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May require some experimenting with printer setting to get the cards looking as close to real as possible. Do not let you PDF viewer resize or rescale the image when printing. Cut along gray lines. For Artifacts, stick them so the bottom edge (where the resistance and alignment are shown) is flush with the bottom edge of the card. For groups, align the top edge of the sticker (where the name is) with the top edge of the card. If you are interested in a custom card made to your own design contact me and I will make it for you for the paltry cost of 0.25 Geek Gold.
If the Servants of Cthulhu control R'lyeh lower the number of groups they need to destroy by one. If anyone else controls R'lyeh raise the Servants destruction goal by one.

Aperture Science
During your income roll a die and subtract three from the result. Place any positive number in MB on Aperture Science. Remove any negative amount from you Illuminati. + 3 on any attempt to control GLaDOS.


Board Game Geek Stargate

+ 3 on any attack on the Gamers and vice versa.

Head of John the Baptist

When a Special card is drawn it must be shown to the player who controls this card.

Stargate Command
*If you control the Stargate, double all values on Stargate Command.

Black Mesa Research Facility

Whom ever controls this group when it is destroyed gets +13 on there next attack.

During your turn for every group in your power structure that you destroy you may destroy any group in play of equal or lesser power. GLaDOS cannot be destroyed. Still Alive.


When a group is drawn you may spend 5MB from your Illuminati to place it on the Stargate. While there only the player controlling the Stargate may attack the group and no other player can interfere. If the Stargate is neutralized or destroyed any group on it goes with it. Only one group can be on the Stargate at a time.

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