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GLOSSARY OF SANSKRIT/AYURVEDIC TERMS Adhmana (Epistasis/Flatulence) - Excessive formation of gases in stomach and int estine.

Agnimandya (Antidyspetic) - Preventing to dyspepsia. Ajirna (Indigestion) - Lack or failure of indigestion. Amatisara (Acute diarrhoea) - Pertaining to severe diarrhoea. Amavata (Arthritis) - Rheumatism in which the inflammatory lesions are confined to the joints. Amlapitta (Dyspepsia) - Vomiting or diarrhoea also blood spiting, heart burning and catarrh of stomach are indicated. Anaha (Epistasis) - Excessive formation of gases in stomach and intestine. Anidra (Sleeplessness) - Lack of sleeping. Apaci (Adenitis) - Inflammation of a gland. Apasmara (Anti-epileptic) - An agent that combats epilepsy. Arsa (Piles) - Haemorrhoides, painful tumours around or with in the anus. Aruci (Anoreria) - Lack or loss of the appetite for food. Asmari (Urirary calculi) - Stone in bladder. Asrgdara (Menstruation) - Excessive flow of blood during or after the menses. Asthila (Tumour) - Inflammation of the prostate a rounded hard fired tumours. Atisara (Diarrhoea) - Frequent loose watery stools. Chardi (Emesis) - The forcible expulsion effects to vomit of the contents of the stomach through the mouth. Oaha (Burning) - Relieves burning sensations. Oaurbalya (Skin disease) - Scaly affections of the skin. Gandamala (Scrofula) - Tuberculosis with glandular swelling. Grahani (Spruce) -:- An imaginary organ supposed to the between the stomach and the intestines. Grahaniroga (Colitis) - Inflammation of colon. . Gudabhramsa (Prolapsed sectum) - In this prolapsis of rectum, one should warm th e anus. ,Gudasoth (Swelling in Anus) - Swelling or inflammation in anus. . Gulma (Abdominal lump) - A round, growth like swelling hardness in the intestine s between the heart and the navel. Hikka (Hicough) - A spasmodic round in throat. Hrdroga (Heart disease) - Pertaining heart diseases. Hrillasa (Hiccup) -. Palpitation of heart (accord to some also hiccup) Indralupta (Alopecia) - Baldness, absence of the hair from skin areas where it n ormally is present. Jirnajvara (Fever) - Relating to fever. Jvara (Antipycetic) - To be fererish fevers relieving or reducing fever. Kamala (Jaundice) - A syndrome characterized by hyperbilirubinemia and depositio n of bite pigment in the skin. Kandu (Pruritus) - Itching, scabby, scratching. Kanthamukharoga (Throat and mouth diseases) - Diseases of throat and mouth. Karnaroga (Ear disease) - Pertaining to ear diseases. Kasa (Antitussive) - Relieving or preventing cough; an agent that relieves or pr events cough. Kastartava (Dysmenorrhoea) - Unusually painful menstrual period. Kastisula (Back ache) - Relating with back ache. Klaibya (Impotency) - Lack of power, chiefly of copulative power in the'male. Krmiroga (Anthelmintis) - An agent that is destructive to worms. Ksata (Lacerated wound) - Incised or lacerated or punctured wound. Ksaya (Astringent) - An agent which has an astringent action. Kustha (Leprosy) - Anyone of the viscera of the body. Manasaroga (Mental diseases) ~ Pertaining to mental diseases. Medosa (Infection in stomach) - Stomach disease. Meha (Urinary disease) - Relating to urine. Mukharoga (Stomatitis) - Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth. Nastartava (Amenorrhoea) - Absence of the menstrual period. Netroroga (Eye diseases) - Relating to eye diseases. Pandu (Chlorosis) - Yellowish, pale anaemia, various diseases varieties of the s kin colour. Paravasula (Flank pain) ~ Pain of flanks (the part of the body below the ribs and above the ilium. Pinasa (Nasal disease) - Heaviness in head, loss of appetite, this discharge from the nose.

Pliharoga (Spleen disease) - Relating to the spleen. Pradara (Dysmenorrhoea) - Bleeding during the menses. Prameha (Polyuria) - The passage of the large volume of urine in a given period characteristic of diabetes. Pratisyaya (Coryza) - An acute catarrhal condition of the nasal mucous membrane with a profuse discharge from the nostrils. Pravahika (Dysentery) - A disease characterized by severe diarrhoea with passage of the mucus and blood. Raktadosa (Dyscrasia) - Bad temperament; a term form,erly used to indicate a dep raved state of the humors. Raktapitta (Haemorrhagic disease) - Pertaining to haemorrhage. Raktavikara (Hematological disorders) - Relating to blood or hematology. Sitapitta (Urticaria) - A Vascular reaction of the skin marked by the transient appearance of smooth, slightly elevated patches which are redder or paler than t he surrounding skin and after attended by severe itching. Slesmajvara (Phlegm) - Morbid or viscid mucus recareted in abnormally large amou nt. Sotha (Oedema) - Of relating to or resulting from the Oedipus complex, the unres elved osdipal feeling persisting into adult like that may be a source of persona lity disorder. Stanyakraya, Decreased production milk and scanty ejection or no production. Sukraksya (Reducing semen) - Loss of semen. Sukrameha (Spermatorrhoea) - Abnormally frequent or excessive emission of semen without orgasm. Sula (Colic) - Acute spasmodic pain. Svarabheda (Hourseness) - Simulation of voice. Svasa (Bronchial asthma/dyspnea) - Difficult or labored respiration. Svetapradara (Leucorrhoea) - A white, yellowish, or greenish-white viscid discha rge from the vagina resulting from inflammation or congestion of the uterine or vaginal mucous membrane. Svitra (Leucoderma) - A skin abnormality that is characterized by a congenital l ack of pigment is spots or bands and produces a patchy whiteness. Tamaka svasa (Cough) - Oppressive feeling the patient has noisy cough with phleg matic discharge. Trsna (Polydipsia) - Excessive thirst. Udararoga (Stomach diseases) - Diseases of stomach and bowels. Udaravarta (Constipation) - Infrequent or difficult evacuation of the feces. Unmeda (Mad) - Intoxicating furious drunk marked by Natural disorder. Vastiroga (Urinary diseases) - Relating to urine. Vastisula (Urinary disorder) - Relating to urinary diseases. Vatarakta (Gout) - Treatment of gout-like condition. Vataroga (Nervous disorder) - Disease of the nervous system. Vatavyadhi (Diseases of nervous system) - Relating to nervous diseases. Vibandha (Constipation) - Related to gastrointestinal diseases/irregular motion. Vidradhi (Abscess) - Localized collection of pus formed as a reaction to pyrogen ic organisms. Visamajvara (Malaria) - An acute or chronic disease caused by the presence of sporozoan parasites of the germs. Visarpa (Erysipelas) - An acute febrile disease that is associated with intense often vesicular and edematous- local inflammation of the skin. Vrana (Ulcer) - Chronic ulcer relating to stomach. Yakrdvikara (Liver diseases) - Relating to liver diseases. Yonidosa (Gynoecological disorder) - Vaginal disorder. Yonisaithilya (Relax of Vagina) - Diseases related to vagina.

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