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DI API Database Field Mappings

Describe the Relations Between property names and the relative dataBase fileds.

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File: C:\Documents and Settings\i009299\Desktop\New Uploads\DI API Database Field Mappings.doc Saved at: Thursday, May 4, 2006 Printed at: Thursday, May 4, 2006

DI API DataBase Field Mappings

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1. Contacts
Source Table: OCLG
Property Name CardCode Notes ContactDate ContactTime Recontact Closed CloseDate Phone Fax Subject DocType DocNum DocEntry ContactCode Priority Details Activity ActivityType Location StartTime EndTime Duration DurationType SalesEmployee ContactPersonCode HandledBy Reminder ReminderPeriod ReminderType City Personalflag Street ParentobjectId Parentobjecttype Room Inactiveflag State PreviousActivity Country Status Tentativeflag EndDuedate DocTypeEx Field Name CardCode Notes CntctDate CntctTime Recontact Closed CloseDate Tel Fax CntctSbjct DocType DocNum DocEntry ClgCode Priority Details Action CntctType Location BeginTime ENDTime Duration DurType SlpCode CntctCode AttendUser Reminder RemQty RemType city personal street parentId parentType room inactive state prevActvty country status tentative endDate Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 0 30 23 22 24 25 26 29 27 28 21 19 18 31 32 33 46 42 45 51 50 49 43 48 52 47 41 44 40 0 type string string date/time date/time date/time BoYesNoEnum date/time string string string long string string long BoMsgPriorities string BoActivities long long date/time date/time double BoDurations long long long BoYesNoEnum double BoDurations string BoYesNoEnum string long string string BoYesNoEnum string long string long BoYesNoEnum date/time size 15 -1 8 11 8 1 8 20 20 11 20 20 20 11 1 60 1 11 11 11 11 20 1 11 11 11 1 20 1 100 1 100 11 20 50 1 3 11 3 11 1 8 0 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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2. Budget_Lines
Source Table: BGT1
Property Name PrecentOfAnnualBudgetAmount RowDetails RowNumber FutMonthlyExpenSysDebit FutMonthlyExpenLocDebit FutMonthlyExpenSysCredit FutMonthlyExpenLocCredit FutMonthlyIncomesSysDebit FutMonthlyIncomesSysCredit FutIncomesSysDebit FutIncomesLocCredit MonthlyBudgetSysTotDebit MonthlyBalSysTotDebit MonthlyBalTotDebit MonthlyBudgetCustomer MonthlyBudgetSysTotCredit MonthlyBudgetTotDebit MonthlyBalSysTotCredit MonthlyBalTotCredit BudgetKey AccountCode Field Name MonthPrcnt LineMemo Line_ID FtrODRSSum FtrODRLSum FtrOCRSSum FtrOCRLSum FtrIDRSSum FtrIDRLSum FtrICRSSum FtrICRLSum DebSTotal DebRSTotal DebRLTotal DebLTotal CredSTotal CredLTotal CrdRSTotal CrdRLTotal BudgId AcctCode Position 18 19 1 15 14 17 16 11 10 13 12 4 8 6 2 5 3 9 7 0 21 type double string long double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double long string size 20 50 11 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 11 15 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only

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3. Budget
Source Table: OBGT
Property Name FutureAnnualExpensesCreditSys FutureAnnualExpensesCreditLoc FutureAnnualExpensesDebitSys FutureAnnualExpensesDebitLoc FutureAnnualRevenuesCredit FutureAnnualRevenuesDebit FutureRevenuesDebitSys FutureRevenuesDebitLoc ParentAccPercent StartofFiscalYear ParentAccountKey TotalAnnualBudgetDebitSys BudgetBalanceDebitSys BudgetBalanceDebitLoc TotalAnnualBudgetDebitLoc TotalAnnualBudgetCreditSys TotalAnnualBudgetCreditLoc BudgetBalanceCreditSys BudgetBalanceCreditLoc DivisionCode AccountCode Numerator Field Name FtrODRSSum FtrODRLSum FtrOCRSSum FtrOCRLSum FtrIDRSSum FtrIDRLSum FtrICRSSum FtrICRLSum FthrPrcnt FinancYear FatherCode DebSTotal DebRSTotal DebRLTotal DebLTotal CredSTotal CredLTotal CrdRSTotal CrdRLTotal BgdCode AcctCode AbsId Position 19 17 20 18 14 13 16 15 4 21 3 7 11 9 5 8 6 12 10 2 1 0 type double double double double double double double double double date/time string double double double double double double double double long string long size 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 8 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 11 15 11 Read Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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4. SalesForecast_Lines
Source Table: FCT1
Property Name Quantity ForecastedDay ItemNo Field Name Quantity Date ItemCode Position 4 3 2 type double date/time string size 20 8 20 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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5. SalesForecast
Source Table: OFCT
Property Name ForecastStartDate ForecastEndDate ForecastCode ForecastName Field Name StartDate EndDate Code Name Position 4 5 1 2 type date/time date/time string string size 8 8 16 100 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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6. SalesTaxAuthorities
Source Table: OSTA
Property Name UseTaxAccount UserSignature Type AOrRTaxAccount Rate AOrPTaxAccount NonDeductiblePrecent NonDeductibleAccount Name DeferredTaxAccount Code Field Name UseTax UserSign Type SalesTax Rate PurchTax NonDdctPrc NonDdctAct Name deferrAcct Code Position 4 6 5 3 2 7 9 10 1 8 0 type string long long string double string double string string string string size 15 11 11 15 20 15 20 15 100 15 8 Read Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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7. BudgetScenarios
Source Table: OBGS
Property Name Name InitialRatioPercentage StartofFiscalYear BasicBudget Numerator Field Name Name InitRate FinancYear BaseId AbsId Position 1 3 5 2 0 type string double date/time long long size 100 20 8 11 11 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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8. BudgetDistribution
Source Table: OBGD
Property Name September August July June May April March February December November October January BudgetAmount Description DivisionCode Field Name Month9 Month8 Month7 Month6 Month5 Month4 Month3 Month2 Month12 Month11 Month10 Month1 BgdTotal BgdName BgdCode Position 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 14 13 12 3 2 1 0 type double double double double double double double double double double double double double string long size 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 11 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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9. SalesTaxAuthoritiesTypes
Source Table: OSTT
Property Name UserSignature Name VAT Numerator Field Name UserSign Name IsVat AbsId Position 2 1 3 0 type long string BoYesNoEnum long size 11 40 1 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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10. SalesTaxCodes_Lines
Source Table: STC1
Property Name STATaxOnTaxType STATaxonTaxCode STCCode STAType STACode RowNumber EffectiveRate Field Name TaxOnTType TaxOnTCode STCCode STAType STACode Line_ID EfctivRate Position 5 4 0 3 2 1 6 type long string string long string long double size 11 8 8 11 8 11 20 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only

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11. WithholdingTaxData
Source Table: CSI5
Property Name WTCode WTAmountSys WTAmountFC WTAmount WithholdingType TaxableAmountinSys TaxableAmountFC TaxableAmount RoundingType Rate Criteria Category BaseType GLAccount LineNum Field Name WTCode WTAmntSC WTAmntFC WTAmnt Type TxblAmntSC TxblAmntFC TaxbleAmnt RoundType Rate Criteria Category BaseType Account LineNum Position 1 7 8 6 15 4 5 3 16 2 13 12 17 14 21 type string double double double string double double double string double string string string string long size 4 20 20 20 1 20 20 20 1 20 1 1 1 15 11 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only

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12. SalesTaxCodes
Source Table: OSTC
Property Name ValidForAR ValidForAP UserSignature Rate Name Freight Code Field Name ValidForAR ValidForAP UserSign Rate Name Freight Code Position 5 6 4 2 1 3 0 type BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum long double string BoYesNoEnum string size 1 1 11 20 100 1 8 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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13. QueueMembers
Source Table: QUE1
Property Name QueueID MemberUserID Field Name queueID member Position 0 1 type string long size 20 11 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write

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14. Queue
Source Table: OQUE
Property Name QueueID Description Inactive QueueManager QueueEmail Field Name queueID descript inactive manager email Position 0 1 4 2 3 type string string BoYesNoEnum long string size 20 200 1 11 200 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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15. Territories
Source Table: OTER
Property Name TerritoryID Description LocationIndex Inactive Parent Field Name territryID descript lindex inactive parent Position 0 1 3 4 2 type long string long BoYesNoEnum long size 11 200 11 1 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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16. DunningLetters
Source Table: ODUN
Property Name FeeCurrency RowNumber LetterFormat Effectiveafter MinimumBalanceCurrency Feeperletter CalcInterest MinimumBalance Field Name FeeCurr LineNum LetrFormat EffctAftr MinBlnCurr LetterFee CalcIntert MinBalance Position 4 0 1 2 6 3 7 5 type string long string string string double BoYesNoEnum double size 3 11 8 3 3 20 1 20 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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17. ItemGroups
Source Table: OITB
Property Name PriceDifferencesAccount StockInflationAdjustAccount MinimumOrderQuantity OrderInterval ExchangeRateDifferencesAccount IncreasingAccount StockInflationOffsetAccount ProcurementMethod PurchaseOffsetAccount InventorySystem WIPMaterialVarianceAccount PlanningSystem PurchaseAccount ReturningAccount CostInflationAccount ExpensesAccount RevenuesAccount TransfersAccount LeadTime OrderMultiple CostInflationOffsetAccount InventoryAccount DecreaseGLAccount Number GoodsClearingAccount IncreaseGLAccount ForeignRevenuesAccount Alert WIPMaterialAccount ShippedGoodsAccount ExemptRevenuesAccount DecreasingAccount VATInRevenueAccount VarianceAccount EUExpensesAccount ForeignExpensesAccount CycleCode CostAccount EURevenuesAccount PAReturnAccount GroupName Field Name PriceDifAc StokRvlAct MinOrdrQty OrdrIntrvl ExchangeAc IncreasAc StkOffsAct PrcrmntMtd PurchOfsAc InvntSys WipVarAcct PlaningSys PurchaseAc ReturnAc CostRvlAct ExpensesAc RevenuesAc TransferAc LeadTime OrdrMulti CstOffsAct BalInvntAc DecresGlAc ItmsGrpCod BalanceAcc IncresGlAc FrRevenuAc Alert WipAcct ShpdGdsAct ExmptIncom DecreasAc VatRevAct VarianceAc EUExpensAc FrExpensAc CycleCode SaleCostAc EURevenuAc PAReturnAc ItmsGrpNam Position 21 38 36 34 22 11 39 33 26 31 41 32 24 12 42 13 8 7 37 35 43 5 29 0 23 30 16 20 40 27 18 10 28 9 15 17 19 6 14 25 1 type string string double long string string string BoProcurementMethod string BoInventorySystem string BoPlanningSystem string string string string string string long double string string string long string string string BoYesNoEnum string string string string string string string string long string string string string size 15 15 20 11 15 15 15 1 15 1 15 1 15 15 15 15 15 15 11 20 15 15 15 11 15 15 15 1 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 11 15 15 15 20 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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18. Industries
Source Table: OOND
Property Name IndustryDescription IndustryName IndustryCode Field Name IndDesc IndName IndCode Position 2 1 0 type string string long size 30 15 11 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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19. Relationships
Source Table: OORL
Property Name RelationshipDescription RelationshipCode Field Name OrlDesc OrlCode Position 1 0 type string long size 100 11 Read Write Read\Write Read Only

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20. Warehouses
Source Table: OWHS
Property Name Street StockInflationOffsetAccount ZipCode DecreasingAccount PurchaseAccount EURevenuesAccount ReturningAccount ShippedGoodsAccount StockInflationAdjustAccount AllowUseTax CostInflationAccount ForeignExpensesAccount EUExpensesAccount CostInflationOffsetAccount ExpensesClearingAccount PurchaseReturningAccount VATInRevenueAccount FederalTaxID Location Block ExpenseAccount DecreaseGLAccount RevenuesAccount TaxGroup ExemptRevenuesAccount PurchaseOffsetAccount CostOfGoodsSold WarehouseCode State City PriceDifferencesAccount VarianceAccount Country IncreaseGLAccount ExchangeRateDifferencesAccount WIPMaterialAccount WarehouseName DropShip WIPMaterialVarianceAccount TransfersAcc InternalKey ForeignRevenuesAcc BuildingFloorRoom County Nettable IncreasingAcc ExpenseOffsetingAct GoodsClearingAcc StockAccount Field Name Street StkOffsAct ZipCode DecreasAc PurchaseAc EURevenuAc ReturnAc ShpdGdsAct StokRvlAct UseTax CostRvlAct FrExpensAc EUExpensAc CstOffsAct ExpClrAct PAReturnAc VatRevAct FedTaxID Location Block ExpensesAc DecresGlAc RevenuesAc VatGroup ExmptIncom PurchOfsAc SaleCostAc WhsCode State City PriceDifAc VarianceAc Country IncresGlAc ExchangeAc WipAcct WhsName DropShip WipVarAcct TransferAc IntrnalKey FrRevenuAc Building County Nettable IncreasAc ExpOfstAct BalanceAcc BalInvntAc Position 21 46 23 12 35 16 14 40 45 31 49 19 17 50 51 36 41 38 28 22 15 42 10 20 30 37 5 0 27 24 32 11 26 43 33 47 1 29 48 6 2 18 39 25 44 13 52 34 4 type string string string string string string string string string BoYesNoEnum string string string string string string string string long string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string BoYesNoEnum string string long string string string BoYesNoEnum string string string string size 100 15 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 1 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 32 11 100 15 15 15 8 15 15 15 8 3 100 15 15 3 15 15 15 100 1 15 15 11 15 -1 100 1 15 15 15 15 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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21. UserPermissionForms
Source Table: UPT1
Property Name FormType DisplayOrder PermissionId Field Name FormId VisOrder PermId Position 1 2 0 type string long string size 20 11 20 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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22. UserPermissionTree
Source Table: OUPT
Property Name UserSignature DisplayOrder PermissionId Options Name Levels IsItem ParentID Field Name UserSign VisOrder AbsId Options Name Levels IsItem FathId Position 8 4 0 2 1 5 6 3 type long long string BoUPTOptions string long BoYesNoEnum string size 11 11 20 11 40 11 1 20 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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23. ActivityStatus
Source Table: OCLA
Property Name StatusDescription StatusId StatusName Field Name descriptio statusID name Position 2 0 1 type string long string size 255 11 30 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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24. SpecialPricesDataAreas
Source Table: SPP1
Property Name PriceCurrency AutoUpdate Dateto Discount SpecialPrice DateFrom BPCode PriceListNo ItemNo RowNumber Field Name Currency AutoUpdt ToDate Discount Price FromDate CardCode ListNum ItemCode LINENUM Position 4 9 8 5 3 7 1 6 0 2 type string BoYesNoEnum date/time double double date/time string long string long size 3 1 8 20 20 8 15 11 20 11 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only

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25. SpecialPricesQuantityAreas
Source Table: SPP2
Property Name Quantity SPDARowNumber SpecialPrice ItemNo BPCode RowNumber PriceCurrency Discountin Field Name Amount SPP1LNum Price ItemCode CardCode SPP2LNum Currency Discount Position 4 2 5 0 1 3 6 7 type double long double string string long string double size 20 11 20 20 15 11 3 20 Read Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write

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26. PriceLists
Source Table: OPLN
Property Name RoundingMethod GroupNum BasePriceList Factor PriceListNo PriceListName Field Name RoundSys GroupCode BASE_NUM Factor ListNum ListName Position 4 5 2 3 0 1 type BoRoundingMethod BoPriceListGroupNum long double long string size 11 11 11 20 11 32 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write

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27. BusinessPartners
Source Table: OCRD
Property Name CardCode CardType CardName GroupCode Address ZipCode MailAddress MailZipCode Phone1 Phone2 Fax ContactPerson Notes PayTermsGrpCode CreditLimit MaxCommitment DiscountPercent VatLiable FederalTaxID DeductibleAtSource DeductionPercent DeductionValidUntil PriceListNum IntrestRatePercent CommissionPercent CommissionGroupCode FreeText SalesPersonCode Currency RateDiffAccount Cellular AvarageLate City County Country MailCity MailCounty MailCountry EmailAddress Picture DefaultAccount DefaultBranch DefaultBankCode AdditionalID Pager FatherCard CardForeignName FatherType DeductionOffice Field Name CardCode CardType CardName GroupCode Address ZipCode MailAddres MailZipCod Phone1 Phone2 Fax CntctPrsn Notes GroupNum CreditLine DebtLine Discount VatStatus LicTradNum DdctStatus DdctPrcnt ValidUntil ListNum IntrstRate Commission CommGrCode Free_Text SlpCode Currency RateDifAct Cellular AvrageLate City County Country MailCity MailCounty MailCountr E_Mail Picture DflAccount DflBranch BankCode AddID Pager FatherCard CardFName FatherType DdctOffice Position 0 2 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 130 type string BoCardTypes string long string string string string string string string string string long double double double BoVatStatus string BoYesNoEnum double date/time long double double long string long string string string long string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string BoFatherCardTypes string size 15 1 100 11 100 20 100 20 20 20 20 90 100 11 20 20 20 1 32 1 20 8 11 20 20 11 -1 11 3 15 50 11 100 100 3 100 100 3 100 200 50 50 30 18 30 15 100 1 10 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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ExportCode MinIntrest CurrentAccountBalance OpenDeliveryNotesBalance OpenOrdersBalance VatGroup ShippingType Password Indicator IBAN CreditCardCode CreditCardNum CreditCardExpiration DebitorAccount OpenOpportunities Valid ValidFrom ValidTo ValidRemarks Frozen FrozenFrom FrozenTo FrozenRemarks Block BillToState ExemptNum Priority FormCode1099 Box1099 PeymentMethodCode BackOrder PartialDelivery BlockDunning BankCountry HouseBank HouseBankCountry HouseBankAccount ShipToDefault DunningLevel DunningDate CollectionAuthorization DME InstructionKey SinglePayment ISRBillerID PaymentBlock ReferenceDetails HouseBankBranch OwnerIDNumber PaymentBlockDescription TaxExemptionLetterNum MaxAmountOfExemption ExemptionValidityDateFrom ExemptionValidityDateTo LinkedBusinessPartner

ExportCode MinIntrst Balance DNotesBal OrdersBal ECVatGroup ShipType Password Indicator IBAN CreditCard CrCardNum CardValid DebPayAcct OprCount validFor validFrom validTo ValidComm frozenFor frozenFrom frozenTo FrozenComm Block State1 ExemptNo Priority FormCode Box1099 PymCode BackOrder PartDelivr BlockDunn BankCountr HouseBank HousBnkCry HousBnkAct ShipToDef DunnLevel DunnDate CollecAuth DME InstrucKey SinglePaym ISRBillId PaymBlock RefDetails HousBnkBrn OwnerIdNum PyBlckDesc LetterNum MaxAmount FromDate ToDate ConnBP

133 140 14 16 17 177 171 176 170 179 145 146 147 172 142 150 151 152 161 153 154 155 162 174 165 143 144 181 182 183 184 185 188 189 197 200 201 173 186 187 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 202 198 199 210 211 212 213 222

string double double double double string long string string string long string date/time string long BoYesNoEnum date/time date/time string BoYesNoEnum date/time date/time string string string string long long string string BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum string string string string string long date/time BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum string BoYesNoEnum string BoYesNoEnum string string string long string double date/time date/time string

8 20 20 20 20 8 11 32 2 50 11 20 8 15 11 1 8 8 30 1 8 8 30 100 3 50 11 11 20 15 1 1 1 3 30 3 50 50 11 8 1 5 30 1 9 1 20 50 15 11 20 20 8 8 15

Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write

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LastMultiReconciliationNum Equalization SubjectToWithholdingTax CertificateNumber ExpirationDate NationalInsuranceNum AccrualCriteria WTCode DeferredTax BillToBuildingFloorRoom DownPaymentClearAct ChannelBP DefaultTechnician BilltoDefault CustomerBillofExchangDisc Territory ShipToBuildingFloorRoom CustomerBillofExchangPres ProjectCode

MltMthNum Equ WTLiable CrtfcateNO ExpireDate NINum AccCritria WTCode DeferrTax Building DpmClear ChannlBP DfTcnician BillToDef BoEDiscnt Territory MailBuildi BoEPrsnt ProjectCod

223 220 214 215 216 217 218 219 209 235 247 243 244 246 238 245 236 237 203

long BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum string date/time string BoYesNoEnum string BoYesNoEnum string string string long string string long string string string

11 1 1 20 8 20 1 4 1 -1 15 15 11 50 15 11 -1 15 8

Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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28. ContactEmployees
Source Table: OCPR
Property Name Position Address Phone1 Phone2 MobilePhone Fax E_Mail Pager Remarks1 Remarks2 Password Name InternalCode PlaceOfBirth DateOfBirth Gender Profession Field Name Position Address Tel1 Tel2 Cellolar Fax E_MailL Pager Notes1 Notes2 Password Name CntctCode BirthPlace BirthDate Gender Profession Position 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 2 0 18 19 20 21 type string string string string string string string string string string string string long string date/time BoGenderTypes string size 90 100 20 20 50 20 100 30 100 100 8 50 11 100 8 1 50 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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29. BPAddresses
Source Table: CRD1
Property Name AddressName Street Block ZipCode City County Country State FederalTaxID TaxCode BuildingFloorRoom AddressType Field Name Address Street Block ZipCode City County Country State LicTradNum TaxCode Building AdresType Position 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 14 15 16 type string string string string string string string string string string string BoAddressType size 50 100 100 20 100 100 3 3 32 8 -1 1 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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30. BPAccountReceivablePayble
Source Table: CRD3
Property Name AccountCode AccountType Field Name AcctCode AcctType Position 2 1 type string BoBpAccountTypes size 15 1 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write

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31. BPPaymentMethods
Source Table: CRD2
Property Name PaymentMethodCode Field Name PymCode Position 2 type string size 15 Read Write Read\Write

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32. BPWithholdingTax
Source Table: CRD4
Property Name WTCode Field Name WTCode Position 1 type string size 4 Read Write Read\Write

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33. BPPaymentDates
Source Table: CRD5
Property Name PaymentDate Field Name PmntDate Position 1 type string size 2 Read Write Read\Write

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34. BPBankAccounts
Source Table: OCRB
Property Name LogInstance UserNo4 BPCode County State UserNo2 IBAN ZipCode City Block Branch Country Street ControlKey UserNo3 BankCode AccountNo UserNo1 InternalKey BuildingFloorRoom Field Name LogInstanc UsrNumber4 CardCode County State UsrNumber2 IBAN ZipCode City Block Branch Country Street ControlKey UsrNumber3 BankCode Account UsrNumber1 AbsEntry Building Position 18 16 1 10 11 14 17 8 9 7 5 3 6 12 15 2 4 13 0 19 type long string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string long string size 11 25 15 100 3 25 50 20 100 100 50 3 100 2 25 30 50 25 11 -1 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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35. Documents
Source Table: OCSV
Property Name DocNum DocType HandWritten Printed DocDate DocDueDate CardCode CardName Address NumAtCard DocCurrency DocRate DocTotal Reference1 Reference2 Comments JournalMemo PaymentGroupCode DocTime SalesPersonCode TransportationCode Confirmed ImportFileNum SummeryType ContactPersonCode ShowSCN Series TaxDate PartialSupply DocObjectCode ShipToCode Indicator FederalTaxID DiscountPercent PaymentReference DocEntry CreationDate UpdateDate FinancialPeriod TransNum VatSum VatSumSys VatSumFc NetProcedure DocTotalFc DocTotalSys Form1099 Box1099 Field Name DocNum DocType Handwrtten Printed DocDate DocDueDate CardCode CardName Address NumAtCard DocCur DocRate DocTotal Ref1 Ref2 Comments JrnlMemo GroupNum DocTime SlpCode TrnspCode Confirmed ImportEnt SummryType CntctCode ShowSCN Series TaxDate PartSupply ObjType ShipToCode Indicator LicTradNum DiscPrcnt PaymentRef DocEntry CreateDate UpdateDate FinncPriod TransId VatSum VatSumSy VatSumFC NetProc DocTotalFC DocTotalSy Form1099 Box1099 Position 1 2 4 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 23 24 30 31 32 33 36 37 38 39 41 43 45 51 52 69 70 40 9 101 92 102 19 103 0 64 62 75 34 17 56 18 93 25 58 111 112 type long BoDocumentTypes BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum date/time date/time string string string string string double double string string string string long date/time long long BoYesNoEnum long BoDocSummaryTypes long BoYesNoEnum long date/time BoYesNoEnum BoObjectTypes string string string double string long date/time date/time long long double double double BoYesNoEnum double double long string size 11 1 1 1 8 8 15 100 254 16 3 20 20 11 11 254 50 11 11 11 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 8 1 20 50 2 32 20 27 11 8 8 11 11 20 20 20 1 20 20 11 20 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write

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RevisionPo RequriedDate CancelDate BlockDunning Submitted Segment PickStatus Pick PaymentMethod PaymentBlock PaymentBlockEntry CentralBankIndicator MaximumCashDiscount Reserve Project ExemptionValidityDateFrom ExemptionValidityDateTo WareHouseUpdateType Rounding ExternalCorrectedDocNum InternalCorrectedDocNum NextCorrectingDocument DeferredTax TaxExemptionLetterNum WTApplied WTAppliedFC BillOfExchangeReserved AgentCode WTAppliedSC TotalEqualizationTax TotalEqualizationTaxFC TotalEqualizationTaxSC NumberOfInstallments ApplyTaxOnFirstInstallment WTNonSubjectAmount WTNonSubjectAmountSC WTNonSubjectAmountFC WTExemptedAmount WTExemptedAmountSC WTExemptedAmountFC BaseAmountSC BaseAmountFC WTAmountFC WTAmountSC BaseAmount WTAmount VatDate DocumentsOwner FolioPrefixString FolioNumber DocumentSubType BPChannelCode BPChannelContact DocObjectCodeEx Address2

RevisionPo ReqDate CancelDate BlockDunn submitted Segment PickStatus Pick PeyMethod PayBlock PayBlckRef CntrlBnk MaxDscn Reserve Project FromDate ToDate UpdInvnt Rounding CorrExt CorrInv NCorrInv DeferrTax LetterNum WTApplied WTAppliedF BoeReserev AgentCode WTAppliedS EquVatSum EquVatSumF EquVatSumS Installmnt VATFirst NnSbAmnt NnSbAmntSC NbSbAmntFC ExepAmnt ExepAmntSC ExepAmntFC BaseAmntSC BaseAmntFC WTSumFC WTSumSC BaseAmnt WTSum VatDate OwnerCode FolioPref FolioNum DocSubType BPChCode BPChCntc Address2

116 118 119 122 113 117 120 121 123 124 125 129 126 127 135 138 139 46 115 157 158 159 136 137 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 162 163 105 106 161 104 156 211 202 203 192 212 213 0 88

BoYesNoEnum date/time date/time BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum long BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum string BoYesNoEnum long string BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum string date/time date/time BoDocWhsUpdateTypes BoYesNoEnum string long long BoYesNoEnum string double double BoYesNoEnum string double double double double long BoYesNoEnum double double double double double double double double double double double double date/time long string long BoDocumentSubType string long string

1 8 8 1 1 11 1 1 15 1 11 15 1 1 8 8 8 1 1 25 11 11 1 20 20 20 1 32 20 20 20 20 11 1 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 8 11 2 11 2 15 11 0 254

Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write

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Read Only

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36. Document_Lines
Source Table: CSV1
Property Name LineNum ItemCode ItemDescription Quantity ShipDate Price PriceAfterVAT Currency Rate DiscountPercent VendorNum SerialNum WarehouseCode SalesPersonCode CommisionPercent TreeType AccountCode UseBaseUnits SupplierCatNum CostingCode ProjectCode BarCode VatGroup Height1 Hight1Unit Height2 Height2Unit Lengh1 Lengh1Unit Lengh2 Lengh2Unit Weight1 Weight1Unit Weight2 Weight2Unit Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 BaseType BaseEntry BaseLine Volume VolumeUnit Width1 Width1Unit Width2 Width2Unit Address Field Name LineNum ItemCode Dscription Quantity ShipDate Price PriceAfVAT Currency Rate DiscPrcnt VendorNum SerialNum WhsCode SlpCode Commission TreeType AcctCode UseBaseUn SubCatNum OcrCode Project CodeBars VatGroup Height1 Hght1Unit Height2 Hght2Unit Length1 Len1Unit length2 Len2Unit Weight1 Wght1Unit Weight2 Wght2Unit Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 BaseType BaseEntry BaseLine Volume VolUnit Width1 Wdth1Unit Width2 Wdth2Unit Address Position 1 9 10 11 12 14 46 15 16 17 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 35 36 41 42 43 45 47 48 49 50 55 56 57 58 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 5 6 7 59 60 51 52 53 54 98 type long string string double date/time double double string double double string string string long double BoItemTreeTypes string BoYesNoEnum string string string string string double long double long double long double long double long double long double double double double long long long double long double long double long string size 11 20 100 20 8 20 20 3 20 20 17 17 8 11 20 1 15 1 14 8 8 16 8 20 11 20 11 20 11 20 11 20 11 20 11 20 20 20 20 11 11 11 20 11 20 11 20 11 254 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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TaxCode TaxType TaxLiable PickStatus PickQuantity PickListIdNumber OriginalItem BackOrder FreeText ShippingMethod POTargetNum POTargetEntry POTargetRowNum CorrectionInvoiceItem CorrInvAmountToStock CorrInvAmountToDiffAcct AppliedTax AppliedTaxFC AppliedTaxSC WTLiable EqualizationTaxPercent TotalEqualizationTaxFC TotalEqualizationTaxSC NetTaxAmount NetTaxAmountFC NetTaxAmountSC LineTotal TaxPercentagePerRow TaxTotal DeferredTax TotalEqualizationTax MeasureUnit UnitsOfMeasurment ConsumerSalesForecast

TaxCode TaxType TaxStatus PickStatus PickOty PickIdNo OrigItem BackOrdr FreeTxt TrnsCode PoTrgNum PoTrgEntry PoLineNum CEECFlag ToStock ToDiff VatAppld VatAppldFC VatAppldSC WtLiable EquVatPer EquVatSumF EquVatSumS LineVat LineVatlF LineVatS LineTotal VatPrcnt VatSum DeferrTax EquVatSum unitMsr NumPerMsr ConsumeFCT

99 100 29 104 105 106 101 102 103 107 94 95 97 125 126 127 108 109 110 114 116 118 119 120 121 122 18 44 74 115 117 123 124 139

string BoTaxTypes BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum double long string BoYesNoEnum string long long string string BoCorInvItemStatus double double double double double BoYesNoEnum double double double double double double double double double BoYesNoEnum double string double BoYesNoEnum

8 1 1 1 20 11 20 1 100 11 11 11 11 1 20 20 20 20 20 1 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 1 20 5 20 1

Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write

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37. SerialNumbers
Source Table: OSRI
Property Name ManufacturerSerialNumber InternalSerialNumber ExpiryDate ManufactureDate ReceptionDate WarrantyStart WarrantyEnd Location Notes BatchID SystemSerialNumber Field Name SuppSerial IntrSerial ExpDate PrdDate InDate GrntStart GrntExp Located Notes BatchId SysSerial Position 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 4 1 type string string date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time string string string long size 32 32 8 8 8 8 8 100 -1 32 11 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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38. BatchNumbers
Source Table: OIBT
Property Name BatchNumber ManufacturerSerialNumber InternalSerialNumber ExpiryDate ManufacturingDate AddmisionDate Location Notes Quantity Field Name BatchNum SuppSerial IntrSerial ExpDate PrdDate InDate Located Notes Quantity Position 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 type string string string date/time date/time date/time string string double size 32 32 32 8 8 8 100 -1 20 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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39. Document_LinesAdditionalExpenses
Source Table: CSV2
Property Name LineNumber GroupCode ExpenseCode LineTotal LineTotalFC LineTotalSys PaidToDate PaidToDateFC PaidToDateSys TaxLiable VatGroup TaxPercent TaxSum TaxSumFC TaxSumSys DeductibleTaxSum DeductibleTaxSumFC DeductibleTaxSumSys AquisitionTax TaxType TaxPaid TaxPaidFC TaxPaidSys EqualizationTaxPercent EqualizationTaxSum EqualizationTaxFC EqualizationTaxSys TaxTotalSum TaxTotalSumFC TaxTotalSumSys WTLiable Field Name LineNum GroupNum ExpnsCode LineTotal TotalFrgn TotalSumSy PaidToDate PaidFC PaidSys TaxStatus VatGroup VatPrcnt VatSum VatSumFrgn VatSumSy DedVatSum DedVatSumF DedVatSumS IsAcquistn TaxType VatApplied VatAppldFC VatAppldSC EquVatPer EquVatSum EquVatSumF EquVatSumS lineVat lineVatlF lineVatS WtLiable Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 type long long long double double double double double double BoYesNoEnum string double double double double double double double BoYesNoEnum BoAdEpnsTaxTypes double double double double double double double double double double BoYesNoEnum size 11 11 11 20 20 20 20 20 20 1 8 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 1 1 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 1 Read Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only

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40. DocumentsAdditionalExpenses
Source Table: CSV3
Property Name ExpenseCode LineTotal LineTotalFC LineTotalSys PaidToDate PaidToDateFC PaidToDateSys Remarks DistributionMethod TaxLiable VatGroup TaxPercent TaxSum TaxSumFC TaxSumSys DeductibleTaxSum DeductibleTaxSumFC DeductibleTaxSumSys AquisitionTax TaxCode TaxType TaxPaid TaxPaidFC TaxPaidSys EqualizationTaxPercent EqualizationTaxSum EqualizationTaxFC EqualizationTaxSys TaxTotalSum TaxTotalSumFC TaxTotalSumSys Field Name ExpnsCode LineTotal TotalFrgn TotalSumSy PaidToDate PaidFC PaidSys Comments DistrbMthd TaxStatus VatGroup VatPrcnt VatSum VatSumFrgn VatSumSy DedVatSum DedVatSumF DedVatSumS IsAcquistn TaxCode TaxType VatApplied VatAppldFC VatAppldSC EquVatPer EquVatSum EquVatSumF EquVatSumS LineVat LineVatF LineVatS Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 type long double double double double double double string BoAdEpnsDistribMethods BoYesNoEnum string double double double double double double double BoYesNoEnum string BoAdEpnsTaxTypes double double double double double double double double double double size 11 20 20 20 20 20 20 100 1 1 8 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 1 8 1 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only

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41. Items
Source Table: OITM
Property Name ItemCode ItemName ForeignName ItemsGroupCode CustomsGroupCode SalesVATGroup BarCode VatLiable PurchaseItem SalesItem InventoryItem IncomeAccount ExemptIncomeAccount ExpanseAccount Mainsupplier SupplierCatalogNo PurchaseUnit PurchaseItemsPerUnit DesiredInventory MinInventory SalesUnit SalesItemsPerUnit Picture User_Text SerialNum CommissionPercent CommissionSum CommissionGroup TreeType AssetItem SalesUnitHeight SalesUnitVolume DataExportCode Manufacturer QuantityOnStock QuantityOrderedFromVendors QuantityOrderedByCustomers ManageSerialNumbers ManageBatchNumbers Valid ValidFrom ValidTo ValidRemarks Frozen FrozenFrom FrozenTo FrozenRemarks SalesPackagingUnit SalesQtyPerPackUnit Field Name ItemCode ItemName FrgnName ItmsGrpCod CstGrpCode VatGourpSa CodeBars VATLiable PrchseItem SellItem InvntItem IncomeAcct ExmptIncom ExpensAcct CardCode SuppCatNum BuyUnitMsr NumInBuy ReorderQty MinLevel SalUnitMsr NumInSale PicturName UserText SerialNum CommisPcnt CommisSum CommisGrp TreeType AssetItem SHeight1 SVolume ExportCode FirmCode OnHand OnOrder IsCommited ManSerNum ManBtchNum validFor validFrom validTo ValidComm frozenFor frozenFrom frozenTo FrozenComm SalPackMsr SalPackUn Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 202 18 19 20 21 22 23 34 35 43 46 47 48 49 50 51 59 62 74 167 99 11 13 12 61 185 188 189 190 195 191 192 193 196 182 183 type string string string long long string string BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum string string string string string string double double double string double string string string double double long BoItemTreeTypes BoYesNoEnum double double string long double double double BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum date/time date/time string BoYesNoEnum date/time date/time string string double size 20 100 100 11 11 8 16 1 1 1 1 15 15 15 15 17 5 20 20 20 5 20 200 -1 17 20 20 11 1 1 20 20 20 11 20 20 20 1 1 1 8 8 30 1 8 8 30 8 20 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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SalesUnitLength SalesUnitWidth SalesVolumeUnit SalesUnitWeight PurchasePackagingUnit PurchaseQtyPerPackUnit PurchaseUnitLength PurchaseUnitWidth PurchaseUnitHeight PurchaseUnitVolume PurchaseVolumeUnit PurchaseUnitWeight PurchaseVATGroup SalesFactor1 SalesFactor2 SalesFactor3 SalesFactor4 PurchaseFactor1 PurchaseFactor2 PurchaseFactor3 PurchaseFactor4 MovingAveragePrice SalesLengthUnit SalesWidthUnit SalesHeightUnit SalesWeightUnit PurchaseWidthUnit PurchaseLengthUnit PurchaseHeightUnit PurchaseWeightUnit ForeignRevenuesAccount ECRevenuesAccount ForeignExpensesAccount ECExpensesAccount AvgStdPrice DefaultWarehouse ShipType GLMethod TaxType MaxInventory ManageStockByWarehouse PurchaseHeightUnit1 PurchaseUnitHeight1 PurchaseLengthUnit1 PurchaseUnitLength1 PurchaseWeightUnit1 PurchaseUnitWeight1 PurchaseWidthUnit1 PurchaseUnitWidth1 SalesHeightUnit1 SalesUnitHeight1 SalesLengthUnit1 SalesUnitLength1 SalesWeightUnit1 SalesUnitWeight1

SLength1 SWidth1 SVolUnit SWeight1 PurPackMsr PurPackUn BLength1 BWidth1 BHeight1 BVolume BVolUnit BWeight1 VatGroupPu SalFactor1 SalFactor2 SalFactor3 SalFactor4 PurFactor1 PurFactor2 PurFactor3 PurFactor4 AvgPrice SLen1Unit SWdth1Unit SHght1Unit SWght1Unit BWdth1Unit BLen1Unit BHght1Unit BWght1Unit FrgnInAcct ECInAcct FrgnExpAcc ECExpAcc DfltWH ShipType GLMethod TaxType MaxLevel ByWh BHght2Unit BHeight2 BLen2Unit Blength2 BWght2Unit BWeight2 BWdth2Unit BWidth2 SHght2Unit SHeight2 SLen2Unit Slength2 SWght2Unit SWeight2

70 66 75 76 180 181 88 84 80 92 93 94 178 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 179 71 67 63 77 85 89 81 95 203 206 207 208 0 17 204 205 209 16 210 83 82 91 90 97 96 87 86 65 64 73 72 79 78

double double long double string double double double double double long double string double double double double double double double double double long long long long long long long long string string string string string long BoGLMethods BoTaxTypes double BoYesNoEnum long double long double long double long double long double long double long double

20 20 11 20 8 20 20 20 20 20 11 20 8 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 15 15 15 0 8 11 1 1 20 1 11 20 11 20 11 20 11 20 11 20 11 20 11 20

Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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SalesWidthUnit1 SalesUnitWidth1 ForceSelectionOfSerialNumber ManageSerialNumbersOnReleaseOnly WTLiable CostAccountingMethod SWW WarrantyTemplate

SWdth2Unit SWidth2 BlockOut ManOutOnly WTLiable EvalSystem SWW WarrntTmpl

69 68 194 186 211 40 199 213

long double BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoInventorySystem string string

11 20 1 1 1 1 16 20

Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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42. Items_Prices
Source Table: ITM1
Property Name PriceList PriceListName Price Currency Field Name PriceList Price Currency Position 1 0 2 3 type long double string size 11 0 20 3 Read Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write

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43. ItemWarehouseInfo
Source Table: OITW
Property Name MaximalStock MinimalOrder StandardAveragePrice Locked InventoryAccount CostAccount TransferAccount RevenuesAccount VarienceAccount DecreasingAccount IncreasingAccount ReturningAccount ExpensesAccount EURevenuesAccount EUExpensesAccount ForeignRevenueAcc ForeignExpensAcc ExemptIncomeAcc PriceDifferenceAcc MinimalStock WarehouseCode InStock Committed Ordered CountedQuantity WasCounted Field Name MaxStock MinOrder AvgPrice Locked BalInvntAc SaleCostAc TransferAc RevenuesAc VarianceAc DecreasAc IncreasAc ReturnAc ExpensesAc EURevenuAc EUExpensAc FrRevenuAc FrExpensAc ExmptIncom PriceDifAc MinStock WhsCode OnHand IsCommited OnOrder Counted WasCounted Position 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9 1 2 3 4 6 7 type double double double BoYesNoEnum string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string double string double double double double BoYesNoEnum size 20 20 20 1 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 8 20 20 20 20 1 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only

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44. JournalEntries_Lines
Source Table: JDT1
Property Name Line_ID AccountCode Debit Credit FCDebit FCCredit FCCurrency DueDate ShortName ContraAccount LineMemo ReferenceDate1 ReferenceDate2 Reference1 Reference2 ProjectCode CostingCode TaxDate BaseSum TaxGroup DebitSys CreditSys VatLine SystemBaseAmount VatAmount SystemVatAmount Field Name Line_ID Account Debit Credit FCDebit FCCredit FCCurrency DueDate ShortName ContraAct LineMemo RefDate Ref2Date Ref1 Ref2 Project ProfitCode TaxDate BaseSum VatGroup SYSDeb SYSCred VatLine SYSBaseSum VatAmount SYSVatSum Position 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 26 28 29 41 40 6 5 51 49 52 53 type long string double double double double string date/time string string string date/time date/time string string string string date/time double string double double BoYesNoEnum double double double size 11 15 20 20 20 20 3 8 15 15 50 8 8 11 11 8 8 8 20 8 20 20 1 20 20 20 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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45. JournalEntries
Source Table: OJDT
Property Name ReferenceDate Memo Reference Reference2 TransactionCode ProjectCode TaxDate JdtNum Indicator UseAutoStorno StornoDate VatDate Series StampTax Field Name RefDate Memo Ref1 Ref2 TransCode Project TaxDate TransId Indicator AutoStorno StornoDate VatDate Series StampTax Position 5 6 7 8 13 18 20 1 31 36 34 38 40 39 type date/time string string string string string date/time long string BoYesNoEnum date/time date/time long BoYesNoEnum size 8 50 11 11 4 8 8 11 2 1 8 8 11 1 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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46. Messages
Source Table: OALR
Property Name Priority Subject MessageText Field Name Priority Subject UserText Position 2 4 5 type BoMsgPriorities string string size 1 50 -1 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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47. Recipients
Source Table: AOB1
Property Name UserCode NameTo SendEmail SendSMS SendFax CellularNumber EmailAddress FaxNumber UserType SendInternal Field Name ObjCode ObjName SendEMail SendSMS SendFax PortNum E_Mail Fax ObjType SendIntrnl Position 2 3 8 13 18 14 9 19 1 4 type string string BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum string string string BoMsgRcpTypes BoYesNoEnum size 50 100 1 1 1 50 100 20 20 1 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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48. Payments_Checks
Source Table: VPM1
Property Name LineNum DueDate CheckNumber BankCode Branch AccounttNum Details Trnsfrable CheckSum CountryCode Field Name LineID DueDate CheckNum BankCode Branch AcctNum Details Trnsfrable CheckSum CountryCod Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 type long date/time long string string string string BoYesNoEnum double string size 11 8 11 30 50 50 254 1 20 3 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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49. Payments_Invoices
Source Table: VPM2
Property Name LineNum DocEntry SumApplied AppliedFC DocLine InvoiceType DiscountPercent PaidSum InstallmentId WitholdingTaxApplied WitholdingTaxAppliedFC WitholdingTaxAppliedSC Field Name InvoiceId DocEntry SumApplied AppliedFC DocLine InvType Dcount PaidSum InstId WtAppld WtAppldFC WtAppldSC Position 1 2 3 4 10 6 17 27 34 35 36 37 type long long double double long BoRcptInvTypes double double long double double double size 11 11 20 20 11 20 20 20 11 20 20 20 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only

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50. Payments_CreditCards
Source Table: VPM3
Property Name LineNum CreditCard CreditAcct CreditCardNumber CardValidUntil VoucherNum OwnerIdNum OwnerPhone PaymentMethodCode NumOfPayments FirstPaymentDue FirstPaymentSum AdditionalPaymentSum CreditSum ConfirmationNum NumOfCreditPayments CreditType SplitPayments Field Name LineID CreditCard CreditAcct CrCardNum CardValid VoucherNum OwnerIdNum OwnerPhone CrTypeCode NumOfPmnts FirstDue FirstSum AddPmntSum CreditSum ConfNum CredPmnts CreditType SpiltCred Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 19 18 22 type long long string string date/time string string string long long date/time double double double string long BoRcptCredTypes BoYesNoEnum size 11 11 15 20 8 20 15 20 11 11 8 20 20 20 20 11 1 1 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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51. Payments_Accounts
Source Table: VPM4
Property Name LineNum AccountCode SumPaid Decription VatGroup AccountName Field Name LineId AcctCode SumApplied Descrip VatGroup AcctName Position 1 2 3 6 7 9 type long string double string string string size 11 15 20 250 8 100 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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52. Payments
Source Table: OVPM
Property Name DocNum DocTypte HandWritten Printed DocDate CardCode CardName Address CashAccount DocCurrency CashSum CheckAccount TransferAccount TransferSum TransferDate TransferReference LocalCurrency DocRate Reference1 Reference2 CounterReference Remarks JournalRemarks ContactPersonCode ApplyVAT TaxDate Series BankCode BankAccount ProjectCode DeductionPercent DeductionSum CashSumFC CashSumSys BoeAccount BillOfExchangeAmount BillofExchangeStatus BillOfExchangeAmountFC BillOfExchangeAmountSC BillOfExchangeAgent WTCode WTAmount WTAmountFC WTAmountSC WTAccount WTTaxableAmount Proforma PaytoBankCode PaytoBankBranch Field Name DocNum DocType Handwrtten Printed DocDate CardCode CardName Address CashAcct DocCurr CashSum CheckAcct TrsfrAcct TrsfrSum TrsfrDate TrsfrRef DiffCurr DocRate Ref1 Ref2 CounterRef Comments JrnlMemo CntctCode ApplyVAT TaxDate Series BankCode BankAcct PrjCode DdctPrcnt DdctSum CashSumFC CashSumSy BoeAcc BoeSum BoeStatus BoeSumFc BoeSumSc BoeAgent WtCode WtSum WtSumFrgn WtSumSys WtAccount WtBaseAmnt Proforma PBnkCode PBnkBranch Position 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 14 30 15 19 22 23 25 26 31 32 36 37 38 39 40 47 59 60 61 64 65 80 11 12 16 49 89 91 95 92 93 94 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 113 115 type long BoRcptTypes BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum date/time string string string string string double string string double date/time string BoYesNoEnum double string string string string string long BoYesNoEnum date/time long string string string double double double double string double BoBoeStatus double double string string double double double string double BoYesNoEnum string string size 11 1 1 1 8 15 100 254 15 3 20 15 15 20 8 11 1 20 8 8 8 254 50 11 1 8 11 30 50 8 20 20 20 20 15 20 1 20 20 32 4 20 20 20 15 20 1 30 50 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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PaytoBankAccountNo PaytoCode PaytoBankCountry IsPaytoBank DocType

PBnkAccnt PayToCode PBnkCnt IsPaytoBnk

114 110 112 111 0

string string string BoYesNoEnum

50 50 3 1 0

Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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53. BillOfExchange
Source Table: OBOE
Property Name BillOfExchangeNo BillOfExchangeDueDate Details ReferenceNo Remarks PaymentMethodCode BPBankCode BPBankAct BPBankCountry ControlKey PaymentEngineStatus1 PaymentEngineStatus2 PaymentEngineStatus3 Field Name BoeNum DueDate Details RefNum Comments PayMethCod BPBankCod BPBankAct BPBankCtr ControlKey PayEngSt1 PayEngSt2 PayEngSt3 Position 1 6 9 46 48 49 41 43 45 53 59 60 61 type string date/time string string string string string string string string string string string size 11 8 50 254 254 15 30 50 3 2 1 1 3 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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54. StockTransfer
Source Table: OWTR
Property Name Series Printed DocDate CardCode CardName Address Reference1 Reference2 Comments JournalMemo PriceList SalesPersonCode FromWarehouse DocEntry CreationDate UpdateDate FinancialPeriod TransNum DocNum TaxDate ContactPerson Field Name Series Printed DocDate CardCode CardName Address Ref1 Ref2 Comments JrnlMemo GroupNum SlpCode Filler DocEntry CreateDate UpdateDate FinncPriod TransId DocNum TaxDate CntctCode Position 69 5 10 12 13 14 30 31 32 33 36 38 71 0 64 62 75 34 1 70 51 type long BoYesNoEnum date/time string string string string string string string long long string long date/time date/time long long long date/time long size 11 1 8 15 100 254 11 11 254 50 11 11 8 11 8 8 11 11 11 8 11 Read Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write

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55. StockTransfer_Lines
Source Table: WTR1
Property Name LineNum ItemCode ItemDescription Quantity Price Currency Rate DiscountPercent VendorNum SerialNumber WarehouseCode ProjectCode Factor Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Field Name LineNum ItemCode Dscription Quantity Price Currency Rate DiscPrcnt VendorNum SerialNum WhsCode Project Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Position 1 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 42 65 66 67 68 type long string string double double string double double string string string string double double double double size 11 20 100 20 20 3 20 20 17 17 8 8 20 20 20 20 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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56. ProductTrees
Source Table: OITT
Property Name TreeCode TreeType Quantity Field Name Code TreeType Qauntity Position 0 1 3 type string BoItemTreeTypes double size 20 1 20 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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57. ProductTrees_Lines
Source Table: ITT1
Property Name ItemCode Quantity Warehouse Price Currency Field Name Code Quantity Warehouse Price Currency Position 2 3 4 5 6 type string double string double string size 20 20 8 20 3 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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58. SpecialPrices
Source Table: OSPP
Property Name ItemCode CardCode Price Currency DiscountPercent PriceListNum AutoUpdate Field Name ItemCode CardCode Price Currency Discount ListNum AutoUpdt Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 type string string double string double long BoYesNoEnum size 20 15 20 3 20 11 1 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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59. Currencies
Source Table: OCRN
Property Name Code Name DocumentsCode Field Name CurrCode CurrName DocCurrCod Position 0 1 4 type string string string size 3 20 3 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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60. ChartOfAccounts
Source Table: OACT
Property Name Code Name Balance CashAccount BudgetAccount ActiveAccount PrimaryAccount AccountLevel DataExportCode FatherAccountKey ExternalCode RateConversion TaxLiableAccount TaxExemptAccount ExternalReconNo InternalReconNo AccountType AcctCurrency Balance_syscurr Balance_FrgnCurr Protected ReconciledAccount LiableForAdvances ForeignName Details ProjectCode RevaluationCoordinated LockManualTransaction FormatCode Field Name AcctCode AcctName CurrTotal Finanse Budget Postable Fixed Levels ExportCode FatherNum AccntntCod RateTrans TaxIncome ExmIncome ExtrMatch IntrMatch ActType ActCurr SysTotal FcTotal Protected RealAcct Advance FrgnName Details Project RevalMatch LocManTran FormatCode Position 0 1 2 4 6 9 10 11 12 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 30 32 33 34 35 36 39 40 42 43 49 71 type string string double BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum long string string string BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum long long BoAccountTypes string double double BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum string string string BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum string size 15 100 20 1 1 1 1 11 10 15 12 1 1 1 11 11 1 3 20 20 1 1 1 100 254 8 1 1 210 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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61. WorkOrders
Source Table: OWKO
Property Name Status Canceled OrderDate WorkStartDate ExpectedCompletionDate WorkFinishDate ReceiverName OrdererCode OrdererName CustomerRefNo OrderTotal TotalCurrency GenerationTime Comment InstructionNumber ContactPerson Series ActiveAccountCode WorkSum JournalRemarks PriceListNum FinancialPeriod OrderNum Field Name Status Canceled OrderDate ProdctDate ExpFinishD FinishDate FinishUser CardCode CustomName NumInCustm TotalOrder TotalCurr DocTime Memo SerialNum CntctCode Series ActWorkCod ActWorkSum JrnlMemo PriceList FinncPriod OrderNum Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 28 29 0 type BoWorkOrderStat BoYesNoEnum date/time date/time date/time date/time string string string string double string date/time string long long long string double string long long long size 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 15 100 16 20 3 11 254 11 11 11 15 20 50 11 11 11 Read Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only

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62. WorkOrder_Lines
Source Table: WKO1
Property Name RowNumber ItemCode ItemDescription ItemQuantity ItemPrice PriceCurrency ItemWarehouse ActiveAccountCode WorkSum Field Name LineID ItemCode Descript Quantity Price Currency WhsCode ActWorkCod ActWorkSum Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 type long string string double double string string string double size 11 20 100 20 20 3 8 15 20 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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63. AlternateCatNum
Source Table: OSCN
Property Name ItemCode CardCode Substitute Field Name ItemCode CardCode Substitute Position 0 1 2 type string string string size 20 15 20 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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64. PaymentRunExport
Source Table: OPEX
Property Name RunDate VendorNum CustomerNum PaymentMethod DocNum FiscalYear Countery CompanyTaxNum PayeeName PayeePostalCode PayeeCity PayeeStreet PayeeCountry PayeeState PayeeBankName PayeeBankZip PayeeBankCity PayeeBankStreet PayeeBankCountry PayeeBankAccount PayeeBankCode PayeeBankCtrlKey PayeeBankSwiftNum PayeeBankIBAN PostingDate BankAccount BankCountry BankCode BankIBAN GLAccount Currency DocAmountLocal DocCurrnecy DocAmountForign DocCashDiscount DocCashDiscountForign DocNumOffieldPaid DocRate WizCode CollectionAuthorization PayeeBankPostOffice PayeeBankNextCheckNumber PayeeBankHouseBank PayeeBankBlock PayeeBankCounty PayeeBankState PayeeBankBISR PayeeBankUserNum1 PayeeBankUserNum2 Field Name PayRunDate VendorNum CustNum PaymMethod PaymDocNum FiscalYear Country CompTaxNum PayeeName PayeeZip PayeeCity PayeeStree PayCountry PayeeState PayBnkName PayBankZip PayBnkCity PayBnkStr PayBnkCntr PayBankAct PayBnkCode PayBnkCtrl PayBnkSwif PayBnkIBAN PymPostDat PymBnkAcct PymBnkCntr PymBnkCode PymBnkIBAN PymGLAcct Currency PymDocAmnt PymDocCurr PymDcAmtFC PymCshDsct PyCshDscFC PymNumOfPa PymDocRate PaymWizCod CllctAutho PayBnkPost PayBnkChNo PayBnkHsBk PayBnkBlck PayBnkCnty PayBnkStat PayBnkBISR PayBnkUsr1 PayBnkUsr2 Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 type date/time string string string long date/time string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string date/time string string string string string string double string double double double long double long BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum long BoYesNoEnum string string string BoYesNoEnum string string size 8 15 15 15 11 8 3 32 100 20 100 100 3 3 32 20 100 100 3 50 30 2 50 50 8 50 3 30 50 15 3 20 3 20 20 20 11 20 11 1 1 11 1 100 100 3 1 25 25 Read Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only

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PayeeBankUserNum3 PayeeBankUserNum4 InstructionKey PaymentFormat CompanyName CompanyAddress Status CompIsrBillerID VendorIsrBillerID AdditionalIdNumber OrganizationNumber PayeeBankBranch PaymentBankBranch UserName UserEMail UserMobilePhoneNumber UserFaxNumber UserDepartment DebitMemo EUInternalTransfer FilePath OrderingParty PaymentBankControlKey PayeeTaxNumber PaymentKeyCode PayeeReferenceDetails FormatName

PayBnkUsr3 PayBnkUsr4 InstrucKey PaymFormat CompName CompAddres Status CompISRBil VendISRBil AddIdNum CompOrgNum PayBnkBrnc PymBnkBrnc UserName UserEmail UserPortNo UserFax Department DebitMemo EuInTrnsfr FilePath OrderParty PymCtrlKey PayeeTaxNo PymKeyCode PayRefDtls FormatName

52 53 41 54 55 56 39 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76

string string string string string string BoOpexStatus string string string string string string string string string string long BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum string string string string string string string

25 25 30 20 100 254 1 9 9 32 50 50 50 30 100 50 20 11 1 1 -1 30 2 32 6 20 100

Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only

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65. PaymentRunExport_Lines
Source Table: PEX1
Property Name RowNumber DateOfPaymentRun PaymentWizardCode VendorNumber CustomerNumber PaymentMeans PaymentDocNum FiscalYear VendorRefNum DocumentObjectType DocumentPostingDate DocumentTaxDate BPDebitPayableAccount DocumentCurrency DocumentRate DocumentTotal DocumentTotalFC DocumentTaxAmount DocumentTaxAmountFC DocumentRemarks DocumentPaymentTerms PaymentDocReference DocumentLocalCurrency PaymentTermsPeriod DocumentObjectTypeEx Field Name LineId PayRunDate PaymWizCod VendorNum CustNum PaymMethod PaymDocNum FiscalYear VendRefNum ObjType DocDate TaxDate CrdGLAcct DocCurr DocRate DocTotal DocTotalFC DocTaxAmnt DoxTxAmtFC DocRemarks DocPrmTerm DocPymRef DocLocCurr PymTermPer Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0 type long date/time string string string string long date/time string long date/time date/time string string double double double double double string long string string long size 11 8 11 15 15 15 11 8 16 20 8 8 15 3 20 20 20 20 20 254 11 27 3 11 0 Read Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only

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66. BankPages
Source Table: OBNK
Property Name AccountCode Sequence AccountName Reference DueDate Memo DebitAmount CreditAmount BankMatch DataSource UserSignature ExternalCode CardCode CardName StatementNumber InvoiceNumber PaymentCreated VisualOrder DocNumberType PaymentReference InvoiceNumberEx Field Name AcctCode Sequence AcctName Ref DueDate Memo DebAmount CredAmnt BankMatch DataSource UserSign ExternCode CardCode CardName StatemNo DocNum PaymCreat VisOrder DocNumType PaymentRef Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 25 0 type string long string string date/time string double double long string long string string string long long BoYesNoEnum long BoBpsDocTypes string size 15 11 100 8 8 255 20 20 11 1 11 30 15 100 11 27 1 11 1 27 0 Read Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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67. UserFieldsMD
Source Table: CUFD
Property Name Name Type Size Description SubType LinkedTable DefaultValue TableName FieldID EditSize Mandatory Field Name AliasID TypeID SizeID Descr EditType RTable Dflt TableID FieldID EditSize NotNull Position 2 4 6 3 5 11 8 0 1 7 9 type string BoFieldTypes long string BoFldSubTypes string string string long long BoYesNoEnum size 8 1 11 30 1 20 254 20 11 11 1 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write

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68. ValidValuesMD
Source Table: UFD1
Property Name Value Description Field Name FldValue Descr Position 3 4 type string string size 254 254 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write

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69. UserTablesMD
Source Table: OUTB
Property Name TableName TableDescription TableType Field Name TableName Descr ObjectType Position 0 1 3 type string string BoUTBTableType size 19 30 20 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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70. ContractTemplates
Source Table: OCTT
Property Name TemplateName TemplateIsDeleted TemplateIsRenewal RemindBeforeRenewal RemindUnit DurationOfCoverage ResponseValue ResolutionUnit Description ContractType MondayEnabled TuesdayEnabled WednesdayEnabled ThursdayEnabled FridayEnabled SaturdayEnabled SundayEnabled MondayStart MondayEnd TuesdayStart TuesdayEnd WednesdayStart WednesdayEnd ThursdayStart ThursdayEnd FridayStart FridayEnd SaturdayStart SaturdayEnd SundayStart SundayEnd IncludeParts IncludeLabor IncludeTravel Remarks IncludeHolidays ResponseUnit ResolutionTime Field Name TmpltName Deleted Renewal RemindVal RemindUnit Duration ResponseV ResponsUnt Descriptio CntrctType MonEnabled TueEnabled WedEnabled ThuEnabled FriEnabled SatEnabled SunEnabled MonStart MonEnd TueStart TueEnd WedStart WedEnd ThuStart ThuEnd FriStart FriEnd SatStart SatEnd SunStrart SunEnd InclParts InclWork InclTravel Remark InclHldays ResponseU ResponsVal Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 39 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 38 40 6 type string BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum long BoRemindUnits long long BoResolutionUnits string BoContractTypes BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum string BoYesNoEnum BoResponseUnit long size 20 1 1 11 1 11 11 1 254 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 -1 1 1 11 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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71. ServiceContract_Lines
Source Table: CTR1
Property Name LineNum ManufacturerSerialNum InternalSerialNum ItemCode ItemName ItemGroup StartDate EndDate ItemGroupName Field Name Line ManufSN InternalSN ItemCode ItemName ItemGroup StartDate EndDate ItmGrpName Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 type long string string string string long date/time date/time string size 11 32 32 20 100 11 8 8 20 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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72. ServiceContracts
Source Table: OCTR
Property Name ContractID CustomerCode CustomerName ContactCode Owner Status ContractTemplate ContractType Renewal ReminderTime RemindUnit DurationOfCoverage StartDate EndDate ResolutionTime ResolutionUnit Description MondayEnabled TuesdayEnabled WednesdayEnabled ThursdayEnabled FridayEnabled SaturdayEnabled SundayEnabled MondayStart MondayEnd TuesdayStart TuesdayEnd WednesdayStart WednesdayEnd ThursdayStart ThursdayEnd FridayStart FridayEnd SaturdayStart SaturdayEnd SundayStart SundayEnd IncludeParts IncludeLabor IncludeTravel TemplateRemarks Remarks IncludeHolidays ServiceType ResponseUnit ResponseTime TerminationDate Field Name ContractID CstmrCode CstmrName CntctCode Owner Status CntrcTmplt CntrcType Renewal RemindVal RemindUnit Duration StartDate EndDate ResponsVal ResponsUnt Descriptio MonEnabled TueEnabled WedEnabled ThuEnabled FriEnabled SatEnabled SunEnabled MonStart MonEnd TueStart TueEnd WedStart WedEnd ThuStart ThuEnd FriStart FriEnd SatStart SatEnd SunStrart SunEnd InclParts InclWork InclTravel Remarks1 Remarks2 InclHldays SrvcType ResponseU ResponseV TermDate Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 45 46 52 53 56 55 54 type long string string long long BoSvcContractStatus string BoContractTypes BoYesNoEnum long BoRemindUnits long date/time date/time long BoResolutionUnits string BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time date/time BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum BoYesNoEnum string string BoYesNoEnum BoServiceTypes BoResponseUnit long date/time size 11 15 100 11 11 1 20 1 1 11 1 11 8 8 11 1 254 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 1 11 8 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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73. KnowledgeBaseSolutions
Source Table: OSLT
Property Name ItemCode Status Owner CreatedBy CreationDate LastUpdatedBy LastUpdateDate Solution Symptom Cause Description SolutionCode Field Name ItemCode StatusNum Owner CreatedBy DateCreate UpdateBy DateUpdate Subject Symptom Cause Descriptio SltCode Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 type string long long long date/time long date/time string string string string long size 20 11 11 11 8 11 8 254 254 254 -1 11 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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74. CustomerEquipmentCards
Source Table: OINS
Property Name EquipmentCardNum CustomerCode CustomerName ContactEmployeeCode DirectCustomerCode DirectCustomerName ManufacturerSerialNum InternalSerialNum ItemCode ItemDescription InvoiceCode InvoiceNumber DeliveryDate ContactPhone Street Block ZipCode City County CountryCode StateCode InstallLocation DeliveryCode DeliveryNumber StatusOfSerialNumber ReplaceSN DefaultTechnician ReplacedBySN Defaultterritory Field Name insID customer custmrName contactCod directCsmr drctCsmNam manufSN internalSN itemCode itemName invoice invoiceNum dlvryDate cntctPhone street block zip city county country state instLction delivery deliveryNo status replcIns technician repByIns territory Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 17 18 42 43 45 44 46 type long string string long string string string string string string long long date/time string string string string string string string string string long long BoSerialNumberStatus long long long long size 11 15 100 11 15 100 32 32 20 100 11 11 8 20 100 100 20 100 100 3 3 254 11 11 1 11 11 11 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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75. ServiceCallSolutions
Source Table: SCL1
Property Name LineNum SolutionID Field Name line solutionID Position 1 2 type long long size 11 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write

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76. ServiceCallInventoryExpenses
Source Table: SCL4
Property Name LineNum PartType DocumentType DocumentPostingDate DocumentNumber StockTransferDirection DocumentNo Field Name Line PartType Object DocPstDate DocAbs StckTrnDir DocNumber Position 1 2 4 5 3 15 12 type long BoSvcExpPartTypes BoSvcEpxDocTypes date/time long BoStckTrnDir long size 11 1 20 8 11 1 11 Read Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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77. ServiceCallActivities
Source Table: SCL5
Property Name LineNum ActivityCode Field Name Line ClgID Position 1 2 type long long size 11 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write

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78. ServiceCalls
Source Table: OSCL
Property Name ServiceCallID Subject CustomerCode CustomerName ContactCode ManufacturerSerialNum InternalSerialNum ContractID ContractEndDate ResolutionDate ResolutionTime Origin ItemCode ItemDescription ItemGroupCode Status Priority CallType ProblemType AssigneeCode Description TechnicianCode Resolution CreationDate CreationTime Responder UpdatedTime BelongsToAQueue ResponseByTime ResponseByDate ResolutionOnDate ResponseOnTime ResponseOnDate ClosingTime AssignedDate Queue ResponseAssignee EntitledforService ResolutionOnTime AssignedTime ClosingDate Field Name callID subject customer custmrName contctCode manufSN internalSN contractID cntrctDate resolDate resolTime origin itemCode itemName itemGroup status priority callType problemTyp assignee descrption technician resolution createDate createTime responder UpdateTime isQueue respByTime respByDate resolOnDat respOnTime respOnDate closeTime AssignDate Queue respAssign isEntitled resolOnTim AssignTime closeDate Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 36 37 26 27 55 54 43 48 47 45 50 49 29 52 44 51 34 46 53 28 type long string string string long string string long date/time date/time date/time long string string long long BoSvcCallPriorities long long long string long string date/time date/time long long BoYesNoEnum long date/time date/time long date/time long date/time string long BoYesNoEnum long long date/time size 11 254 15 100 11 32 32 11 8 8 11 11 20 100 11 11 1 11 11 11 -1 11 -1 8 11 11 11 1 11 8 8 11 8 11 8 20 11 1 11 11 8 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only

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79. EmployeeAbsenceInfo
Source Table: HEM1
Property Name LineNum FromDate ToDate Reason ApprovedBy EmployeeID Field Name line fromDate toDate reason approvedBy empID Position 1 2 3 4 5 0 type long date/time date/time string string long size 11 8 8 20 20 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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80. EmployeeEducationInfo
Source Table: HEM2
Property Name LineNum FromDate ToDate EducationType Institute Major Diploma EmployeeNo Field Name line fromDate toDate type institute major diploma empID Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 type long date/time date/time long string string string long size 11 8 8 11 100 50 50 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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81. EmployeeReviewsInfo
Source Table: HEM3
Property Name LineNum Date ReviewDescription Manager Grade Remarks EmployeeNo Field Name line date reviewDesc manager grade remarks empID Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 type long date/time string long string string long size 11 8 100 11 50 -1 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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82. EmployeePrevEmpoymentInfo
Source Table: HEM4
Property Name LineNum FromDtae ToDate Employer Position Remarks EmployeeNo Field Name line fromDate toDate employer position remarks empID Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 type long date/time date/time string string string long size 11 8 8 50 50 -1 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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83. EmployeesInfo
Source Table: OHEM
Property Name EmployeeID LastName FirstName MiddleName Gender JobTitle EmployeeType Department Branch WorkStreet WorkBlock WorkZipCode WorkCity WorkCounty WorkCountryCode WorkStateCode Manager ApplicationUserID SalesPersonCode OfficePhone OfficeExtension MobilePhone Pager HomePhone Fax eMail StartDate StatusCode Salary SalaryUnit EmployeeCosts EmployeeCostUnit TerminationDate TreminationReason BankCode BankBranch BankBranchNum BankAccount HomeStreet HomeBlock HomeZipCode HomeCity HomeCounty HomeCountry HomeState DateOfBirth CountryOfBirth MartialStatus NumOfChildren Field Name empID lastName firstName middleName sex jobTitle type dept branch workStreet workBlock workZip workCity workCounty workCountr workState manager userId salesPrson officeTel officeExt mobile pager homeTel fax email startDate status salary salaryUnit emplCost empCostUnt termDate termReason bankCode bankBranch bankBranNo bankAcount homeStreet homeBlock homeZip homeCity homeCounty homeCountr homeState birthDate brthCountr martStatus nChildren Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 type long string string string BoGenderTypes string long long long string string string string string string string long long long string string string string string string string date/time long double BoSalaryCostUnits double BoSalaryCostUnits date/time long string string string string string string string string string string string date/time string BoMeritalStatuses long size 11 20 20 20 1 20 11 11 11 100 100 20 100 100 3 3 11 11 11 20 20 20 20 20 20 100 8 11 20 1 20 1 8 11 30 100 30 100 100 100 20 100 100 3 3 8 3 1 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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IdNumber CitizenshipCountryCode PassportNumber PassportExpirationDate Picture Remarks SalaryCurrency EmployeeCostsCurrency

govID citizenshp passportNo passportEx picture remark salaryCurr empCostCur

49 50 51 52 53 54 56 57

string string string date/time string string string string

20 3 20 8 200 -1 3 3

Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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84. EmployeeRolesInfo
Source Table: HEM6
Property Name RoleID EmployeeID LineNum Field Name roleID empID line Position 2 0 1 type long long long size 11 11 11 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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85. SalesOpportunitiesLines
Source Table: OPR1
Property Name LineNum SalesPerson StartDate ClosingDate StageKey PercentageRate MaxLocalTotal MaxSystemTotal Remarks Contact Status WeightedAmountLocal WeightedAmountSystem DocumentNumber DocumentType DocumentCheckbox ContactPerson BPChanelName BPChanelCode SequenceNo DataOwnershipfield BPChannelContact Field Name Line SlpCode OpenDate CloseDate Step_Id ClosePrcnt MaxSumLoc MaxSumSys Memo Linked Status WtSumLoc WtSumSys DocId ObjType DocChkbox CntctCode ChnCrdName ChnCrdCode OpprId Owner ChnCrdCon Position 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 13 15 16 11 12 21 3 19 18 0 22 20 type long long date/time date/time long double double double string BoYesNoEnum BoSoStatus double double long BoAPARDocumentTypes BoYesNoEnum long string string long long long size 11 11 8 8 11 20 20 20 -1 1 1 20 20 11 2 1 11 100 15 11 11 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write

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86. SalesOpportunitiesPartners
Source Table: OPR2
Property Name RowNo Partners Details RelationshipCode SequenceNo Field Name Line ParterId Memo OrlCode OpportId Position 1 2 3 4 0 type long long string long long size 11 11 50 11 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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87. SalesOpportunitiesCompetition
Source Table: OPR3
Property Name RowNo Competition Details SequenceNo WonOrLost Field Name Line CompetId Memo OpportId Won Position 1 2 3 0 4 type long long string long string size 11 11 50 11 1 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write

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88. SalesOpportunities
Source Table: OOPR
Property Name SequentialNo CardCode SalesPerson ContactPerson Source InterestField1 InterestField2 InterestField3 InterestLevel StartDate PredictedClosingDate MaxLocalTotal MaxSystemTotal WeightedSumLC WeightedSumSC GrossProfit GrossProfitTotalLocal GrossProfitTotalSystem Remarks Status ReasonForClosing TotalAmountLocal TotalAmounSystem ClosingGrossProfitLocal ClosingGrossProfitSystem ClosingPercentage CurrentStageNo OpportunityName Industry LinkedDocumentType DataOwnershipfield StatusRemarks ProjectCode BPChanelName UserSignature CustomerName DocumentCheckbox LinkedDocumentNumber Territory ClosingDate BPChannelContact BPChanelCode ClosingType Field Name OpprId CardCode SlpCode CprCode Source IntCat1 IntCat2 IntCat3 IntRate OpenDate PredDate MaxSumLoc MaxSumSys WtSumLoc WtSumSys PrcnProf SumProfL SumProfS Memo Status Reason RealSumLoc RealSumSys RealProfL RealProfS CloPrcnt StepLast Name Industry DocType Owner StatusRem PrjCode ChnCrdName UserSign CardName DocChkbox DocNum Territory CloseDate ChnCrdCon ChnCrdCode DifType Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 35 37 45 43 21 40 39 29 32 48 46 36 33 42 38 10 type long string long long long long long long long date/time date/time double double double double double double double string BoSoOsStatus long double double double double double double string long long long string string string long string string string long date/time long string BoSoClosedInTypes size 11 15 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 8 8 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 -1 1 11 20 20 20 20 20 11 100 11 11 11 30 8 100 11 100 1 20 11 8 11 15 1 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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89. SalesOpportunitiesInterests
Source Table: OPR4
Property Name RowNo SequenceNo PrimaryInterest InterestId Field Name Line OprId Prmry IntId Position 1 0 3 2 type long long BoYesNoEnum long size 11 11 1 11 Read Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write

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90. SalesOpportunitiesReasons
Source Table: OPR5
Property Name RowNo SequenceNo Reason Field Name Line OpportId ReasondId Position 1 0 2 type long long long size 11 11 11 Read Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write

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91. AdditionalExpenses
Source Table: OEXD
Property Name Name RevenuesAccount ExpenseAccount TaxLiable FixedAmountRevenues FixedAmountExpenses OutputVATGroup InputVATGroup DistributionMethod Includein1099 FreightOffsetAccount WTLiable ExpensCode Field Name ExpnsName RevAcct ExpnsAcct TaxLiable RevFixSum ExpFixSum VatGroupI VatGroupO DistrbMthd In1099 ExpOfstAct WTLiable ExpnsCode Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 type string string string BoYesNoEnum double double string string BoAeDistMthd BoYesNoEnum string string long size 20 15 15 1 20 20 8 8 1 1 15 1 11 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only

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92. ChecksforPaymentLines
Source Table: CHO1
Property Name RowNumber RowDetails RowTotal RowCurrency TaxDefinition TaxPercent CreditedAccount LineTotal Field Name LineId LineDitail LineMoney LineCurr Code VatPercent CredAcct TotalLine Position 1 2 3 4 7 10 8 9 type long string double string string double string double size 11 40 20 3 8 20 15 20 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read Only

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93. ChecksforPayment
Source Table: OCHO
Property Name CheckKey CheckNumber BankCode Branch BankName CheckDate AccountNumber Details JournalEntryReference PaymentDate PaymentNo CheckAmount Transferable VendorCode CheckCurrency Canceled CardOrAccount Printed VendorName Signature CustomerAccountCode TransactionNumber Address CreateJournalEntry UpdateDate CreationDate TaxTotal TaxDate DeductionRefundAmount PrintedBy CountryCode TotalinWords Field Name CheckKey CheckNum BankNum Branch BankName CheckDate AcctNum Details TransRef PmntDate PmntNum CheckSum Trnsfrable VendorCode Currency Canceled CardOrAcct Printed VendorName Signature CheckAcct TransNum Address CreateJdt UpdateDate CreateDate VatTotal TaxDate SumRfndCln PrintedBy CountryCod TotalWords Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 32 34 36 38 43 21 type long long string string string date/time string string string date/time long double BoYesNoEnum string string BoYesNoEnum BoCpCardAcct BoYesNoEnum string string string long string BoYesNoEnum date/time date/time double date/time double long string string size 11 11 30 50 15 8 50 50 8 8 11 20 1 15 3 1 1 1 100 30 15 11 254 1 8 8 20 8 20 11 3 100 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write

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94. PaymentTermsTypes
Source Table: OCTG
Property Name GroupNumber PaymentTermsGroupName StartFrom NumberOfAdditionalMonths NumberOfAdditionalDays CreditLimit GeneralDiscount InterestOnArrears PriceListNo LoadLimit OpenReceipt DiscountCode DunningCode BaselineDate NumberOfInstallments NumberOfToleranceDays Field Name GroupNum PymntGroup PayDuMonth ExtraMonth ExtraDays CredLimit VolumDscnt LatePyChrg ListNum ObligLimit OpenRcpt DiscCode DunningCod BslineDate InstNum TolDays Position 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 9 16 17 18 19 20 21 type long string BoPayTermDueTypes long long double double double long double BoOpenIncPayment string string BoBaselineDate long long size 11 30 1 11 11 20 20 20 11 20 1 20 20 1 11 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write

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95. Users
Source Table: OUSR
Property Name InternalKey UserPassword UserCode UserName Superuser eMail MobilePhoneNumber Defaults FaxNumber Branch Department Field Name INTERNAL_K PASSWORD4 USER_CODE U_NAME SUPERUSER E_Mail PortNum DfltsGroup Fax Branch Department Position 0 8 5 6 10 22 23 27 30 34 33 type long string string string BoYesNoEnum string string string string long long size 11 8 8 30 1 100 50 8 20 11 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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96. UserPermission
Source Table: USR3
Property Name UserCode PermissionId Permission Field Name UserLink PermId Permission Position 0 1 2 type long string BoPermission size 11 20 1 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write

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97. JournalVouchers
Source Table: OBTD
Property Name Field Name Position type size Read Write

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98. BillOfExchangeTransaction_Lines
Source Table: BOT1
Property Name BillOfExchangeNo BillOfExchangeType BillOfExchangeDueDate Field Name BOENumber BoeType DueDate Position 1 2 3 type long BoBOETypes date/time size 11 1 8 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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99. BillOfExchangeTransaction
Source Table: OBOT
Property Name StatusFrom StatusTo TransactionDate TransactionTime IsBoeReconciled TransactionNumber PostingDate TaxDate BOETransactionkey Field Name StatusFrom StatusTo TranDate TranTime Reconciled TransId PostDate TaxDate AbsEntry Position 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 type BoBOTFromStatus BoBOTToStatus date/time date/time BoYesNoEnum long date/time date/time long size 1 1 8 11 1 11 8 8 11 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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100. BillOfExchangeTrans_Deposits
Source Table: ODPS
Property Name DepositNorm PostingType BankCountry BankAccount BankDepositAccount BankBranch Field Name DepostNorm PostType BankCountr DpsBank DeposAcct DeposBrnch Position 41 42 43 18 6 7 type string BoDepositPostingTypes string string string string size 8 1 3 30 50 50 Read Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write

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101. UserKeysMD
Source Table: OUKD
Property Name TableName KeyIndex KeyName Unique Field Name TableName KeyId KeyName UniqueKey Position 0 1 2 3 type string long string BoYesNoEnum size 20 11 10 1 Read Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write

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102. UserKeysMD_Elements
Source Table: UKD1
Property Name SubKeyIndex ColumnAlias Field Name SubKeyId ColAlias Position 2 3 type long string size 11 8 Read Write Read Only Read\Write

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103. MaterialRevaluation_lines
Source Table: MRV1
Property Name LineNum ItemCode ItemDescription Quantity Price WarehouseCode ActualPrice OnHand DebitCredit DocEntry RevaluationDecrementAccount RevaluationIncrementAccount RevalAmountToStock Field Name LineNum ItemCode Dscription Quantity Price WhsCode RActPrice ROnHand LineTotal DocEntry RDcrmAcct RIncmAcct RToStock Position 1 2 3 4 5 7 11 12 6 0 9 8 10 type long string string double double string double double double long string string double size 11 20 100 20 20 8 20 20 20 11 15 15 20 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only

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104. MaterialRevaluation
Source Table: OMRV
Property Name DocNum DocDate Reference1 Reference2 Comments JournalMemo DocTime Series TaxDate DocEntry CreationDate UpdateDate TransNum RevalType RevaluationIncomeAccount RevaluationExpenseAccount DataSource UserSignature Field Name DocNum DocDate Ref1 Ref2 Comments JrnlMemo DocTime Series TaxDate DocEntry CreateDate UpdateDate TransId RevalType RIncmAcct RExpnAcct DataSource UserSign Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 12 13 0 11 10 7 9 18 19 14 15 type long date/time string string string string date/time long date/time long date/time date/time long string string string string long size 11 8 11 11 254 50 11 11 8 11 8 8 11 1 15 15 1 11 Read Write Read Only Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read\Write Read\Write Read\Write Read Only Read Only

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