Overtime Policy

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Overtime policy Definition of overtime Overtime is time worked that exceeds the hours of a full-time employees regular daily

schedule on pay status or exceeds 40 hours on pay status in a workweek. When a worker works in an employment for more than nine hours on any day or for more than forty-eight hours in any week, he shall in respect of overtime worked be entitled to wages in scheduled employment other than agriculture, at double the ordinary rate of wages as per Minimum Wages Act, 1948. Overtime and work on public holidays In terms of The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (the Act) an employer may not oblige an employee to work overtime (the time that an employee works during a day or a week in excess of ordinary hours of work) on weekends or public holiday except in accordance with a prior approval of Principal. Accordingly, if overtime work is required by operational requirements of the Company employees will be only be obliged to work on weekends or public holidays if they agree in writing to do so.

Calculation of overtime rates These are the basic principals concerning Overtime Policy: This policy does not apply to Management staff or who earn more than an amount gazetted from time to time; No employee will be remunerated for overtime work unless such overtime has been authorised by Principal or is required in terms of a work roster; Workers must receive 2 times their normal hourly pay or paid time off in exchange for overtime (or a combination of pay and time off); Workers may not work: o Overtime, unless by agreement. o more than 10 hours overtime a week (collective agreement may increase this to 15 hours per week for up to 2 months a year) o more than 12 hours on any day Remuneration for Overtime Work Calculation of overtime pay based on a 5 day work week: Employees who work a five day work week are deemed to work 22 days per month; The working week consists of 40 ordinary hours per week;

The working day is deemed to consist of 9 working hours for which the employee is paid, and a 1 hour meal break which is not paid time.

The formula for calculating the hourly rate of pay is: Salary 26 (days per month) 9 (working hours)

2. Overtime Rates When employee works overtime, they will be paid at rate: Monday to Sunday: 2.0 x hourly rate.

3. Principles of working overtime Employees are paid for working overtime provided that they must be in compliance with principles as follows: Any overtime working must be agreed in advance with the Principal. Advance warning of overtime working will be given wherever practicable, but it is inevitable that some overtime may be required at short notice due to sickness or other emergencies. Claims must be made monthly, for overtime worked in the previous month, on authorized claim forms. Payments will be made through the payroll.

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