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Official Election Calendar State of Nebraska

Primary Election May 15th, 2012


General Election November 6th, 2012

Statutory language

December 2011 1-Dec-2011 First day a person may file for office to have their name placed on the ballot as a
candidate at the 2012 election. (32-606) Last day for clerks and commissioners to notify subdivisions of filing deadlines for statewide primary. (32-404)

December 1 December 1

2-Dec 14-Dec 16-Dec

Last day to change party affiliation to meet member of party requirement on candidate filings. (32-612) Last day a political subdivision may request the adjustment of election district boundaries (32-552)

First Friday in December

At least 5 months prior to the election

Not less than 60 days prior Last day an ordinance may be adopted and effective providing for nomination and election on a partisan ballot for city, village and school offices, normally non-partisan (32- to the filing deadline 557) January 1

January 2012 1-Jan-2012 1st day of an election year a person may simultaneously register to vote and make
application for early voting ballots through the use of the FPCA or personal letter (32939.02) Last day for political subdivisions to notify the Secretary of State, County Clerks or Election Commissioners of offices to be filled, terms, vacancies, votes to cast, and filing deadlines for each office. (32-404 and 32-601) Note: County Clerks & Election Commissioners are required to publish this information at least 15 days prior to the filing deadline. First day to accept early voting ballot request for the primary election (32-941) Last day for publication notice to publish information, from the Jan 5th notice to subdivisions, on offices to be filled, terms, vacancies, votes to cast, and filing deadlines. (32-601)


January 5

15-Jan 30-Jan

120 days prior to Primary 15 days prior to the filing deadline

February 1-Feb
Last day for political party to file a petition with the Secretary of State to qualify for the upcoming primary election (32-716) Last day for political parties to fix precinct representation to county conventions, if notice is not received, the default number is two per precinct. (32-708) Last day for County Central Committee chairpersons to submit names of poll workers to clerks (not election commissioners) for appointment. If chairperson does not submit names, the county clerk shall appoint the judges and clerks of elections. (32-230)
February 1

February 1

February 1

11-Feb 14-Feb 15-Feb 15-Feb 21-Feb 22-Feb

Deadline for Secretary of State to determine if sufficient signatures are on the petition for a new party. (32-717) Last day to publish information from the Jan 5th notice of the Non-incumbent filing deadline (March 1st), if not included in the January 30th notice. (32-601) Last day for incumbents (any current office holder) to file for office on the primary ballot. (32-606) Last day for political party to file an affidavit/petition to draft an incumbent partisan candidate. (32-611) Last day for drafted incumbent partisan candidate to submit a filing form (32-611) Last day for an objection to an incumbent candidate filing. (32-624) Objections must be made within 7 days of the filing deadline.

10 days after the 'petition for new party' filing deadline at least 15 days prior to the filing deadline for nonincumbents

5 days after the Incumbent filing deadline within 7 days after the Incumbent filing deadline

March 1-Mar
Last day for non-incumbents (new filers) to file for office on primary. (32-606) Last day to withdraw a filing for office (32-622)
March 1 March 1

Last day for a subdivision to certify a special issue for inclusion on the primary ballot. (32- March 1 559)

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Official Election Calendar State of Nebraska

Primary Election May 15th, 2012

General Election November 6th, 2012

Statutory language March 1

1-Mar 5-Mar 6-Mar 8-Mar 15-Mar

Last day for political party to file an affidavit/petition to draft a non-incumbent partisan candidate. (32-611) Last day for a drafted non-incumbent partisan candidate to submit a filing form (32-611) Last day for drafted candidate per 32-611 to decline the nomination by affidavit/petition (32-622) Deadline to file objection to a non-incumbent candidate filing (32-624) Last day for political party to submit a letter to Secretary of State regarding non-affiliated voters voting in the primary election (32-912) Last day to issue and mail special absentee ballots to those registered voters with applications on file specifically requesting a "special absentee ballot" (32-808) Note: Federal & State law require 60 days Last day for Secretary of State to certify candidates, offices and issues to be placed on the statewide ballot. (32-801) Deadline to have Early Voting ballots ready and sent to UOCAVA voters with requests on file. (32-808 32-939.02)

5 days after non-incumbent filing deadline March 6th

7 days after nonincumbent filing deadline 60 days before the Primary Election 60 days before the election

23-Mar 30-Mar

50 days before the election 45 days before the election

Apr 1 thru Jun Blackout period for special elections. (32-405) 30
April, May, June 40 days before the election 40 days before the election 35 days before the election 35 days before the election


Deadline for publishing and posting the Notice of Election (32-802) Deadline for sending the Notice of Election to the affected political subdivisions (32-802)


Deadline to have Early Voting ballots ready to be voted in office. Publication of application required after ballots are available (32-808) Last day to make the voter registration lists available to the state and county parties. List is available upon request and free of charge (32-330) First day to distribute sample ballots to county, city or village not to exceed 10% of their votes cast in the previous election, IF publications do not reach the entities. (32-804)

35 days before the election

The last day ballots may be required to be corrected except as ordered by the Court. (32- 35 days before the election 819)

Apr 14 thru May 7

Week of Apr 23rd

Last day for Election Commissioners to appoint judges, clerks and inspectors, if needed. (32-221) First day a satellite registration office may be open for at least 1 day in each incorporated city of village. (32-303) Note: Publish registration sites per Secretary of State. Deadline for County Clerks and Election Commissioners using vote counting machines to submit a written plan to the Secretary of State outlining procedures that will be followed on election day. (32-1049) Publication of proposed constitutional amendments to be placed on the primary ballot by the Secretary of State required for three weeks before election, if applicable (49-202) Postmark deadline for mailed in registrations (32-321) At 6 p.m., last day for deputy registrars to register voters for an upcoming election. (32306) At close of business, last day voter registrations can be completed at DMV or County Treasurers for the person to be registered to vote in an upcoming election. (32-308) At close of business, last day voter registrations can be completed at or returned to State Agencies or Departments for the person to be registered to vote in an upcoming election. (32-310)

30 days before the statewide primary 30 days before the election

25 days prior

Three weeks before the election


3rd Friday preceding the election 3rd Friday preceding the election 3rd Friday preceding the election

3rd Friday preceding the election

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Official Election Calendar State of Nebraska

Primary Election May 15th, 2012

General Election November 6th, 2012

Statutory language 3rd Friday preceding the election


Last day for voter registration form to be delivered to the election office by someone other than the person registering, for the person to be registered to vote in an upcoming election. (32-325, 32-321) Last day to mail an Early Voting ballot with a mail-in registration application form to a person not registered to vote. (32-941 and 32-945)

3rd Friday preceding the election 15 days before the election


Last day to notify election workers of appointments and fill vacancies of judges and clerks of election, district inspections and canvas board members to be filled by the County Clerk (32-235, 32-239) Last day for Election Commissioners to notify by mail judges, clerks, inspectors, counting board and canvassing board of appointment and training (32-228) First day to publish sample ballots in the newspaper. (32-803)

15 days before the election

15 days before the election Seven days preceding voter registration deadline


1st day Clerks and Election Commissioners may extend their office hours for purpose of voter registration (32-302)

May 1-May
Last day to accept a mail-in registration with an illegible postmark. (32-321) Last day for the party to notify the clerk or election commissioner of the date, time, and location of the post primary convention. (32-707) Note: If caucus system is used, notification by the party to the clerk or commissioner must take place at least 10 days prior to the caucus date. (32-709) Deadline to post the sample ballots in the office of the clerk or commissioner. (32-805) Last day for write-in candidate to file notarized affidavit and filing fee with the filing officer. (32-615) At 6 p.m. last day for in person voter registration. (32-302)
2nd Tuesday before the election No later than 1st Tuesday in May


Not later than 10 days prior the election No later than 10 days prior to the election 2nd Friday preceding the election 2nd Monday prec Election

7-May 9-May

11-May 12-May 14-May

First day the Early Voting Counting Board can convene to check envelopes with signatures and prepare ballots for counting. (32-1027) At 4 p.m. is the last day to receive an application for Early Voting ballots to be mailed out to a specific address. (32-941) Last day for acknowledgments to be sent to persons registered by deputy registrar. (32306) Last day to distribute sample ballots to county, city or village not to exceed 10% of their votes cast in the previous election, IF publications do not reach the entities. (32-804) Last day to publish sample ballots in the newspaper (32-803) Last day for Early Voting - in person - at the County Clerk or Election Commissioner office (32-942) At noon - registration deadline for former federal employees (32-940) Post Notice of date, time and place Canvass Board will meet - (at least 2 days prior to the time they will convene per Secretary of State directive) First day the Early Voting Counting Board may convene to begin counting early voting ballots. (32-1027)(6)

Wednesday before the Election 5 days prior to Election 3 days before the Election

2 days before the Election

1 day before the Election 1 day before the Election

Day before Election Day 1st Tuesday after the 2nd Monday in May 8:00 AM CDT (7:00 AM MDT) Election Day 7:00 PM CDT (6:00 PM MDT) Election Day 8:00 PM CDT (7:00 PM MDT) Election Day 8:00 PM CDT (7:00 PM MDT) Election Day


Statewide Primary Election Day (32-401)

Polls open (32-908) 8 a.m. Central Time 7 a.m. Mountain Time 7 p.m. Central Time (6 p.m. Mountain Time) Deadline for agent to pickup Early Voting ballot (32-943) No later than the closing of the polls - deadline for return of voter registration form with an early voting ballot - in person (32-941) No later than the closing of the polls - deadline for return of early voting ballot - in person (32-950)

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Official Election Calendar State of Nebraska

Primary Election May 15th, 2012

General Election November 6th, 2012

Statutory language 8:00 PM CDT (7:00 PM MDT) Election Day 8:00 PM CDT (7:00 PM MDT) Election Day After the Primary


At the time of the closing of the polls is the first any returns or partial returns may be released. (32-1009) At the time of the closing of the polls is the deadline for an early voting ballot received by mail to be in the possession of the clerk or commissioner (32-950) Upon the completion of Early Voting ballot counting and verification for provisional ballot counting, the Canvassing Board may convene. (32-1031 and 32-1002)

May 15 thru Nov 6

No changes shall be made to precinct boundaries or polling places without approval from the Secretary of State. (32-904)

Between the Primary and the General Election


Not less than 60 days prior Last day an ordinance may be adopted and effective providing for nomination and election on a partisan ballot for city, village and school offices, normally non-partisan (32- to the filing deadline 557)

10 days after the Canvass Board convenes 10 days after the canvass of votes

Deadline for verification and notification to the state system of provisional ballots status (32-1002) Deadline for losing candidate to request a recount. (32-1121)

7 days after the Primary

10 days after the Canvass Board convenes

Deadline for filing fee to be paid, if needed, by an undeclared write-in candidate who has been nominated. (32-608)

10 days after the canvass of votes

June 1-Jun 4-Jun

20 days after votes officially canvassed

First day County post-primary convention may be held. Meet any time during first 10 days in June. (32-707) Abstract of votes due in the office of the Secretary of State (32-1035) Last day a notice can be filed with a person whose election is being contested. (321109) Last day a political subdivision may request the adjustment of election district boundaries for offices not in primary (32-552) Board of State Canvassers meets to certify the election results. (32-1037) Last day the copy of a petition may be served on the person whose election is being contested when contesting the election of Constitutional Officers, Public Service Commission, Board of Regents and State Board of Education (32-1102) Last day the copy of a petition may be served on the Secretary of State contesting the election of constitutional amendment or statutes by initiative or referendum (32-1108)

1st ten days in June

3rd Monday after the Election 20 days after votes officially canvassed 5 months prior to the General Election 4th Monday after the Primary 10 days before 40 days after the Election

5-Jun 11-Jun

10 days before 40 days after the Election 5th Wednesday after the Primary 40 days after the Election

13-Jun 22-Jun

The prescribed day to conduct recounts for candidates who filed with the Secretary of State at 9:00 A.M. (32-1119) Last day for petition to be filed in Lancaster County district court contesting the election of Constitutional Officers, Public Service Commission, Board of Regents and State Board of Education (32-1102) Last day for petition to be filed in Lancaster County district court contesting the election of constitutional amendment or statutes by initiative or referendum (32-1108)

40 days after the Election

24-Jun 30-Jun

Last day to deliver certificates of nomination or certificates of election (32-1033) Last day to publish notice of July 15th and August 1st filing deadlines, if not contained in January notice (32-601)

40 days after the Election 15 days prior to July filing deadline for incumbents

4 of 8

Official Election Calendar State of Nebraska

Primary Election May 15th, 2012

General Election November 6th, 2012

Statutory language

July 1-Jul
Deadline for governing boards of reclamation districts, counties under township organization, public power districts grossing annual revenues of less than 40 million dollars, and educational service units to notify the Secretary of State, County Clerks or Election Commissioners of offices to be filled, terms, vacancies, votes cast and filing deadlines for each office (32-404, 32-601) Deadline for filing initiative and referendum petitions (32-1407) First day to accept Early Voting ballot request for the general election (32-941) Precinct results for US Congress, Legislature, Public Service Commissioners due in the office of the Secretary of State. (32-1036) Date to have Primary Election Voter History completed by. (32-330) Last day for incumbents (any current office holder) not on the Primary Ballot to file. (32606) Public Power Districts Board Members (grossing less than 40 million); Reclamation Districts; Education Service Unit Board Members; County Weed Boards; Township Officers; Village Board of Trustees; and Class II Schools. Last day for an objection to an incumbent candidate filing. (32-624) Objections must be made within 7 days of the filing deadline.
No later than July 1

6-Jul 8-Jul
8 weeks after the canvass of votes

4 months prior to the General Election 120 days prior to General 8 weeks after the canvass of votes 60 days after the Election July 15th on Sun

14-Jul 16-Jul


7 days after the Incumbent filing deadline

August 1-Aug
Last day for new political party to submit petitions with the Secretary of State to qualify for the General Election. (32-716) Last day for non-incumbents (new filers) to file for office. (32-606) Public Power Districts Board Members (grossing less than 40 million); Reclamation Districts; Education Service Unit Board Members; County Weed Boards; Township Officers; Village Board of Trustees; and Class II Schools. Filing deadline for judicial office holders to place their name on the General Election ballot for retention (24-814) Last day for a candidate to withdraw their name and decline to be a candidate for those whose filing deadlines are July 15th and August 1st. (32-622)
August 1st

August 1st

August 1st

August 1st

8-Aug 11-Aug 27-Aug

Deadline to file objection to a non-incumbent candidate filing (32-624) Deadline for Secretary of State to determine if sufficient signatures were turned in for a new party (32-717) Last day for submission of petitions to change political subdivision from district elections to at large; or from at large to district elections. (32-554)

7 days after nonincumbent filing deadline Within 10 days after political party petitions are submitted. 70 days prior to General

September 1-Sep 1-Sep 4-Sep

Last day to hold the state post-primary convention. (32-710) Last day to hold a congressional post-primary convention. (32-711) Last day for filing for office by petition. (32-617) Last day for political subdivision to submit a special issue for the general ballot. (32-559) Deadline for candidate of a new political party to file for General Election ballot status to file petition of nomination to be on the General Election ballot (32-621) Note: Filing officer shall notify candidate if sufficient number of signatures have been verified on the petition. Candidate has 5 days to file acceptance of nomination (32-617 subsection 2) Last day for a candidate nominated at the primary election to decline the nomination (32623) Last day to file a petition to fill a vacancy for a non-partisan office (32-625)
September 1 September 1 September 1 September 1 September 1

September 1 September 1 60 days before the election

6-Sep 14-Sep

Last day to issue and mail special absentee ballots to those registered voters with applications on file specifically requesting a "special absentee ballot" (32-808) Last day for Secretary of State to certify candidates, offices and issues to be placed on the statewide ballot. (32-801)

50 days before the election

5 of 8

Official Election Calendar State of Nebraska

Primary Election May 15th, 2012

General Election November 6th, 2012

Statutory language 45 days before the election 40 days before the election 40 days before the election

21-Sep 26-Sep

Deadline to have Early Voting ballots ready and sent to UOCAVA voters with requests on file. (32-808 32-939) Deadline for publishing and posting the Notice of Election (32-802) Deadline for sending the Notice of Election to the affected political subdivisions (32-802)

October 1-Oct
Deadline to have Early Voting ballots ready to be voted in office. Publication of application required after ballots are available (32-808) Last day to make the voter registration lists available to the state and county parties. List is available upon request and free of charge (32-330) First day to distribute sample ballots to county, city or village not to exceed 10% of their votes cast in the previous election, IF publications do not reach the entities. (32-804) New or Former Resident Presidential ballots available to Former Residents (32-933)
35 days before the election 35 days before the election 35 days before the election

35 days before the election

The last day ballots may be required to be corrected except as ordered by the Court. (32- 35 days before the election 819) Oct, Nov, Dec Oct 1 thru Dec Blackout period for special elections. (32-405)

Oct 6th thru Oct 26th

Last day for Election Commissioners to appoint judges, clerks and inspectors, if needed. (32-221) First day a satellite registration office may be open for at least 1 day in each incorporated city of village. (32-303) Note: Publish registration sites per Secretary of State. Deadline for clerks and commissioners using vote counting machines to submit a written plan to the Secretary of State outlining procedures that will be followed on election day. (32-1049) Publication of proposed constitutional amendments to be placed on the general ballot by the Secretary of State required for three weeks before election, if applicable. (49-202) Postmark deadline for mailed in registrations (32-321) At 6 p.m., last day for deputy registrars to register voters for an upcoming election. (32306) At close of business, last day voter registrations can be completed at DMV or County Treasurers for the person to be registered to vote in an upcoming election. (32-308) At close of business, last day voter registrations can be completed at or returned to State Agencies or Departments for the person to be registered to vote in an upcoming election. (32-310) Last day for voter registration form to be delivered to the election office by someone other than the person registering to vote, for the person to be registered to vote in an upcoming election. (32-325, 32-321) Last day to mail an early voting ballot with a mail-in registration application form to a person not registered to vote. (32-941 and 32-945) 1st day Clerks and commissioners may extend their office hours for purpose of voter registration (32-302)

30 days before the statewide general 30 days before the election

Week of Oct 15th

25 days prior

Three weeks before the election


3rd Friday preceding the election 3rd Friday preceding the election 3rd Friday preceding the election

3rd Friday preceding the election

3rd Friday preceding the election

3rd Friday preceding the election Seven days preceding voter registration deadline 15 days before the election


Last day to notify election workers of appointments and fill vacancies of judges and clerks of election, district inspections and canvas board members to be filled by the County Clerk (32-235, 32-239) Last day for Election Commissioners to notify by mail judges, clerks, inspectors, counting board and canvassing board of appointment and training (32-228) First day to publish sample ballots in the newspaper. (32-803)

15 days before the election

15 days before the election

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Official Election Calendar State of Nebraska

Primary Election May 15th, 2012

General Election November 6th, 2012

Statutory language 2nd Tuesday before the election No later than 10 days before the election Not later than 10 days before the election 2nd Friday preceding the election After close of voter registration through close of polls Election Day 2nd Monday before the Election Wednesday before the Election 5 days prior to Election

23-Oct 26-Oct

Last day to accept a mail-in registration with an illegible postmark. (32-321) Last day for write-in candidate to file notarized affidavit and filing fee with the filing officer. (32-615) Deadline to post the sample ballots in the office of the clerk or commissioner. (32-805)

At 6 p.m. last day for in person voter registration. (32-302)

Oct 27 thru New or Former Resident Presidential ballots available to New Residents (32-933) Nov 6 First day the Early Voting Counting Board can convene to check envelopes with 29-Oct
signatures and prepare ballots for counting. (32-1027)


At 4 p.m. is the last day to receive an application for Early Voting ballots to be mailed out to a specific address. (32-941) Last day for acknowledgments to be sent to persons registered by deputy registrar. (32306)

November 2-Nov 3-Nov 5-Nov

Last day to distribute sample ballots to county, city or village not to exceed 10% of their votes cast in the previous election, IF publications do not reach the entities. (32-804) Last day to publish sample ballots in the newspaper (32-803) Last day for Early Voting- in person - at the County Clerk or Election Commissioner office (32-942) At noon - registration deadline for former federal employees (32-940) Post Notice of date, time and place Canvass Board will meet - (at least 2 days prior to the time they will convene per Secretary of State directive) First day the Early Voting Counting Board may convene to begin counting early voting ballots. (32-1027)(6)
3 days before the Election

2 days before the Election

1 day before the Election 1 day before the Election

Day before Election Day


Statewide General Election Day - even numbered yearsPolls open (32-908) 8 a.m. Central Time 7 a.m. Mountain Time


1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November 8:00 AM CST (7:00 AM MST) Election Day 7:00 PM CST (6:00 PM MST) Election Day 8:00 PM CST (7:00 PM MST) Election Day 8:00 PM CST (7:00 PM MST) Election Day 8:00 PM CST (7:00 PM MST) Election Day 8:00 PM CST (7:00 PM MST) Election Day after General

7 p.m. Central Time 6 p.m. Mountain Time Deadline for agent to pickup Early Voting ballot (32-943) No later than the closing of the polls - deadline for return of voter registration form with an early voting ballot - in person (32-941) No later than the closing of the polls - deadline for return of early voting ballot - in person (32-950) At the time of the closing of the polls is the first any returns or partial returns may be released. (32-1009) At the time of the closing of the polls is the deadline for an early voting ballot received by mail to be in the possession of the clerk or commissioner (32-950)

6-Nov 13-Nov
10 days after the Canvass Board convenes 10 days after the canvass of votes

Upon the completion of early voting ballot counting and verification for provisional ballot counting, the Canvassing Board may convene. (32-1031 and 32-1002) Deadline for verification and notification to the state system of provisional ballots status (32-1002) Deadline for losing candidate to request a recount. (32-1121) Deadline for filing fee to be paid, if needed, by an undeclared write-in candidate who has been nominated. (32-608) Abstract of votes due in the office of the Secretary of State (32-1035) Last day a notice can be filed with a person whose election is being contested. (321109)

7 days after the General 10 days after the Canvass Board convenes 10 days after the canvass of votes 3rd Monday after the Election 20 days after votes officially canvassed

20 days after votes officially canvassed

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Official Election Calendar State of Nebraska

Primary Election May 15th, 2012

General Election November 6th, 2012

Statutory language

December 3-Dec
Board of State Canvassers meets to certify the election results. (32-1037) Last day the copy of a petition may be served on the person whose election is being contested when contesting the election of Constitutional Officers, Public Service Commission, Board of Regents and State Board of Education (32-1102) Last day the copy of a petition may be served on the Secretary of State contesting the election of constitutional amendment or statutes by initiative or referendum (32-1108)
4th Monday after the General 10 days before 40 days after the election

10 days before 40 days after the election 5th Wednesday after the General 40 days after the Election

5-Dec 14-Dec

The prescribed day to conduct recounts for candidates who filed with the Secretary of State at 9:00 A.M. (32-1119) Last day for petition to be filed in Lancaster County district court contesting the election of Constitutional Officers, Public Service Commission, Board of Regents and State Board of Education (32-1102) Last day for petition to be filed in Lancaster County district court contesting the election of constitutional amendment or statutes by initiative or referendum (32-1108) Last day to deliver certificates of nomination or certificates of election (32-1033) Precinct results for Senator, US Congress, Legislature, Public Service Commissioners due in the office of the Secretary of State. (32-1036)

40 days after the Election 40 days after the Election 8 weeks after the canvass of votes

8 weeks after the canvass of votes

Jan 5, 2013 Date to have General Election Voter History completed by. (32-330)

60 days after the Election

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