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Americans Elect Delegate Manual

September 2011

Americans Elect is a 501(c)(4) organization, and contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Americans Elect is not affiliated with and does not support or oppose any particular candidate or candidates committee.

Our political system is broken and our country is in trouble! The two political parties are so polarized that Washington is paralyzed. Our elected officials continue a vicious cycle of mindless partisanship, inaction on crucial issues and unsustainable dysfunction covered endlessly in the 24hour news cycle. Although the Founding Fathers feared it, our two-party system has generally served us well in the past, when leaders found common ground and did what was best for their country. The two parties have always argued, but weve often been the better for it. History shows that, on important things, in the end they have come together.

Social Security: Even after President Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, elected in 1932, a huge majority of Republicans in Congress voted for Social Security Act.

Medicare: A majority of Republicans in Congress backed President Lyndon Johnsons Medicare program in 1965. Welfare Reform: After the Republicans gained control of Congress in 1994, a
majority of Democrats in both houses, and President Clinton, too, helped get a Welfare Reform package enacted.

Now is the time for leadership that puts principled progress above petty politics and restores cooperation, civility, and compromise. Leadership for genuine and sustainable change can only come from the people. In 2012, Americans Elect (AE) will empower the people to nominate a competitive third ticket for President and Vice President through the first-ever Online Convention. In the next presidential election, through AE Online Convention, ALL of US will have a greater voice; not just the voters in the early state primaries and caucuses, like Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina; not the talking heads or the paid experts; not the political pundits Fox News or MSNBC; not the loud voices on the far left and far right. The nominees who emerge from the Convention will not be beholden to any political party or special interest, will bridge the vital center of American politics, and will be able to jolt our political system into working again.

What Is Americans Elect?

Americans Elect (AE) is
Americans Elect is a second process, not a third party. It is a brand new way all voters can participate in selecting a presidential ticket to be placed on the November 2012 ballot in all 50 states.

It will hold a nominating convention to pick that ticket in the summer of 2012, and every registered voter in America regardless of party may sign up right now to be a voting Delegate (at Anyone constitutionally qualified to serve as President may run for the Americans Elect nomination as long as they reach across the political space and pick a running mate from another party. A ticket that is bigger than any party. We expect millions of Delegates to participate. The ticket will have ballot access in all 50 states. And we expect major candidates to run and others to be drafted by the delegates themselves. We are going to be working hard to get ourselves introduced to the American public but we know that we cannot do it alone. Our hope is that millions of Americans across the country will be able to hear about Americans Elect from their most trusted sources: friends, families, and neighbors. And that starts with you!

How Does This Second Process Work?

Every single registered voter in America can be a Delegate and vote in the AE Online Convention. No fine print. No exceptions. Open to everyone regardless of party affiliation or political views.

1. Become a Delegate. Go to AE website 2. Participate in AEs online surveys. Delegates will define the issues most important to them. 3. Discuss these issues online or at meet-ups with other delegates. 4. Participate in shaping the AE platform questions for all constitutionally qualified candidates to answer. 5. Review candidates. 6. Draft candidates. 7. Narrow the field of candidates. 8. Vote in the Online Convention. A Rules Committee will determine how the Online Convention operates. Of course, experienced legal experts will be on the committee, but Convention Delegates will be on the Rules Committee, too. All AE Delegates will have a chance to weigh in with their own ideas and the best will become a part of the rules. Now that you have an overview of the initiative, the next several pages of the manual should give you a little background on the project and more importantly help you get the word out in your community!

Table Of Contents
Americans Elect Ballot Access And Technology Delegate Recruitment And Engagement How Do I Sign Up Delegates? How Do I Get Started? Where Are Some Other Places To Talk To People? How Will Americans Elect Help? How Will The Website Help Me? Conclusion Frequently Asked Questions 15 Things Everyone Can Do To Help Information Sign Up Sheet Americans Elect Flyer 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 11 12 13

Americans Elect Ballot Access And Technology

Ballot Access
In the 1800s, political parties distributed pieces of paper with the names of their candidates for various offices. Voters took those tickets and deposited them in the ballot box on Election Day to vote. Reforms in the mid-19th Century, however, ended this practice and the government itself began to produce and regulate election ballots. It wasnt long before the parties realized that once they controlled the government, they could also control the ballot, and thus, the election. Ever since, the parties have limited competition by making it difficult for other parties and candidates to get on the ballot. After Ross Perots 1992 self-financed 50-state ballot access and presidential bid, which garnered 19% of the vote, state legislatures passed additional ballot-accessblocking reforms. The process of obtaining ballot access is costly and complicated, and the rules governing it vary from state to state. Some of those state laws are bizarre (Florida does not require a single petition signature by anyone). Some are bizarre and difficult (California requires one million signatures). And each has a different timetable. But, Americans Elect will overcome this obstacle. In 2010, AE began securing a spot on the ballot in several states. By November 2012, the AE ticket chosen by the Online Convention will be on the ballot in all 50 states.

Technology, Security & Credibility of the Online Convention

Just as Amazon and Facebook have changed the way we shop and socialize, AE is changing how we nominate our President and Vice President. The same technology protecting billions of dollars in transaction every day will protect millions of votes. AE is building a secure online convention. Every voters registration status will be verified with state voter files. Every vote will be counted fairly and accurately, and will generate a printable confirmation. An independent panel of election experts will verify the results. All candidates will be verified and vetted. All candidates will be verified as constitutionally eligible to run. All candidates will pass a standard vetting process including background checks. An independent, nonpartisan committee will certify all finalist candidates.

Delegate Recruitment and Engagement

All politics is still local, and Delegates will be the boots on the ground. AE will organize online. But it also needs to organize door-to-door in every neighborhood and on every college campus. It is called hi-tech/hi-touch politics. You can help us get the word out by letting your friends, family, and members of your community know about the Americans Elect initiative and encourage them to sign up to be a Delegate. Americans Elect is also an excellent opportunity to get out in the neighborhood and meet people who are concerned with the direction this country is taking. Enhance your leadership skills, network in your community, and share this innovative project with concerned citizens. We are here to support you in any way we can. We are happy to provide materials, promotional items, or answers to any questions you may have! We want all of our Delegates to be educated on how the process works and have provided not only an overview here in the manual but also some Frequently Asked Questions you may hear as well as some ideas on how to get started especially those first two weeks. If you have a question that is not answered here in the manual, please feel free to reach anyone of us here at Americans Elect we are here to support you! For general questions, email us at For questions about technology, email us at For questions about ballot access, email us at

How Can I Help Sign Up New Delegates?

1. Remember, everyone has his or her own unique style. Test it your own way. Check out the website forums for some ideas from others. There are bound to be some interesting approaches that will make it easier for everybody. 2. Start with your own family, close friends and next-door neighbors. Its not just that they might be an easier sell than others, they also are likely to ask the same questions that almost everybody else asks, so you can get some practice in answering them. 3. Engage your Facebook friends and twitter lists right away. 4. Collect some emails or phone numbers of people who you talk with that are interested in more information. Let us reach out to them. There is a sign up sheet in the back of this manual that you can use. Sheets can be scanned to If you need to use a fax machine instead then let us know and we can get you the best number. 5. Check in with us for new ideas and for help with promotional materials or fun things that help get the word out.

How Do I Get Started?

Our first suggestion is getting comfortable with the project. Read over the Frequently Asked Questions and make sure you are ready to discuss the idea with people. If you have a question or need some help make sure to get in touch with us! Once you feel ready, we have attached a document to this manual with 15 suggestions to get you started. We encourage you to get started by simply getting the word out amongst your existing network of friends, family, and neighbors. Post about us on Facebook or send a tweet out to your followers. Let them know why you think Americans Elect is the right movement for our country! Millions of Americans are frustrated right now your friends and family included and would simply love to hear about any new ideas to get us back on track. Once you have shared the idea with friends and family, you may feel comfortable to start to reach out to your extended community. Again, this is great opportunity to get to know new people and practice your leadership and speaking skills. Make a presentation at a networking group or community gathering, discuss it with friends from church, or let fellow members of your PTA know.

Where Are Some Other Places To Talk To People?

1. Door-to-door up and down your street. 2. Your church. 3. Friday night football (before and after the game). 4. The PTA meeting. 5. The VFW. 6. Downtown at lunchtime (when folks might have a few minutes). 7. At the subway or bus stop when people are waiting. 8. The local bookstore. 9. Your local farmers market on the weekend. 10. Any Starbucks. 11. Senior citizen centers. 12. Home town parades. 13. Outside voting places for local elections this November. 14. College campuses.

How Will Americans Elect Help?

1. The Americans Elect field team is designed to be a resource for you. Use them. Thats what they are there for. Ask them any questions you

2. Participate in the forums where you can get ideas and let others know about your success! The more ideas we all share the better we will all do. 3. The website ( has an endless supply of both ideas and materials for your use. Explore both the materials page and the gift shop for ideas. 4. Both the website and this Manual have answers for probably just about every question you will get. Please read the Q&A here before you get started; it will save you a lot of time later. Every two weeks we will announce a new recruitment campaign that is for our Delegate Leader program. Although these are intended for our Delegate Leaders, feel free to ask for information on the newest campaign and try it out.


How Will The Website Help Me?

1. The website is meant to be a resource to all Delegates to not just participate but to learn and find tools to help get the word out:
Further details on all in this Manual. Names and contact info for the Americans Elect field team. Examples of successful recruiting ideas. A blog for questions and answers. Copies of forms and materials that can be downloaded to help you both explain Americans Elect and answer questions.

2. The Merchandise page will make available all kinds of promotional materials that can be valuable in spreading the word and the look of Americans Elect. 3. You should make good use of the FAQ on the website, which will probably provide an adequate answer to any question that anyone might ask and is more detailed than this Manuals Q&A. 4. The website will also provide you with tips to write a letter to your local newspaper editor, along with a directory of major newspapers across the country! 5. The website provides a host of additional information in the About Us, News, and other sections.

Our hope is that this manual has provided you with an understanding of the Americans Elect initiative and why it is the right movement for America today. Americans Elect strongly believes that the Delegates that comprise our effort are the foundation of the entire project. As Delegates you will play the most important part in building and supporting this foundation and in leading the way towards a better democracy. We know that many of you come from different backgrounds and have different interests in Americans Elect but we also know for certain that your patriotism and desire to see the best America possible is the common trait you all share. On behalf of the entire team at Americans Elect, we thank you for your hard work, dedication, and for helping us get our nation back on track!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Americans Elect?
A: The first direct presidential nomination. You decide the issues You shape the debate You choose the candidates You nominate the President A2. Shape the platform of questions Discuss the issues Match and meet up with other voters Decide the questions all candidates must answer A3. Choose candidates who share your views Match with existing candidates Draft new candidates Watch videos and debates

How does it work?

A1. Define what matters to you Rank the issues Determine your views See how you compare

Who should participate?

A: Every voter who wants a voice that counts. No matter your party affiliation No matter the color of your state No matter your political views

What makes Americans Elect different?

A1: Americans Elect is not a traditional party. Its a new way to nominate a President Its open to voters from any party Its open to candidates from any party

A4. Nominate your choice for president Narrow the field Evaluate VP choices Vote in the online convention

A2: And its not another advocacy group. Theres no agenda or ideology Voters define the issues themselves The final vote really counts in 2012

Why now?
A: Every voter deserves an equal vote in the nominating process. Currently, where you live determines how much your primary vote counts Some votersand some stateshave no meaningful vote at all Most independent voters have no say in the primary system Its the first direct presidential nomination in US history

The winning ticket will answer directly to American voters.

A: All candidates must make a bipartisan pledge to put Americas interests before those of their party. Finalist candidates will be free to choose a running mate from any party they choose The winning ticket will be chosen directly by millions of voters The winning ticket will be on the ballot in every state

Why is this important?

A: Voters demand change. Voters are increasingly dissatisfied with their own parties States are postponing or even cancelling their primaries Too many Americans have no real choice in the nominating process Technology makes it possible: - To cost-effectively reach millions of voters - To build a secure online convention - To verify every voter and accurately count every vote America can finally nominate a President, directly

Can we trust the outcome?

A: Americans Elect is building a secure online convention: Every voters registration status will be verified Every vote will be counted fairly and accurately, and will generate a printable confirmation An independent panel of election experts will verify the results All candidates will be verified and vetted All candidates will be verified as constitutionally-eligible to run All candidates will pass a standard vetting process including background checks An independent, nonpartisan committee will certify all finalist candidates

15 Things Everyone Can Do To Help

1. 2. 3.
Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter (@AmericansElect). Post about us on Facebook, Twitter, Blog, or other social media platforms! Email your family & friends about Americans Elect and let them know why you signed up. Be sure to encourage them to visit the website and sign up to be a delegate! Visit the website and print out the Online Activist Kit. Read up about Americans Elect and check out the Frequently Asked Questions! Print out the flyer available online and post around town. Be sure to ask permission from management if you are posting at a business or private property. Identify events, conventions, or other opportunities in your community and e-mail the information to! Identify groups in your area that we could perhaps speak to or address. Please e-mail information to Comment on newspaper stories in your local paper. Link to the website to help get the word out!


Sign up for news feed for Americans Elect be the first to read new articles and coverage.

10. Write a letter to the editor and submit to your

local paper. Make sure to include our website where interested readers can contact us!

11. Attend and invite friends to any Meet-Ups

or gatherings you have heard about.


12. Email us at

and find out if there is a petition for ballot access that you can sign.

13. Print out the sign up sheet from the website

and get emails or phone numbers from any friends who would like more information! Sheets can be faxed to 760-476-9055!


14. Get online and help us make history:


15. Find us at

americanselect and let us know any suggestions or questions you have or any ideas on how to make Americans Elect work for you!




Name Email Phone

Please sign here to receive more information about becoming an Americans Elect delegate. Be sure to check out the website at!



Interested in becoming a Delegate?

Yes No






















Americans Elect will hold the first-ever online convention next June for voters, regardless of party, to nominate a third ticket for president and vice-president, which will be on the ballot in all 50 states in 2012.

To get involved email us at:

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