte? .i..ri,, (TTL_ l^b]::,."o,".th log'c) and teedrn falsesignars('g-a1b1ge'). observed'comb, The specrrum "Jrectrical of spikes extended to l."st)Mliz.'In this .";,-;;;; "i *.:* probably needed trigger the allergic,.".tion iirh-e to subject l^gT! because emissionwas obtainedwith the subjectand no apparatusin an electricallyscreened laboratory. It should f,rrthe, b;;;r;i';at most screenedlaboratories ,1. screenedagainst ttt. g.o."!rroi. n.ta o, T9i extremelylowfrequencies(ELF)below th-e power ruiply friquency. This particular subject was clearly sensitiveto'frequenc'iJ"'ouirla.-irre ELF region of the spectrum. A test for estimating the region of the frequency spectrum in which electromagnetic interactionsaie occurring requires'a iet of metal sieves

leadof-the spectrum analyser. signar goorrv ;;;;iJi".a. A ir

101 regenerative type of receiver which was in vogue in the early days of the wirelessset,because gavehigh sensitivityriith a single it u"lu.. . The spectrum of the signalsobiained from a ,.".rinfitt.[ic subyect holding a tape recorder.canbe analysedover a ,"rrg. oirp.ctial resolutions on a commercially available audio ,p..truri so as to show the detailed frequency spectrum with ail ,h. "rr"lyr.r, ;;Gty of the emissions.,The spectrum_ axarysir can be zeroedon ,t . u".igiound noise levelot a cleansectionof the tape,and checkedfor environm"ental electri_ calinterference against a r..oidirrg made with th. ,..ord.ii.ft ru.rrrirrg with.nobody in the room. It has-not yet been p;r;ibh;irt..-in, whether the frequenciesseenin the recorded ,pi.rru-l"rrerate with during the resting of electricalrysensitiveailergy patients. lli:r_ T"d It tape recorder testing can be shown to have clinical u"'iu., a rape recorder is much more portable than a spectrumanalyser, ."ri.r,o ur. and, if battery-opeylted,.electricallyr"f.. Ho*.";;;-;il;";pecrrum analysis facility would needto be avaiiableif the frequen.i.. oi irraiuiau"t patients are to be measuredfor clinical use. This still remains to be done, but there is electromedicar equipmelt (..s.MORA arrdntcolrt;, mostly originating from west c9p"1r, whici,i"k., u* Jih. p"ti.rrt,, own oscilladonsfor testing andfor therapeuticpurposes; in zuch cases these are picked up, filterid, phase-inverted and ,rt.n iJ L".k to th. patient. The patient's emissionsare likery to be highlf *i.r.r, so that quite coarseelectricalfiltering will suffice. on the one occas-ion that it was possible to make a measuremenr using-a spectrumanalyser(Hp-ss53B) directly,electrical,ig;"1,,"p..i-posed on the-spcrum of the medium waveband r"ai"?""r-issions were obtained; they ceased when the subjectleft the room. Th. menrswere made with rhe subjectholding the 50 ohm -."rur.impedanceinpur

Electrical sensitiuity allergy and



Electrical sensitiuity allergy and

or meshes gradedin size,suchas can be obtainedfrom laborarory suppliers for gradingpowdersand granules. rh" metailic nyil' meshwill -"J",ao.-rrr-f" lsood electricalconductors), ,ror io-.timirr"t. bu.1 EL-F p1I of the ,?:.tru-, it should nrrt b. a._on-rtr"t"d "lt $e th"t solid metal will screenoif the inieraction; tt.r, on.-riouia progr.r, from thesmallest mesh to largermesh sizes until aneffect observed. is 1!9 Dividingthe velocity.ofrisht 1sl ro8m/;tlt;#;; aperure measured meffesgivesthe lo_west in frequency, Hertz, which canpass in througheachmesh.Thus,the first onset'ofrh;i"r;;;;i;"'."n -- -.. u" bracketedbetween meshsizes, hence rwo and two frequen;i;;. EdgalBrown and KaveBehrens (Brown ilt;;;;, rgssr haveused as pendulumbobscopperrods cut to h"lf ""d ;;.il;;i';;;"t rengths corresponding themicrowave to region.Theycan, f;;;;;;i.lsaywhich foods react with the-subiect *f,i.h resonant waverength. Fotowing "t the suggestion that they ihourd usemetalmeshfirtersto checkthat the meshsizeand the resonant le-nsth the pendulumbob;;;o"sistent of to ."rrrrr;;; in grvinqthe samewavelengthlth"y*.r. this was indeedthe case. "ut. This experlment with metalmeshes could also be tried usinga muscle-resr described thesection kinesioffiir, as in on ct z. A metal high_pass a filter to electrom;;:il;""es. "pt., For example, o' the door or _the(1-millimetre) cook., passes light waves(wavelength micrometres), -i.-*au. " -.ih 0.5 and the food can be seeninside.very little of the.longe,wau.r.rrgth trzl-r--crowave energyleaksout, so.long as rhe dior is no, j"_"gJf-h, .rr.rgy i, reflected back to cook thJ food.rf ofr.*.d biomedicar interaction "ny is electromagnetic origin, it shouli be completery in screened sorid by can only say 'should'because"i'i.ra, frequencies (ELg which needa .o"riari"ut. "r! oi m"t.ri"r "na t..g. 6inchesof solid aluminium)or one of the special (e.g. mumetal)for near-coqpletescreening(persinger, -"g;i;;iioys ail fretgi+1. i{i, quencies, from thoseof liihi ,igt t 7t il"gl, ii' ,i.luu_rr."" .ultra-violer of geomagnetic fluctuationsand circa"dian ihythms,;;; ;; *"sidered asbeingof possible biomedical significance, b. i";;r;i;";J "rrd

unknowingly, br electricalresonat how far one cang netrc trequencies and liberationalr of oscillationsbe chemicals? If so, aldehyde are cor co.uld be experim mlcrowave sPect Recent work b the oxidation of r the presence of increase their p in tive biological so including homoer then it is likely t emitted or are Drc of allergic t.tpo* At the extremc that one is also at, in its ability to da betweenfrequenq current therapies while the effecs of pathic remediesar the next chapter.T once the enonnor systems livine o of by the dark-adipr adaptationof the c

Chemicaland electromagnetic allergens

Everychemical bondhasa coherent ere*ricaloscilationwhichcharacterisesit. This.represents duality whicrrthe must exist b"r*..r, p"rticres arrdwaves,between chemical,tr,r.trrr. ir.q".".y. il i;;;r";;ffi; this chemicalanalysisby,spectroscopy ""a woul{ not be possible.It may eventually.become_possible io showth"t the whole th" ,;;;.h .ffor, put into the development modernpharmaceuticars, "f of which can be remarkablysuccessful acute conditions,r,"r in ".iu"iir,-"rrrrorgh

rom laboratory supEs must be metallic lo. To eliminate all : dmonstrated that r should progress m effectis observed. e de mesh aperture erta which can pass Eion can be bracki:s. s, f 985) haveused ft resonant lengths '*rrmple, saywhich d."grh. Following a to check that the rob were consistent drm that this was ould also be tried kilogyinChapterT. a8netic waves. For microwave cooker d the food can be ll2cm) microwave 6ed; the energy is mc.lical interaction 7 screenedby solid : certain fields and ss of marerial (e.g. ngnetic alloys (e.g. 174). Thus, all freI to the sub-Hertz must be considered rtsdgated.

can the ,ight pattern of oscillations created be -ot..ut. which*il t"...*rr[r;ir"i;;il .ori.rporrairrg chemicals If so,we areo.r.r *"t;;-G.ily-vision, ? the ! phenoland formaldehvdeare common ailergensl.a ri-pr! .;b.rl;r-;;;J" ,p..,r" br experimented with"in this w"y -^would irradia,irrf*i,t ,t.i, :tlll mrcrowave spectrum asa disinfectant. ? act too Recent work bv Dr Fritz popp (19sij and his group hasfound that the oxidation of phenol, with hydrogenperoxidein "ld f;i;;l.:n'rg. the presence homogenised of (liquidised.).plant iirru." gives a great ilcre,a1e. their photon emission. in Fo.-"ra.n'yJ. ;;;; i' u'. .r..tive biological sffessorfor the sensitisation gr'"ii, .;;h., "r,agen6 91 includinghomoeopathic preparari"nr.-iiuiribre iigi;"t, ;i; emined, then it is likely that.othir ele.trom"grr.tic frequencies irso being are emined arepresenr modulation or as rilr. triggers of allergict.spb.tses. "id,rt", -igrrr;;rh. At the extremes of.sensitivity living systems, is essentiar of it to realise that oneis alsoar, or beyona, tir*t"r. o?ih. of erectronics equipment in its ability to detectsignars'in "r, noise.Here,again,th. ,.-"ik.i duality between frequencyand ihemicalb;;;;;."rs. Theeffects themacroof current therapies describedparalrertt r' rr..rr. 9i;i#il.'iir.r"pirr, while the efrec*of micro -curient therapiei parailel homoeo_ pathic remedies other'ArternativJM.^di.i;;; the effectsof and ;ilr;G?r.rrr"a i" thenextchapter. reasons bottt*.i"pi.s The why work canbeunderstood once the enormousdynamic range of ir,. Li"-r."ro;-il ilil"onrrot systems livine orsanisms appieciated. of is This il^ply drirJrrrrr","d bv the dark-adiotaii.o" oi th.-6; f-;lunhght to starlight, and the adaptation the earfrom pristinepeace rhe of to roar of a jet engine.

one sotoward can simur"ri'ti.i'..i;;[tr;;;;;i,i.Loro-"rnetic uenciesaracteristicaflthe-uil;;;;;;;i' freq ch #"l'id torsionar and liberationalmodes the "f of .oncerned.

103 unknowingly, been directed towards the p1o_dgction highly specific, of electricalresonatorsat the biomor.."r"iil".r. It is interestinfto specurate how far

Electricalsensitiuityand albrgy

nwhich characterr between particles 7- If it was not for c possible. It may tfie researcheffort ds, which can be cually, although

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