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Web Enabled Weather Monitoring And Data
Logging System
Submitted By
Sonali Rokade
Harshali Shendge
Shilpa Bhosale
Under the guidance of
Prof.Holkar K. S.
K. K. Wagh Institute Of Engineering
Education And Research, Nashik - 03.
Year 2010-11
Dissertation Approval Sheet
This is to certify that the project work entitled Web Enabled Weather Mon-
itoring And Data Logging System , has been successfully completed during the
academic year of 2010-2011 by the following students:
Sonali Rokade
Harshali Shendge
Shilpa Bhosale
This project complete conforms to the standards laid down by the university of pune
and has been completed in satisfactory manner as a fulllment for the bachelors degree
in Engineering of university of pune..
Internal Guide H.O.D. Principal
Prof.K.S.Holkar Prof.D.M.Chandwadkar Dr.K.N.Nandurkar
We express our sincere thanks to Prof.K. S. Holkar ,whose inspiration and valuable
discussion, has helped me tremendously to complete our seminar. His guidance proved to
be the most valuable to overcome all hurdles in the fulllment of this seminar.
We are grateful to Prof.D. M. Chandwadkar ,H.O.D , for direct or indirect help in the
completion of this seminar.
Last but not the least, this acknowledgement would be incomplete without rendering our
sincere gratitude to entire stall of Electronics and Tele communication Dept of engineering,
our friends and our family.
Sonali Rokade
Harshali Shendge
Shilpa Bhosale
1 Abstract 2
2 Introduction 3
3 Literature Survey 4
4 Technical Specication 6
5 Hardware Description 7
5.1 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5.1.1 Power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5.1.2 Light sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5.1.3 Temperature sensor (Thermistor ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.1.4 Rain sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.1.5 Wind sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.1.6 TDMA Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.1.7 ADC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.1.8 Processor (PENTIUM 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5.1.9 Client PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5.2 Hardware Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.2.1 Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.2.2 TDMA Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.2.3 LPT printer parallel port adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.2.4 Section of sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.3 Detailed Circuit Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.4 PCB Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.4.1 Power supply card layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.4.2 TDMA card layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.5 Software Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.5.1 Software Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.5.2 Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.5.3 Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6 Testing & Results 42
6.1 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
6.2 Bareboard testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
6.3 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
6.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
7 Advantages 43
8 Limitations 44
9 Application 45
10 Conclusion 46
11 Future Scope 47
12 References 48
13 Bill Of Materials 49
14 Datasheets 50
List of Figures
1 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 Regulated power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3 Circuit Diagram of Power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4 PC bits and description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5 PS bits and description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6 LPT parallel port connector description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7 LPT connector specications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
8 Rain sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
9 Wind sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
10 Circuit Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
11 Layout of powersupply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
12 TDMA card layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
13 Surface mounting of power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
14 World wide web architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
15 Weather monitoring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
16 Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
1 Abstract
In this project, embedded system is used for measuring light intensity, temperature,
rain fall and wind velocity in rpm in the atmosphere for up to date weather monitoring.
1. Highly customizable accepting all sensors for Airport Weather, Coastal Weather,
Precipitation Measuring, Fire Weather, Air Quality, Synoptic, Climatic, Agricul-
tural & Your Unique Application.
2. Portable & permanent, new, upgraded or integrated into existing systems.
3. Highest measurement accuracy available plus complex, advanced data processing
/calculating, storage & transmission.
4. Extremely low power consumption.
2 Introduction
Now-a-days weather is important parameters in all sectors. today everyone is depend
on weather conditions .so many systems are available for weather monitoring .we are
totally depend on information provided by currently existing system. but parameters
obtained by existing system are dierent than actual parameters. due to these various
problems are occurred. Because this so huge economical losses are generated. here we
are eliminating the drawbacks of current existing weather monitoring system which are
as follows:
1. Satellite initialization and setup cost is eliminated.
2. Uplink and downlink frequencies are eliminated.
3. Exact predication is not obtained.
4. High cost.
5. Skilled person is required.
In this project we are making our own electronic gadget. Which has all the sensors on
continuously senses these parameters and sends it via HTTP / GPRS protocol to access
the value.
3 Literature Survey
1. Satellite Imagery & Information Networks For Monitoring
Climate & Vegetation In Colombia:
Agricultural and environmental scientists, market analysts, farmers and others mon-
itor weather and vegetation change throughout the growing season. The information
can be used by the Ministry of Agriculture to plan extension activities. Market an-
alysts use the data to estimate shortfalls in production or likely eects on prices of
the coming harvest. Researchers use weather and vegetation information to better
understand how climate aects crop growth and yield, and other factors related to
agroecosystem health.
Scientists and professionals in developed countries have made great progress in de-
veloping weather and vegetation monitoring systems for agriculture. Some of the
demand for these systems has come from market analysts who want to know how
reduced or increased harvest might aect farm and food prices in dierent parts of
a country or the world. One example of such a system is the United States Depart-
ment of Agricultures Crop Explorer, which provides data for users throughout the
world (Foreign Agricultural Service, 2006). Other uses of weather and vegetation
data are food security professionals. The Famine Early Warning System developed
for Africa and Central America provides information from satellites for countries to
plan their food aid programs in the context of expected harvests due to weather
conditions (FEWSNET, 2006).
As with many countries, networks of weather stations cannot cover the full range
of agricultural environments throughout the country. A satellite-based weather and
vegetation monitoring system that could provide data for places without ground
stations would be of great benet to agricultural areas that lack monitoring infras-
Food security monitoring systems such as FEWSNET are not yet available for
Colombia. Although it is possible that Colombia could become a partner in FEWS-
NET in the future, it is unlikely to happen soon. Colombia is of lower priority for
food security monitoring since the country has relatively less drought than other
countries. Some information from Crop Explorer is available for Colombia, but
often researchers need access to the raw data.
Another problem for Colombia is the lack of use of satellite imagery by the research
and development community. Sometimes raw data is inaccessible to people outside
of the country in which it was produced. Shipping data by Internet or mail courier
may present additional problems to acquiring satellite data. Language barriers, lack
of training and other factors may also contribute to less use of satellite imagery.
2. A Web-Based Autonomous Weather Monitoring System of
the Town of Palermo and Its Utilization for Temperature
Now casting:
Weather data are crucial to correctly design buildings and their heating and cooling
systems and to assess their energy performances. In the intensely urbanized towns
the eect of climatic parameters is further emphasized by the urban heat island
phenomenon, known as the increase in the air temperature of urban areas, com-
pared to the conditions measured in the extra-urban areas. The analysis of the heat
island needs detailed local climate data which can be collected only by a dedicated
weather monitoring system.
The Department of Energy and Environmental Researches of the University of
Palermo has built up a weather monitoring system that works 24 hours per day
and makes data available in real-time at the web site:
The data collected by the system have been used to implement a NNARMAX model
aiming to obtain short-term forecasts of the temperature and map them over the
monitored area.
4 Technical Specication
1. Sensors :
(a) Temp sensor : (Range: -55 to +125 C)
(b) Light sensor : (Range: 10 to 1K Lux light intensity)
(c) Wind Sensor : (Self made).
(d) Rain sensor (Self made).
(e) ADC :
0804(Single Channel) 8 Bit ADC
2. Processor : Pentium
3. LAN Connection
4. Interfacing card
5 Hardware Description
In this chapter we are going to discussed about the hardware details by specifying
each and every part of block diagram.
5.1 Block Diagram
Figure 1: Block Diagram
5.1.1 Power supply
This block is used to convert 230V ac to 5V dc using bridge rectier & LM317 regulator.
The LM317 series of adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage regulators is capable of sup-
plying in excess of 1.5A over a 1.2V to 37V output range.
Component list used in this circuit:
1. Transformer 250/230V-9.5V, 1.6A
2. Diode IN 4007 D1,D2,D3,D4
3. IC LM317
4. Heat Sink for IC
5. Capacitor 2200 uf
6. Resistor R1 = 330 &12 = 110.
5.1.2 Light sensor
A light sensor, as its name suggests, is a mechanical or electronic apparatus that detects
light. Light Dependent resistor has a particular property in that they remember lighting
conditions in which they have been stored.
In the LDR photoconductive eect is observed. Therefore,LDR is also called as pho-
toconductive cell or photoresistor. when LDR is in dark its resistance is max. when
electromagnetic radiation (light) incident on LDR, its resistance decreases. Thus conduc-
tivity of LDR depend upon light incident on it. The LDR consisting of ceramic substrate,
a layer of photoconductive material, metallic electrode to connect LDR in ckt.
Features of Light sensor:
1. Wide spectral response.
2. Low cost.
3. Wide ambient temperature range.
1. photosensitive relay ckt.
2. auto iris contol of cameras.
3. object counters
5.1.3 Temperature sensor (Thermistor )
These directly heated thermistors have a negative temperature coecient and are pri-
marily intended for overload protection. They consist of a naked disc or with two tinned
brass or copper clad steel leads and coated.
Thermistors are also temperature dependent resistors (RTD).Theyn are made of semi-
conductor materials which have a negative temperature coecient of resistivity. The
variation of temperature with changes in temperature is nonlinear. Thermistors can be
used to measure temperatures in the range of -100C to 300C.
The resistance of a thermistor can be expressed as :
1t = 1o exp[[

] (1)
Rt = resistance at T K,
Ro = resistance at To K, and
= Cc:cctc:i:tictc:jc:ctn:c.
The thermistor provide a large change in resistance for small changes in tempera-
ture.Typically we can get a change of 80 ohms/degC which is much larger than a 7
ohms/degC change obtained from a platinum wire resistance sensor. thus thermistors
have a resolution.
The changes in resistance can be measured by using the standard wheatstone bridge net-
work.The resistance decreases with increases in temperature, hence this is called a the
negative temperature coecient thermistor(NTC).
Features of :
1. Dierent voltages to be chosen in function of the application
2. Wide range of resistance: from 0.3 micro ohm up to 3 kohm
3. Low cost
4. Operating Temp: -150C to 300C
5.1.4 Rain sensor
The bucket rain sensor consists of a large cylinder set into the ground. We are plating
the copper to the ground surface of bucket which act as+ Vcc. The bucket collects the
precipitation. Here we are using 3 transistors ,bucket, measuring scale. The emitter
terminal of each transistor is grounded and base terminal is connected to side surface of
bucket. In these sensor, the collection of water or snowfall in bucket Will provide the
exact rainfall can be read at any moment. This signal given to the collector terminal of
transistor. After an amount of precipitation equal scaling factors and an electrical signal
is sent to the ADC.
The o/p is displayed in 3 levels:
1. Level 1: 100ml
2. Level 2: 200ml
3. Level 3: 300ml
5.1.5 Wind sensor
The main instrument used to measure the speed of the wind is an anemometer. The
little cups on this device catch the wind and spin round at dierent speeds according to
the strength of the wind. A recording device is used to count how many times they spin
round in a given time. If you have ever seen an anemometer, you will have noticed that
the cups spin round very fast in a strong breeze. the o/p is calculated in rpm.
5.1.6 TDMA Card
TDMA card is nothing but a time division multiple access technique.time division is done
by 4 relay ckt switching.It is faster than FDMA.Here each parameter of sensors is selected
accordingly a 30 sec time slot.
Relay A simple electromagnetic relay consists of a coil of wire surrounding a soft
iron core, an iron yoke which provides a low reluctance path for magnetic ux, a
movable iron armature, and one or more sets of contacts (there are two in the relay
pictured). The armature is hinged to the yoke and mechanically linked to one or
more sets of moving contacts. It is held in place by a spring so that when the relay
is de-energized there is an air gap in the magnetic circuit.
5.1.7 ADC
Analog to digital converter are among most widely used devices for data acquisition. A
physical quantity is converted to electrical (voltage, current)signals using a device called
a transducer. Traducers are also referred to a sensor. Although there are sensors for tem-
perature ,velocity ,wind ,light , and other natural quantities, they produce an output that
is voltage (or current). Therefore we need an analog to digital no.s so that microcontroller
can read them. A widely used ADC chip is the ADC 804.
1. We are using ADC 0804 with 8bit.
2. Easy to Interface with PC.
3. Conversion Time Is less than 100microseconds.
4. The input voltage given 0 to 5 volts.
5.1.8 Processor (PENTIUM 4)
We are using Pentium 4 processor in all most PC. We can connect secondary storage
devices to this processor. The Performance is better than previous processor and is user
Features of PENTIUM4 :
1. It uses physical small transistors to make its speed faster.
2. Operate at frequency over a range 2GHz to 10GHz.
3. It is capable of executing number of instruction per cycles.
5.1.9 Client PC
In the client side pc, the browser to whom the modules are attached creates the web
pages. The HTML code is sent to the browser along with a separate le, which has a set
of instructions, which is referenced by the HTML page. However these instructions can
also be found embedded in the code. The browser to generate HTML page uses these.
Hence here it is dynamically done on request. The HTML page thus generated is sent
back to browser. So, when a user types a URL (Uniform Resource Locator), the web
server looks up the URL and locates the HTML page corresponding to it. In some cases,
the web server also looks up for the instructions le associated with the HTML. The web
server sends the HTML and the instructions back to the browser across the network. The
module within the browser then processes the instructions and then returns it as HTML
within the .HTML page. There is only one page that will be returned to the browser.
The HTML is then returned to the browser, where the page is displayed.
5.2 Hardware Design
This chapter tells about the design part of our project. The design, which has been ex-
plained and done, is that of Power Supply, Interfacing Circuit between Controller and
dieren parts. This section helps in deciding the components and the rating of the com-
ponents that are to be used in the nal implementation. The designing of the following
has been explained:
Power Supply
TDMA card
Section of sensors.
1. Temp sensor.
2. Light sensor.
3. Rain sensor (self made).
4. Wind sensor (self made).
5.2.1 Power Supply
The electric power is almost exclusively generated, transmitted and distributed in the
form of alternating current as an economical proposition. However for many applica-
tions we require dc supply. Batteries cannot be used for the purpose as they are costly
and require frequent replacement. Therefore, it is necessary to convert available ac sup-
ply into the required dc supply. This is achieved by an electronic device known as rectier.
Figure 2: Regulated power supply
Adjustable voltage regulator(LM317) The LM317 series of adjustable 3-terminal
positive voltage regulators is capable of supplying in excess of 1.5A over a 1.2V to 37V
output range. They are exceptionally easy to use and require only two external resistors
to set the output voltage. Further, both line and load regulation are better than standard
xed regulators. Also, the LM317 is packaged in standard transistor packages which are
easily mounted and handled.
In addition to higher performance than xed regulators, the LM317 series oers full over-
load protection available only in ICs. Included on the chip are current limit, thermal
overload protection and safe area protection. All overload protection circuitry remains
fully functional even if the adjustment terminal is disconnected.
Guaranteed max. 0.01
Guaranteed 1.5A output current
Adjustable output down to 1.2V
Current limit constant with temperature
80 dB ripple rejection
Output is short-circuit protected
Circuit operation This circuit consist of step down transformer rating 230V-9.5V
1.6A The mains Ac voltage is applied to the primary windings of the transformer. It is
step down transformer so we get output of 10V at secondary windings.
Bridge wave rectier circuit is connected to the secondary winding which converts AC
Figure 3: Circuit Diagram of Power supply
voltage into Pulsating DC voltage. During positive swing diodes D2,D3 are in forward
bias and current ows through them so we get output voltage across load. During neg-
ative swing diodes D1,D4 are in forward bias and current ows through them so we get
output voltage across load. Thus we get pulsating DC voltage.
This output we gave to adjustable three terminal regulator IC 317. This regulator al-
lows you to select an output voltage by use of two resistor. You can make a variable input
to exactly 5V output. This 317 IC has current and temperature sensing to protect itself
from overloads. Here we use heat sink for IC 317 to keep it cool. Thus this power supply
gives us regulated 5V DC output.
5.2.2 TDMA Card
ADC 0804 IC is used to convert analog data derived from sensor in digital form so that
we will get digital data for LPT port. ADC has on Chip clock, here we use RC network
to setup the clock. The value of R and C decides the timing. We put resistor R=10K and
capacitor C-150 pf. At pin number 4 and 19. The dierential input comes from sensor
circuitry and it has given to pin no 6,7 .Pin no. 8,10 are grounded . VCC is given to pin
no.9,20.The output of ADC is given to LPT port through data pins i.e from pin no. 11
to 18.
The device ADC should be operated in free running mode so we connect the INTR*
to WR* input with CS*=0 .
When dierential input is given to the ADC it converts analog voltage to digital. Dig-
ital data is then fed to the LPT port through FRC cable. This data is fed to pin number
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 of LPT port. And through LPT port this data is stored in the port address.
LPT port also have status pin and control pins. Status pin have direction in so we use
these pins to input the data. And control pins have direction out so we use these pins
for output the data. Here the data pins of the ADC also connected to LEDs and current
limiting resistors.
5.2.3 LPT printer parallel port adapter
Every PC has one or more LPT printer parallel port adapter. This adapter have several
I/O port. In old PC, the parallel port may be set at video adapter card or at separate
I/O device card (multi I/O). In the beginning, this port only used for printer device, so
the data port (8 bits) only used for sending data to the printer and can not receive data
from the outside. Now, everything has changed. Many device were connected to this
parallel port, so the design always change time to time, even the characteristic always
the same (i.e. new card usually used a new chip design and have more capabilities, like
bidirectional data transfer, can be congured to work more faster, etc., etc.). Ok, lets we
explore more about it now.
Because the parallel port have many location, so the port also follow this procedure
and always standard. For our description, DP refer to printer Data Port, PC refer to
Printer Control and PS refer to Printer Status. Tabel-1 shown each port and their func-
LPT 0 LPT 1 LPT 2 Operation Description
3BC Hex 378 Hex 278 Hex (Read)/Write Data Port (DP), 8 bits
3BD Hex 379 Hex 279 Hex Read only Printer Status (PS), 5(6) bits
3BE Hex 37A Hex 27A Hex Read/Write Printer Control (PC), 4(6) bits
1. Data Port (DP) : DP has 8 bits length. It means that it can be transfer or sending
data 8 bits long at a moment time. The old PC has LPT parallel port function only
for sending data. Many devices nowadays have attached to this port and can work
bidirectional. For examples : scanner device, many storage device like zip drive,
etc., etc. This means that this port can be used for sending or receiving data. New
card can be congured to work like this (eg:bi-directional port), but old one dont.
In the end of this article, you can change the ability of the old card, so that it can be
used to receive data. Data bits are naming as DP-0 trought DP-7. For the relation
number to the D-25 socket refer to the LPT Connector. DP port can sink 24 mA
at logic 0 and can source 2.6 mA at logic 1. Notice that the external device dont
try to pull these DP lines to ground for a long period. The latch IC could be burn.
2. Printer Control (PC) : PC is used for controlling the function of printer. Only 4 bits
used by printer and 1 bit used for interrupt enable ag. The complete description
was shown on Figure-1. The interrupt enable bit ag used for handshake operation
between computer and printer, so that the device can work with a little time of
CPU to interfere. The most important things must be taken if you connect your
own device are : the PC-0, PC-1 and PC-3 logic are inverting at socket connector
terminal. This means that, when you send logic 1 (high) to this related bit, the logic
output terminal is 0 (low). The PC-2 and PC-4 are normal. The PC-5 to PC-7 are
not used by the hardware circuit. Note that, PC-4 bit only for the adapter card
function. This means this bit does not connect out to the connector terminal. PC
port can sink 7 mA at logic 0 and can source 0.6 mA at logic 1. Besides that, in
some PC/ATs LPT adapter card, bit PC-5 is used for control direction (and also
in bi-directional card). It means that, if this bit is high, DP port can act as input
port, the latch output is tri-state. Data from outside can be read from DP port.
Figure 4: PC bits and description
3. Printer Status (PS) : PS port used for feedback signal from printer to the computer.
Only 5 MSB bits are used, the 3 LSB bits not used. The complete description was
shown on Figure-2. Only 1 bit is inverting input ie. PS-7 use for busy signal. PS-6
bit use for acknowledge signal This signal used when the printing goes on with in-
terrupt handshake operation. This is a hardware interrupt. In some PC/ATs card
and bi-directional card, PS-2 is used to reex the state of IRQ, weather it is on or
o state. This bit only for internal use.
Figure 5: PS bits and description
LPT port adapter use a female DB-25 D-shell connector type. The complete connec-
tion can be seen in Figure-3. Only 17 terminals be used, and the rest are grounded
all. This is a standard terminal connection. The connection are the same for all of
the LPTs connector. Figure-4. show the connection between printer to the LPT
Figure 6: LPT parallel port connector description
Figure 7: LPT connector specications
5.2.4 Section of sensors
1. Rain sensor (self made) : A rain sensor or rain switch is a switching device
actuated by rainfall. There are two main applications for rain sensors. The rst is a
water conservation device connected to an automatic irrigation system that causes
the system to shut down in the event of rainfall. The second is a device used to
protect the interior of an automobile from rain and to support the automatic mode
of windscreen wipers.
(a) Irrigation Sensors:
Rain sensors for irrigation systems are available in both wireless and hard-wired
versions, most employing hygroscopic disks that swell in the presence of rain
and shrink back down again as they dry out - an electrical switch is in turn
depressed or released by the hygroscopic disk stack, and the rate of drying is
typically adjusted by controlling the ventilation reaching the stack.
(b) Automotive Sensors:
The most common modern rain sensors are based on the principle of total
internal reection: an infrared light is beamed at a 45-degree angle into the
windshield from the interior - if the glass is wet, less light makes it back to the
sensor, and the wipers turn on.
Most rain gauges generally measure the precipitation in millimeters. The level
of rainfall is sometimes reported as inches or centimeters.
Rain gauge amounts are read either manually or by AWS (Automatic Weather
Station). The frequency of readings will depend on the requirements of the
collection agency. Some countries will supplement the paid weather observer
with a network of volunteers to obtain precipitation data (and other types of
weather) for sparsely populated areas.
Figure 8: Rain sensor
Construction Of Rain Sensor:
The bucket rain sensor consists of a large cylinder set into the ground. We are
plating the copper to the ground surface of bucket which act as+ Vcc. The bucket
collects the precipitation. Here we are using 3 transistors ,bucket, measuring scale.
The emitter terminal of each transistor is grounded and base terminal is connected
to side surface of bucket. In these sensor, the collection of water or snowfall in
bucket Will provide the exact rainfall can be read at any moment. This signal given
to the collector terminal of transistor. After an amount of precipitation equal scal-
ing factors and an electrical signal is sent to the ADC.
2. Wind sensor: The main instrument used to measure the speed of the wind is
an anemometer. The little cups on this device catch the wind and spin round at
dierent speeds according to the strength of the wind. A recording device is used
to count how many times they spin round in a given time. If you have ever seen an
anemometer, you will have noticed that the cups spin round very fast in a strong
Figure 9: Wind sensor
Construction Of Wind Sensor:
The Wind Speed & Direction sensor is a high performance, rugged time proven
design ideal for a wide range of wind measuring applications. The wind speed
sensor is a four blade helicoids propeller. Propeller rotation produces an AC sine
wave voltage signal with frequency directly proportional to wind speed. The wind
direction sensor is a rugged, yet lightweight vane with a suciently low aspect ratio
to assure good delity in uctuating wind conditions.
5.3 Detailed Circuit Diagram
This chapter tells about the detailed design part of our project. The design, which has
been explained and done, is that of Power Supply, Interfacing Circuit between Controller
and dierent parts. This section helps in deciding the components and the rating of
the components that are to be used in the nal implementation. The designing of the
following has been explained:
This circuit consist of step down transformer rating 230V-12V 1.5A The mains Ac
voltage is applied to the primary windings of the transformer. It is step down transformer
so we get output of 10V at secondary windings.
Full wave rectier circuit is connected to the secondary winding which converts AC
voltage into Pulsating DC voltage. During positive swing diodes D2,D3 are in forward
bias and current ows through them so we get output voltage across load. During neg-
ative swing diodes D1,D4 are in forward bias and current ows through them so we get
output voltage across load. Thus we get pulsating DC voltage.
This output we gave to adjustable three terminal regulator IC 317. This regulator allows
you to select an output voltage by use of two resistor. You can make a variable input
to exactly 5V output. This 317 IC has current and temperature sensing to protect itself
from overloads. Here we use heat sink for IC 317 to keep it cool.Thus this power supply
gives us regulated 5V DC output.
The sensor circuit consist of three relays. The user selects the parameter from the given
list displayed on client PC. i.e. parameters like temperature ,Wind velocity, light intensity
& Rain fall. The user input comes through status lines and control lines of parallel port.
According to that status & control lines, the selected input triggers the corresponding
transistor and we can get the data of selected parameter.
Figure 10: Circuit Diagram
Suppose user selects the parameter Light intensity. For light sensitivity we use LDR
which changes its resistance with intensity. This LDR we connected to the resistance
of 47K. When user selected light intensity option from the list the status line goes high
which triggers the base of the transistor T2. When transistor T2 is in saturated mode
the relay coil is energized As relay coil energized it activates the sensor which is normally
connected to sensor circuit i.e divider network. The output of divider network indicates
the corresponding voltage equivalent to light intensity. This analog voltage is given to
ADC 0804 to convert it in digital form so that LPT port transfers that data to main server.
Suppose user selects the parameter Temperature. For temperature detection we use
Thermistor which gives change in its negative temperature coecient with change in tem-
perature. This change in voltage is small i.e in millivolts, this output is given to pin no 1
of relay. When user selected temperature option from the list the control line goes high
which triggers the base of the transistor T1. When transistor T1 is in saturated mode the
relay coil of First relay is energized As relay coil energized it activates the sensor which is
normally connected to sensor circuit i.e amplier circuit network. The output of amplier
is the corresponding voltage equivalent to temperature.
Suppose user selects the parameter wind velocity. The Wind Speed & Direction sensor
is a high performance, rugged time proven design ideal for a wide range of wind measuring
applications. The wind speed sensor is a four blade helicoids propeller. Propeller rotation
produces an AC sine wave voltage signal with frequency directly proportional to wind
speed. The wind direction sensor is a rugged, yet lightweight vane with a suciently low
aspect ratio to assure good delity in uctuating wind conditions. The output of wind
sensor is given to pin no 3 of relay. When user selected wind velocity option from the list
the control line goes high which triggers the base of the transistor T1. When transistor
T1 is in saturated mode the relay coil of second relay is energized. As relay coil energized
it activates the sensor which is normally connected to sensor circuit i.e amplier circuit
network. The output of amplier is the corresponding voltage equivalent to temperature.
Suppose user selects the parameter rain fall.The bucket rain sensor consists of a large
cylinder set into the ground. We are plating the copper to the ground surface of bucket
which act as+ Vcc. The bucket collects the precipitation. Here we are using 3 transistors
,bucket, measuring scale. The emitter terminal of each transistor is grounded and base
terminal is connected to side surface of bucket. In these sensor, the collection of water or
snowfall in bucket Will provide the exact rainfall can be read at any moment.
This signal given to the collector terminal of transistor. After an amount of precipita-
tion equal scaling factors and an electrical signal is sent to the ADC. The output of rain
sensor is given to 3 status pin of LPT port. When user selected rain fall option from the
list. The 3 status line goes high according to amount of rainfall (i.e level 1 100ml,level 2
200ml & level 3 300ml).
5.4 PCB Design
In this chapter we going to discuss about PCB designing and PCB layout.
Designing Of PCB: In almost all electronic circuit a number of components are used.
It is impossible to wire each and every component, so a more convenient technique
is used to avoid the lengthy process.
It is the used of printed circuit board. The actual electronic circuit is limited to
the imagination of the person designing the board. The name printed circuit board
arises because the electronic circuit appears to be printed on the base material.
A printed circuit actually consists of this layer of copper foil. The nal circuit
is shaped by etching the copper in FeCl3.
The copper foil acts as a wire or conductor in the circuit. Component parts like
resistor, transistor, capacitor and IC are soldered to the conductive foil to complete
the electric path and circuit.
Properties Of PCB:
1. Insulating resistance
2. Volume resistivity
3. Dielectric strength
4. Dielectric constant (@ 1MHZ)
5. Dielectric factor (@ 1MHZ)
6. Arc resistance
7. Flexural strength
8. Water absorption
9. They are tough
10. Good mechanical strength
11. High Alkali resistance
Production Of PCB:
With the advent of complex and highly sophisticated CNC machines and extremely
easy and friendly CAD software the PCB industry is shifted brighter than ever.
However the following steps are to be followed while making the PCB by manual
1. layout art work(Done with PROTEL SOFTWARE)
2. mask photographic mask
3. prepare photo resistance
4. expose board
5. dry board
6. masking of the PCB
7. legend printing
8. plating the PCB pads with solder material
Layout designing is the pencil sketch of component and conductors drawing which
contain all relevant innformation for preparation of artwork. Layout is designed is the
pencil sketch of component and conductor drawing which contain all relevant information
for preparations of artwork. Layout is designed on tracing paper for better accuracy.
5.4.1 Power supply card layout
Figure 11: Layout of powersupply
5.4.2 TDMA card layout
Figure 12: TDMA card layout
Figure 13: Surface mounting of power supply
5.5 Software Design
5.5.1 Software Used
Web Server : A web server is a software tool which manages (hosts) web pages
and makes them available to browsers, either through a local network or through
the Internet. Physically web servers and the client machines can be on same ma-
chine or separated miles apart. However this does not make any dierence in terms
of access. There are many web servers available in the market today. Apache, IIS
(Internet Information Services), Enterprise Server by IPlanet are a few. ASP. NET
runs on IIS. network.
Web pages can be classied into two :
Static Web Pages.
Dynamic Web Pages.
1. Static Web pages :
Static web page content is determined at the time of writing the document. As
implied above, every request for a static page gives the same response. Static
Web pages are simple and easy to create. They can be viewed quickly and
can be stored as local copies, on the clients computer,for quicker access in the
future. Problem with static web pages is the lack of adaptability. If astatic
page needs to be changed, someone has to manually change the code on each
revision. This can take up lots of time if the validity of the information in the
le expires frequently.
2. Dynamic web pages:
Dynamic web pages changes appearance depending upon what information is
stored in the database. Rather than writing an HTML page, instructions on
how to make the page are written.The server then creates the actual HTML
and presents the data in a readable form. This technique allows the develop-
ment of incredibly rich content on the Internet. Dynamic web pages do not
require any extra processing on the clients machine as against static pages, so
they are generally faster.
3. Two ways of providing Dynamic Web page content:
The two ways of providing dynamic web page content are client side and server
side technologies.
(a) Client Side Dynamic Pages:
In the client side model, the browser to whom the modules are attached
creates the web pages. The HTML code is sent to the browser along with
a separate le, which has a set of instructions, which is referenced by the
HTML page. However these instructions can also be found embedded in
the code. The browser to generate HTML page uses these. Hence here it is
dynamically done on request. The HTML page thus generated is sent back
to browser. So, when a user types a URL (Uniform Resource Locator),
the web server looks up the URL and locates the HTML page correspond-
ing to it. In some cases, the web server also looks up for the instructions
le associated with the HTML. The web server sends the HTML and the
instructions back to the browser across the network. The module within
the browser then processes the instructions and then returns it as HTML
within the .HTML page. There is only one page that will be returned to
the browser. The HTML is then returned to the browser, where the page
is displayed.
(b) Server Side Dynamic Pages Client side technologies take a long time to
download, especially with a separate le of instructions. Also since this
interpretation is done by the browser, each browser may interpret it in
a dierent way. Another disadvantage is, since it is a coding issue on
the client side, it is completely undesirable. With server side coding, the
HTML source is set to web server where all the processing is done, before
the page is sent back to the browser. Here, the page is logically hidden
on the server and most browsers can read it in a consistent way. This is
shown in Fig. 2.
4. Front End The pages are created using VB.NET in ASP. NET. Since it is
server side scripting, the code is compiled on the IIS, the web server for .NET.
The VB code and the ASP code are embedded in a single page. Before the ac-
tual coding, all the required name spaces and libraries required for the code are
called in using an import statement. The code is written in a modular approach
with several sub routines, which will be called by the objects as required. The
modules start with sub followed by the name of the module. The appropriate
event handlers are also called in the module by creating an instance. These
pages are referred as web forms in .NET terminology. All web forms have the
extension of .aspx. Thus all web forms which are compiled by the IIS, are web
pages hosted by that IIS. Since it is a server side scripting, the web forms can
be seen across the browsers consistently.
5. Back End Microsoft SQL server is used as the back end where the tables are
created on the data base. There are two tables, one for registered user infor-
mation and other for existing inventory. The structures of the eld and data
type are provided in the table design. An authenticated access is provided to
the database. A secured connection is established with the data base through
the ODBC provided by .NET framework. All the information given when a
new user signs up is captured in this data base. Whenever the user logs in,
the credentials are authenticated with the server and ensure further progress
to the other pages. The users are managed using the enterprise manager in
SQL server.
6. Data providers With the .NET framework, there are two data providers20: 1.
OLEDB data provider 2. SQL data provider. The OLEDB provider is for
connecting to any OLEDB compatible data store like Access, Excel, Microsoft
SQL server, Oracle etc.
The SQL client data provider is specically for Microsoft SQL server. The
SQL client data provider provides much faster access to SQL server than
the OLEDB equivalent. Each data provider has its own connection object
class. The OLEDB data provider has an oledbconnection class and SQL
client data provider has sqlconnection class. These classes are found in Sys- and name spaces respectively. So de-
pending on the data base, the appropriate name space should be chosen.
7. Data Grid : A data grid is very helpful in displaying data from the database
in a tabular format. However, to display the information, data grid needs to
be bound with the database. The data grid emits the HTML needed for data
bound HTML tables. To do this, rst a data reader with some database is
obtained. Once the data is in the data reader, the data grid requires few lines
of code to be bound with it. These lines of code indicate where the data should
come from, which is commonly referred as the data source. The data binding
property should also be notied here. One of the main advantages here is that
the code involved is very simple and also very ecient. Essentially, a connec-
tion is created with the database and the connection is opened. Then the data
grids data source property is set to the required data reader. Finally the bind-
ing takes place using databind method. A signicant feature in this approach
is that, it isolates the code completely from the content. Unlike conventional
ASP, there is no mixing of HTML table and data reader output syntax. For the
given case, it is assumed that the inventory table resides in the same database
as the user information table. Hence the binding is with the same server and
the data source is from the same database.
8. Hypertext Transfer Protocol:
The standard protocol used by the Web Browser and the Web server to com-
municate i.e. to send requests and replies between servers and browsers. A text
document containing labels of special commands written in Hypertext Markup
Figure 14: World wide web architecture
ASP.NET : At the heart of the .NET technology is the .Net framework, which
provides the core technology that underpins it all. The framework itself consists of
several components, of which ASP. NET is just one.
1. MS Intermediate Language : All the code written is compiled into more ab-
stract, trimmed down form before it is executed. Whichever .Net language is
used to write the code, the trimmed code thats created from it is dened using
MSIL: The common language of the .NET
2. The Common Language Runtime (CLR): This is a complex system responsible
for executing the MSIL code on the computer. It takes care of tall the nitty-
gritty tasks involved in talking to the Windows Internet Information System
3. The .Net framework Class Libraries : These are code libraries containing a
mass of tremendously useful functionality, which we can very easily bolt into
our own application to make complex tasks much more straightforward.
4. The .Net languages : These are simply programming languages that conform
to certain specic structural requirements (as dened by the common language
specication), and can therefore be compiled to MSIL.
5. ASP.NET : This is how the .Net framework exposes itself to the web, using IIS
to manage simple pages of code, so that they can be compiled into full .Net
programs. These are then used to generate HTML that can be sent out to
6. How ASP.NET works : For most purposes, ASP.Net pages can be thought of
just like normal HTML pages that have certain marked up for special consid-
eration. When .Net is installed, the local IIS web server is automatically con-
gured to look out for les with the extension .aspx and to use the ASP.NET
module to handle them.
Technically speaking, this module parses the contents of the .aspx le; it
breaks them down into separate commands in order to establish the overall
structure of our code. Having done this, it arranges the command within a
pre-dened class denition, not necessarily together, and not necessarily in the
order in which we wrote them. That class is then used to dene a special
ASP.NET page object, and one of the tasks this object then performs is to
generate a stream of HTML that can be sent to IIS and from here, back to the
7. More about ASP.NET :
(a) ASP .NET is the next generation ASP, but its not an upgraded version of
ASP. ASP .NET is an entirely new paradigm for server-side ASP scripting.
(b) ASP .NET is a part of the new .NET (dot net) Framework. Microsoft
spent three years rewriting
(c) ASP .NET from the ground up, and ASP .NET is not fully backward
compatible with ASP 3.0
8. ASP .NET Controls :
ASP .NET contains a large set of HTML controls. Almost all HTML ele-
ments on a page can be dened as ASP .NET control objects that can be
controlled by scripts.
ASP .NET also contains a new set of object oriented input controls, like
programmable list boxes, validation controls.
A new data grid control supports sorting, data paging, and everything you
expect from a dataset control.
Figure 15: Weather monitoring system
Figure 16: Website
A Windows Computer : ASP .NET is a Microsoft technology. To run ASP
.NET you need a computer capable of running Windows.
Windows 2000 or XP : If you are serious about developing ASP .NET appli-
cations you should install Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional.
In both cases, make sure you install the Internet Information Services (IIS) from
the Add/Remove Windows components dialog.
Server 2003
Web Browser Internet Explorer 5.0/higher or compatible browser
5.5.2 Algorithm
5.5.3 Flowchart
6 Testing & Results
6.1 Testing
Testing is nothing but the physical checking of all the components and all possible con-
ditions to avoid problem in ckt functioning.
Testing can be done with so many checking instruments as per the ckt requirements.
6.2 Bareboard testing
In bareboard testing we have to check the following points:
1. Continuity of the track.
2. over etching or under etching if any.
3. shorts if any.
4. Vcc and ground tracks.
6.3 Troubleshooting
After PCB is prepared the conductivity test is carried out. First pin to pin conductivity is
checked. The necessary IC interconnection is checked.The resistance value of all resistor
are checked and then completed with the value denoted by colour coding is done.
the capacitor are also checked to see whether they are working or short or open. The
diode are cracked for their forward resistance and reverse resistance. After carrying out
all possible testing, the jumper wires are also tested for conductivity.
6.4 Results
Sn. Parameter Expected result Practical value Error in %
1 Temperature 40 deg C 40.2 deg C 2 %
2 Light intensity 10 lux 10 lux 0 %
3 Wind velocity 10 rpm 10 rpm 0 %
4 Rain fall in ml 300ml 300 ml 0 %
7 Advantages
User friendly system.
No need of skill person required.
Parameters can be monitored per 30 sec and user can have a record using data
Use of satellite is eliminated hence it is low cost system.
It is possible for future Upgradation.
It is highly Portable and rugged system.
8 Limitations
Poor coverage area.
Cant control parameter.
The system depends somewhat on the network speed.
The system may suer impure data input.
9 Application
Weather predication school.
Research and development.
Aero planes and aeronautical applications.
Can be used for Domestic or industrial application.
10 Conclusion
Thus, in our project entitled Web Enabled Whether Monitoring And Data Logging
Systemevery one get environmental conditions at any instant of time.In this project any-
one easily access all the record of environment.It can also be used for weather forecasting
system. Just as long-range wireless technology has been praised as a means of bring-
ing communications to remote areas, short range sensor networks have been lauded as
a means of gathering large amounts of data from small areas. In so do- ing, we built a
system that successfully presented an elevational gradient of environmental conditions in
local environment.Here actual sensors are placed in site and parameter value is obtained
which can be send to remote client PCs.
11 Future Scope
1. Communication through internet.
2. Communication through mobile, SMS.
3. Can add more sensors.
4. With the help of web cam we can display the actual images.
12 References
Muhammad Ali MazidiMuhammad Ali Mazidi, The 8051 Micro controller and
Embedded Systems,.
Poue horowitzPoue horowitz,Wineld Hill., Art Of Electronicx , .
Datasheet CatlogDatasheet Catlog.
13 Bill Of Materials
1 Resistors 25 2.00 50.00
2 capacitor, Electrolytic 8 3.00 24.00
3 capacitor, ceramic 1 3.00 3.00
4 ADC804 1 250.00 250.00
5 Diodes 6 4.00 24.00
6 Relay (GOODSKY RW-SH- 106D, 6V) 4 30.00 120.00
7 Zener diode,2.5V 1 5.00 5.00
8 20 pin IC based 1 20.00 20.00
9 NPN Transistor 8 5.00 40.00
10 LM317 1 40.00 40.00
11 Thermistor 1 15.00 15.00
12 LDR 1 20.00 20.00
13 Transformer,main cord 1 250.00 250.00
14 PCB 2 50.00 100.00
15 Zero size PCB 1 25.00 25.00
16 LED 15 3.00 45.00
17 DB25 connector cord 1 175.00 175.00
Total RS.1206
14 Datasheets

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