Anthology: Something Exploded in The Kitchen

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Ms. Berger

Mr. Carrillo

Ms. Reed-Thompson

Mr. Timiraos


Ms. Wong


April 2011 Dear Reader, At USC, in our Writer in the Community class, we talked a lot about why creative writing is important, and what this stellar group of sixteen undergraduate English majors wanted to impart to one hundred and forty marvelous third, fourth, and fifth graders.
University of Southern California Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, & Sciences English Department Aimee Bender Associate Professor of English

The USC students came up with fantastic, fun lesson plans: how to improve descriptions by imagining ourselves on another planet, how to build a character by adding unusual words together, how to build setting, how to find a story by looking for evidence in the room, or in a picture, how to retell a story by finding a new point of view. Our last assignment was how to use the page as a way to express things we cant always express in our regular life. Safe rule-breaking, one USC undergraduate called itwriting allows us to do things we usually cant do. We can fly! We can pretend to stay up until three in the morning. We can imagine were a cat, or imagine we can eat only dessert all day long. There is so much freedom in letting our minds dream and invent, and it can be an outlet and a relief-valve for all of us. The undergraduates loved working with the elementary school students, and always came back to class buzzing with stories. So heres the explosive and joyful fruit of nine weeks of meetings and writing. We hope you enjoy this vibrant collection of imaginative pieces, all celebrating what can happen on the page! Sincerely,

Aimee Bender
Fiction Writer and Associate Professor, Creative Writing

University of Southern California Taper Hall of Humanities 3501 Trousdale Parkway University Park Los Angeles, CA 90089-0354 Tel: (213) 740-3742

Instructors: Daphne Ho Lindsey Vorndran Jeff Stein

Kayla Alvarez-Cauich Shaynan Baptist Adrian Carrillo Zipporah Collier Xziclali Duran Ethion Flores Albert Gonzalez Kimberly Gramajo Erica Gutierrez Aaron Hernandez Yuriko Imada Terriquez Stacey Joya

Kaylin Kim Erick Maldonado Jeremiah Martinez Makenzy McNeil Jesus Nocelotl Andres Orlando Quintanilla Tasnia Rasul Xitlally Rodriguez Ojeda Morris Salas Ernesto Vasquez Evelyn Oregon Diana Lopez Romero

The USC Janitor

There is a USC janitor but the janitor is a girl. She is very shy whenever she cleans up trash and if there are 12 grades of any grade she will get very shy. She likes hockey players and football players but only the cute ones but not nerds or else she will vomit and she will have to clean it by herself. The hockey player will flirt with other girls so the janitor will go and will punch that girl. She will say, I thought you liked me instead of those other girls, so she will punch that hockey player too and he will start to bleed. The hockey player will say, I lied to you. I was faking, so the janitor will punch him again and she will say, I hate you. The hockey player will call the police and the janitor will go to jail for the rest of her life. The End! - Stacey Joya

The Day I Lost You and The Day I Found You

Jenny is 40 years old. Her job is a USC professor. She teaches people how to work problems out. She is from France. She also is very smart. She is nice. Her favorite student is Daphne because she is sweet and funny. Also Jenny has hazel eyes. Daphne would always help her out. The USC professor would also take Daphne out to dinner. Jenny said to Daphne, Youre like a daughter to me. She said that because she is always nice. One day Daphne went back to her country of China. Jenny the professor got sad so Jenny went to France, and they never saw each other again. 3 months laterthey saw each other at the warehouse! Jenny said, Daphne, I havent seen you in two months. They hugged each other. So they went to the school and Jenny said, Im back. Daphne said, Me too. They enjoyed their life together. Every day after school they would go to the world famous coffee shop. They would talk about the trips they went on. 2 weeks laterJenny got into a car accident in France! She was in France because it was spring vacation. Daphne was so kind that she went to France. When she got there the doctor said, She broke her right leg and a bone cracked in her finger so she will be in the hospital for about 4 days. Daphne got her a lot of delightful gifts. Then Jenny got out of the hospital. They danced and danced until they fell. So they went to the Mega France shop. They bought famous clothes. They really loved each other. Then Daphne said, One day you can go to my country China. Jenny said, No, no, no, I got in a car accident and that is all I need. Daphne said, Okay, okay, thats a bad idea. - Zipporah Collier

The Zombies
I was the sailor on the ship. I was scared because the sharks might have eaten me. We were in the middle of the ocean. It took a week to get on land but we finally got on land. I was hungry for pizza. I landed in a city made out of pizza and the ship looked like a shark with a fin and it had sharp teeth but there is a bad thing to the story. When we landed there were zombies. The zombies were deadly and we had to kill all of the zombies. The End. - Morris Salas

Those Dumb Old Aliens

It smelled like cheese and I saw aliens that were dumb. I was with my mom and my dad. The planet was made out of stinky cheese. The aliens were just done cooking an elephant. Me, my mom, and my dad ate the elephant heart for breakfast. When we tried to leave, the animals ran all around the planet looking like a Charlie Brown character. The small ones looked like Snoopy. My dad could talk alien. He said that his brother looks like Charlie Brown. Everyones birthday was on Thanksgiving. When the aliens watched T.V. they hired people to do it for them. They always had to hurt themselves. That was sad. The dumb aliens told people to do stuff but they didnt have money. They said, Who cares. My mom told my dad, I am scared of those dumb old aliens. Now it is time to show the dumb aliens who is boss. She killed them all and we just left. There was lava. The end. - Xziclali Duran

The Polar Bear

Once upon a time there was a polar bear who lived in the city like a normal person. He never left his house because it was always too hot outside. The way he stayed cool was that he had a lot of air conditioners and they were always on high settings. One day he went to the beach to try something new. When he lay in the sun too long, his fur burned up and he died. The End. - Kayla Alvarez-Cauich

If Columbus had more ships, they could have sailed to Japan, Asia, Mexico and more. It was a bumpy scary ride, and almost 7 people of the crew fell down in the deep, blue, dangerous ocean. Also, lightning shocked the ship, and sharks came to eat the sailors, but they were saved. I was the great big captain of the ship. Many people were hungry. They were starving to death, so they had to go fishing for fish. Later they arrived at America, and they became friends with the Americans. They ate corn pumpkin pie and many vegetables. They also learned about Math. They played old-fashioned games. It was time to leave, so they said goodbye. Later, they came when it was spring. The trees had different colored leaves like red, yellow, orange and brown. They heard help far away. They came to the garden and saw a mean old tornado. It sucked up 1,000 houses and people. It sucked me in, too! Later, when we came down into the tornado, I came to this secret place where there were dinosaurs, lava and dangerous animals. I saw that the Americans were trapped in a cage by the tornado king with 100,000 long legs. I had to save them, so I passed the T-Rex. He almost ate me up. Next I had to go over the mean lava and I saved the Americans. - Jesus Nocelotl

My Family and I Go to the Mountains

Me and my family, and my dads friend too, all went to the mountains. We got everything in the house and my dads friend got the stuff, too. Then we all went to the mountains. Its cold and snowy and you cannot see anything through the snow. And up in mountains there was a house that was warm inside. My two sisters and I played outside. We played tag and hide and seek, and made Snow Angels and Snowmen. But we couldnt see anything. In the house, my sister and I went by the fireplace and sat on the soft sofa. It was so fun to play outside and we all liked to live in the house. We all loved it. We would have still lived in the house but we had to go back to our house and we were happy, but also sad. The happy part was that we went to the mountains, and the sad part was that we have to come back to our house. We had so much fun when we went to the mountains. The End. - Diana Lopez Romero

The USC President

The USC president is 100 years old! He is so weird. He is fat. He goes to his moms house every day. He hits people. Before he was a wrestler. His name is Jeff. He has a brother named Matt. They are cool. He has a money pool. It is so big. He also has a big candy pool. He is married to a girl named Natalia. They are old. One day Jeff, Matt, and Natalia fought Jtgishad and Gail. Jeff and them won. Now they are back to wrestling. - Erick Maldonado

The Slimy Weird Aliens

We went to Mars and we saw slimy green weird aliens. They were brown too. They were walking everywhere. The aliens had 4 eyes. The ground looked like bread and we had suits. They were blue. We were scared. The sky was black and had stars. - Erica Gutierrez

The Five Servants

I was one of the sailors and it was a really bumpy ride. It felt like a rollercoaster. All of the rocks made it feel like a rollercoaster. I almost fell off of the big ship. I told the servants to bring me chow mein and orange chicken. He discovered gold and metal. It was so shiny. He also discovered fish and the servants made fish with rice. Columbus was telling me to do stuff but I kept on saying no and the sailor told the servants to find him thousands of everything. All of the people told Columbus to be quiet and they all had good lemonade with ice. It was refreshing and none of the servants threw up or got seasick. They all lived happily ever after and enjoyed eating wonderful food. The ship was black and brown. The ship was nice and long. The inside looked like a lot of white long lines. The ship was also nice and shiny. We all loved everything nice and good. It didnt keep on going. They stopped to eat in their regular houses. They were very happy. - Aaron Hernandez

The Shy Cafeteria Man

The cafeteria man is shy because people say he makes nasty food. The nasty food looks like something exploded in the kitchen. When he makes spaghetti the noodles are hard and the sauce is frozen. They dont think its nasty. Theyre just being mean. People also laugh because he has to wear a hairnet, and a white suit that looks like a wedding dress. He is tall and 25 years old. But then 1 week later he got a job as a boxer. And now he wears shorts and no shirt. Now, when people try to mess with him he knocks them out to next week. - Ernesto Vasquez

Weird Aliens
There was Mars, with aliens, stars, and the nocturnal moon. I think the sky was very, very, very dark. The aliens were talking by themselves. Then I took a deep breath and I sneezed because the air was dusty. The aliens had three eyes, but the eyes were scary because they were covered with blood. I thought to myself, Mars is a very dumb planet. I wish I had never come to Mars. I had come because my friend had told me that Mars was a very good planet. But it wasnt true. The sky was very, very, very spooky and I saw spider webs that were very nasty. When I was there, I was very hungry because there was no food. I was starving, because all they had was salt and water, which was very, very nasty. There were slimy green aliens, but I did not touch them at all because I am scared of slime. There was slime everywhere. - Xitlally Rodriguez

How Did a Rock Get in my Hotdog?

I was eating a hotdog and my dog was digging. A rock fell inside my hotdog. And I just figured out I was outside and we were throwing rocks at the wall. - Kimberly Gramajo

Columbus landed in America. He saw a ball with a string on it. He said, What do I do with it? Id like to play with this. He taught everyone how to play the game, so they played with their friends. They liked to play the game a lot. DJ knew how to play the game. A girl came whose name was Liz. She said, Can I play with you. He said, Yes, you can play with me. DJ beat Liz. They liked to play the game, so they played again, and Liz beat DJ that time. Then they wanted to eat, so DJ said, Do you want to eat at my house. Liz said, Yes I do want to eat at your house, so they went to DJs house. They had pizza. - Evelyn Oregon

The Planet Wine

One day I went to the planet Wine! Well this is the middle of my story so here I go from the beginning. One day I went on a space adventure. Once we went out in space, our shop broke. Then we landed on a planet called Wine. Once I got there I saw aliens called Humcoon. Their heads are like a peanut. Also they didnt wear clothes. And they were a brownish color. They smelled like bad cologne. They ate any animal meat through their ears. Their language was called Flabwa. When I first walked on planet Wine, it felt squishy. One Humcoon came up to me and said, Are you one of us? No Im a human. Then she said, My name is Yances. My name is Isabel. I could help you fix your ship. Sure you could help me. So we finished repairing the ship. Before I left I asked, Are you boys or girls? Then they said, I dont know. All of us were born without knowing if we were a boy or a girl. So I said, Bye to all of the people on the planet Wine. And thats the end. The End. - Yuriko Imada Terriquez

The Boat
It was a bumpy ride. Everyone was hungry. They wanted to eat. They stayed in the boat for 2 weeks. They were going to America. Everyone was really sad. When the boat was running they got sea sick. There was a guy named Michael Dowskey. He was funny. He was telling stories until they got there. They were happy and laughing. Inside the ship there was a big pool. When they got there they asked people for food. They were really, really hungry and starving. The sailors thought of the Native Americans and they thought they were mean. They ate arroz con pollo. They thought it was good so they ate more. After that they ate pizza and chicken. At last they were done. They were not hungry but they were really, really sleepy after all that food they ate first. They slept warm and cozy in their beds. They were happy they were there. They all had their own beds. They even said that they slept on the floor, not on the beds, on the big giant boat. The boat was filled with a little bit of water. They slept on sleeping bags. And they had no blankets on the big wet ship. In that boat they had to put their beds on the dirty wet water. They were really really hungry and sad when they were on the big giant boat. They wanted to leave the big ship because of their hunger and sleepiness. Now they are happy they are not hungry, wet, and sleepy like they were. They are happy they dont sleep on the floor. - Jeremiah Martinez

If Columbus didnt have any clothes, the mermaid would have to give him a pair of fancy clothes. It was a bad trip because sharks were biting the anchor. I was the cook making macaroni and cheese because it was Columbus favorite food. I also had to make hot dogs, creamy pasta, steamed rice, stewed beef, fried chicken, white bread with pure butter on it, sweet orange chicken, fried rice, Big Macs, and sweet cake with frosting on top. I saw the maiden clean the ship deck every day. The Indians gave me a recipe for how to cook spicy turkey. First, you put hot pepper sauce and then put cookie dough that is really, really soggy. Then put 777,777 gallons of Canola Oil (Canola Oil is better). Then put the turkey and 777,777 gallons of oil in the oven and put some food coloring on the turkey. Then the Indians showed me their teepees. Then Columbus died and I ruled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Tasnia Rasul

The Frog Who Played Music

Once upon a time there was a frog that was so bored that he would not even go to the bathroom. So one day he decided to get a golden saxophone. So he went to a cheap music store. The guy who worked was drooling and sleeping so he took a saxophone and hopped away. Then he went to his lily pad and told all his frog friends to come to a lagoon where there was a lot of flies. So the next night all the frogs were there eating flies. There were some fly guts on their teeth and part of their heads. The boy frogs had suits. Then the frog started to play his saxophone and the old frog started to dance. The other frogs started to dance too and the frog felt proud. The next day he went to return the saxophone because there was water in it. The End! J - Andres Orlando Quintanilla

Mars Needs My Mom

I see Mars with furry little things that are sucking on my Mommys brain. I try to get it off of my Moms brain that looks like bubble gum. Then out of nowhere, one of them comes straight at my face! The reason it comes at my face is because it thinks that my face is a Jelly Bean. When I try to make contact, they speak an unusual language. Later, they say, We are sorry, we thought your Mom was a candy bar. Then they say that they can help us fix our ship. When we are finished we leave and say goodbye. Mars was sandy, stormy, and hot. Also, Mars had cactuses. The aliens were little furry balls that had round eyes and big mouths. Also they are made of chocolate and we eat them we get poisoned and die forever. - Ethion Flores

Josh the Duck

Josh the Duck was sad because he doesnt get any gifts at all on his birthday. But one birthday, a witch came by and said, Oh, little Duck, I know you dont get gifts on your birthday, but I am going to give you a special phone. Take good care of it but remember that I gave it to you. Thats how Josh got a phone. Josh calls his friends and has never forgotten that the witch give the phone to him. - Makenzy Mcneil

When I woke up this morning I had a cat face and bat wings. I was shocked. When I was going downstairs I started to fly and my head got stuck on the roof. The servant helped me down. My parents took me to the doctor but he said there was nothing he could do. When they gave me milk to drink I started licking it. The cook saw a rat and told me to kill it. I was not willing to kill a rat! My mom saw a hole in the roof and told me to fly up there and fix it. Again, I was not willing to fly on to the roof to fix it. When I went to bed I felt used by everyone. When I woke up, my bat wings and cat face were gone. But I now have a monkey tail and bear ears. - Kaylin Kim

Hunting the Treasure

One day my family and I went to an island. We saw a map in the sand. We followed the map to the treasure. We were going the wrong way. Then we tried again and we went the wrong way again. Then my dad tried it and we were going the right way now. It was nighttime and there was thunder and creepy noises. We were al scared. We were almost there and we just needed one more place to go. Then we saw the X. We looked inside and it was filled with our favorite things. We were all happy when we found it. - Albert Gonzalez

My Worst Day
My worst day happened when I was in the park. My dogs leash broke and he ran to the tree. My parents, sister and I were chasing him, then we finally got him and then we went home. That was a very hard day. I was feeling worried for my dog. I was afraid he might have run into the street. Im so relieved that my dog is okay. - Adrian Carillo

Instructors: Paige Cohen Kimberly Newberry Brian Sameshima Liz Waters

Destiny Aguayo Jason Alvarado Jonathan Armstrong Justin Armstong Jalen Ashley Bethany Bowley Marley Camacho Xochitl Castillo Joshua Cortez Bryan Escamilla-Cruz Dorian Galeno Olivia Glapion Sierra Glover Ellesse Nathan Gonzalez Yessika Gutierrez

Journee Harris Alex Jimenez Jamie King Rick Magallanes Emily Mendez Fernando Morales Minerva Oliva Lourdes Ortiz Ashleigh Ross Gabriel Salazar Alejandro Silva-Serrano Yaremi Solis Kenneth Sorto Matty Terriquez Moreno Alyssa Torrez White Daniel Valladares

I Dont Want to Go Anywhere

I dont want to go anywhere. No one is there with me, because Im not anywhere. I dont know what the weather is like, because Im not there. I dont see anything, because Im not there. I also dont hear or smell anything, because Im not there. I dont love anything about this place, because Im not there. - Minerva Oliva

Giggly Ice Cream Man

The ice cream man is coming. I can hear that wacky ice cream song. I walk up to his truck. He is giggling as always. I think hes gone crazy, but his ice cream is the best. I ask him for chocolate ice cream and as he goes to get it hes giggling. Im the only person who buys his ice cream. Everyone else doesnt come because they think he is creepy. I pay him for the ice cream. As he drives away he is giggling and singing: I am the ice cream man- you know how the song goes. - Alex Jimenez

I Met the Popular Janitor

I met the popular janitor. Everyone likes him. He gets paid $1,000 because he makes the room shiny and you can see his reflection. He is cool. He knows every single language. He has a mansion. - Jason Alvarado

One Day in Hawaii

One day I was in Hawaii with my Mexican Chihuahua. He started singing La Cucaracha. Stop, that is extremely creepy, I said. But it is cool, said Camron.Wheres your sombrero hat? I said. In my luggage, he said. When we went to our hotel we were hungry. Are you hungry? I asked.Yes, he said.Lets get hamburgers, chicken, smoothies and key lime pie, I said. Sure, he said. Then I teleported to the kitchen. Then I went outside. It was raining ice cream. When I called my dog, he came in his black limo. Where did you get the limo? I asked. From Toys R US, he said. Then we went in the pool. It had chocolate ice cream. When I played on my Xbox 360 the ice cream hit the antenna and I was in the game. Then I tried to teleport, but I couldnt. - Nathan Gonzalez

Ariel and Woody

Woody: Hi, ahh sweet thang, single or not? You are hot. Ariel: Stop hitting on me, you dirtbag. Woody: Okay. Lets start over. Ariel: O.K. Woody and Ariel startingnow. Woody: Whats shaking bacon? Ariel: Here we go again. Woody: Look, I will make you a deal. Go out with me for a week and IIIwillum Ariel: Get me a date with your friend over there. You know, Buzz. Woody: Fine. So they went on to a fish place. Ariel did not even know where she was. She was clueless. Ariel: So what are you ordering? Woody: Sushi. Ariel: Really? What is in that? Let me try it when you get it. Woody: O.K. sweet thang!!! Ariel: Like L.O.L. Woody: Are you kidding me? We are not texting. Ariel: Whatever. Woody: Okayyyyy. Ariel: Ooo sushi, let me try!!! Woody: Oh it is fish fish. Yum yum. Ariel: Oh my gosh. You set me up to eat my own kind. As Ariel slapped Woody in the face, she ran away happily. - Journee Harris

The Jell-O Planet

I see an alien gummy bear. Im so hungry from that long ride. It stares at me with its red gummy eyes. I jump off the space ship and then I realize that the planet is made out of jell-O, delicious watermelon flavor. I open my helmet and start eating it, but then I cant go back up. Then I could see the alien gummy bear and jump in to save my life. Then he barfs on my suit. Its jell-O vomit, I say. Thats nasty! Then I go into the spaceship, wash it, and its all washed up. Then I tell the alien gummy bear, Hey, do you think you can fix our spaceship please? Then he says, Zem alla oshi como om, mice wome more om sello obo. Then he takes my hand and takes me to the mechanic. He said, Ele oshi se ma kein a. Then the other one said, Blah eoh shemo slim kish, and he goes to our ship and fixes it. I say goodbye, and we all fly off back to earth. - Yessica Gutierrez

To Become a Transformer
I traveled 10 hours in space, finding a world called, Cybertron. It is filled with transformers. I said that they look cool and they asked me if I wanted to become one of them, so I said, yes. - Joshua Cortez

The Chocolate World

Six years in space, and finally I found a planet. When I got out of my space ship I saw a new world. I named it the chocolate world. Nobody was there so I could eat everything. The only things that arent chocolate are the clothes and me. When I pooped, I pooped chocolate chips, white and brown. When I peed, I peed chocolate milk. I saw a lot of stores that sold different kinds of candy. My house has candy canes on both sides of the door, with two chocolates on top. - Alejandro Silva

The Baby and the Lion

The baby rides on a lion because he is tired. The baby was very tired so he told the lion to take him to the ice cream man and the baby would buy the lion an ice cream. The lion lived happily ever after. The End. - Bryan Cruz

Getting My Pet
I didnt have a pet. I was lonely because my brother always works! But when I was playing I saw a baby chupacabra. It was still a puppy. It had the face of a coyote, a body like an alien, a tail like a lion, and sharp baby teeth. When my mom saw him, she freaked out. Scream! What? Its a chupacabra! She fainted. He he he. Uh oh! - Daniel Valladares

Weird Planet
I saw a very fat man on a planet. The planet was made out of different kinds of ice cream, Coke, and candies!!!!! When I got to the planet I walked to the ice cream section where I saw Michael Jackson doing the moonwalk. It was very weird, so I went to the cake section. At the cake section I saw the fat man again. I said, Hi! to the man. He just stared and walked away, so I walked away too. I walked to the candy section where I saw a gummy bear doing the robot. He stopped dancing when all of a sudden everything started to vanish. When everything vanished Michael Jackson, the fat man, and the gummy bear came out and started dancing. Michael Jackson was still doing the moonwalk. The fat man was break dancing. The gummy bear was still doing the robot. They were dancing towards me. I was walking back until I left the planet. Since that moment on I have never ever left earth, but if I do, I will never go to that planet ever again. - Lourdes Ortiz

My Balloon
On a spring morning my balloon got out of its cage. He started running wild in my house. He got punished and went outside. Later when I was washing the dishes, I heard that there was a windstorm. So I went out and looked everywhere for my green balloon. But he wasnt there, and I was worried about my balloon. Then I heard my balloon. I looked up and saw my balloon! I was chasing him everywhere to capture him, but he was way up high. I started to throw ropes on it, but I kept missing. Then the wind kept getting stronger. It blew him to the ocean. - Matty Terriquez Moreno


Who Am I
I live in a pound. I am black and white. I walk on 4 paws. I am 3 years old. I am skinny. I now live in a house. When my family adopted me I was 11 months old. I hate cats. My birthday is in January. - Ashleigh Ross

Justin Bieber Planet

My planet is called Bieber Fever Planet. People live in houses. They all say, Justin Bieber rocks. After people leave the store they say, have a happy Bieber day! Then people say, What? Are you kidding me? It is already here? So I walk in the store and say, I need everything you have. So I pay Bieber money and they say, Have a good Bieber. When I go out to the store I start hearing, Baby, Baby, Baby Oh. Everybody starts screaming, Ha ha, He is here! Lets get him. So I go home, and he comes to my house and says, Can I live here for maybe 20 or 40 years? And I say No, but you can be my husband, and we can live happily every after. And he says, KK. And I have one condition. We have to have 7 kids. And he says, KK. - Sierra Ellesse

Cookie Monster
How did a monster get in my cookie? On Friday I went to a monster convention. See, I didnt eat breakfast because my sister got on the table and farted too hard and pooped on my eggs, so I really did not want to eat. So, I bought a cookie. Its weird because it was called a monster cookie, what a coincidence, mix it around and its cookie monster. Anyhow, so I looked at how golden and warm my cookie was. So, I was going to take a bite and then I saw a monster! And he was getting bigger and bigger. I felt bad because he was baked into the cookie, so he was sort of burnt. He was blue and had green hands and ears, so I dropped my cookie and ran. - Jonathan Armstrong

After 6 days in space you were swallowed by a wormhole into another dimension and planet. It is full of scary monsters. They have four claws, eyes with flames in them, teeth of death, spikes on their backs and legs and they said their name was Godzilla. They were all sorry, so they ran like the wind. - Gabriel Salazar

Habu is an island where I got stranded in a storm, while I was on a ship on my way to China. On Habu my house was in a tree (a tree house). My bed was made of very soft leaves. I had a pet cat, dog, and monkey. I was friends with all the animals on Habu. I hunted all my food. I also grew and picked all my fruit. I picked coconuts, bananas, berries, pineapples, and sugar cane. After 20 years on this island, I finally swam to the ship. I came home and lived a happy life. - Marley Camacho

One day there was a kid and his name was Peanuts. He saw another kid with money. So he asked his name and he said, Breadnuts. So peanuts went away and saw Breadnuts go somewhere, so he decided to stalk him and find out where his house was. So he went to Breadnuts house, looked around, and saw Breadnuts in his boxers. So he took those boxers and took a bath in Breadnuts house and put on the boxers and saw a brown stain on them and said, Omg, theres brown stuff on these. So Breadnuts woke up and screamed! He said, What you doin in my house? I was tryin to look for your money. Well, I spent them on boxers.He looked at his boxers and he saw he didnt have them on and saw Peanuts had them on. - Justin Armstrong

Zebox 360
Once there was a Zebox 360. You might be asking, how was it invented? It all started as just a regular zebra, but then my dad stuffed my Xbox 360 and gave it to me as a present. When I saw it I was like, Uhhhwhat is this? Then my dad said, A Zebox 360. So now to play videogames all I see is a big zebra projecting games. Like isnt that so cool and kinda crazy? But Im the only one who has one. - Alyssa Torrez White

If a bat bit you will turn into a vampire. If you do, then you will hide in the shadows and drink blood. - Xochitl Castillo


The Lazy Fireman Who Ate Gummy Bears

There was once a lazy fireman. Instead of putting out fires, he would just make them even worse. He hated his job and was very clumsy. Most of the fires that other firemen would have to put out were fires that he created. He was fat and he once set the fire department on fire when he was trying to light up a cigarette. All the other firemen didnt like him, but the only reason he was a fireman was because his uncle hired him. He still lived with his parents. He was 34 years old. He didnt really do any work but he still got paid the same amount as everyone else. All the other fireman kind of bullied him and they wouldnt leave him alone unless he bought donuts for them. But one day, he ate some magic gummy bears and grew wings and flew away. No one ever heard from him again and he became popular in the fire department. So all the other firemen told their kids and all of them wanted to be a fireman and become lazy so they could find some magic gummy bears and all of the firemen became lazy and screwed everything up. And the whole world caught on fire. - Fernando Morales

The Big Day

I would love to go to my wedding in the future. My friends go with me and the boy Im going to marry. It will be sunny. I see a wedding dress, bridesmaids dresses, and flowers. I hear birds chirping and people crying. I smell cake, a big cake, and tears. I love that its my dream guy and me getting married, but who? When I marry him, I am going to play this song, I want you to love me like Im a hot ride. And I would dance and invite all my friends and family. I would cry tears of joy. I would be with him forever and ever. Id be at the beach. This is my true wedding story. - Bethany Bowley

I would love to go to Neverland and say hi to Michael Jackson. No one will go with me because its only for kids. Just me, myself, and I. Thats who Im going with. Its actually really sunny and cool at the same time. The 3 things I see are kids, roller coasters, and Michael Jackson waving his hand at me. I wave back. Things I hear are roller coasters and music, a lot of music! I smell food, a lot of food. Cookies, popcorn, burgers, and lots of yummy goodies! Only one day and I had so much fun. - Dorian Galeno

What I Would Like to Do for One Day

What would be awesome is if we could fly to the village with my friends while texting at the same time, then after we could go to any store and get everything for free. Then we could eat or drink any food. Then we could stay there for hours and go shopping. There then would be a tree that grows money so we could get more, then after we could ride the Metro for free, and after we could go to the mall or my house or any place. Then we went back to school and we didnt have to learn anything and just have fun. Then after we had really delicious food and never learned anything again. PS: I forgot, instead of using the Metro, we could use a limo or a really cool car, and we had a car driver, and I also forgot that when we went back to school we didnt have to wear uniforms. - Olivia Glapion

No More Justin Bieber!!!!

If there was no more Justin Bieber!! that would be better because I dont like him. I dont like the annoying fans. I dont know why? No more Bieber! I know people would be sad if he was never famous. So nooooo more Bieber!!! - Emily Mendez

I see Planet Bieber. Everyones dressed like Justin Bieber. Everyones favorite color is purple. All you hear are Justin Bieber songs. The hospital is just because they have Bieber Fever. All of the houses look like Justin Biebers face. The dogs look like Justin Bieber and they say Bieber in the beginning of sentences and at the end of sentences. If someone doesnt like Justin Bieber they die. If you ask them, Are you sick? they say Bieber yes. I have Bieber fever. Bieber. The teacher teaches them about Bieber. The money looks like Justin Biebers face. He did a concert. I talked to him then he said, Hey youre pretty cute. I said, Youre cute. Then we go get married, have four kids, and then we lived happily ever after. - Destiny Aguayo


Imagine Planet
When I get off my space shuttle I see farther than Earth. Also, I see a land full of chocolate and sweet fruit, plus Gummy Bears playing at the Gummy Park. I guess Im on Imagination Planet. The planet is covered full of orange juice. The red smells like strawberry, orange smells like orange blossom, pink smells like bubblegum, brown smells like chocolate, white smells just like coconut. Their voices sound very saucy. There was one that sounds very deep. Their names are Coco, Strawberry, Orange Blossom, and Chocolate. They all have pets that go to school and wear glasses and do our homework and thats how we get very smart. Our pets have our same names and looks. Our sientos Dr. Berry comes to every house. Let me see your pet so I can zoltra zap your different gummy brains. When I get zoltra zapped, I start getting crazy and finally start laughing and get out of the planet. I could have just imagined myself out. - Jamie King

Toy Story: Reloaded

Then Woody and Buzz were at the beach with Andy. Then a tall lady came up blocking the sun from Woody. Hey, youre blocking the sunlight! Ariel: Who said that? Woody: Me down here. Woody: How you doing? Buzz: Yeah, how you doing? Ariel: Im fine. Buzz: Hey, whats your name, baby? Ariel: Excuse me? Woody: Youre excused. Ariel: I dont think weve met. Woody: Oh? Well, we have now. Lets get something to eat. Buzz: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! You havent met me, baby. You know who I am? Ariel gazes at him like hes crazy. Buzz: Im Buzz Lightyear: Space Ranger. Ariel: What? Buzz: The action hero of Toy Story. Ariel: I dont know what youre talking about. Buzz: What? What? Ill be back, Ariel! Ill be back! - Jalen Ashley

The Man in the Tree

One day a bus was driving through Mexico and they crashed in a tree and all these things fell on top and then the driver said who are you to the man on top of the bus. He said, My name is Steve. I am a hobo who lives in the tree and you destroyed my tree, so can you take me to Las Vegas so I can gamble? So he did and Steve was happy. - Rick Magallanes

Leprechaun Pie
How did a leprechaun get in my pie? Oh, I left a clover in my pie to cook the leprechaun. But when I ate the leprechaun, it tasted horrible. - Kenneth Sorto

Love Land
I would like to go to Love Land. I would like to be with a boy. The weather would be warm. I would see clouds, hearts, and candy. I would hear birds singing and people playing violins. I would be able to smell roses. Oh and what Id love about this is the clouds. Oh and Id say its Love Land. I would eat a lot of things: marshmallows, food, and chocolate. Oh and other food and drinks. My dog would go with me and get a new boyfriend. My dog would be brown and puffy. We would do a lot of things together. The color would be dark red, light red, and baby red. In the back of us, would be a heart with wings so big and at the end they would be kissing. Okay, 1 month later they would be married. To be continued - Yaremi Solis


Instructors: Isaac Ahn Breana Powell Elizabeth Reiser

Leayah Argueta Millie Chica Joshua Collier Steven Delu Carlos Esparza Diana Gutierrez Allan Holland Jennifer Jones Danielle Lopez Angel Marmolejo Joseph Muoz Giselle Murphy

Giselle Ponce Erin Portillo Rubie Rivas Naima Sanders Christian Servin Natalia Pacheco Valerie Paz Rebekah Tavakoli Ricky Sanchez Jerry Yan Amin Zain


Shy Principal
One day a shy principal came to school. Then he got out of his car. The principal said nothing because he was too shy to say something to the kids. Then the kid said, Are you shy? Then the principal peed in his pants. Then the kids said, Ew ew. So the shy principal went in his office. Then the principal said the announcement. - Joshua Collier

Goldilocks and the Three Marshmallows

Once upon a time there were the three marshmallows. They were eating pie, but it was too cold, so they decided to take a dip in the whip cream. After the marshmallows left, a girl walked in. Then she said, Oh pie. Then she ordered a flat screen T.V. and put it in the bedroom. After that, they came back. They sensed her in the room. Then the marshmallows turned into monsters and ate her. But since they were just marshmallows, she went right through them. Somebodys been eating out bed and theyre still doing it. - Jennifer Jones

The Three Little Eggs

The Three Little Eggs mom, Peggy, said, You are old. So the Three Little Eggs went. The first Egg built his house with bears. Then a pan came by. His name was rock. He fired up avocados and used it to cut down. The second Egg built his house with erasers. The pan came and got avocados and sliced it down. The third Egg built his house with chicken. The pan came and had more avocados but it didnt work. He did it 7 times. Then he went up to the pizza chimney and fell and died. Then the Three Eggs ate wolf meat. They stayed at the house so much they forgot about their mom Peggy. Then, two minutes later, mama pan came to the house of chicken. Her name was Erica. And papa pan, his name was Baba. They came in the chimney but the pot was not there. But there was fire. Mama and papa were hurt from the fire and hurt their booties. - Steven Delu

The Bored Superhero

Once there was a bored superhero. He got so bored he couldnt wake up. Then people started to knock on his door so he went outside, brought all his blankets and pillows, and fell asleep. Then the villain came and grabbed him, but the superhero still slept. The villain picked him up and threw him on the ground. The villain tried to punch him, but he was just punching the ground. The superhero finally got up, but he was bored so he went to his friends house and played board games. The villain followed him. The superhero got so bored. The villain asked if he could play, but the superhero said no so the villain punched the house. The people outside said Help! But the superhero was just tapping the villain, not punching him. The superhero was pretending to beat up the villain and the superhero said Fear me! His friend who was a superhero also came to help beat up the villain. Then the superhero said I told you, he will fear me! - Angel Marmolejo

Home Mom
I like to go home. I like this place because I like to see my Mom. It is warm and sunny. I see animals, flowers, and mirrors. I hear howling and growling. I smell the flowers. I like this place because it is comfortable. I get home, eat, do my homework, brush my teeth, and my Mom does the same. We both go to bed and sleep. My Mom doesnt work. I feel happy when my Mom is with me all the time. My Mom and I do our homework in the living room. My Mom is the best Mom ever. - Valerie Paz

Millies Planet
We crashed on Millie Planet. Lots of mes were there. The planet was black, blue, and pink. Lots of pools and my favorite things were there. I was happy. I went to swim when my team said, No, you can get trapped! I said, No! Ok then get trapped! When lots of mes came and said, Zalca Lo. I said, What are you saying? Then they said, Zzz mel ca mo soz ooc lo mos po lllo. I said, Can someone translate for me? Then one boy came and translated for me. They said you are the Queen of this planet. I said, Ok. I was in. When I went to tell my team, one of the mes said, Solaza and I said, What? Then all of the mes came and got me and took a mansion. They took me to the boy. I couldnt go because theyd put me in jail. So I grew there and was Queen. - Millie Chica


The Three Little Pigs

There was a mama pig and a daddy pig who had kids. Christian, Angel, and Steven. One day, the parents said you guys have to find your own home. Okay mama. So Steven met a guy selling paper. Can I buy paper? $1. So Steven made a house made of paper. A wolf came and blew the house down. No, Im too young to die. Bye-bye. The wolf ate him. Next is Angel. He bought home boxes from a guy and made a house. The wolf came and blew it down and ate him. Finally, last was Christian, who bought metal from a man who is smart and goes to school. Can I buy metal? Sure, thats $10. He made a house of metal. The wolf tried to blow. Haha, the wolf died because he was too weak. Then the grandma ate the wolf because she was hungry. Then the grandma threw out Angel and Steven. Im home now. Thank you grandma for eating the wolf. - Amin Zain

Cluckety Cluck Cheep Cheep

It happened when I saw this chick on television making a commercial for phones. I had always wanted to meet that chick. And for some reason, an angel granted me that wish and when the duck came, some bullies stole his clothes. So he went to the party store. All they had left was a wizard hat, sneakers, and a phone. That chick was crazy! When I met him he started speaking Japanese. I remembered I went to Japan and my aunt taught me how to speak Japanese (and so does Naima). He loves basketball, so we went to a basketball game. Everyone had the phone that the chick had on the commercial. He loved basketball so much that he got on the court and played basketball with Kobe, Fisher, and many more. And this was the best day of my life. - Giselle Murphy

Little Dead Red

I saw that little girl, Red. I was going to jump out and scare the soul out of Red. So I jumped out. AHHHHH! Jacob! she said. What? No, you wouldnt understand, Im no Jacob, I said. Thats not your name? Whatever. She grabbed onto my foot and dragged me all the way to her house. She just left the cookies on her grandmas mat. When we got home, she said it was tea time. When she went to the kitchen, it was my time to escape. I tried to escape, but the door was made out of steel. I ate her. I sent a note to her grandma that Red was dead. Then I made the house more wolfy. - Carlos Esparza

Hey Leo, whatswhats that noise, and whats that behind you? A zombie, run, awww! There, behind us, I never knew zombies could run. Call the army! Ok! They said theyre already on their way. But what are we supposed to do now? Go to that rollercoaster. Zombies cant climb. Yes they can! Hey, the armys here! Yeah, were saved! Look helicopters! Jump on or youre going to die! Oh, the army is losing! Wait, were winning and theres one more zombie! Now we won! - Ricky Sanchez

Planet Burritos
The floors were made of beans. We saw the largest burrito. And then everyone started eating it. Before we ate it, we put a lot of hot sauce. It was yummy. We all bounced to Earth and kept on bouncing. I wanted more burritos or else Id die. But I was too young to die. Then mom bought more burritos. We went to go eat them all. Uh-oh, my manager died by eating burritos. Uhoh, no more burritos for me. Uh-oh, long potty break. Uh, the end. - Christian Servin


Hollywood Planet
Were crashing, were crashing! Captain says, Lets get out! I see Justin Bieber and his mother at Burger King. He was visiting the new planet because he was shooting a movie there. He met Buzz Lightyear. Justin Bieber thought that Buzz Lightyear was the real one, but it was just a costume. And then Justin Bieber met Rihanna and Eminem. I was like, Now this is getting weird! Buzz Lightyear went back home with his fake wings. Then me, Justin Bieber, Eminem, and Rihanna went in the space shuttle and then we went home. But before we went home, an alien told us to look at him and then he was digging for gold up his nose. That is nasty, we all said. But I wanted to stay longer. So Rihanna and I went to the mall and we got some shoes and some really diva clothes. And then we went to Justin Biebers movie. Then we went home. I threw up on Eminem. - Danielle Lopez

Im in a land called GraveYard. I am alone and scared. The weather is very cold. When I am there, the land is dark and misty with graves all around me. I hear the wind whispering to me. Go away, there is danger here. But I do not listen. Then suddenly I hear another whisper. Danger is coming soon, grass smells wet. Leave. No! I said. Then the wind takes me and I disappear. I am among people not living nor dead. Now I am dead and gone. Everything is fading in my eyes. I am blind, all my memories come back to me, my years come back to me, and then I turn to dust. Then I hear the wind again and it said, Now your years and memories came back to you and youre dead and now I will carry you to your grave to rest in peace. - Leayah Argueta

Ape Resort
Oh boy, oh wow! Look at that! There was a big hot tub report that had all of these apes with human clothes, but they had them in the wrong places. One of them had underwear on his head, and their pool waswait one minute, they actually had orange juice there! Their beach balls were meteorites and they were floating. Until I said Eww, everything got out of hand. Then an ape came and tickled a lot. Afterwards, he tried taking my helmet off. I said, Stop! when he was tried to take it off. He then snarled at me, but he stopped. The ape spoke a weird language. I said, What? Then the ape spoke English. He said, Now you must die! Ahh! I said. He then chased me to the ship. I went straight to Earth. I quit my job! I said to the lieutenant. Noooo! - Natalia Pacheco

El Salvador
Melissa and my friend went to El Salvador. It was very sunny, but the mountain still had a bunch of snow. There we saw a place in the middle of the mountains. Melissa and her friends met another friend from El Salvador. Then Melissa spotted a sheep, dog, and a cat. We heard people singing. Then we couldnt hear them singing as much because there was a waterfall nearby so we followed the sound. There, we saw people dancing. Then I saw some muffins and we began to eat. I said it is time to go home, and we took the animals and I said, this is a nice place. - Erin Portillo

Jolly Student
Once a jolly student was laughing in the morning for nothing. When they gave him food he was still laughing. When he went to school, he was a big nerd. Everyone ran away from him and some were teasing him. When he went home, he played with his dog Hershey. And he went to sleep with Hershey. - Diana Gutierrez

Auto Show
I want to go to the LA Auto Show. I am going with Carlos. It is warm and sunny. I see a Ferrari FXX, a Lamborghini, and a Lotus Elise. I hear a horn and an engine. I smell paint. I like the cars in here and the tracks. - Allan Holland


The Planet Apple

There once was a planet named The Planet Apple. Only apples lived on that planet. The planet is all red because there are only red apples. One day, there was a green apple on the planet. Everyone was shocked and got mad, especially the King of Apples. They all started chasing the green apple. All of the red apples were named Pokers. The green apple was named Lolo. They were also mad at the green apple because he didnt have the same name. Later on, they became friends. When I landed on the planet, they all got shy. - Rubie Rivas

I see green dogs and rainbow aliens. When I finally step out of the spaceship, they all hide. One comes right in front of me. Then I bend down to tie my shoe. The alien touches my hair and after, he licks his finger to see if my hair tastes good. Then he says, Ighh! The aliens have a language that sounds weird. One alien says, Woo boo bagagoo! I touch him back. When I touch him, he screams and runs away. I say What a weird alien. One alien came out, but I see that the alien is carrying a baby. After it comes out of hiding, it just puts the baby in front of me. The baby is just 1 inch. Then the whole planet accepts me. - Giselle Ponce

Peter Pan Version

One day a girl and her father were at home with her grandmother. Her name was Wendy. She was playing with her brothers. Wendy came downstairs. Oh my god, youre a woman. What do you mean? You have a kiss from God. And what about it? Its special. Time to go to bed. Peter was messing with his shadow. He went over to Wendys bed to give her a good night kiss. She woke up. She saw the boy. Little boy, why are you crying? He said, I cant get my shadow on. Wendy said, Perhaps I can sew it on. What now? Want to go to the Staples Center and be my date? Sure. Then she saw Robert Pattinson. Stay away! said Peter, Shes mine! Robert said, No. Then Peter said, Dont bite her or I will kill you! Fine, said Robert. Thanks, said Peter. - Naima Sanders

Three Little Pigs

Once there were three little pigs. They left their Mom and built houses. The 1st pig built a straw house. The 2nd pig made a fragile stick house. The 3rd pig made a sturdy brick house. A wolf cried. It was hungry so it went to a pig town. The wolf blew down the 1st and 2nd pig houses so the pigs went to the 3rd pigs house. The 3rd pig trapped and cooked the wolf for hot soup. Then the mother pig kissed the three smart pigs. The 3rd pig splashed mud over chickens and little chicks and added them in the soup with onions. The wolf died because of the onions. The pigs ate them and the wolf. - Jerry Yan


The Ship is About to Explode!

The space crew is trying to open the door, but one of the crewmates says, Captain, the ship is about to explode! What?! Kick the door open! Ok, get the jetpack, fly on that planet! I see something, Im going down. Ok. Hey you guys, I found something large. Greetings, I am Archer Emasery of the Gorgunits. What is this planet? This is Gorgon. Sorry to bother you, but what happened here? The Comando Elet. But what color is the planet? Blue. When I got back to Earth, I watched the news. - Joseph Munoz

The 3 Little Pigs

Once upon a time there were three bears. One was tall and had a big voice; the second one was medium and had a medium voice. One day, Mama/Medium bear was making oatmeal for breakfast. When everybody sat down at the table and tasted their oatmeal, Dada/Tall guy tried his oatmeal and said it was too hot and Mama/Medium bear tried her oatmeal and said it was too cold, and the last one tried his oatmeal and said it was too spicy. The little one said, Lets go for a walk outside while our food gets cold or hot. Then they went off. So then a girl came and she had golden hair. She saw the cottage and smelled something good, so she went inside and ate the oatmeal and it was hot and she jumped up and down and hurt herself on the wall. When the bears came back, they threw her in the yard. - Rebekah Tavakoli


Instructors: Becca Kantor Andrew Ramirez Mattie Watson

Sergio Anthony Acosta Adriana Alvarez Lidice Arevalo Paz Jonathan Brambila David Canton Leilani Cardenas Kelly Alejandra Castillo Natalia Cordoba Jovana Cortes Anthony De Leon Makayla Garcia Centeno Julian Guzman Donovan Hernandez Emanuel Herrera Brianna King

Melissa Lopez- Morfin Bethzy Macario Dayna Matheus Filander Melendez Fernando Miranda Armando Morales Angel Perez Chelsey L. Rodriguez Caleb Rafael Sanchez Carla Santiago Claire Sophia Segundo Asusena Sorto Serge Ureta Leslie Venegas Marowa Zahed


How Did Andrew Get in My Hot Dog?

Andrew got in my hot dog because Andrew wanted my hot dog and every time I moved my hot dog he always moved forward and when I moved fast, Andrew leaned over, and before you knew it, his face was in my hot dog. I had to buy another hot dog with Andrews $5 bill because he messed up my hot dog. He felt bad, so he bought a hot dog. When he wasnt looking, I dumped his face in his hot dog. Andrew and I wanted to go home, but when he was about to go, I said, Peace. It turned out he didnt want to go home! I already figured that. He made up this lame excuse that was so 80s. It was I got a doctors appointment. Bye. P.S. I went to his house and he was playing the new video game, Spider-Man vs. Aliens (busted). - Brianna King

Ugly Dumb Creatures

What I see is ugly creatures that can eat you and make you into one of them. They are dumb living creatures that are short like elves and have one eye. They have one leg, and two arms. They are fat and also green. Where they live looks like a hot dog. They stink like old wet dogs. It is hot where they live. Where they live is called Chile Cheese Hot Dog Planet. What they do for fun is go swimming in a chile cheese hot tub and also play at the park. When they look at a mirror, the mirror breaks. In the summer the planet is smaller. They have brains as big as a peanut. Stink out! - Dayna Matheus

The Simpsons
Christopher Columbus got three ships with 91 sailors. The 91st sailor was named Marge Simpson. Marge had tall, blue puffy hair, and she was healthy and clean. She wore dresses and pearls. Christopher fell in love with her, but then Marges husband, Homer Simpson, came with Bart, their child. Homer was lazy and was an alcoholic who loved donuts, and he gambled a lot. Bart was a kid who skateboarded and hated school and his teacher. Homer had duff in his hand. Homer got mad because Christopher liked Marge, so Homer threw the duff at Christopher and tied him up. Then Homer hit Christopher, but Christopher untied himself and threw Homer off the first ship to the second, and from the second to the third, and from the third to the sea. Bart just jumped off the ship and swam to shore. Christopher and Marge got married, divorced, and married. Then they had a child named Dart, a daughter named Fisa, and a baby named Baggie. - Jonathan Brambila

The Missed Trips

When a guy named Jessie was going on his dream vacation, his girlfriend broke up with him. That same night, he forgot to pack. So he did not know that he did not pack. So when he woke up, he did not find his suitcase. But he remembered he did not pack. His flight was at 7:00, but one problem was that it was 6:59. So he got in his car and drove as fast as he could. When he was driving, it turned seven. When he got to the airport, it was 7:02, and the airplane had already taken off. Jessie was very sad. So he planned another trip to Paris. This time his flight was at nine. This time he did pack. But he woke up late at 8:59. So he ended up not going to Paris or Hawaii. - Carla Santiago

Donkey on the Bus

When I was walking with my mom to the park, we saw a bus go by with a lot of luggage. A donkey was on it, and it made a silly noise. People were on it, and they put on a sign that says a circus is coming to town. Thats why there was a lot of stuff on the bus, and they were throwing out tickets. We got two tickets, and we went and the circus was crazy and funny. Thats why they had luggage and a donkey on the bus. - Makayla Centeno


The Screaming Man

Once upon a time, there was a man who went camping with his wife. They stayed in the forest for three months. One day, the happy couple was taking pictures of each other. The wife was taking a picture of her husband. When she saw the picture, she saw a big, fat, angry bear. Then she started to run to their tent. When the husband saw the picture, he started to scream like crazy and ran toward the tent, too. They packed up, went to the car, and they drove away. The husband was still screaming like crazy. Then when they got home, the husband was screaming so loud the wife went deaf. The husband was screaming until he died, but his skeleton was still screaming. He never ever stopped. The only time he stopped was when the bear came back from the dead and destroyed his skeleton. But that happened in 100,000,000 years. Also, his wife helped the bear to shut him up. - Claire Segundo

I was a beautiful princess. I was so generous for letting people look at me. I had everything. I mean, even though I looked and acted royal, I wasnt. Can you believe it, I came from a family of peasants? But I got used to being a bratty princess and bossing my family around. The Prince and I didnt have the best relationship. He was not as handsome as he used to be, but I got my fairy godmother in a cage to keep me beautiful, even though I was already. One day, the Prince divorced me. I have no problem but Im worried about him. So back to me. This nice family took me in as a maid. Whatever that is, but it sounded fancy. Ok like two days later I found what maid means. I wish I had my fairy godmother, but she flew off like a little peasant. Wait, Im a peasant. Aaaa! - Marowa Zahed

Asusena in Wonder Land

Once there was a person named Asusena, which is me. My life is just like Im stuck in this little jar, and I cant get out. I go to the forest every day to see my fellow friends. One day, I saw two globs, and I saw this Rabbit running and I thought if this was his. I chased him until I lost him. I filled in this hole, I found him, but I was scared because every wall was different colors. I saw this key, and I tried every door. I saw one more and saw this thing that said, Drink me, and I drank it. I got small, but I left the key on the table. I was too tiny to get on the top of the table. And there was a cookie that said, Eat me. I got huge, and I got the key on the table. I put it in my pocket. I drank the milk and got tiny. I opened the door, and I saw the Rabbit. He went in his house. I gave him his globs, and we were friends. - Asusena Sorto

Queen Isabella
I, Queen Isabella, must have the best. I must have the best spices, perfumes, and silks. The best things come from India. Good thing that sailor, Christopher Columbus, is on his way to India. No more bland food. Now I can smell like a real Queen. No more smelling like very bad things that a Queen should never say. I hope nothing stops my men on their way to India. I hope all of my things come back safe. Columbus better come back. - Chelsey Rodriguez

The Bear
One day, my family and I went on a trip to the mountains. The mountains were full of snow. There was Yogurtland. There was also a store selling umbrellas and chairs and also other furniture. My brother and I got our sled and ran to the top of a hill. When I got to the top, I saw something shaking in the bushes. I thought it was Bigfoot, but it had a white tail. Then we went to our cabin and my mom made hot chocolate. Then we went to sleep. In the morning, I woke up early to see the news and I saw a bear robbing an umbrella, a chair, and a yogurt. - Adriana Alvarez

Rango and Me
When I was battling ninjas, I saw Rango battling Chihuahua ninjas. So Rango and I teamed up because it was almost Christmas, and we wanted to be nice. It was really painful for the ninjas because Rango threw one of the ninjas in the Pacific Ocean, and I threw one on three tables. Now we saved the world. And we got presents. Our presents were the whole ice cream shops. And if they dont give us free ice cream, then we will kick their butts because we are the kings of kicking butts. - Armando Morales


The Killer Chucky that Tried to Kill Me

Once Chucky came out the closet and screamed, and he said, Shut up to me and I said, You shut up. He said, Thats it, Im going to cut off your hand and open your head to eat your brain. I said, Dont you want to take over my soul? He said, Im going to do that, too. I started laughing at him, and then he cut my hand off. I screamed, and he threw the knife at me, but he missed me. I ran and hid between the couch and the wall, and he never found me. When he wasnt looking, I went to the kitchen and grabbed my case where my gun was. He still wasnt looking, so I shot him, and he fell on the floor. I went back between the couch and wall, and he never found me again. Then I fell asleep, and he was in my face, but he didnt see the gun. I shot him, then I got out, and I kept on shooting him. I cut off his head with an ax, and I got my hand fixed from the hospital. When I got out of the hospital, Chucky was there, so I ran back in. The police officer was dead, so I took his gun and shot him and then all the nurses and doctors were zombies, and then my friends came in and killed all the zombies. Then my friends shot Chucky, and every time I ran out of bullets, I got a new gun. Then all the bullets from all the guns were empty, but I had a gun in my pocket. I escaped, then Chucky followed me, and I got behind him and I pushed him. He went into the dungeon by all the dead people, and I burned him alive. When I went to dig up all the dirt, Chucky wasnt there. Then I saw a hole in the dirt, and then Chucky was behind me - Sergio Acosta

Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus lived in Europe. People who lived in Europe wanted special spices, perfumes, and gold from Asia. But if they wanted those things, they needed to travel to India. Columbus believed that the world was a sphere, but nobody believed him, only the king and queen from Spain. The king gave him one boat and 30 sailors. When they were traveling on the boat and on the sea, a big hurricane appeared. Christopher Columbus and the men were going to die because they were going to drown, but some sharks saved Columbus and the men. Then the sharks took Columbus and the men where there was a lot of gold and silver. The men told Columbus, Why dont we live here and make a castle and you, Christopher Columbus, should be the king. - Angel Perez

Explorers of Time
I was walking with Ash, and we saw a Pokmon called Zora. But Zora turned into a Pokmon. I knew Zora was a rare Pokmon. Ash took out Infernape and then the other Pokmon ran away and then Zora said something. Ash was surprised Zora said, I need to find my Memaw. That was Zoras mom. He said that my people got Memaw so we went to go get Memaw. The next day Ash and I were going to the next city. The bad people were on a boat. We destroyed all the boats and got Memaw. Zora was really happy. Memaw and Zora went home after that. Ash and I went on to our next adventure. - Michael Miranda

Stupid Columbus
Columbus lived in Europe. People in Europe wanted spices and gold from Asia and from the Indies. The people from Europe thought that the world was flat because on a map its flat. Except for the king and queen of Spain, so they gave Columbus 90 men and 3 ships. Then Columbus found out that the world was flat. So all of his men died. So did he. Then after that no one saw Columbus or his men ever again. So that changed history. North America was never found. So they just called North America Island. His family cried that he did not come back so they did the same mistake as Columbus. What dumb people. North America was never on a map. - Julian Guzman

The restaurant had 1,000 Pikachus to take care of, but one of them dug a hole and got in the pizza. It was at Caesars. Chef Buroggs got mad and gave me $100. He even let me have him. I called him Cachus because he always sneezed a lot! - David Canton

The 3 Little Pigs

OK. Ill be honest. Im not the best wolf. Maybe its true that I tried to get the 3 little pigs. I was hungry, you cant blame me. Well heres what happened. I was walking through the woods and I was hungry for bacon. But then a pig threw a rock at me. And then two other pigs started throwing more rocks at me. Thats what made me lose my temper. OKAY. - Serge Ureta


Columbus Journey
When Columbus got out of bed, he went to the sink to pour water on his face. Columbus was wearing a blue and red striped shirt. His pants were blue and they were Dickies. He was wearing a hat that was green. His shoes were Vans Off the Wall, and the color was red. His sweater was red and black and it was from USC. When Columbus went outside, he saw his friend Carlos. He screamed and said, Hola, Carlos. Carlos was a nice person. He was the helper of the kings wife. He was the sweetest person in the town. When Columbus went to the tower, he said, Can I can get 20 boats and 200 sailors? The King said, Yes, you may. The king was the ruler of Europe. He had his crown with jewels. He had a purple rup. When Columbus got his boats, he used one to go to Mexico and see a boxing game at the Oxagon. When the game was over, he went back to Europe. When he came back, he went home and went to sleep with his toothbrush in his hand, still brushing his hand, still brushing his teeth. - Kelly Castillo

Big Foot
Today Big Foot went to the beach and took an umbrella, ice cream, a chair, and a hat. But there was grass, and his chair was too bumpy, and he wasnt comfortable. He went home and his house had grass, and he wasnt comfortable, and everywhere there was grass and he was never comfortable. Then he found a thing that cuts grass. He cut the grass, and then he was so happy. Then he went back to the pool, and he was happy. He fell in the pool, and he got all wet. He went home, and all his house got wet because he fell in the pool. He was shaking, and his house got more wet, and the water was dripping off of him. More grass was growing all night, and the next day he was happy because he thought the grass was gone and went outside and he was so sad because there was grass. - Leslie Venegas

Why Was the Dolphin Green?

One day a little girl got the green paint and threw it inside the dolphins habitat. The dolphin was not scared, but when she looked in her mirror, she was green. She felt awful because she used to be gray, and she loved being gray. But she became famous and got rich because she was green! She had a palace, and she moved to Hollywood. She also had servants that were people. She also had a cute boyfriend that would sometimes bring her roses. She also did cool tricks like a back flip. - Bethzy Macario

Star Wars Continued Episode IV

In a galaxy very, very, very, very far, far away, there was a planet called Puppy Planet. And they had just discovered a new planet very far from their radar navigation space screen. They sent the best astronaut and they found people like Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. And they were fighting with lightsabers, then Lovo (the dog) got his weapon and attacked them, but one bounced it back. Lovo bounced it back again and went back to his UFO to call for trained reinforcements to defeat this planet. (So, thats what later created Star Wars IV and V and VI.) Meanwhile, there was a meeting with the Jedis and the Smith about how they would have to work together to defeat Puppy Planet. Puppy Planet was having a meeting to create a plan to defeat the Jedi and Smith, then they came up with an idea. Then they took 30 ships and surrounded the galaxy of Star Wars, and in each ship, they produced droids out of indestructible metal. Not even lightsabers could cut through, they but only had one weaknesstheir head! Later, the droids and the most experienced astronauts went into the galaxy, but when their glass helmets broke, they could still breathe. So they sent warriors to go fight in the war. Meanwhile, the Jedis and the Smith also made preparations to defeat Puppy Planet. Then they heard the alarm go off and they heard that all the commanders were dead and the puppy droids were on their way to the meeting place. Skywalker said, Its time to say this means war! and took out his lightsaber and hit his head. Then the droid exploded and they found out the droids weakness, but the droids were smarter this time, and used their arms to block the attack and they communicated with one another to use anything to block the attack if it was straight to their heads. But, one astronaut betrayed the others and joined the Jedi and said that he knew how to prevent the galaxy from ending. He said to destroy the droid machine and to also destroy the old ones because later they were going to make even tougher robots and even stronger ones that were able to reflect the laser bullets and lightsabers, but he only wanted something in return. Let him join the Jedis and give him his own lightsaber so that he can also defeat his brother who is totally out of his mind. He has to learn that everybody needs respect. To be very continued. - Caleb Rafael Sanchez


The Legend
Columbus was sailing through the sea. Columbus and his crew were sailing for two days. Then one night it was a full moon. Columbus was sailing. He didnt realize that it was a full moon. Then when he looked up, he saw it. His heart started to beat like crazy. Columbus was turning into a werewolf. His crew was awake. There were 90 sailors. Columbus ate 60 of them, and the other 30 were killed by the shock of what happened. Then suddenly a vampire came and a fight broke out. But at the end of it, Columbus bit the vampires neck, and its head was on the ground. Then one day, Columbus got bit by a vampire. Then Columbus turned into a vampire/werewolf, and he got married and had a vampire/werewolf kid. He ruled the world with his vampire/werewolf son on his right side, and his vampire/werewolf wife on his left side. But on the next day, Columbus wondered how he got his werewolf powers. He remembered on the first day a werewolf bit him, but Columbus thought it was a dog, and he also thought that werewolves and vampires were just a myth. But now Columbus knew they were not a myth. They were real. Now Columbus and his family will go to different places and see if people are worthy enough to be in Columbus society. Columbus will turn himself into Iron Vampire Werewolf, and he will turn his society into Iron Vampire Werewolves. - Filander Melendez

The Strange Moon

I see my brother David being my captain, and he is telling me, Oh boy, in the moon. Then when we got out of the spaceship, we saw a strange monkey jumping around singing with King Kong. My captain says, What kind of monkey is that? Because it had five tails and the fifth one was in his forehead. His voice was like mine. But they had the body of a giraffe and felt like a cheetah. Also, they had a tail of a snake, ears of an elf, but were as fast as a lion. The other strange thing was that the moon was shaped as a boy made out of cheese, and the eyes were made out of leather. Besides that I saw my dad floating in the air, and my mom floating in the air, too. And when we were about to leave from this strange world, we saw that our spaceship was broken into pieces because King Kong had smashed it when he was singing and jumping with that other dumb monkey. - Anthony De Leon

The Circus
One day I woke up, and I got a letter saying, You can join the circus. I left on a weird bus. It looked like they made it because it had a donkey head toy on the roof. When we stopped, my new friend Joe got out of the truck. He said that they havent performed for many years, that was why they joined to make a circus. I went home on the bus. I said good-bye. I was happy to be back home. The next day, my friend got the same letter. When they picked me up, we left on the weird truck again. Joe said the same thing he said last time. I like going with them. - Emanuel Herrera

The Evil One

Once there was a baby called The Evil One. Ha. Ha. Ha. You will all be sorry! The Evil One screamed. He screamed that because once he was a nice little baby, but then they put a spell on him to make him very evil and that spell caused him to stop growing. So he promised he would ruin all of their lives. Then he met a lion and told the lion, Kill them all! But the lion ate The Evil One because he was hungry! Just kidding! He thought he was annoying. Ha, ha, ha! - Melissa Lopez

Kristopher Columbus and Life

One day Columbus knew the earth was round, but people did not think he was saying the truth. He realized his home needs more things like spices and clothes. So only the King agreed to let Columbus use a ship. A week later, his ship ran into sharp rocks, and Columbus was really terrified. Now luckily a big whale rose up from the water and the ship on it. He finally got to a place that was wealthy and gave him $10,000,000 for supplies. While he was there, he was looking for supplies like a map, microscope, clothes, a watch, 1,000 notebooks, and pencils. By the way, the 1,000 notebooks were $1, and the pencils, pens, and old-fashioned pens, and he bought those, too. A week later, he went shopping for food and saw a woman that had a lot of trouble with her eggs and milk. So he walked up to her and said, Hi, do you need help? I could cook for you, and I could buy this for you, too. So what is your name? She told him, My name is Cara. And what is your name? Kristopher thought she loved him, so he answered, Kristopher Colombus. They lived in a wonderful place in Paris. - Leilani Cardenas


Charlottes Web
One day Celer the pig got sold to another persons barn when he was not a baby anymore. The owners thought about making the pig into chocolate. The pig didnt like that. So Celer the pig refused to turn into chocolate. He stood on his feet and put his chin up and told his owners off. Then he went to Charlotte and told her to put a word in her web that said Bad pig. He was so excited. Finally, Charlotte was done making that web. He told her, Any last words, sister? Charlotte looked confused and said, What? and boom Celer the pig ate her. Then he ran away like a bad, bad pig. The world was sad because that pig ate Charlotte. So everybody hunted for the pig, trying to find him. Soon once they found him, they trapped him, cut him open, got Charlotte out, and she was alive. Then they cut him in half. Half of his body was for Charlotte, and the part was chocolate. Thats the end of Charlottes Web the scary movie. Watch out because Celers soul is hunting you. - Natalia Cordoba

A Doll Named Chuck

One day there was a doll named Chuck. He still wanted to be bad, but his mom told him to be good. So when I bought him, I was scared because he had scars and ugly clothes. When we went home, he talked to me. He said, Im good so do not get scared. He told me, I have 10,000 brothers and sisters. They are mean and Im good. I said, I am. I bought him a dollhouse, and when I went to the store, I saw cute skinny jeans. I bought him some running shoes, size 13. - Lidice Paz

The Three Little Pigs

Once there were three delicious pigs. I wanted to have them for dinner. So I went to the small pigs door and took out my favorite costume. The pig thought I was his grandmother. I went inside, took off the costume, and he remembered and thought I was his girlfriend because then I put on bikinis with a rose in my mouth. And when he was going to prepare the table for us with delicious food I can eat and him combined. Then he was going to kiss me, but I threw him inside the burning pot and ate him with the food. How much work, maybe I should eat the other pig. I went and knocked on the door, and I saw my brother inside his house. So my brother and I went to the second pigs house dressed as his two little brothers. He liked to play the Wii and the Nintendo DS I XL. He was rich, so we told him to buy a lot of food for a feast. The second always liked to do some of the things they asked him to do. When he came back, he was making the soup, and my brother and I pushed him in the pot and had a good feast. And we took his money and left to call our sister. And we went to the third little pigs house. We needed our sisters help to trick the pig. We dressed up as his rock n roll friends. We went and saw his house. He had a big house. We were playing with him. Then we swam. We choked him, and he drowned. We got him, but he liked candies, and he plays the guitar. We had a delicious feast and lived in his house forever with money, and we became rich. - Donovan Hernandez

Once upon a time, Cinderella was a maid. She always had to clean up. She was always dirty. Cinderella heard her stepmom and stepsisters talk about the ball. She wanted to go to the ball so she asked her stepmom if she could go to the ball. Her stepmom said, NO! Cinderella was crying so loud. When Cinderellas stepmom and stepsisters left, Cinderella saw a fairy. When the fairy got here to Cinderella, she saw it was her fairy Godmother. The fairy Godmother said, Bring me two white mice, and a pumpkin, and a dog or a cat. So Cinderella did what her fairy Godmother told her to do. When Cinderella gave her fairy Godmother all the stuff, Cinderella could not believe her eyes. Cinderella was so happy because she was going to the ball, not dirty but clean. But the fairy Godmother forgot to tell Cinderella something. That if she does not come back until 12:00 pm, she would turn back into herself. Cinderella was not worried about that. All she was thinking about was the ball. When she went to the ball, she was having a fun time. She was having so much fun that she forgot about what her fairy Godmother said to her. Until Cinderella remembered that she had to go home. It was almost 12:00. She said to the prince, I must go now. The prince did not know her name. When she ran out, her slipper fell off of her foot. When Cinderella went home, she turned back into herself. When her stepmother and her stepsisters came, Cinderella was happy because she went to the ball. She was so happy that Cinderella did not notice she was missing a shoe. Cinderellas stepmom and stepsisters heard that the prince was coming to town because the prince found a slipper on the floor and he wanted to return it to the girl it belonged to. So the prince went all around the town but all of the girls feet were too big or small. But when the prince went to Cinderellas house, Cinderellas foot fit. - Jovana Cortes


Instructors: Andrew Call Caitlin Coyne Victor Luo

Paul Adeneye Natalie Alcala Steven Barragan Alexuz Bejarano Aura Dani Benitez Lexington Craig Alexander Diaz Mahala Emeka Hasaan Fazal Karizma Garcia Ruben Gonzalez Irene Han Jalen Hooper Janet Khachaturova Edgar Lopez

Caroline Lu Desteny Martinez Lizbeth Mascorro Rubin Morales Jazmin Morris Somkene Okwuego Iris Portillo Arizandy Rios Frank Rodriguez Rachel Roundtree Victoria Sanchez Kathy Sung Steve Velazquez Hazel Watler Omar Zain


Toddy and the Saxophone

There was once a little tadpole named Toddy. He always wanted to become a saxophone player. One day he asked his parents if they could buy a saxophone for him, but his parents said no. They said it was a useless piece of junk. Toddy was sad. A couple of years later, Toddy was 8. He was always sad. He was never happy. One day a new beach opened up a mile away from his house called Lilly Pad Rockin. He went there for a visit. For the first time in his whole life he was super happy. There were musicians everywhere. He met a saxophone player. They became friends. Later, when his friend was done playing music for the audience, Toddy and his new friend went for a walk. Later Toddy said bye. On his way home he saw a junk yard. He went in and he dug around to see if there was any cool stuff. His eye caught something shiny. He grabbed it. It was a brand new saxophone. When he was older, he played the saxophone with his friend together at the beach. - Janet Khachaturova

Planet H2O
Our space ship landed on H2O, an undiscovered planet. It was amazing. There were robots, humans, and aliens. And one ride. It was a whole season. The aliens were wearing blue and yellow clothes. They were having a party. They talked the same as the humans. The ride was like Magic Mountain. I went on the ride but it was too dark for me, and aliens were hugging me because they were scared. The aliens were wearing blue hearts for the boys with red on the outside. For the girls the same thing but red on the outside. They talked the same with a squeaky voice. I closed my ears when one said, Do you want to dance with me Alien? I said, What, Im not the alien you are. He said, No. I said, Well I will dance with you. After a few days my voice got squeaky. Finally, my stuff turned back on in my spaceship. I quickly got in my spaceship and went home. When I got home I heard my voice turned back to normal. But I went back to my spaceship and I brought back one of the aliens with me. His name was Egg, and I kept him as my pet. He thinks that my world is a weirder world and he hates it when I put clothes on him. But he is regular like me. But he still calls everyone aliens. - Mahala Emeka

Ive got on Planet! Trooper 3, we have an ambush invading Bravo 3, over. Got it HQ. This is Mason H here for a napalm strike, over! I lost connection! Flash! Flash! Boom! Lets go, Whisky Bravo! I entered the rooms of an apartment, nothing but bloody body farts. I need to rest before all this trauma gives me shock. I cried while all I heard was big and loud explosions, thinking about my parents and family, hoping they pray so this nightmare would stop. The enemy was a deadly virus. I saw them in a station near Aestrepo. I recovered for my family, still worrying I would never fight again. - Steven Barragan

There was a duck named Duck. He wanted an iPhone. No one would give it to him because he had big feet. Not even his mom or dad would give it to him. He went to the daycare for his job. The kids liked to play with him. They have him a hat. They called him iPhone because they knew he wanted an iPhone so much. One day the kids decided to surprise him with an iPhone. But how were a few little ducks going to get an iPhone? Where would they get the money to get an iPhone? How would they do this without their parents knowing? Duck didnt come back the next day. Or the other. Or the other. The little ducks were worried. Where was Duck? - Hazel Watler


Strange Planet
When I landed I got off my spaceship. My spaceship was blue. The colors I saw were black, white, purple, gray, and red. I saw skeletons, weapons, and zombies. The planet looked scary because there was a war going on. I joined the skeletons to fight the zombies. I didnt know how to fight so I got weapons and fired. There were guts, brains, heads, and blood all over the place. I got shot in the chest and fell on my knees. I still didnt give up so I got up and went crazy. It was freezing cold, it felt like it was snowing. I tried to get on my spaceship but more zombies were coming. I was able to make it to my spaceship. But I heard something behind me. When I turned around, I saw a zombie and it ate me alive. - Frank Rodriguez

Paint Ball
When the ref blew the whistle, Kyle, Branden, my brother, and I ran to the cars, they smelled like oil. The players we were going against were very professional. From what I saw, they were really into the game. They had huge guns and camouflage suits, while we had the typical clothes people wear everyday. My brother shot a guys wife two times and his kids in the knees three times. Then the guy came and shot Kyle two times and also Branden. He came up to me so I shot him at least three times, but then it got jammed. I was going to run but the gun was too heavy so I threw it and ran. Then, there it was, dead end. He shot me ten times, it felt like burning your skin on a grill. We lost but it was still a good game. We went back home and watched LOST. - Hasaan Fazal

The Ocean
When I get out of the car, I hear seagulls. I smell the ocean water so salty and fresh. I see a lot of people playing in the sand and water. I run to the water and feel the small particles of smooth sand run through my feet. I run in the water and feel the cold shrills run through my body. I go deep inside but cannot feel anything. I go up to the surface and see the bright blue sky. I see a dark blue dolphin jump in the air. I see the ocean top glisten because of the sun. As I build the sand-castles, I feel the smooth sand rub through my hands. It is time to eat and we set the blanket. But we cannot eat because of the seagulls eating our food. But we are still in total peace. - Iris Portillo

Crazy Day
One day in the afternoon Natalie went to Disneyland with Destiny. They had so much fun that they went to Universal Studios but they got bored so they decided to go to the lake. But they went by horseback with a pet bulldog. Both nurses were purple. Finally, when they got there, Natalies was so hungry that she could eat a horse. Destiny said, Eat yours not mine. Instead, they ate hamburgers. Natalie ate 3, Destiny ate 1. When they finished both ran to the lake and jumped in. They swam for a while, yet they were still not tired so they went for a walk. Natalie wanted to take a picture so Destiny took a picture of her. While Destiny was taking the picture, she saw a bear. Destiny screamed like crazy Theres a bear behind you! Natalie ran all the way to the lake and jumped in. Destiny said Its gone. Guess what, I still got the picture. Natalie said, Oh, how do I look? Scared, said Destiny. They both went back home. - Arizandy Rios

My World
I was in Hawaii. I had to take a plane to get to Hawaii. I came with my girlfriend Taylor Swift and friends, also ladies. I went to the beach. I felt the sand in my toes; the sun beaming on my head. I took a sip from my coconut. I saw the water and felt like jumping in. I went to my boat then took it for a ride. Then it was time to eat. My grandpa had sent BBQ so thats what we ate. It was time for my massage which my girlfriend Taylor gave me. I got tired and went to sleep. - Steve Velazquez


The Polar Bear in Hawaii

The polar bear was in New York because it was snowing. A man caught him and took him to the zoo but he got out and got into a car. He wanted money so he went to the bank and stole the money. He stole 10,000,000 dollars from the bank. He went to Hawaii and went to the beach. He wanted an ice cream. So the bear kicked him in the face. The bear got the his ice cream and sat down under an umbrella. The bear saw a helicopter so he ran away. He sat down and ate his ice cream and he opened his umbrella. He was happy eating his ice cream. - Edgar Lopez

Controlling Minds
A lot of people say you cant control your parents but I did it one day. It was a hot sunny day. I asked my parents if I could go to the beach with my friends. My parents said, No. I went to my room and snuck out from the window. No one saw me leave. My mom went to my room and yelled! When I came home I saw a lot of people on my block. My parents ran to me. My mom had an angry face and said, Youre grounded. When I was walking I kept on seeing boards that said, The controlling of minds. I went to the store and bought it. I used it on my parents and it worked. I was so surprised. I could do whatever I wanted to do for two months. I got to go to the beach, the mall, and the carnival. Then I took it off of them because I missed the real side of them. Thats the time I got to control my parents. - Alexuz Bejarano

Planet Cheesy Goodness

When we stepped out of the ship, we stepped on the uncharted planet called Planet Cheesy Goodness. The air was breathable, and the air smelled like spicy, zesty mustard. We were walking in the forest of pretzel sticks, but then we heard big noises from behind us. We all dramatically turned around and saw the blood chilling, deadly human eating tacos. The captain fainted from fright and because the smell of the beef made him hungry. So we used our plutonium-nitro-jet boots to fly away. We left the captain behind because he was too heavy and no one liked the captain either. The taco said, Its so hard to sell car insurance. We were flying until we fell out of the sky because our captain used our fuel to cook space burgers. - Paul Adeneye

Planet Freedom
When I get off the spaceship I see big toys. I want this planet to be free. They can do whatever they want. There are raging blue rivers. Theres a lot of grass. Fake grass. There are mountains with rocks that crumble down. The toys are giant evil robots. They have red robot eyes. On that planet, it is really hot. You can eat all the food you want. You can stand on your couch. Whatever comes to your mind you want to eat magically appears on your table. Its really cool. - Alexander Diaz

It was Christmas Eve and the elves, polar bears and Santa were busy working wrapping presents. When Santa saw Twinky putting broken toys in the presents, Santa said, HEY why are you doing that!? So the elves started a boxing round. Santa and Twinky were fighting. When it was the end of the round, Santa hit him in the face and Twinky flew off to Hawaii. Twinky landed in the hospital. The doctor gave him 242 stitches. When he got out of the hospital, he went to go buy some ice cream. After that he got a chair and an umbrella. Then he went down to the beach and started eating his ice cream. - Ruben Gonzalez

Ocean Adventure
I am in the ocean. Im with my dog Alisa. We have clear bubbles of oxygen on our heads. I see the sun peeking through the water. Its noon and the water is cool and warm. Its calm and silent. My heart is pounding. I see thousands of fish. I see Alisa swimming with a dolphin in the corner of my eye. There are orange, purple, and red coral reefs. I smell the salty ocean water. I float there and a school of angelfish pass me. They tickle my stomach. I go to where Alisa is and she is playing near an anemone. I see a crab was waddling on the ocean floor. My air is running out! I grab Alisa and swim to the top. I take off our oxygen tanks. The sun is making the ocean glisten like diamonds. I swim to shore. - Victoria Sanchez


The Free World

Green and purple creatures that are 1/3 bear, human and octopus each. Pink and blue trees. Yellow snow, orange oceans. Black sand, red, angry, cute Hello Kitties. The homes are theme parks. The theme parks are boring old boring houses. The movie theaters are in giant soap bars. If you hate books, you eat them because they are edible. The butterflies are buttery. The predators eat vegetables. If they wanted a haircut, they have to eat their own hair. They will fry it up. The women are men and the men are women. The men wear onion rings. Every word is opposite. Every day is opposite day. The dogs and cats are friends. Cats love water and dogs are neat. The junk food is healthy and the healthy food is junk food. The planet is called Free World where everyone is not a slave. The students are teachers. Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga are twins. Zac Efron and Kim Kardashian are together, and Vanessa Hudgens and Taylor Lautner are together. The Free World people are Freeninans. Girls are the rough-toughs and boys are the weaklings. In every theme park home, there are chocolate pools and jacuzzis. There are no natural disasters. This planet lived before the sun was created. There are three months in the year and 91 days in the year. - Karizma Garcia

We landed on Shingalababa. It was stinky like feet and smelled like strawberries dipped in chocolate. Bubbles were flying everywhere and crayons were shaking each others hands. I stepped out and felt gooey green bubble gum crawling on me. All you can hear is clowns laughing and seven-eyed birds chirping. As I went farther I saw Hello Kitty heads flying all over the place. I smacked one of them and it started crying and bumped another and went boing. It began to smell like roses and my shampoo. Soon I got lost and saw Barbies guiding me. Then suddenly a huge tornado of spaghetti came and blew off my hair. I became bald and green, then I realized that I was an alien!!! Oh no! I am green, with 2 eyes and no hair with three legs and 5 arms. I began to see a colony of bubbles attacking me but of course Hello Kitty saved me and threw me in a pool with hot chocolate and I melted and became a human again. I ran as fast as I could but then I froze and became a bubble. I landed back to where I started and I fell in a fingernail smooth and slippery then pop I disappeared!! - Desteny Martinez

Hobo Duck
The hobo duck was walking to try to find a place to sleep. He decided to go to a front yard. The next morning the homeowner came outside and got a package. As he went inside he thought to himself, Which package is this? He opened his package and there it was, an Iphone 4G that was already registered to him! As the guy reached in his pocket, the hobo duck woke up. The guy got his Iphone and threw it out the window. It ended up landing on the hobo ducks head. The duck got the Iphone and discovered all of its features. The owner wondered why he still had to pay for his I phone. He also wondered why it was $4,000 a week. The owner cut the line and the duck ended up with nothing again. The same thing happened when a new Iphone came out. I wonder how many times he hit his head. - Caroline Lu

Cinderella (Remix)
Once upon a time there was a girl named Cinderella. She was the ugliest girl in the kingdom. But she had two very pretty stepsisters and a very pretty stepmother. Whenever the mom nicely asked Cinderella to clean a little, she purposely didnt because she wanted the stepmother to suffer. A ball was coming up, and Cinderella was going. So were her sisters. But Cinderella didnt want her sisters to come because she knew they were pretty and Cinderella didnt want them to meet a cute boy. So she locked them in their room and ran to the ball. She saw the prince and started to dance. But her sisters found a way out and also ran to the ball. When the prince saw both of them, he pushed Cinderella out of the way and started to dance with the sisters. She got mad and made the sisters break their legs, but before that, the prince proposed to both of the sisters. Cinderella got really angry and ran off to a kingdom for uglys and married an ugly man and did not live happily ever after. But her sisters did, even with broken legs. - Jazmin Morris


Not As I Seem
I am a form of power, No pictures please, I am on TV, For you to see, I am known as a king, I am protected constantly, Dont think Im nervous, I can debate you out of service, I am up to no good, I speak freely, I am not always what I seem, I control my state as part of my dream, Always lying, always lying, I can try to lie and always succeed It was your choice to pick me!!! - Omar Zain

Evil Cinderella
Once upon a time there was a rich girl. Her name was Cinderella. She had a stepfather named Pablo. There were two stepsisters, Mario and Coco. She always bragged in their face that she was rich. One night the invitations came in the mail; Cinderella said she is the only one going to the ball. Maria obeyed, but Coco didnt. She jumped out of the window. Cinderella saw her and went after her. She jumped out of the window. Cinderella saw her and went after her. When she jumped down the window broke her foot. The fairy godmother came and hit her on the head and gave her crutches. She saw Coco dancing with Prince Samanga. She was so mad as she was leaving. She tripped down the stairs. The prince married the sister Coco. They had 4 sets of quadruplets. They all lived happily ever after except for Cinderella. She is paralyzed in a wheelchair. - Natalie Alcala

Kimpy (The Babyeater) and Lala-sha-be-be-ae (The Stinky Poopie Baby)

Kimpy was a loner. He ate babies. He drank kids and adults. He was hungry for humans. Kimpy was a baby eating bo bo head. One day here came this little baby named Lalashaebebae came along. This super baby loved to eat lions and lizards. When he met this loner his eyes watered and his face got red and he jumped onto that bobo head. He licked the bobo heads neck. The bobo head, Kimpy, dropped Lalashabebeae on the floor. Lalashabebeae started crying like a baby island because they were hungry. They were happy loners! - Somkene Okwuego

Dr. Bear
The bear ate a pear that had one hair. So the hare hopped to the mouse that owned a house. When the fox in the box saw the hare and the mouse, he chased them to the house. So the chicken picked his head with her beak on his cheek. The fox swallowed the box and had to go to Dr. Bear right when Dr. Bear was going to eat the pear with hair. The fox came in the hospital. Dr. Bear dropped the pear the fox said that he ate a box and the bear said, Surgery on the stomach was never done. The fox begged and begged on his legs. The bear said, Ill try, but dont be shy, butterfly. So the bear did. When the surgery was done, it was a success. So when the Collins family took a picture in Big Bear, Dr. Bear was in the back so Dr. Bear was in the history book for the Collins family forever. - Aura Dani Benitez


Kid Driver?!?!?!?
One day my mom let me drive at the age of 9. I got my moms keys and started up the engine. I moved the gear handle to reverse, and I backed out of the driveway. I got some gas with my dads credit card. I filled up the tank and drove to Las Vegas to visit my brother and sisters. On the way, there was a lot of traffic on the 210 freeway. I finally got there. When I got there, I hugged them so hard their faces turned purple. One of my sisters best friends beat me in every video game they had. My other sisters cooking was the best. She made spaghetti and meatballs and chicken alfredo. We all went to sleep. I had to go back home because I had a baseball game the next day. I said goodbye to them. I got back home and my parents said, Jalen Hooper! Where have you been? I told them, Just visiting family. - Jalen Hooper

Rule Breaking
Adults say, No you cant buy this or You cant bring food to your room. One day after school, I was going to ask my mom if I could play games, but then I remembered she would say, No you can only play games on weekends. So I didnt bother asking. Late at night, I woke up and woke my brother up and we played Left 4 Dead. When my mom found out, my mom wouldnt let us watch movies that are hers or eat in our room. We have a TV in our room and we have kiddy movies that are lame. When my mom was sleeping, I took a movie that was about vampires and werewolves. I also made popcorn and watched the movie with my brother. We watched it halfway until my mom found out. We got a severe lecture, individually, then we got a punishment. I got grounded for 2 weeks and since my brother is older, he got 3 weeks. If we do anything bad during our grounding she adds another week. - Irene Han

The Saxophone
Once upon a time there was a frog named Joe. He was bored. He wanted to play. So he ordered an instrument called a flute. He tried playing it but he ran out of air and fainted. Then he ordered a clarinet. When he played it, Joe thought it sounded horrible. So he sent the clarinet and the flute back. Then he ordered a tuba. He loved it! Joe kept on playing it for 4 hours straight. Then his neighbors screamed at him that it was too loud and to get another instrument. Then he took it back. He was very sad. Joe told himself to get a quiet and beautiful instrument. The next morning he ordered an instrument called a saxophone. When he played it, everyone in his frog neighborhood loved it and called him out to play it. Joe was surprised so he went out there and played it. Every frog loved it. Joe was happy and found his perfect instrument. - Lizbeth Mascorro

Evil Planet
The ship lands on Shinyninyachacha. It has a great human population. The humans have more hair than Chubaka which is blue. They also have tons of carnival rides like accelerating roller coasters and super tall talking ferris wheels that are super scary because they drop you at the top over 1000 feet up, leaving you in a zombies clutches who chases you through the haunted house. The zombie falls into the water. Then you get on the Super Scrambler which closes and puts seatbelts on by itself. The ride goes until you throw up. You go to the ride that spins super fast and turns you upside down. Youre still spinning then the ride barks at you. It is so cold it can get up to -5000 and 5000 degrees Fahrenheit. That is hot and cold. You could be stuck there forever because zombies broke your ship! - Rachel Roundtree

Once upon a time there lived a cat named Cindercat. She had a stepmom and 2 stepsisters. The mom was a maltese and the sisters were dalmations. Cindercat was treated badly. She only got skim milk to drink while her sisters, Dotty and Spotty, got to eat fresh treats. One day a letter came and it said, Dear animals from Animalville, I, the prince (who was also a cat) invite you to the royal ball. Everyone went except Cindercat. She heard a rock band while she was doing her chores and she got excited, and she packed her belongings and left her house forever. She saw a totally cute cat playing the drums. She went and talked with the drummer. They became friendly. 1 month later they got married to each other, and Cindercat never went home. - Kathy Sung


Kidz Have No School

One day I woke up and thought this morning was going to be rough. Mom said, There is NO SCHOOL, so I jumped off my bed and said, COOL. At IHOP it was a little weird, because my mom said, For the entire year. A little after we played video games, and Mom said, What a shame. Ms. Wong lost her job and decided to get married to a man named Bob. Well, Ill tell you, they had some good times. Now thats my breakable rule story that rhymes. - Lexington Craig

Best Day Ever

A lot of people say you cant ditch school. But I did one day. I was 10 years old. I was walking to school. So I was late, then I heard the rules for school. They said everything but not ditching school. So I left and went to Six Flags and bought the tickets with my 20 year old brother. We had a fun time on all the new rides, like Terminator, Revolution, they were fun. I was so happy that I didnt have to go to school. When we left we ate Home Town Buffets. I had a great time. It was fun. Then I fell asleep when I got home. The next day I did the same thing but I went to the mall and bought an Xbox 360 Elite and the Kinect. The games I bought were Black Ops, Homefront, Modern Warfare 2, Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of two Worlds. For the Kinect I got Kinect Sports and Adventura. I got three movies: Battle: LA, Inception, Wolfman. Then I bought a guitar that was a black with red stripes. I also bought a lot, I mean a lot, of hats from Lids. Then I bought myself a DSI Xl that was black and had a red case. Then I got a smoothie from the food area. I also bought some new shoes. They were red. Then I made myself my own hat from Lids. Then I bought myself an iPhone 4 and an iPad 2. - Rubin Morales


Biographies Writers in the Community : Spring 2011

Isaac Ahn
Class of 2011 Communication/Creative Writing Gardena, CA Isaac Ahn once spent an entire day movie hopping and didnt get caught. Thats how much he loves breaking rules and watching movies. Now, he does it all the time.

Becca Kantor

Class of 2013 Creative Writing, Psychology Minor Plano, TX Becca is a sophomore at USC and an aspiring writer. She enjoys the finer things in life, such as videogames, baking, and using the phrase yall whenever she can. She would like to thank Mr. Timiraos 4th grade class for sharing their writing with her and reminding her how awesome it is to be a kid.

Paige Cohen

Class of 2011 Creative Writing & Cinema-TV San Francisco, CA Descending from a long line of jovial pasta-eaters.

Victor Luo

Class of 2011 English (Creative Writing) Monterey Park, CA Victor is a fiction writer with an inclination towards the fantastic and the magical. His interests include contemporary literature, video games, anime and manga.

Caitlin Coyne
Class of 2011 English Los Angeles, CA

Kimberly Newberry

Caitlin is working on her thesis for creative writing. In her spare time she loves to read, write, listen to music, and hang out with her friends!

Class of 2011 Creative Writing, Political Science Omaha, NE Kimberly has always wanted to be a writer, and she started at a young age by re-writing Romeo and Juliet with leopards as the main characters. Although she is graduating and off to law school in the fall, she hopes that she will still be able to squeeze in a few chapters and verses every now and then. Kimberlys perfect world would consist of everything being pink and mandatory ice cream for breakfast.

Andrew Call

Class of 2012 English Creative Writing Major Carmel, CA For as long as I can remember, writing has been an academic strenght of mine. Im extremely fortunate to be studying what has come to be a hobby here at USC. Among other things, I love running, basketball, surfing and music. Fight on!

Breana Powell

Class of 2013 Creative Writing Major with a Film Minor Pasadena, CA Breana is a sophomore at USC who is an aspiring filmmaker, writer, and world traveler. She loves cute babies, taking pictures, and dancing. She is so proud of the third graders for writing such awesome stories!

Daphne Ho

Class of 2012 Creative Writing Major, Communication Design Minor, Multimedia Scholarship Minor Schaumburg, IL

In fifth grade, Daphne discovered her love for writing and drawing when she constructed a pop-up book for a history project about China. Her book was titled Sleeping Mei Mei, a re-telling of Sleeping Beauty. She received an A+ on the project, but since she had stayed up so late during the week to work on it, she did quite poorly on her other homework assignments. In fact, on the day the book was due, Daphne failed her first test ever. Ironically, it was an English test.

Andrew Ramirez
Class of 2012 English El Paso, TX

The battle is over! After years of rejection, this West Texan finally got his name in print. And its all thanks to a group of wildly talented third, fourth, and fifth grade fiction writers.

Libby Reiser

Class of 2011 English (Creative Writing) and Classics San Francisco, California A senior that loves to write about pretty much everything stories set on mysterious Greek islands to ones with characters similar to my hilarious 11 housemates. I want to thank my 3rd grade (Ms. Reed) class for inspiring me to continue writing and teaching.

Elizabeth Waters

Class of 2011 Political Science and Creative Writing Spokane, WA Elizabeth Waters, or Liz Waters, hails from the land of Snowkane, Washington, where it snows in the winter. She replaced her fuzzy sweaters with funny T-shirts and moved to Los Angeles for school. She likes unicorns, doing puzzles, eating pickled beets and writing. Her favorite board game is Battleship.

Brian Sameshima

Class of 2012 Creative Writing and Cinematic Arts Torrance, CA Brian aspires to make it big in Hollywood as a professional screenwriter and these kids have been an inspiration for him to continue to write and to pursue his dream. Although Brian is a hard working dude, he is also very laid-back and likes to have a lot of fun. He is an avid sports fan and enjoys rooting for his favorite teams: the Lakers, the Angels, and of course, the SC Trojans. Fight on!

Mattie Watson

Class of 2012 English Creative Writing San Diego, CA Mattie really enjoys working with kids. After graduating, she plans to move back to San Diego and get her teaching credential and become a teacher.

Jeffrey Stein

Class of 2011 Music, Creative Writing Danville, CA Jeff has been called the songbird of a generation. He likes words that make him laugh, melodies that make him dance, and visual aids that burn a hole in his retina. He will graduate this May with degrees in Music and Creative Writing from USC, and spends most of his free time recording new songs and figuring out the best ways to casually bump into John C. Reilly.

Aimee Bender Professor

Aimee is the author of four books, the most recent being the bestseller The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake. Her short fiction has been published in GQ, Granta, Harpers, and more, as well as heard on NPRs This American Life. She has been happily teaching creative writing at USC for over ten years, and after college, she had the pleasure of teaching elementary school in San Francisco for a few years. She loved that job, so this opportunity at the 32nd Street School is particularly meaningful to her for that reason!

Lindsey Vorndran

Class of 2011 Creative Writing, Minor in Communications Covina, CA Lindsey likes to read for fun. Her goal in life is to be the next J.K. Rowling and write something so powerful that it inspires people all over the world to pick up a book and read. After graduation, she plans on attending Graduate school for a Masters in Teaching (special thanks to Mrs. Bergers 3rd graders for helping her realize that teaching is also something she is very passionate about and for inspiring her own writing with their creativity).

Mary Jones Teaching Assistant

Mary holds an MFA in Fiction Writing and Literature from Bennington College. She lives in Los Angeles where she is at work on her first short story collection.

Wed like to thank JEP, especially Susan Harris, Alice Villasenor, and Brenda Pesante, and our JEP student representative, Lena Cronin. Sue Becker, Principal Brunt and Charles Hood at the 32nd Street School have always been so helpful and supportive of this project. The USC English Department and Department Chair Meg Russett have regularly supported our endeavor, and wed also like to thank Diddy Reese for helping us raise some funds, the 9-0 for supporting a fundraiser, 21 Choices for gift certificates, Ready Reproductions for printing, and Subway for working with us on refreshments. Wed also like to recognize the poet and terrific teacher Cecilia Woloch for doing a wonderful job with the poetry section in the fall and for co-designing this course in the first place. The sixteen undergraduates in this course raised money for this anthology and for the event, planned the event, typed all the stories, edited and designed the book, organized the layout, worked overtime and late, and dreamed up a creative writing curriculum. A special thanks to Daphne Ho for her terrific work with InDesign, and to her co-editors: Paige Cohen, Becca Kantor, Kimberly Newberry, and Liz Waters. Another special thanks to Mary Jones Altiere, a gift of a teaching assistant who was a great help to the class. And, finally, a big thank you to the amazing classroom teachers, who let us in their rooms so generously: Ms. Berger, Ms. Reed-Thompson, Mr. Timiraos, Ms. Wong and Mr. Carrillo. Thanks for giving all of us this opportunity.

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