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A. Definition of Ring (Review) A ring R is a set with two binary operations, addition (denoted by a + b) and multiplication (denoted by ab), such that for all a, b, c in R: 1. a + b = b + a 2. (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) 3. There is an element 0 in R such that a + 0 = a 4. There is an element a in R such that a + (-a) = 0 5. a(bc) = (ab)c. 6. a(b + c) = ab + ac and (b + c)a = ba + ca

B. Properties of Ring Before we discuss the properties of ring, we will tell about notation of subtraction is an inverse of an additions element or opposite additive inverse and we write -sign example a is additive inverse of a. Theorem B-1: Let a, b, and c belong to a ring R. Then 1. a0 = 0a = 0 2. (- a) 3. a(-b) 4. (-a) b = a a ; a = additive inverse of a = (a b) a, b = (a b) a, b = ab ac and (bc)a = baca a, b c

5. (-a)(-b) = ab a, b 6. a(bc) NOTE: We use b-c to denote b +(-c)

Furthermore, if R has a unity element 1, then: 7. (-1)a = a 8. (-1)(-1) = 1 We will prove all of properties above.

C. Proof of Ring Properties Properties 1 0a = a0 = 0 (i) Will be showed 0a = 0.


0a = (0+0)a = 0a + 0a 0a = 0 + 0a From (1) and (2) 0a = 0a 0 + 0a = 0a + 0a 0 = 0a 0a = 0 (Q.E.D) (by cancellation so we have) (right distributive) (identity element) (1) (2)


Will be showed a0 = 0. (1) (2)

a0 = a (0+0) = a0 + a0 a0 = 0 + a0 From (1) and (2) a0 = a0 0 + a0 0 a0 = a0 + a0 = a0 =0 (Q.E.D) (by cancellation so we have) (right distributive) (identity element)

Based on proved above so we have prove 0a = a0 = 0

Properties 2 (-a) = a a; a = additive inverse of a Will be showed that (-a) = a, a Note (-a) + (-a) = 0 Operated left and right side by a { (-a) + (-a)} + a = 0 + a (-a) + {(-a) + a} = 0 + a (-a) + 0 (-a) =0+a =a (associative properties) (inverse properties) (identity element) Q.E.D (inverse properties)

Properties 3 a (-b) = (a b) a, b Will be showed that a(-b) = (a b) Remember: (ab) is additive inverse of ab .


: ab + -(ab) = 0 a(-b) ab + (a(-b)) = - (ab), =0 (left distributive in ring

To show that We must be shown that

ab + (a(-b)) = a ( b + (-b)

definition) =a0 ab + (a(-b)) = 0 So, we can conclude that a(-b) = (a b) (inverse properties) (first properties) Q.E.D

Properties 4 (-a) b = (a b) a, b Will be showed that (-a) b = (a b) (ab) is additive inverse of ab To show that We must be shown that a(-b) = - (ab), =0

ab + (a(-b))

a b + ((-a) b) = (a + (-a)) + b (right distributive) =0b a b + ((-a) b) = 0 So, we can conclude that (-a) b = - (ab) (inverse properties) ( first characteristic)

Properties 5 (-a)(-b)= ab a, b Will be showed that (-a)(-b)= ab Prove : (-a)(-b)= -(a(-b) = -(-(ab)) (the fourth properties) (the third properties) (1) (2) (theorem) -(-(ab) = ab Q.E.D

We see that, -(-(ab)) is additive inverse of element (ab), so: -(-(ab)) + ((ab)) = 0 And we know that (ab) is additive inverse of ab , So: ab + (-(ab)) = 0

Because inverse element is unique So from (1) and (2) we get:


Properties 6 a (bc) = ab ac and (bc) a = ba ca Will be showed that a (bc) = ab ac Prove: a (b c) = a (b + -c) = ab + a (-c) We know from the third properties, a (-c) So we get: ab + a(-c) = ab + (-(ac)) =ab ac (b c) a = ba ca Q.E.D = -ac (left distributive)

Prove: (b-c) a = (b + (-c))a = ba + (-c)a = ba+ (-(ca)) = ba ca (right distributive) (the fourth properties) (Q.E.D)

Properties 7 (1)a = -a, where 1 is unity element of R Will be showed that (1)a = -a Prove: (-1)a = -(1a) = -(a) = -a (Q.E.D) ( fourth properties )

Properties 8 (1)(-1) = 1, where 1 is unity element of R Will be showed that (1)(-1) = 1 Prove: (-1)(-1)= 1 1 =1 (fifth properties) (Q.E.D)


D. The Other Properties of Ring (addition) Definition 1: Let R is a ring and m is a positive integer, is defined a R: i. 0 a = 0R , with 0 Z and 0R is neutral element of ring R. ii. ma = a + a + a + + a until m times, and iii. (-m)a = m(-a) = (-a) + (-a) ++ (-a) until m times. Theorem 1: Let R is a ring and m, n is integer and a, b R so: a. (m + n)a = ma + na b. m(a + b) = ma + mb c. m(na) = (mn)a Prove: a. (m + n)a = ma + na (m + n)a = a+a+a++a
(m + n) times

= a+a+a++a + a+a+a++a
m times n times

= ma + na b. m(a + b) = ma + nb m(a + b) = (a + b)+ (a + b)+ (a + b)++ (a + b)

m times

= a+a+a++a + b+b+b++b
m times m times

= ma + mb c. m(na) m(na) = (mn)a = na + na + na ++ na

m times

= (a+a+a++a) + (a+a+a++a) + (a+a+a++a) +(a+a+a++a)

n times n times n times m times 5|Page n times

= a+a+a++a
mn times

= (mn)a

Definition 2: Let R is a ring, is defined a R: am = a x a x a x x a until m times Theorem 2: Let R is a ring, m and n is integer so a R satisfied: i. ii. Prove: i. am. an = am+n am. an = a x a x a x x a x a x a x a x x a
m factor n factor

am. an = am+n (am)n = amn

m + n factor

= am+n ii. (am)n = amn (am)n = am x am x x am

n factor

= a x a x .x a x a x a x ..x a x x a x a x ...x a
m factor m factor n factor m factor

= a x a x .x a
mn factor

= amn


E. Uniqueness of the unity and inverses theorem If ring has a unity, it is unique. If a ring element has an inverse, it is unique Prove: a. Uniqueness of the unity Suppose both e and e are unities of ring R, then: ae = a, a R .. (1) ae = a, a R . (2) The choice a = e in (1) and a = e in (2) yields ee = e . (3) and e e = e e = e .. (4) From (3) and (4), we get e = e e = e or e = e So, the unity of the ring is unique.

b. Uniqueness of inverse Suppose both a1 and a2 are inverses of ring R, then: a1 (a a2) = a1 e = a1, a R .. (1) (a1 a) a2 = e a2 = a2, a R .. (2) By associative law a1 (a a2) = (a1 a) a2, hence a1= a2 So, the inverse of the ring is unique.

F. Using Ring Properties to Solve Problem Example 1: Show that if n is an integer and a is an element from a ring, then n (-a) = - (n a) Solution: We have known that - (n a) is inverse additive of n a. To show that n (-a) = - (n a), we must show n a + n(-a) = 0. n a + n (-a) = n (a + (-a)) =n0 n a + n (-a) =0 distributive law ring definition ring properties

So, we can conclude that n (-a) = - (n a)


Example 2: Let a and b belong to a ring R and let m be an integer. Prove that m(ab) = (ma)b = a(mb) Solution: First,we will show m(ab) = (ma)b (ab + ab + ab ++ ab) m = (ma)b = (a + a + a ++ a)b m

Second,we will show m(ab) = a(mb) (ab + ab + ab ++ ab) m = a(mb) So we can conclude that m(ab) = (ma) = a(mb) = a(b + b + b ++ b) m

Example 3: Find an integer n that shows that the rings Zn need not have the following properties that the ring of integer has. a. a2 = 0 implies a = 0 or a = 1 b. a b = 0 implies a = 0 or b = 0 c. ab= ac and a 0 imply b = c Is the n you found prime? Solution: Choose n = 6, so we get Z6 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }. + 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Proved Z6 = Ring 1 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 2 3 4 5 0 1 3 3 4 5 0 1 2 4 4 5 0 1 2 3 5 5 0 1 2 3 4


First, will be shown Z6 is commutative group 1. Closed properties satisfied because all of result operation in set Z6 2. An associative property in additional integer is satisfied. Because Z6 Z so associative properties in Z6 also satisfied. 3. Identity properties satisfied: 0 Z6 as a identity unsure because a Z6 satisfy a * 0 = 0 * a 4. Inverse properties satisfied 0 inverse of 0 1 inverse of 5 2 inverse of 4 3 inverse of 3 4 inverse of 2 5 inverse of 1 5. Commutative properties satisfied. It can be seen from symmetric unsure belongs to main diagonal. So, Z6 is commutative group Second, will be shown a, b, c Z6 satisfied: a(bc) = (ab)c a(b + c) = ab + ac and (b + c)a = ba + ca Prove: a(bc) = (ab)c An associative property is satisfied in integer multiplication. Z6 is subset of Z. So, associative property is satisfied in Z6 a(b + c) = ab + ac and (b + c)a = ba + ca a, b, c Z satisfied distributive property because Z6 Z then distributive property is satisfied in Z6 So, Z6 is ring. Show that Z6 is need not have those following properties: a2 = 0 implies a = 0 or a = 1 a b = 0 implies a = 0 or b = 0 ab= ac and a 0 imply b = c

To show those, we use this following Cayley table of Z6 under multiplication operation. X 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 0 2 4 0 2 4 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 4 0 4 2 0 4 2 5 0 5 4 3 2 1

a. a2 = a implies a = 0 or a = 1 (not satisfied) Contrary example: 32 = 3 not implies a = 0 or a = 1 b. ab = 0 implies a = 0 or b = 0 (not satisfied) Contrary example: 2.3 = 0 not implies a = 0 or b = 0 c. ab = ac and a 0 imply b = c Contrary example: 3.1 = 3.3 not imply 1 = 3

Example 4: An element a from ring R is said Nilpotent if an = 0 for any n Z+. Show that if a,b are nilpotent element from ring commutative R than a.b is nilpotent too. Solution: Because a,b are nilpotent element, there is n,m Z+ an = 0 and bm = 0, will be shown a.b is nilpotent. Choose k = m + n Z+ , (a.b)k = 0 (a.b)k = ak .bk = am+n .bm+n = aman .bmbn = am .0 (a.b)k = 0 so a.b is nilpoten

Example 5: Show that if m and n are integers and a and b are elements from a ring, then (ma) (nb) = (mn) (ab).

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Solution: (ma) (nb) = (a + a + + a) (b + b + + b) m n

= (a + a + + a)b + (a + a + + a)b + . + (a + a + + a)b m m n = (ab + ab + + ab)+ (ab + ab + + ab)+. + (ab + ab + + ab) m m n = m (ab) + m (ab) +..+ m (ab) n = n (m (ab)) = (nm) (ab) = (mn) (ab) m m

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