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Yogyakarta, December 27th 2002

Dear Mrs Shazlia, I am very interested to join Petronas as Junior Geologist that is related with my educational background. My name is Agus Dwi Suryanto, male, 25 years old. I am a fresh graduate from Geological Engineering of Gadjah Mada University, with overall GPA is 3.06 and graduated on 29 April 2002. I have good educational background, self-motivated and logical ability, and well cooperate within a team works. I also interested with something new and have strong willingness to learn. I believe with my qualifications I will be able to contribute effectively in your team. For your consideration, I herewith enclosed my curriculum vitae and and academic transcript which will show my qualification. I appreciate it very much if you would consider my application favourably, and I hope I may have the opportunity for an interview at your convenience. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely yours,

Agus Dwi Suryanto

Jl. Bima Kunthing No. 31, Kodya Yogyakarta Yogyakarta-55221, Indonesia Phone Number : (0274) 550228 E-mail :


Personal Name Sex Place and date of birth Home Address Phone Number E-mail Adress Nationality Religion Marital Status

: : : : : : : : Single

Agus Dwi Suryanto Male Yogyakarta, 23th August 1977 Jl. Bima Kunthing No: 31, Yogyakarta 55221 (0274) 550228 Indonesian Moslem

Educational Background 1984 1990 : 1990 1993 1993 1996 1996 2002 : : :

Elementary School at SD Demangan 2, Yogyakarta Junior High School at SMPN 8, Yogyakarta Senior High School at SMAN 2, Yogyakarta Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University

Practical and Language Skills General Computer Skill : Microsoft Office, Internet. Geological Computer Skill : Stratlog, CPS3, Igrafx Designer. Language : English with oral and written Educational Experiences 1. Surface Mapping at Bayat District, 1999. 2. Surface Mapping at Southern Mountain, 1999. 3. Thesis Writing at Gulf Indonesia Resources, June-November 2001 Writing Experience 1. Geologi Daerah Gunung Semilir, Gunung Gambar, dan sekitarnya, Kecamatan Ngawen, Kabupaten Gunung-Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, UGM 1999. 2. Evaluasi Formasi Berdasarkan Data Wireline Logs dan Core, UGM 2000. 3. Sequence Stratigraphy of The Barat and Pasir Formations, AD-Field, West Natuna Basin, Riau Province, Indonesia, Gulf Indonesia Resources 2001. 4. Stratigrafi Sikuen Formasi Barat dan Pasir, Lapangan AD, Cekungan Natuna Barat, Riau-Indonesia, UGM 2002.

Organizational Experiences March 1998 : Committee of Lomba Lintas Alam Geowisata Berwawasan Lingkungan tingkat Nasional VI, HMTG-MAGMAGAMA, Gadjah Mada University. April 2000 : Committee of Lomba Lintas Alam Geowisata Berwawasan Lingkungan Tingkat Nasional VII, HMTG-MAGMAGAMA, Gadjah Mada University. Working Experinces: 2002 now : Operator in the cyber-cafe (part time). Interest and Activities I spend my spare time with reading books, climbing the mountain, listening to the music, browsing at Internet and some outdoor activities. I like basketball, badminton and football for sport. I like traveling and interested to learn something new for my experiences

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