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Powertrain Training and Consulting Services (P) Ltd

Powertrain is an outcome of long cherished dream of some young but experienced professionals, who together dreamt of an outfit dedicated to excellence in all important walks of corporate deliverables, like sales, customer relationship management, and people capability management. At Powertrain, we believe that learning is an ongoing process & hence should be fun! Our experienced team of trainers can help your enterprise build your value proposition by equipping your workforce with an attitude for delivering the best, since all of us have seen and believe that success is result of conscious & dedicated efforts and not just an accident. We can help your workforce to think beyond the obvious and out of the box. We help people realize and trust that if there are any limits to ones performance they are in his or her own minds. As team Powertrain our endeavor is to help graduate from training tofacilitating, from Joyshops to workshops and from programs to interventions. This to us is prerequisite to graduate from efforts to results. We would love to assist you (& your associates) in reaching your success by design. We look forward to the valuable opportunity to make difference to this corporate world in our own small however important way. Lets build an enterprise that makes the difference. Our Purpose To build a no. 1 training company in India by 21st july 2031 in terms of: 1. No. of participants trained 2. Result Orientation Trainings Our values 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Initiation Innovation Persistency Passion People Performance

Our Vision .is to assist individuals and corporate to bridge the gap between the desired and the delivered performance by optimizing organizational and individual capabilities. Our Mission is to have desired impact in the lives of individuals through our customized training and development intervention. We intend to achieve this by motivating our participants to learn, innovate and apply relentlessly. Letter from the Director Greetings from Powertrain! It gives us immense pleasure to introduce ourselves as an outfit dedicated to people capability management & performance consulting. At Powertrain our prime motto is to bridge the performance gap between the desired and the delivered. As we firmly believe in the fact that success is a journey and not destination. As we look towards an improving economy, organizations that focus on developing and retaining their best talent, we must use all the tools available to do so. It is time to make smarter decisions about your training and development strategies. Investment in people capability management can reap you rich dividends, in times to come.

Warm Regards, Pravin Daryani Director Powertrain Training and Consulting Services (P) Ltd

How to increase revenue in your Business

The deliverables of the program are as follows: 1. Know Businessman's Definition. 2. 10 Rights of Business man. 3. Difference between Entrepreneur, Leaders and managers. 4. Four Stages of Businesses. 5. Success secrets of successful business man. 6. Communication. 7. Grooming. 8. How to increase your sales. 9. Existing Customer. Know Businessman's Definition Here you will learn the true definition of a businessman, in terms of his job profile, conduct, vision, decision making etc. 10 Rights if a Businessman There are some rights which a businessman can practice and see his business flourishing, some of them are: 1. To do what you love to do As a businessman you should always do what you love to do. Work for you must mean an excitement or fun and not a compulsion. Work/ activities can be divided into four categories: Bad- Things in which you are bad and about which you have no idea as to how to do it. Able- Things which you are capable of doing but you dont like to do it. Superior- Things in which you are superior and no one can perform the task better than you. Distinct Forte- These are the things or activities which are your areas of forte and in this you have mastery. And also you like to do this work because it is your area of interest and you love to do it. So, as a businessman you should focus on the activities which are your forte and which you love to do.

2. To create abundant wealth

As a businessman it is your right to create abundant wealth for yourself, your family, etc. You need to become wealthy and rich because money is one of the biggest motivating factor for anyone. 3. To grow exponentially As a businessman your right is to grow exponentially from where you are now to newer and greater heights continuously. 4. To attract Your right is to attract people towards you, be it the customers, be it your colleagues, or be it anyone. People should feel the need to do business with you and to be associated with you. 5. To leave a mark Your 4th right as a businessman is to leave or create a mark wherever you go and in whatever things you do. People should be able to identify and recognize you from your work. 6. Be Wise As a businessman its your right to be wise, to use your knowledge and information in you business and to grow. 7. Having it all and making it work It is your right to have all the resources and make it work for you. 8. To carry all four things wherever you go Being a businessman it is your right to carry all the four things with you wherever you go. These four things are: body i.e your physical appearance mind i.e you should be mentally present wherever you go and whatever you do heart i.e your heart should be present with you always spirit ie. you should have the willingness to do whatever you are doing

9. To become cause

As a businessman its your right to become a cause for others, for society and for everyone. 10. Jhakaas zindagi jeene ka And last but not the least, its your right to live life king size. You should be able to enjoy your life to the fullest and maxium. You should have balance between your work and personal life.

Difference between entrepreneurs, leaders and managers We all knew the terms businessman, entrepreneur and leaders very well, but do we really know the difference between them, through this workshop you will understand the real difference between all three, how they work and what are their major areas of expertise. BusinessmanA businessman or an entrepreneur means someone who takes the resources from lower level to higher level of productivity. He is always engaged in those activities which help him to generate revenue for his business and no other activity. Managers Managers deal with day to day activities. They just follow the orders of the businessman and get the things done from others. Leaders Leadership deals with changes. They are the one who initiate changes and just go and seek the approval from the businessman on their ideas. They answer the no. of questions imposed on them by the businessman. Four stages of business: There are four stages in a business which if followed seriously, one can see his/her business growing manifold. From steps like profit making to customer and market will be briefed in this workshop. The stages are

Eyes on profit making

The first stage in any business deals only and only with profit making. This should be the only motive of any businessman at the initial level. Eyes on building company, developing employees but with full ownership In the second stage of business the businessmans focus should be on developing and growth of his company. He should focus on developing his employees but should retain title and ownership only with himself. Eyes on customers and market value After building the company, developing the employees the entrepreneurs focus should shift towards building on his customers for his business. He should start thinking about building his market image and creating hi organizations market value. Eyes on sustainable wealth, will work for the world and society. After completing all the above stages, businessman should think about building a sustainable wealth. He should think about the world and the society and work for them. Success secrets of successful businessman Any businessman in order to succeed needs some traits, may be inborn or has to be over a period of time. Those traits are: Power of intent One of the most basic and important trait that a businessman should possess is the power of intent i.e. he should have that will, desire or fire within him to do something big and do something different. Trust He should that faith and trust on others and he himself should also be trustworthy for others. Strong paper work A businessman should follow a system of having strong paper work in his business.

Strong sales team

A businessman should have a strong sales force in his organization. Sales team should be a team full of tigers as it is is the only department of any organization that generates revenue. Communication skills An entrepreneur should have a strong communication with everyone around him. Clarity The biggest trait of all successful businessmen is that they had clarity in their minds as to where they want to reach in their life. So to be successful in life a businessman should clarity of his thoughts, his goals in life. Delegation A successful businessman is one who focuses only on revenue generating activities and delegates all other activities to his subordinates and managers. Own culture To be successful one should set his own culture and should not follow others. Win Win Always follow the principle of win win in life. It means that whatever you do and for anybody you do, both the parties should be mutually benefited from it. Relations Learn to build and develop strong relations with everyone associated with you whether in personal or in professional life.

Communication and grooming: Two essential parameters which help you increase your revenue, ultimately you are the face of your business, you should always generate a feel good feeling to your customers. Similarly, you are what you wear and how you carry yourself, so dress smart in order to create a lasting impression on your client. How to increase your sales: Develop as much speed as you can in your business is the number one success mantra of every business. Other than this, things like trust, strong follow up, communication, advertisement play an important role in increasing sales. The mantras are: Speed Whatever you do, do it with speed. Doing anything with speed gives you an energy within and you feel very good and positive about everything.

Reference policy Always follow a policy of taking references from your existing clients. Business largely depends on referral market so it is very important for you to take references from your customers. Strong follow-up Always keep a strong follow-up on your clients and customers. Keep a check that whether or not they are satisfied with your services and dont give them any chances of making any complaint against you and your services. AMD- automatic motivation drive Always keep your employees motivated. Win Win Follow the principle of win win in life. QQS Ratio Q-quality, Q-quantity, S-spirit Whatever activity you choose to do, keep a check on its QQS ratio. Make sure that you never compromise on this three aspects anytime or in anything. Innovation & Advertisement Keep on doing innovations in your business and keep on adding new elements in your business. Remember that people buy only those things which they see, so make your presence felt everywhere. Advertise and promote your products and services and reach to a large audience. Communication Be good with your communication and learn and develop strong and effective means of communication for your business. Goals and targets in writing Make it a habit of yours and everyone in your organization to have their goals and targets in writing. Written things always create a bigger impact in life rather than through other means. Trust Learn to trust others and make yourself trustworthy in the eyes of other people. Retain existing customers A satisfied customer is your best advertisement, so it is very essential to retain your existing customer. With strong use of technology and other powerful tools, you will be able to learn how to retain your existing customer. Ways of retention are:

Win Win Make it your motto to create a win win effect in all the activities or transactions undertaken by you. Follow up Keep a consistent and regular follow up on your clients and make sure that thay are satisfied with your services. Personal Greetings On occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries etc., make a note to send personal greetings to them via posts, emails, sms or any other means. Get together If possible then, plan get togethers with your clients once in a while. Review Mechanism You can also adopt the method of review of your clients. If they face any problems in implementation of tools and techniques, if provided, help them in applying the same. Innovation Innovate and develop new ideas of retaining your customers as required in your business. Use of technology You can also use some form of technology to connect with your customers and be in touch with them.

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