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River energy Discharge Volume of ow

Precipitation Vegetation cover Evapotranspiration rate Permeability Gradient Human factors

Flow velocity Channel friction

Wetted parameter Channel shape Channel roughness

Channel gradient

Managing River and Coastal Environments : Learning Essentials

Human activities along river
Hydro-electric power and nuclear power Aquaculture Farming Urban development Shipping / transportation Industrial development Tourism Deforestation

Management measures Hard strategies

Establishment of dams & reservoirs Channelisation Building groynes and revetment Diversion / realignment

Soft strategies
Logging regulation Farmland to lake conversion Soil conservation Land use zoning Legislation

Direction Headward Vertical Lateral Process Solution Hydraulic action Abrasion Attrition

Solution Suspension Saltation Traction

Deposition Fluvial processes

Sorting Stratication

Upper course
Waterfall Rapids Gorge Plunge pool

Middle course
Bluff Slip off slope Meander

Lower course
Meander Oxbow lake Floodplain Levee Braided stream Delta


Inuences to the environment Evaluation
Effectiveness Durability Costs Benets Problems encountered

Landforms shaped by water

Hydraulic action Abrasion Attrition Solution

Damage to the ecosystem Reduce in biodiversity Pollution Flooding Erosion and mass wasting Narrow habour & river courses

Traction Saltation Suspension Solution Longshore drift

Sorting Stratication

Coastal processes


Erosional features
Sea cliff & wave-cut platform Sea cave Geo Sea arch & stack

Depositional features
Beach Offshore bar Spit Bay-bar Tombolo


Human activities along coast

Tidal power and nuclear power Dredging Coastal mining Urban development Agriculture Recreation Reclamation

Management measures Hard strategies

Dykes Groynes Sea walls Breakwaters Gabions Riprap Revetment

Soft strategies

Beach nourishment Land use zoning Managed retreat

Factors affecting coastal processes Atmospheric

Duration of wind Strength of wind

Depth of sea Offshore gradient Wave type Longshore current Tidal range

Type & structure of rock Amount of load Size of load

Coastal obstacles Location of coast

Extension Please turn over

Major human activities along rivers

Upper Course Middle Course Lower Course
Hydro-electric power Steeper slope greater potential energy of water Provides clean, inexpensive and renewable energy Disturb ecosystem Flood historical monuments, towns and farmlands Aquaculture Lakes were modified and used loss of buffer zones to protect the river from silting and flooding Shipping and industrial development River channel is a well-developed network for cheap transportation Convenient and cheap sources of water for cooling and other industrial uses Pollution affects food chain and human health Farming Fertile soil and accessible source of water for irrigation Eutrophication algae bloom Reclamation reduce lake area for flood storage Deforestation Provide land resources for agricultural, industrial and urban developments Soil erosion aggravate flooding Tourism Generate considerable income and enhance economic development Cause pollution and minor disturbance to the environment

Upper Course

Middle Course

Lower Course

1 2

Dujiangyan Irrigation System



Ertan Hydropower Station 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 - Three Gorges Dam - Gezhouba Water Control Project

Tai Hu


Dongting Hu

Poyang Hu

Jingzhou - diversion - revetment Afforestation within the area of the Chang Jiang basin Farmland to lake conversion 2 2 2

River management
Upper Course
Establishment of dams and reservoirs Store water for irrigation and other uses E Regulate river flow and prevent flooding E Provide cheap source of energy and places for recreation Logging regulation Farmland to lake conversion E Increase buffer zone for flood storage by restoring lake area Restore ecosystem of the lakes Channelisation and building groynes, revetments and diversions E Straighten routes E Increase flow velocity and reduce silting & erosion Enhance shipping Soil conservation E Farmland to forest conversion (gain-for-green project) E Agriculture is prohibited at steep slopes E Afforestation and reforestation Land use zoning E Restrict the development in the vicinity of flooding prone area reduce any loss to a minimum (both economic loss and loss of human life) Legislation E Prohibit direct effluence of domestic, industrial and agricultural sewage to the river

Middle Course

Lower Course

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