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Q1. State the function of governor as applied to the I.C. Engines? Ans.

The function of the governor as applied to the engines, is to adjust

the supply of fuel according to the load requirements so as to keep the speeds at various, loads, as close to the mean speed as possible , over long range of working of the engines.The function of a governor is more or less intermittent i.e. it reacts only whenever there is variation of load. In brief governor takes care of the change of speed due toload variation over periods of the engines running and tends to keep it as close tothe mean speed as possible. Hence The function of governor is to control the speed of an engine within prescribed limits for variations of loads upon the engine over a period of time Q2. Define height of governor and sleeve lift Ans. Height of governor - I t i s t h e v e r t i c a l d i s t a n c e b e t w e e n t h e c e n t e r o f t h e governor halls and the point of intersection between the upper arms on the axis of spindle is known as governor height. It is generally denoted by h Sleeve lift : the vertical distance the sleeve travels due to change in the equilibriums p e e d i s c a l l e d t h e s l e e v e l i f t . T h e v e r t i c a l d o w n w a r d t r a v e l m a y b e t e r m e d a s negative lift Q3. The function of governor Ans. a) To control the engine speed b) T o m a i n t a i n t h e s p e e d o f a n e n g i n e w i t h i n p r e s c r i b e d l i m i t s f o r varying load conditions. c) To maintain constant speed of the pistond)To maintain constant engine speed Q4. What is meant by Equilibrium speeds in case of governors? Ans. T h e s p e e d s a t w h i c h t h e g o v e r n o r b a l l s , t h e a r m s e t c . a r e i n c o m p l e t e equilibrium and the s l e e v e d o e s n o t t e n d t o m o v e u p w a r d o r d o w n w a r d arecalled the equilibrium speeds. The speed at the mean position of the balls or thesleeve is the mean equilibrium speed and at the maximum and minimum radius of rotation of the balls without tending to move either way are termed as maximumand minimum equilibrium speeds respectively. There can be many equilibriums p e e d s between the mean and maximum and the mean a n d t h e m i n i m u m equilibrium speeds

Q5. Define and explain Governor Effort? Ans. A governor running at a constant speed is in equilibrium and the resultantforce acting on the sleeve is zero. If the speed of the governor increases there is aforce on the sleeve which tends to lift it. This force will gradually go on decreasingtill the governor starts rotating in equilibrium at the new position of rotation. Themean force acting on the sleeve for a given change of speed or lift of the sleeve isknown as the governor effort Q6. What is meant by controlling force in case of governors? Ans. The force acting radially upon the rotating balls to counteract its centrifugalforce is called the controlling force. It is provided by weight of the sleeve, centralload on the sleeve, compressed spring and the weight of the balls

Q7. Define sensitiveness of a governor. Ans. If a governor operates between the speed limits N1 and N2, then
sensitiveness is defined as the ratio of the mean speed to the difference between the maximum and minimum speeds. Thus,

Q8. Define isochronous governor. Ans. If a governor is in equilibrium at one particular speed at all
radii of rotation, it is called isochronous governor. The sensitiveness of an isochronous governor is infinite, because the range of an isochronous governor is zero.

Q9. Define stability of governor. Ans. If the governor sleeve is displaced from its equilibrium position

without any change in speed, and thereafter if it tends to return is the the original equilibrium position, then the governor is said to be stable.

Q10. Define hunting of governor.

Ans. Hunting is the name given to a condition in which the speed of the
engine controlled by the governor fluctuates continuously above and below the mean speed. It is caused by a governor which is too sensitive and which, therefore, changes by large amount the supply of fuel to the engine.

Q11. Define governor power. Ans. It is defined as the work done On sleeve by the balls in moving
the sleeve upward when the engine load decreases. It is generally expressed for 1% change in governor speed.

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